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FIG. 2-7 Enthalpy-concentration diagram for aqueous ammonia.

From Thermodynamic and Physical Properties

NH3 –H2O, Int. Inst. Refrigeration, Paris, France, 1994 (88 pp.). Reproduced by permission. In order to determine
equilibrium compositions, draw a vertical from any liquid composition on any boiling line (the lowest plots) to inter-
sect the appropriate auxiliary curve (the intermediate curves). A horizontal then drawn from this point to the appro-
priate dew line (the upper curves) will establish the vapor composition. The Int. Inst. Refrigeration publication also
gives extensive P-v-x tables from −50 to 316°C. Other sources include Park, Y. M. and Sonntag, R. E., ASHRAE Trans.,
96, 1 (1990): 150–159 (x, h, s, tables, 360 to 640 K); Ibrahim, O. M. and S. A. Klein, ASHRAE Trans., 99, 1 (1993):
1495–1502 (Eqs., 0.2 to 110 bar, 293 to 413 K); Smolen, T. M., D. B. Manley, et al., J. Chem. Eng. Data, 36 (1991):
202–208 (p-x correlation, 0.9 to 450 psia, 293–413 K); Ruiter, J. P., Int. J. Refrig., 13 (1990): 223–236 gives ten sub-
routines for computer calculations.

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