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Estimate the wind angle of attack which maximizes the force parallel to the axis
under consideration.
amax = (10 + 58E)0 for 3:<; N :<; 5 (4Al)
amax = (16 + 52E t for 6:<;N:<; 10 (4A.2)

3. Estimate the force coefficient C[1rom Figure 4A3 by the following procedure:

a) Determine Cf from Figure 4A3(a) for wind angle of attack = amax and
appropriate spacing ratio SF/B,. This Cf is for a structure with N=3 frames
and a solidity ratio of E=0.1.
b) Determine Cf from Figure 4A.3(b) for a structure with N=3 frames and a
solidity ratio OfE =0.5.
c) Interpolate between results of a) and b) for the actual solidity ratio, yielding a
force coefficient for the correct spacing and solidity ratios, and N=3 frames,

d) Determine Cf from Figure 4A3(c) for a structure with N=lO frames and a
solidity ratio of E=0. 1.
e) Determine Cffrom Figure 4A.3(d) for a structure with N=lO frames and a
solidity ratio of E =0.5.
f) Interpolate between results of d) and e) for the actual solidity ratio, yielding a
force coefficient for the correct spacing and solidity ratios, and N=10 frames,
, .
g) Determine Cf for the axis under consideration by interpolating between
Ct:N=3 and Cf,N= 10 for the actual number offrames
Note that if the structure has exactly 3 or 10 frames, only steps (a-c) or (d-t)
respectively need be used. Similarly, if a structure has a solidity ratio very
near to 0.1 or 0.5, only one interpolation between Figures 4A.3(a) and (c) or
4A.3(b) and (d) respectively would be necessary. 51

Section specified the load combination of full wind load on the axis under
consideration acting simultaneously with 50"10 of the frame wind load on the other axis. A
more detailed method to estimate the wind load acting simultaneously on the secondary
axis frames is given here.


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