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Employee incentives are designed to get the maximum performance from your staff andhelp retain your most

productive employees. You ca

n consider a variety of ways to reward yourstaff for their work performance, but you need to consider using the best employee incentivesto g
et the desired results. Arnold Anderson (2010) gave three examples of employee benefitsthe bonus money, flexible schedule and vacation ti

me. “Money is a strong motivator and using

bonus money as an employee incentive is one way to get the most from your staff, according toan entrepreneur magazine. You can reward
sales and non-sales staff with cash bonuses basedon individual performances as measured against company-
determined metrics. You can helpemphasize the bonus program by paying bonus money separately from base pay, and individualincentives
are often more effective than group incentives. Create a system where employeescan track their daily progress toward their incentive bonus
payments, and encourage employees

to ask how they can improve their work habits to take advantage of the bonus pay programs.” He said that ” the ability to create a flexible w
ork schedule can be a strong perfor

manceincentive, according to the article 25 Ways to Reward Employees (Without Spending a Dime)published on the HR World website. Emp
loyees that meet pre-
determined performance criteriacan determine their own schedule for a month. Give the employees a range of work hours theycan choose fr
om, and allow them the ability to arrange their hours any way they want. If anemployee that earns this incentive wants to work early in the
day, take a four-
hour break andthen come back later in the day then that should be allowed. This kind of an incentive workswell for the company as well beca
use the employee feels like he has received a valuable

incentive that costs the company nothing to administer.” And also “Employees can be motivated

to perform at a high level with the incentive of paid time off. Offer employees that producebeyond their established metrics the ability to add
an extra one or two days of paid vacation perquarter to their existing vacation time. This can work as a cash reward as well if you allowemplo
yees to cash in their unused vacation time at the end of the year.

” And that “Employees

can be motivated to perform at a high level with the incentive of paid time off. Offer employeesthat produce beyond their established metrics
the ability to add an extra one or two days of paid vacation per quarter to their existing vacation time. This can work as a cash reward as welli
f you allow employees to cash in their unused vacation time at the end of the year.

Job satisfaction is simply defined ashow contented and happy an individual is with hisor her job. There are two types of Job Satisfaction, affec
tive job satisfaction and cognitive jobsatisfaction. Affective job satisfaction is frequently defined as a one-
dimensional subjectiveconstruct representing an overall emotional feeling that individuals have about their job as awhole. Therefore, affective
job satisfaction for individuals reflects the degree of contentment orhappiness their job in general induces while Cognitive job satisfaction the
more objective andlogical evaluation of various facets of a job. Cognitive job satisfaction can be a one-
dimensionalif it comprises evaluation of just one aspect of a job, such as pay or maternity leave, or multi-
dimensional if two or more facets of a job are simultaneously evaluated. Cognitive jobsatisfaction does not assess the degree of pleasure or h
appiness that arises from specific jobfacets, but rather gauges the extent to which those job facets are judged by the job holder tobe satisfact
ory in comparison with objectives they themselves set or with other jobs.Based on the study of Manuel Raggi in 2012,

Job Satisfaction is meant as the overallpersonal satisfaction a person has toward many different aspects of the work. Some of the main

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