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Tales of the Damed: Book Of the


Character Descriptions

Daniel Hawking’s

A 26 year old man with a 23 year old wife named Samantha

Hawking’s has a daughter who’s 5 years of age named Lily
Hawking’s. Now Daniel has green eyes and rugged brown hair that
looks more black then brown because he’s always working out on
his farm...he’s a farmer...he’s body type is that of an average man
in the 1800’s. Daniel’s race is Caucasian.

Samantha Hawkings

She is Daniel’s wife...she does most of the house chores and takes
care of Lily the youngest of child...Samantha is 23 and has long
beautiful blond hair and she has a slim waist line...and she is
beautiful as far as the eye can be...Samantha’s race is Caucasian.
Lily Hawking’s

Age 5 years old...Lily is the daughter of Samantha and Daniel

Hawking’s she is growing up on there farm. She has a mixture
color eyes of both her mother and her father. She has long blond
hair just like her mother...she is also Caucasian.

Bennet Clark

Bennet is a 28 year old man...he has solid black hair and he has a
matching full black beard. He is a sheriff of a small near by town
that’s right by Daniel’s Farm...he and Daniel are best friend’s. His
race is Caucasian.

Colt is 21 years of age...he is an african american...he is a loner...

Walker Campbell

Walker is 35 years in age and the oldest of the guy’s his race is
Native American Indian...he is friend’s with the wild indian’s and
the white folks and does the trades with goods as in trades foods
and supplies to the town and back to the tribes...he is the wisest
of the men.

Elijah Wood

Elijah is 18...he is friend’s with Walker...walker took Elijah under

his wing when he was a young child and taught him everything he
knew...Elijah has dark golden brown hair and the color of his eyes
are amber...Elijah is Caucasian.

Hope Greene
Hope Green is the Town doctor...she has red and violet eyes and
she has reddish blond hair. She is the same age as Daniel 26 years
old...she is also Caucasian.


Chapter 1

It was the beginning of summer in 1863 and there was a decent sized farm
house with a giant field surrounding it. A man walked out of the farm house
front door and that man was Daniel Hawking’s. He took a look around his field
and as he did his wife Samantha Hawking’s from inside the house calls out to

Samantha Hawking’s: where are ya going honey.

as she ask the question Daniel responds.

Daniel Hawking’s: I’m heading into town to deliver the goods...I’ll be back in a
couple of days.

as he said that Samantha replied back.

Samantha Hawking’s: Don’t take to long now...and don’t run into trouble while
your out there...and if you see any indian’s you run.

as she say’s that Daniel replies.

Daniel Hawking’s: will do.

as he say’s that he grab’s an old stationary rifle off of his porch and walks off
it towards his 2 horses that are hooked up to a wagon caring his crops. As he
see’s his horses he pet’s one of them and says.

Daniel Hawking’s: Good girl.

as he say’s this he put’s his rifle in the seat next to him in the front of the
wagon and he steps in the wagon and he pick’s up a wip and he wip’s the
horse’s and say’s.

Daniel Hawking’s: come on let’s go.

as he say’s this he wip’s them a few more times to get them moving and as
they start picking up speed Daniel looks back at his house as the horses race
off towards the direction the town’s in and as he looks at his house he sees
his wife in the door way and her beautiful blond hair. As he sees her he
smile’s at her and she smile’s back. Daniel was riding in his wagon across the
desert making his way to the small town that was nearby his Farm.

As his horses were racing down the dirt road he was looking side to side
holding his rifle and as he was he said to himself.

Daniel Hawking’s: Better not run into any soldier’s fighting in that war while
I’m out here.

as he said that the horses continued to run and as he did they passed the
sign that was for the small town and as he did Daniel glanced at it and the
sign read “Welcome to Hell’s Water”. As Daniel entered the town he slowed
down his wagon and he marched his horses over to the market and he got off
his wagon and he shook hand’s with the person in charge of the market and
the person handed him a bag full of coins and Daniel looked inside it and as
he did he saw that everything was there and as he did he said.
Daniel Hawking’s: thank you.

as he said that the man didn’t answer him and several other men came out of
the market place and started to help the man unload the wagon. As they were
unloading the wagon Daniel was stopped by the sheriff and as he was the
sheriff said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: well if it isn’t Daniel Hawking’s...the man himself as I

live and breath.

as he said that Daniel looked up at the Sheriff who was sitting on his horse
and as the Sheriff saw Daniel he got down from his horse and as he did Daniel

Daniel Hawking’s: well if it isn’t Bennet Clark the sheriff of Hell’s Water...the
man who took out 8 southern’s with 1 pistol...and with out reloading.

as he said that the sheriff smiled and as he did Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: I couldn’t have done that with out your help.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: all I did was distract them...your the one who killed them.

as he said that Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: if you weren’t there I wouldn’t have been able to hold
them off on my have save this town.

as he said that Daniel smirked and said.

Daniel Hawking’s: true.

as he said that the Sheriff smiled and said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: since your in town...while your wagon’s being unloaded
why don’t you have a drink with me.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: come on now Bennet you know I don’t drink...not since we
left school together.
as he said that Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: can’t hold your liquor.

as he said that there was a moment’s silence between the 2 and as there
was Bennet spoke up again and said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: So what are you going to do while your in town.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: is Hope back yet.

As he said that we cut to Hope Green and she’s sitting down at a desk
reading a book and in the room with her are several medical bed’s all filled
with sick people on them all of them have a fever. As she’s reading the book
there’s a knock at her front door and as there is she get’s up and goes to the
door and open’s it slightly and as she does she see’s that it’s Daniel

As she see’s it’s him she smile’s and say’s.

Hope Greene: Welcome Back Mr. Hawking’s.

as she said that Daniel say’s.

Daniel Hawking’s: I should be saying that to you...Dr. Greene.

as he say’s that she smile’s at him and as she does Daniel looks at her and

Daniel Hawking’s: so may I come in.

as he said that Hope say’s.

Hope Greene: No I’m sorry but you can’t.

as she say’s this Daniel say’s.

Daniel Hawking’s: and why can’t I.

as he said that Hope said.

Hope Greene: because I’ve got patient’s with me in here.

as she said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: and.

as he said that Hope said.

Hope Greene: un-treatble.

as she said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: then shouldn’t you not be in there.

as he said that Hope said.

Hope Greene: I didn’t leave home to not become a doctor Mr. Hawking’s...I’m
trying to save these people.

as she said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: well...then...

as he was looking for something to say he looked through the door and saw
the sick people and saw that some of them were very near death and as he
saw that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: well Ms. Greene I hope you find the cure to this disease.

as he said that Hope said.

Hope Greene: thank you Mr. Hawking’s have a safe journey back home.

as she said that she closed the door in his face and as she did Daniel turned
around and he was face to face with an Indian and as he was...he was
startled for a second and as he calmed down he said.

Daniel Hawking’s: Dam it Walker you just can’t sneak up on people like
that...your gonna get shot one of these day’s.

as he said that he looked over at the boy next to Walker and said.

Daniel Hawking’s: hi there Elijah.

as he said that Walker spoke up and said.

Walker Campbell: death is coming for us walks among us...not as a
shadow but as one.
as he said that Daniel looked at Elijah confused and as he did Walker
continued and as he did he said.

Walker Campbell: you end them by getting them in the brain.

as he said that Walker gave Daniel a knife and as he did Walker repated.

Walker Campbell: the brain...remember this warning.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: Ok...Ok...I got it...the brain...the brain.

as he said that Walker walked off with Elijah and as he did the sheriff walked
past Walker and as he did Walker said.
Walker Campbell: sheriff.

as he said that Bennet walked up to Daniel and he saw the knife and as he
did he said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: what the hell was all that about.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: I don’t know he just started saying something about the
dead walking among us not as shadow’s but as one of us and to kill them we
have to stab them in the brain and he handed me a knife I’ve never seen him
use before.

as he said that Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: that’s weird...well anyway’s I came to tell you that your
wagon’s all ready to can go home now.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: thank’s for telling me.

as he said that Daniel put the knife on his belt and as he did he started for his
wagon and as he did Sheriff Bennet Clark said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: Take care now...tell the Misses I said hello.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: will do.

as he said that Daniel was on his wagon making his way home and as he
was...he was riding across the desert again. As he was riding along he looked
out on the open plain’s of the desert and as he looked out he saw something
strange. As he did he raised his eye brow and he saw a small group of people
off in the distance making there way towards Hell water. There couldn’t have
been more then 30 or 40 people but the way they were walking was weird. As
Daniel was watching them he saw that they were walking all slow like almost
like they were drunk and as he was watching them he thought about going up
to them and shook it off and he wiped his horses telling them to go faster and
they did.

Daniel made his way back to his house and he pulled the wagon up to the
barn and he got out of it and he grabbed his rifle as he put the horses away in
the barn for the night. As he was walking to his house he looked out on his
farm and saw the setting sun and he just took in the beautiful sight of the sun
setting for a few seconds before heading towards his house. As he got to his
house he set his gun down by the front door and said.

Daniel Hawking’s: Honey...I’m home.

as he said that Samantha a quiet shrill voice like she was sick.

Samantha Hawking’s: I’m up stairs with Lily.

as she said that Daniel made his way up the stairs to the second floor of his
house and as he did he walked down to his daughter’s room where he found
his wife sick and as he saw her he said.
Daniel Hawking’s: what...what’s the matter...when I left this morning you
were fine.

as he said that Samantha had the back of her hand on her 5 year old
daughter’s for head and as she did she said.

Samantha Hawking’s: I’m fine...I’m’s Lily.

as she said that Daniel stepped closer to his daughter’s bed and as he did he

Daniel Hawking’s: what about Lily...what’s wrong with her...both of you were
fine this morning...what happened between now and when I left.

as he said that Daniel looked over at his daughter which was the spitting
image of his wife and as he saw her...he saw that she had a bandage wrapped
around her wrist and a part of her arm and as he saw it Daniel gestured
towards the bandage and said.

Daniel Hawking’s: what’s that...what happened to my baby girl while I was


as he said that Samantha caughed and after a several second pause she

Samantha Hawking’s: well several hours after you left I was doing some
house work and preparing dinner for when you returned and Lily was playing
outside...and I left to tend to our laundry for several seconds and some drunk
attack her and bit her...all he did was scratch me...that’s why I’m fine.

as she said that Daniel sighed and as he did he said.

Daniel Hawking’s: all that’s important right now is that your both safe...I’ll
take you both to doctor Greene in the morning.

as he said that Samantha looked up at him and said.

Samantha Hawking’s: Doctor Greene?

as she said that Daniel replied.

Daniel Hawking’s: yes...she went away to medical school and now she’s
back...she’s a doctor now.

as he said that there was a silence in the room for several seconds and as
there was Daniel spoke up and said.

Daniel Hawking’s: Now what the both of you need is some rest until I get you
to the doctor’ come on while I get you to our room honey.

as he said that Samantha said.

Samantha Hawking’s:

as she said that Daniel looked at her confused and said.

Daniel Hawking’s: then where are you going to stay for the night.

as he said that Samantha looked at her daughter who was asleep in her bed
and as she did she said.
Samantha Hawking’s: I’m gong to stay with her tonight to make sure she’s all
as she said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: I’ll be right downstair’s if you need anything...and in a few

hours I’ll be up here for the night.

as he said that he walked towards the door and as he did he looked back at
his family and as he did he said.
Daniel Hawking’s: I love you.

as he said that Samantha smiled at him and as she did she said.

Samantha Hawking’s: I love you to.

as she said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: good night.

as he said that he walked downstairs and into the kitchen to eat his supper
as he was eating he pulled out an old journal and flipped through some pages
until he got to some he hasn’t written on yet and as he fond some he pulled
out a writing pen and started to write down in his book and in it he wrote.

Daniel Hawking’s Journal entry

Today after I dropped off my farm goods on my way back home Walker said
something strange to me...he said that the dead are walking among us...and
that the only way to stop them is to get them in there brain. Now he’s a wise
indian and a good trade partner so I didn’t pass him off as crazy but he did
give me a knife that I’m holding onto just in case because old Walker’s never
let me down. But now I’m home and my wife say’s that our daughter was
attacked by some drunk...and now there both sick...something isn’t adding up
here...I’m going to take them to doctor Greene’s in the dangerous
to travel the desert at night...still my mind keep’s going back to what Walker
said to me before I left Hell Water...I guess someday I’ll understand what he
was talking about.

End Journal Entry

Daniel finished writing down in his journal and as he did he closed

it and finished eating his dinner. As he got done he put everything
away and made his way to the front porch and walked over to a
swing and sat down on it. As he did he saw that it was fully night
out now and the moon was full as he looked up at it from the
swing. As he looked around his land he picked up an old banjo that
was on the porch next to the swing and he began to strum a
song...and that song was called “Blue Moon of Kentucky”

Daniel Hawking’s: Blue Moon of Kentucky Keep on Shining

Shine on the one that’s gone and proved untrue
Blue Moon of Kentucky keep on shining
Shine on the one that’s gone and left me blue

As Daniel was singing he didn’t hear the foot steps behind him and
as he didn’t he heard just a floor creak and he stopped singing for
a second but kept strumming the song on the banjo and as he did
he sang.

Daniel Hawking’s: It was on a moonlight night

The Stars were shining bright
and they whispered from on high
your love has said good-by

Blue Moon Of Kentucky Keep on Shining

Shine on the one that’s gone and said good-bye

as Daniel was coming up on his last verse he was interrupted by

his wife and as he was he turned around startled and as he was
he calmed down once he saw it was her and as he saw her she
finished singing the song.

Samantha Hawking’s: Blue Moon of Kentucky keep on Shining

Shine on the one that’s gone and proved
Blue Moon of Kentucky keep on shining

as Samantha was about to finish her sentence Daniel looked her

right in the eyes and got up from the porch swing and set down
the banjo the he walked up to his wife and put his arm’s loveling
around her waist and finished the last line of the song with her.

Daniel Hawking’s: Shine on the one that’s gone and said good-bye.
Samantha Hawking’s: Shine On the one that’s gone and said good-

as they finished the song they looked each other in the eyes and
as they did Daniel could tell his wife looked like hell and as he saw
her Samantha put her hand up to his face and said.

Samantha Hawking’s: that wasn’t the full song...that’s your

favorite song.

as she said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: I know...I wanted to let you sing it with me

that’s why I ended it early...knowing your not feeling well and all.

as he said that Samantha smiled and put her hand up to his face
and he smiled back at her and as he did she said.

Samantha Hawking’s: you always know what to say.

as she said that blood started bleeding from her nose and coming
out of her eyes and as that happened her eyes rolled to the back
of her head and as Daniel saw this he said.
Daniel Hawking’s: No...No...No...No...No...SAMANTHA...SAMANTHA.

as he screamed her name she went into a full on seaziuer and as

she did Daniel said.
Daniel Hawking’s: I don’t know what to do...I don’t know what to

the seaziuer last several minuet’s and after that her body fell limp
on the porch and as it did Daniel leaned over her body and said.

Daniel Hawking’s: Samantha...Samantha.

as he said that he checked her paulse and as he did he didn’t find

one and as he didn’t he checked her heart beat and he didn’t find
that either and as he didn’t he said.

Daniel Hawking’s: SON OF A BITCH.

as he screamed that he heard movement inside his house and he

looked up and he saw his daughter standing in the doorway and as
he did he could barley make her out and as he could he said.

Daniel Hawking’s: sweetie you don’t need to be out

here...mommies very sick I’m going to take her to see doctor
Greene right now so just come back inside with me.

as he said that he made his way for the front door which is where
the daughter was and as he walked into the house he grabbed her
hand and as he did the daughter didn’t budge and as she didn’t
Daniel looked at her and said.

Daniel Hawking’s: Come on let’s get you back to...

as he was about to finish his sentence he was cut short as he saw

his daughter was his daughter but a walking corpse. As he saw
this he stared at it for several seconds and as he did he said.

Daniel Hawking’s: No...No...No...No...No...No...not you to...this can’t

be happening.

as he was saying that he was having flashes about what walker

told him he hell water and as he was walker said that the dead
walked among us and as Daniel looked his daughter right in the
eyes he saw that she wasn’t his daughter any more and he said.

Daniel Hawking’s: my god...Walker was right.

as he said that Daniel reached for his knife that Walker gave to
him and as he pulled it out of it’s sheeth he walked up to his
daughter and he remembered what Walker said and he stabbed his
daughter right at the top of her he did he held his knife
inside his daughter’s head for several second’s and as he did he
Daniel Hawking’s: I’m sorry baby girl.

As he said that he pulled the knife out of her head and his
daughter’s body dropped to the floor it did Daniel looked
at her body and as he did the blood from his knife started to drip
onto the floor. As he was looking at his dead daughter he didn’t
see his wife slowly rise to her feet. And her head faced Daniel’s
direction from the porch and she started making her way slowly
inside the house.

As she did Daniel heard the floors creek and as he did he turned
to the door and he saw his wife...he saw her blood stained eyes
from when she passed just a few minuet’s ago. As he looked his
wife in the eyes he said.

Daniel Hawking’s: Honey...your alive...your...

as he was about to finish his sentence he walked up to his wife

and put a hand to her check and her body was ice cold and as he
felt her for a paulse he didn’t find one and as he did he looked into
her eye’s and he say how milky and life less they were and he held
his wife’s arm’s away from him and as he did he looked at his
daughter’s dead body on the ground and then back at his wife and

Daniel Hawking’s: your not my wife are you.

as he said that his wife growled at him and as she did Daniel was
knocked to the ground as his wife lunged at him. As Daniel feel to
the floor he dropped his knife and as he did he wrestled on the
floor with his wife for several second’s and as he did his wife tried
to bite him several time’s and as she did Daniel looked at her
confused and said.

Daniel Hawking’s: are you trying to bite me.

as he said that his wife leaned in close to his arm and almost got
a good clean bite off his wrist and as she did Daniel kicked his
wife across the room with both of his feet and as he did he looked
at his wrist and said.

Daniel Hawking’s: my god...your not trying to bite me...your trying

to eat me.
as he said that he looked at his wife from across the room as she
was slowing getting up and she was moaning and groaning the
whole time and as she was Daniel looked disgusted and as he did
he looked over the floor for his knife for several seconds and then
he found it by his couch and as he found it he walked up right to it
and picked it up.

As he grabbed it he walked over to his wife who was now on her

feet and as she was he looked at his wife one last time up and
down and then he grabbed her by the top of the head and held her
by her hair and said.

Daniel Hawking’s: I’m sorry my love.

as he said that he stabbed her in the head and he held the knife in
his wife’s head for several long seconds before he pulled it out
and put it in it’s sheeth. As he did Daniel dragged his wife’s body
outside and then his daughter’s and he dragged them out by the
barn and he grabbed a shovel and he started to dig...several hours
passed and he finished digging and burying them both in separate
graves and marking both grave’s with crosses. one cross with his
wife’s name on it and the other with his daughter’s name on it.

When he finished digging the grave’s Daniel walked inside the

house and he walked to the kitchen and he grabbed his strongest
bourbon he had and he drank it from the bottle once he got it.
Then he made his way to his bed room and he got an 1800’s
stationary colt revolver and he loaded it with one bullet in the
chamber and he walked back down to the kitchen.

He began to drink his bourbon and he looked at a picture of his

wife...he had his gun in his hand and he had tear’s in his eyes. He
took another long swig of his bourbon and then he pointed the
barrel of his revolver at his head and he pulled the trigger. And
nothing happened.

As nothing happened Daniel continued to drink and look at the

picture and as he was drinking he got up from the table and
started talking to himself.

Daniel Hawking’s: this is all your fault...if you haven’t left them to
go to town by yourself then they’d still be here...this is all on you.

as he said that he drank from his bourbon again and then aimed
his revolver at his head and as he did he pulled the trigger and
nothing happened. As nothing happened he screamed and flipped
his kitchen table over and threw what was left of his bourbon
against his wall and dropped to his knees.
As he was on his knees he aimed the revolver at his head and
pulled the trigger of it 3 times and all 3 times nothing happened
and as he was about to do it the last time he heard banging on his
front door. As he heard it he shouted.

Daniel Hawking’s: Go Away.

as he said that the banging continued and as it did Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: I said I’m busy go away.

as he said that the banging on his front door continued and as it

did Daniel got up from his kitchen and walked to the front door
with the gun still in hand and as he did he said.

Daniel Hawking’s: what do you wan...

as he was about to finish his sentence he was cut short by 3 dead

people right outside his screen door. As he was staring at them
from inside his house having opening his main door his jaw
dropped open and as it did he thought for several seconds and
then got angry and grabbed his rifle that he set down by the front
door and he opened the screen door and pushed the dead people
down and walked right out onto his front lawn.

As he was on his front lawn he cocked his rifle making sure it was
loaded and as he did he shouted.

Daniel Hawking’s: He ugle fuck’s.

as he said that the 3 dead people turned slowly to face him and as
they did Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: I’m right here...come and get me.

as he said that they slowly made there way off his porch Daniel’s
rifle only fires 6 rounds and as Daniel looked at the dead people
he aimed his rifle at the dead person on the left and shot it right in
the head and it dropped to the ground dead.
Then he aimed his rifle to the dead person on the right and he
shot it right in the head and it dropped to the ground dead. As he
aimed it at the 3rd dead person he waited several seconds as it
was making it’s way slowly toward’s him.
As Daniel was looking right at the dead person an idea popped
right in his head...he kept his rifle aimed at the dead person and
then he whistled and said.

Daniel Hawking’s: That’s right follow me...right this want

to try and bit me for some reason don’t ya...that’s it follow me.

Daniel lead the dead person right to the back of his barn and he
tied the dead person up both it’s arm’s and leg’s to separate post.
And as Daniel looked at it he said to himself.

Daniel Hawking’s: All right...we’ve got all night to get to know each
my friend my name’s Daniel and I can’t wait to get to know you.

“Daniel’s Hawking’s Journal Entry”

A strange virus is slowing spreading over the town called Hell

Water it started out at Hope Greene’s hospital...she said that she
was trying to contain it...I have a feeling that she couldn’t contain
it. This virus took my wife and my daughter...not only did it take
my wife and my daughter but it turned them into
something...something not of this earth something that has no
soul...they both died of this virus and after several seconds of
there death’s they both came back to attack me and try and bite
me...I have some random person who tried to attack me in the
same manner my wife and daughter did...shortly after I burried my
wife and after I tried to kill myself...I don’t know what caused this
virus but I will find out what did if it’s the last thing I do.

“End Journal Entry”

Daniel had several torch’s lit for light and as he was looking at the
dead person he leaned in close to it’s face and he saw how pale
the person was. As he saw it he looked at the dead person from a
close vantage point and as close as he was the dead person tried
to attack him.

As Daniel was watching this he saw the dead person’s eyes he

saw that they were less and dead like the person’s soul
left there body. As Daniel thought for several seconds he brought
out some raw meet and held it up to the dead person’s mouth and
as he did the dead person did nothing and as nothing happened
Daniel took away the raw meet and put his own hand several
inches away from the dead person’s mouth and the dead person
tried to bite at Daniel’s hand and Daniel tried the meet again and
nothing and he tried this for several minuet’s.
Then Daniel threw the meet to the ground and as he did he pulled
out his knife and he was thinking about killing the dead person
before he sliced the dead person right across it’s chest. As Daniel
looked at the dead person for a sign of pain he saw that it didn’t
feel any pain. As Daniel saw this he sliced him several times and
then stabbed him as wall and as he did he stepped back and
thought for several minuet’s.

As he did he looked at the dead person’s hand’s and feet and

walked over to them and with several cut’s he cut off 1 hand then
the 2 then he cut off the right foot then the the dead
person’s body lied on the ground still moving Daniel looked at it
puzzled and as he did he pulled out his revolver and shot it in the
head and it died. As it did Daniel pulled out his journal and began
writing down what he just witnessed.

Daniel Hawking’s Journal Entry

So the random person who attacked me right after I buried my

wife and daughter I performed test’s on...I tried feeding the man
raw meet...And nothing worked...then I put my own hand out in
front of the person and the man tried attacking me in the same
form my wife did. I believe what ever these creature’s are...are
thriving on human flesh. When I was done with the feeding test I
did the pain test and I stabbed and sliced the man with a knife a
friend of mine gave me and the man felt nothing...he didn’t even
flinch when I cut off his hand’s or feet. So I put an end to it all and
shot him in the head...that’s the key...shoot them in the head...I
stabbed this man all over the body and nothing killed him...but it
was when I shot him in the head that did the job...tomorrow
morning I will bring this journal into town and show Sheriff Bennet
my findings and see if anyone is still alive.
“End Journal Entry”

Daniel looked at the dead body and put his journal in his coat
pocket and then stared at the body for several more seconds
before putting out his torches and then headed into his house
making sure all his doors were locked and headed to his bedroom
and went to bed.

Chapter 2: The Journey To Hell Water

The sun was shining bright and Daniel was riding on his wagon
with his horses making there way to Hell Water...As Daniel was
riding through the desert he looked at the sun for a quick few
seconds then back at the road and said.
Daniel Hawking’s: Beautiful morning.

as he said that he looked around to see if he could find any dead

people like he saw the day before and as he looked there was no
one to be found. As he saw that he said to himself.

Daniel Hawking’s: That’s not a good sign.

as he said that he got to the entrance sign of hell water and he

stared at it for several seconds and as he did he saw bloody hand
print’s all over the sign followed by bullet holes in the sign and as
he rode by the sign he said.

Daniel Hawking’s: my god...where are all of the bodies.

as he said that he saw the pools of blood where the bodies should
have been but all the blood was dry. As he rode into town it was
quite as in nothing could be heard. As Daniel rode he looked
around and saw that several of the stores in town were broken
into and as he saw that he also saw that they also had blood and
bloody hand print’s all over them and blood trails were out in the
open in the streets and as Daniel continued to ride he said.

Daniel Hawking’s: I’ve got a bad gut feeling about this if I keep

as he said that he continued riding and as he did all of a sodden

he was tackled out of his wagon and he was drug behind a
building that led to an ally-way. Daniel looks over to see who it
was that pulled him out of his wagon and Daniel was relieved that
it was Bennet Clark. As Daniel saw who it was he said.

Daniel Hawking’s: Bennet what the hell is going on here...were we

attacked by the indian’s again.

as he said that Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: No...we were attacked by something much

worse...if you kept going in that direction you would have been
killed by a whole group of what ever the fuck those thing’s are.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: You don’t know what it is that did this to this

as he said that Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: No we don’t but Walker calls them zombies

or the un dead.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: Walker’s still alive.

as he said that Bennet said.Sheriff Bennet Clark: yeah...he and a

group of us are holding up in Hope’s hospital...come on I’ll take ya.

as he said that Daniel got up and as he did Bennet faced Daniel

and as he did Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: But you gotta be quiet and fast...these

thing’s are slow but they respond to sound.

as he said that they started to move to Hope’s hospital and as

they did Daniel said.
Daniel Hawking’s: you sure do now a lot about these what did you
call them.

as he said that Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: Zombies...not my word of use...Walkers...and

again...he knows all about this stuff so when we get there if you
have question’s he’s the guy you’ll want to talk to about this...I
have no idea what’s going on here.
As he said that they both heard the scream’s of Daniel’s horses
and they sounded like they were being eaten alive by something
and as Daniel looked back for a second he looked at Bennet once
the horses fell silent and said.

Daniel Hawking’s: what in the hell was that.

as he said that Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: you don’t want to know.

as he said that they walked the few blocks to get to Hopes

hospital and as they got to it they stopped at the front door and as
they did Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: Why are we stopping...were at the dam hospital.

as he said that Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: just a second.

as he said that he did a secret knock where he knocked on the

door 3 times in a pattern...and as he did he waited after he
knocked and then from behind the door he heard a single knock
and then the door was unlocked from the inside and as it was
Daniel and Bennet were meet by Hope Green.

As Hope saw how it was at the door Daniel saw she was gripping
onto a rifle and he could tell that she was freak out. As she looked
Bennet and Daniel she stepped aside and said.

Hope Greene: Come on in...hurry.

as she said that Daniel and Bennet walked into the hospital and as
they did Hope looked out at the town for a second and she could
hear the wails of the dead off in the distance and as she could she
quickly grabbed the door and pulled it shut and locked. Once
inside the hospital Daniel saw the people he was with and they

Walker Campbell
Elijah Wood
The Town’s Banker’s: Edward
Spencer The Town’s Drunk
Cliff The owner of the Town’s bar

As Daniel saw who was in the hospital he noticed that in all of the
bed’s that the sick people were in weren’t there any more...and as
he saw that he looked at Samantha and said.
Daniel Hawking’s: you had this room filled with patient’s what
happened to all of them.

as he said that Hope stepped to the side away from everyone else
and said.

Hope Greene: well after you left I was tending to them and one of
my patient’s one of the solider’s fighting for the north died...but he
didn’t stay dead...after several minuets he got up out of his bed
and attacked me...if Walker wasn’t here in town I would have been
a dead man...well shortly after the solider came back to life from
the dead so did the other patient’s after they died...and they all
tired to attack me...there were to many of them for me and Walker
to handle so we lead them out of the hospital and down and ally-

as she said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: so the town being like this is your fault.

as he said that Hope said.

Hope Greene: it was a one way way out all-way...and me

and Walker checked to make sure the dead men were there every
couple of minuet’’s just that they weren’t there after we wen’t
to check them one time...and then after a few hours the whole
town went down.
as she said that the room fell silent and as it did Daniel looked at
her and she was looking at the floor and as she was Daniel looked
over at Bennet and said.
Daniel Hawking’s: you knew about this.

as he said that Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: yes I did...she told me everything.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: where were you when the dead were killing the

as he said that Sheriff Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: I was down at the town’s bar...that’s why

Cliff and Spencer are still with us.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: did you cure any of your patient’s before they

as he asked that Hope continued to look at the floor and as she

did she said.

Hope Greene: no...not a single one...the origin of how they died is

unknown...all I can think of how they died is of there wound’s.

as she said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: what make’s you say that.

as he said that Hope said.

Hope Greene: Well were all still standing and everyone who’s died
was either attacked by one of the dead or was killed by another
man...I think if you die you turn into what ever those thing’s are.

as he said that Walker spoke up and said.

Walker Campbell: she’s right.

as he said that Daniel looked at him and Walker continued.

Walker Campbell: she’s absoutley right.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: What do you know about what’s happening right

now gave me this knife on my belt and told me the
only way to kill these thing’s was in the brain...and the next night
my daughter and wife died and tried to kill me and I did what you
said and it did you know it would work.

as he said that Walker looked around the room and noticed that
everyone was looking at him and as he did he spoke up and said.

Walker Campbell: well you see...for generation’s my people have

told me the tale of the dead coming back to the land of the living
and taking revenge against us.

As he said that Bennet spoke up and said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: Well why...there dead people why would they
need revenge against us.

as he said that Walker said.

Walker Campbell: the dead don’t have any religion...they don’t see
race...they don’t have conflict with one another like us men
when someone dies they come back as one of the dead and feast
upon the living...and the only way to kill them is to injure the brain
or remove the head...the dead don’t have fear like we people
do...that’s the advantage they get over us...but we can use tools
against them to survive...because they can’t live forever.

as he finished talking he passed and looked Bennet straight in the

eyes and said.

Walker Campbell: Does that answer your question boy.

As Walker finished talking Daniel was quiet for several seconds

then he spoke up and said.

Daniel Hawking’s: all right everyone listen up...we can’t stay in

here forever...sooner or later the dead ones will find out were in
here and come for us.

As he said that Cliff spoke up and said.

Cliff: your not really thinking of making all us go out there are
you...because if you are your insane.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: well do you have a better Idea...we can’t stay

here forever we’ll eventually run out of food...and then we’ll starve
to death and we risk our live’s running out to the well in the back
of Ms. Hopes property...I say we have 2 options...we either leave
and find help...or we stay here and slowly die.

as he said that Walker spoke up and said.

Walker Campbell: you forgot the 3rd...we get torn apart by the
horde of the dead outside our front door.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: right and that.

as he said that everyone went quiet for several seconds and as

they did Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: well who’s with me.

as he said that Bennet spoke up and said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: you’ve had my back ever since we

meet...well now I’ve got your’s count me in.

as he said that Hope looked at Daniel and then at Bennet and back
at Daniel and said.

Hope Greene: well everyone I know except for you 2 is dead...if

you leave I’ll have no choice but to...count me in as well.

as he said that Daniel looked at Walker and Elijah and as he did

Walker said.
Walker Campbell: were in brother...all the way.

as he said that Daniel looked at Elijah and as he Elijah said.

Elijah Wood: Walker’s never let me down Daniel...where ever he

goes...I that mean’s I’m with you.

as he said that Daniel looked over to Spencer and Cliff and as he

did Cliff said.
Cliff: I’m sorry but the odds are against you...were staying.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: but Cliff if you stay here you die.

as he said that Cliff said.

Cliff: if you go out there you die...and if I stay here I know what’s
coming for me.

as he said that Daniel saw the others were making there way
towards the door and as they were Cliff pulled out an old pistol
and as he did he looked Daniel in the eyes and said.

Cliff: when the time comes I’ll be ready.

as he said that Daniel and his group left the hospital and the door
slammed shut behind them and locked. As Daniel and his group
were now in the street’s of Hell Water they looked around the
abounded city and they could hear the wails of the dammed off in
the distance. And as they could Walker spoke up and said.

Walker Campbell: the moaning is coming from that direction.

as he said that he pointed in the direction that the moaning and

groaning were coming from and as he did he finished talking.

Walker Campbell: we should go in the opposite direction...that

way...and stay clear of the dead...if we stay quiet we shouldn’t
attract there attention to us.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: we need horses.

as he said that Bennet spoke up and said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: I know where we can get some...if there still
alive after all this...follow me.

as Bennet said that they followed him down an ally-way and as

they did the group were walking quickly and quietly down the ally-
way...trying not to draw the attention of the dead towards them.
As they were walking Elijah spoke up and said.

Elijah Wood: how much further are we going Bennet...were half

way across town by now.

as he said that Bennet looked ahead and said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: were nearly there...just a few more buildings
away from where the town keeps the horses.

as he said that they walked past a couple of buildings and as they

did Hope looked inside the windows to some of the buildings and
she saw the dead feasting on the flesh of some of the towns
people and the dead were really going to town on there
bodies...blood and gut’s were all over the room and some
intestine’s were hanging out of the zombie’s mouth that were
eating that person...and as Hope was watching quitley through the
window Daniel was behind her and as he was he put his hand on
her shoulder and she was freaked out at what she just witnessed
and as she was she turned around to see who touched her and she
saw that it was Daniel and Daniel saw what she was looking at
and he said.

Daniel Hawking’s: Come on don’t need to see that...let’s

go...let’s go.

as he said that Hope shook her head in agreement and she silently
sobbed and as they left they caught up with the rest of the group
who were stopped behind one building and as they were Daniel
looked at Bennet and said.
Daniel Hawking’s: why are we stopped don’t you know where your
going Bennet.

as he said that Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: yes I do know where I’m going...the problem

is that...well just look behind the corner of the building yourself
and see.

as he said that Daniel walked to the corner of the building and

poked his head out and as he did he quickly turned back to the
group and as he did Hope saw the look of horror on his face and as
she did she said.

Hope Greene: what is it...what’s out there.

as she said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: it’s the dead.

as he said that Bennet added.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: and there’s a lot of them.

as he said that they went quiet for a second and everyone took a
turn looking out of the corner of the building and they all saw
hundreds of zombies just walking in the center of town. And as
they saw this they went back behind the building and faced
Bennet and Daniel said.
Daniel Hawking’s: Ok Bennet where the hell are those horses.

as he said that Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: you all saw the building on the other side of
this one right...with no doors or windows.

as he said that they all nodded showing that they saw it and as
they did Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: well were going to have to get to that building.

Chapter 3 Blood on the battle field

Bennet and the others found there way into the building they were
hiding behind and as they did there were 3 zombies in the building
they entered and as they entered it the zombies turned to them as
they heard the noise of people and as they did Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: look’s the dead.

as he said that Walker pulled out a knife and as he did Bennet

pulled out his pistol and as he aimed it at the zombie coming
toward him Walker put his hand on Bennet’s pistol and he told the
Walker Campbell: no gun’s when there’s few of them...Remeber
what I tell you noise draws more of them.

as he said that he held up his knife and he said.

Walker Campbell: use your knifes.

as he said that Walker said.

Walker Campbell: Like this.

as he said that he walked over to the zombie on the left and as he

did the zombie started moaning and groaning load at him and
Walker grabbed it by the neck to stop it from coming at him and he
took his knife and he stabbed it in the head..and it dropped to the
floor dead and as it did he looked at Bennet and Daniel and said.

Walker Campbell: now you try.

as he said that Daniel and Bennet looked at each other and they
put there gun’s away and they pulled out there knife’s and as they
did they both walked up to the remaing 2 zombies and each took
one and they both stabbed them in the head.

as they did they both dropped to the floor dead and once they
were dead Daniel and Bennet looked over at Walker and as they
did Walker said.

Walker Campbell: good job...the more you kill them that way...the
more ammo you save for your guns.

As he said that Bennet and Daniel put there knife’s away and as
they did Bennet said.
Bennet Clark: that’s just fucking great.

as he said that everyone faced the main windows of the building

they were in and the zombies out in the street noticed they were
in the building after they killed the 3 zombies inside the building
and they were all banging on the glass and door trying to get in.

as everyone saw this Hope said.

Hope Greene: what are we gonna do...what are we gonna do.

as she said that Daniel and Bennet looked at Walker and as they
did Walker shrugged and as he did he said.

Walker Campbell: the dead are unpredicpdale...I can’t control what

they will do.

as he said that Daniel pulled out his pistol and as Bennet saw this
he did to and as they did Daniel said.
Daniel Hawking’s: well screw it then...Walker you have a gun right.

as he said that Walker took out a hunting rifle and as he did Daniel

Daniel Hawking’s: that will do.

as he said that he looked at Elijah and as he did he said.

Daniel Hawking’s: what about you got a gun.

as he said that Elijah said.

Elijah Wood: no I don’t sir.

as he said that Daniel handed Elijah his rifle and as he did he said.

Daniel Hawking’s: this is the pull it back and this is the
trigger you use it to shoot...but don’t shoot unless your ready to

as he said that Elijah said.

Elijah Wood: ok.

as he said that Daniel looked at Hope and as he did she said.

Hope Greene: I don’t have any weapons.

as she said that Daniel tossed her his pocket knife and as he did
he said.

Daniel Hawking’s: just stand behind us and if any of them get

through you do what Walker told us to do and what you saw me
and Bennet do ok.

as he said that Hope said.

Hope Greene: Ok.

as she said that Daniel stood back next to Bennet and as he did
Bennet and Daniel looked at the window getting ready for a fight
and as they did Bennet said.
Sheriff Bennet Clark: were not really going to fight those thing’s
are we.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: we’ve got no other choice.

as he said that Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: you know what are odds are against winning
this fight.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: I do.

as he said that Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: best save some bullets for you and the
doctor if things don’t go well.
as he said that Daniel looked back at Hope and as he did he
looked at her for several seconds then he focused back on the
dead and said.

Daniel Hawking’s: you worry about you..and I’ll worry about me ok.

as he said that Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: ok.

As he said that Daniel aimed his pistol at the window and as he

did Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: Daniel what the hell are you doing.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: that glass is going to break sooner then

later...and the sooner it breaks the sooner we get this over with.

as he said that Daniel kept the gun up and pointed at the window
and as he did Elijah said.
Elijah Wood: I hope you know what your doing Daniel.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: I hope I do to.

as he said that he fired his pistol twice and the window broke and
as it did the dead started pouring into the building they were they dead were entering the building
Daniel...Bennet...Walker...and Elijah were all firing there guns at
the dead that were slowly making there way towards them. And as
they were firing there guns...the gun fight last for a good half an
hour...and as it did Bennet spoke up and said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: I’m almost out of rounds here.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: so am I.

as he said that Elijah said.

Elijah Wood: guy’s...there getting closer and were up against a
wall here...littealry.

as he said that Daniel shouted.

Daniel Hawking’s: WE KNOW.

as he shouted that they continued firing there guns for another

couple of seconds and as they did the dead kept getting closer
and closer to them and as they did after a few more seconds of
gun fire they all ran out of ammo and as they did Bennet yelled
Sheriff Bennet Clark: Fuck...I’m all out.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: I am to.

as he said that Walker said.

Walker Campbell: me to.

as he said that Elijah said.

Elijah Woods: and me as well.

as he said that they stared at the zombie herd coming towards

them just a few feet away and as they did Hope said.
Hope Greene: what do we do now.

as she said that Daniel looked around the herd and he pulled out
his knife that Walker gave to him and as he did he gripped it and
Daniel Hawking’s: we fight to our last man.
as he said that the group were down to there knife’s killing the
dead stabbing them all in the head’s and as they were blood from
the dead were getting on the group’s clothes and covering there
bodies as they were killing time wen’t by the group was
getting tired of killing the dead and as they were Bennet said.
Sheriff Bennet Clark: they just keep never ends.

as he said that Daniel saw a zombie coming right for him and he
was about to kill it when a sword went right through the back of
it’s head and it dropped to the ground dead and as it did Daniel
looked at who killed it and it was an African American man in his
early 20’s wearing a solider of the north’s uniform but he was all
covered in zombie guts from head to toe and as he was Daniel
noticed the dead didn't seem to notice him and as he saw this the
man spoke and said.

Colt: the names Colt...Do as I do.

As he said that with in seconds he used his sword to cut into the
zombie he just killed and he started pulling out walker guts and as
he did he started putting guts on Daniel and after Daniel was
covered in gut’s they moved onto the next person in the group
until everyone was covered in zombie guts.

As everyone was covered in gut’s Bennet quietly said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: Ok Now what.

as he said that Colt spoke up and said.

Colt: Be quite and follow me...slowly one at they don’t

notice us.

as he said that one by one the group followed Colt out of the
building with the zombies not nothing them...and as they left the
building Bennet tried making his way to the barn the horses were
in and as he did Colt said.
Colt: don’t break formation...the horses are I’ve been
there already.

as he said that they continued walking through the herd slowly

making there way out of the town and as they got out of
town...Hope looked back at it and Daniel was next to her and
looked back as well and as they were walking away Daniel spoke
quite to Hope and said.

Daniel Hawking’s: don’t worry we’ll find a new place to live...all of

as he said that the group got away from the town and Colt got
them to where he set up his camp and as he did he gave them a
box and as he did Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: what’s this.

as he said that Colt said.

Colt: well it’s more ammo for your gun’s.

as he said that Daniel opened the box and he saw that it was
enough ammo for all of there guns and as he saw this he said.

Daniel Hawking’s: Why are you giving us ammo...and why rescue

us when you have no clue who we are.

as he said that Colt said.

Colt: it’s a soldier’s duty to serve his people...and besides...I need

your help.

as he said that Walker said.

Walker Campbell: your help with what.

as he said that Colt said.

Colt: getting my family back from a bunch of Confederate and
Union soldiers.

as he said that Daniel and the group had a bunch of confused

looks on there faces and as they did Colt said.

Colt: you heard me right...Union and Confederate...working

together...and they have my wife and kids held hostage along with
a group of other people there doing experiment’s on...for god
know’s what don’t go changing clothes yet...that’s
right I’ve also got extra clothes...because we’ll be heading out
first thing in the morning.

as he said that Bennet spoke up and said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: now hold up...what makes us think we’ll help

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: Bennet.

as he said that Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: hear me out Daniel...we just been through

hell and back and everyone we know and love is dead and
everyone that we know alive is right why would we follow
you into a fight that could get us all killed.

as he said that Colt looked Bennet right in the eyes and said.

Colt: because I didn’t need to save you...I was just passing

by...and I heard the gun know I’ve been through hell
to...what ever this thing is that’s causing the dead to come back
to life it’s every’s what killed my squad...I had to put
them all down myself...that’s why I’m covered in blood...after I got
some of the dead’s blood on me and stood in front of one of them
and looked em in the eye and it didn’t attack me...I new it was a
camouflage...that’s when I started walking...just started walking
until I could find the nearest town near me...and that’s how I found I could have just kept walking...but I didn’ your going
to help me get my family back or you all can die here tonight
around this camp fire...those are your only options.

as he said that everything fell silent and as it did Colt said.

Colt: well I’m turning in for the night...don’t stay up to late...were

leaving at sun rise.

as he said that he walked into his tent and as he did Walker was
thinking and as he did he said.

Walker Campbell: people couldn’t have thought of

it sooner.

as he said that everyone looked at Walker and he was looking

down at himself covered in gut’s and as he was Daniel looked over
at Bennet and he said.

Daniel Hawking’s: So do we help this guy out...or leave.

as he said that they both were looking at the tent Colt walked into
and as they were Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: I don’t trust this guy at all...even though he

was with the north he just came out of know where back there
and giving us ammo just now...I don’t trust him.

as he said that Bennet thought for a couple of seconds as Daniel

looked at him and as he did Bennet said.
Sheriff Bennet Clark: as much as my gut is telling me not to go
with this go...I think we should...he did save yeah let’s help

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: then we should turn in for the night we’ve got an
early day in the morning.
as he said that everyone found a spot to sleep in and they all
drifted off to sleep...several hours into the night Daniel got woken
up by something and as he was woken up he grabbed his pistol
and he aimed it at what ever woken him up and as he did he saw
that it was Hope and she was on top of him and as she was Hope

Hope Greene: God...Daniel it’s just me.

as she said that Daniel put his gun away and as he did he said.

Daniel Hawking’s: I’m sorry...what are you doing.

as he said that Hope said.

Hope Greene: I got lonely...I thought I could come over here and
keep you company if you know what I mean.

as she said that she gave him a smile...and as she did Daniel
smiled back and as he did he said.

Daniel Hawking’s: I’ll give you all the company you need baby
come here.

as he said that they started kissing and as they did Hope pulled it
off and Elijah was fast asleep next to them and as he was Hope

Hope Greene: Wait...What about Elijah.

as she said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: He’s fast asleep...don’t worry about it let’s do
this before the others wake up.

as he said that they started making love as the camp fire started
to die out...Morning came and Colt was the first awake and as he
was he packed everything up and as he was packing slowly one by
one the group woke up. As the group was awake Bennet walked
over to Daniel and as he did he said.
Sheriff Bennet Clark: are you ready for this.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: shouldn’t I be asking you that.

as he said that Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: well I am.

as he said that Daniel said.Daniel Hawking’s: Good.

as he said that he smiled at Hope as they were talking and Hope

smiled back at him and as they smiled at each other Bennet saw
this and as he did he said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: Did something happen the other day between
the 2 of you that I didn’t notice.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: No...nothing happened...everything’s normal as

as he said that Bennet looked at Hope and she looked away from
Daniel because Bennet was starting to notice and as he was
Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: you fucked her didn’t you...last night.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: No...I didn’t we were both asleep...knowing we’d

have to be up to rescue Colt’s family.
As he said that Bennet started to walk away and as he did he said.
Sheriff Bennet Clark: After you fucked Hope.

as he said that he walked away and as he did Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: I didn’t Fuck.

as he said that he was alone and as he was he quietly said to


Daniel Hawking’s: Hope.

as he said that Colt stepped in front of the group and said.

Colt: all right everyone make sure your gun’s are loaded...the
camp isn’t that far away...we’ll be there by night fall...all right let’s
move people.

Chapter 4 “The enemy”

Daniel Hawking’s: So Colt can you explain to us what this place is we’ll know exactly what were walking into.

As he said that Colt say’s.

Colt: Well where do I start... Issac’s camp is inside the entrance to

a closed down mining facility...his band of soldiers set up base
there once the war started...and once the dead started to rise
Isaac ordered his men back to there base...and they sealed it off
there’s only one way in and out. And there’s only one guard on the
door at all time’s keeping the dead and the living out...No one
know’s what goes on it Issac’s base...because Issac never let’s
anyone into his base but his men...speaking of Isaac’s men there
some of the toughest men that have walked the face of the earth.

We’ve got...your second in command after Isaac...Jasper Brooks

he was on the souths side with Isaac and they fought back to
back ever since the war started now that the dead have risen they
have been even closer then ever...Jasper does what ever Isaac
say’s with out hesitation...because he’s his right hand man...then
there’s Jeremiah Sanders he was on the north’s side until the start
of all this the dead rising and all...and once the dead started
eating other people he joined sides with the first man who offered
him protection...he’s a spineless cowards...but what makes up for
his spinelessness he makes up for with his brain...he’s there
doctor...he does odd experiment’s with his human test subject’s.

as he said that there were surprised looks on some of the groups

faces and as he said that Colt said.Colt: Yes I said human test
subject’s there are rumor’s that this man is trying to find a cure to
the far he hasn’t been there’s Maxwell
Grey he’s there arm’s dealer he was on the souths side of the war
before the dead rose...then after him there’s Sam Colmen and
Theodore Bennet...there both best friends and Sam was on the
north’s side of the war and Theodore the south’s once the dead
rose they instantly joined with Issac to help him try and rid the
world of the infected.

As he finished up Bennet spoke up and said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: it sound’s like the guy is doing good
work...other then the fact he joined the loosing side of the
war...meaning the south...other then he kidnapped your wife and
kid...which I know in other cercnaticom’s would be a crime in this
day and age...why are you so mad at him.

As he said that Colt looked Bennet right in the eyes and said.

Colt: he’s probably using them as one of Jeremiah’s human test

subject’s...why else would he take them alive...I seen him take
them...again I told you I was busy fighting the dead off to stop him.

as they were talking Hope spoke up and said.

Hope Greene: quiet...were here.

as she said that we go inside Issac’s camp and we go to Issac

who is with Jasper and Jeremiah and they are all in Jeremiah’s lab
and Jeremiah’s working on a un dead zombie he’s
working Isaac said.
Isaac Baker: Are you any closer to finding a cure to all this patients with you are fleeding.

as he said that Jeremiah said.

Jeremiah Sander’s: Yes...I’m day’s away from finding something

close to a cure.
as he said that Jasper spoke up and said.

Jasper Brooks: What do you mean something close to a cure.

as he said that Jeremiah said.

Jeremiah Sander’s: as you know once the person who’s been

bitten by one of these infected indivusal’s they get a fever...and
once they get they fever the shortly die after.

as he said that Issac said.

Issac Baker: yeah we already know this...what’s the point your

trying to make doc.

as he said that Jeremiah said.

Jeremiah Sander’s: well the return time is random it can happen in
as little as a few second’s and the report from Washington we
recently got said the longest return time was 4 day’s...what I’m
getting at is these people are dead and there is no cure for death
but these bodies do carry a disease and I can find a cure for the
disease that they carry.

as he said that the room went silent and as it did Issac said.

Issac Baker: how long.

as he said that Jeremiah didn’t answer him right away and as he

didn’t Isaac shouted.

Issac Baker: HOW LONG.

as he said that Jeremiah said.

Jeremiah Sander’s: like I said I can have a cure ready in a few

day’s a week or 2 tops.

as he said that Issac looked at Jasper and Jasper smirked an evil

smirk that gave chills to Jeremiah and Issac smirked at Jeremiah
and said.

Isaac Baker: then you better get busy then doc...time’s a ticking.

as he said that he left the room and as he did Jeremiah said.

Jeremiah Sander’s: tell Sam and Theodore to prep my next
patient...the faster that happens the faster I can get that done.

as he said that Isaac walked down the hall and spoke to Sam and
Theodore who were playing a game of card’s and as they were
Issac said.

Issac Baker: Prep the next patient.

as he said that he left and as he did they both stood up and

grabbed there weapons and said.
Sam Colmen: Yes Sir.

Theodore Bennet: Yes Sir.

as they got up they walked over to a room that was made of metal
and as they did they opened a door...and as they did there was a
group of people in the room and Theodore and Sam looked among
the group of people and they were a group of
women...and as they looked in the room the kids and women were
scared and Theodore saw a women by herself in the corner and as
he did he said.

Theodore Bennet: Her...she’s next.

as he said that he and sam picked her up and they both pulled her
fighting out of the room and they closed the door behind
they did they brought her to another room that had 5 zombies in it
and as they did they stuck her arm through a hole in a fence and
as they did Sam said.

Sam Colmen: Over here...come get some fresh meet.

as he said that the zombies noticed them and as they did they
made there way to the women’s arm and one zombie bit down
right on her arm and as it did Sam and Theodore held it there for
several seconds...and as they did they pulled her from the zombie
and walked her down the hall and into another room and left and
as they left they closed the door...once the women was alone she
tried for the door but was caught off by Jeremiah who said.

Jeremiah Sander’s: So I see your my next patient.

as he said that the women turned around to see the dark corners
of the room and Jeremiah holding surgical tools and as he was he

Jeremiah Sanders: Please don’t will only make it hurt

you worse.

We cut back to outside of Issac’s camp to the entrance and as we

do Colt, Daniel...and the other’s are off in the distance watching
the 2 guards that Colt told the group they were
watching the guards Bennet said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: there are the guard’s you were talking about.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: Now the question are we going to get

past them with out letting the rest of there camp know.

as he said that Bennet spoke up and said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: Leave that to me.

as he said that we cut to the guards...Sam and Theodore who are

in front of the main entrance to Issac’s camp and as we do there
looking out in the darkness of the wilderness and as they are Sam
think’s he see’s something and begins to stare off in the distance
and as he does Theodore notice’s and says.

Theodore: what’s the problem Sam.

as he said that Sam spoke up and said.

Sam: Not quiet sure...I thought I saw something out the

as he said that Theodore looked in the direction Sam was looking

and as he did he said.

Theodore: I see nothing.

as he said that Sam said.

Sam: Must be my imiagiton then.

as he said that Theodore said.

Theodore: Must be.

as he said that all of a sodden Theodore’s neck was slit by a knife

from behind and blood came poring out of it and as Theodore
dropped to the ground dead Sam turned to face him and Sheriff
Bennet Clark tackled him to the ground and stabbed him right in
the chest with his knife.

as both men died Bennet gave out a whistle and as he did Colt and
the other’s emerged and as they did Colt said.

Colt: if you were going to do that one of us could have handled

that easily.
as he said that Bennet said.
Sheriff Bennet Clark: I thought if I did it...less people would have
gotten hurt in the process and I got the element of surprise on

as he said that Daniel looked at Colt and said.

Daniel Hawking’s: Let’s go and get your wife.

as he said that they opened the gate and as they did Bennet, Colt,
and Elijah entered and as they did Daniel stopped Hope and said.

Daniel Hawking’s: I need you to stay here and make sure we have
an exit route.

as he said that Hope looked at Colt as they all stopped walking

and as she did he nodded in agreement and as he did Hope said.
Hope Greene: Ok.

as she said that Daniel looked over at Walker and said.

Daniel Hawking’s: you’ll protect her.

as he said that Walker said.

Walker Campbell: with my life.

as he said that Daniel said.

Daniel Hawking’s: Let’s get this over with.

as he said that Colt, Bennet, Elijah, and Daniel entered Issac’s

camp and as they did Colt said.

Colt: I seen where they were taking her...follow me.

as he said that he walked down one of the hallway’s and as he did

the other’s followed and as they were walking quickly and quietly
the hallway’s turned into mazes and the group got separated and
lost...and as they did Elijah was on his own and pulled out his
pistol and said.

Elijah: Guy’s...guy’s where are you.

as he said that he walked down his hallway until he came across a

room and he stopped once he started to hear a familiar moan and
groan coming from the room it was the wailing of the dead...we go
back to Colt and he was walking down his original path and as he
was he said.

Colt: yes...yes...I’m almost there...this is it...this is it.

as he said that he turned around and said.

Colt: guy’s I’m sure were...

as he was about to finish his sentence he saw he was alone and

as he saw this he said.

Colt: Guy’s...guy’s...shit...they can handle there own find my wife

and kids and then find them.

as he said that we cut to Bennet and he’s walking down his

hallway and as he is he’s hearing footstep’s walking in front of him
and as he’s ti late for him to find a place to hid and he run’s
right into Maxwell Grey...and as he does Bennet say’s.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: you’ve got a lot of muscle’ must be the

group’s tough guy.

as he said that Bennet went for his gun quickly and as he did
Maxwell reached for his and as they drawn there gun’s Bennet got
his first and fired 3 shot’s into Maxwell and as he dropped to the
ground dead...Bennet looked over at Maxwell’s body and said.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: don’t fuck with Bennet Clark.

as he said that he holstered his weapon and as he did the gun
shot rang through the base and as it did we jumped to Issac who
was with Jasper and as they were together Issac said.

Issac Baker: you heard that to right.

as he said that Jasper nodded in agreement and as he did Issac


Issac Baker: go check it out and come back to me when your


as he said that Jasper got up and left...we cut back to Colt and as
we do he got to the cell where Issac has been keeping his
prisoner’s and as he got there he looked through the door and
looked for his wife and said.

Colt: Isabella...Isabella...are you in there...

as he said her name she walked up to the door with there kids and
as she did she said.

Isabella: Colt...I can’t believe your came for me...for us.

as she said that Colt said.

Colt: I’d do anything for you...are you and the kid’s all right.

as he said that Isabella said.

Isabella: were just fine...but we need to get out of here the

doctor’s practeing some strange experiment’s on us.

as she said that Colt pulled out his pistol and made sure it was
loaded and said.

Colt: I got you covered...stand back.

as he said that he fired several shot’s at the door’s handle and as
he did that did the trick.
as he unlocked the cell he let the other people who were in the
cell out and told them where to go and as they all left Isabella

Isabella: where are we going.

as she said that Colt said.

Colt: I’ve got a camp set up not to far from here...we can rest there
for the night and then get going home.

as he said that we jump back to Benne and as we do he’s walking

down his hallway trying to make his way back to the entrance and
as he is he hear’s footsteps again and as he does he imadtley
pulls out his pistol and as he does the foot steps stop...and as they
do he goes.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: that’s strange.

as he say’s this he walks around a corner and he’s met with a fist
to the face by Jasper and they break into a fist the 2 are
fighting for a couple of minuet’s Bennet say’s.

Sheriff Bennet Clark: I’ve already killed 3 of your men do you really
think your going to win this.

as he say’s this Jasper say’s.

Jasper: that’s the difference between me and my men...I’m not one

of them I’m second in command.

as he say’s this they continue fighting and as they do they don’t

hear the moaning and groaning that’s coming towards them until
it’s to late...both of there gun’s are across the floor and as they
see the dead come towards them they both look at each other and
they zombie herd grab hold of both of them and tear them limb
from limb.

We jump to Daniel and as we do he hear’s the scream’s and he

hear’s the sound’s of the dead and as he does he say’s.

Daniel Hawking’s: Oh shit.

as he start’s running toward’s the path that lead’s to the entrance

he run’s right into a zombie and it bites him right on the arm. As it
does he shoot’s it right in the head and he continues running. As
he runs he release’s he can’t get to the gate and make’s a turn
toward’s Dr. Sander’s lab...As he get’s to the lab the herd of
zombies behind him grow in it does he get’s to the
lab and idmately rushes in and closes the door and locks it behind

as he see’s doctor Sander’s he’s working on his latest test subject

and as Doctor Sander’s sees Daniel he say’s.

Doctor Jeremiah Sander’s: who are you.

as he say’s this...Daniel responds.

Daniel Hawking’s: I’m Daniel Hawking’s and I believe I became

your latest test subject.

as he say’s this we cut to Hope and Walker who are guarding the
main entrance and as they are they see the dead start coming for
them out of know where and as they do Walker say’s.
Walker Campbell: Come on Hope we have to get out of here.

as he say’s this Hope stares at the herd looking for Daniel and as
she does she docent see him coming and as she docent Walker

Walker Campbell: we’ve got to leave now.

as he say’s this they leave the entrance and close the door and
lock it behind them as they leave we cut to Isaac who’s in his
room with the door locked with the dead banging against
he’s listing to the dead he pulls out his pistol and put’s it to his
head and pulls the trigger and drops to the floor dead.

(7 days later)


a week goes by and a military led group goes into Issac’s base
and they kill all of the this time most of the zombies
have been killed off and the war is almost over between the north
and south.

Everyone who was in the base is dead...while searching the base

and coming across one of the bodies the military discovered a
journal that once belonged to a man named Daniel
Hawking’s...describing the events that happened to him and the
other’s around him in the ordeal that some called a zombie

(End Narrator)

(2018, Present)

A man in a black suit is at the library of congress in the section

only high ranking Government employe’s are allowed in...we can’t
see his face...he’s walking down the row’s and shelve’s of books
and finally to a back corner and as the man got to it he pulls out a
book from his suit and we see what it is and it’s Daniel’s Journal
and he put’s it on the shelve and walk he’s walking away
he passes a near by TV and on the TV the news is playing and as it
is the reporter is saying.

New’s Reporter: A wide spread of a new flew has broken out in the
United States and scientist are baffled and don’t know what it is
or where it came from...there is as of yet no cure for this flew...or
what some are causing has now caused over several
hundred deaths and we are getting report’s that if we don’t find a
cure soon that number will rise to the 10’000 of thousand’s soon.


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