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Unit 1 Grammar Worksheet

Read the information in the class list. Then complete the conversations.

1. Ji-won: Hi, I’m Ji-won Park. _________ from South Korea.

_________ your name?
Rosa: _________ name _________ Rosa Pereira.
Ji-won: Nice to meet you, Rosa. _________ are _________ from?
Rosa: _________ from Brazil. _________ you from Seoul?
Ji-won: No, _________ not. _________ from Pusan.
Rosa: _________ _________ that woman over there?
Ji-won: _________ name’s Felicia Costa. _________ from Argentina.

2. Roberto: Hello! _________ Roberto Barreto.

Li-wei: Nice to meet _________, Roberto. _________ Li-wei Chen.
Roberto: _________ are the two students over there?
Li-wei: _________ León and Elena. He’s from Colombia and
_________ from Mexico, I think.

A Look at the class list above. Where are the students from? Write five questions.

Where’s Jun from?

Are Roberto and Rosa from Argentina?

B PAIR WORK Cover the class list above. Ask and answer the questions.
How much do you remember?
A: Where’s Jun from? A: Are Roberto and Rosa from Argentina?
B: He’s from Japan. B: Yes, they are.
A: That’s right. A: No, they aren’t. They’re from Brazil.

Interchange 1 Teacher’s Resource Worksheets © Cambridge University Press 2013 Photocopiable

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