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Name:__________________________________________ Score:___________________

Course/Year/Section:______________________________ Date:___________________


I. IDENTIFICATION. Identify the terms and concepts described in the following items.

_______________________1. A religion that worships animate and inanimate objects.

_______________________2. It is mixture of the Catholic faith, the religious monotheism with
animistic beliefs.
_______________________3. A system of beliefs and practices by which a group responds to
the supernatural and the sacred.
_______________________4. These are patterns of behavior projected toward the sacred.
_______________________5. It is a specific set of beliefs.
_______________________6. An informal form of sect which is usually very extreme and odd.
_______________________7. The organization that tends to reject the larger society and break
and withdraw from it.
_______________________8. A period of fasting, solemn worship, and meditation in Islam.
_______________________9. Examples of these are baptism, marriage and regular holy mass
_______________________10. A trend that occur to establish good relationship among
churches or religious organizations.

II. TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong.

__________1. Religion has the tendency to create guilt feelings which may eventually lead to
personal distribution.
__________2. To influence the spiritual and natural world is one of the main roles of
ceremonies in religion.
__________3. In the Philippines, there is no provision in the constitution about the separation
of the church and the state.
__________4. Polytheism is a classification of religion that teaches the existence of two or
more gods.
__________5. To transmit cultural heritage is also one of the functions of religion.
__________6. Religion introduces the concept of right and wrong and applies a system of
reward and punishment.
__________7. While religion is basically useful, it may also generate problems for the society.
__________8. A religion that teaches the existence of only one god is called monotheism.
__________9. Confucianism is an example of a religion.
__________10. The Filipinos’ “panata” of walking to the altar on one’s knees and dancing
before the image of a saint are examples of private belief about their Catholic faith.

III. ESSAY. Briefly and concisely answer the following questions.

1. It is said the “religion without science is blind and science without religion is evil.” What is your
idea about this cliché? Do you think there is a conflict between religion and science or there is a
relationship between them? Explain your answer.
2. Some religious sectors affect Filipinos in the exercise of their political rights especially during
elections. Should the church be involved in politics? Support your answer by providing realistic
examples and instances.
Name:__________________________________________ Score:___________________
Course/Year/Section:______________________________ Date:___________________

Activity 6:

Select a religious group which is not your own that you wish to study. If possible, interview
one or more practitioners of that faith and attend a religious service or meeting held by the
group. Observe and note their practices. Based on your observation answer the following:

1. How are the functions of religion evidenced in the practices of this group?

2. Summarize in a paragraph or two the changes this religious group has experienced over
time. Has it gone from a sect to a denomination? Is it a newly formed group? Has its
membership increased or declined?
Note: Use and attach additional sheets if necessary.

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