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5/17/2010 german pavilion at shanghai world exp…

german pavilion at shanghai w orld expo 2010

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german pavilion at shanghai world expo 2010

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the german pavilion at shanghai world expo 2010

the intelligent hand
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nissan parking results
rather than being conceived as a building, the german pavilion at shanghai expo 2010
is a three-dimensional w alk-through sculpture w ith no defined interior or exterior. view index
for visitors the journey starts at the harbor and leads through gardens and parks, via
a tow n planning office and a factory and past the opera to end at the 'energy source',
the city’s pow er plant.

the 6,000-square-meter structure is germany's largest at any expo. it show cases

german urban life and how the country's design and products can help solve urbanization

the architecture w as designed by schmidhuber + kaindl and constructed by nussli.

the exhibition space w as created by milla und partner.…/german-pavilion-… 1/10
5/17/2010 german pavilion at shanghai world exp…

pei zhu

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back view of the pavilion cai guo-qiang and wu

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5/17/2010 german pavilion at shanghai world exp…
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preston scott cohen + namit
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A suitable building for the &quo

tato bicycles:
er, a laptop bag is pretty much

the orange house by arieh
parts of the house look like a p
preston scott cohen + namit
nemlich: tel aviv museum
Tel Aviv - Israel's capital ????

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W O W ...

tato bicycles:
i wonder if the increased width

Gerard C.
tato bicycles:
Yes, I agree that nobody carries

image © designboom Shudder

ferrari world abu dhabi opens
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Just when you thought things in

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Architectural Design
BSc from the top UK built
environment school

Interior Designer
Plan, decorate and
entrance into the pavilion experiment with materials
image © designboom - in 3D on your phone!…/german-pavilion-… 3/10
5/17/2010 german pavilion at shanghai world exp…

Landscape Architecture
Italian design for gardens,
parks and green areas.
Unique landscapes.

Czech & Speake

DCA range by David
Chipperfield Exclusively
for Czech & Speake

Strukture Architects
Design and Construction
in Belize Residential,

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the 'energy source' inside the pavilion

image © designboom…/german-pavilion-… 4/10
5/17/2010 german pavilion at shanghai world exp…

image © designboom

image © designboom…/german-pavilion-… 5/10
5/17/2010 german pavilion at shanghai world exp…

image © designboom

image © designboom…/german-pavilion-… 6/10
5/17/2010 german pavilion at shanghai world exp…

a view of the spanish pavilion

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5/17/2010 german pavilion at shanghai world exp…

image © designboom

ridhika db 05.07.10

com m ents:

Wicked! Love it. Shame the expo is so far aw ay - w ould love to visit - anybody w ork for Lufthansa w ith a free
ticket to Shanghai?

Dr. Design 05.07.10

I think this building is a good example of "Inspiration - Aw areness"

It seems as though the architects w ere inspired by w orks of Zaha Hadid.
If you are interested to see, w hat I think w ere the sources of inspiration, for the German Pavilion ,And many
Enter my blog "Someone has built IT before"
at Archidialog.Com

eliinbar 05.07.10

I see Morphosis inspired architecture (on the exterior). Really interesting project though. 05.07.10

Hats off to the Pavilion. Would love to have seen more of the actual interior displays, how ever the exterior is a
"tour de force" d;-)

Jetw ax 05.08.10

No no no - it's Coop Himmelb(l)au inspired architecture!

Jokes Roundplayer 05.11.10…/german-pavilion-… 8/10
5/17/2010 german pavilion at shanghai world exp…

It's: "I w ill eat you if you are not carefull" architecture and could be conceived/realized much more suptle and
elegant, but still crysralline. It feels as if good architects did meet a nightmare client... . The interior w orks
better the the mediocre exterior.

Flip 05.12.10

shanghai 2010
view also

knippers helbig : UAE pavilion at norw ay pavilion sw iss pavilion russian pavilion israeli pavilion at
megastructure shanghai expo at shanghai at shanghai at shanghai shanghai w orld
shanghai 2010 w orld expo w orld expo w orld expo expo 2010
2010 2010 2010

french pavilion UK pavilion at dutch pavilion at japanese danish pavilion korean pavilion
at shanghai shanghai w orld shanghai w orld pavilion at at shanghai at shanghai
w orld expo expo 2010 expo 2010 shanghai w orld w orld expo w orld expo
2010 expo 2010 2010 2010

saudi arabia spree 2011 in shanghai UK pavilion at shanghai icelandic

pavilion at german pavilion corporate shanghai w orld corporate pavilion at expo
shanghai w orld at shanghai pavilion for expo expo 2010 pavilion at expo 2010
expo 2010 expo 2010 2010 2010

israeli pavilion at dutch pavilion at spanish pavilion austrian pavilion british pavilion at canadian
expo 2010 expo 2010 at expo 2010 at expo 2010 expo 2010 pavilion

monaco pavilion china pavilion german pavilion norw egian russian pavilion japanese
pavillion pavilion

singaporean israeli pavilion sw iss pavilion uk pavilion finnish pavilion spanish pavillion

shanghai indian pavilion french pavilion belgian pavilion danish pavilion korean pavilion
corporate proposal
pavilion…/german-pavilion-… 9/10
5/17/2010 german pavilion at shanghai world exp…
austrian pavillion UAE pavillion austrian pavillion danish pavilion hong kong macau pavillion
proposal pavillion

bob, the lost dog italian pavilion polish pavilion


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