Ask Questions To The Following Answers. Use The Question Words in The Box

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Revisões para teste de Inglês – 6º ANO -

- Question Words - Possessive case

- Connectors

- Possessive adjectives

- Possessive Pronouns

1. Ask questions to the following answers. Use the question words in the box.

- What - Where - When - How much - How old

- Who - What time - What colour - Why - How many

a) _____________________________________________________________?
His name’s James Jackson.

b) _____________________________________________________________?
They have got seven dogs.

c) _____________________________________________________________?
Jamie and Jennie live in Strattford.

d) _____________________________________________________________?
Beatrice is twenty years old.

e) _____________________________________________________________?
The post-office is next to the supermarket.

f) _____________________________________________________________?
Every Sunday Daniel plays basketball with his family.

g) _____________________________________________________________?
Mary’s hair is red.

h) _____________________________________________________________?
Those trainers cost about £35.

i) _____________________________________________________________?
Joanna is crying because she can’t go to her friend’s birthday party.

j) _____________________________________________________________?
Oliver finishes school at half past four p.m.
2. Complete with so, but, because.

a) I love apples, ______ my sister prefers strawberries.

b) John’s favourite hobbie is listening to music, ____ he buys lots of CDs.
c) Mike is a vegetarian, _______ he doesn’t eat meat.

Alexandra Mendonça
Revisões para teste de Inglês – 6º ANO -

d) Cristiano Ronaldo is a football superstar _________ he is a very good player and

a kind person.
e) My sister doesn’t like heavy metal music _____ it is too noisy.

3. Complete the sentences with possessive adjectives.

a) Pam’s dog is in the garden. ____________ dog is black and white.

b) Mathilda has got a turtle. __________ turtle’s name is Fiona.
c) James loves pets. ______________ favourite animals are the cats and the
d) My parents have got a new car. __________ car is silver.
e) John: What’s ________________ telephone number?
Daisy: _____________ telephone number is 288 777 565.
f) John and Daisy: ______________ school is great!
g) These are my new cats. _______ names are Pinky Pie and Rainbow Dash.
h) I have got two younger twin sisters. They are twelve today. _______
birthday party is today at five o’clock p.
i) My favourite singer is Ed Sheeran. _____ songs are the best!
j) This is the new English Teacher. _____name is Claire White.

4. Complete the sentences with a possessive pronoun.

a) This sharpener is mine . (my)

b) Are those CDs ________________? (your)

c) Those CDs are ________________. (their)

d) This lunch box is ________________. (his)

e) Is this car ________________? (her)

f) These books are ________________. (our)

g) Those children are ______________. (their)

h) These cats are _________________. (my)

5. Complete each sentence with a possessive pronoun.

a) That CD belongs to my mother. It’s hers.

b) This car belongs to my father. It’s ___________.
c) Those wood boxes belong to Mr. Fernandez. They are ___________.

Alexandra Mendonça
Revisões para teste de Inglês – 6º ANO -

d) The pink t-shirt belongs to Veronica. It’s ___________.

e) Those computers belong to the students. They are ___________.
f) These skates belong to me and my cousin. They are ___________.
g) Those balloons belong to me. They are ___________.

6.Circle the correct option.

a) Carrie’s / Carries’ brother is thirteen years old.
b) My sisters’ / sister’s name is Jenny.
c) My grandparents’ / grandparent’s car is new.
d) Charles’ / Charles’s pencil case is green.
e) The boys / boys’ trainers are blue and grey.
f) Those are my neighbours’ / neighbours’s children.
g) Brenda’s and Brandon’s / Brenda and Brandon’s house is new.
h) The legs of the table / The table’s legs are brown.

7.Complete the sentences. Use possessive forms as in the examples.

a) This is the girl’s doll. (girl)
b) These are the boys’ notebooks. (boys)
c) ____________________ house is old. (Ms Smith)
d) ____________________ daughters go to my birthday party. (Ms Delfino)
e) ____________________ husband is very kind. (Ms Malkovich)
f) Her____________________ lunch boxes are in canteen. (students)
g) My sister ____________________ is a very good footballer. (boyfriend)
h) ____________________ dog runs very fast. (Mary and Jack)
i) Those ____________________ school is next to the park. (children)

Alexandra Mendonça

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