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Dr. Fritz TOM. My name is Tom Sanders.

At the hotel I talked to

By David Ives this man, Pedro. . . Pedro said come here and ask for Dr.
MARIA is sitting behind a crude plank table made from an old
MARIA. Pedro the doorman or Pedro the cook?
door. TOM enters, bent over at the waist, holding his side and
gasping in pain. TOM. Pedro the cook.

TOM. Eugh. Eugh. Eugh. MARIA. He’s so nice. You want to buy a souveniers?

MARIA. Bendio, sinhors! Comari ta? How you are TOM. No, Thank you. Now, about Dr. Fritz?
feeling todays?
MARIA. Ah, Dr. Fritz can cure everything. Broken bone,
TOM. Eugh. bullet hole, burn, amputation, housemaid's knee.

MARIA. You want to buy a souvenirs? One of a kinds! TOM. But—

TOM. Eugh. I'm looking for Dr. Fritz. MARIA. Terminal diseases is more difficult.

MARIA. Ah, Dr. Fritz can cure everything. You have a TOM. But—
MARIA. This is why they are called terminal.
TOM. No. Poison.
TOM. But-doesn't the sign say "BUTCHER"?
MARIA. You have been poisoned? Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk.
MARIA. Oh! You speak the languages so good.
TOM. Food poisoning.
TOM. Eugh.
MARIA. Oh, the food poisonings. But no troothache? I
was foretold of a man named Pablo corning with a MARIA. Now this is the souvenir shop of Maria and the
troothache. offices of Dr. Fritz.

TOM. I'm not Pablo. TOM. (pain) Jesus Christ. . . ! Is he here?

MARIA. This is why you have no troothache. MARIA. Jesus are everywhere.

TOM. Dr. Fritz!

MARIA. Oh, Dr. Fritz. MARIA. No?

TOM. Wait a minute. You're not Dr. Fritz. . . ? TOM. No. I just want to die.

MARIA. I am the assistant of Dr. Fritz. (laughs madly; MARIA. No, no, no, no, sinhors. Don't you see, the
then calm again) At the moment. world are a great battle between the forces of the light,
and the forces of the darkness. You must always stay on
TOM. Oh God... the side of the forces of light.

MARIA. Good! You believe in God. TOM. I need a doctor!

TOM. No I don't believe in God. MARIA. (picks up the doll and speaks into it) Bonjour. Si. Si.
Si. Si. No. Ciao. (“hangs up”) This was God. He say you
MARIA. But sinhors, you called on God, you said, “Oh should believe in him.
God, oh God.”
TOM. Where is he?
TOM. It was a figure of speech, okay? Look…
MARIA. God? Upstairs.
MARIA. Where?
TOM. Dr.Fritz. Can I talk to DR.FRITZ! PLEASE?
TOM. Listen…
MARIA. Of course you can talk to Dr.Fritz.
MARIA. I hear nothings…
TOM. Ok, so where is he?
TOM. Just PAY ATTENTION, PLEASE. If I die, tell them MARIA. You want to make an appointment?
TOM. …I'm getting out of here. (starts out, but is stopped
MARIA. We all will die, sinhors—God willing. by pain) Eugh.

TOM. Last night I ate supper at the hotel. Middle of the MARIA. Ah, but where will you go, sinhors? And how
night I thought I was going to die. will you get there in your present conditions? [Tom sinks
down and lies on the floor.]
MARIA. You know I think this every day, but here I am.
God willing. TOM. So this is where I'm going to die. I'm going to die
here, I'm going to die here.
TOM. Maria. I don't want Dr. Fritz anymore.
DR. FRITZ. (German accent) Quiet! You miserable dog! DR. FRITZ. “I can't get up!” You people. Too much of ze
You spineless beast!" French fries mit ketchup zum Golden Arches von dieses
McDonald's. Sit on the table! Sitzen! Schnell! Schnell!
TOM. What...? (looks in each of Tom’s eyes quickly) Zoo You haffze
conztipation zometimes, ja?
DR. FRITZ. Shut up, you confounded worm! Or else
die! Go ahead! Die! What does it matter to me? TOM. I do have the constipation sometimes.

TOM. What's going on here. . . ? DR. FRITZ. Und zometimes maybe you get a little
prickly shtinging pain just behind ze Ellenbogen, hier,
DR. FRITZ. "I am dying, I am dying!" Ja, ja, perhaps you hmm?
are dying. If I can shtop this dying I vill shtop it. I am not
a magician. I am a physician. But you must listen, ja? You TOM. I do get a little prickly pain right there.
are listening? Ja?
DR. FRITZ. Und you haff ze very ugly dandruff. You
TOM. Ja. must use Head und Shoulders. Giff me your hand!
Schnell! (takes Tom’s hand and feels the pulse) Your pulse is
DR. FRITZ. JA? normal.

TOM. Ja! TOM. You're not wearing a watch.

DR. FRITZ. Gut. I am Dr. Fritz Ringsvwant'l. DR. FRITZ. Your eyesight is excellent. Open your
mouth. Stick out your tongue. Go like this. (He makes a
TOM. Dr. Rings... raspberry. Tom does too.) No, like this. (Another raspberry.
Tom does too.) Better. Now put your fingers in your ears.
DR. FRITZ. Vwant’l. Can you hear me?
TOM. Vandel.
TOM. What?
DR. FRITZ. Vwant’l.
DR. FRITZ. Good. (slaps him on the top of the head)
TOM. Vandel.
TOM. Ow!
DR. FRITZ. Just Dr. Fritz, ok? So stand up on your
footshies. DR. FRITZ. Zis Hurts?

TOM. I-I can't. . . TOM. Yes it hurts!

toast mit raspberry shmier for breakfast, ze garbage fast
DR. FRITZ. A good sign. food for lunch, maybe ze wiener made from pig balls or a
slice of Scheisse you call pizza. At ze nighttimes you eat
TOM. Aren’t you going to take my temperature? in a restaurant, sometimes Chinese, sometimes Italian,
you haff ze gnorchis mit mushrooms und ze shmall
DR. FRITZ. You have no fever.
green zalat.
TOM. But I’m shaking!
TOM. Amazing.
DR. FRITZ. Ziss is not fever. Ziss is shaking. Do you luff
me? DR. FRITZ. Ziss is your entire shtupid life.
TOM. No!
TOM. So what's wrong with me?
DR. FRITZ. Vhy not?
DR. FRITZ. I haff no idea. Lie down.
TOM. I don’t even know you!
TOM. How do you know all these things about me?
DR. FRITZ. Good answer.
DR. FRITZ. I am a highly qualified sturgeon.
TOM. Look–


TOM. Are you sure you know what you’re doing? DR. FRITZ. Zympathetic reaction. You vant to buy a
DR. FRITZ. At four you had ze rheumatic fever. Ja?
TOM. No.
TOM. I did have rheumatic fever…
DR. FRITZ. Vun ofa kinds. (DR.FRITZ shakes doll at
DR. FRITZ. At fifteen you had a rash on your buttocks in TOM)
ze shape of Santa Claus. At twenty you had rhinitis,
bronchitis, conjunctivitis, and gonorrhea- a busy year for TOM. NO!
you. At twenty-two you had ze doppel pneumonia and
you thought you were going to die… DR. FRITZ. Your case is not so complicated. You need
an operation.
TOM. Wow.
TOM. An operation…?
DR. FRITZ. VOW indeed. You zleep every day from
12:34 to 7:38 in the morning. You eat usually eggs and DR. FRITZ. Immediately.
TOM. God?Uh...Tell him I’m not here.
TOM. You're kidding. Not here. Not in this town.
DR. FRITZ. It’s god! I think he knows!
DR. FRITZ. You zee another town? (produces some ugly-
looking butcher knives) Unfortunately, I haff no TOM. (takes the doll and speaks into it:) Hello...? Yes, this is
anaesthetic; ziss could be quite painful. (starts sharpening he . . . Fine. Actually, I'm not feeling so fine, I have a pain
one of the knives) in my . . . (realizing the pain is gone:) Well, I thought I had
a pain. . . But you know, it's kind of amazing talking to
TOM. But I'm fine! I'm fine! you like this, so listen, urn, God, while I've got you on
the line-no, no, no, I understand, you've got other things.
DR. FRITZ. Fine? Nein. I just thought I'd get in a few questions. You know-
meaning of life, your general take on things, etcetera. So
TOM. Put that thing down! great. I'll see you later-much later. I hope. Nice talking to
you. 'Bye. (puts the doll down)
DR. FRITZ. Okay. You are fine? Then good. Go. You are
free. I am not a torturer, I am a doctor. So go. Go! MARIA. (Hispanic again, knitting) You are feeling better?
How you are feeling, sinhors?
(Tom gets up, turns and starts to go, but is stopped by a
sudden pain that drops him to his knees.) TOM. I feel fantastic. . . ! I just talked to GOD!

TOM. Eugh. Eugh. Oh God. . . ! MARIA. That so nice. (holds up doll) Souvenirs?

DR. FRITZ. You believe in God? Do you not realize the

place you have come to? The forces arrayed vhich could
crush you like a peanut? (Tom whimpers. Thunderclap.)
You have finished your good works, I hope.

TOM. You know what’s funny?

DR. FRITZ. I’m German. Nahsing is funny! Ugh this

thing has been ringing off ze hook all day. Moshi Moshi?
Si. Ja. Tak. Da. It’s for you.

TOM. For me . . . ?

DR. FRITZ. Ja. God vants to talk to you.

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