QC Functions

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Planning QAQC standard operating procedures

Concrete Mix Design

Manage reference standard
Acceptance Criteria

Execution Inspection of in-coming material

implemenattion In-Process Inspection
After Process Inspection
Handling of Non-conformance
Customer Complaint
Calibration of Testing Equipment

Review / Internal Audit


Improvement Training
Preparation of Method Statement and Inspection testing Plan for every process
Ensure concrete mixes are suitable for precast production use and meet the requirements
Ensure relevant reference standard are available for reference
Work with supplier to establish quality standards for the materials

Ensure in-coming raw material are acceptable according to quality requirements

Ensure that in-process preparation are acceptable according to quality requirements
Ensure that product corresponds to the requirements and specification before it is release
Ensure that remedial works are according to approved method
Ensure customer complaint are being investigate to identify root cause, correction plan and preventive plan
Arrange the calibration process for inspection and testing equipment according to schedule

Ensure QA/QC documents of the entire production including certificates, calibration, test results, inspection
requests, non-compliance reports and other docements are in order

Ensure quality awareness and requirements amongs staff and workers

Developing skills and knowledges of staff and workers

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