Wotan Missions

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euata [ALBERTO ABAL COUCEIRO, FERNANDO LISTE AZPEITIA, teenie cea eee od Ferese eta Ponsa Ente ceo ctd RULES AND SCENARIOS MANAGEMENT teen ced retin UAN LOIS REY (HELLLOIS) Pome erent (ted fener) eae Mens cny eee eet arn te aet ALBERTO ABAL COUCEIRO [GRAPHISM | GRAPHICS tne terrors aay Lavour Peseta SCULPT OIRECTION fected eattag eee eae ea ewan ear) SCR cet Ua eames ated eon CCORVUS BELLU enna tr ANGEL GIRALDEZ VIDAL, DAVID ANTA DE FRUTOS (OAF) SCENERY AND DIORAMAS ene eMac Ic eae ne a) oie trees iste ene aCe Ute Cee ony Reece g ero get PLAYTESTING AND PROOFREADING PT eee OM son ae Eon Lee te eee oceans 4JORO! COLOMER (OAIKOMAKU}, RICHARO "REND DEANE, eee a eC ty (OMADON), JOSE LUIS GARCIA BUGALLO (PATTON), MIGUEL ee eee ree Ce eee arc seer tes Pra ee rea on ce ew Cy coon oe eC ec U ee eee POC awe erCN Met eee aa needa ts Ce eae ee ea ey edge ee ed Te ae eae ase Sree ee ae Pearce eet Soe ie aad - See et pe a cn See ” ean aT 5 Precast 6 De ee 6 SWE 6 Sau tard 8 aad 8 STRATEGIC POSITIONS 8 oe oN sO ZN Ey mae eU 10 OL oy ey rey fem ast Tea ce OC # h* REA/ARIADNA DZ era rt ‘THE-STRIKEZONE: WOTAN CAMPAIGN 17 Moca ets ra (me cUE 19 Breage u eae) 19 SR eka en ee fez 24 Preece ne) ae Pr ccc a Poesy Ey ANNIAJLATION (TOP TIER) (eee oscua st) Fe Poe Ey FIREFIGHT (EXTREME VERSION) Ey PeEC CTU EU Fd Sry Er Sec ry 35 Ree eho) Eo Gee are ery ae oe Sa itched (eee PNAC Tecan Ness eNe ecu) ZY | PCE LUO TE ue eee PSCC RSS CS UMC CiMeCur aici meme TT mcr Cera ae et Ome lc Re tue Rett network in that system. This was the perfect excuse for Yu Jing to avenge ete ee retuned cn tac Sena a ee eee kun te eee Rn eaV Ge kien See Memes terete mean a= coee iue ne Oneness ack Ce Gale THE TRIGGER OF A —____ CONFLICT __ THE POST-FLAMIA SITUATION DMitay Fores responds to an emergency salon by Coming {athe enews of Zhurang Conta wen wo ese’ by 2 Combined Army asaut group. Howover. te commie of the Nomad Nation does Wot tnd thes and wo now scvel/ ‘ontnourato fe reconstcton and raconon'a, For this purpose ot cause’ gral aon acongmie flor trae’ Fomthe using aaherseein the aes" 58 ress manager of the Nomad maton inthe “As cur goverment has aways defended the stun crated ‘round tne Zooreng maton anaes pecs of eudonce 3 he ‘apacty ote Nomadnatn sna afte rowing weshnese the Sateetpneta ings totem made by Kabete Mospag. spohesecman forthe The ostet growing Moye chanelin Pandoeania! The Nomad Nation has net only uae Yu ng soverlgn terror. bt als ton ote the resents of min an by collecting abusive tases on to energy peeauced bythe Zhurog station a log! propory ofthe Satopre. The Nomad ‘overrmantcan be sue it tose cons wil mae Seo THE SANDINISTA! INCIDENT Breaking news! Nomad smugglers working fer the Combined ‘Army? letutabe evidence Inthe hands ofthe Bureau Aegis} Fin aut more on thi scandal that mil shake Paradise! Gniy fan YO Gao, the favorite channel af the StateEmpirel Te ainda boeing ae are very efective since there ae atuajsimancinos among thom, Those guys have the st Setce othe bos smart know where Lo find sere Compartment or 3 idcen consarment urfrtnatly. th ‘rdcrcy of isd towards indae arate volence unusually ‘recuens thn mambo prsonars iat cane memories aston conn to. Fuehs. Otceaf the Custons erce ofthe ‘Biegler of ie fe a ‘bung anorcnary nspocton of he Nomad freighter Sandinsa. {he Aruaran bowtang ton urge af te mventgation one Shien compartment eral youn of seve na ‘ho diene Godin ne subsequartshostng. sonora cthom hit ‘Sen interested However te unow th fegher came ont ‘hers sipyeedLa Form wherehad some ino apts ‘exatence of «Nomad smugging network between Svalarpema Sana the Pardo nyom Some tlt bing up the possibly fe shpyara ang used ab the base of operators where ‘eighir and otrahie coll be mode a erungiatteouge ‘he Welan Jum Gate Atough we ce ret rave sound evcence {holding dis hoon gen he Uveat gaia the egy othe ‘ces Bocas on Wotan woul be avebie to sare the ‘alten ete shipjue toocughy ‘gs Wotan” Sec aso oar ofthe Broo rth the Pod Coad gh “Tos Nomad Naton regrets the Combines Amy agent have Secon a ou feighar as away tolntlvae Sraameme, Out ‘povermment ants thane th seurty frees coorsinated Oy {he Gureau Aogs, Ther professional attude has aseoveced ‘nt frie conspiracy The Nome! Mati force caret zrying cut a fgorac investigation to dleine the Level of ‘SSeht inion of he ont shiny Un ro Wincor Guatarize we wil get to the bolton of tis mallet mel seep {ho Buresu Aegis ermal cing te enteo cours oF the Investigation, Tore ndzedy mare terested clang the (905d ram ofthe Noma Nato ha Monona Santos pes ofceof he Nomet Naton nthe Paraiso Ang the Nomads o ear ct the invstigatonthenselies (Cabs since thoy ae the man ssoects. Tey wil oovousty estoy ony evidence "coud etnate the Nomad ‘orerrment or ‘hor intligence sence Back and ths espiabie pict. The Yu ng. government Gemuncs tht ‘mulation force boars he oan shippers ‘epanaiblten This tw ony may oF guwranteang 2 a Invesigaion andthe State wil ence th by fore of tia d necessary, ven the exer danger to ou cRzens ot ‘Sram an the hoe Spore Senator Zheng Loo Yu ng epesentatve before th Sbeaus ‘ya Eas Son ‘Te oritalshipyard a Fors a souraign terton/ ofthe Noma ‘Naton interstonal aw protects he ight the Nomac Ration ‘Sad not ofa foeon poser Io can cal the treater ‘Srpeciliy ater Paving declared our bona’ de ration of {re Barons hogs Wo teal refs te proposal of he Wu og seen wow ot way ig poe tk Marana Santos press cere the Nomad Naton the Paraso the Bureau Aegis and the Padiso Coordinated Command Soemaus, we gusranise Pat the Steep wll not stand ‘yoy unis suena conger themters the wate ars Sphere {pe StateEmove wl the over the leaders that stl be ‘oumodn ts cis ar fr the purpose i ply al the ower require ‘Senator Zheng eo Yun representa before the Goeraus ‘yoo Conctien 2S SS Licata iris ie menses eae Sane my ecacmnan rome Statement made by table Masipag.spaheswoman of the ‘Panocenian Paley bare tne 12 Cora “Tha cynics ofthe Pandceonan astro never cases to hrc out by the Bureau Rage Yegutng the. Seneca ‘redert impates the imcement ad Swanton. an Infamous Panccesnian corsa ana smuggir es wel iron ‘Sconongo, he question eae works for somcoody ee sna ‘he stuston, We demand an exsancion of tho imesgation ‘ssbanaldentyallthe response agen. ‘Senator Zhong Leo Yn epresetate bfae the Goes ‘iyo Canc ‘ine Hagaltamte government has no intamon of mising fn the barat conti betwacn the Siatelpre andthe Nowa ‘ation However ff my ty to infor al that a smal Rost Iomine Sanaiaber srt sole ne Hagar “Tp refical ofthe Nomad Nation snndependent sessgnton ithe erste anpyard antes a clow etlence of The Satsempro wil ot shrine suny rom a mina gosto oweve! aggessie (ha words become Ugh Ngee has ‘been doployed wah a spocal grou of invstigtrs fom the trpor Sec to La Faga pera Ago are got to ene {heshiyar by any mean andthe vel af vloncsalisepone vite coupersion the Namad stew The Yudng gover Ss domanae al evdenes coliced in the Noma reightat ‘SSnaincat ow inthe custody of De Avadnan ores a the Serta ofthe Bizeu haga fo the purpose 0 Sang ane snayang Senator Zheng ise, Yung represantave bef the Cereus ‘yore Conc ‘slg rouble ands ood nad Diector Angeles Tamaya, manager in charge of the ert ppt La Fae Woke Aas Gem Poco ‘The Avadnan Expedilonry Forces on Paaeso 2s 2 pa of our haborsove efor mth sa. Howewer ol at ho cones” Gf ambody and dose net sclmowladga tow autor of he Satetmite over We wi only ge the seidonce eototed ftom the Sutans eigte when an lnterationl deeson Settee =o. Mamie wal nay inur canton ane il {se dacy foro fo defo os tow rsponsiiy Nobody Colonel rogue Yoronn, Cossack Oplomatc Corps spokesman ie. Wann Epadonry Face Pre THE WOTAN —____ BLOCKADE ‘The Access Blockade, the blockade af the Jump Gates, is the most important line of defense on Paradise Its hardly mentioned Because we don't want. good people to worry ‘bout The Parasiza Coordinated Command has se. up 2 riltary blockade at each Jump ate connecting the Paradiso System with the rest ofthe Human Sphere to avoid ifitration ff combines Army forces. within the communication and transport organization of the Paradiso system, the Jump Gate connecting Paradiso with Svalarheima has been codenamed ‘Wotan, Odi in ancient German. ‘The Wotan Blockage, 2s with any other Jump Gate blockade is characterized by an operating atude of defense and contol Supervising each wormhole opening and checking every ship ‘rossing them 1 turns oat fs necessary. The regletrtion and Inspection of space tac is carried out through electonie find mulspectal means, wacking the possible presence of ‘Shasvastil ghost micro-sips, Remora ships hidéen In the hull of suman ships, or Trojan Horses: uns prevized with Dhysical camouflage to make them foo lke human-made Ships, Even s0, a physical Inspection is also carried out Boarding forces check stores and hols, as wel as confirm the Identives of bath crew and passengers in every ship trying ta cross'3 hole and access the Human Sphere. ‘The strong survllance activity required by the Blockade of 2 dump Gate necessitates the presence of a network of combat Space salons, which command. and_conval star valfic $tound Ubiquitous Nexcses of wormholes. A large number {tcomoat ships are alsa gathered hereto block any possible Sie ffense trying to run the blockade by simply using brute force. As withthe Acheron Blockade, most of the sips and slations of Wotan Blackade belong to Pandceania and Yi Sing forces, but are nat ite to them ‘The Wotan Blockade is the last bastion, the last defensive barrie of the Human Sphere within the system that arevents forces from entering. Svalarheima, jeopardizing the ife ‘of milions of cvllans tring on that planet You are here to Feinfrce There is no greater responsbiliy inthe Paradiso theatre of operations. introductory Guide to Paradise, Chapter SE, The fceess Blockade.) —— IMPERIAL EDICT _ ulin over entice worlds, in answer to the special needs of the current crisis of the Wotan lump Gate, we confer the necessary imperial authority to act as agents of the Imperial Service upon the members ofthe Bounty Hunters Syndicate Teglsteredm the cena) headquarters of Ti Dlg Ie ls ur will that these synccated bounty hunters, whose professional capacity has been assessed by imperial officials, ere tothe cause of Justice ae fll members af the Imperal Service, by submiting tothe perfec hierarchy of ths exalted agency of dafense of the Law. ih Immediate compliance with ts edit, these bounty hunters must Be consiered as agents ofthe imperil Service properiy authorized, in support mission in the asks of publ order maintenance and defense Ot people and properties’ security In witness whereet, the Dragon, Son of Heaven, Master of Complete Abundance, Lane Prince, Lard of the Jade Throne, Celestial Emperor and Lord ofthe Middle Kingdom hereby lncersigns in 2 inchéng. the Foreidden chy. Tian Oi Jing ‘aptalofthe Yutang planet and the Yu ving StateE pire, STRATEGIC Uaconing wassagel (Weigie: Intel end Control. Center of iso Front Coordinated Conna " USubject: Stratepte position update aroune the Hoten inp Bate} tetas SYGTIR (GOD OF VICTORY) DEFENSE CLUSTER In the particular case of Wotan Jump Gate, the PanOceanian Miltary Complex is responsible fer the main systems of active defense, Folowing. Its. program supporting 0-12 securty pallles, Pandceanian Admiralty has deployed an ‘ital defense custer around the Jump Gate consisting of & fire command and cantrel module, 2 man atilery platform, and a series of secondary weapon platforms fr fire support. This defense cluster, codenamed sygtr (God of victory in ancient Nord, one of OdinyWatan names) remains under Contal of Paredlso Coorcinated Command, ang ha 3 lzon Dficer from the Aegis Sureau on the team. However, the defense cluster has a sel-capaciy to act. and itis connected to the Pandceanian Admiralty command network, © SYGTIR-L. FIRE CONTROL PLATFORM Pandceanian command and contr eritals have been created for long deployments in which the coorcnaton of battle actions on a large scale is necessary For this purpose they have an imoroved tactical network anda lastgenerauon strategie operation link, Ths allows the organization of the weapon systems actviy under Its dct contrl as well 3s the Battleships alocated tothe operation are. According to tis design philosophy, Fre Control Platform Syati-1's wide, comfortable, and well equipped. Is divided into speciazed decks, The core s the Information and Combat Contra deck. For everyday arial adjustment activity, has 2 fight deck directly connected to the Engineering deck in Charge of managing maneuver engines, alsa has te own Gefense team, providing ner secur along with protection dgainst enemy boarding actions, © SYGTIR-2. MAIN WEAPON PLATFORM The main ortital weapon platirms are probably the most powerful arilery pisces ever createa Even bigges tan the ire Eontol modules, they have a better capacty of deployment. nd mablity than any athe plane-bases piatiorm, allowing the Instalment of high performance. systems without restrictions in size or we gt ‘The main weapon is a powerful long-range particle cannon Ie also has a large bore, hyper-accelerated ral cannon, since the Panoceanian Naval Artery Cofps phlosophy les Ina Dncept offre supremacy, combining the effects of ferent Systems that lead to overwhelming results SYGTIR-2. MAIN WEAPON PLATFORM ‘A weapen platform is built around the main and secondary ‘weapon, In the. particular case. of Sygtiez, ammunition and power supply systems are as important as weapons themselves and have ther own deck The targeting and Correction system i as vital as its sensitive, andis located on Specialized deck has drect ang constant commuicaon ‘with Fie Control Plaetorm Syetia, Main weapon platforms have a smaller crew, but lke Flee Control they ‘fer 2 comfortable nabtat According {0 Paradiso Coordinated Command, Sygi-2 lacks Aegis Bureau officers, The ene Jump Gate sucn as Wotan, which leads to'a “a Jing system, are 2 pasicular case. They also help foreign companies in ther ‘operations within the YW Jing trttory, withthe objective of Boosting business fow and gethering Information fer Yang the Yung nteligence service. Permanent ortital consulates such as Bang are big enough to have comfortable ateas for lving. and. amisement Nevertheless, they have been concelved for resident staff Father than for recelvng Wsitors. For safely reasans, most tf the businesses. are done telematcaly) Using #ip-0~ ‘orbtal communication. Nonetheless, the consulate hae 2 acing area where supply and suppert ships (2s well 25 ship Taunchers) usualy berth in case they Need too Business In SIU de to crcumstances outa hel conte ‘The heart of an orbital consulate such az Bing is the consulate ofee deck where we can find the consul ofice Sd data including diplomatic. administrative, and security Information concerning the base SHANQIANG (18, LIGHTNING SPEAR) IGHT FRIGA The light frigate ShAngiang (Lightning Spear) belongs to Yao cass (Bh, sparrowhawk), 2 specalized-ole frigate ‘model that saceces shes and die tapacly for speed ond Imaneuverabity. In the begining, this type af figate Was Created as 2 fast escort for convoys and workes as an Immediate support and 2evanced recognition element. Their tchnisl characteristics alow them to move snd relocate quickly onthe line of battle to protec ther ships easier than Digger and berter armed—butslower-shipe can, The ShAnging gat, lke the rest of its type, stood out for its tatuca rle during the NeoColonial Wars, especially In confrontations with Hageislamite pirate ships and many skirmishes in the outer area of the Human Edge, since the Combined: Army. artves at Paradis, ths ight gate bas functioned a6. persecution and hunting element nthe Intermediate Blockade and ae 2 fast patrol in the Wetan Blockade In this kind of ship, the Combat Information Center (CIC) 15 3 vital element for coordinating naval. Batle-s-aegy {and tactics. Computers on thls ceck are full of high value Information to any boarding group. However, the task of CIC ofcers would become useiess without naval oficers ithe frigate from the navigation dec BAUING ORBITAL CONSULATE SHANQIANG UGHT FRIGATE THE NOMAD AREA WOTAN COMMERCIAL LEGATION The Nomad commercial egations are smaller versions ofthe Commercial missions, Located in areas ofiterest they make Up 2 network that supports Nomad Industry and trade In a Sar system. The maln task of 9 commerchl legion Is to tneaurage iterntional business between Nomae companies Snd those of the system in which they ar located, 2 Well 35 to look fr export opportunities fr Nomad companies by Pulting ther in contact with potertal cts in that market Bnd vee versa The Wotan Commercial Legation Is located next to 2 Jump Gate that connects to Sualarheima, Therefore itis the port of entry into this system for Yu Jing and PanOceanian markets i also cooperates with Svalarheiman compan inlerested in ‘operating inthe Paraiso system, For that purpase, commercial oppartunty multiplier agents, such as governmental agencies, chambers of business, and ‘ther influencers on Svalarheima and, to lesser exten. in Paraiso, are contacted, This way, the Wotan Commercial Legation’ werks closely with the Pandceanian and’ Yu Jing fevernments from Sralaheims, and. wth, governmental frganizaions such as the fice of the Pandceanian Commercial Representative on Svalarheima and the Ministry of Commerce fom Y0 Jing. By definition, commercial legatons do. not require lage working facies. In the case of Wotan, isa smal stavan with units table for resent staf and 2 small annexed Section for receving guests from companies interested in Going business, The Nomad commercial agents office deck Sand the communications eck are the heart af 3 commereal legaton A FORJA MOBILE SHIPYARD Drital_ shipyards are space-borne infrastructures for maintenance an logistics. They have been cesigec to repair Snd buld ships, staions, and other infrastructures that are impossible to reduce in a gravity wel, Mobile shipyards seh ag La For, small” and lighter but witha eapacty for propusien, ae imted to maintenance and epairasks. These kina of shipyards were originay designed for ceployment in temporary o troubled lecations, because ofan extreme trafic density or 2 changing enwrorment. such as the unstable reas tround asteroids, One ofthe distinguishing features of these shipyards Is thelr lack of Cosed and pressured hangars, since the are specialzed In maintenance tasks rather than onstruction. The allows them to nave smal faites n terms of ieignt and valome, tus inereasing ther modlty LEGATION. The continuous traffe around a Jump Gate requires the presence ofan orbital shipyard Inthe surrounding area. The Cosmica Corporation, Sased on Corregidor, is aware of this fac and thus established a modile version, which could be adapted to the redeployients and relocations required by ‘the’ Paraciso Coordinated Command to cover the security Parameters ofthe complex, Inorderto avoid La Forja becoming just corporate facies, the Corregorian Government established some adminstrative afices In the shipyard, as well as a docking berth forthe Ships of the Nomac Miliary Force. This way, La Fria became fn element of the Nomads’ war eflrts m the area and Is Considered pat ofthe Nomads sovereign terion. Habitation and operation areas in La Fei are very stark. thoueh. completely funcional, along the lines of any Correglaran facty. the most relevant areas on this mobile station are the Opeations Control deck, waich manages all Shipyard work, and the miltary quay, where the ships from the Nomad muiltary dock for maintenance LA FORJA MOBILE SHIPYARD WOTAN COMMERCIAL ey DON “Bo you thnk you can sop an board us? love to 58 ox ty. acorn Escabeda, captain ofthe Don Peyote. communication Chae ih the POS foto anette The Don Peyote repurpesed craft is basically 2 medium freighter made in Pandceania, a Gannet lass, which has been Feflted and equipped with enough weapon and defensive systems to be considered a true warship Sonnet class mecium freighters are old models reaching the end of thr active Ife: However the Dan Peyote has 2 ‘ative system that has been improved with two DianHuaTec 970 engines taken from aJ0 (HE, osprey) class tigate. This ‘ilows ito seta top speed simi’ tom pursuit wnt f° Fnited Detiods o tine ‘The Don Peyote was lucky to gata Fireraftmode Pandceanian fre control system. Non- PanOceanan systems usually cause synchronization problems in Gonnet ships. The diferent ‘weapon platforms adged to this freighter provide I with 2 Trepower sinvlr to 3 standard light frigate Ths Is unusual for theve kind of repurposed ships, which usualy fi inte the category of reinforced corvettes at best, Nevertheless, as Usual In repurposed felghters not bul for bate, the Dan Peyote is less durable and capable than 2 regular warship In spite ofall the improvements mace. The most vulnerable areas are the command and navigation deck, without the Feinferements ane divisions normally found in combat ships, along with the distribution deck a necessary annexed section for addzional weapons systems and military sensors Nonetheless, Captain Macarena Escobedo knows perfectly the ato hs atten wh pats and tre! oats and diverse conflcts both overt and covet Rave harcened hee Her command sy has been defined 35 a pirate with shark brain Implants In her heac DON PEYOTE REPURPOSED FREIGHTER TUK (ICICLE) ALFUNDAQ The afundags are the smallest and most madest versions of the Hagaislamite caravansavies, They have been designed to ‘over areas of space lacking the volome of commecil trafic Fequrea to justly the constuction ofa anger caravansaty, but are stl important enough to guarantee goed business ‘As caravansarles, the afundacs ate usualy built inthe interior ‘of an asterois although they are smaller in size and have ‘reas covered with ce, This has-a dual role: protection and water supply. This ice cover and the proximity tothe Jump Cate connecting Sialscheima enmed ths alfundag the name, lik, meaning “cle” in Turkish. Communication antennas, boarding docks, panoramic units ffom entertainment areas, ‘and holograhic advertisements are a wsble jutting fom the ee, The alfundag, an Andalusian-Arabic word fr “inn, offers 2 group of services much more limked than 3 caravansary Not all of them have a wade Divan ofice, and they do, the staff is smaller in the case of the lik Alundag, which has enly two people. Due to their small size and budge, they Tack 3 Winter Hall However, this does not mean they. {do not have entertainment areas-on the contrary. The most ‘modest leisure area of an alfundag can satisty the needs ‘of any traveler interested in changing environments ater 2 Tong Journey shut up inside 9 ship. Nevertheless, the level of luxury is lower than Ina caravansy ‘And the lack ofa Winter Hall does nat mean an alfa is ata good place to close deals Thus, lke its larger cousins, the business seck of these staons is used a5 2 neutral scene fora types of discussions and deals, whether they are Commercial, between elements ofthe criminal underwor of between intligence arganizatans. INDRA-3 MOBASE Mobile bases, or Mobases, have capacky fer limited Impulsion. Apart from the maneuvering engines, commen in an orbital station and necessary to correct arbits, Mobases fave impulse engines that allow them to move at 2 slow but Constant speed, Due to ther features, mable bases such as Indra-3 af usually sal or medium sized and much more txpensve to build than 3 standard arbital, as they combine ‘he qualties of 2 station and 2 space ship. Mobases are expecially appropriate for areas in vnih changes in poston are necessary, lke around Jump Gates, where they rust apt tothe approach vectors ef ships, whieh vary depending fn the astrnomie ephemer's The Inéra-3 Mabase is the permanent headquarters of the 0-12 at the Watan Gate and caries out administrative tasks {for Bureaus Hermes and Ganesh. I ation, communication dad secuty contro tasks are also catled auton this orbital For this purpose the smal star of he O-12 has the support of ALEPH star and an Ariadnan miltary team, TLIK (ICICLE) ALFUNDAQ er eG) INDRA-3 MOBASE: TSD (TRANSPORTATION SECURITY DETACHMENT) MODULE ‘The Transportation Secuy Detachment (105) s the section of the Bureau Aegis managing all Ne Issues regarding Intersystem transport tr matn task sto guarantee security 3 Jump Gate facies, Circulars, and. ships connected to these. it has the mission of protecting the freedom of lransportation, movements of people, and communications among the diferent systems ofthe Homan Sphere, The TSD is a high-performance antterrarist agency with its own aualfied but smal staf Thus, usualy wores wih the focal secury forces as rehforcement. Gven the high level of alert Inthe operations theatre af Paras, with very ‘demanding securty reaurements, the Paradiso Coordinated Command has offered the TSD.some specialized securty Unis fram the lterent powers ofthe Human Sphere ‘The TSO_module of the Mobase Indta-3 is the military headquarters af this agency in the Wetan Jump Gate. Coordinates the tasks of boarding. Inspection, and checking, tof every ship, passengers, and cargo tying ta cross rom the Paradiso system to Svafarheims, Ths module has 3 gation ‘of oops tram Arladna transferred by Paradiso Coordinated Command ater 8 process of intense instruction on boarding ‘nd security operations na deep. space emvifonment Generally, Atladna troops work a5 Doarcing unts under the Supervision of TSD offcers. All the securty operations are Carried out fam cutters and patrol bats of the Bureau Aegis ‘rewed by TSD staff This makes Ariadna the true muscle of the agency in Weta, The core of this madule is the Securty Coordination and Conv (SCC) deck. where the security of all the trafic crossing the Wotan Gate is organized. The staf decks work 13 barracks fr the Ariadna garrison, while decking decks ate the areas of berthing and malntenance for the TSO Datrl boats. Between these two groups sf decks there is the Logistics deck one ofthe main areas of interest this ‘module. The supply stares ofthe Ariadna troops are located here INDRA-3 MOBASE: ECHO COMMODULE (COMMUNICATIONS SUPPORT MODULE) Every Jump Gate has nearby an orbital station with a ommeduie, 2 communications suppartmecule. This ommodule is the main receptor end daoster of the Giferent types of signels tram the diferent information and communication systems used in the Human Sphere ‘he role of ths module is To recelve and bing togete a the information created in the system and send R to the commode cated en the ether sige ofthe Jump Gate, This ‘way, apart frm the private, commercal, governmental, 2nd miltary communications, Mayaremains areal comprehensive data network comprising the entre Kumen Sphere. he commedules are one the mest important infrastructeres Inthe Human Sphere and are considered internatonal. Thus, they remain under the O42 control However given the huge volume of date trate received by these modules, thelr management has beth transfered to ALEPH, being 9 t3ek Include nthe eb commission allocated fram the O-12 to the a ALEPA manages and monors all the dats traffic crossing from Paradiso to the Human Sphere and vice versa. In view of the special status of Paradiso due to the alien invasion Sand the communication blockade established by a secret International agreement In order to aveld alatm in the Human Sphere, commadules are the main tal for leaking Contralng, nd censoring the Blockade Inthe Inéra-3 Mebase, ALEPH has the Echo Commodue \whics takes up a third ofthe station. eneecs such volume: Because most of the signal recepion/emission systems fare on the, module's exteror hull Given the Importance of this module, AL has security relnforcements fram the Special Situations Section, apart from the crew needed for communication management, including staff from ALEPH, Sand from Bureaus Hermes. and Toth 35 human montering flements, The securty cetachment deck is one of the hat Spots of the Echo Commodule, since any resistance to an attack wil be organized from there. However, the tue heart ‘this module is the Communications Link comymink) deck, Where the intersystem connection keeping Maya and the Human Sphere unified is established INDRA-3 MOBASE: COMMUNICATIONS. SUPPORT MODULE a= alata led aia) DARAANI BOARD CORVETTI Board corvettes area typeof light ships typical ofthe Trident Tohaa Army, Baslealy Wis the smallest Kind of warship YOU an find ints army, a better-armec evolution ofthe cuter at the patral boat, though less efective in terms of arms and speed than a gate, However, they have some advantages. They are smalley cheaper, and easier to bul than the versatile gates, These features allow the huge Tohaa Ercant Ships to cary some of them attached to the Hull. This Is were the term *beare" comes from: They are ye TET ET AAMRAMALSARAL AR Aahaae ae at PBN YUN PREY woh corey BY OIE PoP ad oa ogeit drag Mie Seed PUUTS Po VEE oF PreNES oR TET an PRONE AV HOVE Foo POT PPPTTE cUDP TOTO TEE #9 s0e yey coh fe enh TYP got de oe ona Oye Pree FPS om ey ePR YN ce ree gv eye Pay og CNY 0 ORVYTO oe fr eeRyY ees Peo oe pe ee om GY" pote! dee pont Uve pT eY Re: A cada” copereyrre We yey YES ov Tey eye Od OY cov bg vey" SYaVEIS eveETY” FH fe dering ye Ss oF Pra sryy a gS oo freee" Peper PRETO PORE de oe pew PT ot cud PE HIN rie eyeeery a PY" PY" At FOI SRV ONE” HH dete cove adenry oepaure ret APR PT ct dam ote” dele ae dear gh PIMC oe PORIE™ aDich doin ON ne SPOT oe ee Pee SS NE OPT ogee rik Freie vee dre PreT eer oeerver der SoUePV ENTE Pood TONNT ET SPP TTY eet SPV PPV PPude PRY POO Poe Perey arere ater epee ae dyes say Soares yee Ney pay oe at Pr ES AT SHE Gh cue ee Fae TreR TNO dveeereiy eT reg oyeR es pyeyeyy Pet peeeye evade otek deHeeNyy: opere” PUPSE OT TILT SO POT Fe Ags PoFPe gin diet ob PP DY" PTE EE EY! oPETT COURT OPTS SAY FYE IO OVYREY TT SIN Ee oT saree she oth ager oveR EY PPPPRERY SERRE rode vue retey gre gM owt on gta fy Op Per Seo ie re der voon fev oe peer ede OM PUE" oe PUOPEYPC: Pout” cog CUNY gy POR CT AP 0) POI ots oF GP SORES oy PYRO REY Pm oro PUTTY ow dey dayage Pyyee yy oe ery fey an fireeae eer £F or eovsreore er pp aren SE aye A da PSE G ep RO ooh icv AY MUERTE fro oe YT PoP VIV eet OB ota ret FF POUR CuPPYE oat AR OM eR RE Ph oe Pode Poe goer PPE oe eorhrrey ceded os detee fie aot org oe ge ey ERA oor ET POON Pen SISTED Se PNY ope cero Por OO ATU gk yee of Sepa soy dors ougt fo cig YO NERY T TTS Pea” PORTE” oe ony spt Ny He odtere der ath dyey™ UNS HONTTT YEO SReT PER de on yee oF ge F ER per a PEOVER PVE PPO P ONT Pe APY Toi PoP RTS FET ETERE rT Fo ceers der ver ers SRN vRTE comers OPO fh PY cuIcah py SAE Pee NY” peas OF oa APTI URE MN eReTE Ih AE PAS AEROS oon epee eee n peeved” ores ¢ PEPE prs yout” Pore ET PRY A TRTTNES SVYO" PETE PUENTE PTT RE ott Onteers ah oe omer PPE ot CREE PITS Pee FPP YPN oo yee oS PORT VTP M pa dto oP ote ys" dee fey NY Aer rn PI NTE PNT cae Geet Gee Pee dee oF eerie eA YeeP rep eres por aM TT coe fo eee eee ere aT PS oe ARNT EY tere eI POY" oWty POSTED: ctiF” Sag” co on Pave ee aE 8 RIV I ot ENE o SYP om oN ee oe yA oe of pay pyeve pete oe py tH™ oo Oye PEPPY HR FEP TES Pov oR gery eee siees eevee fe Fv DOYS PWNS’ Cth 68S PF Seay ost got ge syeee 90 gal PPA gy4 HOY po Fe FF PES PONY seerery OP UEYOREE oo ot Fe Dig oe Pye eye Te ee a wen PE PROPER DRE SPT EO FF py me one eee Uatie depp ont ody Prey cere om ae TeyY Prey gy PPPS oP oot obey rey agra Dewy fa gy sete FevyNyDay yt enesyye py Pop Yeah ie Opveet yt etre ye ce AN gh AE ottnnbryeY eh Mere” 9 AYER ArT ar aye EE LTTE SINCE PUTT

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