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Rewrite the sentences in negative (contradictions).

Do not use short forms such as d

etc. Use full forms do not/does not, etc only
1. He is sitting in the living room. •¨He in the living room.
2. They went home. •¨ They home.
3. She likes summer. •¨ She summer.
4. You write a story. •¨ You a story.
5. They jumped from the bed. •¨ They from the bed
6. We watch TV every day. •¨ We TV every day.
7. They are looking. •¨ They .
8. He lives in Salacgriva. •¨ He in Salacgriva.
9. They bought ice-cream. •¨ They ice-cream.
10. We are dancing. •¨ We .

Rewrite the sentences in negative (contradictions). Do not use shor

don't doesn't didn't, etc. Use full forms do not/does not, et
1. They clean the flat. •¨ They the flat.
2. She washed the plate. •¨ She the plate.
3. He gets up in the morning. •¨ He up in the morning.
4. I am standing here. •¨ I here.
5. We bought the salad. •¨ We the salad.
6. I like onion. •¨ I onion.
7. We are thinking. •¨ We .
8. She waits for summer. •¨ She for summer.
9. She is eating a banana. •¨ She a banana.
10. We wanted to help. •¨ We to help.

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