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Elementary wordlist: English to Arabic

ENGLISH Pronunciation (UK) PoS ARABIC

3D ˌθriːˈdiː adjective ‫ثثالُثاي البأعاد‬
a eɪ / ə determiner ‫أداة للدللة على المفرد النكرة‬
a lot ə'lɒt phrase ‫كثايراا‬
account əˈkaʊnt noun ‫حساب مصرفي‬
accountant əˈkaʊn.tənt noun ‫ثمحاسب‬
ache eɪk noun ‫ألم‬
actor ˈæk.tə noun ‫ثممثال‬
actress ˈæk.trəs noun ‫ثممتلة‬
address əˈdres noun ‫عنوان‬
afternoon ˌɑːf.təˈnuːn noun ‫بأعد الظهر‬
ago əˈɡəʊ adverb ‫فيما مضى‬
airport ˈeə.pɔːt noun ‫مطار‬
aisle aɪl noun ‫ممر‬
all ɔːl determiner ‫كل‬
along əˈlɒŋ adverb ‫على طول‬
alphabet ˈæl.fə.bet noun ‫الحروف البأجدية‬
always ˈɔːl.weɪz adverb ‫دائما ا‬
amazing əˈmeɪ.zɪŋ adjective ‫مذهل‬
American əˈmer.ɪ.kən adjective ‫أمريكي‬
an ˈæn / ən determiner ‫أداة للدللة على المفرد النكرة‬
animal ˈæn.ɪ.məl noun ‫حيوان‬
anniversary ˌæn.ɪˈvɜː.sər.i noun ‫ذكرى سنوية‬
another əˈnʌð.ə determiner ‫آخر‬
answer ˈɑːn.sə verb ‫ثيجيب‬
answer ˈɑːn.sə verb ‫يرد على الهاتف‬
antibiotics ˌæn.ti.baɪˈɒt.ɪks noun ‫ي‬
‫ثمضاد حيو ي‬
app æp noun ‫تطبأيق‬
apple ˈæp.(ə)l noun ‫تفاح‬
April ˈeɪ.prəl noun (‫أبأريل )نيسان‬
Argentina ˌɑː.dʒənˈtiː.nə noun ‫الرجنتين‬
Argentinian ˌɑː.dʒənˈtɪn.i.ən adjective ‫أرجنتيني‬
arm ɑːm noun ‫ساععد‬
armchair ˈɑːm.tʃeə noun ‫كرسي ذو ذراعين‬
art ɑːt noun ‫فن‬
Asian ˈeɪ.ʒən adjective ‫آسيوي‬
aspirin ˈæs.p(ə)rɪn noun ‫أسبأرين‬
attractive əˈtræk.tɪv adjective ‫جيذاب‬
August ɔːˈɡəst noun (‫أغسطس )آب‬
aunt ɑːnt noun ‫خالة أو عمة‬
Australia ɒsˈtreɪ.li.ə noun ‫أستراليا‬
Australian ɒsˈtreɪ.liən adjective ‫أسترالي‬
autumn ˈɔː.təm noun ‫خريف‬
award əˈwɔːd noun ‫جائزة‬
away əˈweɪ adverb ‫بأعيداا‬
awful ˈɔː.fəl adjective ‫شنيع‬
baby ˈbeɪ.bi noun ‫طفل رضيع‬
back bæk noun ‫ظظههر‬
back bæk adverb ‫معاودة‬
bad bæd adjective ‫سيء‬
bag bæɡ noun ‫حقيبأة‬
bag drop bæɡ drɒp noun ‫مكان تسليم الحقائب في المطار‬

baker's ˈbeɪ.kəz noun ‫مخبأز‬

balcony ˈbæl.kə.ni noun ‫ث‬
bald bɔːld adjective ‫أصلع‬
banana bəˈnɑː.nə noun ‫موز‬
bank bæŋk noun ‫بأنك‬
bar bɑː noun ‫حانة‬
bath bɑːθ noun ‫حوض الستحمام‬
bathroom ˈbɑːθ.ruːm noun ‫حيمام‬
battery ˈbæt.(ə)ri noun ‫بأطارية‬
beach biːtʃ noun ‫شاطئ‬
beard bɪəd noun ‫عذقِن‬
beautiful ˈbjuː.tɪ.fəl adjective ‫جميل‬
become bɪˈkʌm verb ‫ثيصبأح‬
bed bed noun ‫سرير‬
bedroom ˈbed.rʊm /ˈbed.ruːm noun ‫غرفة النوم‬
been biːn / bɪn verb ‫كان‬
beer bɪə noun ‫جعة‬
behind bɪˈhaɪnd preposition ‫خلف‬
better ˈbet.ə adjective ‫أفضل‬
bicycle ˈbaɪ.sɪ.k(ə)l noun ‫دراجة هوائية‬
big bɪɡ adjective ‫كبأير‬
bike baɪk noun ‫دراجة هوائية‬
billion ˈbɪliən noun ‫مليار‬
billionaire ˌbɪl.jəˈneə noun ‫ملياردير‬
bird bɜːd noun ‫طائر‬
birth bɜːθ noun ‫ولدة‬
birthday ˈbɜːθ.deɪ noun ‫عيد ميلُد‬
biscuit ˈbɪs.kɪt noun ‫بأسكويت‬
black blæk adjective ‫أسود‬
blog blɒɡ noun ‫مدونة على النترنت‬
blonde blɒnd adjective ‫أشقر‬
blue bluː adjective ‫أزرق‬
boarding pass ˈbɔːdɪŋ ˌpɑːs noun ‫بأطاقِة صعود الطائرة‬
boat bəʊt noun ‫قِارب‬
book bʊk verb ‫يحجز‬
book bʊk noun ‫كتاب‬
bookcase ˈbʊk.keɪs noun ‫خزانة الكتب‬
bookshop ˈbʊk.ʃɒp noun ‫مكتبأة بأيع الكتب‬
boots buːts noun ‫حذاء ذو رقِبأة طويلة‬
bored bɔːd adjective ‫يشعر بأالملل‬
boring bɔːrɪŋ adjective ‫ثممل‬
bottle ˈbɒt.(ə)l noun ‫قِنينة‬
bought bɔːt verb ‫اشترى‬
bowl bəʊl noun ‫زبأدية‬
box bɒks noun ‫صندوق‬
Brazil brəˈzɪl noun ‫البأرازيل‬
Brazilian brəˈzɪl.i.ən adjective ‫بأرازيلي‬
bread bred noun ‫خبأز‬
breakfast ˈbrek.fəst noun ‫فطور‬
bridge brɪdʒ noun ‫جسر‬
bright braɪt adjective ‫ساطع‬
British ˈbrɪt.ɪʃ adjective ‫بأريطاني‬
brother ˈbrʌð.ə noun ‫أخ‬
brown braʊn adjective ‫ثبأنيي‬
build bɪld verb ‫يبأني‬
builder ˈbɪl.də noun ‫عامل بأناء‬
building bɪldɪŋ noun ‫مبأنى‬
built bɪlt verb ‫بأنى‬
burger ˈbɜː.ɡə noun ‫بأرجر‬
bus bʌs noun ‫حافلة‬
business card ˈbɪz.nɪs ˌkɑːd noun ‫بأزنس كارد‬
busy ˈbɪz.i adjective ‫مشغول‬
butcher's ˈbʊtʃ.əz noun ‫جيزار‬
buy baɪ verb ‫يشتري‬
by baɪ preposition ‫بأجانب‬
cable car ˈkeɪ.b(ə)l ˌkɑː noun ‫تليفريك‬
café ˈkæf.eɪ noun ‫مقهي‬
cake keɪk noun ‫كيك‬
calorie ˈkæl.ə.ri noun ‫ثسعر حراري‬
camel ˈkæm.əl noun ‫جمل‬
camera ˈkæm.rə noun ‫كاميرا‬
camping kæmpɪŋ noun ‫تخييم‬
cap kæp noun ‫قِبأعة‬
car kɑː noun ‫سيارة‬

careful ˈkeə.fəl adjective ‫حعذر‬

carefully ˈkeə.fə.li adverb ‫بأحذر‬

carpet ˈkɑː.pɪt noun ‫سجاد‬
carry ˈkær.i verb ‫يحمل‬
castle ˈkɑː.s(ə)l noun ‫قِلعة‬
cat kæt noun ‫قِطة‬
cats kæts noun ‫قِطط‬
CD player ˌsiːˈdiː ˌpleɪ.ə noun ‫جهاز تشغيلُ لقرص المدمج‬
cell sel noun ‫زنزانة‬
century ˈsen.tʃə.ri noun ‫قِرن‬
cereal ˈsɪə.ri.əl noun ‫كورن فليكس‬
chair tʃeə noun ‫كرسي‬
channel ˈtʃæn.əl noun ‫قِناة‬
charge tʃɑːdʒ verb ‫يشحن‬
chat tʃæt verb ‫يتبأادل الحديث‬
cheap tʃiːp adjective ‫رخيص‬

check-in ˈtʃek.ɪn noun ‫تسجيل الوصول‬

cheese tʃiːz noun ‫جبأن‬

cheeseburger ˈtʃiːzˌbɜː.ɡə noun ‫بأرجر بأالجبأن‬
chemist’s ˈkem.ɪsts noun ‫صيدلية‬
cheque tʃek noun ‫صك مصرفي‬
chicken ˈtʃɪk.ɪn noun ‫لحم دجاج‬
chicken ˈtʃɪk.ɪn noun ‫دجاجة‬
children ˈtʃɪl.drən noun ‫أطفال‬
chilli ˈtʃɪl.i noun ‫فلفل حار‬
China ˈtʃaɪ.nə noun ‫الصين‬
Chinese ˌtʃaɪˈniːz adjective ‫صيني‬
chips tʃɪps noun ‫رقِائق البأطاطس المقلية‬
chocolate ˈtʃɒk.əl.ət noun ‫شوكولتة‬
choose tʃuːz verb ‫يختار‬
cigarette ˌsɪɡ.əˈret noun ‫سجائر‬
cinema ˈsɪn.ə.mə noun ‫سينما‬
city ˈsɪt.i noun ‫مدينة‬
classes klɑːsɪz noun ‫حصص‬
classroom ˈklɑːs.ruːm noun ‫صف دراسي‬
clean kliːn verb ‫ثينظف‬
clean kliːn adjective ‫نظيف‬
cleaner ˈkliː.nə noun ‫عامل تنظيف‬
clothes kləʊðz noun ‫ملُبأس‬
cloud klaʊd noun ‫سحاب‬
cloudy ˈklaʊ.di adjective ‫غائم‬
clubbing klʌbɪŋ noun ‫يذهب للنادي الليليي‬
coach kəʊtʃ noun ‫حافلة‬
coast kəʊst noun ‫ساحل‬
coat kəʊt noun ‫عمعطف‬
coffee ˈkɒf.i noun ‫قِهوة‬
coffee table ˈkɒf.i ˌteɪ.bəl noun ‫منضدة لتقديم الشاي والقهوة‬
cold kəʊld adjective ‫بأارد‬
cold kəʊld noun ‫بأارد‬
college ˈkɒl.ɪdʒ noun ‫معهد‬
colour ˈkʌl.ə noun ‫لون‬
comfortable ˈkʌmf.tə.bəl adjective ‫مريح‬
company ˈkʌm.pə.ni noun ‫شركة‬
competition ˌkɒm.pəˈtɪʃ.ən noun ‫منافسة‬
computer kəmˈpjuː.tə noun ‫حاسوب‬

computer science kəmˈpjuː.tə ˌsaɪ.ənts noun ‫علوم الحاسوب‬

concert ˈkən.sɜːt noun ‫حفل غنائي‬
conference ˈkɒn.fər.əns noun ‫مؤتمر‬
Congratulations! kən.ˌɡræ.tʃʊ.ˈleɪ.ʃənz exclamation ‫!مبأروك‬
contract ˈkən.trækt noun ‫عقد‬
cook kʊk noun ‫طاهي‬
cooker ˈkʊk.ə noun ‫جهاز الطهي‬
cooking ˈkʊ.kɪŋ noun ‫طهي‬
coral reef ˈkɒr.əl riːf noun ‫ث‬
‫شعب مرجانية‬

cost kɒst verb ‫ثيكيلف‬

cough kɒf noun ‫كحة‬

country ˈkʌn.tri noun ‫بألد‬
countryside ˈkʌn.trɪ.saɪd noun ‫ريف‬
couple ˈkʌp.(ə)l noun ‫زوجين‬
couple ˈkʌp.(ə)l noun ‫إثانين‬
course kɔːs noun ‫دورة دراسية‬
cousin ˈkʌz.ən noun
‫إبأن أو إبأنة‬
cow kaʊ noun ‫بأقرة‬
crash kræʃ noun ‫حادث تحطم‬
cream kriːm noun ‫قِشدة‬
credit card ˈkred.ɪt ˌkɑːd noun ‫بأطاقِة إئتمان‬
croissant ˈkwæs.ɒ noun ‫كرواسون‬
crowded kraʊdɪd adjective ‫مزدحم‬
cupboard ˈkʌb.əd noun ‫خزانة الملُبأس‬
curtains ˈkɜː.tənz noun ‫ستائر‬
customer ˈkʌs.tə.mə noun ‫زبأون‬
cycle ˈsaɪ.k(ə)l verb ‫يركب دراجة هوائية‬
cycling ˈsaɪ.klɪŋ noun ‫ركوب الدراجة الهوائية‬
damage ˈdæm.ɪdʒ noun ‫ضرر‬
dance dɑːns noun ‫رقِص‬
dancing dɑːnsɪŋ noun ‫رقِص‬
dangerous ˈdeɪn.dʒə.rəs adjective ‫خطير‬
dark dɑːk adjective ‫غامق‬
daughter ˈdɔː.tə noun ‫إبأنة‬
day deɪ noun ‫يوم‬
December dɪˈsem.bə noun (‫ديسمبأر )كانون الول‬
decide dɪˈsaɪd verb ‫يقرر‬
degree dɪˈɡriː noun ‫درجة‬
degree dɪˈɡriː noun ‫شهادة جامعية‬
delayed dɪˈleɪd adjective ‫متأخر‬
dentist ˈden.tɪst noun ‫طبأيب أسنان‬
department store dɪˈpɑːt.mənt stɔː noun ‫متجر متعدد القِسام‬
depressed dɪˈprest adjective ‫ثمكتئب‬
desert ˈdez.ət noun ‫صحراء‬
designer dɪˈzaɪ.nə noun ‫ثمصعمم‬
designer clothes dɪˈzaɪ.nə kləʊðz noun ‫أزياء لماركة مشهورة‬
desk desk noun ‫مكتب‬
dessert dɪˈzɜːt noun ‫طبأق الحلو‬
diary ˈdaɪə.ri noun ‫مذكرات‬

dictionary ˈdɪk.ʃən.ər.i noun ‫قِاموس‬

die daɪ verb ‫يموت‬
different ˈdɪf.ər.ənt adjective ‫ثمختلف‬
difficult ˈdɪf.ɪ.kəlt adjective ‫صعب‬
dinner ˈdɪn.ə noun ‫عشاء‬
director dɪˈrek.tə noun ‫ثمخعرج‬
dirty ˈdɜː.ti adjective ‫وسخ‬
diving ˈdaɪ.vɪŋ noun ‫الغوص‬
divorced dɪˈvɔːst adjective ‫ثمطلق‬
do duː / də verb ‫يفعل‬
doctor ˈdɒk.tə noun ‫طبأيب‬
door dɔː noun ‫بأاب‬
double ˈdʌb.(ə)l adjective ‫لشخصين‬
download ˈdaʊn.ləʊd verb ‫ثيحيمل‬

dream driːm noun ‫ثحلم‬

dress dres noun ‫فستان‬
drink drɪŋk noun ‫شرب الخمر‬
drive draɪv verb ‫يقود السيارة‬
DVD ˌdiː.viːˈdiː noun ‫ثقِرص الفيديو الرقِمي‬
DVD player ˌdiː.viːˈdiː ˌple.ɪə noun ‫جهاز تشغيل الدي في دي‬
early ˈɜː.li adjective ‫ثمبأكر‬
easily ˈiː.zɪ.li adverb ‫بأسهولة‬
easy ˈiː.zi adjective ‫سهل‬
eat out iːt aʊt phrasal verb ‫يأكل بأمطعم‬
egg eɡ noun ‫بأيض‬
Egypt ˈiː.dʒɪpt noun ‫مصر‬
Egyptian iˈdʒɪp.ʃən adjective ‫مصري‬
eight eɪt number ‫ثامانية‬
eighteen ˌeɪˈtiːn number ‫ثامانية عشر‬
elephant ˈel.ɪ.fənt noun ‫فيل‬
eleven ɪˈlev.ən number ‫أحد عشر‬
email ˈiː.meɪl noun ‫بأريد إلكتروني‬
empty ˈemp.ti adjective ‫فارغ‬
engineer ˌen.dʒɪˈnɪə noun ‫ثمهندس‬
English ˈɪŋ.ɡlɪʃ noun ‫اللغة النجليزية‬
enjoy ɪnˈdʒɔɪ verb ‫يستمتع‬
enter ˈen.tə verb ‫يدخل‬
envelope ˈen.və.ləʊp noun ‫ظرف‬
escalator ˈes.kə.leɪ.tə noun ‫سلم متحرك‬
evening ˈiː.vnɪŋ noun ‫مساء‬
every ˈev.ri determiner ‫كل‬
exam ɪɡˈzæm noun ‫إمتحان‬
excellent ˈek.səl.ənt adjective ‫ممتاز‬
excited ɪkˈsaɪ.tɪd adjective ‫متحمس‬
exercise ˈek.sə.saɪz noun ‫تمارين رياضية‬
expensive ɪkˈspen.sɪv adjective ‫غالي الثامن‬
explain ɪkˈspleɪn verb ‫ثيوضح‬
eye aɪ noun ‫عين‬
fail feɪl verb ‫يرسب‬
fair feə adjective ‫فاتح البأشرة أو الشعر‬
false teeth ˈfɔːls ˈtiːθ noun ‫أسنان إصطناعية‬
family ˈfæm.ə.li noun ‫عائلة‬
famous ˈfeɪ.məs adjective ‫مشهور‬
fantastic fænˈtæs.tɪk adjective ‫رائع‬
farm fɑːm noun ‫مزرعة‬
fashion ˈfæʃ.ən noun ‫موضة‬
fast fɑːst adjective ‫سريع‬
fast fɑːst adverb ‫سريع‬
fast food ˌfɑːst ˈfuːd noun ‫الوجبأات السريعة‬
fat fæt adjective ‫سمين‬
father ˈfɑː.ðə noun ‫أب‬
favourite ˈfeɪ.vər.ət adjective ‫ضل‬
‫ثمف ي‬
February ˈə.ri noun (‫فبأراير )شبأاط‬
feel fiːl verb ‫ثيعحس‬
ferry ˈfer.i noun ‫عظبأارة‬
fifteen ˌfɪfˈtiːn number ‫خمسة عشر‬
film fɪlm noun ‫فيلم‬
find faɪnd verb ‫يجد‬
finish ˈfɪn.ɪʃ verb ‫ثينهي‬
first ˈfɜːst adjective ‫أول‬
fish fɪʃ noun ‫سمك‬
fit fɪt adjective ‫لئق بأدنيا ا‬
fitness ˈfɪt.nəs noun ‫لياقِة بأدنية‬
five faɪv number ‫خمسة‬
flat flæt noun ‫شقة‬
flight flaɪt noun ‫رحلة طيران‬
flight number ˈflaɪt ˌnʌm.bə noun ‫رقِم الرحلة‬
floor flɔː noun ‫أرضية‬
fluent ˈfluː.ənt adjective ‫فصيح‬
fly flaɪ verb ‫يسافر بأالطائرة‬
fog fɒɡ noun ‫ضبأاب‬
foggy ˈfɒɡ.i adjective ‫ضبأابأيي‬
food fuːd noun ‫طعام‬
foot fʊt noun ‫مشيا ا على القِدام‬
football ˈfʊt.bɔːl noun ‫كرة قِدم‬
forest ˈfɒr.ɪst noun ‫غابأة‬
four fɔː number ‫أربأعة‬
fourteen ˌfɔːˈtiːn number ‫أربأعة عشر‬
France frɑːnts noun ‫فرنسا‬
French frentʃ adjective ‫فرنسي‬
Friday ˈfraɪ.deɪ noun ‫الثجمعة‬
fridge frɪdʒ noun ‫ثالُجة‬
friend frend noun ‫صديق‬
friendly ˈ adjective ‫ودود‬

fruit fruːt noun ‫فواكه‬

fun fʌn noun ‫مرح‬

funny ˈfʌn.i adjective ‫ثم ه‬
furniture ˈfɜː.nɪ.tʃə noun ‫أثاات‬
gate ɡeɪt noun ‫بأوابأة‬
generous ˈdʒen.ər.əs adjective ‫ظكعريم‬
German ˈdʒɜː.mən adjective ‫ألماني‬
Germany ˈdʒɜː.mə.ni noun ‫ألمانيا‬
get ɡet verb ‫صل على‬
‫يح ث‬
get ɡet verb ‫يصل‬
get ɡet verb ‫يحصل على‬
get fit ɡet fɪt verb ‫يصبأح لئق بأدنيا ا‬
get on (sth) ɡet ɒn phrasal verb ‫يركب‬
get up ˈɡet ʌp phrasal verb ‫يستيقظ‬
glamorous ˈɡlæm.ər.əs adjective ‫فاتن‬
glass ɡlɑːs noun ‫كأس‬
go ɡəʊ verb ‫يذهب‬
go out ɡəʊ aʊt phrasal verb ‫يخرج‬
gone ɡɒn verb ‫ذهب‬
good ɡʊd adjective ‫جيد‬
good-looking ˌɡʊdˈlʊk.ɪŋ adjective ‫جيذاب‬
gorilla ɡəˈrɪl.ə noun ُ‫غوريل‬

GPS ˌdʒiː.piːˈes noun ‫النظام العالمي لتحديد المواقِع‬

grandchildren ˈɡrændˌtʃɪl.drən noun ‫أحفاد‬

granddaughter ˈɡrændˌdɔː.tə noun ‫حفيدة‬
grandfather ˈɡrændˌfɑː.ðə noun ‫جد‬
grandmother ˈɡrændˌmʌð.ə noun ‫جدة‬
grandparent ˈɡrændˌpeə.rənt noun ‫جد و جدة‬
grandson ˈɡrænd.sʌn noun ‫حفيد‬
great ɡreɪt adjective ‫عظيم‬
green ɡriːn adjective ‫أخضر‬
grey ɡreɪ adjective ‫رمادي‬
guide book ˈɡaɪd.bʊk noun ‫دليل‬

guided ɡaɪdɪd adjective ‫بأمساعدة مرشد‬

gym dʒɪm noun ‫صالة اللعاب الرياضية‬
had hæd / həd verb ‫كان لديه‬
hair heə noun ‫ظشهعر‬
haircut ˈheə.kʌt noun ‫قِص الشعر‬
hand luggage ˈhænd ˌlʌɡ.ɪdʒ noun ‫حقيبأة يد‬
happiness ˈhæpɪ.nəs noun ‫سعادة‬
happy ˈhæp.i adjective ‫سعيد‬
Happy anniversary! ˈhæp.i ˌæn.ɪˈvɜː.sər.i exclamation ‫!عيد زواج سعيد‬
Happy birthday! ˈhæp.i ˈbɜːθ.deɪ exclamation ‫!عيد ميلُد سعيد‬
Happy New Year! ˈhæp.i ˌnjuː ˈjɪə exclamation ‫!سنة جديدة سعيدة‬
hard hɑːd adverb ‫صعب‬
hardly ever ˈhɑː ˈev.ə phrase ‫قِليلُا ما‬
hard-working ˌhɑːdˈwɜː.kɪŋ adjective ‫مجتهد في عمله‬
hat hæt noun ‫قِبأعة‬
hate heɪt verb ‫يكره‬
have hæv /həv verb ‫يتناول‬
have hæv /həv verb ‫يحصل على‬
have hæv /həv verb ‫يعاني‬
headache ˈhed.eɪk noun ‫صداع‬
healthy ˈhel.θi adjective ‫بأصحة جيدة‬
heavy ˈhev.i adjective ‫ثاقيل‬
helicopter ˈhel.ɪ.kɒp.tə noun ‫طائرة مروحية‬
hero ˈhɪə.rəʊ noun ‫بأطل‬
hill hɪl noun ‫تل‬
holiday ˈhɒl.ə.deɪ noun ‫عطلة‬
home həʊm noun ‫منزل‬
home həʊm adjective ‫منزل‬
home number həʊm ˈnʌm.bə noun ‫رقِم المنزل‬
homework ˈhəʊm.wɜːk noun ‫واجب بأيتي‬
horse hɔːs noun ‫حصان‬
hospital ˈhɒs.pɪ.təl noun ‫مستشفى‬
hot hɒt adjective ‫حار‬
hotel həʊˈtel noun ‫ثفندق‬
hour aʊə noun ‫ساعة‬
house haʊs noun ‫منزل‬
housewife ˈhaʊs.waɪf noun ‫ربأة منزل‬
housework ˈhaʊs.wɜːk noun ‫أعمال المنزل‬
hundred ˈhʌn.drəd number ‫مائة‬
hurt hɜːt verb ‫يؤلم‬
husband ˈhʌz.bənd noun ‫زوج‬
ice cream ˌaɪsˈkriːm noun ‫آيس كريم‬
ID card ˌaɪˈdiːˌkɑːd/ noun ‫بأطاقِة شخصية‬
ill ɪl adjective ‫مريض‬
illness ˈɪl.nəs noun ‫مرض‬
important ɪmˈpɔː.tənt adjective ‫ثمهم‬
in ɪn preposition ‫في‬
in front of ɪn ˈfrʌnt əv phrase ‫أمام‬
instrument ˈɪn.strə.mənt noun ‫آلة موسيقية‬
interesting ˈɪn.trəstɪŋ adjective ‫مثاير للهتمام‬

internet ˈɪn.tə.net noun ‫النترنت‬

island ˈaɪ.lənd noun ‫جزيرة‬
Italian ɪˈtæl.i.ən / ɪˈtæl.jən adjective ‫إيطالي‬
Italy ˈɪt.əl.i noun ‫إيطاليا‬
jacket ˈdʒæk.ɪt noun ‫جاكيت‬
jam dʒæm noun ‫ثمربأى‬
January ˈdʒæn.ju.ər.i noun (‫يناير )كانون الثااني‬
Japan dʒəˈpæn noun ‫اليابأان‬
Japanese ˌdʒæp.əˈniːz adjective ‫يابأاني‬
jazz dʒæz noun ‫موسيقى الجاز‬
jeans dʒiːnz noun ‫بأنطلون جينز‬
job dʒɒb noun ‫وظيفة‬
journey ˈdʒɜː.ni noun ‫رحلة‬
juice dʒuːs noun ‫عصير‬
July dʒʊˈlaɪ noun (‫يوليو )تموز‬
jumper ˈdʒʌm.pə noun ‫بألوزة‬
June dʒuːn noun (‫يونيو )حزيران‬
keys kiːz noun ‫مفاتيح‬
kids kɪdz noun ‫أطفال‬
kilos ˈkiː.ləʊz noun ‫كيلوغرامات‬
kind kaɪnd adjective ‫لطيف‬
kiosk ˈkiː.ɒsk noun ‫كشك‬
kitchen ˈkɪtʃ.ɪn noun ‫مطبأخ‬
lake leɪk noun ‫ثبأحيرة‬
lamp læmp noun ‫مصبأاح‬
language ˈlæŋ.ɡwɪdʒ noun ‫لغة‬
laptop ˈlæp.tɒp noun ‫حاسوب محمول‬
last lɑːst adjective ‫السابأق‬
late leɪt adjective ‫ثمتأخر‬
launch lɔːnʃ verb ‫ثيطلق‬
lawyer ˈlɔɪ.ə noun ‫ثمحامي‬
lazy ˈleɪ.zi adjective ‫كسول‬
leave liːv verb ‫يترك‬
left left adverb ‫يسار‬
left left noun ‫يسار‬
leg leɡ noun ‫ساق‬
less les adverb ‫أقِل‬
letter ˈlet.ə noun ‫رسالة‬
lift lɪft noun ‫مصعد‬
light laɪt adjective ‫فاعتح‬
like laɪk verb ‫ثيحب‬
lion ˈlaɪ.ən noun ‫أسد‬
listen to ˈlɪs.ən tuː verb ‫يستمع ل‬
litre ˈliː.tə noun ‫لتر‬
live laɪv verb ‫يسكن‬
live TV laɪv ˌtiːˈviː noun ‫بأث مبأاشر‬
living room ˈlɪv.ɪŋ ˌruːm noun ‫غرفة المعيشة‬
long lɒŋ adjective ‫ظطعويل‬
lose luːz verb ‫يفقد‬
lose luːz verb ‫يفقد‬
lottery ˈlɒt.ə.ri noun ‫يانصيب‬
love lʌv verb ‫يعشق‬
love lʌv verb ‫يعشق‬
lucky ˈlʌk.i adjective ‫محظوظ‬
lunch lʌntʃ noun ‫غداء‬
magazines ˌmæɡ.əˈziːnz noun ‫مجلُت‬
make meɪk verb ‫يصنع‬
manager ˈmæn.ɪ.dʒə noun ‫ثمدير‬
map mæp noun ‫خريطة‬
March mɑːtʃ noun (‫مارس )آذار‬
market ˈmɑː.kɪt noun ‫سوق‬
married ˈmæ.rid adjective ‫متزوج‬
May meɪ noun (‫مايو )أيار‬
mayonnaise ˌmeɪ.əˈneɪz noun ‫مايونيز‬
meat miːt noun ‫لحم‬
mechanic məˈkæn.ɪk noun ‫ميكانيكي‬
medicine ˈme.dɪ.sən noun ‫دواء‬
meet miːt verb ‫يلتقي‬
meeting ˈmiː.tt̬ɪŋ noun ‫إجتماع‬
member ˈmem.bə noun ‫عضو‬
message ˈmes.ɪdʒ noun ‫رسالة‬
met met verb ‫قِابأظل‬
Mexican ˈmek.sɪ.kən adjective ‫مكسيكي‬
Mexico ˈmek.sɪ.kəʊ noun ‫المكسيك‬
middle ˈmɪd.(ə)l adjective ‫وسط‬
middle-aged ˌmɪd.əlˈeɪdʒd adjective ‫في منتصف العمر‬
mile maɪl noun ‫ميل‬
milk mɪlk noun ‫حليب‬
million ˈmɪl.jən noun ‫مليون‬
mineral water ˈmɪn.ər.əl ˌwɔː.tə noun ‫مياه معدنية‬
minute ˈmɪnɪt noun ‫دقِيقة‬
mirror ˈmɪr.ə noun ‫مرآة‬
missing ˈmɪs.ɪŋ adjective ‫مفقود‬
mixed mɪkst adjective ‫مخلوط‬
mobile ˈməʊ.baɪl noun ‫جيوال‬
mobile phone ˈməʊ.baɪl ˈfəʊn noun ‫هاتف جيوال‬
Monday ˈmʌn.deɪ noun ‫الثانين‬
money ˈmʌ.ni noun ‫نقود‬
monkey ˈmʌŋ.ki noun ‫قِرد‬
month mʌntθ noun ‫شهر‬
morning ˈmɔː.nɪŋ noun ‫صبأاح‬
mosque mɒsk noun ‫مسجد‬
mother ˈmʌð.ə noun ‫ثأم‬
motorbike ˈməʊ.tə.baɪk noun ‫دراجة نارية‬
mountain ˈmaʊn.tɪn noun ‫جبأل‬
mouse maʊs noun ‫فأر‬
moustache məˈstɑːʃ noun ‫ظشاعرب‬
move muːv verb ‫ينتقل‬
move muːv verb ‫ينتقل‬

MP3 player ˌem.piːˈθriː ˌpleɪə noun ‫ جهاز‬MP3

museum mjuːˈziː.əm noun ‫متحف‬

music ˈmjuː.zɪk noun ‫موسيقى‬
musical ˈmjuː.zɪ.kəl adjective ‫موسيقي‬
musician mjuːˈzɪʃ.ən noun ‫عازف موسيقى‬
name neɪm noun ‫إسم‬

nationality ˌnæʃ.ənˈæl.ə.ti noun ‫جنسية‬

need niːd verb ‫يحتاج‬

never ˈnev.ə adverb ‫ثمطلقا ا‬
new njuː adjective ‫جديد‬
New Year’s Eve ˌnjuːˌjɪəzˈiːv noun ‫ليلة رأس السنة الجديدة‬
newsagent’s ˈnjuːzˌeɪ.dʒənts noun ‫محل بأيع الجرائد‬
newspaper ˈnjuːsˌpeɪ.pə noun ‫جريدة‬
next to nekst tuː preposition ‫بأجانب‬
nice naɪs adjective ‫جميل‬
night naɪt noun ‫ليل‬
nine naɪn number ‫تسعة‬
nineteen ˌnaɪnˈtiːn number ‫تسعة عشر‬
noisy ˈnɔɪ.zi adjective ‫ضوضائي‬
notes nəʊts noun ‫ملُحظات‬
nought nɔːt noun ‫صفر‬
November nəʊˈvem.bə noun (‫نوفمبأر )تشرين الثااني‬
number ˈnʌm.bə noun ‫رقِم‬
observatory əbˈzɜː.və.tri noun ‫مرصد فلكي‬
October ɒkˈtəʊ.bə noun (‫أكتوبأر )تشرين الول‬
off ɒf adverb ‫من‬
often ˈɒf.ən / ˈɒft.ən adverb ‫غالبأا ا‬
old əʊld adjective ‫قِديم‬
old əʊld adjective ‫عجوز‬
olives ˈɒl.ɪvz noun ‫زيتون‬
on ɒn preposition ‫على‬
on ɒn preposition ‫على‬
on time ɒn taɪm phrase ‫في الموعد‬
once wʌns adverb ‫مرة واحدة‬
one wʌn pronoun ‫واحد‬
online ˌɒnˈlaɪn adjective ‫على النترنت‬
opposite ˈɒp.ə.zɪt preposition ‫مقابأل‬
or ɔː / ə conjunction ‫أو‬
orange ˈɒr.ɪndʒ noun ‫بأرتقال‬
orange ˈɒr.ɪndʒ adjective ‫بأرتقالي‬
Oscar ˈɒs.kə noun ‫جائزة الوسكار‬

outgoing ˌaʊtˈɡəʊ.ɪŋ adjective ‫إجتماعي‬

over ˈəʊ.və adverb ‫عبأر‬
overweight ˌəʊ.vəˈweɪt adjective ‫بأدين‬
pack pæk verb ‫يحزم المتعة‬
painkiller ˈpeɪnˌkɪl.ə noun ‫ثمظسكن‬
parent ˈpeə.rənt noun ‫والد أو والدة‬
park pɑːk noun ‫حديقة‬
party ˈpɑː.ti noun ‫حفلة‬
pass pɑːs verb ‫ينجح‬
passenger ˈpæs.ən.dʒə noun ‫راكب‬
passport ˈpɑːs.pɔːt noun ‫جواز سفر‬
past pɑːst adverb ‫ما وراء‬
pen pen noun ‫قِلم حبأر‬
pencil ˈpen.səl noun ‫قِلم رصاص‬
person ˈpɜː.sən noun ‫شخص‬
pet pet noun ‫حيوان أليف‬
phone fəʊn noun ‫هاتف‬
phone fəʊn verb ‫يتصل هاتفيا ا‬
photos ˈfəʊ.təʊz noun ‫صور فوتوغرافية‬
physics ˈfɪz.ɪks noun ‫الفيزياء‬
picnic ˈpɪk.nɪk noun ‫نزهة‬
pie paɪ noun ‫فطيرة‬
pink pɪŋk adjective ‫وردي‬
pizza ˈpiːt.sə noun ‫بأيتزا‬
place pleɪs noun ‫منزل‬
plan plæn noun ‫تصميم‬
plane pleɪn noun ‫طائرة‬
plant plɑːnt noun ‫نبأتة‬
play pleɪ verb ‫يلعب‬
play pleɪ verb ‫يلعب‬
point pɔɪnt noun ‫فاصلة‬
Poland ˈpəʊ.lənd noun ‫بأولندا‬
police officer pəˈliːs ˈɒf.ɪ.sə noun ‫ضابأط شرطة‬
Polish ˈpəʊ.lɪʃ adjective ‫بأولندي‬
poor pɔː adjective ‫فقير‬
popular ˈpɒp.jə.lə adjective ‫ذو شعبأية‬
post office ˈpəʊst ˌɒf.ɪs noun ‫مكتب بأريد‬
postcard ˈpəʊst.kɑːd noun ‫بأطاقِة معايدة‬
postcode ˈpəʊst.kəʊd noun ‫رمز بأريدي‬
poster ˈpəʊ.stə noun ‫ثملصق‬
press pres verb ‫يضغط‬
prince prɪns noun ‫أمير‬
princess prɪnˈses noun ‫أميرة‬
prison ˈprɪz.ən noun ‫سجن‬
prize praɪz noun ‫جائزة‬
pub pʌb noun ‫حانة‬

public transport ˌpʌb.lɪk ˈtræn.spɔːt/ noun ‫مواصلُت عامة‬

purple ˈpɜː.pəl adjective ‫بأنفسجي‬
put pʊt verb ‫يضع‬

Pyramids ˈpɪr.ə.mɪdz noun ‫الهرامات‬

qualifications ˌkwɒl.ɪ.fɪˈkeɪ.ʃənz noun ‫مؤهلُت‬

queue kjuː noun ‫صف‬
quiet ˈkwaɪ.ət adjective ‫هادئ‬
quite kwaɪt adverb ‫قِليلُا‬
rabbit ˈræb.ɪt noun ‫أرنب‬
radio ˈreɪ.di.əʊ phrase ‫مذياع‬
rain reɪn noun ‫مطر‬
raining ˈreɪn.ɪŋ verb ‫ثتمطر‬
read riːd verb ‫يقرأ‬
reading ˈriːd.ɪŋ noun ‫قِراءة‬
really ˈrɪə.li adverb ‫حقا ا‬
receive rɪˈsiːv verb ‫يتلقى‬
receptionist rɪˈsep.ʃən.ɪst noun ‫موظف إستقبأال‬

record rɪˈkɔːd verb ‫ثيسجل‬

red red adjective ‫أحمر‬
reliable rɪˈlaɪ.ə.b(ə)l adjective ‫جدير بأالثاقة‬
rent rent verb ‫يستأجر‬
rent rent noun ‫إيجار‬
report rɪˈpɔːt noun ‫تقرير‬
restaurant ˈrest.ə.rɒnt noun ‫مطعم‬
retired rɪˈtaɪ.əd adjective ‫متقاعد‬
revise rɪˈvaɪz verb ‫ثيراجع‬
rice raɪs noun ‫أرز‬
rich rɪtʃ adjective ‫غني‬
ride raɪd verb ‫يركب‬
right raɪt adverb ‫يمين‬
right raɪt noun ‫يمين‬
right raɪt adjective ‫صحيح‬
river ˈrɪv.ə noun ‫نهر‬
road rəʊd noun ‫شارع‬
robot ˈrəʊ.bɒt noun ‫إنسان آلي‬
rock rɒk noun ‫موسيقى الروك‬

room ruːm / rʊm noun ‫غرفة‬

run rʌn noun ‫ركض‬

running rʌnɪŋ noun ‫ركض‬
Russia ˈrʌʃ.ə noun ‫روسيا‬
Russian ˈrʌʃ.ən adjective ‫روسي‬
sad sæd adjective ‫حزين‬
sadness sædnəs noun ‫ثحزن‬
safe seɪf adjective ‫آمن‬
said sed verb ‫قِال‬

sail seɪl verb ‫ثيبأحر‬

salad ˈsæl.əd noun ‫سلطة‬
sales assistant ˈseɪlz əˈsɪs.tənt noun ‫موظف مبأيعات‬
same seɪm phrase ‫نفسه‬
sandwich ˈsæn.wɪdʒ noun ‫شطيرة‬
Saturday ˈsæt.ə.deɪ noun ‫السبأت‬
sausage ˈsɒs.ɪdʒ noun ‫نقانق‬
save seɪv verb ‫ثينقذ‬

say seɪ verb ‫يقول‬

school skuːl noun ‫مدرسة‬
scientist ˈsaɪ.ən.tɪst noun ‫عاعلم‬
scooter ˈskuː.tə noun ‫دراجة نارية صغيرة‬
script skrɪpt noun ‫سيناريو‬
sea siː noun ‫بأحر‬
search engine ˈsɜːtʃ ˌen.dʒɪn noun ‫ثمحرك البأحث‬

seat siːt noun ‫مقعد‬

second ˈsek.ənd noun ‫ثاانية‬
seen siːn verb ‫رأى‬
selfish ˈsel.fɪʃ adjective ‫أظناعنيي‬
send send verb ‫ثيرعسل‬
send back ˌsend ˈbæk phrasal verb ‫ثيعيد‬
September sepˈtem.bə noun (‫سبأتمبأر )أيلول‬
seven ˈsev.ən number ‫سبأعة‬
seventeen ˌsev.ənˈtiːn number ‫سبأعة عشر‬
sheep ʃiːp noun ‫خروف‬
shelf ʃelf noun ‫رف‬
shirt ʃɜːt noun ‫قِميص‬
shoe ʃuː noun ‫حذاء‬
shop ʃɒp noun ‫متجر‬
shopping ˈʃɒp.ɪŋ noun ‫المشتروات‬
shopping ˈʃɒp.ɪŋ noun ‫تسوق‬
short ʃɔːt adjective ‫قِصير‬
shorts ʃɔːts noun ‫سروال قِصير‬
shower ˈʃaʊ.ə noun ‫دوش‬
shy ʃaɪ adjective ‫ظخثجول‬
sick sɪk adjective ‫مريض‬
sightseeing ˈsaɪt.siːɪŋ noun ‫زيارة المعالم السياحية‬
sign saɪn verb ‫يويقِع‬
sing sɪŋ verb ‫ثيغني‬
single ˈsɪŋ.ɡ(ə)l adjective ‫لشخص واحد‬
sink sɪŋk noun ‫حوض‬
sister ˈsɪs.tə noun ‫أخت‬
sit sɪt verb ‫يجلس‬
six sɪks number ‫ستة‬
sixteen ˌsɪkˈstiːn number ‫ستة عشر‬
ski skiː verb ‫يتزلج‬
skiing ˈskiː.ɪŋ noun ‫التزلج‬
skirt skɜːt noun ‫تنورة‬

sleep sliːp verb ‫ينام‬

slim slɪm adjective ‫ظمهم ث‬
slow sləʊ adjective ‫بأطيء‬
small smɔːl adjective ‫صغير‬
smoking ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ noun ‫تدخين‬
snake sneɪk noun ‫ثثاعبأان‬

snorkelling ˈsnɔː.k.ə.lɪŋ noun

‫غوص بأإستخدام أنبأوبأة التنفس‬
snowing ˈsnəʊ.ɪŋ verb ‫ثتثالج‬
socks sɒks noun ‫جوارب‬
sofa ˈsəʊ.fə noun ‫أريكة‬
sometimes ˈsʌm.taɪmz adverb ‫أحيانا ا‬
son sʌn noun ‫إبأن‬
sore sɔː adjective ‫مؤلم‬
soup suːp noun ‫شوربأة‬
space speɪs noun ‫مساحة‬
Spain speɪn noun ‫أسبأانيا‬
Spanish ˈspæn.ɪʃ adjective ‫أسبأاني‬
sparkling ˈspɑː.klɪŋ adjective ‫فيوار‬
speak spiːk verb ‫يتحدث‬
spend spend verb ‫يقضي‬

sport spɔːt noun ‫رياضة‬

spring sprɪŋ noun ‫ربأيع‬

square skweə noun ‫ميدان‬

stamp stæmp noun ‫طابأع بأريدي‬
star stɑː noun ‫نجمة‬
start stɑːt verb ‫يبأدأ‬
station ˈsteɪ.ʃən noun ‫محطة‬
stay steɪ verb ‫يبأقى‬
stay steɪ verb ‫يبأقى‬
stay in ˌsteɪ ˈɪn phrasal verb ‫يبأقى بأالمنزل‬
still stɪl adjective ‫غير فيوار‬
stomach ˈstʌm.ək noun ‫معدة‬
stop stɒp verb ‫يتوقِف‬
storm stɔːm noun ‫عاصفة‬
strawberry ˈstrɔː.bə.ri noun ‫فراولة‬
street striːt noun ‫شارع‬
stressed strest adjective ‫قِعلق‬
student ˈstjuː.dənt noun ‫طالب‬
study ˈstʌd.i verb ‫يدثرس‬
successful səkˈses.fəl adjective ‫ناجح‬
sugar ˈʃʊɡ.ə noun ‫سكر‬
suit suːt noun ‫بأدلة‬
suitcase ˈsuːt.keɪs noun ‫حقيبأة سفر‬
summer ˈsʌm.ə noun ‫صيف‬
sun sʌn noun ‫شمس‬
Sunday ˈsʌn.deɪ noun ‫الحد‬
sunny ˈsʌn.i adjective ‫ثمشمس‬
supermarket ˈsuː.pəˌmɑː.kɪt noun ‫سوبأر ماركت‬
surf sɜːf verb ‫يركب المواج‬
surname ˈsɜː.neɪm noun ‫إسم العائلة‬

survey ˈsɜː.veɪ noun ‫دراسة‬

sweet swiːt adjective ‫حلو‬
swim swɪm verb ‫يسبأح‬
swimming ˈswɪm.ɪŋ noun ‫سبأاحة‬
table ˈteɪ.b(ə)l noun ‫منضدة‬
take teɪk verb ‫يأثخذ‬
take an exam ˌteɪk ən ɪɡˈzæm verb ‫يمتحن‬
take photos ˌteɪk ˈfəʊ.təʊz verb ‫يلتقط صور‬
take the day off ˌteɪk ðə deɪ ˈɒf phrase ‫أخذ إجازة ليوم واحد‬
tall tɔːl adjective ‫طويل‬
taxi ˈtæ noun ‫سيارة أجرة‬
tea tiː noun ‫شاي‬
teacher ˈtiː.tʃə noun ‫ثمعلم‬
tell tel verb ‫يأثمر‬
temperature ˈtem.prə.tʃə noun ‫ثحيمى‬
ten ten number ‫عشرة‬
tennis ˈten.ɪs noun ‫تنس‬
terrible ˈter.ə.b(ə)l adjective ‫بأغيض‬
text tekst noun ‫رسالة نصية‬
that ðæt pronoun ‫ذلك‬

the ðiː / ðə determiner ( ‫أداة التعريف )الـ‬

the ðiː / ðə determiner ( ‫أداة التعريف )الـ‬

theatre ˈθɪə.tə noun ‫مسرح‬
these ðiːz pronoun ‫هؤلء‬
thin θɪn adjective ‫نحيل‬
thing θɪŋ noun ‫شئ‬
thirteen θɜːˈtiːn number ‫ثالُثاة عشر‬
this ðɪs pronoun ‫هذا‬
those ðəʊz pronoun ‫أولئك‬
thousand ˈθaʊ.zənd noun ‫ألف‬
three θriː number ‫ثالُثاة‬
throat θrəʊt noun ‫ظحهلق‬
Thursday ˈθɜːz.deɪ noun ‫الخميس‬

ticket ˈtɪk.ɪt noun ‫تذكرة‬

tie taɪ noun ‫ربأطة عنق‬

tiger ˈtaɪ.ɡə noun ‫نمر‬
time taɪm noun ‫الوقِت‬
time taɪm noun ‫وقِت‬
times taɪmz noun ‫مرات‬
tissue ˈtɪʃ.uː noun ‫منديل‬
to tə preposition ‫إلى‬
toast təʊst noun ‫خبأز محمص‬
toilet ˈtɔɪ.lət noun ‫مرحاض‬
told təʊld verb ‫أظمظر‬
tomato təˈmɑː.təʊ noun ‫طماطم‬
too tuː adverb ‫كثايراا‬
toothache ˈtuːθ.eɪk noun ‫ألم أسنان‬
top tɒp noun ‫بألوزة‬
tour tʊə noun ‫جولة‬
tourist ˈtʊə.rɪst noun ‫سائح‬
town taʊn noun ‫مدينة‬
traffic ˈtræf.ɪk noun ‫حركة المرور‬
train treɪn noun ‫قِطار‬
trainers ˈtreɪ.nəz noun ‫حذاء رياضة‬
tram træm noun ‫ترام‬

travel around ˈtræv.əl əˈraʊnd phrase ‫التنقل بأين معالم المدينة‬

travelling ˈtræv.lɪŋ noun ‫سفر‬
trip trɪp noun ‫رحلة‬
trousers ˈtraʊ.zəz noun ‫سروال‬
try traɪ verb ‫يحاول‬
try on traɪ ən phrasal verb ‫ثيجرب‬
T-shirt ˈtiː.ʃɜːt noun ‫تي شيرت‬
Tuesday ˈtjuːz.deɪ noun ‫الثالُثااء‬
tuna ˈtjuː.nə noun ‫تونة‬
Turkey ˈtɜː.ki noun ‫تركيا‬
Turkish ˈtɜː.kɪʃ adjective ‫ثتركي‬
turn tɜːn verb ‫يدور‬

turn off tɜːn ɒf phrasal verb ‫ثيغلق‬

turn on tɜːn ɒn phrasal verb ‫يفتح‬

TV ˌtiːˈviː noun ‫تلفزيون‬
TV programme ˌtiːˈviː ˈprəʊ.ɡræm noun ‫بأرنامج تلفزيوني‬
TV show ˌtiːˈviː ʃəʊ noun ‫بأرنامج تلفزيوني‬
twelve twelv number ‫إثانا عشر‬
twenty ˈtwen.ti number ‫عشرون‬
twice twaɪs adverb ‫مرتين‬
two tuː number ‫إثانان‬
ugly ˈʌɡ.li adjective ‫قِبأيح‬
UK ˌjuːˈkeɪ noun ‫المملكة المتحدة‬
umbrella ʌmˈbrel.ə noun ‫مظلة‬
uncle ˈʌŋ.k(ə)l noun ‫خال أو عم‬
under ˈʌn.də preposition ‫تحت‬
unemployed ˌʌn.ɪmˈplɔɪd adjective ‫عاطل‬
unfriendly ʌnˈ adjective ‫غير ودود‬
unhappy ʌnˈhæp.i adjective ‫غير سعيد‬
university ˌjuː.nɪˈvɜː.sə.ti noun ‫جامعة‬
unlucky ʌnˈlʌ.ki adjective ‫غير محظوظ‬
USA ˌjuː.esˈeɪ noun ‫الوليات المتحدة المريكية‬
use juːz verb ‫يستخدم‬
usually ˈjuː.ʒə.li adverb ‫عاداة‬
vanilla vəˈnɪ.lə noun ُ‫فانيل‬
vegetable ˈvedʒ.tə.bəl noun ‫ثخضار‬
very ˈvɪə.ri adverb ‫جداا‬
video ˈvɪd.i.əʊ noun ‫فيديو‬
video games ˈvɪd.i.əʊ ˌɡeɪmz noun ‫ألعاب فيديو‬
village ˈvɪl.ɪdʒ noun ‫قِرية‬
villain ˈvɪl.ən noun ‫شرير‬
visit ˈvɪz.ɪt verb ‫يزور‬
voicemail ˈvɔɪs.meɪl noun ‫بأريد صوتي‬

waiter ˈweɪ.tə noun ‫نادل‬

waitress ˈweɪ.trəs noun ‫نادلة‬
walk wɔːk noun ‫مشي‬
walk wɔːk verb ‫يمشي‬

wallet ˈwɒl.ɪt noun ‫محفظة‬

want wɒnt verb ‫يريد‬
warm wɔːm adjective ‫دافئ‬
wash wɒʃ verb ‫يغسل‬
washbasin ˈwɒʃˌbeɪ.sən noun ‫مغسلة‬
washing ˈwɒʃ.ɪŋ noun ‫غسيل‬
washing machine ˈwɒʃ.ɪŋ məˌʃiːn noun ‫غسالة الملُبأس‬
watch wɒtʃ noun ‫ساعة يد‬
watch wɒtʃ verb ‫ثيشاهد‬
weather ˈweð.ə noun ‫الطقس‬

website ˈweb.saɪt noun ‫موقِع على النترنت‬

wedding ˈwed.ɪŋ noun ‫حفل زواج‬

Wednesday ˈwenz.deɪ noun ‫الربأعاء‬
week wiːk noun ‫أسبأوع‬
weekend ˌwiːkˈend noun ‫عطلة نهاية السبأوع‬
weight weɪt noun ‫وزن‬
well wel adjective ‫بأصحة جيدة‬
well wel adverb ‫بأصورة جيدة‬
whale weɪl noun ‫حوت‬
white waɪt adjective ‫أبأيض‬
wife waɪf noun ‫زوجة‬
Wi-Fi ˈwaɪ.faɪ noun ‫واي فاي‬
wild waɪld adjective ‫ي‬
‫بأر ي‬
wildlife park ˈwaɪld.laɪf ˌpɑːk noun ‫محمية للحياة البأرية‬
win wɪn verb ‫يفوز‬
wind wɪnd noun ‫ريح‬
window ˈwɪn.dəʊ noun ‫نافذة‬

windsurf ˈwɪnd.sɜːf verb ‫يبأحر على لوح بأشراع‬

windy ˈwɪn.di adjective ‫عاصف‬
wine waɪn noun ‫نبأيذ‬
winter ˈwɪn.tə noun ‫شتاء‬
without wɪˈðaʊt preposition ‫بأدون‬
wolf wʊlf noun ‫ذئب‬
wonderful ˈwʌn.də.fəl adjective ‫رائع‬
wood wʊd noun ‫غابأة‬
work wɜːk noun ‫مكان العمل‬
work wɜːk verb ‫يعمل‬
work number ˈwɜːk ˌnʌm.bə noun ‫رقِم هاتف العمل‬
working ˈwɜːk.ɪŋ verb ‫يعمل‬
would like wʊd laɪk / wəd laɪk phrase ‫يود أن‬
would love ('d love) wʊd lʌv / wəd lʌv phrase ‫يحب أن‬
write raɪt verb ‫يكثتب‬
written ˈrɪt.ən adjective ‫مكتوب‬
wrong rɒŋ adjective ‫خطأ‬
year jɪə noun ‫سنة‬
yellow ˈjel.əʊ adjective ‫أصفر‬
yesterday ˈjes.tə.deɪ noun ‫يوم أمس‬
yoghurt ˈjɒg.ət noun ‫زبأادي‬
young jʌŋ adjective ‫شاب‬
zero ˈzɪə.rəʊ number ‫صفر‬
Definition Example
in a 3-D film or picture, the objects look real and solid
a 3D film
instead of looking like a normal flat picture
The story always has a hero, a princess and
used before a noun to mean one thing or person
a villain.
very much or very often Do they watch TV a lot?

an arrangement with a bank to keep your money there a bank account

someone whose job is to keep or examine the financial
She's an accountant.
records of a company or organization
pain which continues for a long time stomach ache
someone, especially a man, who performs in plays and
He's an actor.
a woman who performs in plays and films She's an actress.
the number of a building and the name of the street,
home address
city, etc where it is
the time between the middle of the day and the evening in the afternoon

in the past twenty minutes ago

a place where planes take off and land There isn't an airport near the town.
a passage between the lines of seats or goods in an
an aisle seat
aeroplane, church, or supermarket
the whole amount of something stay at home all weekend

forward go along this road / go along this street

a set of letters used for writing a language I can say the alphabet.
every time, or at all times I always get up early in the morning.
very good That's amazing!
relating to the United States of America I'm American.
used instead of 'a' when the next word starts with a
an award
vowel sound
something that lives and moves but is not a person,
Do you have any animals?
bird, fish, or insect
a day on which you remember or celebrate something
wedding anniversary
that happened on that day in the past
a different person or thing speak another language
to speak or write back to someone who has asked you a
answer an email
to pick up the telephone receiver (= part that you hold
answer the phone
to your ear) when it rings
medicine which cures infections by destroying harmful
take some antibiotics
A computer program designed for a particular purpose,
download apps
often on a Smartphone.
a hard, round fruit with a green or red skin apple pie and cream
the fourth month of the year in April
a country in South America I'm from Argentina.
coming from or relating to Argentina I'm Argentinian.
the long part at each side of the human body, ending in
My arm hurts.
a hand
a comfortable chair with sides that support your arms an armchair
the making of paintings, drawings, etc or the things
He studied art at Kanazawa College of Art
relating or belonging to Asia Asian culture
a common drug used to stop pain and fever take aspirin
beautiful or pleasant to look at an attractive woman
the eighth month of the year in August
the sister of your mother or father, or the wife of your
meet my aunt
a country on the continent of the same name I'm from Australia.
coming from or relating to Australia I'm Australian.
the season of the year between summer and winter,
in the autumn
when leaves fall from the trees
a prize given to someone for something good they have
He won awards in the USA.
to a different place go away for the weekend
very bad The hotel was really awful.
a very young child the birth of a new baby
the part of your body from your shoulders to your
My back hurts.
as a reply or reaction to something Can I call you back?
not good or pleasant bad weather
a container used for carrying things a paper bag

the part of the airport where you leave your bags What did the man at the bag drop say?

a shop where bread and cakes are sold and sometimes

a baker's
a small area on the outside wall of a high building where
on the balcony
you can stand or sit
with little or no hair John started to go bald at an early age.

a long, white fruit with a yellow skin I eat a banana every day.
an organization or place where you can save and borrow I must remember to go to the bank on my
money way home.
There are lots of bars and restaurants
a place where alcoholic drinks are sold and drunk
the container that you fill with water and sit in to wash
There’s a shower and a bath.
your body
a room with a bath, sink (=bowl for washing), and often
Does the bathroom have a shower?
a toilet
an object that provides electricity for things such as
The first mobile phone needed a big battery.
radios, toys, or cars
There’s a nice beach about five minutes
an area of sand or rocks next to the sea
the hair that grows on a man's chin (=the bottom of his
He's got a beard.
very attractive a beautiful cat
to begin to be something become a film director
a piece of furniture that you sleep on go to bed
a room used for sleeping in How many bedrooms are there?

have been to: to have gone to a place and come back I've never been to Australia.

an alcoholic drink made from grain German beer

at or to the back of someone or something It's behind the sofa.
less ill than before Get better soon!

a vehicle with two wheels that you sit on and move by

Have you got a bicycle?
turning the two pedals (=parts you press with your feet)

large in size or amount a big TV

short for bicycle rent a bike
the number 1,000,000,000 The film made $2 billion.
a person whose wealth is at least 1 000 000 000 in their
They became billionaires in 2004.
country's money
an animal that has wings and feathers and is usually You can see tigers, camels, snakes, colourful
able to fly birds and lots more.
the time when a baby is born the birth of a new baby

the day of the year on which someone was born Her birthday is on March the eighteenth.

a thin, flat cake that is dry and usually sweet I love biscuits.
being the colour of the sky on a dark night black jeans
a record of your thoughts that you put on the Internet
read a blog
for other people to read
Blonde hair is yellow. blonde hair
being the same colour as the sky when there are no
a blue suit
a piece of paper you must show to get on an aircraft Here's your boarding pass.

a vehicle for travelling on water go on a boat trip

to arrange to use or do something at a time in the future book a hotel room

a set of pages with writing on them fastened together in
Open your book.
a cover
a piece of furniture with shelves for putting books on It's on the bookcase.

a shop that sells books you can buy books and cards in a bookshop.

strong shoes that cover your foot and part of your leg a pair of boots
tired and unhappy because something is not interesting
I was really bored.
or because you are doing nothing
not interesting or exciting The party was a bit boring.
a container for liquids, usually made of glass or plastic,
a bottle of mineral water
with a narrow top
past of buy The couple bought the boat two years ago.

a round, deep dish used for holding soup and other food a bowl of soup

a square or rectangular container a light box

a country in South America I'm from Brazil.
coming from or relating to Brazil I'm Brazilian.

a basic food made by mixing and baking flour and water a slice of bread

the food you eat in the morning after you wake up have breakfast
a structure that is built over a river or road so that
go over the bridge
people can go across it
full of light or shining strongly bright light
relating to Great Britain or the United Kingdom I'm British.
a boy or man who has the same parents as you an older brother
being the same colour as chocolate dark brown hair
to make something by putting materials and parts
They built Google when they were students.
someone who makes or repairs buildings as a job I'm a builder.
a structure with walls and a roof, such as a house or
beautiful old buildings
past of build They built Google when they were students.

meat in a round, flat shape, that you eat between bread go out for a burger
a large vehicle that carries passengers by road, usually
a bus station
along a fixed route
a small card that has your name, company name, and
Here's my business card.
the job you do printed on it
The restaurant was very busy but the food
full of activity or people
was fantastic!
a shop that prepares and sells meat the butcher's

to get something by giving money for it The couple bought the boat two years ago.

near or next to by the window

a vehicle that hangs from thick cables and carries people
We went by cable car.
up hills and mountains
a small restaurant where you can buy drinks and small
There are lots of nice cafés.
a sweet food made from flour, butter, sugar, and eggs
a chocolate cake
mixed together and cooked
a unit for measuring the amount of energy food You use about 80 calories for every mile
provides you walk.
a large animal that lives in hot, dry places and has one
Go on a camel ride.
or two humps (=raised parts on its back)
a piece of equipment used to take photographs I've got a camera.
when you stay in a tent for a holiday go camping
a hat with a flat part at the front a baseball cap
a vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and seats for a few
clean the car

giving a lot of attention to what you are doing so that

careful planning
you do not have an accident or make a mistake

to do something with a lot of attention so that you do

He planned it very carefully.
not have an accident or make a mistake
thick material for covering floors, often made of wool It's on the carpet.
to hold something or someone with your hands or on
carry the shopping
your back and take them somewhere
a large, strong building that was built in the past to
We wanted to visit Wawel Castle.
protect the people inside from being attacked
a small animal with fur, four legs and a tail that is kept
We’ve got a beautiful cat.
as a pet
small animals with fur, four legs and a tail that are kept
He's got a dog and three cats.
as a pet
a machine that is used for playing music CDs It's a CD player.
We saw the cell where Nelson Mandela
a small room where a prisoner is kept
lived for 27 years.
a period of 100 years in the eighteenth century
a food that is made from grain and eaten with milk,
breakfast cereals
especially in the morning
a seat for one person, with a back and usually four legs It's a chair.
a number on a television that you choose in order to In the seventies you could only get three
watch a programme channels.
to put electricity into something charge your phone
to talk with someone in a friendly way chat to your friends online
not expensive, or costing less than usual a cheap watch

the place at an airport where you go to say that you have

arrived for your flight, or the act of going to the check-in check-in desk
to say that you have arrived for your flight

a yellow or white solid food made from milk French cheese

a hamburger with a slice of melted cheese on it Can I have a cheeseburger, please?
a shop where drugs are prepared and sold the chemist's
a piece of paper printed by a bank that you use to pay
write a cheque
for things
the meat of a chicken chicken salad
a bird kept on a farm for its meat and eggs A chicken is a farm animal.

young people who are not yet adults We’ve got two children, a boy and a girl.

a small, thin, red or green vegetable that tastes very hot chilli powder

a country in Asia I'm from China.

coming from or relating to China Chinese food
long, thin pieces of potato that are cooked in oil cheeseburger and chips

a sweet, brown food that is usually sold in a block chocolate ice cream
Please choose one of the following three
to decide which thing you want
a thin tube of paper filled with tobacco, that people
to smoke a cigarette
a building where you go to watch films go to the cinema
a large town the city centre

a period of time in which students are taught something When do you start classes?

a room in a school where students have lessons Things in the classroom.

to remove the dirt from something clean the car
not dirty clean clothes
someone whose job is to clean houses, offices, and other
She's a cleaner.
things such as shirts and trousers that you wear on your
shopping for clothes
one of the white or grey things in the sky that are made
There's a lot of cloud today.
of small water drops
with many clouds in the sky a cloudy day

when you go to clubs where there is music and dancing go clubbing

a comfortable bus used to take groups of people on long
a coach trip
A helicopter found them a hundred miles
the land next to the sea
from the Australian coast.
a piece of clothing that you wear over your other clothes
a winter coat
when you are outside
a hot drink made from dark beans which are made into
have coffee with friends
a powder, or a cup of this drink
a low table in a room where people sit It's under the coffee table.
having a low temperature The house was cold.

a common illness which makes your nose produce liquid have a cold
a place where students are educated after they have
go to college
stopped going to school
using or showing all the colours, not only black and
colour TV
making you feel relaxed and free from pain This sofa’s very comfortable.
an organization which sells things or services work for a company
an event in which people try to win something by being
enter a competition
the best, fastest, etc
an electronic machine that can store and arrange large
a computer course
amounts of information

They started studying computer science at

the study of computers and how they can be used
Stanford University in California.

a performance of music and singing go to concerts

a large meeting, often lasting a few days, where people
go to a conference
talk about a subject
something that you say when you want to congratulate I hear you're getting married.
someone Congratulations!
a legal agreement between two people or organizations sign a contract

someone who prepares food for people to eat I'm a very good cook.
There’s a cooker, a fridge and a washing
a piece of equipment used to cook food
preparing food for people to eat Do you like cooking?
an area of coral, the top of which can sometimes be seen The beautiful coral reefs and colourful fish
just above the sea are amazing!

If something costs a particular amount of money, you

It costs £399.
have to pay that in order to buy or do it.

when you make air come out of your throat with a short I've got a cough. / take some cough
sound medicine
an area of land that has its own government, army, etc move to a different country
land that is not in towns or cities and has farms, fields,
The countryside is wonderful.
two people who are married or having a romantic
The couple bought the boat two years ago.
two a couple of days
a set of lessons about a particular subject a computer course

the child of your aunt or uncle Jill is Alan's cousin.

a large female farm animal kept for milk or meat A cow is a farm animal.
an accident in which a vehicle hits something a train crash
a thick, white liquid that is taken from milk apple pie and cream
a small plastic card that allows you to buy something
He paid by credit card.
and pay for it later
a soft, curved piece of bread, eaten for breakfast I like croissants.
very full of people The Old Town was quite crowded.
a piece of furniture with a door on the front and shelves
It's in the cupboard.
inside, used for keeping things
material which hangs down to cover a window, stage,
It's behind the curtains.
a person or organization that buys things or services
write to a customer
from a shop or business
to ride a bicycle I usually cycle to work.
the activity of riding a bicycle go cycling

harm or injury There was a lot of damage to the boat.

when you move your feet and body to music dance music
when you move your feet and body to music go dancing
If someone or something is dangerous, they could harm Don’t go out on your own at night - it’s too
you. dangerous.
nearer to black than white in colour dark green

your female child Florence is our daughter - she's just a baby.

a period of 24 hours the days of the week

the twelfth month of the year in December
to choose something after thinking about the
They decided to change the way they live.
a unit for measuring temperatures or angles, shown by
12 degrees
the symbol ° written after a number
a qualification given for completing a university course get a degree

late Is the flight delayed?

someone who looks at and repairs teeth go to the dentist

a large shop which sells different types of things on the second floor of the department store

very sad, often for a long time A lot of people feel depressed in winter.
You can rent a motorbike and go into the
a large, hot, dry area of land with very few plants
someone who draws and plans how something will be
a video game designer
clothes with the name of a famous designer. He likes buying designer clothes.
a table that you sit at to write or work Nick’s keys are on the desk.

sweet food that is eaten after the main part of a meal Would you like dessert?
a book in which you write things that you must According to my diary, I've got two
remember to do meetings on Monday.
a book that contains a list of words in alphabetical order
with their meanings explained or written in another It's a dictionary.
to stop living Many people died in the storms.
used to talk about separate things or people of the same
move to a different country
not easy to do or understand a difficult question
the main meal of the day that people usually eat in the
have dinner
someone who tells the actors in a film or play what to do become a film director
The restaurant was quite dirty and the food
not clean
was awful.
the activity or sport of swimming under water, usually
go diving
using special breathing equipment
married before but not married now get divorced
to perform an action or job do an exam / do a computer course

a person whose job is to treat people who are ill or hurt go to the doctor
the part of a building or room that you open or close to
Please shut the door behind you.
get inside it or out of it
made to be used by two people a double bed
to copy computer programs or information
electronically, usually from a large computer to a small download music
a series of events and images in your mind while you are
have a dream
a piece of clothing for women which covers the top of
She's wearing a white dress.
the body and hangs down over the legs
alcohol, or an alcoholic drink go for a drink
to travel somewhere in a car, or to take someone On Mondays we usually drive to
somewhere in a car Wimbledon.
a small disc for storing music, films and information watch a lot of DVDs

a machine that is used for playing DVDs It's a DVD player.

near the beginning of a period of time, process, etc It's very early.

with no difficulty She makes friends easily.

not difficult The exam was easy.
to eat at a restaurant Do you eat out a lot?
an oval object made by a female chicken, that you eat as
egg mayonnaise
a country in Africa I'm from Egypt.
coming from or relating to Egypt. I'm Egyptian.
the number 8
the number 18
a very large, grey animal with big ears and a very long We drove to a wildlife park to see some
nose elephants.
the number 11
a way of sending messages electronically, from one
What's your email address?
computer to another
with nothing or no one inside an empty house
someone whose job is to design, build, or repair
a mechanical engineer
machines, engines, roads, bridges, etc
the language that is spoken in the UK, the US, and in
study English
many other countries
If you enjoy something, you like doing it I enjoy playing video games.
to do an exam or competition enter a competition
a flat paper container for a letter I put it in an envelope.
moving stairs that take people from one level of a
take the escalator
building to another
the part of the day between the afternoon and the night in the evening
You use about 80 calories for every mile
each one of a group of people or things
you walk.
an official test of how much you know about something,
take an exam
or how well you can do something
very good, or of a very high quality He's an excellent driver.
feeling very happy and interested I was really excited.
activity that you do with your body to make your body
do some exercise
costing a lot of money Those dresses are expensive.
to make something clear or easy to understand by giving
I can't explain this.
reasons for it
one of the two organs in your face, which you use to see
green eyes
to not pass a test or an exam fail an exam
having pale skin or a light colour of hair fair hair

teeth that are not real, but are made to look or seem real My grandmother has false teeth.
a group of people who are related to each other,
visit my family
especially parents and children
known by many people become famous
very good a fantastic party
an area of land with fields and buildings that is used for
farm animal
growing crops and keeping animals
the most popular style of clothes and appearance at a
I read all the fashion magazines.
particular time
quick fast cars
quickly He speaks very fast.
hot food that is served very quickly in a restaurant
Do you like fast food?
because it is already made
Someone who is fat weighs too much. She eats all the time but never gets fat.

the man that a woman is married to Ben is Pam’s father.

Your favourite person or thing is the one that you like
have a favourite website
the second month of the year in February
to have an emotion or a physical feeling I feel sick.
a boat that regularly carries people and vehicles across
take the ferry
an area of water
the number 15
a story shown at the cinema or on television make a film
to discover something or someone that you have been
It's easy to find the right website.
looking for
to complete something finish work
coming before all others first name
an animal that lives only in water, swims, and can be
eaten as food
healthy, especially because you exercise a lot get fit

the condition of being physically strong and healthy physical fitness

the number 5

a set of rooms to live in, with all the rooms on one floor How much furniture is there in the flat?

a journey in an aircraft book a flight

What's your flight number?
a surface that you walk on inside a building a wooden floor
able to use a language naturally without stopping or
She is fluent in six languages.
making mistakes
to travel through the air in an aircraft I'm flying to Delhi tomorrow.
thick cloud close to the ground or sea that makes it
We get a lot of fog where we live.
difficult to see
with fog a foggy day
something that people and animals eat to keep them
Italian food
If you go somewhere on foot, you walk there. go on foot
a game in which two teams of players kick a round ball
play football
and try to score goals
a large area of trees growing closely together A forest is bigger than a wood.
the number 4
the number 14
a country in Europe I'm from France.
coming from or relating to France I'm French.

the day of the week after Thursday and before Saturday See you on Friday.
There’s a cooker, a fridge and a washing
a large cupboard that uses electricity to keep food cold
someone who you know well and like phone friends
It’s a nice town and the people are very
behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards someone

things such as apples or oranges that grow on a tree or a

fruit salad
bush, contain seeds, and can be eaten as food

enjoyment or pleasure, or something that gives you

have fun
enjoyment or pleasure
making you smile or laugh a funny guy
things such as chairs, tables, and beds that you put into
How much furniture is there in the flat?
a room or building
the part of an airport where you get on or off an The flight to Dublin is now boarding at gate
aeroplane 8.
often giving people money or presents My father’s very kind and generous.
coming from or relating to Germany I'm German.
a country in Europe I'm from Germany.
to obtain or buy something get a new job
to arrive somewhere get home
to receive something He didn't get the money.
to become healthy, especially because you exercise
Everyone wants to look good and get fit.
to go onto a bus, train, aircraft, or boat get on a bus
to wake up and get out of bed, or to make someone do
What time do you get up?
attractive in an exciting and special way her glamorous life as an actress.

a container made of glass that is used for drinking Would you like a glass of water?

to move or travel somewhere go to bed / go by car

to leave a place in order to go somewhere else go out a lot
past participle of go
enjoyable or nice have a good time
He’s selfish and lazy, but really good-
The gorilla that lives on an island in the
a big, black, hairy animal, like a large monkey
middle of the lake!

Global Positioning System: a system of computers and

satellites (=equipment that is sent into space around the
find your way with GPS
Earth to receive and send signals) that work together to
tell a user where they are

the children of your son or daughter They’ve got three grandchildren.

the daughter of your son or daughter They've got a granddaughter.
the father of your mother or father My grandfather's name is Ben
the mother of your mother or father My grandmother's name is Mary.
My grandparents’ names are Ben and
the parent of your mother or father
the son of your son or daughter They've got a grandson.
very good have a great time
being the same colour as grass dark green

being a colour that is a mixture of black and white grey clouds

a book that gives visitors information about a particular
Have you got any guide books for Ireland?
with the help of a guide (=someone whose job is to show
interesting places to visitors, or to help people get go on a guided tour
a building with equipment for doing exercises go to the gym
past of have
the thin, thread-like parts that grow on the head and
long dark hair
body of people and animals
when someone cuts your hair an expensive haircut
small bags that you can carry onto an aircraft with you
Have you got any hand luggage?
when you travel
I think money is more important than
the feeling of being happy
pleased and in a good mood, especially because
Jill’s got a new job and she’s really happy.
something good has happened
something friendly you say to someone on the date they
got married in a previous year
something friendly you say to someone on their
something friendly you say to someone on the first day
of the year
with a lot of effort work hard
I hardly ever get up before nine at the
almost never
He's always been hard-working and
doing a job seriously and with a lot of effort
something that you wear to cover your head a cowboy hat
to dislike someone or something very much He hates shopping for clothes.
to eat or drink something have lunch
used with nouns to say that someone experiences
have fun
If you have a particular illness, you are suffering from it. have a holiday / have fun / have lunch

pain inside your head I've got a headache.

not ill stay fit and healthy
Heavy objects weigh a lot. heavy bags
an aeroplane which flies using long, thin parts on top of A helicopter found them a hundred miles
it that turn round and round very fast from the Australian coast.
The story always has a hero, a princess and
a very brave man that a lot of people admire
a villain.
a high area of land that is smaller than a mountain A mountain is higher than a hill.

a time when you do not have to go to work or school have four weeks' holiday

the place where you live stay at home / home number

the place where you live What's your home address?

the telephone number of the place where you live What’s your home number?

work which teachers give students to do at home do your homework

a large animal with four legs, which people ride or use
ride a horse
to pull heavy things
a place where ill or injured people go to be treated by Over sixty people are in hospital after a
doctors and nurses train crash.
very warm The weather's hot and it hardly ever rains.
a place where you pay to stay when you are away from
book a hotel room / stay in a hotel
a period of time equal to 60 minutes It's a six-hour flight.
a building where people live, usually one family or
move house / clean the house
a woman who stays at home to cook, clean, and take
She's a housewife.
care of her family
the work that you do to keep your house clean do the housework
the number 100 a hundred and twenty-seven
to feel pain in a part of your body My back hurts.
the man you are married to My husband’s name is Nick.
a sweet, cold food made from frozen milk chocolate ice cream
an identity card Can I see your ID card please?

not feeling well, or suffering from a disease Robert wasn’t here because he was ill.

a disease treatment for an illness

valuable, useful, or necessary My family is very important to me.
inside a container or place The cat is in the box.
close to the front part of something It's in front of the plant.
an object that is used for playing music, for example a
play a musical instrument
Something that is interesting keeps your attention
really interesting
because it is unusual or exciting.

a system that connects computers around the world so

use the internet
you can share information with other people

an area of land that has water around it An island in the middle of the lake.
coming from or relating to Italy Italian food
a country in Europe I'm from Italy.
a short coat a leather jacket

a sweet food made from fruit that you put on bread I always have toast and jam for breakfast.

the first month of the year in January

a country consisting of a group of islands near the east
I'm from Japan.
coast of Asia
coming from or relating to Japan I'm Japanese.
music with a strong beat that people often play without
My Russian teacher loves jazz.
looking at written music
trousers made from denim (=a strong, usually blue,
a pair of jeans
the work that you do in order to get money get a new job
when you travel from one place to another How long is your journey to work?
the liquid that comes from fruit or vegetables orange juice
the seventh month of the year in July
a warm piece of clothing which covers the top of your
I bought a nice blue jumper.
body and is pulled on over your head
the sixth month of the year in June

pieces of metal cut into a shape and used for locking

Nick’s keys are on the coffee table.
things such as doors, or for starting an engine
children or young people Pam’s married with two kids.
short for kilograms three kilos
Kind people do things to help others and show that they
My father’s very kind and generous.
care about them.
a small building with a window where things like tickets
a kiosk
or newspapers are sold
a room used to prepare and cook food in What's in the kitchen?
There’s a beautiful lake in Hungary called
a large area of water which has land all around it
Lake Balaton.
an object that makes light I have a lamp next to my bed.
the words used by the people of a country speak another language

a small computer that you can carry around with you A laptop is useful for working on the train.

the most recent last Monday / last year

after the usual time or the time that was arranged She's late.
If a company launches a product or service, it makes it
They launched the search engine in 1998.
available for the first time.
someone whose job is to explain the law to people and
He's a lawyer.
give advice
Someone who is lazy does not like working. He’s selfish and lazy.

to go away from a place leave home / leave university / leave school

on or towards the side of your body where your heart is turn left

the left side it’s on the left / it’s on your left

one of the parts of the body that is used for walking My leg hurts.

not as much work less

some writing that you send to someone, usually by post write a letter
a machine that carries people up and down in tall
take the lift
Light colours are pale. light green
to enjoy something or think that someone or something
He doesn't like the weather.
is nice
a large, wild animal of the cat family, with light brown There are monkeys, wolves, lions and tigers
fur in the park.
to give attention to someone or something in order to
listen to music
hear them
a unit for measuring liquid a litre of soup
to have your home somewhere Where do you live?

live TV is seen as it happens. Everybody watched live TV all the time.

the room in a house where people sit to relax and watch How much furniture is there in your living
television room?
having a large distance from one end to the other long hair

to have less of something than you had before lose weight

to not be able to find someone or something I've lost my passport.
a competition in which people buy tickets with numbers
on them and then win money if their ticket has a win the lottery
particular number
to like something very much She loves dance music.
to like something very much They love living in the city.
having good things happen to you a lucky person
the food that you eat in the middle of the day have lunch

thin books published every week or month, that have

read magazines
shiny, colourful pages with articles and pictures

to create something make a film

someone in control of an office, shop, team, etc She's the manager of the local sports club.
a picture that shows where countries, towns, roads, etc
How much is this map?
the third month of the year in March
a place where people go to buy or sell things, often
There's a market every weekend.
A married man or woman has a wife or husband. get married
the fifth month of the year in May

a thick, cold, white sauce that is made from eggs and oil egg mayonnaise

the soft parts of animals, used as food I don't eat meat.

someone whose job is to repair machines a car mechanic
something that you drink or eat when you are ill, to stop
take some cough medicine
you being ill
to see and speak to someone for the first time meet my husband
when people come together for a reason, usually to talk
Are they having the meeting now?
about something
a person who belongs to a group or an organization gym members
a piece of written or spoken information which one
Did you get my message?
person gives to another
past of meet We've met some really interesting people.

coming from or relating to Mexico. I'm Mexican.

a country in North America I'm from Mexico.
in a central position a middle seat
in the middle of your life before you are old a middle-aged couple
a unit for measuring distance, equal to 1609 metres or
The nearest station is two miles from here.
1760 yards
a white liquid that babies and baby animals drink that
Sue never has milk in her tea.
comes from their mothers' bodies
the number 1,o00,000 a million / fifty million
water which is taken from the ground a bottle of mineral water
a period of time equal to 60 seconds twenty minutes ago
a piece of special glass in which you can see yourself a bathroom mirror

lost, not in the usual place missing at sea

made of a combination of different people or things mixed salad

a mobile phone What's your mobile number?

a telephone that you can carry everywhere with you What’s Tina’s mobile phone number?

the day of the week after Sunday and before Tuesday See you on Monday.
the coins or pieces of paper that are used for buying
make a lot of money / spend money
a hairy animal with a long tail that lives in hot countries There are monkeys, wolves, lions and tigers
and climbs trees in the park.
one of the twelve periods of time that a year is divided
Next month will be very busy.
the first half of the day, from the time when the sun
in the morning
rises until the middle of the day
A tour of Old Cairo to see the beautiful
a building where Muslims say their prayers
your female parent My mother and father are divorced.
a vehicle with two wheels and an engine ride a motorbike
a very high hill A mountain is higher than a hill.
a small animal with fur and a long, thin tail A mouse is a pet or wild animal.

a line of hair that some men grow above their mouths He's got a moustache.
move house: to leave your home in order to live in a new
His family moved to the USA.
If a person or an organization moves, they go to a
move to another country
different place to live or work.
a piece of electronic equipment or a computer program
for playing music that has been stored as MP3 files Have you got an MP3 player?
(=collections of information)
a building where you can look at important objects
an interesting museum
connected with art, history, or science
a pattern of sounds that is made by playing instruments listen to music / dance music / download
or singing, or a recording of this music
relating to music play a musical instrument

someone who plays a musical instrument, often as a job a jazz musician

the word or group of words that is used to refer to a
first name
person, thing, or place

If you have American/British/Swiss, etc nationality, you

What’s your nationality?
are legally a member of that country.

If you need something, you must have it, and if you

I needed to get a job.
need to do something, you must do it.
not ever, not one time She never phones us.
different from before a new bicycle
31 December, the last day of the year on New Year's Eve
a shop that sells newspapers, magazines, and things like You can buy stamps in a post office or a
sweets and cigarettes newsagent’s.
large, folded sheets of paper which are printed with the
I read about his death in the newspaper.
news and sold every day or every week
very close to something or someone, with nothing in
it’s next to the station
pleasant a nice car
the time in every 24 hours when it is dark and people
at night
the number 9
the number 19

Noisy people or things make a lot of noise. the rooms were very small and quite noisy.
words that you write down to help you remember
Can you take notes at the meeting, please?
the number 0 nought point two
the eleventh month of the year in November
a group of numbers that represents something home number / credit card number
a building that is used by scientists to look at stars and
There is an observatory in the city.
the tenth month of the year in October
away from a place or position get off a bus
many times or regularly I often watch films late at night.
having been used or owned for a long time an old computer
having lived or existed for a long time an old man
small green or black fruit with a bitter taste that is eaten
I like olives in my salad.
or used to produce oil
on a surface of something Your passport is on the table.
in a particular place it’s on the left / it’s on your left
not early or late Is the flight on time?
one time once a day
the number 1
connected to a system of computers, especially the
go online
in a position facing something or someone but on the
it’s opposite the station
other side
used between possibilities, or before the last of many
stay with friends or family
a round, sweet fruit with a thick skin and a centre that
orange juice /a bag of oranges
has many parts
being a colour that is a mixture of red and yellow orange socks

one of several prizes given to actors and people who

win an Oscar
make films every year in Hollywood in the US

Someone who is outgoing is friendly, talks a lot, and

She’s really friendly and outgoing.
enjoys meeting people.
from one side of something to the other side go over the bridge
fat He's a bit overweight.

to put your things into bags or boxes when you are

pack your bags
going on holiday or leaving the place where you live

a drug which stops pain take some painkillers

your mother or father Her parents live in Oxford.
a large area of grass, often in a town, where people can
We went for a walk in the park.
walk and enjoy themselves
when people come together to enjoy themselves by
go to a party
talking, eating, drinking, and dancing
to succeed at a test or an exam pass an exam
someone who is travelling in a car, aeroplane, etc, but
a front-seat passenger
not controlling the car, aeroplane, etc
a small book with your photograph in that you need to
a British passport
enter a country
further than go past the pub

a long, thin object that you use to write or draw in ink It's a pen.
a long, thin wooden object with a black or coloured
It's a pencil.
point that you write or draw with
I’m sorry, but the person you called is not
a human being
an animal that someone keeps in their home my pet rabbit
a piece of equipment that is used to talk to someone
mobile phone
who is in another place
to speak to someone by telephone phone friends
pictures produced with a camera take photos
the scientific study of natural forces, such as energy,
study physics
heat, light, etc
food that you take from your home to eat outside have a picnic
a type of food made with meat, vegetables, or fruit
apple pie and cream
which is covered in pastry and baked
being a pale red colour I never wear pink.
a flat, round piece of bread covered with tomato, cheese,
I love pizza.
etc and cooked in an oven
Can I get to your place from the airport by
someone's home
public transport?
a drawing that shows how something appears from
a plan of a flat
a vehicle that flies and has an engine and wings go by plane
a living thing that grows in the soil or water and has
Have you watered the plants?
leaves and roots
When you play a sport or game, you do it. play video games
to make music with a musical instrument play a musical instrument
the mark (.) that is used to separate the two parts of a
nought point two
a country in Europe I'm from Poland.
someone who is a member of the police They're police officers.
coming from or relating to Poland. I'm Polish.
having little money The hotel was in a poor part of town.
liked by many people He was a very popular course leader.
a place where you can buy stamps and send letters and
You can buy stamps in a post office.
a card with a picture on one side that you send without
a postcard
an envelope
a group of letters and numbers that comes at the end of
What's your postcode?
someone's address in the UK
The children put up posters on the
a large, printed picture or notice that you put on a wall
classroom walls.
to push something firmly For all other enquiries, press zero.
the son of a king or queen, or one of their close male
In the story, the dog is really a prince.
the daughter of a king or queen, or one of their close The story always has a hero, a princess and
female relatives a villain.
We went to Robben Island to visit the
a place where criminals are kept as a punishment
something valuable that is given to someone who wins a
win a prize
a place where you can get drinks such as beer and
go past the pub
usually food

a system of vehicles such as buses and trains which

travel by public transport
operate at regular times and that the public use

being a colour that is a mixture of red and blue a purple tie

to move something to a place or position He put a dog biscuit in each envelope.

stone structures in Egypt of a pyramid shape which

Most people come to Cairo to see the
were built in ancient times as places to bury important
people, especially kings and queens

what you get when you pass an exam or a course get some qualifications
a row of people waiting for something, one behind the
long queues
without much noise or activity a quiet weekend
a little or a lot but not completely The Old Town was quite crowded.
a small animal with fur and long ears that lives in a hole
A rabbit is a pet or wild animal.
in the ground
the programmes that you hear when you listen to the
listen to the radio
water that falls from the sky in small drops heavy rain
If it is raining, water is falling from the sky in small
It's raining.
to look at words and understand what they mean read books / read a blog
the activity or skill of reading books I love reading.
very or very much That new café is really nice.

to get something that someone has given or sent to you He received a cheque for over £13 million.
someone who works in a hotel or office building,
a hotel receptionist
answering the telephone and dealing with guests
to store sounds or pictures using electronic equipment,
You couldn't record TV programmes in
a camera, etc so that you can listen to them or see them
being the same colour as blood red wine
able to be trusted or believed a reliable car
to pay money to use something for a short time rent a car
the money that you pay to live in a building that
The rent is £800 a month.
someone else owns
a description of an event or situation write a report
a place where you can buy and eat a meal a table in a restaurant

having stopped working, often because you are old a retired farmer/teacher

to study a subject before you take a test revise for an exam

small grains from a plant that are cooked and eaten I often have rice with my main meal.

A rich person has a lot of money. He's very rich.

to travel by sitting on a horse, bicycle, or motorcycle and
ride a horse
controlling it
to the right side turn right
the right side of your body, or the direction towards this
it’s on the right / it’s on your right
correct or true That's the right answer

a long, natural area of water that flows across the land A boat trip on the river.

a long, hard surface built for cars to drive on go along this road
a machine controlled by a computer, which can move
a film about a robot from the future
and do other things that people can do
loud, modern music with a strong beat, often played
rock music
with electric guitars and drums

a part of the inside of a building, which is separated

book a hotel room
from other parts by walls, floors, and ceilings

when you move on your feet at a speed faster than

go for a run
walking as a sport
the sport of moving on your feet at a speed faster than
go running
a country in Europe I'm from Russia.
coming from or relating to Russia I'm Russian.

unhappy I’m usually sad at the end of a holiday.

the feeling of being unhappy

not dangerous a safe driver
“The weather was beautiful when we left
past of say New Zealand,” said
We wanted to be the first 80-year-old
to travel in a boat or a ship
couple to sail round the world.
a cold mixture of vegetables that have not been cooked mixed salad

someone whose job is selling things in a shop He's a sales assistant.

exactly alike He's the same age as me.

two slices of bread with meat, cheese, etc between them a cheese sandwich

the day of the week after Friday and before Sunday See you on Saturday.

a mixture of meat and spices pressed into a long tube fried sausage
to stop someone or something from being killed or
They saved our lives.
“The weather was beautiful when we left
to speak words New Zealand,” said
a place where children go to learn things leave school / start school

someone who studies science or works in science The scientists gave the illness a name.

a small motorcycle ride a scooter

the words in a film, play, etc write a script
a large area of salt water missing at sea

a computer program which finds information on the

use a search engine
Internet by looking for words which you have typed in

a seat on a train / a window seat / an aisle

something that you sit on
one of the 60 parts a minute is divided into 60 seconds
past participle of see Have you ever seen a Japanese film?
caring only about yourself and not other people He’s selfish and lazy.
to arrange for something to go or be taken somewhere,
send emails / send a text
especially by post
to return something to the person who sent it to you I sent the shirt back because it didn't fit me.

the ninth month of the year in September

the number 7
the number 17
a farm animal whose skin is covered with wool A sheep is a farm animal.

a board used to put things on, often fixed to a wall a book shelf
a piece of clothing worn on the top part of the body,
I haven't got any white shirts.
fastened with buttons down the front
a strong covering for the foot, often made of leather shoe shop
a building or part of a building where you can buy
There are lots of good shops.
the things that you buy from a shop or shops carry the shopping
when you buy things from shops go shopping
having a small distance from one end to the other short hair

a very short pair of trousers that stop above the knees I haven't got any shorts.
a piece of bathroom equipment that you stand under to
There’s a shower and a bath.
wash your whole body
not confident, especially about meeting new people My brother's quite shy.

ill I feel sick.

the activity of visiting interesting or beautiful places go sightseeing

to write your name on something to show that you
sign a contract
agree to it
to make musical sounds with your voice They all sang 'Happy Birthday' to him.

for only one person a single bed

a bowl that is fixed to the wall in a kitchen or bathroom

Wash your hands in the sink.
that you wash dishes or your hands, etc in

a girl or woman who has the same parents as you an older/younger sister

to be in a position with the weight of your body on your

sit on a chair
bottom and the top part of your body up

the number 6
the number 16
to move over snow wearing skis go skiing

the sport or activity of moving over snow wearing skis go skiing

a piece of women's clothing that hangs from the waist
a red skirt
and has no legs

to be in the state of rest when your eyes are closed, your

We had to sleep in the car that night.
body is not active, and your mind is unconscious

Someone who is slim is thin in an attractive way. tall and slim

moving, happening, or doing something without much
He's a very slow reader.
little in size or amount a small bag
when someone smokes a cigarette stop smoking
a long, thin creature with no legs that slides along the You can see tigers, camels, snakes, colourful
ground birds and lots more.

the activity of swimming using a snorkel go snorkelling

If it is snowing, snow is falling from the sky. It's snowing.

something that you wear on your foot inside your shoe five pairs of socks

a large, comfortable seat for more than one person

I sometimes get up before 9 a.m. at the
on some occasions but not always or often
your male child meet my son
painful, especially when touched sore throat

a hot, liquid food, made from vegetables, meat, or fish chicken soup

an empty area which is available to be used How much space is there?

a country in Europe I'm from Spain.
coming from or relating to Spain I'm Spanish.
Would you like your water still or
A sparkling drink has bubbles in it.
to say something using your voice speak another language

to use time doing something or being somewhere spend time

a game or activity which people do to keep healthy or

do a lot of sport
for enjoyment, often competing against each other

the season of the year between winter and summer,

when the weather becomes warmer and plants start to in the spring
grow again
an open area with buildings around it, often in the
There's a good restaurant in the square.
centre of a town
a small piece of paper that you buy and stick onto a
You can buy stamps in a post office.
letter before you post it
a ball of burning gases that you see as a small point of
study the stars
light in the sky at night
to begin doing something start work / start school
a building where a bus starts or ends its journey a bus station

to continue to be in a place, job, etc and not leave stay at home

stay with friends / stay with you / stay in a
to spend a short period of time in a place
to stay in your home stay in a lot
Would you like your water still or
A still drink does not have any bubbles in it.
the part of your body where food is digested stomach ache

to finish doing something I stopped looking for work in the country.

very bad weather with a lot of rain, snow, wind, etc a terrible storm

a small, red fruit with small, brown seeds on its surface strawberry ice cream
a road in a town or city that has houses or other
go along this street
worried and not able to relax get stressed

someone who is studying at a school or university a law student

to learn about a subject, usually at school or university study English

very popular a successful film

a very sweet substance used to give flavour to food and
coffee with milk and sugar
a jacket and trousers or a jacket and skirt that are made
a blue suit
from the same material
a rectangular case with a handle that you use for
Have you packed your suitcase?
carrying clothes when you are travelling
the warmest season of the year, between spring and
in the summer
the light and heat that comes from the sun I can't sit in the sun for too long.

the day of the week after Saturday and before Monday See you on Sunday.

bright because of light from the sun a sunny country

a large shop that sells food, drink, things for the home, Hi. I’m at the supermarket. Have we got
etc any bread?
to ride on a wave in the sea using a special board They go surfing every weekend.

the name that you and people in your family all have His surname is Walker.

an examination of people's opinions or behaviour made Holidays in the UK are becoming more
by asking people questions popular, according to a recent survey.

with a taste like sugar not eat sweet things

to move through water by moving your body Can you swim?
the activity of moving through water by moving your
go swimming
a piece of furniture with four legs, used for eating off,
a table in a restaurant
putting things on, etc
to travel somewhere by using a bus, train, car, etc, take the bus / take the lift

to do an exam Are you going to take an exam this year?

to use a camera to take pictures of somebody or He’s got a very good camera, so he takes a
something lot of photos.
to not go to work or school for a day Take the day off - you should be in bed.
She’s tall and slim, and she’s got long dark
having a greater than average height.
a car with a driver who you pay to take you somewhere get a taxi
a hot drink that you make by pouring water onto dried
Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?
someone whose job is to teach in a school, college, etc a science teacher

to order someone to do something I told him to find the biscuits.

If you have a temperature, you are hotter than usual
have a temperature
because you are ill.
the number 10
a sport in which two or four people hit a small ball to
play tennis
each other over a net
very bad Tim had a terrible weekend.
a written message from a mobile phone send a text
used to mean something that has already been talked
What's that in English?
about or seen

used before nouns to mean things or people that have

In the story, the dog is really a prince.
already been talked about or are already known

used before nouns when only one of something exists the capital city

a building with a stage where people go to watch plays Is there a cinema or theatre?

plural of this What are these in English?

A thin person or animal has very little fat on their body. a thin man

an object or activity things to eat/do

the number 13
used to mean something or someone that is near you or
What's this in English?
that you are pointing to
plural of that What are those?
two thousand / thirty-two thousand three
the number 1000 hundred and fifty / eight hundred and fifty
the number 3
the back part of your mouth and the part inside your
sore throat
the day of the week after Wednesday and before Friday See you on Thursday.

a small piece of paper that shows you have paid to do

book a train ticket
something, for example travel on a bus, watch a film, etc

a long, thin piece of cloth that a man wears around his

a blue tie
neck with a shirt
There are monkeys, wolves, lions and tigers
a large wild cat that has yellow fur with black lines on it
in the park.
Time is what we measure in minutes, hours, days, etc. spend time

an occasion when something happens have a great time

three times a month / four times a year /
occasions when something happens
ten times an hour
a soft piece of paper that you use for cleaning your nose Do you have a tissue?

in the direction of somewhere go to college

bread that has been heated to make it brown I always have toast and jam for breakfast.
a bowl that you sit on or stand near when you get rid of
Where's the toilet?
waste substances from your body
past of tell I told him to find the biscuits.

a soft, round, red fruit eaten in salads or as a vegetable a cheese and tomato sandwich
used before adjectives and adverbs to mean 'more than Don’t go out on your own at night - it’s too
is allowed, necessary, possible, etc' dangerous.
a pain in one of your teeth I've got toothache.
a piece of women's clothing worn on the upper part of
a black top
the body
a visit to and around a place, area, or country go on a guided tour
someone who visits a place for pleasure and does not Tourists go to Nevada to see the Grand
live there Canyon.
a place where people live and work which is larger than
There isn't an airport near the town.
a village
a traffic jam / There are traffic problems in
the amount of cars on the roads
the city.
a long, thin vehicle which travels along metal tracks and
a train crash / book a train ticket
carries people or goods
a soft sports shoe I need a new pair of trainers.

an electric vehicle for carrying passengers, mostly in

go by tram
cities, which moves along metal lines in the road

to make a journey to or in different parts of a place How did you travel around?

the activity of making journeys go travelling

a journey in which you visit a place for a short time and
go on a boat trip
come back again
a piece of clothing that covers the legs and has a
a pair of trousers
separate part for each leg
There’s no one available to take your call.
to attempt to do something
Please try later.
to put on a piece of clothing to see if you like it Could I try this dress on, please?
a piece of cotton clothing for the top part of the body I usually wear the same thing every day –
with short sleeves and no collar jeans, a T-shirt and trainers.
the day of the week after Monday and before
See you on Tuesday.
a large sea fish, or the meat from this fish tuna salad
a country in Asia. I'm from Turkey.
coming from or relating to Turkey I'm Turkish.
to change direction when you are moving, or to make a
turn right / turn left
car do this
to move the switch on a machine, light, etc so that it
stops working, or to stop the supply of water, electricity, turn off a mobile phone
to move the switch on a machine, light, etc so that it
starts working, or to start the supply of water, My father turned on the TV.
electricity, etc
short for television watch a lot of TV
You couldn't record TV programmes in
a show on television
a programme on television such as a chat show star of the TV show
the number 12
the number 20
two times twice a week
the number 2
bad to look at an ugly city
United Kingdom I'm from the UK.
a thing that you hold above your head to keep yourself
It's raining. Take an umbrella.
dry when it is raining
the brother of your mother or father, or the husband of
meet my uncle
your aunt
below something They’re under the chair.
not having a job I've been unemployed for six months.
not friendly She was very unfriendly.
sad an unhappy childhood
a place where students study at a high level to get a
leave university
degree (=type of qualification)
Some people think it's unlucky to walk
having or causing bad luck
under ladders.
United States of America I'm from the USA.
If you use something, you do something with it for a
use the internet
particular purpose.
in the way that most often happens I usually see my friends in the afternoon.
a substance that is used to give flavour to some sweet
vanilla ice cream
a plant that you eat, for example a potato, onion, etc Joe often has chicken and vegetables.

used to make an adjective or adverb stronger a very expensive watch

a recording of moving pictures and sound download videos

games in which you make pictures move on a screen play video games
a place where people live in the countryside which is He lives in a small village about two hours
smaller than a town from the airport.
The story always has a hero, a princess and
a bad person in a film, book, etc
a villain.
to go somewhere to see someone or a place visit my family

This is Alan Wick’s voicemail. I’m sorry I

an electronic telephone answering system
can’t take your call at the moment.

a man who works in a restaurant, bringing food to

He's a waiter.
a woman who works in a restaurant, bringing food to
She's a waitress.
a journey that you make by walking, often for
go for a walk
to move forward by putting one foot in front of the
I always walk to work.
other and then repeating the action
a small, flat container for paper money and credit cards
(=plastic cards used for paying with), usually used by a He pulled out a wallet full of notes.
to hope to have or do something We want to have an easier life.
having a temperature between cool and hot It's nice and warm in here.
to make something clean using water and soap wash the windows / wash the car
a bowl in a bathroom, used for washing your face or
a washbasin
clothes, sheets, etc that are being washed, or when you
do the washing
wash these
There’s a cooker, a fridge and a washing
a machine that washes clothes
a small clock on a strap that you fasten round your arm an expensive watch

to look at something for a period of time Do they watch TV a lot?

the temperature or conditions outside, for example if it
He doesn't like the weather.
is hot, cold, sunny, etc
an area on the Web (=computer information system)
where information about a particular subject, have a favourite website
organization, etc can be found
an official ceremony at which a man and woman get
wedding anniversary
the day of the week after Tuesday and before Thursday See you on Wednesday.

a period of seven days last week

Saturday and Sunday, the two days in the week when
go away for the weekend
many people do not work
how heavy someone or something is He's about average height and weight.

healthy I'm not very well.

do something in a good way I usually sleep well.
a very large animal that looks like a large fish and lives
We went on a boat trip to see the whales.
in the sea
being the colour of snow or milk white wine
the woman that a man is married to meet my wife
a system for connecting electronic equipment such as
computers and electronic organizers to the Internet have WiFi
without using wires
something in its natural state wild animal / animals in the wild
a large park where wild animals are kept and can move We drove to a wildlife park to see some
freely, and can be watched by visitors elephants.
to get a prize in a game or competition win an Oscar
a natural, fast movement of air The wind blew her hat off.
a space in the wall of a building or car that has glass in
it, used for letting light and air inside and for looking wash the windows / a window seat
to sail across water by standing on a board and holding
I went windsurfing most afternoons.
onto a large sail
with a lot of wind a windy day
an alcoholic drink that is made from the juice of grapes
red wine
(=small, green or purple fruit)
the coldest season of the year, between autumn and
in the winter
These days most people don't leave home
not having, using, or doing something
without their mobile.
There are monkeys, wolves, lions and tigers
a wild animal like a large dog
in the park.
very good a wonderful weekend
a large area of trees growing near each other A forest is bigger than a wood.
the place where you go to do your job What is the address of your work?
to do a job that you get money for work hard
the telephone number of the place where you do your
What is your work number?
doing a job, especially the job you do to earn money working at weekends

used to say that you want or wish something I'd like to live in the USA.
I’d love to have a little place in the
used to say that you would very much like something
to create a book, story, article, etc or a piece of music write a book / write an email
I've written travel articles about lots of
past participle of write
amazing places.
not correct the wrong answer
a period of 12 months, or 365 or 366 days, especially
two years ago
from 1 January to 31 December
being the same colour as a lemon or the sun yellow shirt
the day before today What did you do yesterday?
a thick, liquid food with a slightly sour taste which is
strawberry yoghurt
made from milk
having lived or existed for only a short time and not old young people
The number one million is written with a
the number 0
one and six zeroes.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Elementary wordlist: English to Arabic
Lesson ENGLISH Pronunciation (UK) PoS
Welcome alphabet ˈæl.fə.bet noun

Welcome book bʊk noun

Welcome cat kæt noun

Welcome CD player ˌsiːˈdiː ˌpleɪ.ə noun

Welcome chair tʃeə noun

Welcome classroom ˈklɑːs.ruːm noun

Welcome computer kəmˈpjuː.tə noun

Welcome dictionary ˈdɪk.ʃən.ər.i noun

Welcome DVD player ˌdiː.viːˈdiː ˌple.ɪə noun

Welcome eight eɪt number
Welcome eighteen ˌeɪˈtiːn number
Welcome eleven ɪˈlev.ən number
Welcome fifteen ˌfɪfˈtiːn number
Welcome five faɪv number
Welcome four fɔː number
Welcome fourteen ˌfɔːˈtiːn number

Welcome Friday ˈfraɪ.deɪ noun

Welcome Monday ˈmʌn.deɪ noun

Welcome nine naɪn number

Welcome nineteen ˌnaɪnˈtiːn number
Welcome one wʌn pronoun

Welcome pen pen noun

Welcome pencil ˈpen.səl noun

Welcome Saturday ˈsæt.ə.deɪ noun

Welcome seven ˈsev.ən number
Welcome seventeen ˌsev.ənˈtiːn number
Welcome six sɪks number
Welcome sixteen ˌsɪkˈstiːn number

Welcome Sunday ˈsʌn.deɪ noun

Welcome table ˈteɪ.b(ə)l noun

Welcome ten ten number

Welcome thirteen θɜːˈtiːn number
Welcome three θriː number

Welcome Thursday ˈθɜːz.deɪ noun

Welcome Tuesday ˈtjuːz.deɪ noun

Welcome TV ˌtiːˈviː noun

Welcome twelve twelv number
Welcome twenty ˈtwen.ti number
Welcome two tuː number

Welcome Wednesday ˈwenz.deɪ noun

Welcome work number ˈwɜːk ˌnʌm.bə noun

Welcome zero ˈzɪə.rəʊ number

1A American əˈmer.ɪ.kən adjective

1A Argentina ˌɑː.dʒənˈtiː.nə noun
1A Argentinian ˌɑː.dʒənˈtɪn.i.ən adjective
1A Australia ɒsˈtreɪ.li.ə noun
1A Australian ɒsˈtreɪ.liən adjective
1A Brazil brəˈzɪl noun
1A Brazilian brəˈzɪl.i.ən adjective
1A British ˈbrɪt.ɪʃ adjective
1A China ˈtʃaɪ.nə noun
1A Chinese ˌtʃaɪˈniːz adjective
1A Egypt ˈiː.dʒɪpt noun
1A Egyptian iˈdʒɪp.ʃən adjective
1A France frɑːnts noun
1A French frentʃ adjective
1A German ˈdʒɜː.mən adjective
1A Germany ˈdʒɜː.mə.ni noun
1A Italian ɪˈtæl.i.ən / ɪˈtæl.jən adjective
1A Italy ˈɪt.əl.i noun

1A Japan dʒəˈpæn noun

1A Japanese ˌdʒæp.əˈniːz adjective

1A Mexican ˈmek.sɪ.kən adjective
1A Mexico ˈmek.sɪ.kəʊ noun
1A Poland ˈpəʊ.lənd noun
1A Polish ˈpəʊ.lɪʃ adjective
1A Russia ˈrʌʃ.ə noun
1A Russian ˈrʌʃ.ən adjective
1A Spain speɪn noun
1A Spanish ˈspæn.ɪʃ adjective
1A Turkey ˈtɜː.ki noun
1A Turkish ˈtɜː.kɪʃ adjective
1A UK ˌjuːˈkeɪ noun
1A USA ˌjuː.esˈeɪ noun

1B a eɪ / ə determiner

1B accountant əˈkaʊn.tənt noun

1B actor ˈæk.tə noun

1B actress ˈæk.trəs noun

1B an ˈæn / ən determiner

1B builder ˈbɪl.də noun

1B cleaner ˈkliː.nə noun

1B doctor ˈdɒk.tə noun

1B engineer ˌen.dʒɪˈnɪə noun

1B housewife ˈhaʊs.waɪf noun

1B lawyer ˈlɔɪ.ə noun

1B manager ˈmæn.ɪ.dʒə noun

1B mechanic məˈkæn.ɪk noun

1B musician mjuːˈzɪʃ.ən noun

1B police officer pəˈliːs ˈɒf.ɪ.sə noun

1B retired rɪˈtaɪ.əd adjective

1B sales assistant ˈseɪlz əˈsɪs.tənt noun

1B student ˈstjuː.dənt noun

1B teacher ˈtiː.tʃə noun

1B unemployed ˌʌn.ɪmˈplɔɪd adjective

1B waiter ˈweɪ.tə noun

1B waitress ˈweɪ.trəs noun

1C address əˈdres noun

1C business card ˈbɪz.nɪs ˌkɑːd noun

1C credit card ˈkred.ɪt ˌkɑːd noun

1C email ˈiː.meɪl noun

1C first ˈfɜːst adjective

1C home həʊm adjective

1C home number həʊm ˈnʌm.bə noun

1C hundred ˈhʌn.drəd noun

1C mobile ˈməʊ.baɪl noun

1C mobile phone ˈməʊ.baɪl ˈfəʊn noun

1C name neɪm noun

1C nationality ˌnæʃ.ənˈæl.ə.ti noun

1C number ˈnʌm.bə noun

1C phone fəʊn noun

1C postcode ˈpəʊst.kəʊd noun

1C surname ˈsɜː.neɪm noun

1C work wɜːk noun

1D bag bæɡ noun

1D bicycle ˈbaɪ.sɪ.k(ə)l noun

1D bike baɪk noun

1D camera ˈkæm.rə noun

1D coat kəʊt noun

1D diary ˈdaɪə.ri noun

1D dress dres noun

1D false teeth ˈfɔːls ˈtiːθ noun

1D ID card ˌaɪˈdiːˌkɑːd/ noun

1D laptop ˈlæp.tɒp noun

1D MP3 player ˌem.piːˈθriː ˌpleɪə noun

1D poster ˈpəʊ.stə noun

1D radio ˈreɪ.di.əʊ phrase

1D shoe ʃuː noun

1D suitcase ˈsuːt.keɪs noun

1D that ðæt pronoun

1D these ðiːz pronoun

1D this ðɪs pronoun

1D those ðəʊz pronoun

1D umbrella ʌmˈbrel.ə noun

1D wallet ˈwɒl.ɪt noun

1D watch wɒtʃ noun

2A bad bæd adjective

2A beautiful ˈbjuː.tɪ.fəl adjective
2A big bɪɡ adjective
2A cheap tʃiːp adjective
2A difficult ˈdɪf.ɪ.kəlt adjective

2A early ˈɜː.li adjective

2A easy ˈiː.zi adjective

2A expensive ɪkˈspen.sɪv adjective
2A fast fɑːst adjective

2A favourite ˈfeɪ.vər.ət adjective

2A good ɡʊd adjective

2A great ɡreɪt adjective
2A important ɪmˈpɔː.tənt adjective

2A keys kiːz noun

2A late leɪt adjective

2A new njuː adjective
2A nice naɪs adjective
2A old əʊld adjective
2A old əʊld adjective
2A right raɪt adjective

2A slow sləʊ adjective

2A small smɔːl adjective

2A ugly ˈʌɡ.li adjective
2A very ˈvɪə.ri adverb
2A wrong rɒŋ adjective

2A young jʌŋ adjective

2B aunt ɑːnt noun

2B brother ˈbrʌð.ə noun

2B children ˈtʃɪl.drən noun

2B cousin ˈkʌz.ən noun

2B daughter ˈdɔː.tə noun

2B father ˈfɑː.ðə noun

2B grandchildren ˈɡrændˌtʃɪl.drən noun
2B granddaughter ˈɡrændˌdɔː.tə noun
2B grandfather ˈɡrændˌfɑː.ðə noun
2B grandmother ˈɡrændˌmʌð.ə noun

2B grandparent ˈɡrændˌpeə.rənt noun

2B grandson ˈɡrænd.sʌn noun

2B husband ˈhʌz.bənd noun
2B kids kɪdz noun
2B mother ˈmʌð.ə noun
2B parent ˈpeə.rənt noun
2B sister ˈsɪs.tə noun
2B son sʌn noun

2B uncle ˈʌŋ.k(ə)l noun

2B wife waɪf noun

2C day deɪ noun
2C hour aʊə noun
2C minute ˈmɪnɪt noun
2C month mʌntθ noun

2C second ˈsek.ənd noun

2C week wiːk noun

2C year jɪə noun

2D behind bɪˈhaɪnd preposition

2D bookcase ˈbʊk.keɪs noun

2D by baɪ preposition

2D carpet ˈkɑː.pɪt noun

2D coffee table ˈkɒf.i ˌteɪ.bəl noun

2D curtains ˈkɜː.tənz noun

2D desk desk noun

2D door dɔː noun

2D floor flɔː noun

2D in ɪn preposition
2D in front of ɪn ˈfrʌnt əv phrase
2D lamp læmp noun

2D mirror ˈmɪr.ə noun

2D on ɒn preposition

2D plant plɑːnt noun

2D sofa ˈsəʊ.fə noun

2D under ˈʌn.də preposition

2D window ˈwɪn.dəʊ noun

3A afternoon ˌɑːf.təˈnuːn noun

3A bed bed noun

3A breakfast ˈbrek.fəst noun

3A classes klɑːsɪz noun

3A dinner ˈdɪn.ə noun

3A evening ˈiː.vnɪŋ noun

3A finish ˈfɪn.ɪʃ verb

3A get ɡet verb
3A get ɡet verb
3A get up ˈɡet ʌp phrasal verb

3A glamorous ˈɡlæm.ər.əs adjective

3A go ɡəʊ verb
3A have hæv /həv verb
3A home həʊm noun

3A leave liːv verb

3A live laɪv verb

3A lunch lʌntʃ noun

3A morning ˈmɔː.nɪŋ noun

3A night naɪt noun

3A sleep sliːp verb

3A start stɑːt verb

3A study ˈstʌd.i verb

3A to tə preposition
3A TV show ˌtiːˈviː ʃəʊ noun
3A work wɜːk verb
3B a lot ə'lɒt phrase
3B cinema ˈsɪn.ə.mə noun

3B coffee ˈkɒf.i noun

3B concert ˈkən.sɜːt noun

3B drink drɪŋk noun

3B DVD ˌdiː.viːˈdiː noun

3B eat out iːt aʊt phrasal verb

3B family ˈfæm.ə.li noun

3B friend frend noun

3B go out ɡəʊ aʊt phrasal verb
3B phone fəʊn verb
3B shopping ˈʃɒp.ɪŋ noun

3B sport spɔːt noun

3B stay steɪ verb

3B stay in ˌsteɪ ˈɪn phrasal verb

3B visit ˈvɪz.ɪt verb
3B watch wɒtʃ verb

3C anniversary ˌæn.ɪˈvɜː.sər.i noun

3C April ˈeɪ.prəl noun

3C August ɔːˈɡəst noun
3C baby ˈbeɪ.bi noun
3C birth bɜːθ noun

3C birthday ˈbɜːθ.deɪ noun

3C Congratulations! kən.ˌɡræ.tʃʊ.ˈleɪ.ʃənz exclamation

3C December dɪˈsem.bə noun

3C February ˈə.ri noun

3C Happy anniversary! ˈhæp.i ˌæn.ɪˈvɜː.sər.i exclamation

3C Happy birthday! ˈhæp.i ˈbɜːθ.deɪ exclamation

3C Happy New Year! ˈhæp.i ˌnjuː ˈjɪə exclamation

3C January ˈdʒæn.ju.ər.i noun

3C July dʒʊˈlaɪ noun
3C June dʒuːn noun
3C March mɑːtʃ noun
3C May meɪ noun
3C New Year’s Eve ˌnjuːˌjɪəzˈiːv noun
3C November nəʊˈvem.bə noun
3C October ɒkˈtəʊ.bə noun

3C party ˈpɑː.ti noun

3C September sepˈtem.bə noun

3C wedding ˈwed.ɪŋ noun

3D always ˈɔːl.weɪz adverb

3D hardly ever ˈhɑː ˈev.ə phrase

3D never ˈnev.ə adverb

3D often ˈɒf.ən / ˈɒft.ən adverb

3D sometimes ˈsʌm.taɪmz adverb

3D usually ˈjuː.ʒə.li adverb

4A clubbing klʌbɪŋ noun

4A cycling ˈsaɪ.klɪŋ noun

4A gym dʒɪm noun
4A holiday ˈhɒl.ə.deɪ noun

4A listen to ˈlɪs.ən tuː verb

4A magazines ˌmæɡ.əˈziːnz noun

4A music ˈmjuː.zɪk noun

4A observatory əbˈzɜː.və.tri noun

4A or ɔː / ə conjunction

4A photos ˈfəʊ.təʊz noun

4A play pleɪ verb
4A rain reɪn noun
4A read riːd verb

4A running rʌnɪŋ noun

4A star stɑː noun

4A swimming ˈswɪm.ɪŋ noun

4A take photos ˌteɪk ˈfəʊ.təʊz verb

4A tennis ˈten.ɪs noun

4A video games ˈvɪd.i.əʊ ˌɡeɪmz noun

4A weather ˈweð.ə noun

4B animal ˈæn.ɪ.məl noun

4B cats kæts noun

4B clothes kləʊðz noun

4B cooking ˈkʊ.kɪŋ noun

4B dance dɑːns noun
4B dancing dɑːnsɪŋ noun
4B enjoy ɪnˈdʒɔɪ verb

4B fast food ˌfɑːst ˈfuːd noun

4B food fuːd noun

4B football ˈfʊt.bɔːl noun

4B hate heɪt verb

4B jazz dʒæz noun

4B like laɪk verb

4B love lʌv verb

4B reading ˈriːd.ɪŋ noun

4B rock rɒk noun

4B travelling ˈtræv.lɪŋ noun

4C apple ˈæp.(ə)l noun
4C beer bɪə noun

4C bottle ˈbɒt.(ə)l noun

4C burger ˈbɜː.ɡə noun

4C cheese tʃiːz noun

4C cheeseburger ˈtʃiːzˌbɜː.ɡə noun
4C chicken ˈtʃɪk.ɪn noun
4C chips tʃɪps noun

4C chocolate ˈtʃɒk.əl.ət noun

4C cream kriːm noun

4C dessert dɪˈzɜːt noun

4C egg eɡ noun

4C fruit fruːt noun

4C glass ɡlɑːs noun

4C ice cream ˌaɪsˈkriːm noun

4C mayonnaise ˌmeɪ.əˈneɪz noun

4C mineral water ˈmɪn.ər.əl ˌwɔː.tə noun

4C mixed mɪkst adjective

4C pie paɪ noun

4C pizza ˈpiːt.sə noun

4C red red adjective

4C salad ˈsæl.əd noun

4C sandwich ˈsæn.wɪdʒ noun

4C sparkling ˈspɑː.klɪŋ adjective

4C still stɪl adjective

4C strawberry ˈstrɔː.bə.ri noun

4C tea tiː noun

4C tomato təˈmɑː.təʊ noun

4C tuna ˈtjuː.nə noun

4C vanilla vəˈnɪ.lə noun

4C white waɪt adjective

4C wine waɪn noun

4D banana bəˈnɑː.nə noun

4D biscuit ˈbɪs.kɪt noun

4D bread bred noun

4D cereal ˈsɪə.ri.əl noun

4D croissant ˈkwæs.ɒ noun

4D fish fɪʃ noun

4D jam dʒæm noun

4D juice dʒuːs noun

4D meat miːt noun

4D milk mɪlk noun

4D olives ˈɒl.ɪvz noun

4D orange ˈɒr.ɪndʒ noun

4D rice raɪs noun

4D sausage ˈsɒs.ɪdʒ noun

4D soup suːp noun

4D sugar ˈʃʊɡ.ə noun

4D toast təʊst noun

4D vegetable ˈvedʒ.tə.bəl noun

4D yoghurt ˈjɒg.ət noun

5A amazing əˈmeɪ.zɪŋ adjective

5A awful ˈɔː.fəl adjective
5A boring bɔːrɪŋ adjective
5A cold kəʊld adjective
5A different ˈdɪf.ər.ənt adjective

5A fantastic fænˈtæs.tɪk adjective

5A friendly ˈ adjective

5A happy ˈhæp.i adjective

5A hot hɒt adjective

5A ill ɪl adjective

5A interesting ˈɪn.trəstɪŋ adjective

5A lucky ˈlʌk.i adjective

5A noisy ˈnɔɪ.zi adjective

5A quiet ˈkwaɪ.ət adjective

5A same seɪm phrase

5A short ʃɔːt adjective

5A tall tɔːl adjective

5A terrible ˈter.ə.b(ə)l adjective

5A unfriendly ʌnˈ adjective
5A unhappy ʌnˈhæp.i adjective

5A unlucky ʌnˈlʌ.ki adjective

5A well wel adjective

5A wonderful ˈwʌn.də.fəl adjective

5B 3D ˌθriːˈdiː adjective

5B become bɪˈkʌm verb

5B billion ˈbɪliən noun

5B country ˈkʌn.tri noun

5B director dɪˈrek.tə noun

5B diving ˈdaɪ.vɪŋ noun

5B divorced dɪˈvɔːst adjective

5B dream driːm noun

5B English ˈɪŋ.ɡlɪʃ noun

5B famous ˈfeɪ.məs adjective

5B film fɪlm noun

5B house haʊs noun

5B letter ˈlet.ə noun

5B lottery ˈlɒt.ə.ri noun

5B make meɪk verb

5B married ˈmæ.rid adjective
5B meet miːt verb

5B money ˈmʌ.ni noun

5B move muːv verb

5B Oscar ˈɒs.kə noun

5B physics ˈfɪz.ɪks noun

5B robot ˈrəʊ.bɒt noun

5B school skuːl noun

5B script skrɪpt noun

5B stay steɪ verb

5B successful səkˈses.fəl adjective

5B university ˌjuː.nɪˈvɜː.sə.ti noun

5B win wɪn verb

5B write raɪt verb

5C all ɔːl determiner

5C away əˈweɪ adverb

5C car kɑː noun

5C clean kliːn verb

5C clean kliːn adjective

5C cold kəʊld noun

5C couple ˈkʌp.(ə)l noun

5C have hæv /həv verb

5C have hæv /həv verb

5C homework ˈhəʊm.wɜːk noun

5C on time ɒn taɪm phrase
5C report rɪˈpɔːt noun

5C run rʌn noun

5C time taɪm noun

5C time taɪm noun

5C walk wɔːk noun

5C washing ˈwɒʃ.ɪŋ noun

5C weekend ˌwiːkˈend noun

5D bored bɔːd adjective

5D busy ˈbɪz.i adjective

5D castle ˈkɑː.s(ə)l noun

5D comfortable ˈkʌmf.tə.bəl adjective

5D competition ˌkɒm.pəˈtɪʃ.ən noun

5D crowded kraʊdɪd adjective

5D dangerous ˈdeɪn.dʒə.rəs adjective

5D dirty ˈdɜː.ti adjective

5D empty ˈemp.ti adjective

5D enter ˈen.tə verb
5D excited ɪkˈsaɪ.tɪd adjective
5D poor pɔː adjective

5D prize praɪz noun

5D queue kjuː noun

5D quite kwaɪt adverb

5D really ˈrɪə.li adverb

5D receptionist rɪˈsep.ʃən.ɪst noun

5D rich rɪtʃ adjective

5D safe seɪf adjective

5D too tuː adverb

6A account əˈkaʊnt noun

6A billionaire ˌbɪl.jəˈneə noun

6A blog blɒɡ noun

6A build bɪld verb

6A built bɪlt verb

6A chat tʃæt verb

6A cheque tʃek noun

6A computer science kəmˈpjuː.tə ˌsaɪ.ənts noun

6A download ˈdaʊn.ləʊd verb

6A get ɡet verb

6A internet ˈɪn.tə.net noun

6A launch lɔːnʃ verb

6A online ˌɒnˈlaɪn adjective

6A search engine ˈsɜːtʃ ˌen.dʒɪn noun

6A send send verb

6A use juːz verb

6A video ˈvɪd.i.əʊ noun

6A website ˈweb.saɪt noun

6A Wi-Fi ˈwaɪ.faɪ noun

6B ago əˈɡəʊ adverb

6B app æp noun

6B battery ˈbæt.(ə)ri noun

6B century ˈsen.tʃə.ri noun

6B channel ˈtʃæn.əl noun

6B charge tʃɑːdʒ verb

6B colour ˈkʌl.ə noun

6B explain ɪkˈspleɪn verb

6B GPS ˌdʒiː.piːˈes noun

6B last lɑːst adjective

6B live TV laɪv ˌtiːˈviː noun

6B record rɪˈkɔːd verb

6B text tekst noun

6B turn off tɜːn ɒf phrasal verb

6B turn on tɜːn ɒn phrasal verb

6B TV programme ˌtiːˈviː ˈprəʊ.ɡræm noun

6B without wɪˈðaʊt preposition

6C boat bəʊt noun

6C bought bɔːt verb

6C buy baɪ verb

6C coast kəʊst noun

6C couple ˈkʌp.(ə)l noun

6C crash kræʃ noun

6C damage ˈdæm.ɪdʒ noun

6C die daɪ verb

6C envelope ˈen.və.ləʊp noun

6C find faɪnd verb

6C helicopter ˈhel.ɪ.kɒp.tə noun

6C hospital ˈhɒs.pɪ.təl noun

6C lose luːz verb

6C missing ˈmɪs.ɪŋ adjective
6C put pʊt verb

6C receive rɪˈsiːv verb

6C said sed verb

6C sail seɪl verb

6C save seɪv verb

6C say seɪ verb

6C sea siː noun

6C storm stɔːm noun

6C tell tel verb

6C told təʊld verb

6C train treɪn noun

6C yesterday ˈjes.tə.deɪ noun

6D art ɑːt noun

6D award əˈwɔːd noun

6D designer dɪˈzaɪ.nə noun

6D hero ˈhɪə.rəʊ noun

6D prince prɪns noun

6D princess prɪnˈses noun

6D the ðiː / ðə determiner

6D the ðiː / ðə determiner

6D villain ˈvɪl.ən noun

7A airport ˈeə.pɔːt noun

7A bar bɑː noun

7A beach biːtʃ noun

7A building bɪldɪŋ noun

7A bus bʌs noun

7A café ˈkæf.eɪ noun

7A city ˈsɪt.i noun

7A flat flæt noun

7A hotel həʊˈtel noun

7A market ˈmɑː.kɪt noun

7A museum mjuːˈziː.əm noun

7A park pɑːk noun

7A pub pʌb noun

7A restaurant ˈrest.ə.rɒnt noun
7A road rəʊd noun

7A shop ʃɒp noun

7A square skweə noun

7A station ˈsteɪ.ʃən noun

7A theatre ˈθɪə.tə noun

7A town taʊn noun

7A village ˈvɪl.ɪdʒ noun

7B armchair ˈɑːm.tʃeə noun

7B balcony ˈbæl.kə.ni noun

7B bath bɑːθ noun

7B bathroom ˈbɑːθ.ruːm noun

7B bedroom ˈbed.rʊm /ˈbed.ruːm noun

7B cooker ˈkʊk.ə noun

7B cupboard ˈkʌb.əd noun

7B double ˈdʌb.(ə)l adjective

7B fridge frɪdʒ noun

7B furniture ˈfɜː.nɪ.tʃə noun

7B kitchen ˈkɪtʃ.ɪn noun

7B living room ˈlɪv.ɪŋ ˌruːm noun

7B plan plæn noun

7B rent rent noun

7B shelf ʃelf noun

7B shower ˈʃaʊ.ə noun

7B single ˈsɪŋ.ɡ(ə)l adjective

7B sink sɪŋk noun

7B space speɪs noun

7B toilet ˈtɔɪ.lət noun

7B washbasin ˈwɒʃˌbeɪ.sən noun

7B washing machine ˈwɒʃ.ɪŋ məˌʃiːn noun

7C aspirin ˈæs.p(ə)rɪn noun

7C baker's ˈbeɪ.kəz noun

7C bank bæŋk noun

7C bookshop ˈbʊk.ʃɒp noun

7C butcher's ˈbʊtʃ.əz noun

7C cake keɪk noun

7C chemist’s ˈkem.ɪsts noun

7C cigarette ˌsɪɡ.əˈret noun

7C department store dɪˈpɑːt.mənt stɔː noun

7C guide book ˈɡaɪd.bʊk noun

7C kiosk ˈkiː.ɒsk noun

7C map mæp noun

7C newsagent’s ˈnjuːzˌeɪ.dʒənts noun

7C newspaper ˈnjuːsˌpeɪ.pə noun

7C post office ˈpəʊst ˌɒf.ɪs noun

7C postcard ˈpəʊst.kɑːd noun

7C stamp stæmp noun

7C supermarket ˈsuː.pəˌmɑː.kɪt noun

7C tissue ˈtɪʃ.uː noun

7D black blæk adjective

7D blue bluː adjective

7D boots buːts noun

7D cap kæp noun

7D dark dɑːk adjective
7D designer clothes dɪˈzaɪ.nə kləʊðz noun

7D fashion ˈfæʃ.ən noun

7D green ɡriːn adjective

7D grey ɡreɪ adjective

7D hat hæt noun
7D jacket ˈdʒæk.ɪt noun

7D jeans dʒiːnz noun

7D jumper ˈdʒʌm.pə noun

7D light laɪt adjective

7D orange ˈɒr.ɪndʒ adjective
7D pink pɪŋk adjective
7D purple ˈpɜː.pəl adjective

7D send back ˌsend ˈbæk phrasal verb

7D shirt ʃɜːt noun

7D shorts ʃɔːts noun

7D skirt skɜːt noun

7D socks sɒks noun

7D suit suːt noun

7D tie taɪ noun

7D top tɒp noun

7D trainers ˈtreɪ.nəz noun

7D trousers ˈtraʊ.zəz noun

7D try on traɪ ən phrasal verb

7D T-shirt ˈtiː.ʃɜːt noun

7D yellow ˈjel.əʊ adjective

8A answer ˈɑːn.sə verb

8A answer ˈɑːn.sə verb

8A company ˈkʌm.pə.ni noun

8A conference ˈkɒn.fər.əns noun

8A contract ˈkən.trækt noun

8A customer ˈkʌs.tə.mə noun

8A meeting ˈmiː.tt̬ɪŋ noun

8A message ˈmes.ɪdʒ noun

8A notes nəʊts noun

8A sign saɪn verb

8A sit sɪt verb

8A stop stɒp verb

8A take teɪk verb

8B coach kəʊtʃ noun

8B cycle ˈsaɪ.k(ə)l verb

8B drive draɪv verb

8B ferry ˈfer.i noun

8B fly flaɪ verb

8B foot fʊt noun
8B journey ˈdʒɜː.ni noun
8B motorbike ˈməʊ.tə.baɪk noun
8B plane pleɪn noun
8B scooter ˈskuː.tə noun

8B taxi ˈtæ noun

8B traffic ˈtræf.ɪk noun

8B tram træm noun

8B walk wɔːk verb

8C back bæk adverb

8C choose tʃuːz verb

8C person ˈpɜː.sən noun

8C press pres verb

8C try traɪ verb

8C voicemail ˈvɔɪs.meɪl noun

8D another əˈnʌð.ə determiner

8D careful ˈkeə.fəl adjective

8D carefully ˈkeə.fə.li adverb

8D cook kʊk noun

8D easily ˈiː.zɪ.li adverb
8D excellent ˈek.səl.ənt adjective
8D fast fɑːst adverb

8D fluent ˈfluː.ənt adjective

8D hard hɑːd adverb

8D horse hɔːs noun

8D instrument ˈɪn.strə.mənt noun

8D language ˈlæŋ.ɡwɪdʒ noun

8D musical ˈmjuː.zɪ.kəl adjective
8D play pleɪ verb
8D popular ˈpɒp.jə.lə adjective

8D ride raɪd verb

8D sing sɪŋ verb

8D ski skiː verb

8D speak spiːk verb
8D surf sɜːf verb
8D swim swɪm verb
8D well wel adverb

8D windsurf ˈwɪnd.sɜːf verb

9A cable car ˈkeɪ.b(ə)l ˌkɑː noun

9A camping kæmpɪŋ noun

9A cell sel noun

9A elephant ˈel.ɪ.fənt noun

9A guided ɡaɪdɪd adjective

9A picnic ˈpɪk.nɪk noun

9A prison ˈprɪz.ən noun

9A public transport ˌpʌb.lɪk ˈtræn.spɔːt/ noun

9A rent rent verb

9A sightseeing ˈsaɪt.siːɪŋ noun

9A skiing ˈskiː.ɪŋ noun

9A tour tʊə noun

9A tourist ˈtʊə.rɪst noun

9A travel around ˈtræv.əl əˈraʊnd phrase

9A trip trɪp noun

9A whale weɪl noun

9A wildlife park ˈwaɪld.laɪf ˌpɑːk noun

9B camel ˈkæm.əl noun

9B coral reef ˈkɒr.əl riːf noun

9B countryside ˈkʌn.trɪ.saɪd noun

9B desert ˈdez.ət noun

9B forest ˈfɒr.ɪst noun

9B hill hɪl noun

9B island ˈaɪ.lənd noun

9B lake leɪk noun

9B mosque mɒsk noun

9B mountain ˈmaʊn.tɪn noun

9B Pyramids ˈpɪr.ə.mɪdz noun

9B river ˈrɪv.ə noun

9B snorkelling ˈsnɔː.k.ə.lɪŋ noun

9B wood wʊd noun

9C bird bɜːd noun

9C chicken ˈtʃɪk.ɪn noun

9C cow kaʊ noun

9C farm fɑːm noun

9C gorilla ɡəˈrɪl.ə noun

9C lion ˈlaɪ.ən noun

9C monkey ˈmʌŋ.ki noun

9C mouse maʊs noun

9C pet pet noun
9C rabbit ˈræb.ɪt noun

9C sheep ʃiːp noun

9C snake sneɪk noun

9C tiger ˈtaɪ.ɡə noun

9C wild waɪld adjective

9C wolf wʊlf noun

9D decide dɪˈsaɪd verb

9D love lʌv verb

9D need niːd verb

9D want wɒnt verb

9D would like wʊd laɪk / wəd laɪk phrase

9D would love ('d love) wʊd lʌv / wəd lʌv phrase

10A calorie ˈkæl.ə.ri noun

10A carry ˈkær.i verb

10A escalator ˈes.kə.leɪ.tə noun

10A every ˈev.ri determiner

10A exercise ˈek.sə.saɪz noun

10A fit fɪt adjective

10A get fit ɡet fɪt verb

10A get on (sth) ɡet ɒn phrasal verb

10A healthy ˈhel.θi adjective
10A housework ˈhaʊs.wɜːk noun

10A lift lɪft noun

10A member ˈmem.bə noun

10A mile maɪl noun

10A off ɒf adverb

10A once wʌns adverb
10A shopping ˈʃɒp.ɪŋ noun

10A spend spend verb

10A stressed strest adjective

10A survey ˈsɜː.veɪ noun

10A times taɪmz noun

10A twice twaɪs adverb

10A wash wɒʃ verb
10B Asian ˈeɪ.ʒən adjective
10B attractive əˈtræk.tɪv adjective

10B bald bɔːld adjective

10B beard bɪəd noun

10B blonde blɒnd adjective

10B brown braʊn adjective

10B eye aɪ noun

10B fair feə adjective

10B fat fæt adjective

10B funny ˈfʌn.i adjective

10B generous ˈdʒen.ər.əs adjective

10B good-looking ˌɡʊdˈlʊk.ɪŋ adjective

10B hair heə noun

10B hard-working ˌhɑːdˈwɜː.kɪŋ adjective

10B kind kaɪnd adjective

10B lazy ˈleɪ.zi adjective

10B long lɒŋ adjective

10B middle-aged ˌmɪd.əlˈeɪdʒd adjective

10B moustache məˈstɑːʃ noun

10B outgoing ˌaʊtˈɡəʊ.ɪŋ adjective

10B overweight ˌəʊ.vəˈweɪt adjective

10B reliable rɪˈlaɪ.ə.b(ə)l adjective
10B selfish ˈsel.fɪʃ adjective

10B shy ʃaɪ adjective

10B slim slɪm adjective

10B thin θɪn adjective

10C ache eɪk noun

10C antibiotics ˌæn.ti.baɪˈɒt.ɪks noun

10C arm ɑːm noun

10C back bæk noun

10C better ˈbet.ə adjective

10C cough kɒf noun

10C dentist ˈden.tɪst noun

10C feel fiːl verb
10C headache ˈhed.eɪk noun
10C hurt hɜːt verb

10C leg leɡ noun

10C medicine ˈme.dɪ.sən noun

10C painkiller ˈpeɪnˌkɪl.ə noun

10C sick sɪk adjective
10C sore sɔː adjective
10C stomach ˈstʌm.ək noun

10C take the day off ˌteɪk ðə deɪ ˈɒf phrase

10C temperature ˈtem.prə.tʃə noun

10C throat θrəʊt noun

10C toothache ˈtuːθ.eɪk noun

10D autumn ˈɔː.təm noun

10D box bɒks noun

10D bright braɪt adjective

10D cloud klaʊd noun

10D cloudy ˈklaʊ.di adjective

10D degree dɪˈɡriː noun

10D depressed dɪˈprest adjective

10D fitness ˈfɪt.nəs noun

10D fog fɒɡ noun

10D foggy ˈfɒɡ.i adjective

10D happiness ˈhæpɪ.nəs noun

10D illness ˈɪl.nəs noun

10D raining ˈreɪn.ɪŋ verb

10D sad sæd adjective

10D sadness sædnəs noun

10D scientist ˈsaɪ.ən.tɪst noun

10D snowing ˈsnəʊ.ɪŋ verb

10D spring sprɪŋ noun

10D summer ˈsʌm.ə noun

10D sun sʌn noun

10D sunny ˈsʌn.i adjective
10D warm wɔːm adjective
10D wind wɪnd noun
10D windy ˈwɪn.di adjective

10D winter ˈwɪn.tə noun

11A course kɔːs noun

11A fun fʌn noun

11A job dʒɒb noun

11A kilos ˈkiː.ləʊz noun
11A less les adverb
11A lose luːz verb

11A move muːv verb

11A smoking ˈsməʊ.kɪŋ noun

11A sweet swiːt adjective
11A thing θɪŋ noun

11A weight weɪt noun

11A working ˈwɜːk.ɪŋ verb

11B college ˈkɒl.ɪdʒ noun

11B degree dɪˈɡriː noun

11B do duː / də verb

11B exam ɪɡˈzæm noun

11B fail feɪl verb

11B pass pɑːs verb
11B qualifications ˌkwɒl.ɪ.fɪˈkeɪ.ʃənz noun
11B revise rɪˈvaɪz verb

11B take an exam ˌteɪk ən ɪɡˈzæm verb

11C along əˈlɒŋ adverb

11C bridge brɪdʒ noun

11C left left adverb

11C left left noun

11C next to nekst tuː preposition

11C on ɒn preposition

11C opposite ˈɒp.ə.zɪt preposition

11C over ˈəʊ.və adverb

11C past pɑːst adverb
11C right raɪt adverb

11C right raɪt noun

11C street striːt noun

11C turn tɜːn verb

11D book bʊk verb

11D flight flaɪt noun

11D place pleɪs noun

11D room ruːm / rʊm noun

11D seat siːt noun

11D ticket ˈtɪk.ɪt noun

12A bowl bəʊl noun

12A chilli ˈtʃɪl.i noun

12A cost kɒst verb

12A haircut ˈheə.kʌt noun

12A heavy ˈhev.i adjective
12A litre ˈliː.tə noun
12A million ˈmɪl.jən noun
12A nought nɔːt noun
12A point pɔɪnt noun

12A thousand ˈθaʊ.zənd noun

12B been biːn / bɪn verb

12B gone ɡɒn verb

12B had hæd / həd verb

12B met met verb

12B seen siːn verb

12B written ˈrɪt.ən adjective

12C aisle aɪl noun

12C bag drop bæɡ drɒp noun

12C boarding pass ˈbɔːdɪŋ ˌpɑːs noun

12C check-in ˈtʃek.ɪn noun

12C delayed dɪˈleɪd adjective

12C flight number ˈflaɪt ˌnʌm.bə noun

12C gate ɡeɪt noun

12C hand luggage ˈhænd ˌlʌɡ.ɪdʒ noun

12C middle ˈmɪd.(ə)l adjective

12C pack pæk verb

12C passenger ˈpæs.ən.dʒə noun

12C passport ˈpɑːs.pɔːt noun

ARABIC Definition
‫ الحروف البأجدية‬a set of letters used for writing a language
‫ كتاب‬aa set of pages with writing on them fastened together in

‫ قِطة‬aassmall animal with fur, four legs and a tail that is kept
a pet
‫ جهاز تشغيلُ لقرص المدمج‬a machine that is used for playing music CDs
‫ كرسي‬a seat for one person, with a back and usually four legs
‫صف دراسي‬ a room in a school where students have lessons
an electronic machine that can store and arrange large
‫ حاسوب‬amounts of information
a book that contains a list of words in alphabetical order
‫ قِاموس‬with their meanings explained or written in another
‫ جهاز تشغيل الدي في دي‬a machine that is used for playing DVDs
‫ ثامانية‬the number 8
‫ ثامانية عشر‬the number 18
‫ أحد عشر‬the number 11
‫ خمسة عشر‬the number 15
‫ خمسة‬the number 5
‫ أربأعة‬the number 4
‫ أربأعة عشر‬the number 14
‫ الثجمعة‬the day of the week after Thursday and before Saturday
‫الثانين‬ the day of the week after Sunday and before Tuesday

‫ تسعة‬the number 9
‫ تسعة عشر‬the number 19
‫ واحد‬the number 1
‫ قِلم حبأر‬a long, thin object that you use to write or draw in ink
‫ قِلم رصاص‬apoint
long, thin wooden object with a black or coloured
that you write or draw with

‫السبأت‬ the day of the week after Friday and before Sunday
‫ سبأعة‬the number 7
‫ سبأعة عشر‬the number 17
‫ ستة‬the number 6
‫ ستة عشر‬the number 16
‫الحد‬ the day of the week after Saturday and before Monday
a piece of furniture with four legs, used for eating off,
‫ منضدة‬putting things on, etc
‫ عشرة‬the number 10
‫ ثالُثاة عشر‬the number 13
‫ ثالُثاة‬the number 3
‫ الخميس‬the day of the week after Wednesday and before Friday
the day of the week after Monday and before
‫الثالُثااء‬ Wednesday
‫ تلفزيون‬short for television
‫ إثانا عشر‬the number 12
‫ عشرون‬the number 20
‫ إثانان‬the number 2
‫ الربأعاء‬the day of the week after Tuesday and before Thursday
‫ رقِم هاتف العمل‬the
telephone number of the place where you do your

‫ صفر‬the number 0
‫ أمريكي‬relating to the United States of America
‫ الرجنتين‬a country in South America
‫ أرجنتيني‬coming from or relating to Argentina
‫ أستراليا‬a country on the continent of the same name
‫ أسترالي‬coming from or relating to Australia
‫ البأرازيل‬a country in South America
‫ بأرازيلي‬coming from or relating to Brazil
‫ بأريطاني‬relating to Great Britain or the United Kingdom
‫ الصين‬a country in Asia
‫ صيني‬coming from or relating to China
‫ مصر‬a country in Africa
‫ مصري‬coming from or relating to Egypt.
‫ فرنسا‬a country in Europe
‫ فرنسي‬coming from or relating to France
‫ ألماني‬coming from or relating to Germany
‫ ألمانيا‬a country in Europe
‫ إيطالي‬coming from or relating to Italy
‫ إيطاليا‬a country in Europe
‫ اليابأان‬acoast
country consisting of a group of islands near the east
of Asia
‫ يابأاني‬coming from or relating to Japan
‫ مكسيكي‬coming from or relating to Mexico.
‫ المكسيك‬a country in North America
‫ بأولندا‬a country in Europe
‫ بأولندي‬coming from or relating to Poland.
‫ روسيا‬a country in Europe
‫ روسي‬coming from or relating to Russia
‫ أسبأانيا‬a country in Europe
‫ أسبأاني‬coming from or relating to Spain
‫ تركيا‬a country in Asia.
‫ ثتركي‬coming from or relating to Turkey
‫ المملكة المتحدة‬United Kingdom
‫ الوليات المتحدة المريكية‬United States of America
‫ أداة للدللة على المفرد النكرة‬used before a noun to mean one thing or person
‫ ثمحاسب‬someone whose job is to keep or examine the financial
records of a company or organization
someone, especially a man, who performs in plays and
‫ ثممثال‬films
‫ ثممتلة‬a woman who performs in plays and films
‫ أداة للدللة على المفرد النكرة‬used instead of 'a' when the next word starts with a
vowel sound
‫ عامل بأناء‬someone who makes or repairs buildings as a job
‫ عامل تنظيف‬someone
whose job is to clean houses, offices, and other

‫ طبأيب‬a person whose job is to treat people who are ill or hurt
someone whose job is to design, build, or repair
‫ ثمهندس‬machines, engines, roads, bridges, etc
‫ ربأة منزل‬acare
woman who stays at home to cook, clean, and take
of her family
someone whose job is to explain the law to people and
‫ ثمحامي‬give advice
‫ ثمدير‬someone in control of an office, shop, team, etc
‫ ميكانيكي‬someone whose job is to repair machines
‫ عازف موسيقى‬someone who plays a musical instrument, often as a job
‫ ضابأط شرطة‬someone who is a member of the police
‫ متقاعد‬having stopped working, often because you are old
‫ موظف مبأيعات‬someone whose job is selling things in a shop
‫ طالب‬someone who is studying at a school or university
‫ ثمعلم‬someone whose job is to teach in a school, college, etc
‫ عاطل‬not having a job
a man who works in a restaurant, bringing food to
‫ نادل‬customers
a woman who works in a restaurant, bringing food to
‫ نادلة‬customers
the number of a building and the name of the street,
‫ عنوان‬city, etc where it is
‫ بأزنس كارد‬athesmall card that has your name, company name, and
job you do printed on it

‫ بأطاقِة إئتمان‬aand
small plastic card that allows you to buy something
pay for it later

‫ بأريد إلكتروني‬acomputer
way of sending messages electronically, from one
to another
‫ أول‬coming before all others
‫ منزل‬the place where you live
‫ رقِم المنزل‬the telephone number of the place where you live
‫ مائة‬the number 100
‫ جيوال‬a mobile phone
‫ هاتف جيوال‬a telephone that you can carry everywhere with you
the word or group of words that is used to refer to a
‫ إسم‬person, thing, or place

‫ جنسية‬If you have American/British/Swiss, etc nationality, you

are legally a member of that country.

‫ رقِم‬a group of numbers that represents something

a piece of equipment that is used to talk to someone
‫ هاتف‬who is in another place
‫ رمز بأريدي‬asomeone's
group of letters and numbers that comes at the end of
address in the UK

‫ إسم العائلة‬the name that you and people in your family all have
‫ مكان العمل‬the place where you go to do your job
‫ حقيبأة‬a container used for carrying things
a vehicle with two wheels that you sit on and move by
‫ دراجة هوائية‬turning the two pedals (=parts you press with your feet)

‫ دراجة هوائية‬short for bicycle

‫ كاميرا‬a piece of equipment used to take photographs
a piece of clothing that you wear over your other clothes
‫ عمعطف‬when you are outside
‫ مذكرات‬aremember
book in which you write things that you must
to do

‫ فستان‬athepiece of clothing for women which covers the top of

body and hangs down over the legs
‫ أسنان إصطناعية‬teeth that are not real, but are made to look or seem real
‫ بأطاقِة شخصية‬an identity card
‫ حاسوب محمول‬a small computer that you can carry around with you
a piece of electronic equipment or a computer program
‫ جهاز‬MP3 for playing music that has been stored as MP3 files
(=collections of information)

‫ ثملصق‬a large, printed picture or notice that you put on a wall

the programmes that you hear when you listen to the
‫ مذياع‬radio
‫ حذاء‬a strong covering for the foot, often made of leather
a rectangular case with a handle that you use for
‫ حقيبأة سفر‬carrying clothes when you are travelling
‫ ذلك‬used to mean something that has already been talked
about or seen
‫هؤلء‬ plural of this

‫ هذا‬used to mean something or someone that is near you or

that you are pointing to
‫ أولئك‬plural of that
a thing that you hold above your head to keep yourself
‫ مظلة‬dry when it is raining
a small, flat container for paper money and credit cards
‫محفظة‬ (=plastic cards used for paying with), usually used by a

‫ ساعة يد‬a small clock on a strap that you fasten round your arm
‫ سيء‬not good or pleasant
‫ جميل‬very attractive
‫ كبأير‬large in size or amount
‫ رخيص‬not expensive, or costing less than usual
‫ صعب‬not easy to do or understand
‫ ثمبأكر‬near the beginning of a period of time, process, etc
‫ سهل‬not difficult
‫ غالي الثامن‬costing a lot of money
‫ سريع‬quick
Your favourite person or thing is the one that you like
‫ ثمف ي‬best.
‫ جيد‬enjoyable or nice
‫ عظيم‬very good
‫ ثمهم‬valuable, useful, or necessary
pieces of metal cut into a shape and used for locking
‫ مفاتيح‬things such as doors, or for starting an engine

‫ ثمتأخر‬after the usual time or the time that was arranged

‫ جديد‬different from before
‫ جميل‬pleasant
‫ قِديم‬having been used or owned for a long time
‫ عجوز‬having lived or existed for a long time
‫ صحيح‬correct or true
‫ بأطيء‬moving, happening, or doing something without much
‫ صغير‬little in size or amount
‫ قِبأيح‬bad to look at
‫ جداا‬used to make an adjective or adverb stronger
‫ خطأ‬not correct
‫شاب‬ having lived or existed for only a short time and not old

‫ خالة أو عمة‬the sister of your mother or father, or the wife of your

‫ أخ‬a boy or man who has the same parents as you
‫ أطفال‬young people who are not yet adults
‫ إبأن أو إبأنة‬the child of your aunt or uncle
‫ إبأنة‬your female child
‫ أب‬the man that a woman is married to
‫ أحفاد‬the children of your son or daughter
‫ حفيدة‬the daughter of your son or daughter
‫ جد‬the father of your mother or father
‫ جدة‬the mother of your mother or father
‫ جد و جدة‬the parent of your mother or father
‫ حفيد‬the son of your son or daughter
‫ زوج‬the man you are married to
‫ أطفال‬children or young people
‫ ثأم‬your female parent
‫ والد أو والدة‬your mother or father
‫ أخت‬a girl or woman who has the same parents as you
‫ إبأن‬your male child
‫ خال أو عم‬the brother of your mother or father, or the husband of
your aunt
‫ زوجة‬the woman that a man is married to
‫ يوم‬a period of 24 hours
‫ ساعة‬a period of time equal to 60 minutes
‫ دقِيقة‬a period of time equal to 60 seconds
‫ شهر‬one of the twelve periods of time that a year is divided
‫ ثاانية‬one of the 60 parts a minute is divided into
‫ أسبأوع‬a period of seven days
a period of 12 months, or 365 or 366 days, especially
‫ سنة‬from 1 January to 31 December
‫ خلف‬at or to the back of someone or something
‫ خزانة الكتب‬a piece of furniture with shelves for putting books on
‫ بأجانب‬near or next to
‫ سجاد‬thick material for covering floors, often made of wool
‫ منضدة لتقديم الشاي والقهوة‬a low table in a room where people sit
‫ ستائر‬material which hangs down to cover a window, stage,
‫ مكتب‬a table that you sit at to write or work
‫ بأاب‬the part of a building or room that you open or close to
get inside it or out of it
‫ أرضية‬a surface that you walk on inside a building
‫ في‬inside a container or place
‫ أمام‬close to the front part of something
‫ مصبأاح‬an object that makes light
‫ مرآة‬a piece of special glass in which you can see yourself
‫ على‬on a surface of something
a living thing that grows in the soil or water and has
‫ نبأتة‬leaves and roots
‫ أريكة‬a large, comfortable seat for more than one person
‫ تحت‬below something
a space in the wall of a building or car that has glass in
‫ نافذة‬it, used for letting light and air inside and for looking

‫ بأعد الظهر‬the time between the middle of the day and the evening
‫ سرير‬a piece of furniture that you sleep on
‫ فطور‬the food you eat in the morning after you wake up
‫ حصص‬a period of time in which students are taught something
‫ عشاء‬the main meal of the day that people usually eat in the

‫ مساء‬the part of the day between the afternoon and the night
‫ ثينهي‬to complete something
‫صل على‬
‫ يح ث‬to obtain or buy something
‫ يصل‬to arrive somewhere
‫ يستيقظ‬to wake up and get out of bed, or to make someone do
‫ فاتن‬attractive in an exciting and special way
‫ يذهب‬to move or travel somewhere
‫ يتناول‬to eat or drink something
‫ منزل‬the place where you live
‫ يترك‬to go away from a place
‫ يسكن‬to have your home somewhere
‫ غداء‬the food that you eat in the middle of the day
the first half of the day, from the time when the sun
‫ صبأاح‬rises until the middle of the day
the time in every 24 hours when it is dark and people
‫ ليل‬sleep

‫ ينام‬to be in the state of rest when your eyes are closed, your
body is not active, and your mind is unconscious

‫ يبأدأ‬to begin doing something

‫ يدثرس‬to learn about a subject, usually at school or university
‫ إلى‬in the direction of somewhere
‫ بأرنامج تلفزيوني‬a programme on television such as a chat show
‫ يعمل‬to do a job that you get money for
‫ كثايراا‬very much or very often
‫ سينما‬a building where you go to watch films
‫ قِهوة‬aa hot drink made from dark beans which are made into
powder, or a cup of this drink
‫ حفل غنائي‬a performance of music and singing
‫ شرب الخمر‬alcohol, or an alcoholic drink
‫ ثقِرص الفيديو الرقِمي‬a small disc for storing music, films and information
‫ يأكل بأمطعم‬to eat at a restaurant
‫ عائلة‬aespecially
group of people who are related to each other,
parents and children
‫ صديق‬someone who you know well and like
‫ يخرج‬to leave a place in order to go somewhere else
‫ يتصل هاتفيا ا‬to speak to someone by telephone
‫ تسوق‬when you buy things from shops
a game or activity which people do to keep healthy or
‫ رياضة‬for enjoyment, often competing against each other

‫ يبأقى‬to continue to be in a place, job, etc and not leave

‫ يبأقى بأالمنزل‬to stay in your home
‫ يزور‬to go somewhere to see someone or a place
‫ ثيشاهد‬to look at something for a period of time
‫ ذكرى سنوية‬athat
day on which you remember or celebrate something
happened on that day in the past
(‫ أبأريل )نيسان‬the fourth month of the year
(‫ أغسطس )آب‬the eighth month of the year
‫ طفل رضيع‬a very young child
‫ ولدة‬the time when a baby is born
‫ عيد ميلُد‬the day of the year on which someone was born
‫ !مبأروك‬something that you say when you want to congratulate
(‫ ديسمبأر )كانون الول‬the twelfth month of the year
(‫ فبأراير )شبأاط‬the second month of the year
something friendly you say to someone on the date they
‫ !عيد زواج سعيد‬got married in a previous year
‫ !عيد ميلُد سعيد‬something friendly you say to someone on their

‫ !سنة جديدة سعيدة‬something

of the year
friendly you say to someone on the first day

(‫ يناير )كانون الثااني‬the first month of the year

(‫ يوليو )تموز‬the seventh month of the year
(‫ يونيو )حزيران‬the sixth month of the year
(‫ مارس )آذار‬the third month of the year
(‫ مايو )أيار‬the fifth month of the year
‫ ليلة رأس السنة الجديدة‬31 December, the last day of the year
(‫ نوفمبأر )تشرين الثااني‬the eleventh month of the year
(‫ أكتوبأر )تشرين الول‬the tenth month of the year
‫ حفلة‬when people come together to enjoy themselves by
talking, eating, drinking, and dancing
(‫ سبأتمبأر )أيلول‬the ninth month of the year
an official ceremony at which a man and woman get
‫ حفل زواج‬married
‫ دائما ا‬every time, or at all times
‫ قِليلُا ما‬almost never
‫ ثمطلقا ا‬not ever, not one time
‫ غالبأا ا‬many times or regularly
‫ أحيانا ا‬on some occasions but not always or often
‫ عاداة‬in the way that most often happens
‫ يذهب للنادي الليليي‬when you go to clubs where there is music and dancing
‫ ركوب الدراجة الهوائية‬the activity of riding a bicycle
‫ صالة اللعاب الرياضية‬a building with equipment for doing exercises
‫ عطلة‬a time when you do not have to go to work or school
to give attention to someone or something in order to
‫ يستمع ل‬hear them
thin books published every week or month, that have
‫ مجلُت‬shiny, colourful pages with articles and pictures
a pattern of sounds that is made by playing instruments
‫ موسيقى‬or singing, or a recording of this
a building that is used by scientists to look at stars and
‫ مرصد فلكي‬planets
‫ أو‬used between possibilities, or before the last of many
‫ صور فوتوغرافية‬pictures produced with a camera
‫ يلعب‬When you play a sport or game, you do it.
‫ مطر‬water that falls from the sky in small drops
‫ يقرأ‬to look at words and understand what they mean
the sport of moving on your feet at a speed faster than
‫ ركض‬walking
‫ نجمة‬alight
ball of burning gases that you see as a small point of
in the sky at night

‫ سبأاحة‬the activity of moving through water by moving your

to use a camera to take pictures of somebody or
‫ يلتقط صور‬something
a sport in which two or four people hit a small ball to
‫ تنس‬each other over a net
‫ ألعاب فيديو‬games in which you make pictures move on a screen
the temperature or conditions outside, for example if it
‫ الطقس‬is hot, cold, sunny, etc
something that lives and moves but is not a person,
‫ حيوان‬bird, fish, or insect
small animals with fur, four legs and a tail that are kept
‫ قِطط‬as a pet
things such as shirts and trousers that you wear on your
‫ ملُبأس‬body
‫ طهي‬preparing food for people to eat
‫ رقِص‬when you move your feet and body to music
‫ رقِص‬when you move your feet and body to music
‫ يستمتع‬If you enjoy something, you like doing it
‫ الوجبأات السريعة‬hot food that is served very quickly in a restaurant
because it is already made
something that people and animals eat to keep them
‫ طعام‬alive
a game in which two teams of players kick a round ball
‫ كرة قِدم‬and try to score goals
‫ يكره‬to dislike someone or something very much
‫ موسيقى الجاز‬music with a strong beat that people often play without
looking at written music
‫ ثيحب‬to enjoy something or think that someone or something
is nice
‫ يعشق‬to like something very much
‫ قِراءة‬the activity or skill of reading books
loud, modern music with a strong beat, often played
‫ موسيقى الروك‬with electric guitars and drums
‫ سفر‬the activity of making journeys
‫ تفاح‬a hard, round fruit with a green or red skin
‫ جعة‬an alcoholic drink made from grain
‫ قِنينة‬awith
container for liquids, usually made of glass or plastic,
a narrow top

‫ بأرجر‬meat in a round, flat shape, that you eat between bread

‫ جبأن‬a yellow or white solid food made from milk
‫ بأرجر بأالجبأن‬a hamburger with a slice of melted cheese on it
‫ لحم دجاج‬the meat of a chicken
‫ رقِائق البأطاطس المقلية‬long, thin pieces of potato that are cooked in oil
‫ شوكولتة‬a sweet, brown food that is usually sold in a block
‫ قِشدة‬a thick, white liquid that is taken from milk
‫ طبأق الحلو‬sweet food that is eaten after the main part of a meal
‫ بأيض‬an oval object made by a female chicken, that you eat as

‫ فواكه‬things such as apples or oranges that grow on a tree or a

bush, contain seeds, and can be eaten as food

‫ كأس‬a container made of glass that is used for drinking

‫ آيس كريم‬a sweet, cold food made from frozen milk
‫ مايونيز‬a thick, cold, white sauce that is made from eggs and oil
‫ مياه معدنية‬water which is taken from the ground
‫ مخلوط‬made of a combination of different people or things
‫ فطيرة‬awhich
type of food made with meat, vegetables, or fruit
is covered in pastry and baked

‫ بأيتزا‬aetcflat, round piece of bread covered with tomato, cheese,

and cooked in an oven
‫ أحمر‬being the same colour as blood
‫ سلطة‬a cold mixture of vegetables that have not been cooked
‫ شطيرة‬two slices of bread with meat, cheese, etc between them
‫فيوار‬ A sparkling drink has bubbles in it.

‫ غير فيوار‬A still drink does not have any bubbles in it.
‫ فراولة‬a small, red fruit with small, brown seeds on its surface
a hot drink that you make by pouring water onto dried
‫ شاي‬leaves
‫ طماطم‬a soft, round, red fruit eaten in salads or as a vegetable
‫ تونة‬a large sea fish, or the meat from this fish
a substance that is used to give flavour to some sweet
ُ‫ فانيل‬foods
‫ أبأيض‬being the colour of snow or milk
‫ نبأيذ‬an alcoholic drink that is made from the juice of grapes
(=small, green or purple fruit)
‫ موز‬a long, white fruit with a yellow skin
‫ بأسكويت‬a thin, flat cake that is dry and usually sweet
‫ خبأز‬a basic food made by mixing and baking flour and water
‫ كورن فليكس‬aespecially
food that is made from grain and eaten with milk,
in the morning
‫ كرواسون‬a soft, curved piece of bread, eaten for breakfast
an animal that lives only in water, swims, and can be
‫ سمك‬eaten as food
‫ ثمربأى‬a sweet food made from fruit that you put on bread
‫ عصير‬the liquid that comes from fruit or vegetables
‫ لحم‬the soft parts of animals, used as food
a white liquid that babies and baby animals drink that
‫ حليب‬comes from their mothers' bodies
‫ زيتون‬small green or black fruit with a bitter taste that is eaten
or used to produce oil

‫ بأرتقال‬ahas
round, sweet fruit with a thick skin and a centre that
many parts

‫ أرز‬small grains from a plant that are cooked and eaten

‫ نقانق‬a mixture of meat and spices pressed into a long tube
‫ شوربأة‬a hot, liquid food, made from vegetables, meat, or fish
a very sweet substance used to give flavour to food and
‫ سكر‬drinks
‫ خبأز محمص‬bread that has been heated to make it brown
‫ ثخضار‬a plant that you eat, for example a potato, onion, etc
a thick, liquid food with a slightly sour taste which is
‫ زبأادي‬made from milk
‫ مذهل‬very good
‫ شنيع‬very bad
‫ ثممل‬not interesting or exciting
‫ بأارد‬having a low temperature
‫ ثمختلف‬used to talk about separate things or people of the same
‫ رائع‬very good
‫ ودود‬behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards someone
pleased and in a good mood, especially because
‫ سعيد‬something good has happened
‫ حار‬very warm
‫ مريض‬not feeling well, or suffering from a disease
‫ مثاير للهتمام‬Something that is interesting keeps your attention
because it is unusual or exciting.
‫ محظوظ‬having good things happen to you
‫ ضوضائي‬Noisy people or things make a lot of noise.
‫ هادئ‬without much noise or activity
‫ نفسه‬exactly alike
‫ قِصير‬having a small distance from one end to the other
‫ طويل‬having a greater than average height.
‫ بأغيض‬very bad
‫ غير ودود‬not friendly
‫ غير سعيد‬sad
‫ غير محظوظ‬having or causing bad luck
‫ بأصحة جيدة‬healthy
‫ رائع‬very good
in a 3-D film or picture, the objects look real and solid
‫ثثالُثاي البأعاد‬
instead of looking like a normal flat picture
‫ ثيصبأح‬to begin to be something
‫ مليار‬the number 1,000,000,000
‫ بألد‬an area of land that has its own government, army, etc
‫ ثمخعرج‬someone who tells the actors in a film or play what to do
the activity or sport of swimming under water, usually
‫ الغوص‬using special breathing equipment
‫ ثمطلق‬married before but not married now
‫ ثحلم‬asleeping
series of events and images in your mind while you are

the language that is spoken in the UK, the US, and in

‫ اللغة النجليزية‬many other countries
‫ مشهور‬known by many people
‫ فيلم‬a story shown at the cinema or on television
a building where people live, usually one family or
‫ منزل‬group
‫ رسالة‬some writing that you send to someone, usually by post
a competition in which people buy tickets with numbers
‫يانصيب‬ on them and then win money if their ticket has a
particular number
‫ يصنع‬to create something
‫ متزوج‬A married man or woman has a wife or husband.
‫ يلتقي‬to see and speak to someone for the first time
‫ نقود‬the coins or pieces of paper that are used for buying
move house: to leave your home in order to live in a new
‫ ينتقل‬one
one of several prizes given to actors and people who
‫ جائزة الوسكار‬make films every year in Hollywood in the US

‫ الفيزياء‬the scientific study of natural forces, such as energy,

heat, light, etc

‫ إنسان آلي‬aand
machine controlled by a computer, which can move
do other things that people can do
‫ مدرسة‬a place where children go to learn things
‫ سيناريو‬the words in a film, play, etc
‫ يبأقى‬to spend a short period of time in a place
‫ ناجح‬very popular
a place where students study at a high level to get a
‫ جامعة‬degree (=type of qualification)
‫ يفوز‬to get a prize in a game or competition
‫ يكثتب‬to create a book, story, article, etc or a piece of music
‫ كل‬the whole amount of something
‫ بأعيداا‬to a different place
a vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and seats for a few
‫ سيارة‬people
‫ ثينظف‬to remove the dirt from something
‫ نظيف‬not dirty
‫ بأارد‬a common illness which makes your nose produce liquid
‫ إثانين‬two
‫ يحصل على‬used with nouns to say that someone experiences

‫ يعاني‬If you have a particular illness, you are suffering from it.
‫ واجب بأيتي‬work which teachers give students to do at home
‫ في الموعد‬not early or late
‫ تقرير‬a description of an event or situation
when you move on your feet at a speed faster than
‫ ركض‬walking as a sport
‫ الوقِت‬Time is what we measure in minutes, hours, days, etc.
‫ وقِت‬an occasion when something happens
a journey that you make by walking, often for
‫ مشي‬enjoyment
clothes, sheets, etc that are being washed, or when you
‫ غسيل‬wash these
Saturday and Sunday, the two days in the week when
‫ عطلة نهاية السبأوع‬many people do not work
tired and unhappy because something is not interesting
‫ يشعر بأالملل‬or because you are doing nothing
‫ مشغول‬full of activity or people
‫ قِلعة‬aprotect
large, strong building that was built in the past to
the people inside from being attacked
‫ مريح‬making you feel relaxed and free from pain
‫ منافسة‬an event in which people try to win something by being
the best, fastest, etc
‫ مزدحم‬very full of people
‫ خطير‬If someone or something is dangerous, they could harm

‫ وسخ‬not clean
‫ فارغ‬with nothing or no one inside
‫ يدخل‬to do an exam or competition
‫ متحمس‬feeling very happy and interested
‫ فقير‬having little money
something valuable that is given to someone who wins a
‫ جائزة‬competition
a row of people waiting for something, one behind the
‫ صف‬other
‫ قِليلُا‬a little or a lot but not completely
‫ حقا ا‬very or very much
‫ موظف إستقبأال‬someone who works in a hotel or office building,
answering the telephone and dealing with guests
‫ غني‬A rich person has a lot of money.
‫ آمن‬not dangerous
‫ كثايراا‬used before adjectives and adverbs to mean 'more than
is allowed, necessary, possible, etc'

‫ حساب مصرفي‬an arrangement with a bank to keep your money there

‫ ملياردير‬acountry's
person whose wealth is at least 1 000 000 000 in their

‫ مدونة على النترنت‬aforrecord of your thoughts that you put on the Internet
other people to read
to make something by putting materials and parts
‫ يبأني‬together
‫ بأنى‬past of build
‫ يتبأادل الحديث‬to talk with someone in a friendly way
‫ صك مصرفي‬aforpiece of paper printed by a bank that you use to pay

‫ علوم الحاسوب‬the study of computers and how they can be used

to copy computer programs or information
‫ثيحيمل‬ electronically, usually from a large computer to a small
‫ يحصل على‬to receive something
a system that connects computers around the world so
‫ النترنت‬you can share information with other people

‫ ثيطلق‬If a company launches a product or service, it makes it

available for the first time.
connected to a system of computers, especially the
‫ على النترنت‬Internet
a computer program which finds information on the
‫ ثمحرك البأحث‬Internet by looking for words which you have typed in
to arrange for something to go or be taken somewhere,
‫ ثيرعسل‬especially by post
If you use something, you do something with it for a
‫ يستخدم‬particular purpose.
‫ فيديو‬a recording of moving pictures and sound
an area on the Web (=computer information system)
‫ موقِع على النترنت‬where information about a particular subject,
organization, etc can be found
a system for connecting electronic equipment such as
‫ واي فاي‬computers and electronic organizers to the Internet
without using wires
‫ فيما مضى‬in the past
A computer program designed for a particular purpose,
‫ تطبأيق‬often on a Smartphone.
an object that provides electricity for things such as
‫ بأطارية‬radios, toys, or cars
‫ قِرن‬a period of 100 years
a number on a television that you choose in order to
‫ قِناة‬watch a programme
‫ يشحن‬to put electricity into something
using or showing all the colours, not only black and
‫ لون‬white
to make something clear or easy to understand by giving
‫ ثيوضح‬reasons for it
Global Positioning System: a system of computers and
satellites (=equipment that is sent into space around the
‫النظام العالمي لتحديد المواقِع‬ Earth to receive and send signals) that work together to
tell a user where they are

‫ السابأق‬the most recent

‫ بأث مبأاشر‬live TV is seen as it happens.
to store sounds or pictures using electronic equipment,
‫ثيسجل‬ a camera, etc so that you can listen to them or see them
‫ رسالة نصية‬a written message from a mobile phone
to move the switch on a machine, light, etc so that it
‫ثيغلق‬ stops working, or to stop the supply of water, electricity,
to move the switch on a machine, light, etc so that it
‫ يفتح‬starts working, or to start the supply of water,
electricity, etc

‫ بأرنامج تلفزيوني‬a show on television

‫ بأدون‬not having, using, or doing something
‫ قِارب‬a vehicle for travelling on water
‫ اشترى‬past of buy
‫ يشتري‬to get something by giving money for it
‫ ساحل‬the land next to the sea
‫ زوجين‬two people who are married or having a romantic
‫ حادث تحطم‬an accident in which a vehicle hits something
‫ ضرر‬harm or injury
‫ يموت‬to stop living
‫ ظرف‬a flat paper container for a letter
to discover something or someone that you have been
‫ يجد‬looking for
‫ طائرة مروحية‬an aeroplane which flies using long, thin parts on top of
it that turn round and round very fast
a place where ill or injured people go to be treated by
‫ مستشفى‬doctors and nurses
‫ يفقد‬to not be able to find someone or something
‫ مفقود‬lost, not in the usual place
‫ يضع‬to move something to a place or position
‫ يتلقى‬to get something that someone has given or sent to you

‫ قِال‬past of say

‫ ثيبأحر‬to travel in a boat or a ship

‫ ثينقذ‬to stop someone or something from being killed or

‫ يقول‬to speak words

‫ بأحر‬a large area of salt water
‫ عاصفة‬very bad weather with a lot of rain, snow, wind, etc
‫ يأثمر‬to order someone to do something
‫ أظمظر‬past of tell
a long, thin vehicle which travels along metal tracks and
‫ قِطار‬carries people or goods
‫ يوم أمس‬the day before today
the making of paintings, drawings, etc or the things
‫ فن‬made
a prize given to someone for something good they have
‫ جائزة‬done
‫ ثمصعمم‬someone who draws and plans how something will be

‫ بأطل‬a very brave man that a lot of people admire

‫ أمير‬the son of a king or queen, or one of their close male
the daughter of a king or queen, or one of their close
‫ أميرة‬female relatives
used before nouns to mean things or people that have
( ‫ أداة التعريف )الـ‬already been talked about or are already known

( ‫ أداة التعريف )الـ‬used before nouns when only one of something exists
‫شرير‬ a bad person in a film, book, etc

‫ مطار‬a place where planes take off and land

‫ حانة‬a place where alcoholic drinks are sold and drunk
‫ شاطئ‬an area of sand or rocks next to the sea
‫ مبأنى‬aschool
structure with walls and a roof, such as a house or

‫ حافلة‬aalong
large vehicle that carries passengers by road, usually
a fixed route

‫ مقهي‬ameals
small restaurant where you can buy drinks and small

‫ مدينة‬a large town

‫ شقة‬a set of rooms to live in, with all the rooms on one floor
a place where you pay to stay when you are away from
‫ ثفندق‬home
a place where people go to buy or sell things, often
‫ سوق‬outside
‫ متحف‬aconnected
building where you can look at important objects
with art, history, or science

‫ حديقة‬awalk
large area of grass, often in a town, where people can
and enjoy themselves

‫ حانة‬ausually
place where you can get drinks such as beer and
‫ مطعم‬a place where you can buy and eat a meal
‫ شارع‬a long, hard surface built for cars to drive on
‫ متجر‬athings
building or part of a building where you can buy

an open area with buildings around it, often in the

‫ ميدان‬centre of a town
‫ محطة‬a building where a bus starts or ends its journey
‫ مسرح‬a building with a stage where people go to watch plays
a place where people live and work which is larger than
‫ مدينة‬a village
‫ قِرية‬asmaller
place where people live in the countryside which is
than a town

‫ كرسي ذو ذراعين‬a comfortable chair with sides that support your arms
‫ ث‬ayou
‫شرفة‬ small area on the outside wall of a high building where
can stand or sit

‫ حوض الستحمام‬the container that you fill with water and sit in to wash
your body

‫ حيمام‬aa room with a bath, sink (=bowl for washing), and often
‫ غرفة النوم‬a room used for sleeping in
‫ جهاز الطهي‬a piece of equipment used to cook food
a piece of furniture with a door on the front and shelves
‫ خزانة الملُبأس‬inside, used for keeping things
‫ لشخصين‬made to be used by two people
‫ ثالُجة‬a large cupboard that uses electricity to keep food cold
‫ أثاات‬things such as chairs, tables, and beds that you put into
a room or building
‫ مطبأخ‬a room used to prepare and cook food in
‫ غرفة المعيشة‬the room in a house where people sit to relax and watch

‫ تصميم‬aabove
drawing that shows how something appears from

the money that you pay to live in a building that

‫ إيجار‬someone else owns
‫ رف‬a board used to put things on, often fixed to a wall
a piece of bathroom equipment that you stand under to
‫ دوش‬wash your whole body
‫ لشخص واحد‬for only one person

‫ حوض‬athat
bowl that is fixed to the wall in a kitchen or bathroom
you wash dishes or your hands, etc in

‫ مساحة‬an empty area which is available to be used

‫ مرحاض‬awaste
bowl that you sit on or stand near when you get rid of
substances from your body
a bowl in a bathroom, used for washing your face or
‫ مغسلة‬hands
‫ غسالة الملُبأس‬a machine that washes clothes
‫ أسبأرين‬a common drug used to stop pain and fever
a shop where bread and cakes are sold and sometimes
‫ مخبأز‬made
‫ بأنك‬an organization or place where you can save and borrow

‫ مكتبأة بأيع الكتب‬a shop that sells books

‫ جيزار‬a shop that prepares and sells meat
‫ كيك‬amixed
sweet food made from flour, butter, sugar, and eggs
together and cooked
‫ صيدلية‬a shop where drugs are prepared and sold
‫ سجائر‬asmoke
thin tube of paper filled with tobacco, that people

‫ متجر متعدد القِسام‬a large shop which sells different types of things
a book that gives visitors information about a particular
‫ دليل‬place
‫ كشك‬aorsmall building with a window where things like tickets
newspapers are sold
a picture that shows where countries, towns, roads, etc
‫ خريطة‬are
‫ محل بأيع الجرائد‬asweets
shop that sells newspapers, magazines, and things like
and cigarettes

‫ جريدة‬large, folded sheets of paper which are printed with the

news and sold every day or every week

‫ مكتب بأريد‬aparcels
place where you can buy stamps and send letters and

a card with a picture on one side that you send without

‫ بأطاقِة معايدة‬an envelope
‫ طابأع بأريدي‬aletter
small piece of paper that you buy and stick onto a
before you post it
a large shop that sells food, drink, things for the home,
‫ سوبأر ماركت‬etc
‫ منديل‬a soft piece of paper that you use for cleaning your nose
‫ أسود‬being the colour of the sky on a dark night
‫ أزرق‬being the same colour as the sky when there are no

‫ حذاء ذو رقِبأة طويلة‬strong shoes that cover your foot and part of your leg
‫ قِبأعة‬a hat with a flat part at the front
‫ غامق‬nearer to black than white in colour
‫ أزياء لماركة مشهورة‬clothes with the name of a famous designer.
the most popular style of clothes and appearance at a
‫ موضة‬particular time
‫ أخضر‬being the same colour as grass
‫ رمادي‬being a colour that is a mixture of black and white
‫ قِبأعة‬something that you wear to cover your head
‫ جاكيت‬a short coat
‫ بأنطلون جينز‬trousers made from denim (=a strong, usually blue,
a warm piece of clothing which covers the top of your
‫ بألوزة‬body and is pulled on over your head
‫ فاعتح‬Light colours are pale.
‫ بأرتقالي‬being a colour that is a mixture of red and yellow
‫ وردي‬being a pale red colour
‫ بأنفسجي‬being a colour that is a mixture of red and blue
‫ ثيعيد‬to return something to the person who sent it to you
a piece of clothing worn on the top part of the body,
‫ قِميص‬fastened with buttons down the front
‫ سروال قِصير‬a very short pair of trousers that stop above the knees
‫ تنورة‬aand
piece of women's clothing that hangs from the waist
has no legs

‫ جوارب‬something that you wear on your foot inside your shoe

a jacket and trousers or a jacket and skirt that are made
‫ بأدلة‬from the same material
‫ ربأطة عنق‬aneck
long, thin piece of cloth that a man wears around his
with a shirt
a piece of women's clothing worn on the upper part of
‫ بألوزة‬the body
‫ حذاء رياضة‬a soft sports shoe
‫ سروال‬aseparate
piece of clothing that covers the legs and has a
part for each leg
‫ ثيجرب‬to put on a piece of clothing to see if you like it
‫ تي شيرت‬awith
piece of cotton clothing for the top part of the body
short sleeves and no collar
‫ أصفر‬being the same colour as a lemon or the sun
‫ ثيجيب‬to speak or write back to someone who has asked you a
to pick up the telephone receiver (= part that you hold
‫ يرد على الهاتف‬to your ear) when it rings
‫ شركة‬an organization which sells things or services
‫ مؤتمر‬atalk
large meeting, often lasting a few days, where people
about a subject

‫ عقد‬a legal agreement between two people or organizations

a person or organization that buys things or services
‫ زبأون‬from a shop or business
‫ إجتماع‬when people come together for a reason, usually to talk
about something

‫ رسالة‬aperson
piece of written or spoken information which one
gives to another
words that you write down to help you remember
‫ ملُحظات‬something
‫ يويقِع‬to write your name on something to show that you
agree to it

to be in a position with the weight of your body on your

‫ يجلس‬bottom and the top part of your body up

‫ يتوقِف‬to finish doing something

‫يأثخذ‬ to travel somewhere by using a bus, train, car, etc,

a comfortable bus used to take groups of people on long

‫ حافلة‬journeys
‫ يركب دراجة هوائية‬to ride a bicycle
‫ يقود السيارة‬to travel somewhere in a car, or to take someone
somewhere in a car
a boat that regularly carries people and vehicles across
‫ عظبأارة‬an area of water
‫ يسافر بأالطائرة‬to travel through the air in an aircraft
‫ مشيا ا على القِدام‬If you go somewhere on foot, you walk there.
‫ رحلة‬when you travel from one place to another
‫ دراجة نارية‬a vehicle with two wheels and an engine
‫ طائرة‬a vehicle that flies and has an engine and wings
‫ دراجة نارية صغيرة‬a small motorcycle
‫ سيارة أجرة‬a car with a driver who you pay to take you somewhere
‫ حركة المرور‬the amount of cars on the roads

‫ ترام‬an electric vehicle for carrying passengers, mostly in

cities, which moves along metal lines in the road

to move forward by putting one foot in front of the

‫ يمشي‬other and then repeating the action
‫ معاودة‬as a reply or reaction to something
‫ يختار‬to decide which thing you want
‫ شخص‬a human being
‫ يضغط‬to push something firmly
‫ يحاول‬to attempt to do something

‫ بأريد صوتي‬an electronic telephone answering system

‫ آخر‬a different person or thing

‫ حعذر‬giving a lot of attention to what you are doing so that

you do not have an accident or make a mistake

to do something with a lot of attention so that you do

‫ بأحذر‬not have an accident or make a mistake
‫ طاهي‬someone who prepares food for people to eat
‫ بأسهولة‬with no difficulty
‫ ممتاز‬very good, or of a very high quality
‫ سريع‬quickly
‫ فصيح‬able to use a language naturally without stopping or
making mistakes
‫ صعب‬with a lot of effort
a large animal with four legs, which people ride or use
‫ حصان‬to pull heavy things
an object that is used for playing music, for example a
‫ آلة موسيقية‬piano
‫ لغة‬the words used by the people of a country
‫ موسيقي‬relating to music
‫ يلعب‬to make music with a musical instrument
‫ ذو شعبأية‬liked by many people
to travel by sitting on a horse, bicycle, or motorcycle and
‫يركب‬ controlling it

‫ ثيغني‬to make musical sounds with your voice

‫ يتزلج‬to move over snow wearing skis
‫ يتحدث‬to say something using your voice
‫ يركب المواج‬to ride on a wave in the sea using a special board
‫ يسبأح‬to move through water by moving your body
‫ بأصورة جيدة‬do something in a good way
‫ يبأحر على لوح بأشراع‬to sail across water by standing on a board and holding
onto a large sail
a vehicle that hangs from thick cables and carries people
‫ تليفريك‬up hills and mountains
‫ تخييم‬when you stay in a tent for a holiday
‫ زنزانة‬a small room where a prisoner is kept
‫ فيل‬anose
very large, grey animal with big ears and a very long

with the help of a guide (=someone whose job is to show

‫ بأمساعدة مرشد‬interesting places to visitors, or to help people get

‫ نزهة‬food that you take from your home to eat outside

‫ سجن‬a place where criminals are kept as a punishment
a system of vehicles such as buses and trains which
‫ مواصلُت عامة‬operate at regular times and that the public use

‫ يستأجر‬to pay money to use something for a short time

‫ زيارة المعالم السياحية‬the activity of visiting interesting or beautiful places
‫التزلج‬ the sport or activity of moving over snow wearing skis

‫ جولة‬a visit to and around a place, area, or country

‫ سائح‬someone who visits a place for pleasure and does not
live there

‫ التنقل بأين معالم المدينة‬to make a journey to or in different parts of a place

a journey in which you visit a place for a short time and
‫ رحلة‬come back again
a very large animal that looks like a large fish and lives
‫ حوت‬in the sea
‫ محمية للحياة البأرية‬afreely,
large park where wild animals are kept and can move
and can be watched by visitors
a large animal that lives in hot, dry places and has one
‫ جمل‬or two humps (=raised parts on its back)
‫ ث‬an
‫شعب مرجانية‬ area of coral, the top of which can sometimes be seen
just above the sea

‫ ريف‬land
that is not in towns or cities and has farms, fields,

‫ صحراء‬a large, hot, dry area of land with very few plants
‫ غابأة‬a large area of trees growing closely together
‫ تل‬a high area of land that is smaller than a mountain
‫ جزيرة‬an area of land that has water around it
‫ ثبأحيرة‬a large area of water which has land all around it
‫ مسجد‬a building where Muslims say their prayers
‫ جبأل‬a very high hill
stone structures in Egypt of a pyramid shape which
‫ الهرامات‬were built in ancient times as places to bury important
people, especially kings and queens

‫ نهر‬a long, natural area of water that flows across the land
‫ غوص بأإستخدام أنبأوبأة التنفس‬the activity of swimming using a snorkel
‫ غابأة‬a large area of trees growing near each other
an animal that has wings and feathers and is usually
‫ طائر‬able to fly
‫ دجاجة‬a bird kept on a farm for its meat and eggs
‫ بأقرة‬a large female farm animal kept for milk or meat
‫ مزرعة‬an area of land with fields and buildings that is used for
growing crops and keeping animals

ُ‫ غوريل‬a big, black, hairy animal, like a large monkey

a large, wild animal of the cat family, with light brown
‫ أسد‬fur
‫ قِرد‬aand
hairy animal with a long tail that lives in hot countries
climbs trees
‫ فأر‬a small animal with fur and a long, thin tail
‫ حيوان أليف‬an animal that someone keeps in their home
‫ أرنب‬ainsmall animal with fur and long ears that lives in a hole
the ground
‫ خروف‬a farm animal whose skin is covered with wool
a long, thin creature with no legs that slides along the
‫ثثاعبأان‬ ground

‫ نمر‬a large wild cat that has yellow fur with black lines on it
‫ بأر ي‬something in its natural state
‫ ذئب‬a wild animal like a large dog
to choose something after thinking about the
‫ يقرر‬possibilities
‫يعشق‬ to like something very much

‫ يحتاج‬If you need something, you must have it, and if you
need to do something, you must do it.
‫ يريد‬to hope to have or do something
‫ يود أن‬used to say that you want or wish something
‫ يحب أن‬used to say that you would very much like something
a unit for measuring the amount of energy food
‫ ثسعر حراري‬provides
‫ يحمل‬to hold something or someone with your hands or on
your back and take them somewhere

‫ سلم متحرك‬moving stairs that take people from one level of a

building to another

‫ كل‬each one of a group of people or things

activity that you do with your body to make your body
‫ تمارين رياضية‬strong
‫ لئق بأدنيا ا‬healthy, especially because you exercise a lot
‫يصبأح لئق بأدنيا ا‬ to become healthy, especially because you exercise
‫ يركب‬to go onto a bus, train, aircraft, or boat
‫ بأصحة جيدة‬not ill
‫ أعمال المنزل‬the work that you do to keep your house clean
‫ مصعد‬abuildings
machine that carries people up and down in tall

‫ عضو‬a person who belongs to a group or an organization

‫ ميل‬a1760
unit for measuring distance, equal to 1609 metres or
‫ من‬away from a place or position
‫ مرة واحدة‬one time
‫ المشتروات‬the things that you buy from a shop or shops
‫ يقضي‬to use time doing something or being somewhere
‫ قِعلق‬worried and not able to relax
an examination of people's opinions or behaviour made
‫ دراسة‬by asking people questions

‫ مرات‬occasions when something happens

‫ مرتين‬two times
‫ يغسل‬to make something clean using water and soap
‫ آسيوي‬relating or belonging to Asia
‫ جيذاب‬beautiful or pleasant to look at
‫ أصلع‬with little or no hair
the hair that grows on a man's chin (=the bottom of his
‫ عذقِن‬face)
‫ أشقر‬Blonde hair is yellow.
‫ ثبأنيي‬being the same colour as chocolate
one of the two organs in your face, which you use to see
‫ عين‬with
‫ فاتح البأشرة أو الشعر‬having pale skin or a light colour of hair
‫ سمين‬Someone who is fat weighs too much.
‫ضعحك‬‫ ثم ه‬making you smile or laugh
‫ ظكعريم‬often giving people money or presents
‫ جيذاب‬attractive
‫ ظشهعر‬the thin, thread-like parts that grow on the head and
body of people and animals

‫ مجتهد في عمله‬doing a job seriously and with a lot of effort

Kind people do things to help others and show that they
‫ لطيف‬care about them.
‫ كسول‬Someone who is lazy does not like working.
‫ ظطعويل‬having a large distance from one end to the other
‫ في منتصف العمر‬in the middle of your life before you are old
‫ ظشاعرب‬a line of hair that some men grow above their mouths
‫ إجتماعي‬Someone who is outgoing is friendly, talks a lot, and
enjoys meeting people.
‫ بأدين‬fat
‫ جدير بأالثاقة‬able to be trusted or believed
‫ أظناعنيي‬caring only about yourself and not other people
‫ ظخثجول‬not confident, especially about meeting new people
‫ ظمهم ث‬Someone who is slim is thin in an attractive way.
‫ نحيل‬A thin person or animal has very little fat on their body.
‫ ألم‬pain which continues for a long time
medicine which cures infections by destroying harmful
‫ ثمضاد حيو ي‬bacteria
the long part at each side of the human body, ending in
‫ ساععد‬a hand
the part of your body from your shoulders to your
‫ ظظههر‬bottom
‫ أفضل‬less ill than before
when you make air come out of your throat with a short
‫ كحة‬sound
‫ طبأيب أسنان‬someone who looks at and repairs teeth
‫ ثيعحس‬to have an emotion or a physical feeling
‫ صداع‬pain inside your head
‫ يؤلم‬to feel pain in a part of your body
‫ ساق‬one of the parts of the body that is used for walking
‫ دواء‬something that you drink or eat when you are ill, to stop
you being ill
‫ ثمظسكن‬a drug which stops pain
‫ مريض‬ill
‫ مؤلم‬painful, especially when touched
‫ معدة‬the part of your body where food is digested
‫ أخذ إجازة ليوم واحد‬to not go to work or school for a day
If you have a temperature, you are hotter than usual
‫ ثحيمى‬because you are ill.
‫ ظحهلق‬the back part of your mouth and the part inside your
‫ ألم أسنان‬a pain in one of your teeth
the season of the year between summer and winter,
‫ خريف‬when leaves fall from the trees
‫ صندوق‬a square or rectangular container
‫ ساطع‬full of light or shining strongly
‫ سحاب‬one of the white or grey things in the sky that are made
of small water drops
‫ غائم‬with many clouds in the sky
‫ درجة‬atheunit for measuring temperatures or angles, shown by
symbol ° written after a number

‫ ثمكتئب‬very sad, often for a long time

‫ لياقِة بأدنية‬the condition of being physically strong and healthy
‫ ضبأاب‬thick cloud close to the ground or sea that makes it
difficult to see
‫ ضبأابأيي‬with fog
‫ سعادة‬the feeling of being happy
‫ مرض‬a disease
‫ ثتمطر‬If it is raining, water is falling from the sky in small

‫ حزين‬unhappy
‫ ثحزن‬the feeling of being unhappy
‫ عاعلم‬someone who studies science or works in science
‫ ثتثالج‬If it is snowing, snow is falling from the sky.
the season of the year between winter and summer,
‫ ربأيع‬when the weather becomes warmer and plants start to
grow again
the warmest season of the year, between spring and
‫صيف‬ autumn
‫ شمس‬the light and heat that comes from the sun
‫ ثمشمس‬bright because of light from the sun
‫ دافئ‬having a temperature between cool and hot
‫ ريح‬a natural, fast movement of air
‫ عاصف‬with a lot of wind
the coldest season of the year, between autumn and
‫ شتاء‬spring
‫ دورة دراسية‬a set of lessons about a particular subject
enjoyment or pleasure, or something that gives you
‫ مرح‬enjoyment or pleasure
‫ وظيفة‬the work that you do in order to get money
‫ كيلوغرامات‬short for kilograms
‫ أقِل‬not as much
‫ يفقد‬to have less of something than you had before
‫ ينتقل‬If a person or an organization moves, they go to a
different place to live or work.
‫ تدخين‬when someone smokes a cigarette
‫ حلو‬with a taste like sugar
‫ شئ‬an object or activity
‫ وزن‬how heavy someone or something is
‫ يعمل‬doing a job, especially the job you do to earn money

a place where students are educated after they have

‫ معهد‬stopped going to school
‫ شهادة جامعية‬a qualification given for completing a university course
‫ يفعل‬to perform an action or job
an official test of how much you know about something,
‫ إمتحان‬or how well you can do something
‫ يرسب‬to not pass a test or an exam
‫ ينجح‬to succeed at a test or an exam
‫ مؤهلُت‬what you get when you pass an exam or a course
‫ ثيراجع‬to study a subject before you take a test
‫ يمتحن‬to do an exam
‫ على طول‬forward
‫ جسر‬apeople
structure that is built over a river or road so that
can go across it

‫ يسار‬on or towards the side of your body where your heart is

‫ يسار‬the left side
very close to something or someone, with nothing in
‫ بأجانب‬between
‫ على‬in a particular place
‫ مقابأل‬in a position facing something or someone but on the
other side
‫ عبأر‬from one side of something to the other side
‫ ما وراء‬further than
‫ يمين‬to the right side
‫ يمين‬the right side of your body, or the direction towards this

‫ شارع‬abuildings
road in a town or city that has houses or other

to change direction when you are moving, or to make a

‫ يدور‬car do this
‫ يحجز‬to arrange to use or do something at a time in the future
‫ رحلة طيران‬a journey in an aircraft
‫ منزل‬someone's home
a part of the inside of a building, which is separated
‫ غرفة‬from other parts by walls, floors, and ceilings

‫ مقعد‬something that you sit on

a small piece of paper that shows you have paid to do
‫ تذكرة‬something, for example travel on a bus, watch a film, etc

‫ زبأدية‬a round, deep dish used for holding soup and other food
‫ فلفل حار‬a small, thin, red or green vegetable that tastes very hot
If something costs a particular amount of money, you
‫ ثيكيلف‬have to pay that in order to buy or do it.

‫ قِص الشعر‬when someone cuts your hair

‫ ثاقيل‬Heavy objects weigh a lot.
‫ لتر‬a unit for measuring liquid
‫ مليون‬the number 1,o00,000
‫ صفر‬the number 0
‫ فاصلة‬the mark (.) that is used to separate the two parts of a

‫ ألف‬the number 1000

‫ كان‬have been to: to have gone to a place and come back

‫ ذهب‬past participle of go
‫ كان لديه‬past of have
‫ قِابأظل‬past of meet
‫ رأى‬past participle of see
‫ مكتوب‬past participle of write
a passage between the lines of seats or goods in an
‫ ممر‬aeroplane, church, or supermarket

‫ مكان تسليم الحقائب في المطار‬the part of the airport where you leave your bags

‫ بأطاقِة صعود الطائرة‬a piece of paper you must show to get on an aircraft
the place at an airport where you go to say that you have
‫ تسجيل الوصول‬arrived for your flight, or the act of going to the check-in
to say that you have arrived for your flight

‫ متأخر‬late
‫رقِم الرحلة‬
‫ بأوابأة‬the part of an airport where you get on or off an

‫ حقيبأة يد‬small bags that you can carry onto an aircraft with you
when you travel
‫ وسط‬in a central position
to put your things into bags or boxes when you are
‫ يحزم المتعة‬going on holiday or leaving the place where you live

‫ راكب‬someone who is travelling in a car, aeroplane, etc, but

not controlling the car, aeroplane, etc

‫ جواز سفر‬aenter
small book with your photograph in that you need to
a country
I can say the alphabet.

Open your book.

We’ve got a beautiful cat.

It's a CD player.

It's a chair.

Things in the classroom.

a computer course

It's a dictionary.

It's a DVD player.

See you on Friday.

See you on Monday.

It's a pen.

It's a pencil.

See you on Saturday.

See you on Sunday.

a table in a restaurant

See you on Thursday.

See you on Tuesday.

watch a lot of TV

See you on Wednesday.

What is your work number?

The number one million is written with a

one and six zeroes.
I'm American.
I'm from Argentina.
I'm Argentinian.
I'm from Australia.
I'm Australian.
I'm from Brazil.
I'm Brazilian.
I'm British.
I'm from China.
Chinese food
I'm from Egypt.
I'm Egyptian.
I'm from France.
I'm French.
I'm German.
I'm from Germany.
Italian food
I'm from Italy.

I'm from Japan.

I'm Japanese.
I'm Mexican.
I'm from Mexico.
I'm from Poland.
I'm Polish.
I'm from Russia.
I'm Russian.
I'm from Spain.
I'm Spanish.
I'm from Turkey.
I'm Turkish.
I'm from the UK.
I'm from the USA.
The story always has a hero, a princess and
a villain.

She's an accountant.

He's an actor.

She's an actress.

an award

I'm a builder.

She's a cleaner.

go to the doctor

a mechanical engineer

She's a housewife.

He's a lawyer.

She's the manager of the local sports club.

a car mechanic

a jazz musician

They're police officers.

a retired farmer/teacher

He's a sales assistant.

a law student

a science teacher

I've been unemployed for six months.

He's a waiter.

She's a waitress.

home address

Here's my business card.

He paid by credit card.

What's your email address?

first name
What's your home address?

What’s your home number?

a hundred and twenty-seven

What's your mobile number?

What’s Tina’s mobile phone number?

first name

What’s your nationality?

home number / credit card number

mobile phone

What's your postcode?

His surname is Walker.

What is the address of your work?

a paper bag

Have you got a bicycle?

rent a bike
I've got a camera.

a winter coat
According to my diary, I've got two
meetings on Monday.
She's wearing a white dress.
My grandmother has false teeth.

Can I see your ID card please?

A laptop is useful for working on the train.

Have you got an MP3 player?

The children put up posters on the

classroom walls.
listen to the radio

shoe shop

Have you packed your suitcase?

What's that in English?

What are these in English?

What's this in English?

What are those?

It's raining. Take an umbrella.

He pulled out a wallet full of notes.

an expensive watch

bad weather
a beautiful cat
a big TV
a cheap watch
a difficult question

It's very early.

The exam was easy.

Those dresses are expensive.
fast cars

have a favourite website

have a good time

have a great time
My family is very important to me.

Nick’s keys are on the coffee table.

She's late.
a new bicycle
a nice car
an old computer
an old man
That's the right answer

He's a very slow reader.

a small bag
an ugly city
a very expensive watch
the wrong answer

young people

meet my aunt

an older brother

We’ve got two children, a boy and a girl.

Jill is Alan's cousin.

Florence is our daughter - she's just a baby.

Ben is Pam’s father.

They’ve got three grandchildren.
They've got a granddaughter.
My grandfather's name is Ben
My grandmother's name is Mary.
My grandparents’ names are Ben and
They've got a grandson.
My husband’s name is Nick.
Pam’s married with two kids.
My mother and father are divorced.
Her parents live in Oxford.
an older/younger sister
meet my son

meet my uncle

meet my wife
the days of the week
It's a six-hour flight.
twenty minutes ago
Next month will be very busy.

60 seconds
last week

two years ago

It's behind the sofa.

It's on the bookcase.

by the window

It's on the carpet.

It's under the coffee table.

It's behind the curtains.

Nick’s keys are on the desk.

Please shut the door behind you.

a wooden floor
The cat is in the box.
It's in front of the plant.
I have a lamp next to my bed.

a bathroom mirror

Your passport is on the table.

Have you watered the plants?

They’re under the chair.

wash the windows / a window seat

in the afternoon

go to bed

have breakfast

When do you start classes?

have dinner

in the evening

finish work
get a new job
get home
What time do you get up?

her glamorous life as an actress.

go to bed / go by car
have lunch
stay at home / home number

leave home / leave university / leave school

Where do you live?

have lunch

in the morning

at night

We had to sleep in the car that night.

start work / start school

study English

go to college
star of the TV show
work hard
Do they watch TV a lot?
go to the cinema

have coffee with friends

go to concerts
go for a drink

watch a lot of DVDs

Do you eat out a lot?

visit my family

phone friends
go out a lot
phone friends
go shopping

do a lot of sport

stay at home

stay in a lot
visit my family
Do they watch TV a lot?

wedding anniversary

in April
in August
the birth of a new baby
the birth of a new baby

Her birthday is on March the eighteenth.

I hear you're getting married.
in December
in February

in January
in July
in June
in March
in May
on New Year's Eve
in November
in October

go to a party

in September

wedding anniversary

I always get up early in the morning.

I hardly ever get up before nine at the
She never phones us.
I often watch films late at night.
I sometimes get up before 9 a.m. at the
I usually see my friends in the afternoon.

go clubbing

go cycling
go to the gym
have four weeks' holiday

listen to music

read magazines

listen to music / dance music / download

There is an observatory in the city.

stay with friends or family

take photos
play video games
heavy rain
read books / read a blog

go running

study the stars

go swimming
He’s got a very good camera, so he takes a
lot of photos.
play tennis

play video games

He doesn't like the weather.

Do you have any animals?

He's got a dog and three cats.

shopping for clothes

Do you like cooking?

dance music
go dancing
I enjoy playing video games.

Do you like fast food?

Italian food

play football

He hates shopping for clothes.

My Russian teacher loves jazz.

He doesn't like the weather.

She loves dance music.

I love reading.

rock music

go travelling
apple pie and cream
German beer

a bottle of mineral water

go out for a burger

French cheese
Can I have a cheeseburger, please?
chicken salad
cheeseburger and chips

chocolate ice cream

apple pie and cream

Would you like dessert?

egg mayonnaise

fruit salad

Would you like a glass of water?

chocolate ice cream

egg mayonnaise

a bottle of mineral water

mixed salad

apple pie and cream

I love pizza.

red wine

mixed salad

a cheese sandwich
Would you like your water still or
Would you like your water still or
strawberry ice cream

Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?

a cheese and tomato sandwich

tuna salad

vanilla ice cream

white wine

red wine

I eat a banana every day.

I love biscuits.

a slice of bread

breakfast cereals

I like croissants.


I always have toast and jam for breakfast.

orange juice
I don't eat meat.

Sue never has milk in her tea.

I like olives in my salad.

orange juice /a bag of oranges

I often have rice with my main meal.

fried sausage

chicken soup

coffee with milk and sugar

I always have toast and jam for breakfast.

Joe often has chicken and vegetables.

strawberry yoghurt

That's amazing!
The hotel was really awful.
The party was a bit boring.
The house was cold.
move to a different country

a fantastic party
It’s a nice town and the people are very
Jill’s got a new job and she’s really happy.

The weather's hot and it hardly ever rains.

Robert wasn’t here because he was ill.

really interesting

a lucky person

the rooms were very small and quite noisy.

a quiet weekend
He's the same age as me.

short hair
She’s tall and slim, and she’s got long dark
Tim had a terrible weekend.
She was very unfriendly.
an unhappy childhood
Some people think it's unlucky to walk
under ladders.
I'm not very well.
a wonderful weekend

a 3D film

become a film director

The film made $2 billion.

move to a different country

become a film director

go diving

get divorced

have a dream

study English

become famous
make a film

move house / clean the house

write a letter

win the lottery

make a film
get married
meet my husband

make a lot of money / spend money

His family moved to the USA.

win an Oscar

study physics

a film about a robot from the future

leave school / start school

write a script
stay with friends / stay with you / stay in a
a successful film

leave university

win an Oscar

write a book / write an email

stay at home all weekend

go away for the weekend

clean the car

clean the car

clean clothes

have a cold

a couple of days

have fun

have a holiday / have fun / have lunch

do your homework
Is the flight on time?
write a report

go for a run
spend time

have a great time

go for a walk

do the washing

go away for the weekend

I was really bored.

The restaurant was very busy but the food

was fantastic!
We wanted to visit Wawel Castle.

This sofa’s very comfortable.

enter a competition

The Old Town was quite crowded.

Don’t go out on your own at night - it’s too
The restaurant was quite dirty and the food
was awful.
an empty house
enter a competition
I was really excited.
The hotel was in a poor part of town.

win a prize

long queues

The Old Town was quite crowded.

That new café is really nice.

a hotel receptionist

He's very rich.

a safe driver
Don’t go out on your own at night - it’s too

a bank account

They became billionaires in 2004.

read a blog

They built Google when they were students.

They built Google when they were students.

chat to your friends online

write a cheque

They started studying computer science at

Stanford University in California.

download music

He didn't get the money.

use the internet

They launched the search engine in 1998.

go online

use a search engine

send emails / send a text

use the internet

download videos

have a favourite website

have WiFi

twenty minutes ago

download apps

The first mobile phone needed a big battery.

in the eighteenth century

In the seventies you could only get three
charge your phone

colour TV

I can't explain this.

find your way with GPS

last Monday / last year

Everybody watched live TV all the time.

You couldn't record TV programmes in


send a text

turn off a mobile phone

My father turned on the TV.

You couldn't record TV programmes in

These days most people don't leave home
without their mobile.
go on a boat trip

The couple bought the boat two years ago.

The couple bought the boat two years ago.

A helicopter found them a hundred miles
from the Australian coast.
The couple bought the boat two years ago.

a train crash

There was a lot of damage to the boat.

Many people died in the storms.

I put it in an envelope.

It's easy to find the right website.

A helicopter found them a hundred miles
from the Australian coast.
Over sixty people are in hospital after a
train crash.
I've lost my passport.
missing at sea
He put a dog biscuit in each envelope.

He received a cheque for over £13 million.

“The weather was beautiful when we left

New Zealand,” said
We wanted to be the first 80-year-old
couple to sail round the world.
They saved our lives.

“The weather was beautiful when we left

New Zealand,” said
missing at sea

a terrible storm

I told him to find the biscuits.

I told him to find the biscuits.

a train crash / book a train ticket

What did you do yesterday?

He studied art at Kanazawa College of Art

He won awards in the USA.

a video game designer

The story always has a hero, a princess and
a villain.
In the story, the dog is really a prince.
The story always has a hero, a princess and
a villain.

In the story, the dog is really a prince.

the capital city

The story always has a hero, a princess and

a villain.
There isn't an airport near the town.
There are lots of bars and restaurants
There’s a nice beach about five minutes
beautiful old buildings

a bus station

There are lots of nice cafés.

the city centre

How much furniture is there in the flat?

book a hotel room / stay in a hotel

There's a market every weekend.

an interesting museum

We went for a walk in the park.

go past the pub

a table in a restaurant
go along this road

There are lots of good shops.

There's a good restaurant in the square.

a bus station

Is there a cinema or theatre?

There isn't an airport near the town.

He lives in a small village about two hours

from the airport.

an armchair

on the balcony

There’s a shower and a bath.

Does the bathroom have a shower?

How many bedrooms are there?

There’s a cooker, a fridge and a washing
It's in the cupboard.

a double bed
There’s a cooker, a fridge and a washing
How much furniture is there in the flat?

What's in the kitchen?

How much furniture is there in your living
a plan of a flat

The rent is £800 a month.

a book shelf

There’s a shower and a bath.

a single bed

Wash your hands in the sink.

How much space is there?

Where's the toilet?

a washbasin
There’s a cooker, a fridge and a washing
take aspirin

a baker's
I must remember to go to the bank on my
way home.
you can buy books and cards in a bookshop.

the butcher's

a chocolate cake

the chemist's

to smoke a cigarette

on the second floor of the department store

Have you got any guide books for Ireland?

a kiosk

How much is this map?

You can buy stamps in a post office or a
I read about his death in the newspaper.

You can buy stamps in a post office.

a postcard

You can buy stamps in a post office.

Hi. I’m at the supermarket. Have we got
any bread?

Do you have a tissue?

black jeans

a blue suit

a pair of boots

a baseball cap
dark green
He likes buying designer clothes.

I read all the fashion magazines.

dark green

grey clouds
a cowboy hat
a leather jacket

a pair of jeans

I bought a nice blue jumper.

light green
orange socks
I never wear pink.
a purple tie

I sent the shirt back because it didn't fit me.

I haven't got any white shirts.

I haven't got any shorts.

a red skirt

five pairs of socks

a blue suit

a blue tie

a black top

I need a new pair of trainers.

a pair of trousers

Could I try this dress on, please?

I usually wear the same thing every day –
jeans, a T-shirt and trainers.
yellow shirt

answer an email

answer the phone

work for a company

go to a conference

sign a contract

write to a customer

Are they having the meeting now?

Did you get my message?

Can you take notes at the meeting, please?

sign a contract

sit on a chair

I stopped looking for work in the country.

take the bus / take the lift

a coach trip

I usually cycle to work.

On Mondays we usually drive to
take the ferry

I'm flying to Delhi tomorrow.

go on foot
How long is your journey to work?
ride a motorbike
go by plane
ride a scooter

get a taxi
a traffic jam / There are traffic problems in
the city.

go by tram

I always walk to work.

Can I call you back?

Please choose one of the following three
I’m sorry, but the person you called is not
For all other enquiries, press zero.
There’s no one available to take your call.
Please try later.

This is Alan Wick’s voicemail. I’m sorry I

can’t take your call at the moment.

speak another language

careful planning

He planned it very carefully.

I'm a very good cook.

She makes friends easily.
He's an excellent driver.
He speaks very fast.

She is fluent in six languages.

work hard

ride a horse

play a musical instrument

speak another language

play a musical instrument
play a musical instrument
He was a very popular course leader.

ride a horse

They all sang 'Happy Birthday' to him.

go skiing
speak another language
They go surfing every weekend.
Can you swim?
I usually sleep well.

I went windsurfing most afternoons.

We went by cable car.

go camping
We saw the cell where Nelson Mandela
lived for 27 years.
We drove to a wildlife park to see some

go on a guided tour

have a picnic
We went to Robben Island to visit the

travel by public transport

rent a car

go sightseeing

go skiing

go on a guided tour
Tourists go to Nevada to see the Grand
How did you travel around?

go on a boat trip

We went on a boat trip to see the whales.

We drove to a wildlife park to see some


Go on a camel ride.

The beautiful coral reefs and colourful fish

are amazing!
The countryside is wonderful.
You can rent a motorbike and go into the
A forest is bigger than a wood.

A mountain is higher than a hill.

An island in the middle of the lake.

There’s a beautiful lake in Hungary called
Lake Balaton.
A tour of Old Cairo to see the beautiful
A mountain is higher than a hill.

Most people come to Cairo to see the


A boat trip on the river.

go snorkelling

A forest is bigger than a wood.

You can see tigers, camels, snakes, colourful
birds and lots more.
A chicken is a farm animal.
A cow is a farm animal.

farm animal
The gorilla that lives on an island in the
middle of the lake!
There are monkeys, wolves, lions and tigers
in the park.
There are monkeys, wolves, lions and tigers
in the park.
A mouse is a pet or wild animal.
my pet rabbit
A rabbit is a pet or wild animal.

A sheep is a farm animal.

You can see tigers, camels, snakes, colourful
birds and lots more.
There are monkeys, wolves, lions and tigers
in the park.
wild animal / animals in the wild
There are monkeys, wolves, lions and tigers
in the park.

They decided to change the way they live.

They love living in the city.

I needed to get a job.

We want to have an easier life.

I'd like to live in the USA.
I’d love to have a little place in the
You use about 80 calories for every mile
you walk.

carry the shopping

take the escalator

You use about 80 calories for every mile
you walk.
do some exercise

get fit

Everyone wants to look good and get fit.

get on a bus
stay fit and healthy
do the housework

take the lift

gym members

The nearest station is two miles from here.

get off a bus

once a day
carry the shopping

spend time

get stressed
Holidays in the UK are becoming more
popular, according to a recent survey.

three times a month / four times a year /

ten times an hour
twice a week
wash the windows / wash the car
Asian culture
an attractive woman

John started to go bald at an early age.

He's got a beard.

blonde hair
dark brown hair

green eyes

fair hair

She eats all the time but never gets fat.

a funny guy
My father’s very kind and generous.
He’s selfish and lazy, but really good-
long dark hair
He's always been hard-working and
My father’s very kind and generous.

He’s selfish and lazy.

long hair

a middle-aged couple

He's got a moustache.

She’s really friendly and outgoing.

He's a bit overweight.

a reliable car
He’s selfish and lazy.

My brother's quite shy.

tall and slim

a thin man

stomach ache
take some antibiotics

My arm hurts.

My back hurts.

Get better soon!

I've got a cough. / take some cough
go to the dentist
I feel sick.
I've got a headache.
My back hurts.

My leg hurts.

take some cough medicine

take some painkillers

I feel sick.
sore throat
stomach ache

Take the day off - you should be in bed.

have a temperature

sore throat

I've got toothache.

in the autumn

a light box
bright light

There's a lot of cloud today.

a cloudy day

12 degrees

A lot of people feel depressed in winter.

physical fitness

We get a lot of fog where we live.

a foggy day
I think money is more important than
treatment for an illness
It's raining.

I’m usually sad at the end of a holiday.

The scientists gave the illness a name.

It's snowing.

in the spring

in the summer

I can't sit in the sun for too long.

a sunny country
It's nice and warm in here.
The wind blew her hat off.
a windy day

in the winter

a computer course

have fun

get a new job

three kilos
work less
lose weight

move to another country

stop smoking
not eat sweet things
things to eat/do

He's about average height and weight.

working at weekends

go to college

get a degree

do an exam / do a computer course

take an exam

fail an exam
pass an exam
get some qualifications
revise for an exam

Are you going to take an exam this year?

go along this road / go along this street

go over the bridge

turn left

it’s on the left / it’s on your left

it’s next to the station

it’s on the left / it’s on your left

it’s opposite the station

go over the bridge

go past the pub
turn right

it’s on the right / it’s on your right

go along this street

turn right / turn left

book a hotel room

book a flight
Can I get to your place from the airport by
public transport?

book a hotel room

a seat on a train / a window seat / an aisle


book a train ticket

a bowl of soup

chilli powder

It costs £399.

an expensive haircut
heavy bags
a litre of soup
a million / fifty million
nought point two
nought point two

two thousand / thirty-two thousand three

hundred and fifty / eight hundred and fifty

I've never been to Australia.

We've met some really interesting people.

Have you ever seen a Japanese film?

I've written travel articles about lots of
amazing places.

an aisle seat

What did the man at the bag drop say?

Here's your boarding pass.

check-in desk

Is the flight delayed?

What's your flight number?
The flight to Dublin is now boarding at gate
Have you got any hand luggage?

a middle seat

pack your bags

a front-seat passenger

a British passport

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