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Preface to the Second Edition

During the six years of publication this book has made many friends. Some en-
joyed the theoretical Part 1 of tensor flight dynamics, others jump-started their
aerospace simulations with Part 2. Though I aimed to produce a perfect product,
some mistakes lingered until detected either by readers or by my own scrutiny.
However, this second edition is more than just an updated reprint. It contains
two new appendices. The original Appendix C, which reviewed state-of-the-art
FORTRAN simulations, has been replaced by the description of three self-study
CD-ROMs of aerospace simulations in C++. These CDs broaden the applications
of this book by spanning from simple three-degrees-of-freedom cruise missiles
to high fidelity missiles, aircraft, and hypersonic vehicles. The new Appendix D
lays the theoretical foundation of tensor flight dynamics. It contains the proofs of
the rotational time derivative and the Euler transformation, which the main text
alludes to. Furthermore, Examples 4.4 and 5.6 have been rewritten, and Problem
7.6 was added.
Many examples in the book refer to the CADAC FORTRAN code, which is
provided on the CADAC CD-ROM that also contains plotting programs. To qualify
for a complimentary CD, see the instructions on the Supporting Materials page at
the back of this book.
I am grateful for the feedback I received from around the world. Significant
contributions were made by Gary Allen, Philippe Guicheteau, Don Koks, Mark
Smith, and Martin Weiss. Most of their suggestions have been implemented. I also
want to thank the AIAA publications staff, and in particular Rodger Williams, who
has steered my authorship with a steady hand through a few tempests.
Above all I thank you, the reader, for giving me the honor to be your companion
on your professional journey through the world of aerospace vehicle modeling and
simulation. May our voyage be a pleasant one!

Peter H. Zipfel
November 2006


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