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Tagatame Unit Details and Reviews

Tagatame Tier List Reviews and Unit Details (In Progress)

● Units that can’t evolve to 5* are not included
● If you have anything you’d like to add, see any mistakes, etc. please leave a comment
here on google docs or on facebook
● General note: attack and defense refer to physical attack and physical defense. Magic
attack or magic defense are noted specifically.

Other Notes
● Early Story quests and other easy content: includes through most of story Ch 1, evolution
material dungeons, job tile dungeons, gold bar farming
● To use country type leader skills, use the unit filters
● Mobile users view this doc in google docs app for scrollable table of contents.

Latest Updates
● (1/27) Added Eisen, and part of Gilgamesh more later
● (1/20) Added Fate Lamia, Saber, Dorothea, Hazel
● (1/16) revisions/updates: Chloe, Zahar, Anastasia, Flamel, Magnus, Rosa, Suzuka, Fon
Riu, Deneb, Lupine, Zain, Autima, Grantz, Chiruru, Tyrfing, Sabareta and all wise man jobs.
○ Alba, Asward, Balt, Chihaya, Mare overhauled.
○ Added Zeke, Masamune, Peridot, Ellique, Archer, Kagura, Fencer
● (12/13) bunch of tweaks and typo fixes. Added more arena notes, recommendation for
Sheena’s Blow Mastery+2. Autima more notes. Almira added. Also Miannu, Tyrfing, Vargas,
Resius, Sabareta, Veloz and Melish.
● (12/7) Shita, Theona, Rameses, Autima, Carol, Sofia, Asward added

Leader Skill Notes

● Slashing Damage: All Sword/Greatsword types, Scythe types and Axe types
● Piercing Damage: Spear and Lance types only (Dragon Knights, Kudan Stein 1st Job,
● Shooting Damage: Gunners, Sniper, Rangers, Archers, Machinery
● Blow Damage: Any Fist type damage, mostly Saint of Fist and Monk. Also includes normal
hits from magic staff types, funnily enough.

Element Leader Skills

● 50% attack increase for element type is currently the highest in the game. Double Leader
skill with friend does stack.
● 50% Light: Suzuka, Zain
● 50% Dark: Arber, Kudan Stein, Gormarus
● 50% Water: Sheena, Yauras, Shenmei
● 50% Wind: Cedar, Tamamo
● 50% Lightning: Eisan, Monzein, Lucretia
● 50% Fire: Reimei, Kadanoba

Dragon Genesis Collab Unit notes:

● Units included: Kadanoba, Kudan, Cedar, Monzein, Yauras, Zain and Autima
●Tagatame Unit
They are limited Details
in that andfarmable
they aren’t Reviews but they are permanently available. Collab
gacha comes back fairly frequently with discounted 500-1500-2500 three step gachas, and
they are also available in the universal login bonus ticket every month. The ticket doesn’t
currently include Autima but it’s an easy way to get 25 pieces every month (or a new unit)
● Their gold job equipment is permanently farmable in story quests. Their equipment can
also be bought for Veda tower coins whenever the tower is back. Note their armaments still
need to be farmed from event stages.
○ 1-5-1-10: Kadanoba’s “Dragon Slayer” equipment
○ 1-5-2-10: Kadanoba’s “Blazing Dragon King” equipment
○ 1-5-3-10: Kudan Stein’s equipment
○ 2-4-1-10: Monzein’s equipment
○ 2-4-2-10: Cedar’s equipment
○ 2-4-3-10: Yauras’s equipment
○ 3-2-2-10: Autima’s equipment
○ 3-2-3-10: Zain’s equipment

Natural 5* (Gacha)


● Type: (Light) Tank

● Leader Skill: All units 10% Crit chance up (not very useful)
● Jobs: Saint Knight, Lancer, Holy Knight
● Best Job: Always 3rd (Holy Knight). 1st Job useable for beginners.
○ Subskill: Any Job
○ Reaction Ability: Stance of Saint Knight +2 (defense)
○ Passives: Guardian and Guard Up (defense)
○ Best Skills: Light Bringer, Lion’s Heart
● Arena Ranking: Good (S)
● Review: One of two of the very first 5* in the game, Chloe isn’t quite as strong as she was
when the game had just started, but she’s still a very good tank. She shines the most past
level 80 for her stats and passive master ability bonus.
● As Holy Knights go, she’s fairly average. Good stats but nothing special.
● Now she is a free unit from completing the challenge missions (panel 2 reward) which is
about right. Good starter tank, though if you have Veteru or Zain then you won’t need her


● Type (Dark) Attacker

● Leader Skill: All units 30% Slashing damage up (Sword type)
● Jobs: Shadow Knight, Dragoon, Dark Knight
● Best Job: Always 3rd (Dark Knight)
○ Subskill: 3rd Job usually, can use 2nd Job for jumping if needed
○ Reaction Ability: HP Absorb +1 (for survival, and to avoid madness status)
○ Passives: Overdrive and Overlimit (attack)
Tagatame Unit Retribution
○ Best Skills: Details andBlade.Reviews
Also can use Blood Eater in some stages to heal,
Assault can be used to raise attack slightly but is not often needed.
● Arena Ranking: Decent (A). Good mono dark filler.
● Review: The other of the first two 5*. Still a very powerful attacker, but kinda fragile, with
poor movement and ok speed. Shines with Illusionist support (OverClock) and/or Clock Up.
Best past level 80 for speed passive from master ability.
● As a Dark Knight, their usefulness is pretty niche, but when they’re needed their high
firepower is invaluable.
● He has a special farmable armor (for high level players) 777 pieces from Sabareta’s Extra
Stages that boosts his defense, magic defense and light resistance, but honestly it hasn’t
been that worth it so far.
● That being said, he is kinda outclassed by Anastasia (80+) now that she has a plus job,
and her character quest passive is way more more useful (HP +100, speed and evasion)


● Type (Wind) Self Buffing Attacker

● Leader Skill: All units 30% Blow damage up (Fist type)
● Jobs: Miko, Ninja, Saint of Fist
● Best Job: Saint of Fist (most often), Ninja (sometimes)
○ Subskill: Saint of Fist
○ Reaction Ability: Cross Counter
○ Passives: Rigid Body (HP), Ninja Step (movement)
○ Best Skills: Training Qigong, Unparalleled Fighting Dance, Whirlwind Kick. Virtue
Qigong can cure herself of some types of abnormal statuses.
● Arena Ranking: Decent (A+) (poor AI, tends to charge in and die)
● Review: Very powerful as Saint of Fist and excellent for many high difficulty Extra stages.
Has skill “Training Qigong” to self buff attack x3 and she has very high HP, but somewhat
moderate defense. Ninja Step gives her excellent range of movement, and in larger maps
can often self buff her attack outside of the enemy attack range, and go all out next turn.
● Compared to Lucia, the other Wind Saint of Fist, she has better movement and slightly
less maximum HP. In large spread out stages with limited ranged attacks, Yomi has the
advantage. In small, close combat stages with unavoidable enemies, Lucia has the
● As Ninja: Great speed and movement, status inflictor, great at picking up chests, very
fragile otherwise.
○ Miko is an outdated legacy job and is not very useful, except maybe in early story
quests and other easy content.
● While she requires some investment to farm and unlock her 3rd job, she is excellent and a
must have for many events.


● Type (Fire) Tank

● Leader Skill: All units 30% Slashing damage up
● Jobs: Magic Knight, Holy Knight, Samurai
● Best Job: Holy Knight (usually), Magic Knight (rarely)
○ Subskill: Magic Knight
○ Reaction Ability: Stance of Saint Knight +2 (defense)
○ Passives: Guardian, Faerie’s Protection (defense)
Tagatame Unit Light
○ Best Skills: Details and
Bringer, Reviews
Lion’s Heart, Magic Knight subskill sword attacks
● Arena Ranking: Good (S+)
● Review: One of the tankiest units in the game, one of only three units with Holy Knight
(high defense) and Magic Knight passive (resist damage from all elements) jobs. As a fire
Holy Knight, while he does less light damage than light units, he can deal light damage while
also taking less damage from dark element enemies. He’s been nerfed somewhat since the
game started, but he is still extremely useful. Best past level 80 for the badly needed speed
increase, since a tank needs to be up front.
● As Magic Knight is rarely ever needed, except rare magic stages, since Holy Knight can
take magic knight passive and subskill anyway.
● Samurai attack up passive “One Great Sword” is just about never worthwhile for him to
use, since you’d have to give up one of his defense passives, and attacking is usually better
left to attackers or self-buffing attackers anyway. Samurai passive useable only in Arena, at
● An excellent tank for just about anything where tanks are needed, and a must have for all


● Type (Water) Support

● Leader Skill: Water units 20% defense up, HP 10% up (not useful)
● Jobs: Professor, Illusionist, Bishop
● Best Job: Professor (usually), Illusionist (often)
○ Subskill: Professor or Illusionist
○ Reaction Ability: Magic Barrier+2 (best), Clock Counter (good), Auto Cure (not that
good, rarely cures)
○ Passives: Regenerator (small heal every turn) or Time Leap (skill use increase),
Clock Resist (as needed), Poison Knowledge+2 (as needed).
○ Best Skills
■ Professor: Prophylactic Medicine (status prevention/cure for 3 turns),
Narcotic (chance to inflict prevent attack, and or prevent movement),
Experimental Drug and Large Healing Medicine (healing), Poisonous
Medicine (inflict poison)
■ Illusionist: All skills except Phantom Vision are very useful, especially in
high difficulty Extra stages
● Arena Ranking: Ok as Illusionist (B)
● Review: A very versatile support unit that can switch between Professor or Illusionist as
needed. Can also mix subskills as required for the stage, to bring healing or Clock Up, both
valuable support skills.
● As a first job Professor she is useful straight out of gacha. One of the best all-rounder
support units, with strong stats and fairly good speed, she’s a versatile support to have.
● Note for Extra stages she is best lvl 80+ for her speed bonus from her character quest.


● Type: (Dark) Attacker

● Leader Skill: Dark units 30% attack up
● Jobs: Shadow Knight, Crafter, Dark Knight, Dark Knight+
● Best Job: Dark Knight+ (almost always), Crafter (extremely rarely)
○ Subskill: Dark Knight+ (almost always), Crafter (extremely rarely)
○ Reaction Ability: Composite Armor
Tagatame UnitOverdrive
○ Passives: Detailsand and Reviews
either more attack from OverLimit or speed from
Booster+1 as needed.
○ Best Skills: Retribution Blade. Also can use Blood Eater in some stages to heal,
Assault can be used to raise attack slightly but is not often needed.
● Arena Ranking: Good (S)
● Review: A very powerful attacker, but fairly fragile, with low defense, and good speed and
decent but unreliable evasion. Shines best with Illusionist support (OverClock) and/or Clock
Up. Best past level 80 for her character quest stat boosts that increases her HP, speed and
adds some evasion chance (15%)
○ Much faster than Zahar, with Booster+1 and her character quest, slightly better
defense w/ Composite Armor.
● Quite strong with her Dark Knight+ Job, and now that she has her character quest speed
and small evasion chance, she has the potential to shine as a solo unit. It is still often safer
to pair her with at least one Illusionist though.
○ Crafter is a good main job for beginners, but isn’t a late game viable main job.


● Type: (Wind) Hybrid Magic/Physical Attacker

● Leader Skill: Wind units 30% attack up
● Jobs: Mage, Magic Knight, Beastmaster, Beastmaster+
● Best Job: Beastmaster+ (almost always), Magic Knight (very rarely)
○ Subskill: Beastmaster+, or Magic Knight
○ Reaction Ability: Magic Counter+1 or Jewel Absorb
○ Passives: Faerie’s Protection and either Wild Child or Magic Up+1. Wild Child is
usually better.
○ Best Skills: Demons Killing
■ Also has large Rage AoE skill, which is very useful against mages.
● Arena Ranking: Useable (A). Now that Gilgamesh is getting more popular in arena there
might be some use for him.
● Review: Flamel requires a lot of investment to really shine, but is worth the effort for end
game content. He has a unique role, as a hybrid physical and magic type. His 4th job has
exceptional movement, speed and climbing ability, and can tank a moderate amount of both
magical and physical damage. The only downside is his damage output is fairly modest.
○ Give him Veda Tower Wind armor armament for incredible tankiness.
○ (80+) is ideal for his character quest which gives jewel regeneration every turn, and
increased defense and magic defense.
● Unfortunately until his 4th job is unlocked and maxed to Job 11, he’s kinda useless. As
Magic Knight he is actually pretty good, but it is rarely ever needed.
○ Beastmaster (3rd) is useable for early story quests but not very good otherwise.
Mage is a legacy job and is no longer useful as primary job (except for the skills)


● Type: (Lightning) Ranged Attacker or Ninja

● Leader Skill: Lightning units 20% defense up and HP 10% up
● Jobs: Gunner, Machinery, Ninja
● Best Job: Machinery (often), Ninja (often)
○ Subskill: Machinery
○ Reaction Ability: Reactive Armor or Countershot (Reactive Armor is usually better)
○ Passives:
Tagatame ■Unit Details
Machinery: Longand
(range+1) and either Booster+2 (speed) or Ninja
Step (movement).
■ Ninja: Booster+2 and Ninja Step.
○ Best Skills: Machinery: Dynamic Buster Bomb. Several AoE skills. Can use
Movement Boost+2 to boost self of ally movement range.
● Arena Ranking: Ok (A)
● Review: An exceptional and versatile unit that can be used once unlocking his 2nd job.
Machinery has great AoE skills, fairly good range, although note that shooting damage is
often ineffective against very high defense enemies in high difficulty Extra stages.
○ Dynamic Buster Bomb can sometimes deal decent damage since it has an armor
penetrating effect.
● Machinery is also fantastic for speed running easy quests with clustered enemies. Great
for hard mode piece farming.
● As Ninja, deserves special mention for being one of the fastest units in the game, currently
which is useful for some Extra stages, particularly in the Veda Tower event. (He’s no longer
the fastest now the Fate collab units are out)
○ Note Gunner is a legacy job and generally only useful for early story quests.
● Compared to Chalice Sniper, Magnus’ Machinery can do more damage, has AoEs, but
less range. Of course ideally have them both because they often work well together.


● Type: (Dark) Attacker

● Leader Skill: Dark units 20% attack up and 10% HP
● Jobs: Shadow Knight, Dragon Knight, Ninja
● Best Job: Dragon Knight (most often), Ninja (sometimes)
○ Subskill: Shadow Knight
○ Reaction Ability: HP Absorb+2
○ Passives: Overlimit and Ninja Step
○ Best Skills: Blade of Revenge, jumping skills
● Arena Ranking: Decent (A+, A++ w/ 50% Dark team)
● Review: A highly useful attacker with moderately high attack, great movement and great
climbing ability. Unfortunately she’s somewhat limited by her lack of either Dark Knight job
(for highest attack) or Monk job (for self buffing attack) which limits her use in Extra stages.
She’s still decently useful though, and gets the chance to show off every now and then as
the only dark dragon knight.
● Compared to the other Dragon Knights, she has exceptional movement and good speed
but much less power than Zangetsu or Rameses. This often limits her to being more of a
strong slot in for mono dark teams, than being a must have unit.


● Type: (Light) Attacker

● Leader Skill: Light units 50% attack up
● Jobs: Samurai, Ninja, Dark Knight
● Best Job: Ninja (most often), Dark Knight (sometimes), Samurai (useable for beginners)
○ Subskill: Dark Knight
○ Reaction Ability: Samurai
○ Passives: Overdrive and Ninja Step. Or if 3rd job is not unlocked yet, use One
Great Sword and Ninja Step
○ Best Skills: Retribution Blade. Also can use Blood Eater in some stages to heal,
TagatameAssault Unit
can beDetails andattack
used to raise Reviews
slightly but is not often needed.
■ As Samurai w/ one great sword and ninja step (if 3rd job is not unlocked
yet) use Clear Mind and her ignore defense attacks.
● Arena Ranking: Good (S). Great leader for light units, very fragile, AI is also kinda stupid.
Best as Dark Knight, 1st or 3rd spot with Rofia as 2nd. Fairly good with Zain, although not as
good as Spica.
● Review: An exceptional and versatile attacker, with high attack, high speed and high
movement, hampered only by her low defense and low magic defense. Exceptional in many
Extra stages and the holder of one of two 50% Light attack Leader skills. A strongly useful
unit for light mono teams.
● Although now that Zain also has 50% LS she’s become more of a strong solo unit or
strong slot in for mono light teams. She’s still very good, particularly in the Veda Tower, but
has become less useful for Multi and Arena.
● Suzuka is very useful and highly recommended.

Fon Riu

● Type: (Water) Magic Attacker

● Leader Skill: Water units 30% Magic attack and 20% physical defense
● Jobs: Mage, Wiseman, Enhancer
● Best Job: Wiseman
○ Subskill: Wiseman
○ Reaction Ability: Magic Counter+2
○ Passives: High Speed Charge (fast casting), Magic up+2
○ Best Skills: Any large or small AoE, elements as needed
● Arena Ranking: Good (A+, A++ w/ fast casting). Good vs slow units, those with low magic
defense and lack of faerie’s protection. Weak to Chalice and Magnus though. Use
Autima instead.
● Review: Fon Riu used to be one of the best magic units in the game, but has been
completely upstaged by Autima. As far as stats go, Fon Riu actually has very high magic
attack, and has fast casting from his 3rd job, but sadly lacks any kind of speed/evasion or
special skills to keep himself alive.
● Compared to Autima, Autima is a tier or two above him, with much better speed, evasion,
a powerful Master Ability and very strong support skills. If you have Autima 65/70+ you
basically do not need Fon Riu at all currently. (If you don’t have Autima, then try and get
● Basically the worst [a]non-limited 5* currently, and not really worth raising anymore.


● Type: (Light) Ranged Attacker

● Leader Skill: Light units 30% attack up
● Jobs: Ranger, Twin Blade, Beastmaster
● Best Job: Ranger (most often), Twin Blade (very rarely)
○ Subskill: Ranger
○ Reaction Ability: Perfect Evasion
○ Passives: Eagle Eye and either Feint or Wild Child. Or as Twin Blade, use Feint
and Wild Child
○ Best Skills: lots of excellent skills, Hunter Eyes and Arrow Rain are standouts
Tagatame UnithitDetails
(guaranteed skills) and Reviews
● Arena Ranking: Good (S, S+ on arena maps with nearby hills or spike walls). Decent
paired with a Zain leader, but not as good as Spica or Autima.
● Review: A great ranged attacker that is useful straight out of gacha. While Rangers don’t
have the range of Snipers, they hit a bit harder and get a bonus range extension and
damage bonus from attacking from high places. Lyle in particular has high speed and
evasion which helps make up for being a ranged type with low defense.
● He’s a strong and versatile slot in both for general use and mono light teams. While I
wouldn’t quite call him a must have, he’s pretty useful and all around good.


● Type: (Dark) Ranged Attacker

● Leader Skill: Dark units 50% attack up
● Jobs: Machinery, Thief, Sniper
● Best Job: Machinery (almost always), Sniper (sometimes)
○ Subskill: Machinery (most often), Thief (almost never)
○ Reaction Ability: Reactive Armor or CounterSnipe
○ Passives: Long Snipe (range) and either Booster+2 (speed) or Move+1
(movement). Booster+2 is usually better.
○ Best Skills: Dynamic Buster Bomb, Assault Burst
● Arena Ranking: Excellent (SS), also a good Zain killer at 80+
● Review: Another ranged unit that is useful from the start, she is good once she gets her
2nd job (move+1) to help her movement. With all three jobs unlocked, she’s a powerhouse
that can clean up many Extra stages with double dark 50% LS. As Machinery with Sniper
Range she can deal exceptionally high damage for a ranged unit. She is a very good sniper
as well.
● Thief subskills can inflict status, but is practically never needed. Job Mastery bonus from
thief gives some more speed.
● Really great all around, and a must have as both for dark mono teams and as a Ranged
type. Compared to other Snipers, Arber is one of the best. Her defense is slightly lower than
Chalice but she shouldn’t be taking a lot of hits anyway.
○ Only downside is that she is not very good without her LS, like in Multi.


● Type: (Water) Self-buffing Attacker

● Leader Skill: Water units 50% attack up
● Jobs: Saint of Fist, Dragoon, Illusionist
● Best Job: Saint of Fist (almost always), Illusionist (often), Dragoon (Mare’s plus job stage
○ Subskill: Saint of Fist (almost always), Illusionist (as Illusionist only)
○ Reaction Ability: Cross Counter or HP Absorb+1 (as needed). Usually Cross
Counter is better.
○ Passives: Rigid Body and Blow Mastery+2. Can also bring Time Leap (extra skill
use) or Clock Resist (clock immunity) if needed.
○ Best Skills: Training Qigong, Unparalleled Fighting Dance, Whirlwind Kick. Virtue
Qigong can cure herself of some types of abnormal statuses.
● Arena Ranking: Good (S). Unfortunately AI is kinda stupid, tends to charge in and die.
● Review: Sheena is a very powerful and useful unit straight out of gacha. Just like most
Saint UnitanDetails
of Fists, she’s excellentand
boss Reviews
killer and useful all around. She gets a lot of chances
to shine in extra stages partly because of her element. (water is a almost entirely gacha
exclusive element, with no free units that aren’t support types). Also one of three holders of
a 50% water attack LS, which makes her a must have for mono water teams, in addition to
being a strong solo unit herself.
○ As Dragoon is occasionally useful in stages where climbing is needed or where
piercing (lance type) damage is more effective.
● As Illusionist is also pretty good, while her casting time is not great, her high HP is good
for survival.
● Overall, an excellent unit, excellent LS, highly useful for events and great starter for


● Type: (Fire) Self-buffing Attacker

● Leader Skill: Fire units 50% attack up
● Jobs: Ninja, Monk, Samurai
● Best Job: Ninja (almost always), Samurai (useable), Monk (useable)
○ Subskill: Monk
○ Reaction Ability: Counter
○ Passives: Ninja Step, Toughness, One Great Sword (any two combination as
○ Best Skills: Use Monk subskill Accumulate to self buff attack.
● Arena Ranking: Ok (A). AI is terrible. Kadanoba is actually a better fire leader in arena.
Fire is not that good in arena anyway though.
● Review: At first glance he might not look like much, but his jobs work well together, making
him kinda a weaker version of a fire saint of fist. He’s got an excellent LS, and is very good
on fire mono teams. He’s a more useful leader than Kadanoba (the other 50% Fire LS) and
easy to limit break. He’s worth raising for his leader skill. Compared to Eve or Shekinah as
Saint of Fists, he is much weaker.
● Reimei is one of the few units that has the speed as Ninja to take the big loss of speed
from One Great Sword.
● He’s almost always better as Ninja, but if it’s ever required he can be a Samurai w/ Ninja
Step instead.
● His main niche is as fire mono leader in the Veda Tower event. He has almost zero use
outside the the Tower.


● Type: (Water) Attacker

● Leader Skill: Water units 50% attack up
● Jobs: Pirate, Thief, Crafter
● Best Job: Pirate (always)
○ Subskill: Pirate or Crafter
○ Reaction Ability: Composite Armor or Chopping Waves. Composite Armor is often
○ Passives: Protective Spirit of the Sea God, Booster+1, Move+1 (any combination
of the three)
○ Best Skills: Dropping Anchor, Maelstrom
● Arena Ranking: A (overall) SS (vs. fire).
Review: ShenmeiUnitisDetails andtype
an all rounder Reviews
attacker, with moderate HP, moderate attack and
moderate defense. Unfortunately this kinda makes her a jack of all trades, master of none.
She’s a decent slot in for mono water teams, her main niche, but she takes a lot of
investment (to 75) to get to a useable level in Extra stages. Even then she’s not as tanky or
as powerful or just as useful as literally all other water fighters. Also her AoE heal is
uselessly too weak and inflicts rage.
○ If you really want to use her, raise her 85 where she is a bit better but still not that
● Her best niche is vs. fire units in Arena, Dropping Anchor can kill many fire units outright,
and cut Veteru’s HP down to ~⅓ or ¼ depending on his level.
● Compared to Sheena and Yauras for Water mono team leader, the other two are way
better than her. If you have her, she’s not particularly worth raising unless there is an empty
spot for your mono water team in the Veda Tower event.


● Type: (Wind) Ranged Attacker

● Leader Skill: Wind units 50% attack up
● Jobs: Miko, Mage, Ranger
● Best Job: Ranger (always)
○ Subskill: Ranger
○ Reaction Ability: Magic Counter+1
○ Passives: Eagle Eye and any other passive
○ Best Skills: Hunter Eyes and Arrow Rain
● Arena Ranking: A+. Wind is not a great element in arena, and she’s a ranger that lacks
good passives from her other jobs.
● Review: Tamamo was designed from before the elemental damage rebalancing, and it
really shows. When Miko was still a good job, she was designed to be a Miko with Ranger
subskills. But post-rebalance, and of course the increasing difficulties of extra stages have
kind of left her behind.
● If you have Cedar (65) then basically you don’t need her at all. Heck, Melish (free unit) has
a better job combination than Tamamo. The best thing about Tamamo is her Leader Skill.
● I guess if there’s ever any future stage where you need a whole team of ranged wind units
then she might be necessary.


● Type: (Dark) Self-buffing Attacker

● Leader Skill: Dark units 50% attack up
● Jobs: Pirate, Dragoon, Saint of Fist
● Best Job: Saint of Fist (almost always), Pirate (rarely)
○ Subskill: Saint of Fist (almost always) or Pirate
○ Reaction Ability: Any, depends on stage
○ Passives: Rigid Body and either Blow Mastery+2 or Protective Spirit of the Sea
○ Best Skills: Training Qigong, Unparalleled Fighting Dance, Whirlwind Kick. Virtue
Qigong can cure himself of some types of abnormal statuses.
● Arena Ranking: Great (S)
○ On reevaluation, he’s pretty good as Pirate (75) in Arena. He can oneshot low
TagatamedefenseUnit Details
units and many and Reviews
light units with Dropping Anchor, and cut down ⅔ of Zain
(75) HP. Note Zain needs to be faster than him. If Gormaras goes first he’ll just die.
● Review: A very strong and versatile unit, once his 3rd job Saint of Fist is unlocked. Saint of
Fist is great for a large variety of tough content. Downside is that he’s not very good until his
3rd job is unlocked. Pirate by itself is an all rounder fighter type, doesn’t really excel at
anything. While it’s easy to use for new players, he is sorely underpowered without his 3rd
● As Pirate, he’s also a bit awkward since his skills are water type, even though he’s dark
element, but is surprisingly good with Saint of Fist subskill that allows him to buff his attack.
● In Events and Multi, compared to the other 50% Dark LS leaders, Kudan and Arber, even
though Gormaras is actually a pretty good unit with the most HP, he is rarely needed. But
they are all good, ideally own them all for the most flexible team composition.


● Type: (Light) Tank/Attacker hybrid, or just Attacker.

● Leader Skill: Light units 20% attack up and 30% HP
● Jobs: Axe Warrior, Thief, Dragon Knight
● Best Job: Axe Warrior or Dragon Knight (as needed)
○ Subskill: any as needed. Axe Warrior for general usage.
○ Reaction Ability: HP Absorb+2 or CounterStrike
○ Passives: Fighting Spirit of Axe Wielder (raise attack&hp) and Move+1. Can also
bring Jump+1 instead of Move+1 if needed (very rarely)
○ Best Skills: Leap Slash, Tomahawk, Warcry. Can also inflict status with thief
subskills. And jump with Dragon Knight
● Arena Ranking: Excellent SS (especially as leader paired w/ Zain). Also great leader skill
in arena for extra tanky light tank team.
● Review: Spica is a strong all-rounder type fighter, who doesn’t really specialize in
anything. As Axe Warrior, her HP is high, defense is fairly good and her attack is moderately
high. Her skills are kinda underwhelming, with just one AoE (Leap Slash), but she’s a strong,
decently tanky, easy to use unit, even if she is kinda slow.
● Only light element Dragon Knight. Compared to the other Dragon Knights, she has above
average movement (but not as good as Rosa) and slightly higher HP.
● She’s a strong slot in for a light mono team, especially as Dragon Knight.


● Type: (Lightning) Support with some Magic Attacks

● Leader Skill: Lightning Units 30% Magic Attack and 20% Defense
● Jobs: Astrologer, Crafter, Magic Knight
● Best Job: Astrologer (Usually) or Magic Knight (Very rarely)
○ Subskill: Any (as needed). General use, Astrologer.
○ Reaction Ability: Chart Reading (guard chance magic damage) or Composite
Armor (guard chance for physical damage)
○ Passives: Speed Booster+1 and Faerie’s Protection
○ Best Skills: many useful skills, including healing, single unit status cure
Conjunction, Gravitation and Quincunx (reduce casting time to ⅔)
● Arena Ranking: B (kinda bad)
● Review: Deneb is very versatile support, able to heal, do some occasional status curing,
and has a couple Unit Details
powerful and Reviews
and unique skills.
● Gravitation reduces enemy CT time to zero (clock time accumulates based on speed, and
it becomes their turn when they reach 100CT) so she can potentially make a boss skip their
turn. It’s not instant cast though, so the timing is tricky. Of course it will have the most effect
if it hits the enemy right before their turn. Of note, currently this skill works on all enemies
and bosses.
● Quincunx is a powerful aid to magic casting allies or herself, and greatly decreases
casting times. Really excellent support for Summoner, Wise man and other magic casters
○ Also can inflict stop, with In Fall Saturn.
○ Conjunction: Single target status cure skill (cure only, no prevention) is pretty
niche, but it has large casting range. Good for those stages where there is rare
status infliction but very dangerous (charm, stop or petrify)
● Compared to other Astrologers, she is relatively tankier with Magic Knight passive, Guard
from Crafter and slightly faster movement with Crafter passive.
○ Currently, I would say she’s the best Astrologer. Survival in extra stages is the
most important thing for a support unit.
● She gains +2 range with Astrologer Twilight Tarot gacha armament, after using the
weapon ability, which is decently useful.


● Type: (Fire) Magic Attacker

● Leader Skill: Fire units 20% Magic Attack up and 30% HP up
● Jobs: Summoner, Illusionist, Wiseman
● Best Job: Summoner (often), Illusionist (most often), Wiseman (useable)
○ Subskill: any as needed
○ Reaction Ability: Supernatural Power or Magic Counter+2. They’re really kinda
○ Passives: choose any as needed. Magic Up+2 if she’s attacking. Silence immunity
useful only in some stages. Time leap gives extra skill uses for any job.
○ Best Skills: has many powerful AoE skills, including AoE heal, damage, buffs and
● Arena Ranking: Useable (B). Slow cast time makes her kinda not great in arena where
she won’t be able to get any support.
● Review: An powerful magic attacker with strong AoEs that’s severely hampered by slow
casting times. Best paired with an Astrologer (Quincunx, reduce casting time to ⅔).
Illusionist can also help somewhat with Clock Up. Lupine is also a very useful AoE healer.
● She has many unique powerful and useful abilities, such as Ratton Falls (no restriction on
max casting height), Immunity to Silence passive (skill lock) and Dark Flare, one of the few
magic type attacks that deals dark elemental damage. Unfortunately she is difficult to use
solo because her casting time is slow. She also doesn’t have a Master Ability which limits
her usefulness.
● As Illusionist, she’s pretty average, but easy to unlock.
● As Wiseman she is the only fire one, which is potentially useful, but so far hasn’t been.
Now that Rin Tohsaka is out, she has some very strong competition for the niche of fire

● Type: (Lightning) Support or Dragon Knight
●Tagatame Unit Details
Leader Skill: Lightning andAttack
Units 20% Reviews
and 30% HP up.
● Jobs: Merchant, Beastmaster, Dragon Knight
● Best Job: Merchant (newish support class) or Dragon Knight (only lightning DK)
○ Subskill: Merchant subskill as Merchant, Dragon Knight can take any subskill as
○ Reaction Ability: Risk Henge (chance for jewel regen when hit) or Absorb HP+2
○ Passives: Either raise initial jewels OR Jewel gain passives, and Wild Child
○ Best Skills: Many useful skills. Poison Pill (cure/prevent status for 3 turns), healing
around self (both 1 solid square around him), and multiple jewel giving/gaining skills.
Jewel Invest reduces ally’s time until next turn. Also can inflict Charm.
○ As Dragon Knight of course, Grand Cross and Dragon Slayer.
● Arena Ranking: Dragon Knight (S). Merchant is not as useful as Illusionist in Arena.
● Review: Alba’s Merchant is an interesting support alternative to Professor.
● Pros vs. Professor:
○ Speed: much faster speed. Professor class tops out at around 100 speed max,
without armaments. Merchant has easily 110 and can go up to 115-ish. Of course
high speed support can be a game changer. (Alba is currently the fastest Merchant
with top speed of 126 at (85) w/ Wild Child and triple job mastery)
○ Lightning element. Lightning element support is mostly limited to Lucretia (limited
unit) and Vincent (much weaker stats than Lucretia)
○ Can use “Stone Rolls around the World” for jewel regen buff for 3 turns. If you want
your Merchant to have a good supply of jewels, keep the buff going on yourself.
● Cons vs. Professor:
○ Need regular attacks from weak archers to activate Risk Hedge’s jewel
regeneration, because of Merchant’s low starting jewels and difficulty attacking
enemies. Risk Hedge’s activation chance is only around 30%-40% so need multiple
weak hits. On the plus side it lasts several turns once activated.
■ Note generally archers go for the lowest physical defense unit, so they will
not target merchant if there is someone with lower defense.
○ Jewel support ability is fairly weak. Over time, it can give a decent amount of jewel
with repeated Low Leverage, Full Leverage or Stone Rolling. But often Merchant will
want to save jewels for Poison Pill or healing instead.
■ On the plus side, Merchant is useful for stages where jewel gain is hard
and an ally just needs enough to buff attack or something.
■ Generally Illusionists are the best Jewel support since a few overclocks and
hitting any enemy a few times will completely fill up jewels for any unit.
○ Merchant’s Poison Pill works best in stages where status immunity is not required
every turn, because Merchant starting jewel is not that high. Professors can literally
spam status immunity every turn for 10+ turns if it’s needed, Merchant is limited to
using it every 3-4 turns or so, depending on Risk Hedge activation and amount of
jewels gained from “Stone Rolls Around the World” (Note: buff duration is same for
both, 3 turns)
■ Poison Pill’s range is one square border around self, so much smaller
range than Prophylactic Medicine. No big deal in quest stages if everyone is
clustered close. But tough to use in multi when allies are spaced apart.
○ Heal is AoE but very weak. Good for topping up HP only.
● That being said, as Dragon Knight he is exceptional, the only lightning element one, and
can take Merchant subskill to heal himself (and an adjacent ally) and/or cure himself of
some statuses which makes him a strong and useful solo melee fighter for mono lightning
teams. Especially since there are very few lightning melee fighters.
● Compared to other Dragon Knights, he’s noticeably faster and can have higher initial
jewels or jewel gain, which will let him use his skills more often. His physical attack is pretty
average for a Dragon Knight though, which makes him less of a boss killer and more of a
slot Unitmono
in on a lightning Details
team.and Reviews
● Though Alba takes a good while to unlock his 3rd job, he is worth it. Again, his 1st job is
pretty niche, but when it’s needed he can really shine. (Particularly Mare job+ extra stage,
4th position. Also good for 3rd Fate extra stage)


● Type: (Lightning) Tank w/ unique ranged skill

● Leader Skill: Lightning Units 30% Attack and 20% HP up
● Jobs: Valkyrie, Dragoon, Holy Knight
● Best Job: Valkyrie (almost always)
○ Subskill: Valkyrie or Dragoon (for jumping)
○ Reaction Ability: Stance of Saint Knight+2 (for defense) or Odin’s Retribution (for
damage, activation 100% counter)
○ Passives: Protection of Eiherjars and Guardian
○ Best Skills: War Spear Brunnhilde, Randgrio’s Arrow
● Arena Ranking: S (good)
● Review: Theona is a strong lightning tank with some very useful abilities. As a lightning
tank, she has high HP, and moderately high attack, but doesn’t have strong defense until
her 3rd job is unlocked.
○ Her second job is not useful, she can take the jumping subskill ability and passive,
but her speed is so low that odds are the enemy will move before she lands. (Max
speed at lvl 85 is only 100).
● As such, she’s a late bloomer, not very useful until her 3rd job is unlocked. Before then,
she’s just kinda slow, low movement and can’t do a lot of damage. After her 3rd is unlocked
she can easily fill her jewels attacking and to use her skills while she tanks damage.
● In addition to her tankiness. she has some useful skills. In particular her ranged piercing
attack, War Spear Brunnhilde is a unique long ranged ability for a tank.
● Lastly she has a couple interesting skills that raise her elemental resistance allowing her
to tank even more damage.
○ War Spear Brunnhilde deals ranged damage, and also increases all element’s
resistance for 3 turns.
○ This can be stacked with the strange stuffed animal (all elemental resistance) or
Veda Tower lvl 60 reward (high water resistance plus other bonuses)
○ Randgrio’s Arrow deals light element damage plus increases dark resistance for 3
turns. Potentially useful skill, to be able to deal light damage without taking double
damage from dark.
● All in all, she’s an excellent lightning tank with skills that increase her tankiness, does
good damage and is a good slot in on a mono lightning team. I wouldn’t really call her a
must have, but she is good to have.


● Type: (Fire) All Rounder Fighter w/ unique debuffs

● Leader Skill: Fire units 20% Attack and 30% HP increased
● Jobs: Necromancer, Magic Knight, Axe Warrior
● Best Job: Necromancer (almost always), Magic Knight (useable in some stages)
○ Subskill: Any as needed.
■ Necromancer has elemental resistance debuffing skills helping team
inflicting more damage.
■ Magic Knight has magic sword attacks.
Tagatame ■Unit Details
Axe Warrior hasand Reviews
a close ranged throw attack Tomahawk plus some self
buffs, another AoE.
○ Reaction Ability: Counterstrike (3rd) is best, but can also use either jewel absorb
reaction abilities from 1st or 2nd for jewel gain.
○ Passives: Faerie’s Protection (elemental resistance) and Fighting Spirit of the Axe
Wielder (raise attack and HP). If 3rd is not unlocked of course use Scythe
Sharpening (raise crit rate and speed)
○ Best Skills: Catastrophe (small AoE), Inferno, Evil Flower (prohibit attack and
poison). Death Sentence inflicting skill. Plus various elemental debuff skills and etc.
● Arena Ranking: Quite good, moderate ranged striking ability is pretty deadly.
● Review: Dorothea is one of the better All Rounder type melee fighters. While her survival
at lvl 60 is terrible, once she unlocks her 2nd job for the elemental resistance passive, she
becomes an easy to use fighter for beginners with decent speed and movement, decent
attack, decent survival and a cool feature of being able to attack within an unusually high
height difference.
○ She can basically attack enemies up or down next to cliffs which allows her to
avoid many types of reaction abilities, plus gives her access to attacking enemies
that are out of range of other allies.
○ Coupled with her moderate ranged AoEs, Catastrophe and Inferno, plus her
unique debuffing skills, she’s unique and potentially very useful.
● Once her 3rd job is unlocked she can take the HP and Attack raising passive to greatly
improve her damage and increase her survival decently, although moderately high HP and
still low defense is only OK at surviving. She has good speed (127) and decent attack (442)
and her moderately high HP (717).
● One of her main downsides is the limited demand for Fire units in extra stages, plus often
high damage dealt by enemies that she doesn’t have the defense/magic defense or
speed/evasion to survive, which limits her usefulness in hard content somewhat.
○ On the plus side her bonus effects debuffs and status infliction skills, plus her
attack range make her more useable against other non-water element enemies than
most Fire physical types.
● All in all, she’s not a must have, but still quite good.


● Type: (Wind) Attacker

● Leader Skill: Wind Units 30% Attack and 20% HP up
● Jobs: Dragon Knight, Dark Knight, Thief
● Best Job: Dragon Knight (almost always), Dark Knight (sometimes)
○ Subskill: Dark Knight (generally always), Thief (if status infliction is needed)
○ Reaction Ability: HP Absorb+2
○ Passives: Overdrive, Move+1
○ Best Skills: Grand Cross, Dragon Slayer
● Arena Ranking: (S) good, although wind is not as useful as light or dark in arena.
● Review: Rameses is a powerful and incredibly useful attacker, like all Dragon Knights,
although he has the advantage of being the only 1st Job Dragon Knight and the only Wind
element Dragon Knight.
● Compared to other Dragon Knights, he has much stronger normal attacks than most with
Overdrive, plus access to Dark Knight’s Retribution Sword.
○ Compared to the strongest Dragon Knight, Zangetsu, he cannot buff his attack that
high since he only has access to a very modest attack buff (Assault) but he’s still
quite powerful with high attack plus defense piercing damage.
○ Compared to the other Dragon Knights, his movement is better than average once
Tagatame Unit
his 3rd Job Details but
is unlocked, and Reviews
he’s still quite exceptional at 65. His stats other than
Attack are pretty average for a Dragon Knight, including typical lowish defense and
magic defense.
● As a Wind Unit, he is a must have for Wind mono teams. He is a powerful attacker that
doesn’t require self buffing or support to damage bosses, and is very mobile with excellent
movement and jumping. The downside is his speed is fairly slow, but still faster than


● Type: (Water) Support or Magic Attacker

● Leader Skill: Water Units 30% Magic Attack and 30% HP
● Jobs: Astrologer, Bishop, Enhancer
● Best Job: Astrologer (buffs) or Bishop (magic attacker) as needed
○ Subskill: Any as needed. Astrologer (can reducing her own or allies casting time, or
inflict stop or single target status cure), Bishop (cheap 8 jewel heal or Regen) or
Enhancer (boost Attack or Magic Attack mostly)
○ Reaction Ability: Chart Reading (guard chance magic damage) or Magic Barrier+2.
Not sure which is better. Enhancer’s Magic Cancel on special stages only.
○ Passives: Regenerator and High Speed Charge. Can use Element Balance for
more jewels if 3rd job is not unlocked.
○ Best Skills:
■ Astrologer: Gravitation (CT=0 enemy debuff), Dignity Mars (AoE heal),
Quincunx (reduce casting time to ⅔), Conjunction (single target status cure)
■ Bishop: Shining (single target magic damage), Cure
■ Enhancer: buff attack or magic attack
● Arena Ranking: not sure, but much like Fon Riu likely too much Chalices and now
Gilgamesh, for her to be useful in Arena.
● Review: Sofia, as an Astrologer is another alternative to Deneb or Chiruru. Deneb
(lightning) has higher physical defense and survives better in regular stages. Chiruru (water)
has longer lasting buffs. In comparison, Sofia is a pure magic specialist.
● As Astrologer, she has noticeably faster casting than Deneb or Chiruru, (compared all at
75) although they can all cast Quincunx on themselves to greatly reduce casting time. (For
notes on Astrologer’s Gravitation and other skills see Deneb’s review)
○ She can bring Bishop subskill for cheap heal, or Enhancer for attack or magic
attack buffs. All in all, a very solid support unit
○ She is not as tanky as Deneb to physical damage, but has more magical defense
and regen. In general, Deneb is better for normal extra stages.
● As Bishop she is surprisingly useable. In general Bishop is not a primary job anymore, but
Sofia is unique. She has strong magic stats, great element, fast casting and an excellent
leader skill for a water magic team. (Currently best for damage, or use Autima’s for near
instant casting)
○ Normally Bishop is too slow casting and too weak to be useful, but Sofia is fast and
has strong magic attacks. As Bishop her range is still kinda so-so, and she lacks
good AoEs but she can still deal strong single target damage with Shining.
○ With her Astrologer subskill she can also support her allies with single target status
cure or reduced casting time buff.
○ There are a lot of water mages now, and water magic is so far the highest in
demand of the element types. Naturally Autima is king, but if there is ever a demand
for a team of water mages, Sofia would be a good addition.
● All in all, she’s not a must have, especially if you have another Astrologer and/or strong
water mages like Unit Details
Autima or Fon and Reviews
Riu. But she’s a solid support option, and a decent magic
attacker, and worth raising if you have her. Not a particular priority though.


● Type: (Dark) Attacker

● Leader Skill: Dark Units 40% Attack up and 5% Evasion up
● Jobs: Assassin, Twin Blade, Gunner
● Best Job: Assassin (5 vs. 5 PVP only)
○ Subskill: Assassin
○ Reaction Ability: Perfect Evasion
○ Passives: Dark Step, Feint, Range+1 any combination
○ Best Skills: Shadow Raven, Swift Void, Soul Slash
● Arena Ranking: (B) Bad, starts too far away to backstab. Paper defense. Cannot kill in one
hit. High speed is also bad in many arena maps, since slower units with high defense and
ranged attacks will kill them easily after they charge into range. Especially Zain, but also
Veteru, Theona too.
● 5 vs. 5 PVP ranking: (SS) Asward’s abilities were demonstrated in the last Nico Live #4
(1st Anniversary special broadcast). As suspected, she is a PVP specialist. This makes a lot
more sense. Her status infliction is not useful for Extra Stages but of course in PVP
generally there is very little status resistance. Niche statuses such as charm or sleep which
NPC enemies are rarely vulnerable to, are way more useful in PVP.
○ Also her Backstab move, which is not strong enough to kill bosses in extra stages,
is an excellent Zain killer in PVP, where she can oneshot a lvl 75 Zain.
● In Extra stages she remains not very useful. She dies too easily and her evasion and jewel
gain are very low. In general killing light bosses is far better left to Kudan Stein and
Anastasia. Maybe Zahar or Grantz sometimes.
○ Her one specialty is Backstab, assuming she can survive long enough to get there.
But, it doesn’t deal enough damage to be a boss killing move, and her strongest
move Soul Slash can only be used twice. Her damage isn’t high enough to be worth
the effort. Dark Knights Zahar and Anastasia can deal better damage without using
any skills at all.
○ Basically, she has the movement and speed of a ninja, but Ninja has the incredibly
useful status infliction of both Stop and Prevent Movement to survive counterattacks.
○ The status infliction she has is better left to other units:
■ Paralyze: which can fail to prevent movement or attack even if it procs.
■ Charm: a niche status which generally only weak enemies are vulnerable
too in some stages. Reaper can charm and do high damage at the same
■ Sleep: another niche status that generally only weak enemies are
vulnerable to. Autima’s Sleep and Silence AoE is way better.
■ Death Sentence: slightly more useful if there is an enemy vulnerable to it,
but Cedar has her beat there. Ranged shot from a safe distance beats
standing next to an enemy.
■ Poison: speaking of Cedar, but her Poison AoE has low jewel cost, large
AoE plus inflicts good damage. Compared to Asward’s single target and
close range hit, Cedar is far superior. And Asward’s skill won’t even last as
many turns as Professor’s Poison either.
○ All in all, she’s not good for extra stages. If you need a ranged attacker, then
Ranger and Sniper are way better. If you need fast status infliction, Ninjas are better
and the jewel cost is lower. If you need firepower, Dark Knights, Dragon Knights etc
Tagatame Unit Details and Reviews
are better.
● Since she is only good for 5 vs. 5 PVP, which isn’t out yet, she is not a priority to raise, but
might be worth farming her fragments.


● Type: (Lightning) Self-buffing Attacker

● Leader Skill: Lightning units 50% Attack increased
● Jobs: Blacksmith, Samurai, Saint of Fist
● Best Job: Blacksmith (for AoE and buffs/debuffs), Saint of Fist (general use)
○ Subskill: Saint of Fist (always)
○ Reaction Ability: Determined Concentration (Fire element counter, plus chance to
inflict attack down 3 turns) or Cross Counter
○ Passives: Meditation (Fire and Light resistance), Rigid Body (HP), One Great
Sword (Saint of Fist only).
○ Best Skills:
■ Blacksmith: Hundred Casting Iron Strike (mid-sized AoE), Shadow Strike
(AoE Buff/Debuff removal)
■ Saint of Fist: Training Qigong, Unparalleled Fighting Dance, Whirlwind Kick.
Virtue Qigong can cure himself of some types of abnormal statuses.
● Arena Ranking: Not great, much better used manually. Plus not fast or magic resistant to
prevent getting killed by Autima (almost all physical types are weak to magic)
● Review: Eisen (Iron in German) is a very powerful lightning attacker with some really
unique abilities and best once his 3rd Job is unlocked. Luckily he will be farmable soon, and
he’s also available in the Panel Mission completion Select ticket reward.
● As Blacksmith, he is good for his unique abilities. Stat wise he is an all rounder type
fighter. He has below average movement (3) and nonexistent climbing (1) so will likely need
Illusionist (Overclock) or Machinery support (Move Boost+2).
○ At lvl 60 he’s basically just support. He has his useful small AoE Buff or Debuff
removal which is the only AoE buff/debuff removing skill so far.
■ Previously there was just Magic Cancel (Magic Knight reactive ability) and
Zero Surge (Enhancer) which are both limited to single target.
■ He also has an AoE attack buff or defense buff that is decent too. And his
attack AoE, but at lvl 60 is not strong enough to be useful.
○ At lvl 65, he’s not much better. He can take One Great Sword to bring his attack to
a decent power level but it cuts his already slow speed too badly, and he lacks the
ability to tank damage so he dies easily.
■ He can also take Counter Enhance to strengthen his counter, but it doesn’t
really make much difference.
○ At 75 is where Blacksmith shines, although his speed even without One Great
Sword is still quite slow (93 without). Luckily he doesn’t need it since he can take the
Saint of Fist sub-ability to buff his attack 3x with Training Qigong.
■ While his slow speed means he will likely require Illusionist support, he has
a rare Lightning AoE damage skill (Hundred Iron Casting Strike).
■ The only others to have lightning AoEs are limited units Gilgamesh and
Monzein (MA only). Eisen is the only non-limited Lightning melee AoE
attacker other than Alba (Dragon Knight) and his attack is much higher than
Alba’s after buffing.
■ When his AoE and other unique skills aren’t needed, he’s better off as Saint
of Fist.
● As Saint of Fist (75), Eisen is particularly exceptional. Even without his other jobs, he’d be
good Unitmelee
since lightning Details andare
attackers Reviews
still relatively rare, and Saint of Fist alone is a
strong and versatile job. But since his Saint of Fist is fast enough to take the speed loss from
One Great Sword, then he can take it to have a high unbuffed attack of 622 and a still
decent speed of 102.
○ Add in his self buff and he’s the most powerful SoF.
○ In addition, he is the only non-limited unit to have 50% Lightning LS. (the other two
being Monzein and Lucretia).
● All in all, Eisen is a must have for lightning teams once his farming quest is added. He’s a
late bloomer type so it takes time to raise him, but he’s well worth it.


● Type: (Fire) Ranged Attacker

● Leader Skill: Fire units 50% HP up (not useful currently)
● Jobs: Machinery, Magic Knight, Ranger
● Best Job: Machinery (almost always), Ranger (rarely), Magic Knight (almost never)
○ Subskill: Machinery or Ranger as needed. Magic Knight sub only as Magic Knight.
○ Reaction Ability: Reactive Armor (guard)
○ Passives: Eagle Eye (range+2) and Booster+2 (speed) generally. Can also use
Magic Knight elemental resistance passive for survival instead if needed.
○ Best Skills:
● Arena Ranking: If Fire were good in arena then she might be useful, but it’s pretty limited.
She’d be good 75+ in a mono fire team vs. mono wind.
● Review: Hazel is exactly as she looks. As the only Machinery other than Arber to have +2
range (3rd job) she is good for speed running easy farming quests, and can do strong
ranged damage in a double 50% Fire LS team.
● She also has the ability to take elemental resistance passive instead of speed, for
somewhat better survival, but as a ranged unit should be kept at a safe distance from
danger anyway. Plus her HP and defense are kinda low, so she doesn’t get much benefit
from it. This makes the elemental resistance passive less useful here compared for close
combat melee units.
● As Ranger she’s useable but pretty unremarkable, without any other extra range passive
or high speed/evasion it would be hard to keep her safe.
○ The only reason to use her as Ranger over Machinery w/ +2 range would be for
the sure hit skills, in the rare chance they are needed.
○ Note: Shekinah is a much better fire Ranger with extra range passive, plus she can
self buff.
● As usual, currently Fire units, especially physical attackers are much less in demand in
hard content than other elements, which greatly limits her usefulness. They have been
releasing a lot more fire units lately though, so hopefully they will start giving stages for them
to shine in.
● All in all, she’s a very good ranged attacker as Machinery that’s limited in usefulness
because of her element. That being said this could change in the future. In the meantime
she’s a good mono fire team member in the Veda Tower.


● Type:
● Leader Skill:
● Jobs:
● Best Job:
Tagatame Unit Details
○ Subskill: and Reviews
○ Reaction Ability:
○ Passives:
○ Best Skills:
● Arena Ranking
● Review:

Limited 5* Units


● Type: (Water) Tank

● Leader Skill: Water units 30% attack up
● Jobs: Saint Knight (altered version), Magic Knight, Holy Knight (altered version)
● Best Job: Holy Knight (altered version, mostly), Magic Knight (rarely)
○ Subskill: Magic Knight
○ Reaction Ability: Stance of Frost Swordwoman+2
○ Passives: Faerie’s Protection and Guardian (equivalent)
○ Best Skills: Holy Knight (altered) water sword AoE skills
● Arena Ranking: Good (S), but poor element since there’s lots of Chalices and Gilgamesh
in arena.
● Review: One of only three units with Holy Knight and Magic Knight extra tanky combo.
She has a unique niche in water teams. Excellent tank, but like most tanks, damage is kinda
of so-so. Note her skills for Saint Knight and Holy Knight are a water element version of the
normal jobs skills.
● Her stats are somewhat modest compared to more recent units like Zain, but she’s still
quite good and a rare water tank.
● Now that there is such stiff competition for water fragments, I can’t say she’d be a
particular priority, but either raise her to 75 or not at all.


● Type: (Lightning) Attacker

● Leader Skill: Lightning 30% attack up
● Jobs: Shadow Knight, Ninja, Dark Knight, Dark Knight+
● Best Job: Ninja (mostly), Dark Knight+ (sometimes)
○ Subskill: Dark Knight/Dark Knight+
○ Reaction Ability: Ninja (to prevent rage)
○ Passives: Overdrive (or Overlimit if only 2nd job unlocked) and Ninja Step.
Alternatively can stack Overdrive and Overlimit, but that’s rarely ever needed.
○ Best Skills: Retribution Blade. Also can use Blood Eater in some stages to heal,
Assault can be used to raise attack slightly but is not often needed.
● Arena Ranking: Good (S)
● Review: One of the strongest lightning units in an element that has very few attackers w/
high attack stat.Unit Details
Powerful and a and Reviews
must have for mono lightning teams, but unfortunately
limited means she can’t be farmed. Hard to limit break, but definitely worth the investment.
● Much like Suzuka, she is a fast, highly mobile unit that can do heavy damage, her only
weakness is her low defense.
● Compared to other limited lightning units for limit breaking priority, I’d say she’s more
useful than Monzein but less useful than Gilgamesh. That being said it is more useful to
have one unit at 75 than a whole bunch 65.


● Type: (Light) Support

● Leader Skill: Light units 20% Physical Attack up and 5% decreased charge time
● Jobs: Enhancer, Mage, Bishop
● Best Job: Enhancer
○ Subskill: any job
○ Reaction Ability: Magic Barrier+2 or Magic Cancel (as needed)
○ Passives: High Speed Charge and Regenerator (or Magic up+1 if 3rd job is not
○ Best Skills: Enhancer buffing/debuffing or healing as needed
● Arena Ranking: Terrible (D). Enhancer will just buff herself all day. Mage and Bishop are
also no longer useable in arena.
● Review: Honestly this limited unit is no longer the premium unit she once was. Enhancer
used to be exclusively almost all 3rd jobs (except Rofia) before the days of hard story mode
piece farming, so back then her first job Enhancer was the only way for a free player to get
access to Enhancer skills.
● Now that non-limited 3rd jobs can be farmed in less than 2 months, she’s basically
useless. On top of that, Mage and Bishop have been outclassed and replaced by Wiseman
and new magic types (Summoner, Astrologer) and now the new limited units like Autima as
magic attackers, so she’s basically not even worth limit breaking anymore.
● Hopefully she will get a 4th job someday or just a complete overhaul, until then she’s not
even worth raising at all. Soleiu is better than her, and still sucks.


● Type: (Wind) Attacker

● Leader Skill: Wind units 20% attack up and evasion chance 5% up
● Jobs: Twin Blade, Thief, Dark Knight, Twin Blade+
● Best Job: Twin Blade+ (almost always), Dark Knight (rarely)
○ Subskill: Twin Blade+ or Dark Knight
○ Reaction Ability: Perfect Evasion
○ Passives: Feint, Overdrive (or Move+1 if 3rd job is not unlocked)
○ Best Skills: Whirlwind Cut (Twin Blade), Retribution Blade (Dark Knight
● Arena Ranking: Good (S)
● Review: Ever since Twin Blade was buffed, Balt became one of the better Wind attackers,
but not many have him because he’s both limited, and initially was pretty terrible. He’s also
rarely gets a rate up in gacha.
● Now with the release of his Twin Blade+ job, he’s been seriously buffed. He's
exceptionally fast, very high attack, with a bonus low evasion chance (Perfect Evasion is
around 10% so not so perfect). His new plus job skill ups the damage and range of
Whirlwind Cut.
○ His main downside is paper defense, relying on evasion/speed to survive, plus he
lacks any Unit
kind Details and Reviews
of AoE damage.
● He’s worth raising despite being limited, but other limited Wind units like Cedar or Shita
are more versatile and would generally take priority for wind element pieces over him. Note
that while Cedar and Shita are pretty good at 65, both he (and also Saber) need to be limit
broken to 75 to unlock their full potential.
○ Either limit break him to 75 or not at all. Thief job doesn’t really add anything,
without Dark Knight’s Overdrive he might as well be a wind ninja without status
○ Compared to Saber (both 75) I think Saber would be more versatile since she has
AoE skills, even if her attack and speed are more modest.


● Type: (Fire) Magic Hybrid Attacker, Support, or Self buffing Attacker

● Leader Skill: Fire units 30% attack up
● Jobs: Bride, Illusionist, Saint of Fist
● Best Job: Saint of Fist (almost always), Illusionist (sometimes), Bride (very rarely)
○ Subskill: any depending on needs
○ Reaction Ability: Cross Counter, or any depending on needs
○ Passives: Rigid Body and any other passive. Except luck increase, I don’t
think think it’s as useful.
○ Best Skills: Training Qigong, Unparalleled Fighting Dance, Whirlwind Kick. Virtue
Qigong can cure herself of some types of abnormal statuses.
■ Bride skills: Champagne Shoot
● Arena Ranking: Saint of Fist (A), Bride (vs. male wind units S+)
● Review: Eve is a really excellent unit, but requires a lot of investment and has kind of a
weird job combination. For the most part her jobs are better used separately. As one of two
fire Saint of Fists, she is quite good. That being said, as Self-buffing fire attacker, she also
competes pretty heavily with Zangetsu, who is not a limited unit and tons easier to limit
● As Saint of Fist, compared to Shekinah, Shekinah has slightly stronger stats, and has
more useful 1st and 2nd jobs.
○ Between Shekinah and Eve, Shekinah is better. With Shekinah you can get two
useful fire units (ranger or saint of fist).
○ If you’ve invested in her already and she’s almost 75 of course you should unlock
her third job, but for new players might as well get and raise Shekinah instead.


● Type: (Light) Tank

● Leader Skill: Light units 30% attack up
● Jobs: Groom, Samurai, Holy Knight
● Best Job: Holy Knight
○ Subskill: Groom
○ Reaction Ability: Stance of Saint Knight+2
○ Passives: Guardian and either Counter Enhance or Gospel of Couple.
○ Best Skills:
■ Holy Knight: Light Bringer and Lion’s Heart
■ Groom: Flower Shower (small heal around self), Magical Bouquet Toss
(chance to inflict prevent attack)
● Arena Ranking: Ok (A) as Holy Knight. Not so good as Groom (B) because Arber will kill
Tagatame Unit Details and Reviews
● Review: This limited unit is fairly strong as a light Holy Knight, and while naturally he has
better stats than free units like Logi or Tyrfing, it’s not that big of a difference. Compared to
farmable or non limited gacha units like Chloe, he doesn’t really have much advantage to
offer. A tiny bit more luck and magic defense. Plus Zain is much better, anyway.
● Phrase would be good if he was free, but as a limited unit is not really worth raising at all
except maybe for some p2p players.


● Type: (Lightning) Support (mostly), Hybrid magic type (sometimes)

● Leader Skill: Lightning units 50% attack up
● Jobs: Bride, Mage, Professor
● Best Job: Professor (mostly), Bride (rarely)
○ Subskill: any as needed
○ Reaction Ability: Magic Counter+1 or Bride of Pure White.
○ Passives: Magic Up+1 and Gospel of Couple. Poison Knowledge+2 if needed.
○ Best Skills:
■ Professor: Prophylactic Medicine (status prevention/cure for 3 turns),
Narcotic (chance to inflict prevent attack, and or prevent movement),
Experimental Drug and Large Healing Medicine (healing), Poisonous
Medicine (inflict poison)
■ Bride: Champagne Shoot
● Arena Ranking: Bride (S) most effective against male water units, of which there are not
that many. However she is excellent vs. Autima, who is becoming very popular in Arena.
Attacking team only (not defense), give her Veda tower lightning armor.
● Review: Shines the most as Professor. As Professor (75), she is one of the fastest, which
is important in some Extra stages to be able to protect your team from abnormal status
before the enemies’ turn. Also she and Vincent are the only lightning Professors, a common
useful element in Extra stages, and her stats are much better than Vincent’s.
○ However, compared to Merchant, she is much slower (see Alba for comparison)
● As Bride she’s fairly niche, but is still sometimes pretty useful, like in Arena.
● As holder of a 50% LS, she’s pretty weak. Monzein and Eisen are better, and Eisen is not
● She is kinda worth the investment to 3rd job, although she has some very tough
competition. I would generally give limited lightning attackers like Gilgamesh, Laevateinn
and Monzein priority for Lightning fragments. (in that order) since you’ll get more use out of


● Type: (Fire) Hybrid Attacker & Tank

● Leader Skill: Fire Units 50% attack up
● Jobs: Dragon Slayer (exclusive job), Dragoon, Blazing Dragon King (exclusive job)
● Best Job: 3rd Job
○ Subskill: not sure, probably 3rd job(?)
○ Reaction Ability: Stance of the Blazing Dragon King +2
○ Passives: Jumper (increase jump attacks damage) and either Understanding
Space-time (increase jump damage) or Pride of the Blazing Dragon King (immune to
○ Best Skills: can inflict Rage in a large AoE rage to targets nearby. Rage inflicted
Tagatame Unit
targets will Details
forget and such
to use skills Reviews
as status infliction and magic. (works best on
mages and sometimes ninjas)
● Arena Ranking: Ok (A) as fire leader, but fire is kinda meh in arena. Light and Dark are the
best (for defending teams, and often attacking too)
● Review: Kadanoba was fairly nerfed back when the elemental rebalance hit. He’s still fairly
decent past 75, but it’s a lot of investment until then for a so-so limited fire unit that has
moderate attack, no attack buffs and somewhat lowish defense until his 3rd job. Comparing
3rd jobs, Veteru has much better defense and has elemental resistance, which Kadanoba
lacks. (and of course Veteru is farmable.) Kadanoba has higher attack, but without survival,
what’s the point?
● That being said, sometime his unique abilities of inflicting a large Rage AoE and immunity
to charm have come in handy in the Veda Tower, so it’s not like he’s totally useless. Just
maybe not a priority in either gacha or limit breaking.
● Reimei is a better overall fire leader for a mono fire team. (and farmable)

Kudan Stein

● Type: (Dark) Self buffing Attacker

● Leader Skill: Dark units 50% attack up
● Jobs: Demon Lance Knight (exclusive job), Monk, Dark Knight
● Best Job: Demon Lance Knight (almost always)
○ Subskill: Monk
○ Reaction Ability: Counter or Counter Lance.
○ Passives: Toughness and either Overdrive or Wisdom of Demon Lance Knight (if
3rd job is not unlocked)
○ Best Skills: Accumulate (Monk) and then next turn use Geo Cross or Bloodstrike
(1st job). Note Bloodstrike requires HP to use.
● Arena Ranking: OK (A) mostly because AI for buffers doesn’t buff, charges in and dies.
Arber or Gormaras are better dark leaders in arena.
● Review: Kudan Stein is one of the most versatile boss killers in the game and excels in
killing high defense mobs too. Because he is Dark element, he works for many Extra stages
and not just vs. Light bosses. He’s quite good even at just 65 but is even more exceptional
past 75.
● He is only hampered by his fragile low defense, but usually he is paired with multiple
Illusionists so he can survive. Once he has his 3rd job unlocked, he can kill many enemies
without buffing, unless their defense or HP are exceptionally high.
● Compared to Zangetsu, who often does well in the same Extra stages, Kudan Stein has
much better speed. Zangetsu though, has a much farther reaching AoE and better jumping,
so it’s got pros and cons.
● Having a 75 Kudan Stein is recommended for high level players and a good priority for
dark element pieces.
○ Compared to Fate Zahar, it’s kinda of a awkward comparison. Kudan is a high
powered glass cannon, while Fate Zahar is a tank. They both have completely
different uses.

Dragoon Chloe

● Type: (Light) Moderate Ranged Attacker

● Leader Skill: Light units (30% Attack and 10% Dark resistance up)
● Jobs: Dragoon Chloe unique job (not related to other Dragoon), Fencer, Masurao
● Best Job: 1st Job (always)
Tagatame Unit
○ Subskill: not Details
sure and Reviews
○ Reaction Ability: Healing Guard or Slypheed
○ Passives: Fencing Mastery and Blade Mastery
○ Best Skills: Piercing shot skills
● Arena Ranking: (S+) with all jobs unlocked. Good in mono light team with Zain, but
otherwise will get killed by Arber by herself.
● Review: Basically not worth raising at all unless you can limit break her all the way to 75,
and have all of her limited job equipment. And, since she’s not as high priority compared to
other limited light units like Zain or Shaman, it kinda makes her a p2p trophy unit.
● She has a powerful piercing shot damage attacks that are useful against many Extra stage
dark element bosses. But without her attack up passive from her third job, then you just
have a unit that lacks long ranged attacks, attack power and has very low defense, which is
pretty useless.


● Type: (Dark) Attacker

● Leader Skill: Dark Units 30% Attack up and 20% Defense
● Jobs: Reaper (exclusive 1st job), Death Scattering Shinigami (exclusive 2nd job), Death
Preventing Shinigami (exclusive 3rd job)
● Best Job: 3rd Job (always)
○ Subskill: (not sure)
○ Reaction Ability: Soul Absorption Shockwave (3rd job)
○ Passives: Scythe Mastery 2 (3rd job) and either remaining passive
○ Best Skills: can inflict charm, prevent movement, blood eater equivalent (HP
absorb), multiple small close range AoE skills.
● Arena Ranking: (B) kinda bad
● Review: Basically Zahar with slightly better movement, slightly better speed and small AoE
skills, plus the ability to inflict charm. Unfortunately charm is a niche ability that is rarely
useful, since most enemies are immune to it. If you have Zahar then you basically don’t
need Reaper at all.
● The only real reason to raise Reaper is if you pulled enough (or almost enough) copies out
of gacha. If you can’t limit break him directly to 3rd job, he’s not worth raising at all.
● Although generally speaking other limited units like Kudan Stein or Fate Zahar are much
more worth the investment of dark element pieces.


● Type: (Light) Support

● Leader Skill: Light Units 30% HP and 20% Magic Defense (not useful)
● Jobs: Enhancer (Altered), Illusionist (Altered), Unique 3rd Job
● Best Job: 2nd or 3rd, as needed
○ Subskill: Any as needed (usually 2nd job or 3rd job)
○ Reaction Ability: 2nd (magic counter) or 3rd job (heal)
○ Passives: Any combination of passives
○ Best Skills: Illusionist skill (all), Status Protection (like Professor’s skill), Raise
Maximum HP skill and healing skills. AoE healing Master Ability.
● Arena Ranking: (A) Average in arena, not that good.
● Review: Shaman is one of the most versatile support units in the game, and has unique
powerful UnitasDetails
skills such her largeand Reviews
AoE Master Ability full heal and her AoE raise maximum
● Her Master Ability is excellent in Extra stages and fantastic in Multi. Having Shaman can
be the difference between success and failure.
○ As with the others from her collab, don’t raise her unless you have her limited
equipment farmed and her unique job tiles.
● Her ability to replace an Illusionist (her 2nd job) or Professor (her 3rd job) plus having her
extra skills and master ability makes her incredibly useful for almost all content. She
competes with Zain for light element pieces. I’d still give Zain priority, naturally, but she’d be
second (to limit break to 75) easily.


● Type: (Wind) Ranged Attacker

● Leader Skill: Wind Units 50% Attack up
● Jobs: Ranger (altered version exclusive job), Archer, Ninja
● Best Job: 1st Job (Rapid Bow Knight)
○ Subskill: 1st Job
○ Reaction Ability: any (1st inflicts sleep, 2nd snare, 3rd poison) Unfortunately the
chances for all three abilities are not great and don’t activate that often, plus enemies
are often immune.
○ Passives: Range+2 and either Range+1 or Ninja Step. Usually double range is
○ Best Skills: Venom Storm. Also Death Sentence inflicting skill is sometimes highly
● Arena Ranking: (S), SS if there is a nearby hill and/or shooting damage bonus
● Review: Cedar is currently the best Wind team leader, and is very useful, even with only
her first two jobs (65). She particularly excels with high speed, good ranged attacks and
excellent status affliction abilities. With her 3rd job mastery, her speed becomes very high.
Her only downside is much like all ranged units, her defense and magic defense are very
low and she doesn’t do well in close combat.
● She is the best mono wind leader and very useful overall. Definitely limit break her to at
least 65.
● Note her main niche is mostly mono wind teams for the Veda tower, plus some stages
where her status infliction is useful.


● Type: (Lightning) Tank

● Leader Skill: Lightning units 50% attack up
● Jobs: Sturdy Axe Knight (exclusive job), Dragoon, Holy Knight
● Best Job: Sturdy Axe Knight
○ Subskill: Sturdy Axe Knight
○ Reaction Ability: Stance of Saint Knight+2
○ Passives: Pride of Warrior (HP) and Guardian (defense)
○ Best Skills: Shoots-the-Axe
● Arena Ranking: Ok (A). Kinda too slow for arena, lots of strong Wind units who are ranged
and faster than him. Cedar and Almira can kill him from a distance, but he’s good for killing
Rofia. He’s a good leader for Chalice Sniper+ to snipe Autima, but sometimes she misses.
● Review: Basically he is unuseable for hard content until level 75, but is a very tanky
lightning Unit
unit with Details
a good MasterandAbilityReviews
damage AoE. Now that Eisen, a non-limited unit,
has 50% Lightning LS, Monzein is less worth raising.
○ Despite having good HP, his defense and speed are fairly low in his 1st and 2nd
jobs, and his attack isn’t strong enough for him to kill things in one hit. On top of that,
his movement/climbing sucks.
○ Basically, he really needs his 3rd job so he can tank damage while he slowly hacks
away at enemies. Otherwise he’s pretty much pulp.
● He has a number of unique skills (including rare Rage inflicting ability, but not as much
range or area as Kadanoba or even Flamel.) He also has a couple of self buffs (defense) but
he often is so slow and doesn’t have a lot of jewels or turns to spare so it’s hard to use them.
● Compared to other limited lightning units, Gilgamesh and Laevateinn are better attackers,
but are both also more fragile.
● Compared to non limited lightning units, Dirga has higher buffed attack but is less tanky.
As a lightning attacker Monzein is overall decent but slow.


● Type: (Light) Hybrid Tank, Attacker, Magic Attacker

● Leader Skill: Light Units 50% attack up
● Jobs: Lord Master (exclusive job), Magic Knight, Holy Knight
● Best Job: Lord Master (always)
○ Subskill: Lord Master (almost always)
○ Reaction Ability: Stance of St. Knight+2 (Holy Knight). Conviction Oath (raise
attack for 1 turn) is sometimes useful if extra damage is needed more than tanking.
○ Passives: Faerie’s Protection and Guardian. Slashing damage passive is
sometimes needed for extra damage in some stages.
○ Best Skills: Shining Flare, Lightning Bolt, Knight of the Round Table
● Arena Ranking: SSS (currently impossible to rank below 100 without him). Pair with other
units like Spica (leader), Rofia, Lyle, Suzuka (Dark Knight), Autima, Gilgamesh. Zeke is not
bad either.
● Review: Zain is a ridiculously overpowered unit. He’s easily the most useful and versatile
unit in the entire game, and likely will stay that way for a long time. If there is one unit to try
and spend all your gems on, it’s him. Basically he’s good at everything.
● He can tank both physical and magical damage, deal both physical and magical damage,
plus he can heal himself and an ally quite well. He’s excellent in almost all Extra stages
except the ones requiring Dragon Knights.
○ On top of that, he can deal multi element damage, Fire AoE Shining Flare, Wind
close range AoE Grand Blast, Lightning Bolt (single target) and double light damage
in Super Nova. He literally only lacks water and dark element damage.
● He’s surprisingly good at only 65, he requires a lot of healing support or potions, but is still
very good damage dealer. He’s an excellent mono light leader and one of the best units,
● His only weakness is vs. Dark damage but I don’t think that really counts as a con.


● Type: (Water) Self Buffing Attacker, Evasion type

● Leader Skill: Water Units 50% Attack up
● Jobs: Twin Blade Knight (exclusive first job), Monk, Twin Blade
● Best Job: Monk (if only 2nd unlocked), 1st (if all unlocked)
○ Subskill: Monk (for damage), 1st job (for inflicting prohibit attack)
Tagatame Unit
○ Reaction Details
Ability: and
Perfect Reviews
Evasion (always), if only 2nd job unlocked then either
○ Passives: As the Water Flows (Evasion up, Move+1) and Feint (Evasion). If only
second is unlocked then bring Toughness instead of Feint.
○ Best Skills: Accumulate, any of her multiple hit skills
● Arena Ranking: (S+) on defensive team
● Review: Yauras is a very strong water fighter at 75, but compared to Sheena, Sheena is
more versatile. Yauras is very fast, has good movement and moderately strong attacks even
without buffing, but has low defense and somewhat low HP. She depends on her dodge
ability to survive in Extra stages which can be up to the mercy of RNG (both if her dodge
activates, and also whether the enemy gets a combination link attack which is a guaranteed
● On top of that, while her agility is fairly good in arena, she’s not really a team player in
Extra stages. She can’t tank damage and has no AoE skills, so she struggles to protect
nearby support units even if she can survive by herself. That being said, she is quite usable
even at (65) and has her excellent leader skill, so she is often still worth investing in her at
least a little.
● Compared to Autima as priority for water pieces, Autima is a higher priority. Farm Sheena
if you need a mono water leader.
○ Compared to Fate Lamia, who is a similar fragile high speed/evasion type, they are
both really similar. It’s better to raise one of them to 75 than to have two 65 units, so
pick one.


● Type: (Wind) Self-buffing Attacker

● Leader Skill: Wind Units 20% Attack and 30% HP up
● Jobs: Axe Warrior, Monk, Pirate
● Best Job: Axe Warrior (almost always), Pirate (rarely)
○ Subskill: Monk (almost always)
○ Reaction Ability: Counter Strike
○ Passives: Fighting Spirit of the Axe Wielder (raise attack and HP), Toughness (HP)
or swap either out for Protective Spirit of the Sea God (small fire and water
○ Best Skills: Accumulate, Battle Axe Strike, Leap Slash
● Arena Ranking: (A) Average.
● Review: Shita is a strong self buffing attack type, with high HP and strong buffed attacks.
At 65 she is quite comparable to Yomi (75) Saint of Fist and can replace her as a boss killer
in some events. Her main downside is that she is noticeably slower, and has lower
movement, although her high HP helps make up for it somewhat.
● Her Job combination is kinda strange, having Pirate as a third job is kinda limited
usefulness. In fire stages using water units will both deal out the most damage and take the
least damage from fire enemies by a lot. Shita, even with her pirate passive skill will not
nullify her weakness to fire, since the passive is actually kinda weak. And of course it won’t
help with reduced damage dealt vs fire either.
● That being said, Pirate as a main job with Monk subskill is interesting and potentially
useful. Much like Gormaras, she’ll be able to buff and use her large AoE Maelstrom, to wipe
out some kinds of mobs.
● As a limited wind unit, she competes with Cedar for wind element pieces. Both are
absolutely worth limit breaking to 65. As for 3rd job, Cedar is more all around useful, Ninja
job mastery gives speed bonus, and of course it is useful to have multiple Ninjas in different
elements. Unit Details
(Particularly andTower).
for the Veda Reviews
Plus Cedar’s 50% LS.
● Compared to the Fate units, Fate Yomi and Saber (all at 75), I think the Fate are better
worth investing in because of their high speed, which is more all around useful.


● Type: (Fire) Ranged Attacker or Self-buffing Attacker

● Leader Skill: Fire Units 30% Attack up and 20% HP
● Jobs: Ranger, Archer, Saint of Fist
● Best Job: Ranger or Saint of Fist
○ Subskill: Saint of Fist (usually), Ranger
○ Reaction Ability: Cross Counter
○ Passives:
■ as Ranger: Eagle Eye (Range+2) and either Hawkeye (Range+1) or Rigid
Body (HP)
■ as Saint of Fist: Rigid Body (HP) and Blow Mastery+2
○ Best Skills:
■ Ranger can use SoF buff Training Qigong, then use AoE skills for
maximum damage.
■ Saint of Fist: Training Qigong, Unparalleled Fighting Dance, Whirlwind Kick.
Virtue Qigong can cure herself of some types of abnormal statuses.
● Arena Ranking: (A+) Decent (Ranger)
● Review: Shekinah is an excellent and highly versatile unit. Starting with her first job, she is
a decent ranger, and gains an additional +1 range from her second job. Once her third job is
unlocked, she can use her attack x3 buff from Saint of Fist to boost her damage significantly,
either as Ranger or Saint of Fist.
○ Her Master Ability extends her range an additional range+1 for 3 turns, which gives
her a huge range, for a ranger.
● Compared to Eve, the other 3rd job fire Saint of Fist who is also a limited unit, Shekinah
has a better mix of jobs and is more useful overall. Get two useful units, Ranger and Saint of
Fist in one unit!
● Compared to Eve and Kadanoba for priority for fire element pieces, Shekinah wins no
contest. Even limit breaking her to 65 is useable, where the other two, not so much. Only
downside is Shekinah’s LS is only 30%.
○ Note that fire element units usefulness is largely limited to the Veda Tower, so they
are less of a priority for rainbow pieces.


● Type: (Water) Magic type and Support

● Leader Skill: Water units 40% HP and 10% faster casting time
● Jobs: Phantom Master (exclusive 1st Job), Enhancer, Wiseman
● Best Job: 1st (Usually), Wiseman (sometimes)
○ Subskill: any as needed. Generally 1st job skills are more useful, but Wiseman
subskill is better for pure damage.
○ Reaction Ability: Clairvoyance (best generally for survival), Magic Counter+2 (good
for damage), Magic Cancel (special stages only)
○ Passives: Natural Talent (magic atk and speed up) and High Speed Charge. Can
also use Magic Up+2 instead of Natural Talent, but unless the higher magic attack is
needed then the speed from Natural Talent is better.
■ Or, if he can bring his leader skill, or Astrologer Quincunx support, then
Tagatame maybe Unit Details and
he can forgo Reviews
high speed charge and take both magic attack passives.
Generally it’s better to bring high speed charge though.
○ Best Skills: lots of exceptionally strong skills, including AoE heal, inflict sleep and
silence AoE, AoE large defense/magic defense buff. Fire, dark, light and water AoEs.
Unique skill to greatly raise evasion is very OP and helps his survival by a huge
● Arena Ranking: (SSS) Quite excellent. Pair with Zain and/or Spica for his defense buff to
make them extremely tanky. Master Ability is very strong (except against lightning) and can
be used first turn from a distance.
● Review: Autima is an exceptional and powerful magic caster, with excellent speed, very
reliable dodge, high magic attack, casting range and casting time compared to other magic
casters. The big downside to him is his limited skill use (Water AoE can only be used 3
times for example), high jewel cost skills and low starting jewel at 65 (only 150-ish compared
to Wiseman 250-ish).
○ Since his skills have such high jewel cost this means at 65 he can only cast about
2-3 skills and then he’s out of jewels. As a magic casting type it is naturally hard for
him to be on the front lines and survive, but Clairvoyance has a fairly good reliable
dodge rate better than Twin Blade.
○ However, he does gain a lot of starting jewels per level, up to around a more useful
200+ at lvl 70+. It turns out that at 75 he is still best in his 1st job, and not Wise man.
High speed is tough to give up since he can add that miss chance to his evasion
skill, plus he can only use his powerful Master Ability in his 1st job.
○ On the plus side his evasion passive is fairly reliable, so it is often not too difficult
for him to attack weak enemies or magic enemies to gain more jewels.
○ He also has his Evasion raising skill, Night of Hazy Moon which raises Evasion to a
very high percentage. It’s very useful for surviving a turn while he tries to get close
enough to use his Master Ability.
● Autima is the highest priority for water element pieces. Definitely worth limit breaking to 65
minimum, ideally 70-75. Compared to Fon Riu, or even other limited water casters like Illya,
Autima wins no contest.
● Overall Autima has exceptional skills, good speed, better casting time, a powerful Master
Ability and a much higher dodge that gives him much needed ability to survive in Extra
stages. He needs much less support to survive and deal damage.
○ Worth noting his unique and powerful leader skill for a water magic casting team,
which gives near instant casting time. Will almost certainly be required in a future
level of Veda Tower or an Extra Stage.

Rin Tohsaka

● Type: (Fire) Magic type

● Leader Skill:
● Jobs:
● Best Job:
○ Subskill:
○ Reaction Ability:
○ Passives:
○ Best Skills:
● Arena Ranking
● Review:
Tagatame Unit Details and Reviews
● Type: (Wind) All Rounder fighter type
● Leader Skill: Wind units 40% Attack up and 5% evasion chance increased
● Jobs: Saber, Saint Knight, Valkyrie
● Best Job: Saber (always)
○ Subskill: Saber or Valkyrie as needed
○ Reaction Ability: Intuition (chance to evade)
○ Passives: Protection of Einherjars (3rd) and Magic Resistant (1st)
○ Best Skills: Triple Attacks, Strike Air, Valkyrie subskills. Also has a skill to stop
charging attacks.
● Arena Ranking: not that good, underpowered and low survivability
● Review: Poor Saber was robbed of her rightful place in the tier rankings. Her 2nd job
should have been Holy Knight instead of Saint Knight. Saint Knight is a weak NPC type job
that only legacy units have. The main passive from it “Guard up” is very weak and does
nearly nothing to patch up her lowish defense. (and the increased slashing damage is even
more useless)
● As a result, Saber is built like a tank with moderate speed and stats, movement and skills,
but her defense is not as high as it ought to be. As it is, she gets outclassed by non-limited
unit Setsuna who has a good attack buff plus AoEs. Saber has AoEs but lacks a powerful
attack buff, so her damage and survival are both kinda modest. As a premium limited unit,
Saber ought to be stronger, or at least equal but she isn’t.
● Saber dearly needs her Valkyrie passive that raises HP and defense to survive, so
basically either raise her to 75 if you have her, or not at all.
○ She also really benefits from armaments, like the Wind Veda Tower armor and the
strange stuffed animal. If you don’t particularly need her Master Ability from her
sword (which also raises her defense against shooting damage for 3 turns) then
might as well give her defense armaments instead.
● As Valkyrie her defense is even worse and she is even slower, so not useable as a main
job (Unlike Theona, who is good in Valkyrie because she has Holy Knight 3rd job). However
it’s still a great idea to get the Valkyrie Job Mastery Bonus for some much needed additional


● Type:
● Leader Skill:
● Jobs:
● Best Job:
○ Subskill:
○ Reaction Ability:
○ Passives:
○ Best Skills:
● Arena Ranking
● Review:

Fate Lamia

● Type: (Water) Self buffing attacker

● Leader Skill: Water units HP 30% increase and 20% PDEF up
● Jobs: Saber, Assassin (UBW), Ninja
● Best Job: Assassin (almost always), Ninja (very rarely)
Tagatame Unit
○ Subskill: Details
Assassin anduse)
(general Reviews
○ Reaction Ability: Intuition (1st Job, chance to evade)
○ Passives: Mind’s Eye (2nd job, raise evasion) and Ninja step (3rd). Can use Magic
Resistance for more MDEF instead if Ninja step is not unlocked.
○ Best Skills: A Chant that Reaches Demon and Gods (3x attack buff), Swallow
Reversal (guaranteed single hit), Become Transparent (5 turns status immunity)
● Arena Ranking: S (Good) but needs her dodge to survive. Not sure of AI quality.
● Review: Fate Lamia is a strong evasion type melee fighter. True to her main job Assassin,
her specialty is using her high speed and evasion chance to dodge attacks, self buff, and kill
the enemy.
● Her job combination is unusual. At lvl 60 with no limit breaks, Saber as a main job is
completely unusable. It’s just for the evasion reaction ability, really. Much like Saber (60) the
job is a tank type job without any survival, so she dies easily and does very little damage.
○ To make things worse, the skills elements are all still wind skills. Damage
calculation gives the most damage when unit element and skill element match vs a
weak element. Or different is often fine as well. But opposite elements means Lamia
(as Saber) will do greatly reduced skill damage vs fire or lightning enemies.
○ That being said, it’s still worth getting her mats and Job Mastering Saber job for
some bonus HP, attack, defense and magic defense.
● At 65 as Assassin she becomes fairly good, and useable, although not exceptional. She
becomes a Twin Blade like unit, with a fast speed of 142, and evasion chance to help keep
her alive. (better than Twin Blade evasion but not sure how much)
○ Much like Yauras, she has a self buffing attack skill. Compared to Yauras (1st job,
both 65) Lamia is somewhat stronger and slightly faster but it’s a small difference.
○ Much like Yauras, she is a solo unit, that’s not much of a team player, being able to
survive on their own but unable to protect support units.
■ They both have no AoE skills which are becoming increasingly important.
For this reason Autima still retains his water piece limit breaking priority.
■ Unlike Yauras she has the ability to cure/prevent status for herself for 5
turns, which means she can potentially fight separately from the rest of the
team. Also better suited for Multi.
● At 75, Fate Lamia’s full potential is unlocked with Ninja Step. With Ninja step, and her high
speed, and evasion, she can avoid enemy attacks with distance (and some evasion RNG)
until she’s ready to strike. Her stat gain is modest since her speed only rises from 142 to
147, but Ninja Step is a huge boost to her survival. (Only on larger maps where she can
avoid the enemy of course)
● Overall, compared at 75, Fate Lamia is a somewhat better unit than Yauras, with slightly
higher buffed attack, better movement and self status cure, but here’s the thing: they both
need all 3 jobs unlocked to reach their full potential. So if you have both of them, it’s better to
pick one to raise all the way to 75, instead of having two half raised units.

Fate Zahar

● Type:
● Leader Skill:
● Jobs:
● Best Job:
○ Subskill:
○ Reaction Ability:
○ Passives:
○ Best Skills:
● Arena Ranking
Review: Unit Details and Reviews

Fate Yomi

● Type:
● Leader Skill:
● Jobs:
● Best Job:
○ Subskill:
○ Reaction Ability:
○ Passives:
○ Best Skills:
● Arena Ranking
● Review:


● Type: (Lightning) Attacker w/ moderate ranged abilities

● Leader Skill: Lightning units 40% HP increase and 10% water resistance
● Jobs: King of Heroes (exclusive), Magic Knight, Dark Knight
● Best Job: King of Heroes (almost always). Magic Knight of course useable if you need
Stone Sword. No point in using Dark Knight, it’s lower in all stats except +9 attack (lvl 75)
and worser skills. King of Heroes for general use.
○ Subskill: King of Heroes (general use) or Dark Knight (for Retribution Sword)
○ Reaction Ability: Forestall (chance for pre-emptive counter)
○ Passives: One and Only King (slash damage and speed), Fairie’s Protection
(elemental resistance), Overdrive (raise attack); any combination.
■ Note slash damage part is only for Dark Knight and Magic Knight mostly,
but all jobs get the speed bonus.
○ Best Skills: Spreading Strikes, King’s Treasury (AoE), Bloodshed Strike (prevent
healing effect), Heaven’s Chains (prevent movement and attack 5 turns), Master
Ability (AoE)
● Arena Ranking: Top class in arena meta currently, also excels in particular at countering
● Review:

Initial 4* (Gacha)


● Type: (Fire) Self-buffing Attacker

● Leader Skill: 20% Slashing damage up
● Jobs: Samurai, Monk, Dragon Knight
●Tagatame UnitKnight
Best Job: Dragon Details and Reviews
○ Subskill: Monk (always)
○ Reaction Ability: HP Absorb+2
○ Passives: One Great Sword (attack up), Toughness (HP up)
○ Best Skills: Accumulate, Grand Cross, Dragon Slayer
● Arena Ranking: (B) way too slow
● Review: The most powerful of the Dragon Knights and frequent event master, Zangetsu
might be one of the oldest 4* but is still one of the best units. With his monk subskill, he can
buff his attack 2.5x with Accumulate and kill multiple non-water bosses in Extra stages,
including tanky, high HP enemies. Grand Cross is a large Cross shaped AoE and one of his
best moves.
● His only downside is his terrible speed, but likely you’ll be using him with multiple
Illusionists anyway.
● He is easily farmed (80 pieces for unit and another 150 for 3rd job) and is a must have for
every player.


● Type: (Water) Attacker

● Leader Skill: Piercing Damage 20% up
● Jobs: Lancer, Saint Knight, Dragoon, Dragon Knight+
● Best Job: Dragon Knight+ (always)
○ Subskill: Dragon Knight
○ Reaction Ability: HP Absorb+2
○ Passives: Guard up (Def up) and Vital Thrust (Crit up)
○ Best Skills: Night of 1000 Days (Grand Cross), Dragon Slayer
● Arena Ranking: (S) Decently good (80+)
● Review: Lamia is the only water Dragon Knight, so she has her niche as a sometimes
good fire boss killer. But mostly she’s just a strong slot in for a good water team. She can’t
solo content with Illusionist help the way Zangetsu can, and compared to him she’s
unfortunately kinda underpowered. Ironically her job+ equipment is easiest to farm with
● Compared to other Dragon Knights that aren’t Zangetsu, she’s pretty average.
Unfortunately her Job combination is not very good, especially compared to newer Dragon
Knights like Rameses. Even Alba has more unique skills to offer.


● Type: (Water) Support

● Leader Skill: Casting speed 5% faster (useful sometimes, stacks with high speed charge
● Jobs: Magic Knight, Enhancer, Illusionist, Illusionist+
● Best Job: Illusionist+ (Usually), Magic Knight (Sometimes), Enhancer (Rarely)
○ Subskill: Any as needed. Usually Illusionist or Magic Knight.
○ Reaction Ability: Jewel Absorb or Clock Counter usually, Magic Cancel in special
stages only.
○ Passives: Faerie’s Protection and High Speed Charge. Clock Resist (instead of
high speed charge) in some stages.
○ Best Skills: Illusionist+ skills, Gravity Jam Hole particularly is very useful, since she
can cast it quickly, and also tank a few hits.
● Arena Ranking: (SS): Best paired with a couple melee units, tanks and/or ranged fighters.
Review: RofiaUnit Details
is a must have. and Reviews
Especially since she can be farmed for only 80 pieces (less
than 1 month of farming) and limit break to 75 in another 50 days farming. She’s incredibly
useful in a lot of Extra stages, particularly in Multi where she can survive where other
Illusionists will die in a couple hits. Her fast casting and ability to tank magic damage is
especially useful. She can also tank a moderate amount of physical damage in fire stages.
● Best past lvl 80 for her bonus automatic HP regen passive ability from her character quest.
● Must have for every player.


● Type: (Wind) Self-Buffing Attacker

● Leader Skill: Blow Damage 20% up (fist type)
● Jobs: Beastmaster, Monk, Saint of Fist
● Best Job: Saint of Fist (always)
○ Subskill: Saint of Fist (always)
○ Reaction Ability: CrossCounter
○ Passives: Rigid Body and either Toughness or Wild Child. Toughness is usually
better imo.
○ Best Skills: Training Qigong, Unparalleled Fighting Dance, Whirlwind Kick. Virtue
Qigong can cure himself of some types of abnormal statuses.
● Arena Ranking: (B) kinda bad
● Review: Lucia is an excellent Saint of Fist and a very strong wind melee unit. His job
combination is a bit redundant since Monk is a weaker version of SoF, but it does allow him
to take two HP passives.
● Beastmaster is an outdated legacy job, but still pretty good for early content. He’s good for
picking up chests and killing archers and mages if you don’t have a ninja.
● As SoF compared to Yomi he is almost the same minus the fact he lacks Ninja Step but
can have higher HP. In large spread out stages with limited ranged attacks, Yomi has the
advantage. In small, close combat stages with unavoidable enemies, Lucia has the
● In general, every player needs at least one Yomi or Lucia, but it is fairly useful to have


● Type: (Lightning) Ranged Attacker, or Support

● Leader Skill: Shooting damage 20% up
● Jobs: Crafter, Bishop, Gunner
● Best Job: Gunner
○ Subskill: Crafter
○ Reaction Ability: any as needed
○ Passives: Range+1, Speed Booster+1
○ Best Skills: none
● Arena Ranking: (D) Even Edgar is better than him
● Review: Basically an outdated legacy unit in desperate need of a 4th job.
● The only unit useable as Gunner is Chalice with both Range+2 and Range+1. Crafter is
too weak compared to Machinery. As for Bishops, there are plenty of strong mage types
already, even plenty of better Bishops than him too.
● Maybe one day he’ll get Machinery or Sniper. Until then, he’s absolutely terrible and not
worth Unit
raising even Details
if you and
have him. Reviews
He’s not even worth farming in hard mode, unless you
have extra energy and are counting on him to get a 4th job.
○ I think the chances of a 4th job are pretty low, he’s not a cute girl and the game
staff don’t care about him either.


● Type: (Lightning) Ranged Attacker

● Leader Skill: Shooting damage 20% up
● Jobs: Gunner, Crafter, Sniper, Sniper+
● Best Job: Sniper+ (almost always), Gunner (very rarely)
○ Subskill: Crafter (always)
○ Reaction Ability: Counter Snipe
○ Passives: Range+2 and either Range+1 or Booster+1. Alternatively use Shooting
Mastery+2 for slightly more damage, but generally extra Range or Speed are often
○ Best Skills: Head Snipe, Leg Shot, Assault Burst. As Gunner can inflict Stop.
● Arena Ranking: (SS) Strongest sniper with extra range passives
● Review: Chalice is a must have for any ranged team, and any Sniper team. Snipers can
often use their long distance attacks to avoid triggering enemy attack range. Compared to
the other Snipers, she is the strongest by a noticeable amount. She’s easy to farm and
useful for all sorts of Extra stages and in Multi. Also excellent for autobattle since Snipers
can avoid close combat and status infliction, plus no lost time running around.
● If her Sniper+ equipment stage isn’t available, she’s still quite good as Sniper, just has
slightly lower attack.
● A must have for all players. Farm her pieces even if you can’t pull her from gacha, along
with Rofia and Zangetsu.


● Type: (Wind) Support

● Leader Skill: Evasion chance 10% up
● Jobs: Illusionist, Bishop, Enhancer
● Best Job: Illusionist (almost always), Enhancer (very rarely)
○ Subskill: Any as needed. Illusionist for Clock Up, Bishop for Cure, Enhancer for
○ Reaction Ability: Magic Barrier+2
○ Passives: Regenerator and High Speed Charge. If High Speed Charge isn’t
unlocked bring Time Leap.
○ Best Skills: Illusionist skills, Bishop healing subskill
● Arena Ranking: (A): not as good as Rofia, who can often survive a hit or two.
● Review: Rafu is an excellent Illusionist. Her first job Illusionist is useful right off the bat,
and with her second job unlocked can tank some non-fire magic damage and heal a little
every turn. Her third job gives her excellent casting speed, for an Illusionist. She’s a pretty
solid support option and very useful for stages requiring multiple Illusionists.
● Compared to other Illusionists she’s faster casting than most, but wind is often not a good
element as water in Extra stages.
Tagatame Unit Details and Reviews
● Type: (Wind) Support
● Leader Skill: Wind Units 20% attack up
● Jobs: Mage, Professor, Enhancer
● Best Job: Professor (always)
○ Subskill: any as needed
○ Reaction Ability: Magic Counter+1
○ Passives: Poison Knowledge+2 and any other passive
○ Best Skills:
■ Professor: Prophylactic Medicine (status prevention/cure for 3 turns),
Narcotic (chance to inflict prevent attack, and or prevent movement),
Experimental Drug and Large Healing Medicine (healing), Poisonous
Medicine (inflict poison)
● Arena Ranking: (D) terrible
● Review: She’s useable as Professor if you need one, but she’s basically below average.
Even Gein (free unit) is better than her. Her job combination is terrible, although to be fair
she’s a very old unit and she was the 4* alternative to Elizabeth.
● In any case, on rare occasions sometimes a wind professor is needed, so if you have her
she’s worth raising to (65). Her 3rd job is useless and Rofia and Rafu are much better
enhancers if their skills are needed.


● Type: (Fire) Attacker

● Leader Skill: Fire Units 20% Attack up
● Jobs: Beastmaster, Thief, Samurai
● Best Job: Beastmaster (Usually), Samurai (Rarely)
○ Subskill: Beastmaster (general use) or Thief (for status infliction)
○ Reaction Ability: Samurai
○ Passives: One Great Sword and Wild Child. Or use Move+1 instead of Wild Child.
○ Best Skills: Boar’s Tackle, Snake Bite
● Arena Ranking: (D) Terrible even for mono fire
● Review: There are only two reasons to raise her.
○ One, you have Reimei or Kadanoba and need one more unit for your mono fire
team. Particularly if you are doing the Veda Tower event. There she’s still not great,
but useable.
○ The other is to hope that she gets a 4th job. She’s useable at 75, and can take the
speed loss from One Great Sword alright, but she takes a lot of investment to end up
with a very average fighter that doesn’t excel at anything.


● Type: (Water) Ranged Attacker or Support

● Leader Skill: Water Units 20% Attack up
● Jobs: Pharmacist, Sniper, Illusionist
● Best Job: Sniper or Illusionist as needed
○ Subskill: Pharmacist for healing, Illusionist for Clock Up
○ Reaction Ability: Counter Snipe or CounterClock
○ Passives: Any as needed. (Range+2 and Time Leap for Sniper in general).
○ Best Skills:
■ As Pharmacist: has an equivalent to Prophylactic medicine if you need it.
Tagatame He’s Unitbetter
Details andorReviews
as Sniper Illusionist though.
■ As Sniper: usual skills, including Assault Burst (1 time defense piercing
attack), Head Snipe
■ As Illusionist: all skills other than Phantom Vision are useful.
● Arena Ranking: (A) Ok, kinda average.
● Review: Reagen is kinda an unusual hybrid unit. He doesn’t really excel at anything, but at
the same time he’s very useful to have.
● As Sniper, he is the weakest and has the worst damage and the worst range, often subpar
even against fire enemies. But as a support that can do ranged damage and also heal, cure
a few kinds of status, or Clock Up, he’s pretty useful.
● As Illusionist he’s fairly average, with slightly higher speed than average but nothing
exceptional. However having multiple Water Illusionists is often pretty useful, so he’s got that
going for him. Although again, having an Illusionist with Pharmacist subskill is pretty handy
for healing.
● All in all, he is well worth raising to 75 if you have him but not particularly special.


● Type: (Wind) Ranged Attacker

● Leader Skill: Wind Units 20% HP up (useless)
● Jobs: Archer, Monk, Ninja
● Best Job: any main job
○ Subskill: Monk (always)
○ Reaction Ability: Counter
○ Passives: Toughness, Ninja Step, Range+1, any combination
○ Best Skills: Monk buff
● Arena Ranking: (D) Terrible
● Review: Another outdated 4* in desperate need of a 4th job. If he could get Ranger
instead of Archer, he’d be good. Until then, he’s badly outdated and his stats are subpar.
● Not even worth raising. For Ranged units, free unit Melish is strongly superior to Hayate,
and as Ninja Yomi is many times better. Monk is also an outdated job, but Lucia still has him
beat there. He’s completely useless currently.


● Type: (Light) Magic Attacker

● Leader Skill: Light Units 30% HP up (not useful)
● Jobs: Wiseman, Bishop, Enhancer
● Best Job: Wiseman (always), Bishop (very rarely)
○ Subskill: any as needed
○ Reaction Ability: Magic Barrier+2
○ Passives: High Speed Charge and Regenerator. (if 3rd not unlocked, pick any
other passive)
○ Best Skills: Usual Wiseman skills (Magic AoEs)
● Arena Ranking: (B) subpar. Easily killed by Arber in arena.
● Review: Soleiu along with Fon Riu and the other wise man types have become badly
outclassed and completely replaced by the newest magic types. Particularly Autima, but also
the new Fate magic casting units, which all have useful status infliction skills and Master
● Soleiu’s remaining niche is as a useable AoE healer if you need one and lack Autima or
Shaman. She’sUnit Details
basically and
not worth Reviews
raising at all anymore.


● Type: (Fire) Support

● Leader Skill: Reduce casting time 5%
● Jobs: Dancer, Samurai, Illusionist, Dancer+
● Best Job: Illusionist (very often), Dancer+ (to debuff the enemy)
○ Subskill: Illusionist
○ Reaction Ability: Charming Fragrance general use, Clock Counter is useful
sometimes too. Samurai’s reaction ability can be useful with Dancer+.
○ Passives:
■ As Illusionist: Time Leap and anything else that’s not One Great Sword.
■ Dancer+, use Encore (extra debuff turn) and any other passive that isn’t
One Great Sword. It cuts her speed.
○ Best Skills:
■ As Illusionist, all skills other than Phantom Vision are useful.
■ Dancer+ new special skill, Flowering Spirit Dance
● Arena Ranking: (S) Useful as Illusionist with two strong attackers, although not as good as
tanky Rofia.
● Review: Chihaya’s first two jobs are completely outdated, but she is an exceptional
Illusionist, with the highest speed. With all her jobs mastered (and Illusionist reinforced) she
can reach a speed of ~113. Just for that reason alone she is worth raising and limit breaking.
High speed (for a support type) is a game changer in many Extra stages, particularly in the
Veda Tower.
● On the downside, in stages where multiple illusionists are needed, it can be inconvenient
or awkward to have Illusionists of widely varying speeds, so you might want to hold off on
mastering all her jobs until you get a stage where it’s needed.
○ Dancer is a legacy job where the buffs are too small to be useful. Enhancer has
much better buffs. As Samurai she is kinda subpar, plus a fire samurai is almost
never needed, but if it is, Veteru and Zangetsu are much stronger than Chihaya and
have better job combinations.
● As an Illusionist, she is a priority to have and raise to be prepared for new Extra stages
and the Veda tower, but not particularly a priority for new players.
● Now with the release of her Dancer+ job she gains a unique powerful debuff skill. It lowers
the stats of all enemies on the map for 1-2 turns (2 turns with Encore) including enemy
speed, defense, magic defense etc. Not sure how much it reduces yet, but it’s a potentially
game changing debuff, lowering enemy speed and defense while you can use your
unaffected high speed or Overclocked units to attack the enemy while they are debuffed.
○ At level 85 Chihaya Dancer+ has a speed of ~145 which is fast enough to go
before most units.
○ Currently she’s useful in debuffing enemies inside the Veda Tower and could
potentially be useful for 5v5 PVP as well.
○ Dancer+ mats are kinda a pain to farm, but recommended for high level players.


● Type: (Fire) Ranged Attacker

● Leader Skill: Fire Units 30% Attack up
● Jobs: Sniper, Crafter, Shadow Knight
●Tagatame Unit
Best Job: Sniper Details and Reviews
○ Subskill: Crafter (usually), Shadow Knight (almost never)
○ Reaction Ability: Counter Snipe or Composite Armor
○ Passives: Long Snipe and either Booster+1 or Overlimit. Shooting Mastery+2 can
be used also. (~15% more damage)
○ Best Skills: Head Snipe, Assault Burst, Firebomb
● Arena Ranking: (A) Average
● Review: As a first job Sniper, she is useful straight out of gacha, but at level 60 will be
quite underpowered. After unlocking her second job, she can take the speed passive and
guard passive which is useful, even if the effect is kind of modest. Taking Overlimit from her
3rd job makes her attack quite good for a Sniper, but still doesn’t dethrone Chalice as the
strongest Sniper.
● Overall, she’s a solid ranged attacker, and a excellent for a full Sniper or Ranged team. I
wouldn’t call her a must have, but if you have her you’ll be glad you do.


● Type: (Wind) Magic Attacker

● Leader Skill: Wind Units 30% Attack up
● Jobs: Wiseman, Dancer, Magic Knight
● Best Job: Wiseman or Magic Knight
○ Subskill: Wiseman or Magic Knight
○ Reaction Ability: Magic Counter+2 (generally) but Charming Fragrance, Jewel
Absorb are not bad choices either.
○ Passives: Faerie’s Protection and either Magic Up+2 or Idol (Chain Link Range+1)
○ Best Skills: Wiseman AoEs or Magic Knight sword attacks
● Arena Ranking: (B) Kinda meh.
● Review: Scheherazade has an interesting job combination, but not a terribly useful one.
As Wiseman with Magic Knight elemental resistance passive she will be able to tank a fair
amount of magic damage, and a little bit more physical damage than average but it’s
honestly not a particularly useful combination.
● As Wiseman, which has already been outclassed, she is not a very useful element.
Generally water or sometimes lightning magic is much more useful.
● Dancer’s buffs and debuffs are still too small to be worth a team slot.
● Magic Knight with Magic Up+2 is not bad, although Flamel is better at it (his is second job
Magic Knight instead of third, plus he has his plus job)
● She is currently useless, and not worth raising.


● Type: (Lightning) Tank

● Leader Skill: Slashing damage 20% up
● Jobs: Warrior, Monk, Saint Knight, Holy Knight+
● Best Job: Holy Knight+ (always)
○ Subskill: Monk
○ Reaction Ability: Stance of Saint Knight+2
○ Passives: Toughness and Guardian
○ Best Skills: Monk buff, then using his light sword AoEs
● Arena Ranking: (D) Terrible
● Review: Dirga is a lot of investment to raise, but there are only currently two Lightning
Tanks Unit
(3 including Details
Theona) and and Reviews
Holy Knights are also fairly useful for end game content. As
Holy Knights go, Dirga is above average. He can buff his own damage, and his HP and
defense are quite high. On the downside, he is painfully slow, slower than even Zangetsu,
which isn’t great since ideally Tanks should be in the front line. As a result he tends to need
an Illusionist to give him a much needed Clock Up at the minimum.
● Compared to Monzein, he’s worse, but he’s also farmable and sometimes two lightning
tanks are needed anyway.
● Compared to tanks with elemental resistance, especially Zain and Veteru, his damage is
better than Veteru, weaker than Zain, and less tanky than both of them. Did I mention he’s
painfully slow?


● Type: (Lightning) Magic Attacker or Support

● Leader Skill: Lightning Units HP 20% up
● Jobs: Wiseman, Bard, Professor
● Best Job: Wiseman or Professor
○ Subskill: Wiseman or Professor as needed
○ Reaction Ability: Magic Counter+2 or Wrapped Offering (Jewel stealing)
○ Passives: Reverberation and Poison Knowledge+2, or bring Magic Up+2 for
Wiseman if not using Poison
○ Best Skills: Poison Mist/Poisonous Medicine
● Arena Ranking: (D) terrible
● Review: Vincent is interesting, with his odd mix of jobs he can extend the number of turns
and increase Poison damage using either Wiseman’s Poison Mist or Professor’s Poisonous
Medicine, with his bard and professor passives.
● That being said as a Professor generally, he is a useful element and while his stats are not
as good as Lucretia’s, he’s way easier to limit break.
● As Wiseman he’s currently the only lightning one which is useful occasionally.
● Overall, while he is not particularly exceptional, he’s still pretty solid and worth raising if
you have him, for the high level player toolkit.


● Type: (Dark) Attacker

● Leader Skill: Dark Units 30% Attack up
● Jobs: Ninja, Dark Knight, Samurai
● Best Job: Ninja (almost always), Dark Knight (rarely)
○ Subskill: Dark Knight
○ Reaction Ability: Samurai (to avoid rage status)
○ Passives: Ninja Step and Overdrive. Alternatively take both Overdrive and One
Great Sword
○ Best Skills: Retribution Blade. Also can use Blood Eater in some stages to heal,
Assault can be used to raise attack slightly but is not often needed.
■ Ninja: usual status inflicting moves, especially Stop
● Arena Ranking: (S) Good, kinda dark mono filler though
● Review: Grantz, with her jobs Ninja and Dark Knight right as her first two jobs makes her a
strong, highly mobile and easy to raise unit without too much effort. That being said, even
though her job combination is exceptional her stat gain is on the sluggish side, particularly
her speed. As such she is still most suitable for Extra stages in the early 70’s as far as level
Tagatame Unit Details and Reviews
● At high levels (80+ suggested), she can switch out Ninja Step for One Great Sword and
still have a fairly decent speed and very high attack. That being said, I’m not sure how useful
that would be. A bit more useful than an average Dark Knight but still pretty niche. Generally
it’s better for her not to use One Great Sword.
● Compared to Suzuka and Laevateinn, her speed is noticeably lower, but she can
potentially have much higher attack. Although, it doesn’t matter too much, ideally an
advanced player would have all three.
● Her main niche is the Veda Tower where it’s useful to have Ninjas that can kill things.
Outside of that she tends to be less useful than Suzuka and Laevateinn, just because higher
speed is more useful for this type of high speed glass cannon.


● Type: (Light) Tank

● Leader Skill: Light Units 30% HP up
● Jobs: Holy Knight, Ninja, Twin Blade
● Best Job: Holy Knight (almost always), Ninja (sometimes), Twin Blade (almost never)
○ Subskill: Twin Blade or Ninja
○ Reaction Ability: Stance of Saint Knight+2 or Perfect Evasion. Stance is probably
better. Perfect Evasion doesn’t activate as often.
○ Passives: Guardian and either Ninja Step or Feint.
○ Best Skills: nothing in particular
● Arena Ranking: (B) Kinda bad.
● Review: Victor is a solid unit, particularly well suited for beginners, since he is the only unit
to have Holy Knight as first job. With his second job unlocked, he can take Ninja step which
gives him exceptional movement for a tank. With Ninja job mastery, he will have higher
speed than most Holy Knights as well, and with his third job, he can take Evasion skills so
he can tank even better.
● That being said, he is kinda average for late game content, since he lacks either high
attack or special skills (like Zain) and also lacks the extra tankiness of having another
defense or elemental resistance passive like Veteru or even Chloe. He’s an all around solid
unit worth raising if you have him, but not particularly special or necessary.


● Type: (Dark) Magic Attacker

● Leader Skill: Magic damage 20% up
● Jobs: Mage, Bishop, Ninja, Wiseman+ (replaces Mage)
● Best Job: Wiseman+ (Usually), Ninja (almost never)
○ Subskill: Wiseman or Bishop
○ Reaction Ability: Magic Barrier+2
○ Passives: Regenerator and Ninja Step
○ Best Skills: Wiseman AoEs, Poison Mist alternate skill “Lonely Nightmare” has
chance to inflict poison, chains prevent movement and/or skill lock
● Arena Ranking: (B) She might be better if she had a Master Ability, but unfortunately she
● Review: Mare is still a fairly strong and decent magic caster with good speed and
movement. She lacks high speed charge but is still pretty useable.
● Wiseman is quickly being outclassed as a magic casting type job. Of all the wiseman she’s
probably Unit
the last Details
useful and Reviews
one, particularly with her job+ skill that can proc poison, prevent
movement and skill lock, but it’s hard to say how useful she will be in the future.
● Her leader skill is excellent for a mixed element magic casting team
● Her 4th job materials are fairly difficult to get, if you want to raise her, you might consider
getting her job items from the Veda Coin shop. The tower is tough, but at least it’s
rewarding. Farming her stage is quite the time commitment, especially now they’ve removed
the 10th turn 10 piece chest drop from multi.


● Type: (Water) Support and Magic Attacker

● Leader Skill: Water Units +150 HP and 5% casting time reduction
● Jobs: Astrologer, Bard, Wiseman
● Best Job: Astrologer (Usually), Wiseman (if needed)
○ Subskill: Astrologer
○ Reaction Ability: Chart Reading or Magic Counter+2
○ Passives: Reverberation, Magic Up+2 or Element Balance. Reverberation only if
casting buffs (or poison mist)
○ Best Skills: many useful skills, including healing, single unit status cure, Gravitation
and Quincunx (reduce casting time to ⅔)
● Arena Ranking: (D) terrible
● Review: Chiruru is a somewhat useful support, much like Deneb. She also has the unique
buffs and skills of Astrologer (see Deneb’s for more info) and in addition has Reverberation
from Bard to increase buff duration for an extra turn. This might make her defense and
magic defense buffs much more potentially useful. Quincunx lasting an extra turn is pretty
powerful too.
○ As Wiseman, she can take Astrologer subskill to reduce her own casting time, plus
can cast Stop. But honestly I don’t think this is worth raising anymore.
● Compared to Deneb, Deneb is much tankier with both Composite armor and Elemental
resistance and will survive better. Overall, I’d say Deneb is more useful, because survival is
● Overall she is worth raising to 65 if you have her, for advanced players who like to be
prepared for new stages. For new players you can pretty much ignore her.


● Type: (Dark) Magic Attacker

● Leader Skill: Dark Units 30% HP up
● Jobs: Miko, Wiseman, Ninja
● Best Job: Wiseman (Generally), Ninja (Probably almost never)
○ Subskill: Wiseman (or Ninja as Ninja). Miko sub has skill that can cure some kinds
of status
○ Reaction Ability: Magic Counter+2
○ Passives: Magic Up+2 and Ninja Step
○ Best Skills: Wiseman usual AoEs.
● Arena Ranking: not sure, but like Mare, likely too many Zains for her in arena anyway.
● Review: As a Wiseman with Ninja Step and high speed compared to most other Wiseman,
Lleida is basically a copy of Mare minus her useful plus job extra skill.
● For advanced players with Mare’s 4th job unlocked, there is basically no need for Lleida.
Mare has higher attack with her plus job, and Magic Barrier+2 for better magic defense.
Since Mare has been in the gacha since the game started, most long time players have her
lvl 80 already. Unit Details and Reviews
● For everyone else, she’s useable enough, if you want to raise her, but not particularly
good or useful.


● Type: Ranged (Light) Attacker or Support

● Leader Skill: Shooting Damage 20% up
● Jobs: Machinery, Archer, Merchant
● Best Job: Machinery (Usually), Merchant (Sometimes)
○ Subskill: Machinery or Merchant as needed
○ Reaction Ability: Reactive Armor for defense, Risk Henge for Jewel gain
○ Passives: Booster+2 and Range+1. Can swap Booster+2 out for either merchant
passive (higher starting jewel, or higher acquired jewel). Higher acquired jewel better
than starting, generally.
○ Best Skills: Explosion Bullet, Dynamic Buster Bomb, Poison Pill and Cure Delivery.
● Arena Ranking: S, pair with Zain (and possibly Lyle too). Not as good as Spica.
● Review: Carol is a useful ranged attacker from her first job, although she really needs the
Range+1 from her 2nd job to be the most useful. At 65 she’s comparable to Magnus (65),
with the big difference that she’s light element. Light element ranged attackers previously
only had Lyle. Now that Zain is so powerful and useful, adding in strong light team members
to take advantage of his leader skill has gotten more in demand.
○ Even though her first two jobs are nothing special, Carol’s useful element makes
her an easy slot in for light mono teams. Light and Dark mono teams are of course
often excellent for mixed element enemies stages, and not just against Light or Dark.
● With her 3rd job unlocked she gains some very rare abilities. While Merchant as a main
job is still pretty niche, having the Merchant subskill is incredibly useful, she can be a good
ranged attacker plus the ability to heal or cure status for multiple allies. (See Alba’s review
for Merchant abilities)
○ Although generally she wouldn’t be able to replace a full Professor or healer, since
her starting jewel as Machinery is too low. She would need to shoot a few times, and
of course would be unable to use the skills every turn.
○ But for occasional status curing or healing partway through the stage, she would
be invaluable. More strategies become possible, like splitting up a team (say, Carol
and Lyle) stick together while she occasionally protects from status or heals.
● All in all, while she is not a must have, she is all around good and useful for light mono
teams, which is itself very useful in general.


● Type:
● Leader Skill:
● Jobs:
● Best Job:
○ Subskill:
○ Reaction Ability:
○ Passives:
○ Best Skills:
● Arena Ranking
● Review:
Tagatame Unit Details and Reviews

3* Initial Rarity


● Type: (Wind) Ranged Attacker

● Leader Skill: Shooting damage 10% up
● Jobs: Archer, Beastmaster, Sniper
● Best Job: Sniper (always)
○ Subskill: Sniper or Archer. I prefer Sniper. Archer has random shoot AoE with high
miss chance, but still useable.
○ Reaction Ability: CounterSnipe
○ Passives: Range +2 and either Range+1 or Wild Child (speed). Can also take
Shooting Mastery+2 for more damage.
■ Generally double range is better.
○ Best Skills: Head Snipe, Leg Shot, Assault Burst.
● Arena Ranking (S) Good.
● Review: Overall Almira is an excellent Sniper and very useful. She is the only Wind sniper
and has extra range too. She’s excellent both for wind mono teams and ranged teams.
● She’s not at all difficult to limit break thanks to the fact 3* drop in gacha 15 pieces all the
time whether you want her or not. And farmable too, of course.
● Compared to the other Snipers, her extra range and element often make her pretty useful.
I’d say she’s the third most useful right after Chalice and Arber, but ideally have the whole


● Type: (Water) Attacker

● Leader Skill:
● Jobs:
● Best Job: Ninja (always)
○ Subskill:
○ Reaction Ability:
○ Passives:
○ Best Skills:
● Arena Ranking
● Review:


● Type: (Water) Support

● Leader Skill:
● Jobs: Mage, Pharmacist, Illusionist, Professor+
● Best Job: Professor+ (Useable), Illusionist (Useable)
Tagatame Unit Details and Reviews
○ Subskill:
○ Reaction Ability:
○ Passives:
○ Best Skills:
● Arena Ranking
● Review:

Free Event Units


● Type: (Fire) Support and Magic type

● Leader Skill: All Units Magic Defense 10% up
● Jobs: Priest, Mage, Bishop
● Best Job: Bishop (always). Priest or Mage is useable for beginners and easy content.
○ Subskill: Priest (healing) or Mage (AoEs)
○ Reaction Ability: Magic Barrier+2
○ Passives: Magic Up+1 and Regenerator
○ Best Skills: Shining, healing skills, magic AoEs
● Arena Ranking: (D) Terrible
● Review: Miannu is a permanently farmable free healer in multi but honestly she sucks now
and is not useable for late game content. As far as healers go, it’s far better to farm
Professors, Merchant, Lupine, Astrologers and etc. in hard mode as an investment for late
game content.
○ They all have easily unlocked healing skills and much more useful support skills.
○ Plus Story Quests and Event Quests can just use healing potions anyway.
● As far as free healers go, Gein (Professor) is tons better for usability in late game content,
and for magic damage literally all the 4* and 5* gacha units that have magic attacks are
better (with a few crap exceptions like Hadzuki)
● TL;DR: Not worth farming at all. If you have gacha support types raise those instead. No
luck in gacha, farm Gein instead.


● Type: (Light) Tank

● Leader Skill: Light Units 20% Attack up
● Jobs: Warrior, Saint Knight, Holy Knight
● Best Job: Holy Knight (always)
○ Subskill: Warrior (has a small self heal)
○ Reaction Ability: Stance of Saint Knight+2
○ Passives: Guardian and Guard Up
○ Best Skills: usual light sword AoEs
● Arena Ranking: (B) Bad now. Used to be kinda decent but power creep happened.
● Review: Tyrfing is a decent light tank, but as a free unit is noticeably weaker and less
tanky than gacha Unit
unitsDetails and
like Chloe (nowReviews
free), and a couple tiers lower than Veteru or Zain.
As Holy Knights go, she is the weakest, just slightly better than Logi’s 2nd job (Saint Knight).
● Often this constrains her to the role of light mono team filler or holy knight filler. She’s still
quite useable lvl 85 if you need her but if you have literally any other Holy Knights, then even
Victor is better than her.
● Her gacha armament has a chance to inflict charm when attacking which is a nice bonus,
but rarely useful and has a low activation rate. It’s completely optional.
● As a free Holy Knight she is not really worth farming and raising for new players, anymore.
Now that Chloe is free, raise her instead. And if you have Veteru and Zain you won’t even
need Chloe either.


● Type: (Fire) Attacker

● Leader Skill: Fire Units 20% Attack up
● Jobs: Warrior, Shadow Knight (altered), Dark Knight (altered)
● Best Job: Dark Knight (always)
○ Subskill: Dark Knight
○ Reaction Ability: Stance of Warrior
○ Passives: Overdrive and Overlimit
○ Best Skills: basically use him the same as a Dark Knight. Use Blood Burst (absorb
HP) to heal, Jewel Burst for jewels if needed, Flare Burst (fire AoE), Evil Flare, Brave
Flame and Shining Flame of Tenacity for damage.
● Arena Ranking: (B) Bad now, even for fire team.
● Review: Vargas is actually has very high attack for a free unit, and is still good fire damage
wise but has become pretty outdated. More or less he’s been replaced by Masamune as a
fire Dark Knight, and she is also a free unit. As a fire team mono filler he’s got good attack
but paper defense, less capable of surviving hits even compared to other Dark Knights. He’s
useable with Illusionists but generally if Fire is needed then Zangetsu is overall much better.
● His gacha armament is nice to have but completely not needed, just like Vargas himself.
● If you have Masamune and/or Zangetsu then there isn’t really any reason to farm him or
raise him at all.


● Type: (Lightning) Attacker

● Leader Skill: Lightning Units 20% Attack up
● Jobs: Warrior, Beastmaster, Twin Blade
● Best Job: Twin Blade (always)
○ Subskill: Warrior (for the small heal) or Beastmaster (paralyze chance skill)
○ Reaction Ability: Perfect Evasion
○ Passives: Feint and Wild Child
○ Best Skills: Whirlwind Cut, Spin Slash
● Arena Ranking: (D) Terrible
● Review: Resius, Lucia’s little brother was probably a disappointment to his parents. He’s
actually not bad as mono lightning filler if you have an empty spot but he’s pretty subpar
both in damage and dodge/survival at level (85).
● In the Veda Tower he’s decently useable mostly because there are very few melee
lightning fighters currently available, most are ranged or support types. His damage with
50% LS is acceptable. So he’s still worth raising there.
● Compared to other units with Twin Blade job, he lacks a good job for damage like Balt or
Masamune’s Unit Details
Knight job, orand Reviews
Yauras Monk buff.


● Type: (Dark) Ranged Attacker

● Leader Skill: Rastoris Units 30% Attack up
● Jobs: Thief, Archer, Shadow Knight
● Best Job: Archer (generally), Shadow Knight (crappy)
○ Subskill: Archer (generally). Thief and Shadow Knight subskills are useable but he
dies so easily it’s better to keep him far away from the enemy.
○ Reaction Ability: Quick Action or Booby trap
○ Passives:
■ Archer: Overlimit and Hawkeye
■ Shadow Knight: Overlimit and Move+1
○ Best Skills: Random Shoot (Archer), Blade of Revenge (Shadow Knight)
● Arena Ranking: (B) Bad, passable dark team filler
● Review: Sabareta was fairly underpowered when he was released, and has aged even
worse. He’s basically not worth farming at all.
● He is borderline useable on a double 50% Dark LS team, as additional ranged damage,
since Arber used to be the only other ranged Dark unit. Now that Fate Archer (free dark
Ranger) is out, just farm him instead. He’s tons better.
● His Thief job can equip his gacha armament dagger to use his Master Ability. His Master
Ability is actually not bad, he can kill a Light Golem in his own Extra stage with it.
Unfortunately like all Master Abilities it can only be used once, so after that you have a unit
that can die if someone gives him a funny look.
○ As an Archer his attack is decent, but Archer as a main job has been replaced by
Ranger. Archers have a worser range and terrible accuracy compared to Ranger, so
he’s really not that good anymore.
○ As Shadow Knight it would be much better to use Zahar or Anastasia. Sabareta’s
stats are just plain bad. Not to mention compared to Dark Knights.


● Type: (Fire) Hybrid Magic Physical Attacker

● Leader Skill: Slothstein Units 30% Attack up
● Jobs: Crafter, Thief, Groom
● Best Job: Groom (always), Crafter (beginners only, but kinda not worth it)
○ Subskill: Groom (small heal and skill with chance to inflict prevent movement),
Crafter (small AoE), Thief (a few status infliction abilities)
○ Reaction Ability: Composite Armor (general use), Charm of Pure White (chance to
○ Passives: Move+1, Booster+1
○ Best Skills: Champagne Shoot (Groom), Craft Bomb (Crafter)
● Arena Ranking: (D) Terrible. Might be useable against female wind units that are weak to
magic but Veloz is so weak himself.
● Review: Veloz is the worst free unit next to Miannu. There are so many things bad about
him, and he has no redeeming qualities at all.
○ Element: if Fire damage is needed then boss killers like Zangetsu or Shekinah are
way better. If Fire Magic is needed then while Veloz’s magic attack is his only decent
stat, you might as well use an actual magic type like Lupine or even Miannu and get
the magic defense and AoE damage to go with it. Let alone compared to a strong
Tagatame Unit
instant fire Details
magic andlike
AoE attack Reviews
Zain’s Shining Flare.
○ Mono team usage: even Vargas would be better on a mono team, since he can
actually kill things before he dies. Masamune is even better. Veloz on the other hand
cannot survive even one hit.
○ Terrible damage, HP and all other stats. If for some reason anyone wants a fire
Crafter then go farm Courage and in about 1 month you’ll get a nice fire Sniper w/
Crafter subskill.
■ His speed at lvl 85 w/ Booster+1 is still below 100. His defense and magic
defense are nonexistent. HP is ok, but without defense or speed/evasion he
is a walking dead guy. Enemy Mages can kill him with normal hits.
● TL;DR: absolutely worthless, useless and I want all the job equipment I gave him back.


● Type: (Light) Attacker

● Leader Skill:
● Jobs:
● Best Job:
○ Subskill:
○ Reaction Ability:
○ Passives:
○ Best Skills:
● Arena Ranking
● Review:


● Type: (Wind) Ranged Attacker

● Leader Skill: Saga Units 20% Defense and 10% HP up
● Jobs: Archer, Magic Knight, Ranger
● Best Job: Ranger (always), Magic Knight (useable but not very good)
○ Subskill: Ranger (generally). Magic Knight can take either Magic Knight or Ranger
○ Reaction Ability: Hyde Trap (low chance of inflict prevent movement) or Jewel
Absorb (high chance of jewel gain)
○ Passives:
■ Ranger: Eagle Eye and Hawk Eye
■ Magic Knight: Fairie’s Protection and any other passive
○ Best Skills: stick to normal attacks and instant skills like Wide Shooting. Charge
skills tend to be too slow to hit enemies.
● Arena Ranking: (B) Kinda bad. Cedar is much better.
● Review: Melish is an excellent free unit, especially for Wind mono teams, and for Ranged
teams. Her extra range passive makes her easy to use and puts her above gacha units like
Tamamo and the awful Hayate.
● Her biggest weakness is that she is fairly slow, but as long as you can avoid using her
charging shot skills, it’s not that noticeable.
● As Magic Knight she is fairly subpar, stat-wise units like Flamel or even Scheherazade are
better Magic Knights. That being said, Magic Knight as a main job is pretty niche demand
these days, compared to Rangers which are very useful.
● All in all, a great unit to farm. While she is useable lvl 75, she is best 80+ for the much
needed stats. Unit Details and Reviews


● Type: (Fire) Magic Attacker

● Leader Skill: Wadatsumi units 30% Physical Attack up
● Jobs: Mage, Blazing Fire Princess (exclusive 2nd job), Scorching Fire Princess (exclusive
3rd job)
● Best Job: 3rd Job (always)
○ Subskill: 3rd job
○ Reaction Ability: Divine Protection of Fire God+2
○ Passives: Unknown Fire (raise magic attack and magic defense) and either Heat
Haze (raise phy. defense and water resistance, but reduces speed) or Magic Up+1.
As pure magic attacker use Unknown Fire and Magic Up+1, since she needs her
speed and keep her away from water and close range combat anyway.
○ Best Skills: Can inflict small AoE Silence, small AoE prevent attack, raise her
own/allies wind resistance, and her Master Ability.
● Arena Ranking: (D) Keep her out of arena
● Review: Kagura is a fairly decent fire magic caster, but honestly nothing extraordinary.
She does kinda fill a niche if you have no magic units at all, but she was kinda alright when
released and is only kinda OK now.
● Her Master Ability which can be cast 1st turn is decently strong, but only very small AoE. I
would still recommend farming her free Master Ability armament though which is useful to
give to Professors, Illusionists and other support units.
● The game does kinda force you to raise her at least a little to clear part of Dragon Genesis
collab Part 4, although note you can use a friend’s Kagura for that instead. Note the level
that she fights Zain can also be beat easily by using her MA (5* Job level 9)
● All in all, she’s pretty optional to raise.


● Type: (Wind) Attacker

● Leader Skill: Wind units 30% Attack up and Evasion 5% up
● Jobs: Fencer, Phantom Swordwoman (exclusive 2nd job), Thunderclap Swordwoman
(exclusive 3rd job)
● Best Job: 3rd Job (always)
○ Subskill: 2nd job for healing skill
○ Reaction Ability: Sylpheed (1st Job, chance to dodge)
○ Passives: Fencing Mastery II (3rd job, raises attack and speed) and Sylphscreen
(evasion chance increase)
○ Best Skills: Chain Boost, Chain Burst, Resonance
● Arena Ranking: (D) keep her out of arena
● Review: Fencer is an interesting free unit, a dodge/evasion type, but fairly strong attacks.
On the upside she is surprisingly useable in hard extra stages, but at the same time she
depends on her dodge RNG to survive and can also die pretty easily.
○ She can use Chain Boost to buff her own attack a decent amount, and Resonance
has a decent defense penetrating effect. Chain Burst is a useful AoE around herself.
○ She also has a good healing skill to help keep herself alive.
○ She also has a unique natural passive ability that greatly increases the chance for
combination link attacks.
■ This ability is always active just by having her in the quest or multi quest.
●Tagatame Unit
Her attacks are Details
pretty good foranda freeReviews
unit, but with all the new strong wind units coming
out, like Rameses and Setsuna, she has become kind of a mono wind team filler unit.
● She also has a gacha armament that is a nice bit of bonus damage but nothing too
● If her Collab ever comes back, I think she still is worth farming but not particularly a priority
or anything.


● Type: (Light) Magic Attacker

● Leader Skill: Saga units Magic Attack 20% up and Dark resistance 20 up
● Jobs: Mage, Thief, Wiseman
● Best Job: Wiseman (always)
○ Subskill: Wiseman
○ Reaction Ability: Magic Counter+2
○ Passives: Magic Up+2 and Move+1
○ Best Skills: typical wiseman large and small AoEs
● Arena Ranking: (B) Bad
● Review: While she was originally quite good when she was first released, like all wiseman
types she’s gotten sadly outdated and fares even worse than the others. Peridot’s main
problem is that even though her magic attack is surprisingly good for a free unit, she lacks
fast casting that even Fon Riu and Soleiu have. And with a max speed of 92 without fast
casting at lvl (85) and no special skills to speak of, she is just too slow at casting to be
useable at all. And like other Wiseman types, she dies in one hit.
● Farm her if you want a cute trophy unit.


● Type: (Light) Tank w/ moderately high attack

● Leader Skill: Enviria units 30% Attack up, and 20% HP increase
● Jobs: Saint Knight, Dark Knight, Holy Knight
● Best Job: Holy Knight (always)
○ Subskill: Dark Knight (always)
○ Reaction Ability: Stance of Saint Knight+2
○ Passives: Guardian and either Guard Up or Overdrive
○ Best Skills: Retribution Sword
● Arena Ranking: (S) Pretty decent with Zain leader
● Review: Zeke is an exceptional free tank with Gacha unit like stats. On the downside they
made it tough for new players to get him, since his stages require Enviria units and his Extra
Stage is pretty tough for new players as well. His Extra Stage also gives a free Young Zeke
skin which is pretty neat.
● As a pure tank, he’s quite tanky with Guardian and Guard Up. If your Zeke is only lvl 75
then it’s better to leave him as a pure tank.
○ If he takes Overdrive at 75 then he dies way too easily, and he has no speed or
evasion to survive.
● At 85 he can take Guardian and Overdrive together. Overdrive raises attack at the cost of
defense so he ends up with moderately high attack and moderate defense. It does allow him
to use Retribution Sword to kill things but still survive decently well too.
○ Zeke has a gacha armament, which can be equipped to enable his Master Ability.
Tagatame Unit
It’s nothing Detailsspecial
particularly and Reviews
but the chance to proc prevent attack upon hitting is a
nice bonus.
● All in all, an excellent free unit and worth farming, if you can get him. If not just wait for his
stage to come back, he is bundled with Anastasia’s plus job stage so it comes back fairly


● Type: (Fire) Attacker

● Leader Skill: Fire units Speed 5% increase
● Jobs: Samurai, Twin Blade, Dark Knight
● Best Job: Twin Blade (often) or Dark Knight (sometimes)
○ Subskill: Dark Knight (always)
○ Reaction Ability: Perfect Evasion
○ Passives: Feint and Overdrive
○ Best Skills: Whirlwind Cut, Retribution Sword
● Arena Ranking: (A) useable in mono fire, which is not that good compared to mono light or
● Review: Masamune is an excellent free unit. As Twin Blade (85) she has high speed, low
evasion chance, and moderately high attack. Unlike most Twin Blades her attack is high
enough to actually kill enemies, especially if she uses Retribution Sword.
● As fire Dark Knight she is also good, she has higher attack but lower in all other stats.
Since she really needs her speed to dodge/survive, Twin Blade is the more useful main job.
○ Dark Knight can equip her gacha armament, to use her Master Ability but it’s just in
the nice to have category, nothing extraordinary or anything.
○ It’s also kinda not too useful, since Dark Knight often will be overclocked to survive,
but since she’s fire you’re basically always better off using Zangetsu instead, with his
higher buffed attack and Grand Cross AoE.
● She is farmable in Multi only. All in all, while she’s a really good free unit, her fire element
kinda limits her usefulness. Again, fire element doesn’t have a lot of demand outside the
Veda Tower, so she is kinda optional.


● Type: (Water) Support

● Leader Skill: Enviria units HP 20% up and Maximum Jewel 20% increase
● Jobs: Thief, Bard, Merchant
● Best Job: Merchant (always)
○ Subskill: Merchant (always)
○ Reaction Ability: Risk Hedge (chance to activate jewel regen when hit for several
turns) or Wrapped Offering (steal enemy jewels, 100% chance)
○ Passives: Increase starting jewel, increase jewel gain or Move+1, any combination.
Can also use Jump+1 if needed.
○ Best Skills: Many useful skills. Poison Pill (cure/prevent status for 3 turns), healing
around self (both 1 solid square around her), and multiple jewel giving/gaining skills.
Jewel Invest reduces ally’s time until next turn. Also can inflict Charm.
● Arena Ranking: (D) Merchant is not useable in arena
● Review: Ellique is a highly useful support unit and highly recommended. Her combination
of jobs is very good for a support unit, in particular her thief passive allows better movement.
Her Bard reaction ability is an alternative to Risk Hedge, which has a lowish activation rate
when hit, but gives more jewels if it does. Note that sadly Bard’s Reverberation does not
increase Unit Details
the duration andprobably
of Poison Pill, Reviewsbecause it doesn’t count as a buff.
● For comparison versus Professor see Alba’s review. Also has basic operation.
● Ellique’s maximum speed at (85) is 115 (triple job mastery). Her speed at (75) is only 106,
so she’s worth max limit breaking and mastering her jobs for speed. Compared to Alba (max
speed 126) she is slower, that being said 106 is still very good speed for a support unit.

Archer (Fate Collab)

● Type: (Dark) Ranged Attacker

● Leader Skill: All Units Maximum HP 25% up
● Jobs: Archer (Fate UBW), Twin Blade, Ranger
● Best Job: Ranger (always)
○ Subskill: Ranger or Archer
○ Reaction Ability: Perfect Evasion (low chance to dodge) or Seven Fiery Rings
(chance to guard)
○ Passives: Eagle Eye (Range +2) and Clairvoyance (Range +1 and raised hit rate)
○ Best Skills: Hunter Eyes (sure hit), Arrow Rain (sure hit), Wide Shooting (can miss)
● Arena Ranking: (B) Use Arber instead, she’s a lot better. Archer’s range and attack aren’t
good enough to kill popular light units in arena.
● Review: Archer is an excellent free unit and ranged attacker. He’s best as Ranger, and
has quite good stats for a free unit, comparable to gacha units (though as usual, free unit lvl
85 is about as strong as gacha lvl 75).
● As Ranger he lives up to his name, with +3 range total, increased hit rate and a low
evasion chance. He’s better than Rangers without extra range like Tamamo and is a very
useful dark element as well. He’s a good ranged addition to a mono dark team, which is his
main niche.
● His Archer collab job (1st Job) is unfortunately not useable. While he has a nice AoE
(Fake Spiral Sword) and fairly good speed, he lacks enough attack power to actually kill
things, or enough defense and HP to survive in extra stages. On top of that his jewel gain is
low and skill cost is on the highish side.
○ However it’s still worth farming his exclusive mats for the job mastery bonus which
gives a nice +9 speed.
○ He also has a gacha armament, equippable for an underwhelming Master Ability in
his 1st job only. Unfortunately it kinda sucks and doesn’t redeem his 1st job
usefulness at all.
● Lastly his LS is kinda interesting and unique especially since it is not limited to units of one
element, although so far LS that raise attack are more useful than HP raising LS.
● All in all, definitely worth farming and raising.

● Type:
● Leader Skill:
● Jobs:
● Best Job:
Tagatame Unit Details
○ Subskill: and Reviews
○ Reaction Ability:
○ Passives:
○ Best Skills:
● Arena Ranking
● Review:
[a]really? best to worst?

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