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Posted by admin
Friday, 11 September 2009 10:22

By Human Rights Party (HRP)

We refer to the above matter and to the prosecution of the twelve UMNO linked infamous cow head racist and religious
extremist for amongst others creating racial and religious hatred and threatening violence and bloodshed to the Hindus.

Article 8 of the Malaysian Federal Constitution provides for equality before the law and equal protection for all citizens under
the law.

In the case of Hindraf legal adviser P.Uthayakumar and the 231 Hindraf peaceful assemblers’ 25th November 2007 case who
were arrested and/or charged for Sedition and unlawful assembly etc :-

1) the Attorney General (A.G) appeared in person at the Subordinate Sessions Court and threw the whole weight and
might of the UMNO state against this politically and economically weak and tiny 8% minority. Thereafter very senior Deputy
Public Prosecutors are continuing with the prosecution which is running for years causing many to lose their jobs, suffering
financial constraints, families broken up etc.

2) The A.G opposed bail for the Batu Caves peaceful assemblers for the alleged baseless charge of attempted murder and
the Malaysian Court actually denied them bail until an appeal was filed at the High Court and the subsequent withdrawing of
the said attempted murder charged.

3) The Attorney General again personally appeared in the Subordinate courts and opposed bail for P.Uthayakumar for the
Sedition charge. And the Sessions Court imposed a bail of RM50,000.00 and his passport was ordered to be impounded.
Stepping out of the Court he was immediately rearrested, manhandled, detained overnight and the day after he was also
detained under the Internal Security Act for 514 days.

4) But for the twelve UMNO linked cow head racial and religious extremists a different standard was applied, A bail of a
mere RM4,000.00 was imposed for the Sedition charge and RM500.00 and RM300.00 bail for the unlawful assembly charge.
There was no application opposing bail impounding their passports or attempted murder of the Indians charge (with their
threat of bloodshed if the Hindu temple was relocated to Section 23 of Shah Alam).

All this can only happen in the UMNO Prime Minister Najib Razak’s One Malaysia

The actual serious and genuine prosecution of these UMNO linked cow head racial and religious extremists are questionable
and yet to be seen.

Malaysians have not forgotten that in the March 2001 UMNO linked Kg. Medan racial attacks on the innocent and peacefully
living working class Indians, 5 Indians were killed and 100 over caused grievous bodily injuries (gory photographs enclosed).

But after nine years, this worst case of human rights violations in the history of Malaysia never saw the light of the day.
Neither did we see any conviction of these UMNO linked murderers and grievous bodily harm criminals because the victims
were “merely Indians”. Thus the questionable administration of justice in Malaysia? Further up to this day no Inquest into the
said five murdered were ever held, no Royal Commission of Inquiry was held no white paper presented in Parliament and
even Suhakam refused to hold and Inquiry and the High Courts dismissed our case to compel Suhakam to hold an Inquiry.

Kindly ensure that history does not repeat itself in this cow head case.

We once again call for the removal of the Attorney General and the Inspector General of Police and to be replaced by more
professional and Independent of UMNO personalities.

Thank you.



1 of 3 11/9/2009 2:19 PM - No Holds Barred, Corridors of Power and mo... ...


written by NSTPravda, September 11, 2009 10:25:12

Aiyah! We are proud that our AG, polis, MACC and Government to have Double the Standards of most civilized countries.So
semua-nya OK, especially for UMNO!
agree 17 disagree 3 report abuse

written by Hakim Joe, September 11, 2009 10:38:12

Lu balu mali-ah? Lu manyak ulu-loh! Ini macam 1Malaysia mah!

Satu Malaysia untuk olang Umno, kosong Malaysia untuk olang lain.

agree 20 disagree 1 report abuse

written by ONGJJJ, September 11, 2009 10:46:59

As you still need some standards in order to be double standards, these morons are just plain NO STANDARD. What do you
expect of a 3rd class graduate put there by his political masters.
agree 14 disagree 0 report abuse

written by pinsysu, September 11, 2009 10:47:03

that's their KPI! kakilang, act blurr & stupid! opposition - arrest! sure score 200% for their KPIs!

kick the BN gomen OUT!

agree 10 disagree 1 report abuse

written by mick_err_stan, September 11, 2009 11:01:43

It is my view that UMNO having been in power for so long, have developed a bunker mentality that they are the ‘Master’ and
the Rakyat the slaves. They propagate and instill the ideas that UMNO Malays are the superior race and cannot be
questioned. So we have the cow head incident where a group of Superior Race Mentality Malays feel the need to defend
Islam and to threaten the non Malaysa. Like the Ku Klux Klan, these Malays feel superior and all should kow-tow to them.
They have a blinker view and will not tolerate reasoning but instead uses aggression and violence ( to rape, to assault) to
get their point across. Judging from the profanity and threats from this group of people, its perhaps reasonable to deduce
that they are not very educated, probably low IQ and easily manipulated with racial ideology that makes them what they are.
With out the backing and protection of UMNO there are merely a bunch of racist hooligans. This however is my view and
you can disagree as I try to understand the action of this group of people from Section 23.
agree 9 disagree 1 report abuse

written by blackpea, September 11, 2009 11:06:34

Now this HRP is complaining double standard by the BN Govt, earlier this week the Indians wanted to withdraw the police
report over the cow incident, a few weeks ago the Indians wanted to vote for BN in the next election. In Penang the Indian
again wanted to scream their head out at LGE. Can you Indians really make up your fickle minds about what policy do you
want. For your infomation PR state Govt is only 1.5 yrs old, what do you Indian expect when the BN apparatus is used to
distrub the PR Govt. Set your mind and sight what you really want. If you like injustice to continue then vote for BN / UMNO
/MIC /MCA, if you want a change to your life and your childrens give the PR state govt time to settle down. I bet you will see
changes after a few years.
agree 12 disagree 1 report abuse

2 of 3 11/9/2009 2:19 PM - No Holds Barred, Corridors of Power and mo... ...

written by truthbespoken, September 11, 2009 11:20:20

First they drag their feet on prosecuting. Next they impose a small bail on the provocators. Then after the next by-elections,
they will be let off lightly.

This is how the corrupt, biased and racist UMNO government always function. The script is easy to read. To get out of the
rot, Malaysians must continue to unite and lambast the UMNO regime till our Malaysian government is taken by over by PR!

agree 9 disagree 1 report abuse

written by goldeneye, September 11, 2009 12:45:55

So Umno is evil and discriminate against Indians and other minority races. So you know it and you've suffered for it. Then for
God's sake, why keep bashing PR? Know who is your friend and who is your enemy. Join forces with PR and get rid of
Umno/BN from Federal power.

All I keep hearing from Hindraf is "What has PR done for Indians?" and even "PR is just like another Umno". Has there ever
been an Indian Speaker of a state assembly or a Deputy CM under Umno? Has there been so many Indian excos? Will an
Umno MB involve himself in finding a suitable site for relocating a Hindu temple? Will Hindu temples ever be built in
residential areas under a BN state govt? Will a BN CM and Deputy CM negotiate with developers to get the best deal for
Indian villagers being legally forced off their land?

Hindraf is being very demanding and very unreasonable at a time when PR is hobbled by Federal control over almost
everything except land. Why is it that Chinese and Malays do not demand, "What has PR done for my race?" Why do
Indians keep demanding more than PR can deliver at this juncture?

Now we hear some foolish Indian nationalists telling Indians not to vote in Bagan Pinang which is equivalent to giving BN an
easy victory. Fine, undermine PR and help BN to maintain power but don't keep complaining about BN's racist policies.

Hindraf's leaders lack vision. The solution for uplifting the Indian community is not a third force which will split Indian votes
and help BN. The solution is not special affirmative action for Indians which will continue to polarize the races and result in
the same abuse as affirmative action for Malays. The solution is to change the BN govt and work with PR to uplift the poor
and marginalized of all races equally.

However, Hindraf seems to want short-term, quick results. Can 52 years of abuse by BN be wiped out in 1.5 years of PR
rule in some states when all power and funds are centralized under the Federal govt who are constantly trying to undermine
PR? Why kill a goose by demanding eggs when it is still too young to lay you any eggs? Why keep complaining about BN
when your actions are helping BN maintain power?
agree 6 disagree 1 report abuse

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