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Name: __________________ Date: ___________________

Answer All Questions

Multiple Choice

1. A process of enquiry is?

a) History b) Mathematics c) geology d) science

2. You can protect yourself in the lab by following?

a) lab rules b) classmates c) friends d) strangers

3. If a classmate gets hurt in the lab, the first thing to do is?

a) laugh b) Ignore the injury c) play d) Report injury to teacher.

4. Which of the following do plants need to survive?

a) Clothes b) shoes c) laptop d) water.

5. Which of the following do animals need to survive?

a) music b) movies c ) Television d) Water

6. The process by which plants seeds grow is called?

a) Fertilisation b) Experimentation c) Growth d) Germination

7. If seed A is planted in soil then watered but seed B is planted without water which
will grow?

a) Seed B b) Seed A and B c) Not seed A d) Seed A

8. Water that settles on thin surfaces such as the leaves of plants is called?

a) Frost b) Snow c) Dew d) Hail

9. Water that passes through the leaves of plants occur due to the process of ?

a) Evaporation b) Condensation c) Boiling d) Transpiration

10. Water that is contaminated by foreign material is called?

a) Pure water b)Drinking Water c) Polluted Water d) Clean

11. When water droplets get large enough to fall from clouds it is called ?

a )Condensation b) Transpiration c) Sublimation d) Precipitation.

12. Percentage of surface of Earth which is covered by water is

a) 70% b) 85% c) 90% d) 60%

13. When water evaporates from plants it is called?

a)Condensation b) Transpiration c) Sublimation d) Precipitation

14. The water cycle is?

a) The continuous movement of water

b) . How water goes through a house

c). The stuff in water

d) Water pollution

15. The three states of water are

a). Rain, lakes, clouds

b). Solid, liquid, gas

c). Drinking water, bath water, lake water

D). Ice , Soda and Bag Juice.

16. A gas required for germination of pea seed is :

a) Nitrogen b) Oxygen c) Hydrogen d) Water Vapour

17. When a seed is sown into soil, first thing it does is

a) take up water b) take up oxygen c) burst apart d )split in two parts

18. You should do the following if you are burned:

a. run and scream that you are burned

b. run cold water over the area for 15 minutes

c. get cream and place on the burned area

d. let the area dry

19. A meteorologist is someone who :

a) Study plants
b) Create Things
c) Studies Science
d) Forecast Weather


a) Water in plants.
b)Dew is water in the form of droplets that appears on thin, exposed objects in the
morning or evening due to condensation.
c)Water in animals
d)Money used in church.
21. Which option has all the conditions for germination of a seed?

a) water, fertilizer, dirt.

b) oxygen, water, dirt
c) water, oxygen and warmth.
d) air, clothes , food

22. Water pollution is

a) when water is made suitable to drink

b) when water is clean
c) when water is made dirty causing it not to be good to use by living things
d)when water is brown

23. What can happen if we play in a laboratory?

a) We will have fun

b) Nothing will happen

c) The teacher will send us out.

d) We could get damaged by the equipment or chemicals in the lab or we could damage

the apparatus in the lab.

24. How can we prevent water pollution?

a) By throwing waste from plants and animals in the water.

b) By throwing chemicals in the water

c) By Farming near water sources and using pesticides and fertilizers.

d) By not doing any of the above.

25. The body fuids that contain water are:

a) bones, hair, nails

b) skin, teeth, Nose

c) saliva, Blood, Urine

d) fruit, Stem, Root.


26. The earth is about 70 % water ________________________

27. Water is found in all living things since they are unable to survive without
28. Humans can survive longer without water than food._____________________
29. Match the name of these apparatus and write what they are used for under the picture.

Bunsen Burner , Beaker, Thermometer, measuring cylinder

30 . List Four Causes of water pollution


31. What do meteorologist do ?


32. What conditions are needed for a seed to grow?

33. Name three body fluids that contain water
_______________________ ____________________ _____________________

34 . Name the following safety symbols:

_______ ______ ______ ______ ________ ________

35. Write an essay on water pollution on a page.

36. Match the names of the Jamaican scientist to the work they did below
Dr. Thomas P. Lecky Dr. Paula Tennant

Jamaican farmer who has developed a new species of cattle called the Jamaica Hope
which is excellent for beef._____________________

She has done research on and development of the Jamaican solo sunrise Papaya that is
resistant to papaya ringspot virus disease. ________________________.

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