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be the casing shoe pressure maximum?
LtJW. While killing a rvell rvhen rvould
(Select trvo ansrvers)

b. When the gas reaches surface
Vq- When the gas top reaches the shoe
d. Stays the same through out the kill operation'

kilting could not be started' After
minutes. Due to the problems with mud pump the
what will
the pressure at surface are increasing due to gas migration'
some time both
be the simplest and iafest action to be taken to keep
bottom hole pressure constant?

a. Bleed off mud keeping casing pressure constant

decrease acdording to volumetric
b. Start bleeding off muJ and lei ihe casing pressure
vs Bleed mud from choke keeping drill pipe pressure
d. Leave it as it is. Gas migration will not affect BHP'

(Select two ansrvers)

a. i. To maintain bottom hole pressure o \c{-TYte

\e r.4Lr vot-r-:mE sktouLr
4*s\r{qi r'4Lro
r -Tyte c-*srstr)

v,,H" To check for any mud loss -*.a=*:Gfr?T=

sF\o":*':=:.,6-6 .sE t'l.'xE
,],, T:?Siffit'l;inff::'J:l :- -- eAs vousma $s\L!- caas ts
e. constant pump SPM
.To maintain
Q41r+ED -t u'H4E 16e

is stilt inside the string;
shuts down"the pump to obr..r. the well and tight mud
which of the follorving statement is correct?

: 8,000 ft String CaPacitY : 0.0178 bbl/ft

We[ TVD : 9.5 ppg
Original Mud : 11 PPg Light Mud

a. BHP witl increase bY 110 Psi

b. BHP will decrease bY I t0 Psi
gHp *1r remain same but a back pressure of I l0 psi will be'on drill pipo
v;'" : tCa'S
gauge. t\roL{'5 .:(rt - 9'S) xo'o5z-x \L{oq ' $
* --
For each of the fotlowing statements select the appropriate
kill method'
i) Remo're influx from well before pumping kill mud
v'i nritt"rt method b' W&W method

ii) When open hole section is long & MAASP is criticat

a. Drillers method v5. Wgrv method
\-1:-'^3!rcrc!- fressq:a
S e-c-e.- d. rne$oA ': - ilr'e J:$ "-lr -t];\-r,5€ -tR-.E"-
+ tro yt\ s- -\-rrr€- d."irr. ttP'sis\e-
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2-> \\O\'q
-6. r: r-f t
xI'sSZ-x \
(aooc x -csz- xr) =-@ [o. o ur-.o \\o\r.q x q. s) * (tt,*er--t\a\"{)
45.t6 - uuG6 = \\o ?**

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