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Wondrous Item, artifact

An Abacus made of strange wood with six rods in it, each with 30 small beads on them, 10 of
bronze, 10 of silver, and 10 of gold, in that order. On the frame where each rod ends there is an
animal carved into it's surface. They are, in order, a bull, a cat, a bear, a fox, an owl, and an eagle.
When ever a character holds the Abacus, the beads move on their own to certain numbers, which
intelligent characters should be able to deduce are related to their abilities. Bull is Str, Cat is Dex,
Bear is Con, Fox is Int, Owl is Wis, and Eagle is Cha. IE if a character has 12 Strength, then the ten
bronze beads and two silver beads will stack at the bottom of the Bull rod, with the rest sticking to
the top end of the rod. The abacus does not take into account bonuses from potions or gear (like a
potion or belt of giant's strength).

No amount of shaking the abacus will move the beads, but if the character firmly grasps a single
bead they can move it to the other side, but a random bead move in the opposite direction (Roll a
d6, 1 is Bull, 2 is Cat, etc. If you roll the rod that was moved, the bead will fly back to it's original
position). This will affect the character's stats accordingly, and they can move as many beads as
they like so long as they are firmly grasping the abacus and the bead they want to move. Other
characters can not move beads when another character is holding the abacus, and will find their
fingers slip off the beads no matter how firmly they try to hold them.

If a character moves the beads such that there is only 1 bead at the bottom of any stack, they will
find moving beads extremely difficult and would need to succeed a DC 15 Str check to successfully
move a bead, with the exception of the bead opposite the 1 remaining bead, which can be moved as
normal. If the last bead of a rod is successfully moved, the character will drop dead immediately. If
the character is revived, there stat points will be randomly distributed (DM can determine how, rolling
d6s for each point until they are all distributed is an option) and they will be unable to move abacus
beads, their fingers slipping anytime they try,

Wondrous Item, artifact (requires attunement)

An uncut and weathered green gemstone that pulses with faint green light. It hangs on an
unassuming necklace. This stone was created by a long passed necromancer who toiled over it for
more than 500 years. It is the accumulation of his life's work and contains very advanced magic, but
is very difficult to use.

Leveling: As the player researches and experiments with this item it gains levels. Many levels have
specific requirements that must be fulfilled. Due to the deep and complex magic woven into this item
the level is determined by the user's familiarity with it and resets to level 1 if it is attuned to
a creature. It is up to the DM to determine if leveling requirements should be revealed to the player,
but it is suggested that they give no more than clues. Level requirements must be made in order.
Additionally, the DM may decide to have the item consume more than one attunement slot at higher
levels to maintain item power balance.

Level 1: Undying - If damage would reduce the wearer's hp to 0 the wearer makes a CON saving
throw with a DC equal to 5 + the damage dealt. If the Wearer is at 1 hp before the triggering damage
the player makes this save at disadvantage. If the wearer succeeds on the save they drop to 1 hp
instead and remain conscious.

Level 2: Imbue Life - The user can use this stone to cast Revivify without expending a spell slot.
The material components for the spell are still required. After using this feature they cannot do so
again. At the end of a long rest the user may expend a spell slot of 3rd level or higher to recharge
the stone, regaining the ability to use this feature.
Improved Grim Harvest - If the user kills a creature with a 1st level spell or higher they regain hp
equal to 2 times that spell's level. If the triggering spell was a necromancy spell they gain hp equal to
5 times the spell's level instead. If the user kills a target with a necromancy cantrip they regain 5 hp.
This effect can only be used once per turn and doesn't work on constructs or undead. This skill does
not stack with the effects of the Wizard School of Necromancy's 3rd level skill Grim Harvest.

Level 3: Soul Warden - When a creature within 30 feet of the user dies, the user may use their
reaction to capture the creature's soul in this stone. Creatures targeted by this ability can't be
resurrected and undead, constructs, and creatures with a INT bellow 5 cannot be targeted by this
ability. An attuned user may cast Animate Dead at it's lowest level without expending a spell slot,
instead expending 1 stored soul per raised undead.

Thrall Mastery - When the user has undead under their control they may use their action to give
more precise, and complicated orders. Additionally, the user can give multiple orders to different
undead in the same turn. This effectively allows them to take full control of their thralls.

Level 4: Profane Aura - While this stone holds 10 or more souls you emit an aura that enhances
your undead army. The Aura has a 10ft radius and increases by another 5ft for every additional 10
souls stored in the stone (30ft maximum).

Loyal Thralls - Undead under your control that are within the aura gain a +2 bonus to AC. In
addition, whenever you are targeted with a melee attack and you have a thrall within 5ft of you, you
may use your reaction and the thrall's reaction to force the attack to target the thrall instead. You
must choose to use this ability before the attack is rolled.

Levels 5+ TBD

Notes: The user must be a Wizard (the DM may restrict it's use to wizards of the school of
necromancy). To attune to this item the player must perform a 10 minute ritual. At the end of the
ritual they sacrifice all of their hp, but may use the first ability of the stone to attempt to feign death. If
the save fails they enter an unstable state and make death saving throws as normal.

Wondrous Item, artifact (requires attunement by a an advenurer must prove themself

worthy by creating 3 items, whether they be potions, weapons, armor or the like, then
touch each created item to the amulet.)
The Amulet of Creation is the legendary Amulet fabled in many legends. The use of the amulet of
creation has nearly no limits, allowing users to create fortresses with a single thought, though after
10 creations the amulet returns to the Astral Plane for 1d10 years before appearing in a random
location .

Notes: An advenurer must prove themself worthy by creating 3 items, whether they be potions,
weapons, armor or the like, then touch each created item to the amulet.

Wondrous Item, artifact (requires attunement by a humanoid)

The amulet consists of a palm-sized emerald, shaped to resemble an oak leaf. It is held in place by a
golden filigree that traces the lines of the leaf and is attached to a golden chain. The wearer of the
amulet can feel a sense of calm emanating from the emerald.

While attuned, the wearer is granted the following:

 Granted Dexterity +2, to a maximum of 24

 Granted Constitution +2, to a maximum of 24
 You cannot be charmed or frightened
 You can use an action to cast the spell Goodberry
(Must roll a d6 after casting spell. On a roll of 1-5, cannot cast spell again until next dawn.)

Created by Silvanus, God of Nature, as a gift to the wood elves.

(Not a flamingo)

ondrous Item, artifact (requires attunement by a pc of any class)

This item is an animated hat that's a flamingo from the chest up. When wearing this hat attuned, it is
fully animated, and will move around randomly. Wearing it gives you these benefits:

You have advantage on all perception checks, representing the flamingo assisting you. Your passive
perception also goes up by 10. This information is communicated telepathically to the wearer.

The flamingo has a neck of 2 feet and you can command it to do things(stealing, activating levers,
that kind of stuff) It uses your Wisdom modifier for Dexterity and Strength checks, but has any
proficiencies you also have. It cannot manipulate weapons.

The ridiculousness of the hat gives you disadvantage on Charisma checks.

Depending on the magical power of the hat, it may have a personality and can communicate with the
wearer and any allies within 30 feet if the wearer wishes.

Wondrous Item, artifact (requires attunement by a creature of intelligence 20 or greater)

The absolute and ultimate source of knowledge pertaining to artifacts in the multiverse, the
invaluable Artficinomicon is the go to guide for all things artifact. Its seemingly omniscient
knowledge of Artifacts makes it possibly the most valuable piece of magical literature ever to be
authored. Held within its pages lies the secrets of every Artifact worth mention and to possess
the Artificinomicon is to possess the knowledge of every artificer to have ever lived.

Despite being sought after by some of the most powerful entities in the multiverse,
the Artificinomicon rarely stays in the hands of one person for long. Unexplained misfortune and
uncanny coincidence ensure that no being, no matter how powerful, can monopolize the boundless
knowledge held within its pages.

The book is locked by several masterwork clasps and the entire cover of the book is a complex
puzzle box that must be solved by a DC25 intelligence check before being opened. Any creature that
fails the intelligence check takes 5d10 piercing damage that ignores resistances and cannot attempt
the check again for 1d4 days. Once the book is opened, a creature must spend 100 hours reading
and studying the book to comprehend its contents and gain its benefits. Other creatures that attempt
to read the book’s open pages can read the text but gain no deeper meaning and receive no
benefits. Any creature with less than 20 Intelligence that tries to read from the book takes 20d8
psychic damage. This damage ignores resistance and immunity, and can’t be reduced or avoided by
any means. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this damage dies instantly and leaves behind
nothing but a twitching corpse bleeding from its eyes and ears.

Benefits granted by the Artificnomicon last only as long as you possess the book. If you lose
possession of the book you have 1d4 days to regain possession of the book before you lose all of
the books benefits.

Random Properties
The Artificinomicon has the following random properties:

 3 minor beneficial properties

 1 major beneficial properties

Increased Intelligence
After you spend the requisite amount of time reading and studying the book, your Intelligence score
increases by 2, to a maximum of 24. You can’t gain this benefit from the book more than once, but
do retain this benefit even if you lose possession of the book.

Artifact Expertise
Once you’ve read and studied the book, any magical item you wield or wear increases in strength by
+1 up to a maximum of +4.

Artifact Omniscience
Once you’ve read and studied the book, you gain a knowledge about all all artifacts in the
multiverse. Simply by looking at an item you can tell whether it is magical and glean all knowledge
about its origin, its properties, and any magical effects it may have. Additionally, if you know the
specific name of an Artifact you can make a DC 15 intelligence check to determine what plane that
artifact is on, where it is on that plane, and who is in current possession of the artifact. You also
glean all knowledge about the Artifact including its history, magical properties, and how to attune
with it. This check can only be made once per extended rest.

Destroying the Book

To be destroyed the Artificinomicon requires several powerful artifacts be used in combination.
However, the knowledge on how to destroy the Artificinomicon was lost to history long ago. Thus,
only someone who is attuned to the book will ever know what artifacts are needed, where these
artifacts are, and how they can be used to destroy the book
The Book of Knowledge is an artifact that is said to have been around since the dawn of time. It
actively seeks out adventurers that will take it with them, and absorbs knowledge from those around
it, whether it be man, monster, or item. Only those that are attuned to it can open the cover, and they
will be able to use it's vast degree of knowledge for themselves. Within its pages lie secrets of
alchemy, magic, and sorcery that have been lost to the ages, and only now are being brought back
into the light.

Notes: Those attuned to the Book of Knowledge, as well as have it opened and actively consulting it,
have advantage on ALL Knowledge checks. Spellcasters attuned to Book of Knowledge are able to
cast a spell from a small list of 6 5th level or higher spells from the wizard, sorcerer, and warlock
spell lists. (each spell uses 1 charge. only recharges upon long rest.) Allows the use of the Recall
spell. It allows the spellcaster, and up to 4 people that they are touching, to teleport to any place that
the spellcaster has been to while conscious. (has a cooldown of 1 week), Drip a drop of blood onto
the surface of the book and meditate for 1 hour while concentrating on making a connection between
yourself and the book.

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