Income Taxation

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Tax On Income n. Taxpayer – anyone subject to tax.

Title II, NIRC o. Terms “including” and “includes” when used in a

definition under this Title shall not be deemed to
CHAPTER I. Definitions exclude other thins otherwise within the meaning of
the term defined.
Sec. 22: p. Taxable Year – the calendar year or fiscal year
ending during such calendar year, upon the basis of
a. Person – an individual, trust, estate, or corporation which the net income is computed. In case of a
b. Corporation – shall include partnerships, no matter return made for a fractional part of a year, “taxable
how created or organized; year” includes the period for which such return is
DOES NOT include general professional partnerships q. Fiscal Year – an accounting period of 12 mos. ending
and joint-ventures or consortiums formed for the on the last day of any month other than December.
purpose of undertaking construction projects or r. “Paid and incurred” and “Paid or accrued” shall be
engaging in petroleum, coal, geothermal, and other construed based on the method of accounting used.
energy operations pursuant to an operating or s. Trade or Business – includes public office.
consortium agreement under a service contract with t. Securities – shares of stock, rights to subscribe or to
the government; receive such shares.

General Professional Partnerships – formed for the Includes bonds, debentures, notes, certificates, other
sole purpose of exercising their common profession, evidence of indebtedness issued by a corporation,
no part of income is derived from any trade or including those issued by the gov’t
u. Dealer in Securities – a merchant of stocks or
c. Domestic Corporation – those created or organized securities, whether individual, partnership, or
in or under Philippine laws. corporation, w/ an established place of business, and
d. Foreign Corporation – those not domestic regularly engaged in the purchase and resale of
e. Nonresident Citizen: securities to customers with a view to gains and
1. Citizen who establishes to the Commissioner his profits.
physical presence abroad with intention to reside v. Bank – means every banking institution as defined in
therein; Section 2 of RA 337 (General Banking Act); may be
2. Citizen who leaves during the taxable year to commercial, thrift, rural, development, or a
reside abroad; specialized government bank.
3. Citizen who works and earns from abroad, w. Non-bank financial intermediary – defined in Sec.
employment requires his physical presence 2(d) of RA 337, authorized by the BSP to perform
abroad; quasi-banking activities.
4. Those nonresident citizens who return to the x. Quasi-banking activities – borrowing funds from
Philippines during the taxable year, shall be twenty (20) or more personal or corporate lenders at
considered nonresident citizens with respect to any one time, through the issuance, endorsement, or
income earned from abroad until the date of acceptance of debt instruments or any kind other
arrival. than deposits for the borrower’s own account.
5. Taxpayer shall submit proof to the Commissioner y. Deposit Substitutes – an alternative form of obtaining
of his intention to leave or return to the Philippines. funds from the public, other than deposits, through
the issuance, endorsement, or acceptance of debt
f. Resident Alien – aliens deemed residing in the instruments for the borrower’s own account, for the
Philippines. purpose of relending or purchasing of receivables
g. Nonresident Alien – aliens not deemed residing in the and other obligations.
h. Resident Foreign Corporation – FC engaged in trade The term “public” means borrowing from twenty (20)
or business w/in the Philippines. or more individual or corporate lenders at any one
i. Nonresident Foreign Corporation – FC not engaged time.
in trade or business w/in the Philippines. z. Ordinary Income – includes any gain from the sale or
j. Fiduciary – any person acting in a fiduciary capacity; exchange of property which is not a capital asset or
e.g. guardian, trustee, executor, receiver. property described in Section 39(A)(1).
k. Withholding Agent – any person required to deduct
and withhold any tax under Sec. 57. Ordinary Loss – includes any loss from the sale or
l. Shares of Stock – includes shares of stock, warrants exchange of property which is not a capital asset.
a/o options to purchase shares, as well as units of aa. Rank and File Employees – all employees who are
participation in a partnership( except GPPs), joint holding neither managerial nor supervisory positions
stock companies, joint account, joint ventures bb. Mutual Fund Company – an open-end and close-
taxable as corporations, recreation or amusement end investment company as defined under the
clubs, mutual fund certificates. Investment Company Act.
m. Shareholder – holder of shares of stock, warrant a/o cc. Trade, business, or profession – shall not include
option to purchase shares, as well as a holder of a performance of services by the taxpayer as an
unit of participation employee.
dd. Regional or Area Headquarters – a branch  Sec. 24(B) – Passive Income
established in the Philippines by multinational  Sec. 24(C) – Capital Gains from Sale of
companies and which headquarters do not earn or Shares of Stock not Traded in the Stock
derive income from the Philippines and which act as Exchange
supervisory, communications, and coordinating  Sec. 24(D) – Capital Gains from Sale of Real
center for their affiliates, subsidiaries, or branches in Property
the foreign markets.  Applicable to
ee. Regional Operating Headquarters – a branch 2. Rate:
established in the Philippines by multinational INCOME RATE
companies which are engaged in any of the Income <= P10k 5%
following services: general administration and P10k < Income <= P30k P500 + 10%*(income – P10k)
planning, business planning and coordination; P30k < Income <= P70k P2.5k + 15%*(income – P30k)
sourcing and procurement of raw materials and P70k < Income <= P140k P8.5k + 20%*(income – P70k)
components; corporate finance advisory services; P140k < Income <= P250k P22.5k + 25%*(income – P140k)
marketing control and sales promotion; training and P250k < Income <= P500k P50k + 30%*(income – P250K)
personnel management; logistic services; research P500k < Income P125k + 32%*(income – P500k)
and development services and product
 Subject to Sec. 51(D), the husband and wife
development; technical support and maintenance;
shall separately compute their individual
data processing and communication; and business
income. Provided, if any income cannot be
definitely or attributed to one of them, the
ff. Long-Term Deposit or Investment – shall refer
same shall be divided equally between the
certificate of time deposit or investment in the form of
savings, common or individual trust funds, deposit  Provided, that minimum wage earners shall
substitutes, with a maturity period of not less than five be exempt from payment of income tax on
(5) years, in the form prescribed by the BSP and their taxable income. Provided, further,
issued by banks only. holiday, overtime, NSD, and hazard pay
gg. Statutory Minimum Wage – shall refer to the rate fixed received by such MWE are likewise exempt.
by the Regional Tripartite Wage and Productivity
Board. (B) Rate of Tax on Certain Passive Income of Individuals:
hh. Minimum Wage Earner – a worker in the private 1. Interests, Royalties, Prizes, and Other Winnings
sector paid the statutory minimum wage; or to an derived from sources w/in the Philippines:
employee in the public sector with compensation
income of not more than the statutory minimum
Interest from any currency bank deposit
wage in the non-agricultural sector where he/she is
Prizes > P10k 20%
CHAPTER II Winnings (except from Philippine Charity
Sweepstakes and Lotto)
Sec. 23: General Principles of Income Taxation in the Royalties on books and other literary works, 10%
Philippines: and musical compositions
INCOME SOURCE Prizes <= P10k Sec. 24(A)
TAXPAYER Interest income under the expanded foreign 7.5%
Resident Citizen ∕ ∕ currency deposit system (except nonresident
Nonresident Citizen ∕ X individuals)
Citizen – Overseas Contract Worker ∕ X Interest income from long-term deposits EXEMPT
Resident/Nonresident Alien ∕ X Provided, if pre-terminated:
Domestic Corporation ∕ ∕  4 yrs. <= T < 5 yrs. 5%
Foreign Corporation – engaged or  3 yrs. <= T < 4 yrs. 12%
∕ X  T < 3 yrs. 20%
not in trade and business in Phils.
2. Cash and/or Property Dividends from Domestic
 Nonresident Citizen – citizen who stays abroad for 183 Corporations:
days or more, and such stay must be continuous. A final tax at the following rates:
 Resident Alien – one who stays in Phil for more than 12  6% beginning on January1, 1998
months since arrival.  8% beginning on January 1, 1999
 Nonresident alien engaged in business or trade – one  10% beginning on January 2, 2000
who stays in Phil for an aggregate period of more than shall be imposed upon the cash and/or property
180 days in a taxable year. dividend actually or constructively received by
 Nonresident alien NOT engaged in business or trade – an individual from a domestic corporation, or
stays in Phil for 180 days or less. from a joint stock company, insurance and
CHAPTER III mutual fund companies, regional operating
headquarters, or on the share of the distributable
Sec. 24. Income Tax Rates: net income after tax of a partnership (EXCEPT
(A) Rates of Income tax on Citizens and Resident Aliens: professional partnerships).
1. Rate applicable ONLY to “taxable income” (as
defined in Sec. 31) and NOT to:
(C) Capital Gains from Sale of Shares of Stock of (B) NRA NOT Engaged in Business or Trade –
Domestic Corporations Not Traded in the Stock  Income from all sources within the Philippines
Exchange: shall be levied a tax equal to 25% of such
A final tax shall be imposed upon the NET CAPITAL income; EXCEPT capital gains which shall be
GAINS realized during the taxable year from the sale, taxed pursuant to Sec. 24(C) & (D)
barter, exchange, or other disposition of shares of
stock in a domestic corporation, not disposed of (C) Alien employed by Regional or Area Headquarters
through stock exchange; at the following rates: and Regional Operating Headquarters Established in
 Not over P100k - 5% the Philippines
 Any amount in excess of P100k - 10%
15% on Gross Income received as salaries, wages,
Under Sec. 127(A), if stocks are disposed through the compensation, honoraria, allowances, etc.
stock exchange, a tax rate of ½ of 1% of the gross
selling price or gross value in money of the shares Provided, same tax treatment is given to Filipinos
sold, disposed or exchanged shall be paid by the occupying the position as those aliens.
(D) Alien Individual Employed by Offshore Banking Units –
(D) Capital Gains from Sale of Real Property Located
w/in the Philippines: 15% on Gross Income received as salaries, wages,
1. General Rule: compensation, honoraria, allowances, etc.
 6% of the Gross Selling Price; OR
 6% of the Fair Market Value Provided, same tax treatment is given to Filipinos
whichever is higher. occupying the position as those aliens.

Provided, when real property is sold to the (E) Alien Individual Employed by Petroleum Service
government or any of its political subdivisions, Contractor and Subcontractor –
agencies, or to GOCCs, tax liability may be
determined by Sec. 24(A) or Sec. 24(D)(1) at the 15% on Gross Income received as salaries, wages,
option of the taxpayer. compensation, honoraria, allowances, etc.
2. Exception:
Sale shall be exempt when the following concurs: Provided, same tax treatment is given to Filipinos
 Sale by natural person of his principal occupying the position as those aliens.
 Income is used in acquiring or constructing  Any income earned from all other sources w/in the
new residence within 18 calendar months from Philippines by aliens under (C), (D), and (E) shall be
sale; and subject to the pertinent income tax, as the case may
 Taxpayer notifies the Commissioner within 30 be, imposed under this Code.
days from sale or disposition of his intention to
avail of the exemption. Sec. 26. Tax Liability of Members of General Professional
Provided, such exemption can be availed of only
once every 10 years. A general professional partnership shall NOT be subject to
Provided, if income from sale is not fully utilized, income tax. The persons engaging in business as partners
tax liability shall be computed as follows: shall be liable for income tax in their separate and
 For instance, 10% of the income from sale was individual capacities.
not utilized for acquiring/constructing new
residence then: Each partner shall report as gross income his distributive
[(GSP or FMV, whichever is higher)x10%) x 6% share, actually or constructively received, in the net income
of the partnership.
Sec. 25. Tax on Nonresident Alien Individual

(A) NRA Engaged in Business or Trade w/in Phils. (NRAEBT)

1. NRAEBT – an NRA who shall come to the Phils. And
stays for an aggregate period of more than 180
days during any calendar year shall be deemed
 Taxed in the same manner as individual and
resident aliens; Sec. 24(A)(2): 5% - 32%.
2. Cash/Property Dividends; Interests, Royalties, Prizes,
and other Winnings – shall be taxed in the same
manner as individual citizens and resident aliens.
(Same as Sec. 24 EXCEPT for “Cash/Property
Dividends”, which shall be taxed at 20%);
3. Capital Gains – Same as Sec. 24(C) & (D)
Taxable Income Income <= P10k………………….5%
P10k < Income <= P30k………… P500 + 10%*(income – P10k)
P30k < Income <= P70k………… P2.5k + 15%*(income – P30k)
P70k < Income <= P140k………. P8.5k + 20%*(income – P70k)
P140k < Income <= P250k…….. P22.5k + 25%*(income – P140k)
P250k < Income <= P500k…….. P50k + 30%*(income – P250K)
P500k < Income…………………. P125k + 32%*(income – P500k)
Prizes <= P10k
Interest Income
Winnings (Except 20%
Prizes > P10k 25%
Royalties on books,
musical composition, 10%
Interest Income
Long Term
 T > 5 yrs. EXEMPT
 4 yrs.<= T <5 yrs. 5% - 5%
 3 yrs.<= T <4 yrs.
 T < 3 yrs.
32% 12%
Dividends 10% 20%
Interest EFCDS 7.5% N/A
Capital Gains: Real 6% of Gross Selling Price of Fair Market Value, whichever is higher.
Property **EXCEPTION: Income used to acquire new residence w/in 18 months.
Capital Gains: Shares
of Stock of Domestic On the Net Capital Gains <= P100k : 5%
Corporations Not Any amount in excess of P100k : 10%
Traded in Stock **Sale, Disposal, Exchange thru Stock Exchange: ½ of 1% of Gross Selling Price [Sec. 127(A)]
***GROSS INCOME Aliens employed by Regional or Area HQ and Regional Operating HQ
from salaries, wages, Aliens employed by Offshore Banking Units 15%
compensation, etc. Aliens employed by Petroleum Service Contractor and Subcontractor

***Provided, the same tax treatment is given to Filipinos occupying positions as those of the aliens.
CHAPTER IV o For those engaged in the sale of service – gross
receipts less returns, allowances, discounts.
Sec. 27. Rates of Income Tax on Domestic Corporations.  Cost of Goods Sold – includes all business expenses
(A) General Rule – 30% of the taxable income, derived directly incurred to produce the merchandise
during the taxable year from all sources within and o For trading concern – includes invoice cost of
without the Philippines, of Domestic Corporations. goods sold, plus import duties, freight.
o For manufacturing concern – includes all costs of
EXCEPTION: Provided, corporations have the option production, such as raw materials, labor and
to be taxed at 15% of gross income when its ratio of manufacturing overhead, freight cost, and
cost of sales to gross sales or receipts from all sources insurance
does not exceed 55%. Election of such option shall
be irrevocable for three (3) consecutive taxable (B) Proprietary Educational Institutions and Hospitals –
years during which the corporation is qualified for the which are non-profit: 10% on taxable income EXCEPT
scheme. those under Subsection (D)—passive income.

 Gross Income – gross sales less sales returns, discounts, EXCEPTION: Provided, if gross income from unrelated
and allowances and cost of goods sold. business or activity exceeds 50% of the total gross
income, it shall be subject to Subsection (A)—30% of 4. Gross Income defined:
the taxable income.  Gross Income – gross sales less sales returns,
discounts, and allowances and cost of goods
(C) Government-Owned or Controlled Corporations, sold.
Agencies, Instrumentalities: o For those engaged in the sale of service –
gross receipts less returns, allowances,
EXEMPTED from tax: discounts, and cost of services.
1. Government Service Insurance System (GSIS)  Cost of Services – all direct costs and
2. Social Security System (SSS) expenses incurred to provide the services
3. Philippine Health Insurance Corporation including (a) salaries, employee benefits,
(PHIC/Philhealth) consultants, specialist; and (b)cost of
4. Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) facilities used in providing the service.
PROVIDED, in case of banks, cost shall
 All others shall pay taxes as are imposed upon include interest expense.
corporations engaged in a similar business, industry,  Cost of Goods Sold – includes all business
or activity expenses directly incurred to produce the
(D) Tax Rate on Passive Income: o For trading concern – includes invoice cost of
SOURCE RATE goods sold, plus import duties, freight.
Interest from deposits or any yield from o For manufacturing concern – includes all
Deposit Substitutes and Trust Funds, etc. from costs of production, such as raw materials,
20% labor and manufacturing overhead, freight
sources w/in Philippines
Royalties cost, and insurance
Interest income under the expanded foreign 7.5%
currency deposit system Sec. 28 Rates of Income Tax on Foreign Corporations.
Capital Gains from Sales of Shares of Stock
(A) Tax on Resident Foreign Corporations:
Not Traded in the Stock Exchange
1. General Rule: Corporations organized,
 Capital Gains <= P100k 5%
authorized, and existing under foreign laws,
 Any amount in excess of P100K 10%
engaged in trade or business within the
Income derived by depository banks from
Philippines, shall be subject to income tax of 30%
foreign currency transactions with
of the taxable income derived in the preceding
nonresidents, offshore banking units, local
taxable year from all sources w/in the Philippines.
commercial banks, branches of foreign banks
under the EFCDS.----------------------------------------- EXEMPT
EXCEPTION: Provided, resident foreign
 HOWEVER, interest income from foreign
corporation corporations have the option to be
currency loans granted to residents 10% taxed at 15% of gross income under the same
Intercorporate Dividends received from EXEMPT conditions provided in Sec. 27(A).
Domestic Corporations
Capital Gains from Exchange/Disposition of 6% of GSP 2. MCIT – as defined in Sec. 27(E) shall be imposed
Real Property NOT Actually used in the or FMV, on resident foreign corporations under the same
business of a corporation whichever conditions.
is higher
Interest income from long-term deposits EXEMPT 3. International Carriers – shall pay a tax of 2.5%
Provided however, if terminated: (2½%) on its “Gross Philippine Billings” (GPB).
 4 yrs. <= T < 5 yrs. 5% (a) International Air Carriers – GPB = amount of
 3 yrs. <= T < 4 yrs. 12%
gross revenue derived from the carriage of
 T < 3 yrs. 20%
persons, baggage, cargo, and mail
(E) Minimum Corporate Income Tax: originating from Phil. in a continuous flight,
1. Beginning on the fourth taxable year: 2% of the regardless of the place of sale or payment of
gross income shall be imposed when the same is the ticket.
higher than the tax due under Sec. 27(A).
Provided, tickets revalidated and/or indorsed
2. Excess of the MCIT over the normal tax shall be
outside Phil for part of GPB is passenger
carried forward and credited against the normal
boards from any point in the Phil.
income tax for the three (3) immediately
succeeding taxable years. Provided further, where flight originates from
Phil, but transhipment occurs outside Phil,
3. Relief from MCIT – Secretary of Finance may only the aliquot portion corresponding to the
suspend imposition of MCIT on corporations leg flown from Phil shall form part of GPB.
which suffer losses on account of prolonged
labor dispute, force majeure, or legitimate (b) International Shipping – GPB = gross revenue
business reverses.
for passenger, cargo, or mail originating from
Phil regardless of place of sale or payment of 1. General Rule: Foreign corporations NOT
the passage or freight documents. engaged in trade or business within the
Philippines, shall be subject to income tax of 30%
of the gross income received during each year
4. Offshore Banking Units – Income derived by OBU
from all sources w/in the Philippines such as
from foreign currency transactions with
interests, dividends, rents, royalties, salaries,
nonresidents, other OBUs, local commercial
premiums, or other profits and income.
banks, branches of foreign banks are EXEMPTED.
2. Nonresident Cinematographic Film Owner,
HOWEVER, interest income from foreign currency
Lessor, or Distributor – 25% of gross income from
loans granted to residents OTHER THAN OBUs,
all sources w/in Philippines.
local commercial banks, foreign banks are
SUBJECT TO 10% final tax.
3. Nonresident Owner/Lessor of Vessels Chartered
5. Tax on Branch Profit Remitances – 15% of the by Philippine Nationals – 4½% (4.5%) of gross
profits applied of earmarked for remittance. rentals from leases or charters to Filipino citizens
or corporations, approved by the MIA.
PROVIDED, interests, dividends, rents, royalties,
compensation for technical services, gains, 4. Nonresident Owner/Lessor of Aircraft Machineries
profits, income, received from sources w/in shall and Other Equipment – 7½% (7.5%) of gross
not be treated as branch profits UNLESS rentals
effectively connected with its trade or business in
the Philippines. 5. Tax on Passive Income of Nonresident Foreign
6. Regional or Area HQ – shall not be subject to SOURCE RATE
income tax; Interest on Foreign Loans 20%
Intercorporate Dividends received from 15%
Regional Operating HQ - 10% of their taxable Domestic Corporations; Provided, that the
income. country where nonresident FC is domiciled
shall allow a credit against the tax due form
7. Tax on Passive Income of Resident Foreign Corps. the nonresident FC equivalent to 15%.
Capital Gains from Sales of Shares of Stock
SOURCE RATE Not Traded in the Stock Exchange
Interest from deposits or any yield from  Capital gains <= P100k 5%
Deposit Substitutes and Trust Funds, etc. from  Any amount in excess of P100K 10%
sources w/in Philippines
Royalties Sec. 29 Imposition of Improperly Accumulated Earnings Tax
Interest income under the expanded foreign 7.5%
currency deposit system (A) GENERAL RULE: A tax of 10% is imposed upon
Capital Gains from Sales of Shares of Stock of improperly accumulated income.
a Domestic Corporation Not Traded in the
Stock Exchange 5% (B) Tax on Corporations subject to IAET
 Capital Gains <= P100k 1. General Rule – IAET applies to all corporations
 Any amount in excess of P100K 10% formed for the purpose of avoiding income tax
Income derived by depository banks from by permitting earnings/profits to accumulate
foreign currency transactions with instead of being divided/distributed.
nonresidents, offshore banking units, local
commercial banks, branches of foreign banks 2. EXCEPTIONS – NOT applicable to:
under the EFCDS.----------------------------------------- EXEMPT (a) Publicly-held corporations;
 HOWEVER, interest income from foreign (b) Banks and non-bank financial intermediaries;
currency loans granted to residents 10% (c) Insurance companies
Intercorporate Dividends received from EXEMPT
Domestic Corporations (C) Evidence of Purpose to Avoid Income Tax
Capital Gains from Exchange/Disposition of 6% of GSP 1. Prima Facie Evidence – the fact that the
Real Property NOT Actually used in the or FMV, corporation is a mere holding or investment
business of a corporation whichever company shall be prima facie evidence of
is higher purpose to avoid tax
Interest income from long-term deposits EXEMPT
Provided however, if preterminated: 2. Evidence Determinative of Purpose – the fact
 4 yrs. <= T < 5 yrs. 5% that earnings are allowed to accumulate
 3 yrs. <= T < 4 yrs. 12% beyond the reasonable needs of the business
 T < 3 yrs. 20% shall be determinative of the purpose to avoid
the tax, UNLESS the corporation by clear
(B) Tax on Nonresident Foreign Corporations – preponderance of evidence proves the contrary.
(E) Non-stock corps or assocs. exclusively for religious,
(D) Improperly Accumulated Taxable Income charitable, scientific, athletic, or cultural purposes; no
part of its income or assets shall belong or inure to the
Sec. 30 Exemptions from Tax on Corporations benefit of any of its members;
(F) Business league, chamber of commerce, not
(A) Labor/agricultural/horticultural orgs. not organized for organized for profit;
profit; (G) Civic league organization – not for profit, but for
(B) Mutual savings bank; promotion of social welfare;
(C) Beneficiary society, order or association operating for (H) Nonstock, non-profit educational institution;
the exclusively benefit of its members such as (I) Government educational institution;
fraternities or a mutual aid association providing (J) Farmers’ or other mutual insurance companies,
benefits exclusively to their members and/or their mutual utility companies of purely local character;
dependents; (K) Farmers’ or growers’ assocs. organized and operated
(D) Cemetery company owned and operated as sales agent of the products of its members.
exclusively for its members;

General Rule 30%

OPTION to be taxed at 15% of Gross Income;

WHEN: ratio of cost of sales to gross sales or receipts does not N/A
exceed 55%;
 Election of such option IRREVOCABLE for 3 yrs.
 Beginning on the 4th taxable year, a tax of 2% of the gross income
shall be imposed when it is greater than the normal income tax. N/A
 Any excess of the MCIT over the NCIT shall be credited against the
NCIT for next 3 succeeding years.
Proprietary Educational International Carriers: 2% of the Nonresident Owner/Lessor of
Institutions and Hospitals w/c are Gross Philippine Billings (gross Aircraft Machineries and
nonprofit: Other Equipments:

revenue derived from carriage

10% of Taxable Income of persons, baggage, cargo,
Provided, if income from mail, from any port or point in 7½% of gross rentals
unrelated business or activities Phil. regardless of the place of
exceeds 50% of the total gross purchase or payment.)
income, GENERAL RULE shall
EXEMPTED CORPORATIONS: Offshore Banking Units: Nonresident Owner/Lessor of
1. GSIS  Income derived from foreign Vessels Chartered by
2. SSS currency transactions with Philippine Nationals:
3. Philhealth nonresidents, OBUs, local
4. PCSO commercial banks, branches 4½% of gross rentals from
5. Local water districts of foreign banks: EXEMPTED leases or charters to Filipino
 Interest income from foreign citizens or corporations
currency loans granted to
residents: 10%
Tax on Branch Profit Nonresident Filmowner,
Remittances: 15% of the total Lessor, or Distributor:
profits applied for remittance. 25% of gross income.
Regional or Area HQ – EXEMPT

Regional Operating HQ – 10%

20% 30%
Interest Income
under EFCDS
Capital Gains from
Capital Gains <= P100k: 5%
Sales of Shares of
Stock Not traded in Any amount in excess of P100k: 10%
Stock Exchange **Sale, Disposal, Exchange thru Stock Exchange: ½ of 1% of Gross Selling Price [Sec. 127(A)]

Intercorporate 30%; or 15% if corporation

Dividends EXEMPT is allowed a tax credit of 15%
in its country of domicile
Capital Gains on
6% of Gross Selling Price OR
Sale of Real Property
NOT used in business Fair Market Value
of corp. Whichever is higher.
Interest Income from
Long-Term Deposits
If terminated:
 4 yrs. <= T < 5 yrs. 5%
 3 yrs. <= T < 4 yrs. 12%
 T < 3 yrs. 20%
CHAPTER V (ii) Recipient not required to render
substantial future services as a condition
Sec. 31 Taxable Income – means the pertinent items of to receiving the prize
gross income less the deductions and/or personal and (d) Prizes and Awards in Sports Competitions –
additional exemptions, if any, authorized for such types of granted to athletes in local and international
income. competitions sanctioned by their national
CHAPTER VI (e) 13th Month Pay and other benefits – received
by employees in private and public entities
Sec. 32 Gross Income: for a maximum of P30k, which covers:
(i) Benefits of public employees under RA
(A) Gross Income – all income derived from whatever 6686 (Xmas bonus);
source, including but not limited to: (ii) Benefits under PD 851 (13th Month Pay);
1. Compensation for services; (iii) Benefits NOT covered by PD 851;
2. Gross income derived from business, trade, or (iv)Other benefits such as productivity
exercise of profession; incentives and Xmas bonus; Provided,
3. Gains from dealings in property; P30k ceiling may be increased by the
4. Interests; Sec. of Finance.
5. Rents; (f) GSIS, SSS, Philhealth, Pag-Ibig premiums,
6. Royalties; Union dues;
7. Dividends; (g) Gains from sale of Bonds, Debentures, and
8. Annuities; other Certs. Of Indebtedness with a maturity
9. Prizes/Winnings; of more than 5 yrs.
10. Pensions; and (h) Gains from redemption of shares in mutual
11. Partner’s share from the net income of general funds;
professional partnership.
Sec. 33 Special Treatment of Fringe Benefit
(B) Exclusions (exempt from taxation):
1. Life insurance (A) Imposition of Tax – 32% of the grossed up monetary
2. Amount received by insured as return of value of fringed benefit granted by the employer to
premium; the employee (EXCEPT rank-and-file employees)
3. Gifts, Bequests, and Devises; Provided, income unless the benefit is required by the nature of or
from such property shall be included in gross necessary to the business or trade of the employer.
income;  The tax imposed is payable by the employer
4. Compensation for Injuries or Sickness – Amounts through Withholding Tax [Sec. 57(A)]
received from Accident or Health Insurance,  Grossed Up Monetary Value:
including damages received by suit or (Actual Value)/68%
agreement on account of such injuries.  PROVIDED, fringe benefits granted to employees
5. Income exempt under treaty under Subsections (B),(C),(D), and (E) of Sec. 25
6. Retirement Benefits, Pensions, Gratuities: shall be taxed at the applicable rates; and the
(a) Retirement benefits under RA 7641 or under grossed up value shall be: (Actual Value)/(100% –
private benefit plans maintained by the applicable rate)
employer; Provided, employee served for at eg. Subsection (B) – Nonresident Alien: 25%; thus:
least 10 yrs., and is not less than 50 yrs. old FBT = [(Actual Value)/(75%)]*25%
upon retirement;
(b) Any amount received by the employee or his (B) Fringe Benefit – any good, services, or other benefit
heirs as a consequence of separation by granted in cash/kind to an employee (EXCEPT rank-
reason of death, sickness, disability, or any and-file) such as, but not limited to:
cause beyond the control of the employee; 1. Housing;
(c) Social security benefits, retirement gratuities, 2. Expense Account;
pensions, and similar benefits, private or 3. Vehicles;
public; 4. Household personnel;
(d) Payments of benefits to veterans; 5. Difference on loan interest between market
(e) Benefits received from SSS; interest and lower interest granted by employer;
(f) Benefits received from GSIS 6. Membership fees, dues, expenses for the
7. Miscellaneous items: employee in social athletic clubs or similar
(a) Income derived by Foreign Government organizations;
(b) Income derived by the Government or its 7. Expenses for foreign travel;
Subdivisions; 8. Holiday and vacation expenses;
(c) Prizes and Awards – primarily in recognition of 9. Educational assistance to employee or
religious, charitable, scientific, educational, dependents;
artistic, literary, or civic achievement, iff: 10. Life or health insurance or other insurance
(i) Recipient selected w/o any action on his premiums in excess of what the law requires;
(C) Fringe Benefits NOT Taxable:
1. FB exempted under special laws; A. EXPENSES:
2. Employer contributions to retirement, insurance,
and hospitalization benefit plans; (1) Ordinary and Necessary Trade, Business, or Professional
3. Benefits given to rank-and-file employees; Expenses
4. De minimis benefits – facilities or privileges
furnished to employees that are of relatively small (a) All ordinary and necessary expenses paid or
value and are offered or furnished merely as a incurred during the taxable year which are directly
means of promoting the health, goodwill, attributable to the development, management,
contentment, or efficiency of his employees, operation and/or conduct of trade, business, or
such as: profession, including:
(a) Monetized unused vacation leave credits not i. Salaries, wages, compensation for services
exceeding 10 days during the year, and actually rendered, including grossed-up
monetized value of leave credits paid to monetary value of fringe benefits;
public employees and officials; ii. Travel expenses, here and abroad, while away
(b) Medical cash allowance to dependents of from home in pursuit of trade, business, or
employee limited to P750 per semester; profession;
(c) Rice subsidy less than P1.5k/mo; iii. Rentals and/or other payments required for the
(d) Uniform/clothing allowance less than continued use or possession, for the purpose of
P4k/annum; trade, business, or profession, of property to
(e) Actual yearly medical benefits not which the taxpayer has no title other than
exceeding P10k/annum; lessee, user or possessor
(f) Laundry allowance <= P300/mo; iv. Entertainment, Amusement, and Recreation
(g) Employee achievement awards such as for Expenses directly connected to the
length of service, which must not be development, management, and operation of
monetary and the value does not exceed the trade, business, or profession, OR are
P10k/annum, and which does not related to or in furtherance of the conduct of
discriminate in favor of highly paid his trade, business, or profession NOT to exceed
employees; ceilings as the Secretary of Finance may
(h) Gifts given during Christmas and major prescribe; PROVIDED, any expense for
celebrations not exceeding P3k/annum; entertainment, amusement, or recreation that
(i) Flowers, fruits, books, given to employees is contrary to law shall not be deductible.
under special circumstances such as
marriage, birth of a baby, etc; (b) To be allowed as deductions, the taxpayer SHALL
(j) Daily meal allowance not exceeding 25% of substantiate with sufficient evidence the (i) amount
the minimum wage of expenses; and (ii) the direct connection or
relation of the expenses to the trade, business or
CHAPTER VII profession.
(c) Bribes, Kickbacks, and other similar payments
SEC. 34 DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS INCOME made directly or indirectly to public officials or
officials/employees of GOCCs SHALL NOT be
 For taxpayers earning compensation arising from deductible.
employer-employee relationship, only deductions under
Subsection (M): Premium Payments on Health and/or (2) Expenses Allowed to Private Educational Institutions
Hospitalization Insurance of an Individual are allowed.  PEIs have the option of either (a) to deduct
expenditures otherwise considered as capital outlays
 Otherwise, the ff. are the allowable deductions: of depreciable assets incurred for the expansion of
(A) EXPENSES school facilities; or (b) to deduct allowance for
(B) INTEREST depreciation under Subsection (F).
(F) DEPRECIATION (1) General Rule: Interest paid/incurred on indebtedness in
(G) DEPLETION OF OIL AND GAS WELLS AND MINES connection with the business, trade, or profession.
(H) CHARITABLE AND OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS PROVIDED, the allowable deduction for interest
(J) PENSION TRUSTS (33%) of the interest income subjected to final tax
PAYMENTS  Intended to prevent tax arbitrage or the use of
(L) OPTIONAL STANDARD DEDUCTION back-to-back loans to take advantage of the
(M) PREMIUM PAYMENTS ON HEALTH AND/OR significant difference in tax rates resulting to profit
(2) Exceptions: (3) Credit Against Tax for Taxes of Foreign Countries – If the
(a) NO DEDUCTION ALLOWED if within the taxable year a taxpayer signifies his desire to have the benefits of this
taxpayer reporting income on cash basis incurs paragraph, the tax imposed by this title shall be
indebtedness where interest is discounted; credited with:
PROVIDED, the interest expense shall be allowed as
a deduction in the year the indebtedness is paid; (a) In the case of a Citizen or Domestic Corporation,
PROVIDED FURTHER, in case of periodic the amount of taxes paid or incurred during the
amortizations, the interest which corresponds to the taxable year to any foreign country; and
amount of the principal amortized during the year
shall be deducted as interest in such taxable year; (b) In the case of a member of a general professional
partnership or a beneficiary of an estate or trust, his
(b) NO DEDUCTION ALLOWED if the taxpayer and the proportionate share of taxes of the partnership or
creditor are persons specified under Section 36(B); the estate or trust paid or incurred during the
(1) Members of the Family – shall include taxable year, IF his distributive share of the income
brothers/sisters (full/half-blood), spouse, is reported for taxation.
ancestors, and lineal descendants;
(2) An Individual and a Corporation – where more  Aliens and Foreign Corporations not entitled to the
than 50% of the outstanding stock is owned by same credits
the individual;
(3) Between Two (2) Corporations – where more than (4) Limitations on Credit:
50% of the outstanding stock of each corp. is
owned, directly/indirectly, by or for the same (a) If the ratio of INCOMEF.C. : INCOMETOTAL = X : Y,
individual, if either one of the corporation is a Then credit allowed should not exceed X/Y of the
personal holding company or a foreign personal total tax due.
holding company;
(4) Between the Grantor and a Fiduciary of any Trust; Ex. INCOMEF.C. = P10,000.00, and
(5) Between the Fiduciaries of Different Trusts INCOMETOTAL = P50,000.00, therefore ratio is 1 : 5.
Granted by the same individual;
(6) Between the Fiduciary and the Beneficiary of a Thus, if TAXF.C. = P1,000.00 but TAXDUE = P4,000.00,
Trust; then not the entire P1,000.00 shall be credited to
the TAXDUE and instead shall be limited to 1/5 of the
(c) If indebtedness is incurred to finance petroleum tax due or only P800.00 shall be allowed as credits.
(b) If the ratio of INCOMEOUTSIDE : INCOMETOTAL = A : B,
(3) Optional Treatment of Interest Expense – Interest Then CREDITTOTAL should not exceed A/B of the total
incurred to acquire property used in trade, business, or tax due.
profession may be allowed as deduction OR as
 The limitation which allows the lower amount to be
capital expenditure subject to depreciation.
deducted shall be applied.
(5) Adjustments on Payment of Incurred Taxes – If taxes
(1) General Rule: Taxes paid or incurred in connection with paid differ from amounts claimed as credits, or if any
the trade, business, or profession are deductible; tax paid is refunded, the taxpayer SHALL notify the
EXCEPT: Commissioner, who shall redetermine the amount of
(a) Income tax; tax due for the year/s affected.
(b) Income taxes imposed by foreign country; EXCEPT if
 Any deficiency shall be paid upon demand by the
the taxpayer DOES NOT signify in his return his desire
Commissioner, while any excess shall be credited or
to have to any extent the benefits under
Paragraph (3) of this subsection;
(c) Estate and donor’s taxes; and
 In the case of tax incurred but not paid, the
(d) Special Assessments
Commissioner as a condition precedent to the
allowance of credit may require the taxpayer to give a
PROVIDED, taxes deducted, when refunded or
bond, conditioned upon the payment by the taxpayer
credited, shall be included in the gross income in the
of any amount of tax found due upon any such
year of receipt to the extent of the income tax benefit
redetermination, and such further conditions as the
of said deduction.
Commissioner may require.
(2) Limitations on Deductions – In the case of a non-resident
(6) Year in which credit is taken. – The credits may, at the
alien engaged in trade or business or a resident foreign
option of the taxpayer and irrespective of the method
corporation, the deductions for taxes under Par. (1) of
of accounting employed, be taken in the year in which
Subsection (C) shall be allowed ONLY if and to the
the taxes of the foreign country were incurred (not in the
extent that they are connected with income from
year paid) subject to Sec. 24(C)(5). If the taxpayer elects
sources w/in.
said option, the credits for all subsequent years shall be
taken upon the same basis.
(7) Proof of Credits – The credits shall be allowed only if the be carried over to the first of the 5 years, and any
taxpayer establishes to the Commissioner the following: portion which exceeds the taxable income shall be
deducted in the next of the remaining 4 years.
(a) Total income derived from sources without;
(b) Income derived from each country, the tax paid or (4) Capital Losses –
incurred and claimed as credit,
(c) All other info necessary for verification and (a) Limitation – Losses from sales or exchanges of
computation of credits capital assets shall be allowed only to the extent
provided in Section 39 (Capital Gains and Losses);
(b) Securities becoming worthless:
(1) In General: Losses actually sustained during the taxable
year NOT compensated by insurance or other forms of  Securities – shares of stock, rights to subscribe or to
indemnity shall be allowed as deductions: receive such shares.

(a) If incurred in trade, profession, or business; Includes bonds, debentures, notes, certificates,
other evidence of indebtedness issued by a
(b) Property connected with trade, profession, or corporation, including those issued by the gov’t
business, if loss arises from fires, storms, shipwreck, or (Sec. 22(T))
other casualties, or from robbery, theft, or
embezzlement.  If securities become worthless during the taxable
year and are capital assets, the loss shall be
 Secretary is authorized to promulgate rules and considered as a loss from the sale or exchange, on
regulations prescribing, among other things, the the last day of such taxable year, of capital assets.
time and manner of submission of declaration of
loss sustained: PROVIDED, the time limit shall not be (5) Losses from Wash Sales –
less than 30 days nor more than 90 days from date
of discovery of loss.  Sec. 38:
(a) Loss claimed to have been sustained from sale or
(c) No loss shall be deducted if at the time of filing of disposition of shares or securities where it appears
the return such loss has been claimed as a that within a period beginning 30 days before and
deduction for estate tax purposes in the estate tax ending 30 days after such sale, the taxpayer has
return. acquired or entered into a contract or option to
acquire substantially the identical stock or securities,
(2) Proof of Loss – In the case of a nonresident alien or then NO DEDUCTION for the loss shall be allowed.
foreign corporation, the losses deductible shall be EXCEPTION: when loss is claimed by a dealer in stock
those actually sustained during the year incurred in w/ respect to a transaction made in the ordinary
business, trade, or exercise of a profession conducted course of business.
within the Philippines
(b) If the amount of stock or securities acquired is LESS
(3) Net Operating Loss Carry-over: than that sold or disposed, then the particular shares
or securities, the loss from the sale of which is not
 means the excess of allowable deductions over the deductible, shall be determined under the rules and
gross income of the business in a taxable year. regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Finance.

 The net operating loss for any taxable year immediately

(c) If the amount of stock or securities acquired is NOT
preceding the current taxable year, which had not
LESS than that sold or disposed, then the particular
been previously offset as a deduction shall be carried
shares or securities, the acquisition of which resulted
over as a deduction from gross income for the next
in the non-deductibility of the loss, shall be
three (3) years: PROVIDED, any net losss incurred in a
determined under the rules and regulations
taxable year during which the taxpayer was exempt
prescribed by the Secretary of Finance.
from tax shall NOT be deductible; PROVIDED FURTHER,
net operating loss carry-over shall be allowed ONLY if
(6) Wagering Losses – allowed only to the extent of the
there has been no substantial change in the ownership
gains from such transactions. Thus, if there are no
of the business or enterprise in that:
wagering gains, wagering losses cannot be deducted.
(i) If a corporation, NOT LESS THAN 75% in nominal value
of outstanding issued shares is held by or on behalf (7) Abandonment Losses –
of the same persons; OR
(ii) NOT LESS THAN 75% of the paid up capital is held by (a) When petroleum operations undertaken in an area
or on the behalf of the same persons are partially or wholly abandoned, all accumulated
exploration and development expenditures
pertaining thereto shall be allowed as a deduction.
 For mines other than oil and gas wells, a net loss
In all cases, notices of abandonment shall be filed
incurred during any of the first 10 years may be carried
over as a deduction for the next 5 years immediately w/ the Commissioner.
following the year of loss. The entire amount of loss shall
(b) In case a producing well is abandoned, the current value and the product is the allowance for
unamortized costs of equipment, as well as the depreciation;
undepreciated costs of equipment directly used  The amount of the allowance for depreciation is then
therein shall be allowed as a deduction in the year deducted from the current value of the property to
such well is abandoned. PROVIDED, in case the well arrive at the depreciated value, which shall be the
is reentered or the equipment is restored into basis for the determination of the depreciation
service, the said costs shall be included as part of allowance for the next year;
the gross income in the year of resumption or  At the final year of the estimated useful life, the
restoration. depreciation allowance shall be equal to the entire
current depreciated value of the property.
(1) In General – Debts due to the taxpayer actually Value of property = 100,000.00 with estimated useful
ascertained and charged off within the taxable year life of 5 years.
EXCEPT those not connected with profession, trade, or
business, and those entered between: Straight-Line Method Rate = 1 / (Estimated Useful Life)
1) Members of the Family – shall include brothers/sisters = 1/5 or 20%
(full/half-blood), spouse, ancestors, and lineal
descendants; Declining Balance Rate – fixed rate not exceeding
2) An Individual and a Corporation – where more than twice the Straight Line Method Rate: eg. 40%
50% of the outstanding stock is owned by the
individual; Year 1: 100,000.00 x 40% = 40,000.00
3) Between Two (2) Corporations – where more than Year 2: 60,000.00 x 40% = 24,000.00
50% of the outstanding stock of each corp. is owned, Year 3: 36,000.00 x 40% = 14,400.00
directly/indirectly, by or for the same individual, if Year 4: 21,600.00 x 40% = 8,640.00
either one of the corporation is a personal holding Year 5: 12,960.00;
company or a foreign personal holding company;
4) Between the Grantor and a Fiduciary of any Trust; (c) Sum-of-the-Years-Digit Method:
5) Between the Fiduciaries of Different Trusts Granted by
the same individual;  Rate = Remaining Years / Sum of the Years;
6) Between the Fiduciary and the Beneficiary of a Trust;
(Sec. 26(B)) Example:
Estimated useful life is 4 years;
 PROVIDED, recovery of bad debts previously deducted Rate = Remaining years / 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = Years / 10
in the preceding years shall be included as part of the Therefore, depreciation allowance is computed as
gross income in the year of recovery to the extent of follows:
the income tax benefit of said deduction. Year 1: (4/10) x Value of Property
Year 2: (3/10) x Value of Property
(2) Securities becoming worthless – only in the case of a Year 3: (2/10) x Value of Property
taxpayer other than a bank or trust company Year 4: (1/10) x Value of Property
incorporated under Philippine laws, a substantial part of
whose business is the receipt of deposits. (3) Agreement as to Useful Life on Which Depreciation is
Based – When the taxpayer and Commissioner shall
F. DEPRECIATION: agree in writing specifically dealing with the useful life
and rate of depreciation of any property, the rate so
(1) General Rule – There shall be allowed as a depreciation agreed upon shall be binding on both the taxpayer
deduction a reasonable allowance for the exhaustion, and the gov’t in the absence of facts and
wear and tear of property used in the trade or business. circumstances not taken into consideration during the
adoption of such agreement.
(2) Use of Certain Methods and Rates:
 The responsibility to establish existence of facts and
(a) Straight-Line Method: circumstances shall rest with the party initiating
modification. Any change in the rate and useful life
 Allowance for depreciation is constant; shall not be effective for taxable years prior to the year
when change is initiated:
Deduction = Cost – Salvage or Scrap Value
Estimated Useful Life  PROVIDED, however, where the taxpayer has adopted
such useful life and depreciation rate for any asset
(b) Declining Balance Method: without any written objection on the part of the
Commissioner, the aforesaid useful life or rate shall be
 Scrap value is neglected; by the end of the binding.
estimated useful life of the property, its value shall be
equal to zero.
 Uses a fixed rate not exceeding twice the rate for the
straight line method; such rate is multiplied to the
(4) Depreciation of Properties used in Petroleum Operations:  LIMITATION: NOT to exceed 10% in the case of an
individual, and 5% in the case of a corporation, of the
 Allowance for depreciation shall be allowed under the taxpayer’s taxable income as computed prior to the
straight-line or declining balance method at the option deduction of contributions
of the service contractor.
 If the contractor initially elects the declining balance (2) Contributions Deductible in Full:
method, it may at any subsequent time shift to the
straight line method. (a) Donations to the Gov’t – including fully-owned
 Useful life = 10 years, or such shorter life as may be government corporations, exclusively to finance or
permitted by the Commissioner. to be used in priority activities in education, health,
 Properties NOT USED DIRECTLY in the production of youth and sports development, human settlements,
petroleum shall be depreciated under the straight-line science and culture, and economic development
method with an estimated useful life of 5 years. according to the NEDA National Priority Plan;
otherwise, it is subject to limitations.
(5) Depreciation of Properties used in Mining Operations –
other than petroleum shall be computed as follows: (b) Donations to Certain Foreign Institutions or
International Organizations – which are fully
 At the normal rate of depreciation if the expected life is deductible pursuant to agreements, treaties, or
10 years or less; or commitments entered into by the Gov’t and
 Depreciated over any number of years between 5 institutions or organizations.
years and the expected life if the latter is more than 10
(c) Donations to Accredited NGOs – defined as non-
profit domestic corporations:
(6) Depreciation Deductible by Nonresident Aliens Engaged
in Trade or Business or Resident Foreign Corporations –
reasonable allowance for depreciation shall be 1. Organized/operated EXCLUSIVELY for scientific,
allowed only when the property is located in the research, educational, youth and sports
Philippines. development, health, social welfare, cultural, or
charitable purposes, no part of the net income of
G. DEPLETION OF OIL AND GAS WELLS AND MINES: which inures to the benefit of any private
(1) In General – reasonable allowance for depletion or 2. The contribution is utilized not later than the 15th
amortization computed in accordance with the cost- day of the third month after the close of the
depletion method shall be granted; NGO’s taxable year, unless the period is
extended by the Secretary.
PROVIDED, when the allowance shall equal the capital
investment, no further allowance shall be granted; “Utilization” means expenses made to
accomplish one or more of the purposes for
PROVIDED, further, after production in commercial which the NGO was created, or for the
quantities has commenced, intangible exploration and acquisition of properties used directly in carrying
drilling costs: (a) shall be deductible in the year out said purposes.
incurred if such for non-producing wells; or (b) shall be 3. The NGO’s administrative expenses shall not
deductible in full in the year paid or incurred or, at the exceed 30% of its total expenses.
option of the taxpayer, may be capitalized and 4. In case of dissolution of the NGO, the assets
amortized if such expenditures are for producing wells should be distributed to another non-profit
in the same contract area. domestic corporation organized for similar
purpose, or to the state for public purpose, or to
 Depletion of Oil and Gas Wells and Mines Deductible another organization in the discretion of the
by a Nonresident Alien or Foreign Corporation – court.
allowed only for depletion of oil and gas wells located
within the Philippines. (3) Valuation: The amount deductible for contributions
other than money shall be based on the cost of
H. CHARITABLE AND OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS: acquisition of the property, not FMV.

(1) In General – deductions allowed for contributions or gifts I. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT:
to or for the use of the gov’t or any of its agencies,
political subdivisions, exclusively for public purposes, or (1) In General: Expenses for R&D may be treated as
to accredited domestic corporations or associations ordinary and necessary expenses not chargeable to a
organized and operated exclusively for religious, capital account, allowed as a deduction during the
charitable, scientific, youth and sports development, taxable year paid or incurred.
cultural or educational purposes, or for the rehabilitation
of veterans, or to social welfare institutions, or to NGOs (2) Amortization of Certain R&D Expenses: At the option of
no part of the net income of the recipient inures to the the taxpayer, the following R&D expenses may be
benefit of any private shareholder or individual; treated as deferred expenses:
(a) Those paid or incurred in connection with trade,  In the case of married taxpayers where only one
business, or profession; derives gross income, only the said spouse shall be
(b) Those NOT treated as expenses under Sec. 34(I)(1); allowed the exemption.
(c) Those chargeable to capital account but not
chargeable to property subject to depreciation or (B) Additional Exemptions – There shall be allowed an
depletion. additional exemption of P25,000.00 for each
 The deferred expenses shall be allowed as dependent not exceeding 4.
deductions ratably distributed over a period NOT LESS  Additional exemptions may be claimed by only one
THAN 60 MONTHS. of the spouses in case of married individuals;
 For legally separated spouses, additional exemptions
(3) Limitations – The ff. are not deductible as R&D expenses: shall be claimed by the spouse who has custody of
(a) Expenditures for the acquisition or improvement of the dependents; PROVIDED, the total amount of
land or property used in connection with R&D subject exemptions shall not exceed P100,000.00
to depreciation and depletion.
(b) Expenditures for ascertaining the existence, location, (C) Change of Status:
extent, or quality of ores, minerals, including oil or gas.  In case of marriage or increase in dependents, the
taxpayer may claim the corresponding personal and
J. PENSION TRUSTS: additional exemptions in full for such year.
 In case of death of the taxpayer, the estate may
 In addition to contributions deducted under Sec. claim the personal and additional exemptions in full
34(A)(1), a reasonable amount paid into such trust shall for such year.
be deductible if:  In case a dependent dies, marries, or turns 21, or
(1) Such amount has not been previously deducted; AND becomes gainfully employed, the taxpayer may still
(2) Such amount is apportioned in equal portions over a claim the additional exemptions in full for year.
period 10 consecutive years beginning in the year of
payment. (D) Personal Exemption Allowable to Nonresident Alien
Individual – A nonresident alien engaged in trade or
K. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR DEDUCTIBILITY OF business, or in the exercise of a profession in the
CERTAIN PAYMENTS: Philippines shall be entitled to personal exemption
equal to the exemptions allowed to Filipinos in the
Any amount paid or payable which is deductible shall may alien’s country; but NOT TO EXCEED the exemptions
be allowed ONLY if it is shown that the tax required to be allowed to citizens and resident in the Philippines.
deducted or withheld therefrom has been paid to the BIR.
(A) General Rule – The ff. are not deductible:
 In lieu of all deductions, an individual other than a non- (1) Personal, living, and family expenses;
resident alien, domestic corporations, and resident (2) Amounts paid for new buildings or permanent
foreign corporations not subject to special tax treatment, improvements made to increase the value of any
may elect a standard deduction of 40% of the gross sales property or estate;
or receipts, or gross income. (3) Expenses in restoring property or in making good the
 The taxpayer MUST signify in the return of the intention to exhaustion thereof;
elect the OSD, such election when made shall be (4) Premiums on any life insurance covering the life of an
irrevocable for the taxable year then the return is made officer or employee when the taxpayer is directly or
indirectly a beneficiary under such policy;
HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE OF AN INDIVIDUAL TAXPAYER: (B) Losses from Sales or Exchanges of Property – No losses
shall be deductible in the following sales or exchanges
 Premiums NOT TO EXCEED P2,400.00 a year per family between:
paid during the taxable year for health and/or (1) Members of the Family – shall include brothers/sisters
hospitalization insurance by the taxpayer for himself and (full/half-blood), spouse, ancestors, and lineal
his family shall be allowed as a deduction. descendants;
 PROVIDED, the family has a gross income of NOT MORE (2) An Individual and a Corporation – where more than
THAN P250,000.00. 50% of the outstanding stock is owned by the
 PROVIDED, further, that in the case of married taxpayers, individual;
the spouse claiming the additional exemption for (3) Between Two (2) Corporations – where more than
dependents shall be entitled to this deduction. 50% of the outstanding stock of each corp. is
owned, directly/indirectly, by or for the same
SEC. 35. ALLOWANCE FOR PERSONAL EXEMPTION FOR individual, if either one of the corporation is a
INDIVIDUAL TAXPAYER personal holding company or a foreign personal
holding company;
(A) In General – There shall be allowed a basic personal (4) Between the Grantor and a Fiduciary of any Trust;
exemption of P50,000.00 for every individual taxpayer; (5) Between the Fiduciaries of Different Trusts Granted
by the same individual;
(6) Between the Fiduciary and the Beneficiary of a Trust;
(B) Percentage Taken into Account – in the case of a
SEC. 37. SPECIAL PROVISIONS REGARDING INCOME AND taxpayer other than a corp, the ff. rules shall apply:
DEDUCTIONS OF INSURANCE COMPANIES, DOMESTIC OR 1. If property has been held for not more than 12 mos,
FOREIGN 100% of the gain or loss shall be taken into
(A) Special Deductions – Net additions required by law to 2. If property has been held for more than 12 mos,
reserve funds and the sums other than dividends paid only 50% of the gain or loss shall be considered.
on policy and annuity contracts may be deductible;
PROVIDED, released reserve funds shall be treated as (C) Limitation on Capital Losses – Losses from sales or
income; exchanges of capital assets shall be allowed only to
(B) Mutual Insurance Companies – Such portions of the the extent of the gains from such sales or exchanges.
premium deposits returned to the policy holders shall
be deductible; (D) Net Capital Loss Carry-Over – If any taxpayer, other
(C) Mutual Marine Insurance Companies – Amounts repaid than a corporation, sustains in any taxable year a net
to policy holders on account of premiums previously capital loss, such loss shall be treated in the succeeding
paid by them and the interest thereon. taxable year as a loss from the sale or exchange of
(D) Assessment Insurance Companies – Actual deposits of capital asset held for not more than 12 mos.,
sums with the officers of the gov’t pursuant to law as
additions to guarantee or reserve funds are deductible.  100% of the capital loss carry-over shall be treated
as a loss in the succeeding taxable year
(a) Loss claimed to have been sustained from sale or OF GAIN OR LOSS
disposition of shares or securities where it appears that
within a period beginning 30 days before and ending (A) Computation of Gain or Loss –
30 days after such sale, the taxpayer has acquired or  Gain: excess of the amount realized over the basis or
entered into a contract or option to acquire adjusted basis
substantially the identical stock or securities, then NO  Loss: excess of the basis or adjusted basis over the
DEDUCTION for the loss shall be allowed. EXCEPTION: amount realized
when loss is claimed by a dealer in stock w/ respect to  Amount Realized: the sum of money PLUS FMV of
a transaction made in the ordinary course of business. property received in exchange for the property sold
or disposed
(b) If the amount of stock or securities acquired is LESS than
that sold or disposed, then the particular shares or (B) Basis for Determining Gain or Loss –
securities, the loss from the sale of which is not (1) The COST thereof if such property was acquired by
deductible, shall be determined under the rules and purchase;
regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Finance. (2) FMV as of date of acquisition if by inheritance;
(3) If acquired as a gift: same as the basis of the last
owner who acquired it not as a gift; EXCEPT if the
(c) If the amount of stock or securities acquired is NOT LESS FMV at the time it was given as gift is lower, then
than that sold or disposed, then the particular shares or the basis shall be the FMV;
securities, the acquisition of which resulted in the non- (4) If the property was acquired for less than an
deductibility of the loss, shall be determined under the adequate consideration, the basis shall be the
rules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of amount paid;
(C) Exchange of Property –
SEC. 39. CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES (1) General Rule: Upon the sale or exchange of
property, he entire amount of the gain or loss shall
(A) Definitions: be recognized.
1. Capital Assets – property held by the taxpayer, (2) EXCEPTIONS: No gain or loss shall be recognized if in
whether or not connected with his trade or pursuance of a plan of merger or consolidation:
business, but DOES NOT INCLUDE: (a) A CORPORATION exchanges property solely for
 Stock in trade; stock in another corporation, where BOTH are
 Property which would be included in the inventory party to a merger or consolidation;
in on hand at the close of the taxable year; (b) A SHAREHOLDER exchanges stock in a
 Property held primarily for sale in the ordinary corporation solely for stock of another
course of business OR used in the trade or business, corporation, where BOTH are party to a merger
which are subject to depreciation; or or consolidation;
 Real property used in trade or business (c) A SECURITY HOLDER of a corporation
exchanges such securities solely for stock OR
2. Net Capital Gain – excess of the gains from sales of securities in another corporation, where BOTH
capital assets over the losses are party to a merger or consolidation;
3. Net Capital Loss – excess of the losses from sales or
exchange of capital assets over the gains  NO GAIN OR LOSS shall be recognized if property
is transferred to a corporation in exchange for
stock, as a result of which, the transferor, alone or  Calendar to Fiscal Year – for the period between
together with others not exceeding 4 persons, close of the last calendar year and the date
gains control of the corporation. designated as the close of the fiscal year.
(3) Exchange Not Solely in Kind:  Fiscal Year to Another Fiscal Year – for the period
(a) If an individual, a shareholder, a security holder between the close of the former fiscal year and the
receives not only stock or securities but also date designated as the close of the new fiscal year
money and/or property, THE GAIN, IF ANY, BUT
NOT THE LOSS shall be recognized but in an SEC. 48. ACCOUNTING FOR LONG-TERM CONTRACTS
amount NOT in excess of the sum of money  “Long-Term Contracts” – means building, installation or
and FMV of the property received. construction contracts covering a period in excess of one
(b) If the transferor corporation receives not only (1) year.
stock but also money and/or property, then (i)  Persons whose gross income is derived in whole or in part
of the corporation distributes the money or from such contracts shall report such income upon the
property in pursuance to a plan of merger or basis of percentage of completion.
consolidation, no gain shall be recognized; but
(ii) if the corporation does not distribute it, THE SEC. 49. INSTALLMENT BASIS
GAIN, IF ANY, BUT NOT THE LOSS shall be (A) Sales of Dealers in Personal Property – A person who
recognized but in an amount NOT in excess of regularly sells personal property on instalment may
the sum of money and FMV of the property return as income in any taxable year that proportion of
received. the instalment payments actually received in that year,
which the gross profit to be realized when payment is
X---------------------------------------------X completed, bears to the total contract price.

CHAPTER VIII (B) Sales of Realty and Casual Sales of Personalty – In the
ACCOUNTING PERIODS AND casual sale or casual disposition of personalty for a
METHODS OF ACCOUNTING price exceeding Php1,000.00 or sale of real property, if
initial payments do not exceed 25% of the selling price,
SEC. 43. GENERAL RULE (Accounting Periods) the income may be returned on the basis and in the
 Taxable income shall be computed on the basis of the manner prescribed in Sec. 49(A).
taxpayer’s annual accounting period in accordance with
the method of accounting regularly employed. (C) Sales of Real Property Considered as Capital Assets by
 Accounting period may be: Individuals – The individual may pay the capital gains
o Calendar Year – January 1 to December 31 tax in instalments.
o Fiscal Year – a period of 12 months ending on the last
day of any month other than December (D) Change from Accrual to Installment Basis –


 All items of gross income shall be included in the taxable SEC. 50. ALLOCATION OF INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS
year received, unless it is permitted to be accounted for  In the case of 2 or more organizations owned or
as of different accounting period. controlled by the same interests, the Commissioner is
authorized to distribute, apportion, or allocate gross
SEC. 45. PERIOD FOR WHICH DEDUCTIONS AND CREDITS income or deductions between or among such
TAKEN organizations if such is necessary to prevent evasion of
 The deductions allowed shall be taken for the taxable taxes or clearly reflect the income of such organizations.
year in which “paid or incurred” or “paid or accrued”
unless in order to clearly reflect the income, the CHAPTER IX
deductions should be taken as of a different accounting RETURNS AND PAYMENT OF TAX
 If a taxpayer, OTHER THAN AN INDIVIDUAL, changes its (1) The following are required to file an income tax
accounting period, the net income shall be computed return (Sec. 51 (4) ITR filed shall be in duplicate):
on the basis of the new accounting period subject to the (a) Resident citizens;
provisions of Sec. 47. (b) Non-resident citizens on income from sources
SEC. 47. FINAL OR ADJUSTMENT RETURNS FOR A PERIOD OF (c) Resident aliens on income from sources within;
LESS THAN 12 MONTHS (d) Non-resident aliens engaged in business or
(A) Returns for Short Period Resulting from Change of trade in the Philippines.
Accounting Period – A separate final or adjustment (2) The following shall NOT be required to file an
return shall be made as follows: income tax return:
 Fiscal to Calendar Year – for the period between the (a) Individual whose gross income does exceed his
close of the last fiscal year and the following total personal and additional exemptions;
December 31. (b) Purely compensation earners, when income
tax thereon has been correctly withheld.
EXCEPT an individual deriving compensation SEC. 54. RETURNS OF RECEIVERS, TRUSTEES IN BANKRUPTCY
concurrently from 2 or more employers at any OR ASSIGNEES
time within the taxable year.  Where there are receivers, trustees in bankruptcy or
(c) Individual whose sole income has been assignees operating the property or business of a
subjected to final withholding tax; corporation, such receivers, trustees, or assignees shall
(d) Minimum wage earner make returns as and for such corporation and any tax
(3) Nevertheless, those not required to file ITRs may be due shall be assessed and collected as if assessed
required to file information returns. directly against the corporation/organization.


 Authorized agent bank;  Every GPP shall file in duplicate, a return of its income,
 Revenue District Officer; setting forth the items of gross income, allowable
 Collection Agent; deductions, and the names, TIN, addresses, and shares of
 Duly Authorized Treasurer of the city/municipality in each partner.
which the individual has his legal residence or
principal place of business. SEC. 56. PAYMENT AND ASSESSMENT OF ONCOME TAX FOR
 Or if there be no legal residence of principal place of INDIVIDUALS AND CORPORATIONS
business within Phil., with the Office of the (A) Payment of Tax –
Commissioner. (1) General Rule – The total amount of tax imposed
(C) When to File – shall be paid by the person subject thereto at the
(1) On or before 15th day of April of each year. time the return is filed.
(2) As to tax on capital gains: (2) Installment Payment – When tax due exceeds
(a) Shares of stock not traded in local stock Php2,000.00¸ the taxpayer OTHER THAN A
exchange – within 30 days after each CORPORATION may pay the tax in 2 equal
transaction AND a final consolidated return on installments, the first installment shall be paid upon
or before April 15 the filing of the return, the second installment shall
(b) Real Property – within 30 days following each be paid on or before July 15 following the close of
sale. the calendar year.
(3) Payment of Capital Gains Tax – Payment shall be
(D) Husband and Wife – Married individuals who DO NOT made at the time of filing of the return;
derive income from purely compensation shall file a PROVIDED, if the seller submits proof of intention to
return to include income of both spouses. BUT WHERE IT avail of exemption, no payments shall be required;
IS IMPRACTICABLE, each spouse may file separate
returns but such shall be consolidated. PROVIDED, FURTHER, if case the taxpayer fails to
qualify, the tax due shall immediately become due
SEC. 52. CORPORATE RETURNS and payable subject to penalties;
(A) Every corporation subject to tax shall file in duplicate a
true and accurate quarterly income tax return and final PROVIDED, FINALLY, if the seller has paid the tax
or adjustment return. The return shall be filed by the due then submits such proof of intent within 6
Pres, VP, or other principal officer, such return shall be months from registration of the document
sworn to by such officer and the treas. or asst. treas. transferring the property, he shall be entitled to a
refund upon verification of his compliance with the
(B) Taxable Year – May either be calendar or fiscal year: requirements for exemption.
Provided, the corporation may not change its
accounting period without prior approval. (B) Assessment and Payment of Deficiency Tax – The
Commissioner shall examine and assess the correct
(C) Return of Corporation Contemplating Dissolution or amount of the tax. The tax or deficiency so discovered
Reorganization – Every corporation shall, within 30 days shall be paid upon notice and demand.
after the adoption of a resolution or plan for dissolution,
render a correct return to the Commissioner under Deficiency is:
oath. 1. The amount by which the tax due exceeds the
amount as shown in the return.
The dissolving corporation shall, prior to the issuance of 2. Or if no amount is shown in the return or no return is
a Certificate of Dissolution, secure a certificate of tax filed, the amount by which the tax due exceeds
clearance from the BIR. the tax previously assessed or collected.


(D) Return on Capital Gains Realized from Sale of Shares of
(A) The final tax on passive income shall be withheld by the
Stock not Traded in the LSE – file a return within 30 days
payor-corporation and/or person and be paid
after each transaction and a final consolidated return
pursuant to Sec. 58.
of all transactions on or before the 15th day of the 4th
(B) The Secretary may require the withholding of creditable
month following the close of the taxable year.
tax on the items of income payable to natural or
juridical persons. Ex: Income tax on salaries
(E) The Commissioner may, in meritorious cases, grant a
reasonable extension of time for the filing of returns.
(A) Quarterly Returns and Payments of Taxes – Taxes
deducted and withheld by withholding agents shall be
covered by a return and paid to:
 Authorized agent bank;
 Revenue District Officer;
 Collection Agent;
 Duly Authorized Treasurer of the city/municipality in
which the withholding agent has his legal residence
or principal place of business, OR if the withholding
agent be a corporation, where the principal office is

Taxes deducted and withheld shall be held in trust by

the withholding agent for the government.

The return for final withholding tax shall be filed and the
payment made within 25 days from the close of each
calendar quarter, while return for creditable
withholding tax shall be filed and payment made not
later than the last day of the month following the close
of the quarter during which withholding was made.

(B) Statement of Income Payments Made and Taxes

Withheld – every withholding agent shall furnish each
recipient a written statement showing the income or
other payments made by the withholding agent during
the quarter or year, and the amount of tax withheld
simultaneously upon payment at the request of the
payee, but not later than:
 20th day following the close of the quarter for
corporate payees;
 March 1 of the following year for creditable
withholding taxes of individual payees; and
 January 31 of the succeeding year for final
withholding taxes.

(C) Annual Information Return – Every withholding agent

shall submit to the Commissioner an annual information
return containing the list of payees, payments, amounts
withheld, and other pertinent information on or before:
 March 1 of the following year for creditable
withholding taxes of individual payees; and
 January 31 of the succeeding year for final
withholding taxes.

(D) Income of Recepient – Income upon which creditable

tax has been withheld shall be included in the return of
the recipient but the excess of the amount of tax
withheld over the tax due on his return shall be
refunded to him. If the tax withheld is less than the tax
due, the deficiency shall be paid upon notice and

(E) No document transferring property shall be registered

by the ROD unless the Commissioner or his authorized
representative has certified that such transfer has been
reported and the capital gains or creditable
withholding tax, if any, has been paid.

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