Agr Sba

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Candidate's Names :

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Table of content
Research Topic ..........................................................................................................1

Research Question.......................................................................................................2


Literature review...........................................................................................................4-6



Data Analysis................................................................................................................14-16


Conclusion and recommendation..................................................................................18


Research Topic

● To investigate the impact and effects of drought on Farmers in Manchester, Jamaica in

the year 2014.
The research Question

What are the impacts and effects farmers in Manchester face during the drought season in the

year 2014?


● To identify the types of drought

● To identify the impacts and effects drought have on the farming industries

● Discus the changes that drought brings on the country Jamaica

● To outline the plans put in place for farmers do beat the drought

Drought is a natural disaster that occur due to the decline of annual rainfall and can stay for a

long period of time. There are four types of drought, these are: Agricultural, Meteorological

Hydrological and Socio-economic drought. Drought effects on agriculture industries are very

severe. Drought causes the soil to be inadequate to meet the demands for the crops to initiate

and sustain their growth and they can even kill the life's of crop and livestock. It also cause the

production of good and service to decease, making the demand for economic good to exceed

their supply. Drought also contribute in the reduction of water supplies for farmer causing then

the pay a tremendous amount of money to sustain their business, this in turn cause a lot of

changes in Jamaica such as the increase cost for food and more demands for food items such as

ground provision, water shortage, meat shortage and many more disaster example; fire cause by


To solve this drought situation, certain different methods such as , recycling of water, storage of

water in raining season and cultivating crop that can manage the drought s and trees to help to

keep the earth cool also put rules in place rules so as to eliminate water wastes and destroying of

Literature Review

In the World Book Encyclopaedia drought is define as a condition that results when the

average rainfall for an area drops far below the normal amount for a long period of time.

However, drought can be defined in many ways that are used to meet specific goals such as

agricultural development planning or water resources management (Giambelluca et al., 1998).

Literarily, drought simply means a long period of dry weather. According to Meteorologists

drought is consider to be the result of persistent large scale fluctuations in atmospheric

circulation causing subsidence over an area (Agnew, 1989; Wilhite and Glantz, 1985), which

may bring little or no rainfall to an area (Mather, 1984). This also brings about the economic and

social manifestation brought about by drought. Wilhite (1999) indicates that Agricultural drought

is not significant except crop production suffers sufficiently to result in considerable livelihood

loss, which is then termed Socio-economic drought and that deals with drought in terms of

supply and demand for goods and services.

According to the gleaner, Agricultural drought had been a condition that have been affecting

the agricultural production over the entire Jamaica. Some of these effects were degradation and

reduction of productivity in soil, the death of livestock, the development of wildfires, the loss of

employment, and the increase of plant disease and death of plants. Also the demand for water,

the high expensive to rechaive the water and the loss of incomes that would come from the farm.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, on July 29 2014 stating that Jamaica

has been facing drought conditions for the past 3-4 months. During those 3-4 month there have

being series of cases were farmers loss crops, animals and incomes due to the impact to lack of

rainfall and also wild bush fires destroying farmlands and foresters especially in St, Elizabeth.

The effects of drought impacted the entire island of Jamaica especially in the southern areas in

the island like St. Elizabeth and Manchester who depend so much on the rainfall even through

there has been rainfall in some western parishes.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries stated that those parishes in the south region accounts

for approximately 40% of the domestic agriculture production for the country. On the other hand,

RADA’s reported detailed assessment of the drought on July 29 to the Ministry of Agriculture

and Fisheries indicating to them that excess of 1,600 hectares valuced at just under $900M has

been lost or damaged due to drought and fires and it was estimated that a total of 16,398 farmers

have suffered losses due to the drought.

Research Methodology

In order to find out the impacts and effects of drought on farmers it the Manchester regions in the

year 2014 , a questionnaires with 25 questions was design. In order to collated data for the

research , 25 copies of the questionnaire were handed out to farmers in how farm in Manchester.

The questionnaires were successful and the farmers respond to the questions were recorded and



I am A student of the Jonathan Grant High School. The purpose of this survey is to obtain data
for my School Base Assignment SBA in the CXC subject Agricultural and the Environment. The
following questionnaires is for the research on the impacts and effects farmers face in the
drought in the year 2014. out about the impacts and effects drought have on farmers in the region
of Manchester in the year 2014 .

Instructions: Please answer the following questions carefully and indicate your responses in the
boxes proved for answer and that one response per question. I guaranty your responses will
remain strictly confidential

1. Gender : Male Female

2. Age: 19-39 yrs 40-60 yrs Above 60 yrs

3. How long have you being a farmer

1-5 years 6-10years 11-15years Over 15 years

4. Do you rear livestock? Yes No

5. Do you grow crops ? Yes No

6. How much acres do you farm ?

7. What months in the year were you affected by the drought?

8. Was this drought due to climate change? Yes No

9. How does drought affect your farm?

10. How do you feel base on the impact of drought ?

Depressed Demotivated Challenged Motivated

11. What are the environmental impact drought have on your farm?

Cracked Ground Bad soil type Plants Die of dehydration

Animal die of dehydration

12. What are the major difficulties you have with drought?

Reduce production Increase irrigation cost

13. How do you deal with drought?

14. Does the Government help with the issues drought have on you? Yes No

15. If so, how do they help?

16. Does your farm suffer tremendously? Yes No

17. How long does it take to recover your loss from the drought ?

18. Did you have to stop farming? Yes No

19. Did you have to sell farm supplies to keep up income ? Yes No

20. If so how much percentage?

21. What types of method do you use during the drought season?

Recycling water Hydroponics method

22. What is the best way to irrigate the plant in the drought season?

23. Do you have other source supply of water? Yes No

24. Do you use treated water? Yes No

25. How do you manage animal, if any?

26. How would you prepare for further drought?

Data Analysis
Conclusion and Recommendation

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