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1. Determine Cf for the principal axis under consideration as per 4.2.3 or 4A.2.

provisions of 4.2.3 are used, Umax must still be determined as per 4A.2

2. Determine the force coefficient Cf for the secondary axis from Figure 4A.3, using
E, SF/B, and N values for the secondary axis and a wind angle of attack of (90°-
umax). Step 3 in section 4A2 explains how to obtain Cf from Figure 4A3.


The proposed method has been used to calculate the force coefficients for a
structure whose plan is shown in Figure 4A.4. Summarizing the important frame set

, For winds nominally from west to east

(i.e., winds normal to the N-S frame set)
E= 0.136
SF 25.4 ft (7.75 m)
B = 68.9 ft (21.0 m)
SFIB = 25.4 / 68.9 = 0.369

a For winds nominally from south to north

(i.e., winds normal to the E-W frame set)
E= 0.286
SF 16.4 ft (5.0 m)
B = 78.75 ft (24.0 m)
) SFIB = 16.4 /78.75 = 0.208.
r Detennining Force Coefficients: To determine the force coefficient for the E-W
structural axis (winds nominally normal to the N-S frame), first estimate the wind angle of
attack at which this maximum load will occur. Since N=4 and E = 0.136 for the N-S frame
set, Equation 4A 1 yields

Umax= 10+58(0.136)= 18°.

\. From Figures 4A3(a) and (b), for SF/B = 0.369, Cf= 3.87 and 2.10 for structures
'I with E = 0.1 and E = 0.5 respectively and N=3 frames. Interpolating between these two
values for E = 0.136,

Cf,N=3 = 3.87 - [(3.87 - 2.10)/0.4](0.136 - 0.1) = 3.71.


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