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Vienna Circle, Karl Popper, Frankfurt School, Marxism,

McCarthyism & American Philosophy
Vienna Circle, Karl Popper, Frankfurt School,
Marxism, McCarthyism & American Philosophy:
Selected Bibliography

compiled by Ralph Dumain

“In science there are no ‘depths’; there is surface everywhere . . . ”

— The Scientific Conception of the World: The Vienna Circle (manifesto, Vienna, August 1929)

Rudolf Carnap (Online)

Carnap: Politics, Heidegger, & Lebensphilosophie

Awodey, Steve; Klein, Carsten; eds. Carnap Brought Home: The View from Jena. Chicago: Open Court, 2004.
See also Gabriel, Uebel, Wolters.

Brushlinsky, V. Carnap’s ‘Elimination of Metaphysics’ [my title]. Originally appeared in Pod Znamenem Marksisma
[Under the Banner of Marxism] (1932). Reprinted (complete bibliographic information not provided) in Frank, Phillip
(see below), pp. 160-163.

Carnap, Rudolf. "Intellectual Autobiography," in: The Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap, ed. Paul Arthur Schilpp (La
Salle, IL: Open Court, 1963), pp. 3-84. See quote: Carnap on Wittgenstein & Esperanto, p. 26. (In Esperanto:
"Lingvoplanado" (Language Planning).) See also Wittgenstein on Esperanto (1946) and Ludwig Wittgenstein and
Constructed Languages: Wittgenstein, Esperanto by T. Peter Park.

Carnap, Rudolf. "The Elimination of Metaphysics through the Logical Analysis of Language" (orig: 1932.
"Überwindung der Metaphysik durch logische Analyse der Sprache," Erkenntnis, v. 2, 219-41), trans. A. Pap, in:
Logical Positivism, A.J. Ayer, ed. (New York: Free Press, 1959), 60-81.

Carnap, Rudolf. Philosophy and Logical Syntax. London: Kegan Paul, 1935. Chapter: " The Rejection of

Carnap, Rudolf. "Replies and Systematic Expositions": "2. Robert S. Cohen on Dialectical Materialism vs.
Empiricism", "3. Philipp Frank and V. Brushlinsky on Positivism, Metaphysics, and Marxism"; in: The Philosophy of
Rudolf Carnap, ed. Paul Arthur Schilpp (La Salle, IL: Open Court, 1963), pp. 863-867, 867-868.

Cohen, Robert S. "Dialectical Materialism and Carnap's Logical Empiricism," in: The Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap,
ed. Paul Arthur Schilpp (La Salle, IL: Open Court, 1963), pp. 99-158.

Dreben, Burton. "Cohen's Carnap, or Subjectivity is in the Eye of the Beholder," in: Science, Politics, and Social
Practice: Essays on Marxism and Science, Philosophy of Culture and the Social Sciences: In Honor of Robert S.
Cohen, edited by Kostas Gavroglu, John Stachel, Marx W. Wartofsky (Dordrecht; Boston: Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 1995), pp. 27-42. (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science; v. 164)

Ducasse, Curt. Philosophy as Logical Syntax of the Language of Science, in Philosophy as a Science (1941),
Chapter 7.

Frank, Philipp. "The Pragmatic Components in Carnap's 'Elimination of Metaphysics'," in: The Philosophy of
Rudolf Carnap, ed. Paul Arthur Schilpp (La Salle, IL: Open Court, 1963), pp. 159-164. Includes the critique of V.
Brushlinsky, pp. 160-163.

Friedman, Michael. A Parting of the Ways: Carnap, Cassirer, and Heidegger . Chicago: Open Court, 2000.

Gabriel, Gottfried. "Carnap's 'Elimination of Metaphysics Through Logical Analysis of Language'. A Retrospective
Consideration of the Relationship between Continental and Analytic Philosophy."

Gabriel, Gottfried. "Introduction: Carnap Brought Home", in Carnap Brought Home: The View from Jena, edited by
Steve Awodey & Carsten Klein (Chicago: Open Court, 2004), pp. 3-23.

This essay presents a fascinating thesis: the overlooked influence of lebensphilosophie on Carnap.
The author examines the neglected role of Carnap's teacher Herman Nohl, a student of Dilthey. The
influence of lebensphilosophie can be found in Carnap's Pseudoproblems in Philosophy (1928) and
"Overcoming Metaphysics Through Logical Analysis of Language" (1931). The politics and
philosophical positions competing in the German youth movement are outlined. Nohl got from
Dilthey the notion that metaphysics = scientific weltanshauung. Carnap (1931) deems metaphysics
as an historical substitute for theology. In this he follows the neo-Kantian F.A. Lange. Metaphysics
is viewed not as cognitively valuable but expressive or emotive. Carnap credits Nietzsche for the
notion of philosophy as poetry. Heidegger and Carnap draw on the same tension between neo-
Kantianism and lebensphilosophie to reach opposite positions (p. 12). (Note Carnap on music.)
Note the enmity of Carnap for Heidegger through Carnap's friendship with Wilhelm Flitner. Note also
the religious nature and mystical leanings of Carnap's family.

Heelan, Patrick A. "Carnap and Heidegger: Parting Ways in the Philosophy of Science," in Heidegger’s Critique of
Science, ed. Trish Glazebrook (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2007). [Cannot verify this publication.]

Mormann, Thomas. "Carnap's Logical Empiricism, Values, and American Pragmatism ." 12 pp.

Stone, Abraham D. "Heidegger and Carnap on the Overcoming of Metaphysics". 26 April 2004.

Uebel, Thomas. "Carnap, the Left Vienna Circle, and Neopositivist Antimetaphysics", in Carnap Brought Home:
The View from Jena, edited by Steve Awodey & Carsten Klein (Chicago: Open Court, 2004), pp. 247-277.

The "left" Vienna Circle is said to be comprised of Hans Hahn, P. Frank, Neurath, and Carnap.
There is a vague correlation, not to be taken too literally, between the scientific and political
positions of the "Left" wing of the Vienna Circle, even termed as such in Carnap's correspondence.
The author explores the limitations, equivocations, and contradictions in the anti-realist, anti-
correspondence views of Carnap and the others. He also places Carnap's concerns in the context
of the intellectual politics of his milieu. He was compelled to oppose the old "school" metaphysics
including prevalent views about science, by means of a scientific philosophy and defense of
Enlightenment. The relationship of the Vienna Circle to American pragmatism is also brought up,
including a limited engagement with Dewey.

Wolters, Gereon. "Style in Philosophy: The Case of Carnap", in Carnap Brought Home: The View from Jena,
edited by Steve Awodey & Carsten Klein (Chicago: Open Court, 2004), pp. 25-39.

Note the influence of F.A. Lange's notion of conceptual poetry on Nietzsche (28). Note Carnap's
moral and political concerns (35). [Note: Carnap's last photograph was taken with activists in the
U.S. civil rights movement.] Carnap's non-cognitivism (and theory-practice dualism) regarding the
above is said to be symptomatic of his uncompromising, extremist, either-or character (36).
Otto Neurath

Cartwright, Nancy; et al; eds. Otto Neurath: Philosophy Between Science and Politics. New York: Cambridge
University Press, 1996. (Ideas in Context; 38). Publisher description. Table of contents.

Cockshott, Paul. "Calculation in-Natura, from Neurath to Kantorovich ." May 15, 2008.

Gruber, Helmut. Red Vienna: Experiment in Working-Class Culture 1919-1934. New York; Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1991. See pp. 52, 84-85.

Jacobs, Struan; Otto, Karl-Heinz. “Otto Neurath: Marxist Member of the Vienna Circle,” Auslegung, Vol. 16 , No. 2
pp, 175-189.

Lindley, Mark; Farmelant, James. “The Strange Case of Dr Hayek and Mr Hayek,” Journal of Social and Political
Studies (Allahabad, India), volume III, no. 2, December 2012.

Nemeth, Elisabeth. Otto Neurath’s Economics in Context. New York: Springer, 2008.

Nemeth, Elisabeth; Stadler, Friedrich (eds.), Encyclopedia and Utopia: The Life and Work of Otto Neurath (1882-
1945), Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook, 1996, vol. 4. Dordrecht; Boston; London: Kluwer Academic Publishers:
1996. See review by Cosma Rohilla Shalizi.

Neurath, Otto. Empiricism and Sociology, edited by Marie Neurath and Robert S. Cohen; translations from the
German by Paul Foulkes and Marie Neurath; with a selection of biographical and autobiographical sketches.
Dordrecht: Reidel, 1973. Includes abridged translations of two books, Anti-Spengler and Empiricism and

Neurath, Otto. Modern Man in the Making. New York; London: , Alfred A. Knopf, 1939.

Neurath, Otto. "Sociology and Physicalism" [orig. 1931/2] translated by Morton Magnus & Ralph Raico, in: Logical
Positivism, A.J. Ayer, ed. (New York: Free Press, 1959), 282-317.

O'Neill, John. "Unified Science as Political Philosophy: Positivism, Pluralism and Liberalism", Studies in History
and Philosophy of Science (2003). Abstract.

Otto Neurath, 1882--1945 (25 Jul 1997), from Notebooks by Cosma Rohilla Shalizi.

Vossoughian, Nader. Otto Neurath: The Language of the Global Polis. Rotterdam: NAi Publishers, 2008.

Zolo, Danilo. Reflexive Epistemology: The Philosophical Legacy of Otto Neurath, translated from the Italian by
David McKie. Dordrecht; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989. (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of
Science; v. 118)

The Frankfurt School (Horkheimer, Adorno) & the Vienna Circle (Neurath, Carnap)

Alker, Hayward R.. Jr. “ Logic, Dialectics, Politics: Some Recent Controversies,” in Dialectical Logics for the
Political Sciences; guest editor, Hayward R. Alker, Jr. (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1982), pp. 65-94. (Poznan Studies in
the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities; v. 7)

Bowie, Andrew. "The Romantic Connection: Neurath, The Frankfurt School, and Heidegger", British Journal for the
History of Philosophy, Part One: vol. 8, no. 2 (2000): 275-298; Part Two: vol. 8, no. 3 (2000): 459-483.

Dahms, Hans Joachim. "Der Positivismusstreit (Fortsetzung)," Jahrbuch fur Soziologiegeschichte, 1991, 119-182.
[In German]

Abstract: This article continues a detailed examination of the relationship between critical theory
and logical positivism, and provides an account of the philosophical interventions in the debate
concerning positivism within German sociology during the 1960's.

Dahms, Hans Joachim. "Die Vorgeschichte des Positivismus-Streits: von der Kooperation zur Konfrontation,"
Jahrbuch fur Soziologiegeschichte, 1990; 9-78. [In German]

Abstract: This article provides a detailed account of the contacts and exchanges between members
of the Frankfurt School and the Vienna Circle during the years 1936-1942.

Hegselmann, Rainer. "La concepcion cientifica del mundo, el circulo de viena: un balance" in El Programa de
Carnap: Ciencia, lenguaje, filosofia, Cirera, Ramon (ed.) (Barcelona: Ed-Bronce, 1997). [In Spanish]

Abstract: Almost all leading members of the logical empiricist movement in Germany and Austria left
those countries after 1933 (Germany) and 1934 (Austria). They did that to escape ethnic and
political persecution. Despite that, in 1937 logical empiricism was accused by Max Horkheimer of
holding a world view not only compatible with but even supporting and preparing national socialism.
The article discusses that charge and rejects it.

Korthals, Michiel. "Het Positivisme Van Horkheimer: Een Kritiek Op Het Artikel Filosofie En Wetenschap in De
Frankfurter Schule, Door S Koenis," Kennis en Methode, 9 (1985): 243-251. [In Dutch/Flemish]

Abstract: Against dialectical and Lukacsian interpretations of Horkheimer's critical theory in the early
thirties the author stresses Horkheimer's conception of social research, that has to falsify and or
verify philosophical and other theoretical insights. His critique of the concept of totality and other
metaphysical constructs and bring him in the neighborhood of the Vienna Circle. His application of
the concepts 'essence' and 'phenomena', however, contradicts his positivistic stance, because the
'essence' can't be tested by empirical research.

O'Neill, John; Uebel, Thomas. "Horkheimer and Neurath: Restarting a Disrupted Debate," European Journal of
Philosophy, vol. 12, no. 1, April 2004, pp. 75-105.

Pearce, Trevor. “More than an Analogy: Rudolf Carnap and Theodor Adorno on Music and Philosophy.”
voiceXchange, vol. 2, 2006. 11 pp.

Uebel, Thomas. Overcoming Logical Positivism from Within: The Emergence of Neurath's Naturalism in the
Vienna Circle's Protocol Sentence Debate. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1992.

History & Politics of the Vienna Circle, McCarthyism & American Philosophy

Capps, John. Pragmatism and the McCarthy Era (March 9, 2002). Conference paper for Society for the
Advancement of American Philosophy, 29th Annual Meeting, Portland, Maine, March 7-9, 2002; Conference
Theme: The Emotions and American Philosophy.

Dumain, Ralph. McCumber Marking Time. 31 December 2003, 4 January 2004.

Frank, Philipp. Modern Science and Its Philosophy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1949. Reprint:
New York: George Braziller, 1955.

Galison, Peter. "The Americanization of Unity ," Daedalus, Winter 1998.

Giere, Ronald N.; Richardson, Alan W.; eds. Origins of Logical Empiricism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota
Press, 1996. (Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science; v. 16)

Gimbel, Steven. If I Had A Hammer: Why Logical Positivism Better Accounts for the Need for Gender and Cultural

A curious essay on the forgotten left-wing heritage of analytical philosophy, with a polemic against

Hardcastle, Gary L.; Richardson, Alan W.; eds. Logical Empiricism in North America. Minneapolis: University of
Minnesota Press, 2003. Note articles by Howard and Reisch.

Howard, Don. "Better Red than Dead—Putting an End to the Social Irrelevance of Postwar Philosophy of Science ,"
Science & Education, vol. 18 (2009):199–220.

Howard, Don. "Two Left Turns Make a Right: On the Curious Political Career of North American Philosophy of
Science at Midcentury," in: Logical Empiricism in North America, ed. Gary L. Hardcastle & Alan W. Richardson
(Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2003), Chapter 2.

Hudelson, Richard; Evans, Robert . "McCarthyism and Philosophy in the United States," Philosophy of the Social
Sciences, vol. 33, no. 2, June 2003, pp. 242-260. [Link inactive]

McCumber, John. The Honor Roll: American Philosophers Professionally Injured During the McCarthy Era .

McCumber, John. Time in the Ditch: American Philosophy and the McCarthy Era. Evanston, IL: Northwestern
University Press, 2001.

Mirowski, Philip. "How Positivism Made Pact with the Postwar Social Sciences in America ," Galileo, 2nd series,
#31, May 2005.

Price, David H. “The FBI and Science & Society,” Science & Society, Winter 2004–2005.

See also Naturalism & Materialism (Reason & Society blog, April 16, 2007).

Reisch, George. "Disunity in the International Encyclopedia of Unified Science," in: Logical Empiricism in North
America, ed. Gary L. Hardcastle & Alan W. Richardson (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2003),
Chapter 8.

Reisch, George. George A. Reisch (web site).

Scientific Philosophy: the Multimedia Experience.

A collection of video and audio files documenting the lives and work of Rudolf Carnap and Charles

Reisch, George. A History of the International Encyclopedia of Unified Science . PhD dissertation.

Reisch, George A. How the Cold War Transformed Philosophy of Science. Cambridge, NY; New York: Cambridge
University Press, 2005. (Front matter.)

Reisch, George A. How the Cold War Transformed Philosophy of Science: To the Icy Slopes of Logic. February 15,
2004. Draft of book in progress. [Link inactive]
Reisch, George. "'The Life of The Present' to the 'Icy Slopes of Logic': How the Cold War Killed Logical
Empiricism." Draft: April 16, 2001.

Reisch, George. "McCarthyism in Philosophy, or, the Wrath of Sidney Hook." Draft, 2002.

Reisch, George. "Three Kinds of Political Engagement for Philosophy of Science," Science and Education, vol. 18
(2009), pp.191–197.

Riepe, Dale. "Critique of Idealistic Naturalism: Methodological Pollution in the Main Stream of American
Philosophy," in Radical Currents in Contemporary Philosophy, edited by David H. DeGrood, Dale Riepe, & John
Somerville (St. Louis, W. H. Green, 1971), pp. 5-22.

Uebel, Thomas. Empiricism at the Crossroads: The Vienna Circle’s Protocol-Sentence Debate. Chicago: Open
Court, 2007. (Full Circle: Publications of the Archive of Scientific Philosophy; v. 4)

Uebel, Thomas E. "Enlightenment and the Vienna Circle's Scientific World-Conception," in: Philosophers on
Education: Historical Perspectives, edited by Amélie Oksenberg Rorty (London; New York: Routledge, 1998), pp.

Other Studies of German, Central & East European, & Anglo-American

Philosophical & Social Currents

Alker, Hayward R.. Jr. “ Logic, Dialectics, Politics: Some Recent Controversies,” in Dialectical Logics for the
Political Sciences; guest editor, Hayward R. Alker, Jr. (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1982), pp. 65-94. (Poznan Studies in
the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities; v. 7)

Bouveresse, Jacques; Fournier, Christian [trans]; Laugier, Sandra [trans]. “Philosophy from an Antiphilosopher:
Paul Valéry,” Critical Inquiry, vol, 21, no. 2, Winter, 1995, pp. 354-381. See also: Some Thoughts of Paul Valéry on
Philosophy and Adorno on Paul Valéry & Cartesian Rationalism & Irrationalism in French Philosophy .

Dumain, Ralph. Note on the Poznan School.

Edmonds, David; Eidinow, John. Wittgenstein's Poker: The Story of a Ten-Minute Argument Between Two Great
Philosophers. New York: Ecco, 2001.

Gellner, Ernest. Language and Solitude: Wittgenstein, Malinowski, and the Habsburg Dilemma. Cambridge; New
York: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Gellner, Ernest. Words and Things: A Critical Account of Linguistic Philosophy and a Study in Ideology . London:
Gollancz; Boston: Beacon, 1959.

The Ernest Gellner Resource Site

Hanna, Robert. Review of Psychologism: A Case Study in the Sociology of Philosophical Knowledge by Martin
Kusch (London: Routledge, 1995), Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 57, no.4 (December 1997): 961-

Janik, Allan. Wittgenstein's Vienna Revisited . New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2001.

Jones, Roger Bishop. Notes by RBJ on: Words and Things by Ernest Gellner. 2001/01/21.

Kusch, Martin. Psychologism: A Case Study in the Sociology of Philosophical Knowledge. London; New York:
Routledge, 1995. Four Appendices to Psychologism (1995). See also psychologism @ Studies in a Dying Culture.

Lyas, Colin. “Herbert Marcuse's Criticism of ‘Linguistic Philosophy’ ,” Philosophical Investigations, vol. 5, no. 3, July
1982, pp. 166-189.

Nagel, Ernest. "Impressions and Appraisals of Analytic Philosophy in Europe," The Journal of Philosophy, vol. 33
(1936), no. 1, pp. 5-24 & no. 2, pp. 29-53.

Prado, C. G., ed. A House Divided: Comparing Analytic and Continental Philosophy . Amherst, NY: Humanity
Books, 2003. Table of contents.

Schmidt, James. The “New Failure of Nerve,” The Eclipse of Reason, and the Critique of Enlightenment in New
York and Los Angeles, 1940-1947. Center for Advanced Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, May
2011. See also blog post: James Schmidt on Max Horkheimer & Dialectic of Enlightenment.

Sluga, Hans. "What Has History to Do With Me? Wittgenstein and Analytic Philosophy," Inquiry, vol. 41, 1998, pp.

Uschanov, T. P. The Strange Death of Ordinary Language Philosophy. 2001.

Witt-Hansen, Johannes. "Marx's Method in Social Science, and Its Relationship to Classical and Modern Physics
and Mathematics", Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, vol. 3, nos. 1-4, 1977
(Amsterdam: B.R. Gruner Publishing Co.), pp. 1-41. (Issue theme: Aspects of the Production of Scientific
Knowledge, edited by J. Witt-Hansen.)

Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Culture and Value [= Vermischte Bemerkungen]; edited by G. H. von Wright, in collaboration
with Heikki Nyman; translated by Peter Winch. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980. See also Wittgenstein
on Esperanto (1946, p. 52e). See also Ludwig Wittgenstein and Constructed Languages: Wittgenstein, Esperanto
by T. Peter Park.

Wolniewicz, Boguslaw. "Wittgensteinian Foundations of Non-Fregean Logic," in Contemporary East European

Philosophy, Vol. 3, edited by Edward D'Angelo, David DeGrood, and Dale Riepe (Bridgeport, CT: Spartacus
Books, 1971), pp. 231-243.

(Logical) Positivism & Critical Rationalism: Assorted Marxist & Other Critiques

Alker, Hayward R.. Jr. “ Logic, Dialectics, Politics: Some Recent Controversies,” in Dialectical Logics for the
Political Sciences; guest editor, Hayward R. Alker, Jr. (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1982), pp. 65-94. (Poznan Studies in
the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities; v. 7)

Arthur, Richard. "The Empiricist Account of Scientific Knowledge—A Polemical Evaluation ," Poznan Studies in the
Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, vol. 3, nos. 1-4, 1977 (Amsterdam: B.R. Gruner Publishing Co.),
pp. 125-141. (Issue theme: Aspects of the Production of Scientific Knowledge, edited by J. Witt-Hansen.)

Balibar, Étienne. "Irrationalism and Marxism," New Left Review, I/107, January-February 1978, pp. 3-18.

Cornforth, Maurice. "Logical Empiricism," in: Philosophy for the Future: The Quest of Modern Materialism, edited
by Roy Wood Sellars, V.J. McGill, Marvin Farber (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1949), pp. 495-521.

Cornforth, Maurice. Science versus Idealism: In Defence of Philosophy against Positivism and Pragmatism .
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, Publishers, 1975. Reprint of the 1962 ed. published by International Publishers,
New York. Original edition 1955. Based on Science versus Idealism (1946) and In Defence of Philosophy (1950).

See also Maurice Cornforth on William Blake vs. the Fetishism of Language.

Cornforth, Maurice. Marxism and the Linguistic Philosophy. 2nd ed. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1967 (orig.
1965). (Note: Cornforth softened his dogmatism following the Stalin era, hence this and his work on Popper are
most representative of his late views.)
Cornforth, Maurice. Communism and Human Values. New York: International Publishers, 1972.
Reproduces with slight changes three chapters from Marxism and the Linguistic Philosophy. See
Chapter 8, Science and Evaluation, pp. 41-47.

Frank, Philipp. Modern Science and Its Philosophy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1949. Reprint:
New York: George Braziller, 1955. See Chapter 10: How Idealists and Materialists View Modern Physics, pp. 186-
197; Chapter 11, Logical Empiricism and the Philosophy of the Soviet Union, pp. 198-206.

Frank, Philipp. Science, Facts, and Values. Unpublished draft manuscript, transcribed with comments by George

Gedö, András. Crisis Consciousness in Contemporary Philosophy. Translated by Salomea Genin; edited by Doris
Grieser Marquit. Minneapolis: Marxist Educational Press, 1982. (Studies in Marxism; v. 11) [Original German
edition: Philosophie der Krise. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1978.] Chapter Two, part one, Neopositivism: Linguistic
Philosophy and Critical Rationalism, pp. 20-34, plus endnotes (208-215).

Kolakowski, Leszek; Guterman, Norbert, trans. The Alienation of Reason: A History of Positivist Thought (Garden
City, NY: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1968), pp. 202-206, 207-219. This extract comprises the end of chapter 8,
"Logical Empiricism: A Scientistic Defense of Threatened Civilization," and the concluding chapter. This book was
originally published in Polish in 1966. Revised and republished as Positivist Philosophy from Hume to the Vienna
Circle, 1972.

Lukács, Georg. The Destruction of Reason, translated by Peter Palmer. London: The Merlin Press, 1980. See
Lukács on Wittgenstein, pp. 782-784.

Marcuse, Herbert. One Dimensional Man. Boston: Beacon Press, 1964. See esp. chapter 6, From Negative to
Positive Thinking: The Logic of Domination; chapter 7, The Triumph of Positive Thinking: One-Dimensional
Philosophy. See also extract from chapter 1: From Operationalism to Zen.

Naletov, Igor; translated from the Russian by Vladimir Stankevich. Alternatives to Positivism, (Moscow: Progress
Publishers, 1984).

Chapter One: Between Science and Metaphysics, section 1: Metaphysics and Anti‑Metaphysics of
Positivism, pp. 23-58, is a good place to start; other sections are also relevant.

For critique of Popper, see Chapter one, section 2: Metaphysics of "Critical Rationalism" (59-71, 86-
104) & Chapter 2, section 2: Objective Knowledge and "Critical Rationalism" (177-196). See also
Chapter one, section 3—"Scientific Realism". Metaphysics and Ontology—for Mario Bunge's
critique of Popper; Chapter three, section 1—Overcoming Hegel—on Popper and dialectics;
Chapter three, section 3—Concreteness of Materialist Dialectics—on Popper and causality;
Chapter three, section 6—Dialectics of the Objective and the Subjective in Scientific Cognition—on
Popper and objectivity/subjectivity; four paragraphs on Popper in the Conclusion.

Panova, Elena. “The Main Principles of David Hume's Epistemology as a Source of Contemporary Positivism ,” in:
Revolutionary World: An International Journal of Philosophy (Amsterdam: B. R. Grüner B. V.), vols. 11: 12: 13,
1975, pp. 218-227.

Yulina, Nina. “The Image of Science and Metaphysics,” in: Civilisation, Science, Philosophy: Theme of the 17th
World Congress of Philosophy (Montreal, August 1983) (Moscow: "Social Sciences Today" Editorial Board, USSR
Academy of Sciences, 1983), pp. 223-235. (Problems of the Contemporary World; no. 111)

Karl Popper (Bibliography)

Karl Popper: Intellectual Biography

Caldwell, Bruce. Recovering Popper. A review essay of Malachi Hacohen, Karl Popper: The Formative Years,
1902-1945 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000).

Hacohen, Malachi Haim. Karl Popper, The Formative Years, 1902-1945: Politics and Philosophy in Interwar
Vienna. Cambridge, U.K.; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Popper, Karl. Unended Quest. Rev. ed. London; New York: Routledge, 2002 [orig. 1974].

Popper & Hegel

Kaufmann, Walter. "The Hegel Myth and Its Method," in: From Shakespeare to Existentialism: Studies in Poetry,
Religion, and Philosophy” (Boston: Beacon Press, 1959), Chapter 7, pp. 88-119.

Popper & Marxism

Bouveresse, Jacques. Karl Popper et la Connaissance Objective.

Colletti, Lucio. Lénine et Popper [ in French]. Originally "Popper e Lenin," [in Italian], L'espresso, 22 April 1990;
reprinted in "Fine della filosofia" e altri saggi (Rome, 1996), pp. 44-51.

In his short article “Lenin and Popper," Colletti recalls how, in a private letter from 1970, first
published in Die Zeit, Popper effectively wrote: “Lenin’s book on empiriocriticism is, in my opinion,
truly excellent." — Slavoj Žižek

Cornforth, M. The Open Philosophy and the Open Society: A Reply to Dr. Karl Popper's Refutations of Marxism .
New York: International Publishers, 1968.

Davison, M. R. “Aspects of the Soviet Response to Popper,” Studies in Soviet Thought, 20 (1979).

Fincchiaro, M. “Methodological Criticism and Critical Methodology,” Journal for General Philosophy of Science,
vol. 10, no. 2, 1979.

Geymonat, Ludovico. Riflessioni critiche su Kuhn e Popper. Dedalo, Bari, 1983. [In Italian]

Gorton, Bill. Popper's Debt to Marx. Karl Popper 2002 Centenary Congress, Vienna, 3-7 July 2002. For full paper
with footnotes in PDF format click here.

ABSTRACT: Karl Popper is widely regarded as a critic of Marxism. In particular, he is commonly

viewed as an opponent of Marx's methodology. Popper, it is said, viewed Marxism as a
pseudoscience, on par with astrology and religious prophecy. This view of Popper's critique of
Marxism, I argue, is a gross distortion. To be sure, Popper was highly critical of certain aspects of
Marx's approach to social inquiry, and, of course, he emphatically rejected the utopian and
collectivist social reforms inspired by Marx. But Popper also viewed Marx as an exemplary and
groundbreaking social scientist. Moreover, Popper's encounter with Marx's methodology, especially
that found in Capital, deeply influenced Popper's own ideas about social inquiry. My proposed
essay explores Marx's influence on Popper in three sections. In the first section, I review Popper's
criticisms of Marxism. The main target of Popper's criticism, I show, was not Marx, but Marx's
followers, whom Popper accused of immunizing Marx's predictions from falsification. However,
there is no reason to suppose that Popper viewed Marx's predictions as inherently unfalsifiable and
thus nonscientific. In his Open Society, Popper faulted Marx's predictions of capitalism's downfall
and socialist revolution. But Popper charged Marx with succumbing to wishful thinking and ignoring
the power of politics to counter economic trends, not with falsification evasion. In the second
section, I contend that Popper's most noteworthy contribution to social science— situational
analysis —bears an unmistakably Marxian imprint. The same is true for Popper's doctrine of
methodological individualism and his claim that the primary task of the social sciences is to trace
the unintended consequences of human action and lay bare hidden social relationships. In the final
section of my essay, I argue that Popper's interpretation of Marx's methodology, as well as
Popper's recommendations for social inquiry, is essentially the same as that of so-called analytical
Marxists, such as Jon Elster and Daniel Little. Popper and the analytical Marxists both reject the
Hegelian and dialectical elements in Marx's thought as unscientific, even nonsensical. And both
claim that the real value of Marx's explanations lies in untangling the complex web of interaction
generated by individuals acting rationally in structured situations. I also argue that Popper's
"rationality principle" bears a strong resemblance to the "broadened practical rationality" advocated
by Little and other analytical Marxists. By tracing Marx's influence on Popper, and by exploring the
similarities between Popperian social science and analytical Marxism, a richer and more refined
understanding of Popper's concept of situational analysis emerges.

Hacohen, Malachi. Popper's Political Legacy in Historical Context. Jan. 19, 2003.

Hudelson, R. “Popper’s Critique of Marx”, in Philosophical Studies, 37 (1980).

“Karl Popper and Creationism,” Science and Nature, no. 4, (1981), p. 2.

Kelemen, János. “In Defense of The Destruction of Reason,” Logos, vol. 7, no. 1, winter 2008.

Kozharov, Asen. Monism and Pluralism in Ideology and in Politics. Sofia: Sofia Press, 1975. See Part I, Chapter 1,
section 5. Pluralism in Bourgeois Social Philosophy and Sociology.

Lewis, John. Marxism and the Open Mind. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1957. Popper is referenced in
the preface.

Little, Daniel. The Scientific Marx. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1986. See esp. " Falsifiability and
Adhocness" (pp. 177-186) in chapter 7, "Falsifiability and Idealism" (pp. 177-195).

Mcquarie, D. "Karl Popper and Marxian Laws," Science and Society, 41, no. 4 (Winter, 1977): 477.

Megill, Allan. Popper and Marx Reconsidered. Karl Popper 2002 Centenary Congress, Vienna, 3-7 July 2002.

Abstract: I have argued elsewhere (in Karl Marx: The Burden of Reason) that the bent of Marx's
social and political thought (especially his exclusion of politics and the market from his vision of a
future socialism) needs to be seen as arising from the conception of scientific rationality to which he
adhered. Marx placed a high value on necessity, universality, and predictivity, and judged as
irrational institutions and activities that could not be understood in terms of these criteria. For Marx,
the fact that one cannot reliably predict the rise and fall of market prices or the vicissitudes of
political debate and action was a marker of the ultimate irrationality of the market and of politics.
Marx the rationalist philosopher thus determined Marx the social theorist. To be sure, my thesis as
to Marx's rationalism will be controversial, and in this paper I cannot give it either adequate defense
or the limiting qualifications that it needs. I therefore ask that, for the sake of the argument, it be
accepted as a postulate. The question then becomes: what light is cast on Popper's thinking when
he is brought into proximity with a rationalist Marx? There is a large literature on the Popper-Marx
relation, beginning with Popper's own statements in "The Poverty of Historicism," "What is
Dialectic?," and The Open Society and Its Enemies and ranging through to Marxian polemics
against Popper's view of Marx. At this late date it is clear that Popper's critique of Marx had more to
do with a certain kind of Marxism than with Marx, especially when Popper attacked Marx for being
a historical determinist and believer in predictive historical laws. Still, when one de-polemicizes
Popper one finds that in other respects he is on the mark— for example, in his recognition that
Marx was committed to "rational methods." More interesting than Popper's statements about Marx
are the strong affinities— and, within the context of those affinities, important differences—
between the two thinkers. Most important is the fact that both Marx and Popper were
Enlightenment, even hyper-Enlightenment, thinkers. Both believed fundamentally in science. Both
believed that the distinction between science and nonscience is extremely important. Both believed
that the progress of knowledge is the primary motor of human advance (a surprising statement, I
know, insofar as Marx is concerned, but note the postulate above). Yet there is a crucial difference
between the two, for Marx had a much "tighter," much more rigid conception of science than did
Popper. Popper's insistence that our grasp on scientific truth is contingent and potentially only
temporary sharply distinguishes him from Marx, and makes his perspective more friendly to the
disturbing rough and tumble of democratic politics.

Miller, Richard W. Analyzing Marx: Morality, Power and History . Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1984.
See esp. pp. 236-240 on falsifiability, pp. 292-301 on confirmation, pp. 304-313 on positivists & politics.

Mussachia, M. "Further Comment On Karl Popper," Science and Society, 40, no. 2 (Summer, 1976): 232.

Notturno, M. A. "Popper's Critique of Scientific Socialism, or Carnap and His Co-workers," in: Philosophy of the
Social Sciences, v.29, no.1, 1999, pp. 32-61.

Abstract: Karl Popper is widely regarded as the twentieth century's greatest critic of Marxism. This
article, based upon his 1942-47 correspondence with Rudolf Carnap, shows that Popper's critique
of scientific socialism had less to do with Marx's social goals than with the attitudes that Marxists
adopted toward their means of achieving them. It also reveals how Carnap, who tried to keep his
politics separate from his epistemology, managed to mix the two when refusing to give Popper his
wholehearted support in finding both publisher for The Open Society and Its Enemies and a
position that would give him greater opportunities for research.

Novack, George. Positivism and Marxism in Sociology, in Understanding History: Marxist Essays (New York:
Pathfinder Press, 1972; Chippendale NSW, Australia: Resistance Books, 2002).

Piloiu, Rares. "Hegemony: Methods and Hypotheses, A Historical-Comparative Perspective ," Reconstruction,
Volume 2, Number 2, Spring 2002.

Popper, Karl R. The Open Society and Its Enemies. London: George Routledge & Sons, 1945.

Popper, Karl R. The Poverty of Historicism. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1957.

Rauche, G. A. "Theory And Practice In Philosophical Argument," Philosophia [Philosophical Quarterly of Israel], 15
(S 85): 25-39.

Abstract: Tracing the interplay between theory and practice in the dynamics of philosophical
argument, this paper represents philosophy as an open, critical discipline, which keeps asking the
same fundamental questions about knowledge, reality, justice, freedom, harmony and truth under
changing historical conditions. In the light of this, the present impasse of human thought which
manifests itself in the confrontation between totalitarian functionalism in the west on the one hand
and totalitarian ideologism in the east on the other, the need for a reversal of thinking becomes
evident. The present deadlock of human thought and the confrontation between west and east
resulting from it can be broken only if one-sided functional practice is replaced by fully-fledged
human practice. This requires moving beyond Popper's one-dimensional 'critical' rationalism and
Marxism-Leninism's 'scientific' dialectical materialism to a critical humanism, based on man's
contingent experience of reality.
Ryerson, Stanley B. The Open Society: Paradox and Challenge. New York: International Publishers, 1965. [Only
the opening section of chapter 1, "Tomorrow, Today, and Yesterday", pp. 9-11, mentions Popper directly; the book
is about the misuse of the concept by capitalist propagandists and politicians.].

Shaw, William H. Marx's Theory of History . Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1978. See pp. 149-168: on
Popper, Lakatos, falsifiability, research programs.

Suchting, W. A. “Marx, Popper and Historicism,” Inquiry, 15 (1972).

Suchting, W. A. “Popper’s Critique of Marx’s Method,” in Popper and the Human Sciences, G. Currie and A.
Musgrave, eds. (Dordrecht: Martins Nijhoff Publishers, 1985).

Taylor, C. “The Poverty of the Poverty of Historicism,” Universities & Left Review, 4 (1958).

Taylor, C. “Reply to Jarvie and Watkins,” Universities & Left Review, 6 (1959).

Verikukis, Hristos. "Popper's Double Standard of Scientificity in Criticizing Marxism ," Cultural Logic, 2007, 17 pp.

Welty, Gordon. "The Attack on Mead and the Dialectics of Anthropology ," Science and Nature, No. 9 (1990), pp.
14-27. [Also on Gordon A. Welty 's web site.]

Witt-Hansen, Johannes. "Marx's Method in Social Science, and Its Relationship to Classical and Modern Physics
and Mathematics", Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, vol. 3, nos. 1-4, 1977
(Amsterdam: B.R. Gruner Publishing Co.), pp. 1-41. (Issue theme: Aspects of the Production of Scientific
Knowledge, edited by J. Witt-Hansen.)

Wollheim, R. “Historicism Reconsidered,” Sociological Review, vol. 2 (1954).

Popper & the Frankfurt School

Adorno, Theodor W. Introduction to Sociology, edited by Christoph Godde, translated by Edmund Jephcott
(Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2000), Lecture Four, 2 May 1968, pp. 27-34.

Adorno, Theodor W.; et al. The Positivist Dispute in German Sociology, translated by Glyn Adey and David Frisby.
London: Heinemann, 1976. (Orig. in German, 1969)

Index of Sources vii
Introduction to the English Translation (David Frisby) ix
Theodor W. Adorno: Introduction 1
Theodor W. Adorno: Sociology and Empirical Research 68
Karl R. Popper: The Logic of the Social Sciences 87
Theodor W. Adorno: On the Logic of the Social Sciences 105
Ralf Dahrendorf: Remarks on the Discussion 123
Jürgen Habermas: The Analytical Theory of Science and Dialectics 131
Hans Albert: The Myth of Total Reason 163
Jürgen Habermas: A Positivistically Bisected Rationalism 198
Hans Albert: Behind Positivism's Back? 226
Harald Pilot: Jurgen Habermas' Empirically Falsifiable Philosophy of History 258
Hans Albert: A Short Surprised Postscript to a Long Introduction 283
Karl R. Popper: Reason or Revolution? 288
Selected Bibliography 301

Commentary by R. Dumain
I. Adorno's Introduction
Alker, Hayward R.. Jr. “ Logic, Dialectics, Politics: Some Recent Controversies,” in Dialectical Logics for the
Political Sciences; guest editor, Hayward R. Alker, Jr. (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1982), pp. 65-94. (Poznan Studies in
the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities; v. 7)

Bubner, Rudiger. "Theory and Practice in the Light of the Hermeneutic-Criticist Controversy," Cultural
Hermeneutics, 2 (Fall 75): 337-352.

Abstract: Karl Popper's recent hermeneutical turn on the basis of critical thinking has raised new
interest in the methodological debate between hermeneuticians and dialectical criticists. In
continental philosophy the school of 'verstehen' (Gadamer) and neo-marxism (Habermas) was
engaged in this controversy. I claim that the problem of theory and practice is really at issue in what
seems to be a methodological discussion. The shortcomings of crucial concepts such as reflection
and interest are considered. Systematical consequences are to be drawn in the framework of a
theory of action.

Dahms, Hans Joachim. Positivismusstreit: Die Auseinandersetzungen der Frankfurter Schule mit dem logischen
Positivismus, dem Pragmatismus und dem kritischen Rationalismus. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp,1994.

D'Amico, Robert. "Karl Popper and the Frankfurt School" in The Frankfurt School: Critical Assessments , Vol. III,
edited by Jay Bernstein (London: Routledge, 1994), pp. 198-210; originally in Telos; Issue 86, Winter 1990-91, pp.

Drake, Ryan. "Objectivity and Insecurity: Adorno and Empirical Social Research", Philosophy Today, Summer
2000, pp. 99-107.

Dumain, Ralph. Commentary on Matthew Piscioneri, Habermas: The Myth of Reason, 2004. See esp. Postscript:
Habermas & Popper.

Frisby, David. "The Popper-Adorno Controversy: the Methodological Dispute in German Sociology," Philosophy of
the Social Sciences, vol. 2, no. 2, June 1972, 105-119.

Fuller, Steve. Karl Popper and the Reconstitution of the Rationalist Left. Jan. 26, 2003.

Holub, Robert C. Jürgen Habermas: Critic in the Public Sphere. New York: Routledge, 1991.

Marcuse, Herbert. "Karl Popper and the Problem of Historical Laws," in: Studies in Critical Philosophy, translated
by Joris de Bres (Boston: Beacon Press, 1972), pp. 191-208. Book republished as From Luther to Popper
(London: Verso, 1983). Essay first published as "Notes on the Problem of Historical Laws," Partisan Review, vol.
36, no. 1, 1959.

Marcuse, Herbert; Popper, Karl. Revolution or Reform? A Confrontation . Ed. A. T. Ferguson; trans. Michael
Aylward & A. T. Ferguson; intro. Frederic L. Bender; afterword to German ed., Franz Stark. Chicago: Precedent
Publishing Co., 1976. Originally published in German as Revolution oder Reform? Herbert Marcuse u. Karl
Popper. Eine Konfrontation, ed. Franz Stark, 1972. (See introduction by Frederic L. Bender, " Marxism, Liberalism,
and the Foundations of Scientific Method," pp. 1-53; Herbert Marcuse: The New Society, pp. 65·77; Theoretical
Background: Herbert Marcuse, pp. 89-93; Afterword to the German Edition by Franz Stark, pp. 105-111.)

McCarthy, Thomas A. "Responses To 'Theory And Practice'," Cultural Hermeneutics, 2 (Fall 75): 355-356.

Overend, Tronn. "Interests, Objectivity and "The Positivist Dispute" in Social Theory," Social Praxis, 6, 1979, 69-

Abstract: Stemming from critical theory and critical rationalism's "joint" dismissal of empiricism and
subscription to relativism and monism, the positivist dispute in sociology, and the Albert/Habermas
polemic in particular, exemplifies the inadequacy of a Popperian defence of objectivity. Accordingly,
a social realist explication, then refutation, is made of "knowledge-constitutive interests"—the
foundation to Habermas' theory of science, following the elucidation of "ontological" difficulties, in
the form of an "ad hominem" refutation, "epistemological" errors associated with knowledge—
constitutive interests are elaborated along the dimensions of: (a) the epistemic function, (b) the
meaning and, (c) degenerative problem shifts. Finally, "substantive" arguments against the concept
include its pseudo-scientific and relativistic status.

Popper, Karl R. "The Logic of the Social Sciences," in The Positivist Dispute in German Sociology, translated by
Glyn Adey and David Frisby (London: Heinemann, 1976), pp. 87-104.

Ray, L.J. "Critical Theory and Positivism: Popper and the Frankfurt School," Philosophy of the Social Sciences,
Vol. 9, Issue 2, June 1979, 149-173.

Abstract: The purpose of this article is to clarify some issues in recent conflicts between critical
theorists and Popperians. It tentatively poses the question: whether either of these approaches
provide an adequate methodology for sociology. The discussion focuses on four areas of dispute:
unity of scientific method; separation of fact and value; rationality; and the concept of totality. These
issues are considered in the context of competing definitions of positivism and truth, which are
related to political goals and judgments. It is suggested that although Popperians point to serious
weaknesses in critical theory, inconsistencies undermine Popper's own position.

Ray, L. J. "Reply To Wilson's "Response to Ray's 'Critical Theory and Positivism: Popper and the Frankfurt
School'", Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 12 (Dec. 1982): 415-418.

Abstract: H.T. Wilson's 'Response to Ray' . . . addresses six issues which he identifies in an article
of mine concerning the dispute between Popper and Habermas. . . These concern issues of a
convergence between Popper and Habermas, goals of truth and success, natural and social
science, technology and society, and social interests. It is argued that on each of these, Wilson
misunderstands Ray, and on some points misunderstands Popper and Habermas.

Ruelland, Jacques G. "La Controverse Habermas-Popper," La Petite Revue de Philosophie, 2 (Autumn 1980):
105-136. [In French]

Abstract: Ce texte oppose Habermas et Popper sur le statut des sciences empiriques par l'examen
des controverses entre Carnap, Popper et Habermas, et les oppose encore sur le statut des
sciences historico-hermeneutiques a travers la controverse Hempel-Dray sur le role des lois en
histoire. Les enjeux des theses qui opposent Habermas et Popper montrent que la controverse qui
les oppose est fonde sur un malentendu.

Van Parijs, Philippe. "Karl Popper, Le Cercle de Vienne et L'ecole de Francfort," Revue Philosophique de Louvain,
76 (April 1978): 359-370. [In French]

Abstract: The article discusses a recent book by J. F. Malherbe, La Philosophie de Karl Popper et le
Positivisme Logique (Paris, P.U.F.), which offers a critical introduction to Popper's thought from the
vantage point of Kuhn's philosophy of science and Habermas' critical theory. It shows that Popper's
"autonomist" conception of science, contrary to Malherbe's view, is perfectly compatible both with
Kuhn's analysis of the dynamics of scientific revolutions and with Habermas' theory of knowledge-
leading interests.

Wilson, H. T. "Critical Theory's Critique of Social Science: Episodes in a Changing Problematic From Adorno To
Habermas, Part I.", History of European Ideas, 7 (1986): 127-147.

Abstract: Critical theory's critique of the social sciences took the form of an attack on their joint
commitment to traditional theory and empirical method. Theory and method in these disciplines
work hand in hand with one another to simultaneously seek the elimination of reflexivity and the
reconstitution of practice in a form better suited to the ascendancy of society as a culturally and
historically specific form of collective life rather than a synonym for such life and living. This article
analyzes the sense and significance of this critique in the contemporary setting of advanced
industrial societies.

Wilson, H. T. "Response to Ray's "Critical Theory and Positivism: Popper and the Frankfurt School", Philosophy of
the Social Sciences, 11, March 1981, 45-48.

Popper, Logic, & Dialectic

Alker, H. R. Jr. "Logic, Dialectics, Politics: Some Recent Controversies," in: Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of
the Sciences and the Humanities (Amsterdam, 1982), v.7, pp. 65-94.

Abstract: Le rôle de la logique formelle dans différentes philosophies sociales scientifiques. Entre le
"positivisme logique" classique et la dialectique "marxiste-léniniste". Le rationalisme critique de
Popper- Lakatos. L'herméneutique révolutionnaire et l'anarchisme méthodologique impliqués par
Kuhn et Feyerabend. L'herméneutique dialectique de Habermas, Apel, des contemporains de
l'Ecole de Francfort.

Drago, Antonino. Popper's Falsificationism Interpreted by Non-Classical Logic. April 14, 2003.

Popper, Karl R. "What is Dialectic?", Mind, 49 (N.S.) (196), 1940, 403-426.

Popper, Karl R. "Are Contradictions Embracing?", Mind, 52 (N.S.) (205), 1943, 47-50.

Popper, Karl R. "A Realist View of Physics, Logic and History " (1966), in Objective Knowledge.

Popper, Karl R. "Dialectical Methodology," Times Literary Supplement, 70, March 26, 1969.

Tuziak, Roman. Popper and Paraconsistency. Karl Popper 2002 Centenary Congress, Vienna, 3-7 July 2002.

ABSTRACT: Paraconsistent logic was introduced in order to provide the framework for inconsistent
but nontrivial theories. It was initiated by J. Lukasiewicz (1910) in Poland and, independently, by N.
A. Vasilev (1911-13) in Russia, but only in 1948 the first paraconsistent formal system was
designed. Since then thousands of papers have been published in this field. Paraconsistency
became one of the fastest growing branches of logic, due to its fruitful applications to computer
science, information theory, and artificial intelligence. K. R. Popper touched on the problem in his
paper „What is Dialectic?” (1940). Although only mentioned, his basic idea of the possibility of a
formal system of such a logic was fresh and original. Another attempt of exploring the logic of
contradiction, this time as a dual to intuitionistic logic, was made by Popper in his paper „On the
Theory of Deduction I and II” (1948). The same idea was formalized by N. D. Goodman (1981) and
developed by D. Miller (1993) under a label „Logic for Falsificationists”. Popper`s contribution to the
subject of paraconsistent logic has not been properly recognized so far. Since Lukasiewicz`s and
Vasilev`s works were still not translated into any West European languages in the 1940s, he should
be undoubtedly regarded as an independent forerunner of paraconsistency. On the other hand, it
seems tempting to adapt some of Popper`s other ideas for the theory of paraconsistent logic (the
way it was done with Vasilev`s very general concepts) and, especially, for the theory of artificial

Karl Popper: Three Worlds Theory

Church, R.D. Karl Popper's Theory of the Three Worlds (MA, 1982). UMI Dissertation Services.

Eccles, Sir John. Letter to Harold J. Dumain, 6 November 1977.

Lektorsky, V.A.; translated by Sergei Syrovatkin. "The Collective Subject. The Individual Subject ", in: Subject,
Object, Cognition (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1984), Part 2, Chapter 4.4, pp. 232-248, 276-277.

Niiniluoto, Ilkka. World 3: A Critical Defence .

ABSTRACT: Ever since Karl Popper introduced his new ontological doctrine of three worlds in
1967, his views have been attacked by critics on various grounds. With some justification, Popper's
expositions of his theory of World 3 have been accused to be sketchy and incoherent. In this paper,
I attempt to give a critical defence of what I take to be the rational core of Popper's argument: the
thesis of the existence of World 3 entities is an ontological hypothesis which gives the most
plausible account of culture in terms of emergent materialism. Already our natural language
involves ontological commitments to cultural and social entities like artifacts, works of art,
languages, norms, social institutions, and numbers. More generally, human mind, culture, and
society are complex products of evolution, created and reproduced by men, but also capable of
influencing the growth and development of new human individuals in their culture-producing
activities. For these reasons, the traditional dichotomy of materialism and idealism is clearly
perplexing in the case of culture. As culture is, per definitionem, something "cultivated" by human
beings, it is mind-dependent or mind-.involving. But to say that culture is only "in our heads" is not
at all convincing. Equally artificial are the attempts of materialist philosophers to reduce cultural
entities to merely physical objects. The ontological theory of World 3 should avoid the problematic
features of reductionist materialism, but at the same time help us to understand the peculiar "super-
individual" character of cultural formations without idealist or supernaturalist assumptions. The
paper contrast the Popperian notion of World 3 with three reductionist strategies: idealist reduction
to objective mind (Hegel), phenomenalist reduction to experiences (Carnap's Aufbau), and
materialist reduction to individual practical activities (Bunge). Parallels to Popper's thought are
sought in Durkheim's sociology and Ilyenkov's Marxist concept of the ideal. Replies to some critics
(Bloor, Carr, Cohen, Currie, O'Hear) are also given.

Popper, Karl. R. Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach . Rev. ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York:
Oxford University Press, 1979. [Orig. 1972.] See chapter 3, "Epistemology Without a Knowing Subject, " address
given at The First International Congress on Logic, Methodology, and the Philosophy of Science, August 1967.

Popper, Karl. "A Realist View of Logic, Physics, and History " (1966), in: Objective Knowledge (Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1972).

Popper, Karl. R.; Eccles, John C. The Self and its Brain. New York: Springer International, 1977.

Popper, Karl. Three Worlds. The Tanner Lecture on Human Values. Delivered at The University of Michigan, April
7, 1978. Originally published in Michigan Quarterly, 1979.

Popper, Karl. "World 3 and Emergent Evolution" [1969], Chapter 3 of Knowledge and the Body-Mind Problem
(London: Routledge, 1994), see esp. pp. 51-52.

Note: Abstracts not prefaced by the word "Abstract" were written by R. Dumain.

Wittgenstein, Marxism, Sociology: An Annotated Bibliography

Ernst Cassirer: A Selected Secondary Bibliography

Neo-Kantianism, Its History, Influence, and Relation to Socialism:

Selected Secondary Bibliography

Positivism vs Life Philosophy (Lebensphilosophie) Study Guide

Theodor W. Adorno & Critical Theory Study Guide

American Philosophy Study Guide

Salvaging Soviet Philosophy (1)

Descartes & Marxism: Selected Bibliography

Robert Musil: Science, Positivism, Irrationalism, Modernism: Selected Bibliography

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