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Presentation-Based Essays

For your assignment you will create a presentation that you will share with me
by or on December 19th. (December 20th will be a review day of the unit). You
will still be listening and taking notes during all class lessons. For the midterm
exam you will still be expected to understand the parts of an essay and the
purpose of an essay. You will work on your presentations during work time
when the entire class is working. You are still an ELA 7 student who is expected
to have the same understandings, you will just be doing a modified version of
an essay. Your presentation-essay will include:

➔ One specific topic that you can do thorough (detailed) research on for the
unit and not get bored
➔ 5 subtopics or main points (based on your main topic) that you will
break down in your presentation (think of these as topic sentences)
➔ 3 or more well developed sentences for each of the 5 topics or points
➔ 1-3 images for each subtopic
➔ 1-3 short and relevant videos on overall topics
➔ a one paragraph introduction and one paragraph conclusion following
the paragraph structure we learned in class

Topics include:
1. Zoos are sometimes seen as necessary and not necessarily as poor
alternatives to a natural environment. Discuss some of the arguments
for and against keeping animals in zoos.
2. Should all Alberta schools have a mandatory school uniform? Discuss
why and/or why not.
3. Imagine that your teacher wants to teach a new subject for the next few
weeks. Your teacher will take suggestions, and then let the students vote
on the new subject. What subject should your class choose? Write an
essay to support your choice and to persuade the other students to vote
for your choice. (Perhaps this could be submitted to Principal Rolli for an
experiential week suggestion?)
4. Should towns have breed restrictions on types of dogs you can own? Why
or why not?

Remember, if you are presenting on a topic that has multiple perspectives,

include some research on all angles of the topic, not just on what you believe.
For example, if you believe animals should not be kept in zoos, you could make
one or two of your points on why some people may think animals are better off
in zoos and then make one or two more points explaining why you disagree.

To finish all of this in 6 weeks you will need to follow this schedule:

Week & Dates Activities/ Goals

1 Read through the entire assignment and schedule so you have

a clear idea of what your end result will look like, and what
November you will need to have done each week to get this finished in
14-17 time. Bolded tasks need to be handed in for class-work
marks. The final assignment will be marked as a project
towards your grade.

Pick a topic that you can do thorough research on for the unit
and not get bored.

1. Zoos are sometimes seen as necessary and not
necessarily as poor alternatives to a natural
environment. Discuss some of the arguments for and
against keeping animals in zoos.
2. Should all Alberta schools have a mandatory school
uniform? Discuss why and/or why not.
3. Imagine that your teacher wants to teach a new subject
for the next few weeks. Your teacher will take
suggestions, and then let the students vote on the new
subject. What subject should your class choose? Write
an essay to support your choice and to persuade the
other students to vote for your choice. (Perhaps this
could be submitted to Principal Rolli for an experiential
week suggestion?)
4. Should towns have breed restrictions on types of dogs
you can own? Why or why not?

Hand in: the topic you are arguing with one complete
sentence on why you chose that topic to Mrs. E to get her to
approve the topic.

Begin researching your topic. Take notes about your topic as

you research. Don’t copy and paste, take notes in your journal
and write out the websites you are finding your information.
2 Continue researching your topic, keeping notes in your
20-24 Identify 5 subtopics that you will break down in your
presentation. For example, if you were going to do a
presentation on a subject you wanted taught in school, like
cake baking and decorating, you would find 5 points to make
about that topic. Do research on your topic this week to
narrow down your 5 subtopics. At the end of the week you
should have 5 fully developed sentences that are your
subtopics and a few bullet points of research for each one.
Submit this to Mrs. E when done for her to look over.

● Having basic baking skills would prepare me for taking
foods class in high school. (After this sentence you
would write 3 sentences talking about the basic baking
skills that the class would teach and how it would
prepare you for high school foods.)
● Based on my research it is proven animals live longer in
● Animals, such as Tigers and Orca whales, run or swim
such long distances every day that they could not be
getting enough exercise in captivity.
● School uniforms could prevent bullying that happens
based on what students wear.

3-4 Write 3 well developed sentences for each of the 5 points.

At the end, for each point you will include: 3-6 sentences
November explaining it, and have a few pictures or a video relating to
your topic. All research you use must be put into your own
27-Dec 1 words and the links to the websites must be listed on a
bibliography at the end of your presentation.

● Having basic baking skills would prepare me for taking
foods class in high school. (After this sentence you
would write sentences talking about the basic baking
skills that the class would teach and how it would
prepare you for high school foods.)
● Based on my research it is proven animals live longer in
captivity. (After this you would write sentences about
how this has been proven.)
● Animals, such as Tigers and Orca whales, run or swim
such long distances every day that they could not be
getting enough exercise in captivity. (Here you would
write sentences about how this has been proven.)
● School uniforms could prevent bullying that happens
based on what students wear. (Here you would write
sentences about how this has been proven or how you
think school uniforms would decrease bullying.)

Peer edit the sentences together. Rewrite the sentences using

the feedback from your peers. Bring these sentences to Mrs.
E to edit.

Rewrite them again using Mrs. E’s feedback.

3-4 Finish writing and editing your sentences.

Start finding images and videos about your topic and
December 4- subtopics. Save the images and videos in a document on your
8 computer.

Try to find 1-3 images for each subtopic or point that you
have made. Try to find 1-3 short and relevant videos overall.

Email in this document to Mrs. E

5 You will also need to write a one paragraph introduction and

one paragraph conclusion following the paragraph structure
December 11- we learned in class.
Review your notes on paragraph writing, on intros, and on

Write both paragraphs (should be 4-5 sentences each).

Decide how you will make your presentation: google slides,
prezi, or other medium. Put your information onto slides and

6 Present your slideshows to each other for practise.

December Last but not least: present your slideshow to Mrs. E and
18-19 share the link with her so it can be marked.

Marking Rubric:
Category: 4 3 2 1
Content: The student The student The student The student
The student conveys all of conveys most conveys some conveys very
conveys key the key of the key of the key little of the
information. information. information. information. key
Clarity: The student The student The student The student
The student presents presents presents presents
presents information information information information
information clearly and clearly and clearly and clearly and
clearly and accurately accurately accurately accurately
accurately. through 90% through 80% through 70% through 60%
or more of the or more of the or more of the or less of the
task. task. task. task.
Grammar and My My My My
Conventions presentation is presentation presentation presentation
error-free. has a few (3-5) has several has a lot of
Punctuation, Nothing errors but they errors. Some errors- did I
capital letters, distracts my don’t mess up of them forget to check
and proper reader from the reader. confuse the it over? The
paragraph the content! reader. reader is
formatting are distracted by
all used. the number of

Presentation Speaks clearly Verbal Verbal Verbal

and distinctly delivery is delivery is delivery is
Verbal Delivery throughout. appropriate general and limited.
Excellent and clear. straightforwar Minimal voice
voice Competent d. projection and
projection and voice Satisfactory enunciation.
enunciation. projection and voice
enunciation. projection and

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