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.‫ اما جملة السؤال تسأل عن شيء تحتاج الى اجابة اما الجملة التصريحية ال تحتاج إلجابه‬,‫الجملة التصريحية تخبر عن شيء‬
A statement is a sentence that tells you something. A question is a sentence that asks you
something. A statement does not require an answer. A question requires an answer.
statement: I like English.

question: Do you like English? Yes

Why do you like English ? Because...

‫السؤال دائما يحتاج اجابة‬
A written question in English always ends with a question mark: ?
Question Structure ‫بناء السؤال‬
The basic structure of a question is: ‫البنية األساسية للسؤال‬
auxiliary verb + Subject + main verb
‫فعل مساعد‬ ‫فاعل‬ ‫الفعل الرئيسي‬
Look at these example sentences. They all have the auxiliary verb before the subject:

auxiliary main
verb subject verb

Do you like Mary?

Are they playing football?

Will Anthony go to Tokyo?

Did he leave early?

Why did he leave early?

When will he return?

Exception! For the main verb be in Present Simple and Past Simple, there is no auxiliary verb.
Look at these example sentences. They all have the main verb before the subject:
‫" في المضارع او الماضي ال يوجد له فعل مساعد‬be" ‫ اذا جاء الفعل الرئيسي بالجملة فعل الكون‬:‫استثناء‬
main verb be subject

Am I wrong?

Are they Thai?

Was it hot outside?

main verb be subject

Why were you late?

Questions are also known as "interrogatives".
Question Types ‫انواع األسئلة‬
There are three basic question types:
 Yes/No: the answer is "yes or no" ‫اسئلة نعم او ال‬
 Question-word: the answer is "information" ‫اسئلة تحتاج اجوبة‬
 Choice: the answer is "in the question" ‫ االجابة من ضمن السؤال‬:‫اسئلة االختيار‬
We look at these in more detail below.
Yes/No questions
Sometimes the only answer that we need is yes or no. Look at these examples:
auxiliary verb subject not main verb yes or no

Do you want dinner? Yes, I do.

Can you drive? No, I can't.

Has she not finished her work? Yes, she has.

Did they go home? No, they didn't.

Exception! Main verb be in Present Simple and Past Simple:
main verb be subject

Is Anne French?

Was Ram at home?

Question-word questions
Sometimes we want more than yes or no for an answer. When asking for information, we
usually place a question-word at the beginning of the sentence. The question-word indicates the
information that we want, for example: where (place), when (time), why (reason), who (person).
Look at these examples:
auxiliary main answer:
question word verb not subject verb information

Where ‫مكان‬ do you live? In Paris.

When ‫للوقت‬ will we have lunch? At 1pm.

Why ‫للسبب‬ has n't Tara done it? Because she


Who(m) ‫لألشخاص‬ did she meet? She met Ram.

auxiliary main answer:
question word verb not subject verb information


Who* ‫لألشخاص فاعل‬ has run out? Ali has run out.

Who** ran out? Ali ran out.

*When the question-word is who, it acts as the subject.
**In Present Simple and Past Simple tenses, there is no auxiliary verb with who.
*‫ فأنها تكون بمثابة فاعل‬who ‫عندما يبدأ السؤال بـ‬
who ‫في المضارع و الماضي ال يوجد فعل مساعد مع‬
Exception. Main verb be in Present Simple and Past Simple:
question word main verb be subject

Where is Bombay?

How was she?

Choice questions ‫اسئلة االختيار‬

Sometimes we give our listener a choice. We ask them to choose between two possible
answers. So their answer is (usually) already in the question. Look at these examples:

auxiliary verb subject main verb or in question

Do you want tea or coffee? Coffee, please.

Will we meet John or James? John.

Exception. Main verb be in Present Simple and Past Simple:
main verb be subject OR

Is your car white or black?

Were they $15 or $50?

1. Can you swim? In a pool Yes, I can Very good

2. Did he go to work or to school? To work No, he doesn't At 3:00 PM

3. Has your class finished? Yes, it has In five minutes It's English

4. Where is my pen? Because it's lost On the table No, you didn't
5. Who did you visit? I visit my mother Yes, I did I visited Judy

6. Shall we go to your place or mine? My place It is yours Yes, we shall

7. When will Lucy arrive? At 7 PM No, she won't From France

8. Who called here so late? It's midnight It was Ryan Yes, I called

9. Do you want to watch a movie? At the cinema Yes, I watched it No, I


10. Have you done the laundry? Yes, I do On Wednesdays No, I haven't

Wh Questions

These are the wh-forms and we use them to make open or wh questions :

what, when, where, which, who, whom, whose , why , how , they are all

used to elicit particular kinds of information.

You use what when you are asking for information about something.

You use when to ask about the time that something happened or will happen.

You use where to ask questions about place or position.

You use which when you are asking for information about one of a limited

number of things.

You use who or whom when you are asking about someone's identity.

You use whose to ask about possession.

You use why to ask for a reason.

You use how to ask about the way in which something is done.

Wh-form Verb + Answer

What is your name? My name is Lynne.

When is the party? The party is on Tuesday.

Where are you from? I'm from England.

Which is your car? The red car is mine.

Who are you? I'm Lynne.

Whose is this web site? It's mine.

Why is this web site here? Because it is!

How are you? I'm fine thanks.

What, which and whose can be used with or without a noun as a question

word. For example:-

What time is it? = What is the time?

Which car is yours? = Which is your car?

Whose web site is this? = Whose is this web site?

Whom can only be used to elicit information about the object of the

sentence. Although using whom would be grammatically correct, we normally

use who because it doesn’t sound so formal.For example:-

"Whom did you see?" would normally be expressed as "Who did you see?"

Object Questions

Object questions ask about the object of a sentence. The word order of

the question must be changed and the question requires the use of an

auxiliary verb (AUXILIARY-SUBJECT-VERB) For example:-

I caught the train to London…….. Which train did you catch?

I saw a film yesterday………………… What did you see yesterday?

Mary usually goes to school by bus……How does Mary go to school?

Subject Questions

There are also subject questions. These are questions that we ask to find

out about the subject. When what, which, who or whose refers to the

subject, the verb doesn´t need an auxiliary For example:

The train to London arrived late……………..Which train arrived late?"

I won the race………………………….Who won the race?"

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