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Light Fellowship: Season 2 Tier list/ Guides and Tips

01-08-2017, 02:01 PM

Light Fellowship of Loux: Season 2 Tier list/Raid Guide&Tips

Global 1 server(Divana) ign: Slodeath. Currently ranking Plat2. Left icon button that expands has
basic info and quick tips for the game. Also the Book icon shows all the heroes that you could get
in the game.

-Light Token & Hero token: Pick whichever hero you prefer.

-Season 2 reward scroll picks: Ramia, Lizzy, Kaor, Lin. Lin (excels in PvE) Ramia, Lizzy, Kaor (PvP)
but ultimately depends on what your team needs

Temple of Heroes: Miliage System roughly 100 premium scroll summon=1 star, 25 legendary
scrolls= 1 star, and 5 mythical scrolls= 1 Star. *premium scrolls include( Earth,Fire, Water, &
special scrolls)*Also Normal hero scrolls has no effect on mileage system. This is a rough
estimate from others within the game and from experience.

Hero skills

Active Skill/ Auto Skill: Active skill will sequence Active skill along with Auto1 & Auto 2. Auto
skills are automatically applied during battle. *note that the first auto skill will typically activate
after the first 2-3 normal attacks*

Passive: buff/passive stats.

CC: Crowd Control: skills such as stun/ knockbacks/ push and etc.

Inability Resistance: Immune to crowd control skills

Inability Harmful Effects: Immune to Debuff skills + CC skills. *correct me if I’m wrong*


Tank: Warrior, life, Def, Patience, Speed,

EX: 4life runes bonus shield(HP/DEF/MDEF/HP) , 2Warrior/2Speed(HP,MDEF,Speed,HP)

Melee: Attack, Speed, Life, Def, Crit, Rage, Vamp

EX: 2attack 2life(ATK/ATK/EVA or ATK SPD/ HP),

Ranged: Attack, Speed, Life, Def, Crit, Rage, Vamp, Eva,Torrent

Mage: Magic, Spd, Life, Crit, Rage,

Support: Life, Torrent, Evasion, DEF, MDEF, Magic, Speed

Raids: *not including ancient heroes* List provided from trial and error. Raid 13 I still struggle
with auto combat but manually capable of completing. Roughly 50% of time could auto raid 13
but prefer raid 12 for a much higher chance of completing.

Kraken:High dmg/Self heal/CC boss: Zemer, Lin, Melvin, Glen, Akurel, Kaor, Diviana, Floria, Ardo,
Blith, Peishan, Griff, Turan, Tiat, Ramia, Oswald, Karen, Tallia, Hellen. (Dps=4 attacker+1healer,
recommended 2 healer, 1 tank, 2 dps)

Auto team 12&13: Glen, Lin, Akurel, Peishan, Divana, or Zemer, Turan, Lin, Divana, Oswald

Pantharas: TimeBomb(explodes after 5 sec) high magic dmg: Phoenix, Kadus, Lin, Divana, Floria,
Vern, Glen, Peishan, Alshara, Hwa Ryun, Ardo, Blith(recommend atleast 2healers/cleanser, tank
and 2dps)

Auto team 12&13: Phoenix, Kadus, Lin, Peishan, Divana

Havok: High dmg/CC/ High Def/ HP: Turan(must have imo), Oswald, Sharade, Zemer, Tiat, Ramia,
Kaor, Karen, Misty, Carmen, Melvin, Tallia, Kadus, Fira, Melanie, Vern, Hellen (recommend 1tank,
Turan, 3healers)

Havok 12&13(auto): Zemer, Turan, Kadus, Oswald, Ramia( skill rotation Turan, kadus, Oswald,
Zem, Ramia)

Other Optionsno Turan): Zemer, Lin, Divana, Kadus, Oswald (Crucial Lin survives),

Ex: Zemer, Melvin, Carmen, Tiat, Ramia, Ex: Zemer Melvin, Tallia, Ramia, Carmen

Nhmer: High dmg/CC boss: Turan, Oswald, Sharade, Zemer, Tiat, Ramia, Kaor, Karen, Misty,
Carmen, Melvin, Tallia, Kadus, Fira, Melanie, Vern, Hellen ( recommended to burst down and
avoid long fights)

Auto 12&13: Zemer, Melvin, Akurel, Kaor, Ramia,

5v5 Arena/ Team Arena

God Tier: Atmos, Prospera, Kadus

Tier List 1: Divana, Zemer, Glen, Velrook, Kadus, Ramia, Kaor

Tier List 2: Tiat, Floria, Lizzy, Justhea, Nia, Vern, Ereth, Sha’rade, Karen, Morox, Arkhan, Lin

Tier List 3: Patricia, Griff, Haini, Orelia, Peishan, Ardo, Alshara, Blith, Demitri, Turan, Terenth,
Gaia, Phoenix, Serena, Melvin, Turan,

All unlisted heroes are tier 3 and below. *Note some heroes that is not listed could possibility be
due to the fact that I have no experience with them.

God Tier:
Atmost & Prospera is self explanatory both being the new ancient heroes with ridiculous skills.
Kadus the fire/timebomb/debuffer/cleanse/healing god. This guy can heal+shield the whole
team, cleanse two debuff on each members of your team, and removes two beneficial buff on
each of the opponents team, while leaving behind time bombs that blows in their face.

Tier List 1:

Divana: subpar healer/ support hero with the best shield in the game. Amazing support
capabilities providing a heal+ attack/def buff + 5 sec immunity shield on the team. * Immunity
buff is easily countered since animations takes years to apply.

Zemer: Tank/support hero providing inability resistance to the whole team.

Glen: Nuker/CC hero ability to stun the whole team with amazing damage

Velrook: Nuker/CC hero with multiple CC skill and amazing damage

Ramia: Healer/support/ debuff hero providing an inability resistance toharmful effect shield on
the team.

Kaor: Dps/CC hero providing amazing cc skills and constant damage. At first glance this hero
could be easily over looked but after some trials

Akurel: Dps/CC hero providing amazing CC skills and damage. Top tier nat4 hero that excels in
arena. Has the ability to stun/cc enemies before the first skill activation.

Justhea: Mage Nuker/debuff hero that has ability to cast petrify curse(harmful effect that cancels
opponent from activating skills

Additional information will be added at a later date. Feel free to add and comment!

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