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1 The Point at which the magnums in a matzrial can not be increased even those magnetizing force continues to increase known as the? A Salient pole B Saturation point C Residual point DRemnant point 2.Which type of current has “skin effect” 2 A.Ac BDe C.Half-wave rectified D.Full-wave rectified 3. Which of the following is most of ton used for dry magnetic particle inspection ? A. Full cycle De B. Half weave Rectified Alternating current (HWAC) C. High voltage low amperage current D. Direct current from electrolytic cells 4, The area of maximum induced filed strength using a yoke is ? ‘A. Atthe north pole of yoke B, Atthe south pole of yoke C. The area directly between the pole D. On the outside of potes pieces 5. Demagnetization ? A. may be accomplished by heating a material above its curie points B. It always necessary C. Can be performed only with Ac D. Can be performed only with De 6. Coercive Force ? ‘A. Describes the means by which the magnetic particles are suspended in the liquid when using wet method B, Describes the magnetizing force used with the continuous method C. Represents the reverse magnetizing force necessary to remove the residual magnetism in a material D. Is not a term used in magnetic particle testing 1 7, If an overall pattern appears on the test surfaces how should the inspector re-process the test piece ? 7 & Resestat higher amperage B. Demagnetize C. Re-test at lower amperage D. Both a&b 8. Which of following can cause non relevant magnetic particle indication ? A. Joints between dissimilar metals B. Brazed joints C. Roughing tool cuts on surface D. Allof the above 9. When the most complete demagnetization available is described and demagnetization is to be accomplished by placing the part in a coil energized with AC of progressively decreasing amperage the following orientation of the long axis of the part is most desirable A. East-West ,__B. North-South 7G. South-West D. North-East 10. Non relevant indication due to residual local poles interface with magnetic particle testing for a successful examination one should A.Use more amperage B, Demagnetize then remagnetize in the desired direction C. Use lower amperage E, Magnetize in another direction 11.A cylindrical part is to be tested using circular magnetization .the part has three different diameter along its length a rule-of-thumb for current values for each diameter provides three level the current value that should be applied first is A. The highest value B, The median value C. The lowest value D. It is dose not matter which is applied first 2 7 12. A five turn coil will be used an a part that is 18”*long (457mm) and 1.5”*dia (38mm) what is L/D ratio of the part if SOO0A of magnetizing currents is used A. 90 ® 12 C. 16.5 D.18 E. None 13. Unit of viscosity see » A. Tesla - ret a B. Centistokes — 3 ar & C. Gausses 14,Which of the following is false concerning a magnetic field in and around a hollow conductor as compared to that of a solid conductor as compared to that of a solid conductor of same outside diameter when both are same magnetic material and when the applied current is same A.The field outside the outer surface of the hollow conductor is greater B.The field gradient inside hollow conductor is Steeper C.The field outside the conductors are the same D.The field of the same at the center 15.A seam welded pipe that had the weld ground flush showed BROAD FUZZY. indication wear toes of the weld that extended to complete length of pipe the probable cause of the indication is A. Magnetic writing B. The geometry of the weld C. A surface crack D. A permeability change in the base metal af the HAZ 16. A group of indication some sharp and some BROAD AND HAZY were found on an 1g demagnetization and retesting eliminated these indication the probable cause was A. A forging lap B. Magnetic writing C. A change in permeability D. Sub surface variation 17. A punch press die was surface ground. The magnetic particle testing conducted before heat treatment showed short, very fine crack on the ground surface of the die, Some of the cracks are in clusters. These discontinuities are most likely: A. Stringers. B. Grinding cracks. 7-- ©. Seams. D. Forging laps. 18, A cast crankshaft has a surface indication along the length of a machined bearing surface, the most probable cause of this indication is a: A. Fatigue crack. B, Cold shut. L © Seam. D. Grinding crack. 19. During magnetic particle testing a precipitation hardening steel part appears to be covered whit very small sharp linear indication the most likely cause of these indication ‘A. Improper grinding procedure LB. Lamination C. Improper machining procedure D. A metallurgical microstructure inherent in some precipitation hardening steels 20. Magnetic particles bunch in some fillet area and stand on end on the edge of the part ‘being magnetized these observation indicate that the A. Particle concentration is too low + B. Flux density is excessive *— C, Flux has the improper orientation D. Flux density too low 21The ammeter should be checked against a calibration shunt/ammeter A. At the start of each shift B. Daily SY & Weekly , .. Ever six month or as other wise specified 22. The magnetizing current ammeter should be calibrated by A. Field strength meter ws B. Nothing - installed ammeters are considered to be accurate unless damaged by over load or accident 4 C. A calibrated ammeter and master shunt placed between the machine current contacts D. A calibrated galuano meter and bridge circuit connected across the installed ammeter 23, The test used to check the strength or concentration of the wet method is called 7 A. Hardness test B. Sensitivity test C. Settling test D. Hydrometer test 24, When current pass through non-uniform conductors they will produce Non-uniform magnetic fields which will decrease when distance increase Non-uniform magnetic fields which will increase when increase distance Uniform magnetic fields which will increase when distance increase Uniform magnetic fields which will decrease when distance increase cop> 25. Non-uniform magnetic conductors will produce A. Uniform magnetic fields which will increase when decrease distance B. Uniform magnetic fields which will decrease when distance decrease C. Non-uniform magnetic field through the conduct length on out side surface of the conductor D. None of the above 26. Calculate L/D Ratio 5 Turn coil which inspecting a job 18” Long and 11/2” Dia A.2 B. 3750 C12 D. None of the above 27. Which of the following can not detected during settling test for fluorescent we suspension A. Excessive particle concentration B. Back ground fluorescence C. Percentage of contamination D. Amount of residual filed E. Effective filed 5 28. Magnetic particle testing machine is showing 3000 Amp on its ammeter with no test piece in the machine which of following reason ? A. Test piece is not necessary B. C. Electrical short cireuit D. 29.Which is the correct way to calibrate MT Machine A. B. C. Using shunt with calibrated ammeter D. 30. For demagnetization of bigger volume of pipes which of the following is useful A. Heating to curie per ion B. Ac coil method C. Yoke demagnetization D. De coil method with step down control 31. The porpoise of using copper braiding on contact prod tips is A.To provide uniform closer contact on the surface and reduce restively of local high current B.To avoid the possibility of prod damage C. To have clean prods D. All of the above 32. Which of the following demagnetization is effective ‘A.Destep down reversal B.De coil reversal C. Hwdc reversal Dypulsed current step down 33. What is fill factor for central conductor method if dia of abject is 5” and diameter of central conductor is 10” 2 A. 0.25":1 [ 5/10}2=0.25 . - B. 0.5°:1 CL 6 D. 34, Fill factor ratio Al te B. 10:1 - C2 D.None 35.which of the following would give a qualitative reading on amount of flux density when testing residual magnetism A Pie gauge B. Shipping C. Bert hold pentameter D.None of the above 36. What is the si unit of flux density Gauss Weber . Tesla Line/om2 A&B moom> 37. What is the | line of flux per centimeter A. Weber w/ at B. Gauss C. Tesla D. Maxwell 38. Which of the following is not suited to day powder A. Slagi/10"under surface B. Porosity C. Tight surface D. Very fine shallow surface crack 39. An inspection method in which a high magnetizing force is applied to a part and the force is than reduced to a lower continues value which is maintained during application of the inspection medium is called A. Residual method B. Multi vector method C. Continues method 1 D. Surge method 40. When using De an indication is detected what is the next logical step to determine if the indication result from a surface (or) subsurface conduction Re-inspect using surge method Demagnetize and apply powder Re-inspect al high amperage Re-inspect using Ac Sop> 41, The coercive force of the magnetic material whose hysteresis loop is shown above fig given by — ‘A. The value of flux density (b) at point a B. The value of the flux density (b) at point g C. The product of b and h at point f D. The negative value of h at point ¢ 42. Which is the maximum optimum residual field AB BC cD DE pomp 43, Which is the coercive force A. AB B. OB c. oc 8 D. OE 44, What point is permeability maximum Boow> avowD> 45. Which one of the skin effect (Following question refer fig-2) A. Fig-A B. FigB C. Fig-c D. FigD 46, Which ofthe figures represents solid non magnetic conductor and De eurent A. Figure~A ‘ AL B. Figure-B Figure~C i D. Figure-D 47. Which of the figures represents a hollow magnetic conductor and De current * A Figure~ A. Fes BFigure—B = C.Figure-C eit DFigure - D 48, Which of the figures represents a solid magnetic conductor and Ac current A. Fig- A. B. Fig-B C. Fig-C D. Fig-D \ \ 49. Which of the figures represents a solid_magnetic conductor and De current - A. Fig- A B. Fig-B C. Fig-C \ 50. Which of the figures represents a hollow non_magnetic conductor and Ac current D. Fig-D 9 A. Fig-B B. Fig-C C. Fig-D D. Fig- F 52. Which of the figures represents a hollow non magnetic conductor and De current A. Fig-A B. Fig-C C. Fig-D L ig-E Sy 53. Which is non magnetic conductor using Ac current testing magnetic cylinder (Following question refer fig-3) Fig-A Fig-B POOP = ee 4 . Fig E 54, Which is magnetic conductor testing magnetic cylinder using De current . Fig-A Fig B Fig-C FigD Fig-E moomD> 55. Which is non- magnetic conductor and non-magnetic cylinder using De current Fig-A Fig B Fig-C . Fig-D ‘Non of the above FH DORE 56. Which is the non- magnetic central conductor Fig-A Fig-B Fig-C Fig-D 10 Fig-E ig-F BRIOMD

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