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Berit Moen, age 15

Department of Child Psychiatry
Nils Lie and Marit S. Indredavik, 2003

Part 1
Vennligst merk av i den ruten ved det aktuelle tall fra 1-9, hvor 5 utgjør standard.
Svar gis ut fra hva gruppen mener bør være 'vanlig standard' på en PBL-oppgave
i denne termin/dette fag i studiet. Tall under 5 er 'dårligere enn standard'. Tall
over 5 angir 'bedre enn standard'.

(Each item below is to be rated from 1 to 9. 5=indicates regular/standard quality

of the tutorial; values below 5 indicate poorer quality, and values above 5 indicate
higher quality.)

Benytt denne skala med mellomverdier:

1: svært mye dårligere
3: en del dårligere
5: vanlig, bra standard
7: en del bedre
9: svært mye bedre

ALLE graderingsspørsmål MÅ besvares.

Utarbeidet av Are Holen, Aug. 2002.

A. PBL-OPPGAVEN. Gi en helhetsvurdering av:

(A. Evaluate the tutorial with regard to its:)

Mr and Mrs Moen make an appointment with you for their daughter, Berit. The
rector at Berit's school has contacted them and told them that Berit's behaviour
has changed during the last 6 months. Her school performance has deteriorated,
and she has started to play truant. At home she is careless and hot-tempered,
and has complained of headaches.

1.1 What kind of problems could be in the background of Berit's behaviour?

1.2 What information is it important to gather? 6/3/2016
PBL-portalen Page 2 of 2 6/3/2016

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