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Imposing Islamic law

- or - These Aren't the Droids Your Looking For!.

(b)(6) ···································································································································································································································&....-!_
·· _ _ _ __ _ _ ,

Joint Forces Staff College

Norfo,l k, VA
14 March 2011
The Timeline

AI- Qaeda announces, new strategy

-tells MB to . et with the ( ro· ram

New Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide

changes direction for MB to be more~ directly

AI-Azhar publishes "offensive jihad'"

January 2011 fatwa - published by lslam.Qnfine

Fall o·f M·ubarak Government

- s.imi~lar destabiUzation across MI. E.• February 2011

18 Februa r 2011

21 February
Qaradawi CaUs for Killing of Kadhafi 2011
18 February 20ll

Hgm !liocb ,.,a¥. me la'-• frde

Votu ,._..,~4 0•~~t~ -

._ . -- - -
- _I - -- - 4:03PM I
~ Banned Qaradawi returns to lead friday prayers in Egypt

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(Farrag lsmael)
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QJ !!!! Apple Yahoo! Google Maps YouTube Wikipedia News (29) • Popular • first t1me since he was banned from leading weekly fnday
in Egypt 30 years ago promment Muslim scholar Yusuf al-
will lead thousands in the weekly prayers from Cairo's

told AI Arabiya that a military force wlll accompany the

of the International Umon of Muslim Scholars from h1s home
nr Square prov1de security for the prayers and accompany
k to h1s residence

radaw1 last delivered a Friday prayer sermon in Egyptm 1981

the assass1na1J0n of rormer President Anwar ei-Sadat.
• lti."'"'nly~<.:Ss

Tums.G :i ls~ts oaJ

,., olou>g twolt>els prominent Muslim scholars were also banned from delivering
• S~uyt'M)!)I
Friday sermon. such as Abd a1-Ham1d Klshl<. Sheikh
DUBAI {FJrrJg lsm<HI}

F<K U1it flfJI tl"''of 'P'tOf' ~ QJ Oit-"'40 'fom luo1r9

""'"n">ri ai-Ghazali and Sheikh Ahmed EI-Mahallawi
~ f.n~y ~~ :r E'dYpt 33 ye-r: a;o. po-~t
&'-.....s.Jr~ ~, Y"-s...-.t ~ -- oud lbol.l.s.atJOJ *'
rt'oA..-J..:y orayen from C&I'OI T.., So-..:11• Ott Ff.ct.y

~="~~~~~~~~~~~••;;=;~~~i;;;;-~~~~~~~;;~~:i~·~~. ~~.~~~~a~~i~n:l::a:h~·r~~=r~S==~u:a:·r:le:·:·:·
Sci-.'"""""-IOTIItrrS4wll prowcii,_,'Y
f.of rk!

~li tit
pray~ a.-.j 3;~--..y 1-Jrn C3ck to}';..;. res~

Clolli.=...., I F"""y cnyw

Em•"' ·;a· .......... ~Ni·~..,.... of,.,,.,., .......,,
.tWTnon a.

rj;;; Oll'

a telephone call Wtth the German

Agency that he would lead tomorroW's prayers In Tahrir wtth

- ..
Otflw prG'!'I'\I"IMJI lful.wn ~ iiiiWI: 810 ~ fror-
oeJiyr;r.; thf. FI'Ci"y SCOfT!'"OI"• we:: .u Abd a1-f-lan-..d l(st-.::
Sb-~ Uoh:.~ .:.j...Gh;.ui, oUid Sr-:e!ltl': AA~ E,.L of thousands expected to attend

B-tbta.;a:,., ..:;-t=y
G~ tM '!'vot.bon !1 ~


03.tac;rM :;;cr~~ 1'1 3 ~

li:l ~; Fro;J.Y ~~er:

cd ~tt.=o
Pt!.U Af:Je!'ey tt.lJ ~ WCkJd ~KI ~ 1
t1Tantir. Wllfr. ~~ o~ IN>IIUI'IGI ~ 10
.WC~:4 • of Qaradawl's sons and daughters tool< part the Tahrir
l"'n,c:tr:::ator,nc:: leadtng up to the overthrow of the Mubaral<.


5orPt. Of C.W.a~'MII tor"..! MIG CU.lrl toe* part l~

Tat.n ~tratOI'\I leaill'-9 \loP lO the OVWihtow ~~ tte
current Affairs
Is the Muslim Brotherhood
ousted President Hosni Mubarak was born
establishment of the Muslim Brotherhood was
announced his stepping down on Februarv nth,
Shei\dl Hassan AI-Sanna, the founder of the Musbm
decades was assassinated.
v-~.U-tJJ u9' ,aJL.wJ

..:J'£II~ lslamOnline.N.t
- - v-~.U-tJJ u9' ,aJL.wJ

Sheikh Qaradawi

• All of the Americans in Iraq are combatants, there is no di·f ferente between
civilians and sotdiers, and one should fight them, since the American civilians
came to Iraq in order to serve the occupation. The abduction and killing.of
Americans in Iraq is an obligation so as to cause them to leave Iraq
Sheikh Qaradhawi at the Egyptian Journal'
Muslim Brotherh
AI-Sharq AI-Awsat (London), S

• We do not disassociate Islam from war. On the contrary, disassociating Islam

from war is the reason for our defeat. We are fighting in the name of Islam.
Religion must teadl to war. This is the only way we can win.
Sheikh Vusuf ai-Qaradhawi,. February 2006

-- --
February· 19r 2010
One note of tnterest: Youssef is the son of Shetkh
Youssef ai-Oaradawt, the Oatar-based former Mushm
Brother and perhaps the most influenttal Sunnt thtnker of
our time .
ary 19,2010

(not «former''}

Catro tom
is bemg

FULL NAME: Abdel Rahman Youssef al·o ARADAWI

(SON of Chief Jurist of the Muslim Brotherhood
Youssef ai-Qaradawi)

http:ffwww .
.arab,st.netflo .
9%2Fthe-carn .
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Iq.. Seardl Alllews TRENDitiG HOW: jUStin bteber ~bya rmd say lohan rihanna carmelo anthony amanda knox

Top Sunni cleric says army should kill Kadhafi Top Stories

1!1] ~ 1082 141 e:d Eman U Print • Gadhafi's vow: Will fight to 1ast drop of blood'
• Emanuel beats nvals to become next Chicago
- Mon feb 21, • 20 pm ET mayor
DOHA (AFP) -Influential Muslim cleric Yusuf ai-Oaradawi issued a • 4 American hostages killed by pirates off Somalia
fatwa on Monday that any Libyan soldier who can shoot dead • HP shares slide as powerhous e faces growth
embattled leader ~.~~!!!~!..~~.~~~~ should do so "to rid Libya of him " rears
• Japan posts first trade deficit In 22 months
'Whoever in the Libyan army is able to shoot a bullet at Mr Kadhafi
should do so: Qaradawi, an Egyptian-born cleric who is usually based • Countnes scramble to evacuate citizens from
in Qatar, told Al.Jazeera television.
• NZ earthquake death toll at 75 as search
AFP'=ile- influential Mtnlim dericYvsuf al· He also told !,!!?Y.!l;'! soldiers "not to obey orders to strike at your own conbnues
Qarace..v• !l).ld~ In 2007, w~ed a fer..
on Monda that any U.nyan people," and urged libyan ambassadors around the wortd to dissociate • Depleted Nuggets roll past Grizzlies 120-107
themselves from Kadhaf?s regime. • IAalayslan experiment releases 3 orangutans in
Famous in the Middle East for his at times controversial fatwas , or religious edicts , the octogenarian Qaradawi
Israel Iranian naval vessels are p rovoca~on
has celebrity status in the ~!!?. world thanks to his religious broadcasts on Al'-'azeera.
Mo re Top Stones •
He has in the past defended "violence carried out by certain Muslims."

The West accuses the cleric of supporting "terrorism" because he sanctioned Palestinian suicide attacks in
Israel. Britain and ~.~. !:'.')!!~~..~~~~.~~ have refused to grant h1m entry 'I!Sas.

The cleric, spiritual leader of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and longtime resident of Qatar, heads the
lnlemational Union for Muslim Scholars.

- - - -

'J- - J

The cleric . spiritual leader of Egypt's Musli erhood and longtime resident of Qatar, heads the
International Union for Muslim Scholars.

http:/I news. ya ibyapol iticsun restfatwa _ 20110221212 046

AI Qaedo Announces Strategic Shift in July 2020

This Islamic Magazine is geared towards

making the Muslim a mujahid in Allah's
path, Our jntept js to gjye the most accurate
resentation of Islam as followed b the
a a as- a 1 , ur concern or t e ummah
is worldwide and thus we try to touch upon
all major issues while giving attention to the
events unfolding in the Arabian Peninsula as
we witness it on the ground. Jihad bas been
deconstructed in our age and thus its revival
jp comgrehens jgg agd epdeaygr js gf ytmgst
importance for the Caliphate's manifestation,

AI-Qaeda's New Magazine

n accordanc~ with our method,'

I our militilry theory was bom

through a study of our own
experienc6 in the Jlhadi current, as
well as through endurin9 and living
in the field throughout the various
smges. This Is how I produ~ practical
theories, as ""~A!OF'
B. The school of open fronts and
overt confrontations. They are the
C. The school of individual jiMd and
kind of experiences that took place
in arenas of open confrontation. a small cell terrorism.lhey are the kind
of single operations that were carried
Most well-known are the recent out by individuals or small groups.
experiences in Afghanistan, Bosnia, These are some of the operations:
and Chechnya. The method used in - Sayyid Nosair ai-Ma~rl and his killing
these confrontations was to confront of the big Zionist Kahane
[the enemy) from permanent bases, - Ramzi YOsuf ai-Balochf and the first
topple the and semiKregular guerrilla warfare. attempt to destroy the tower of New
and systems. to York.
establ sh the lslamk system throuo A summary of the result: - AI-Daqamsa, the Jordaman who
1. Overwhelming military success. killed the Zionist women on the
2. Security success in curtailing the border.
role of the intelligence. - Suleyman Khatir ai-Ma~rT, who kllled
the ~t 0(931\izatiOnS. 3. Do ·wah success; it mobilized the guards on the Israeli border.
3. Do ·wah b1ll.R a~bitlry to lsl~mic ummah behind those issues. -The single operations during the
mobilir.e the 'sl.lm ~~tnmoh. 4. Partial educational success in the Gulf war_. and the list is long._
4. Eduauonal fa~Ul~ due to the military camps and at the fronts.
secre-cy. s. Political failure except in the case And the summary:
S. Poliocal fa• lure: by not ~htev ng of Afqhanlstan, where an Islamic 1. Military success; making the enemy
thegool state was established. tremble.
2. Security success; because these are
~<eur" ~·~,-• Result Generally a success, and a operations that do not lead to the
complete success in Afghanistan. failure of establishing new cells [In
the future).
3. oa ·wah success; it mobilized the
Islamic ummah.
4. Educational failure; due to the
absence of a program.
s. Political failure; due to the absence
of a program that could transform it
into a phenomenon.

Result: Success in confusing the

enemy and activating the Islamic
By the Way---
1'Lone Wolf'' Terrorism
Actually ' 1/ndi'viduol Jihad~"
Recognized in as a Doctrinal form of Jihad
With Roots to Muhammad
OF 1-.8-58 FROM ~~E~LNEDDEAUTHORITY LETTER Forms of the Jihad
. · RSON ST.
BY Jack Sch , ATE DEP'T
xxx DATE 3121161
The Jihad may be of three forms, firs_t the individual Jihad, and it
consists of the individual personal deed. and •t may be by the use of
cuttingt killing instruments like the Jihad of the ... the killing of one of the
officials arriving from Mecca by Abi Busir (May Allah be pleased with him)
in the age of the Prophet

killing of one of the officials arriving from M.ecea by Abi

1and in like manner a similar thing took place when the Prophet
(May Allah be gracious to Him and give Him peace!) commanded Abdullah
ro n:!
.l.L1 f'.tt>PLJ; 0 1 lSI..I.l! .
the son of Atik that he and four of his companions should go to kill Abi
Rafi, the chief of the Jews of Khaibar, well ~known for his enmity to Islam,


... What will be the event if there shall go out from them some of the
deliverers, and kill one of those who belong to the Triple Entente of the
infidels who are known by thei'r hostility to Islam, and so purify the face of
A tr.\1\'"ERSAL
TO ALL THE PEOPLE OF the earth from his existence.
Publisbed by tbe National soc:iet)·._--~
The Seat of the Caliphate
1333 (1915 AD)
Printed in tb eMuta 'at alHairayet.
2. The Jihad by Bands. It may· be described as a Jihad by bands
known in our time by the name of Brigands,
BY Jack Schxx ' STATE DEP'T' was ma&nifted in c;onsideration af the fact that the power of
x DATE 3/21/61
Islam was wea k and th,e power of its enem.ies great. And it is

And it is
enough for you that the Prophet (May Allah Most High be gracious to Him
and give Him peace!) began the Jihad by bands when permission was given
~~-~:;.cr. ~.~.. ~h:.t.• .t th• lh!l'-th ~- ""' ...... &q to him for killing in the word of the Most High
t.o- ld.~o::. ar-' to rv11:7 Ut.• tao• ot ~ll• oa.rtb
." ~- ~h edthi\U 0 Od, 0 nr :.or&, a.. a t..l.,-r t{aa &::14 /
• • u• OJ• •rtrH fd the ;!hd t.o u .. ' " nr u-e)U Tl\e fo~tlon of bands In our time Is of different
e. n• 11.ba4 \7 !:.?f•· tt ..:AiJ' t:. <"~un-!btt •• • 1u..A ))-
''"A• knon hi ~tr t\1U t'J ta:t ft~ of Jlrl~a, a;N ; l l• bWl!-
th&\ th fel"tlH1eA ot hnt. ~r blr•~"~A.. ~ ••ll lnlc"3 &1:14

e.ot.o,let.~ 1.0 !•l&c uJ \hot '"" • ttt , _. u~u• tiJ\lt ••• M .tll!fi •t The formation of bands in our time is of different kinds. and the
Ia CtM!'-tt&\J en •t ""'" /aal .,_, U • ro"Hr- o! Jelu • c• ••O
•J~l t ho ;a(!w•r .r l t• ~•ot•t f!Ttt~. An& H Jt uot(A hr 1ft most profitable of them is that which makes use of secret formations, and
U.t :"" J'Joa~tfl I~ : ..& ICut RJJ,' h f"'ao!ou '" R!c. &AS
cs·u Ita,.,,,!) \ t be Jtt d \7 h~~• n.u• fll•a1•ah:. . ... it is hoped that the Islamic world of today will profit very greatly from
tJ'~'en h k l.A hr kill t "' tn tl' ' • 07 \ or .tb. .rca\ llt\r (llld:;t 1a
U:., ~U ~~ ~ • Hl\ ~u• •"'bel tlth~ ~o bot 1e~-.1 , .,., x• secret bands~
f.:-.7 Co4 h t;l'aalcu ~o !.l= an4 J!Tt Ita l\U t o t t •u ueU,..c •
•• \o.r~til, 'll-• , :t. "'"a C1 1 1UU7, OIJI;.IIC:4 Of r:rl f"l\t t lli1eh7t O!

.! \btu •l'it •u• O!)ltlae t~t .llh& UiSlf ttl. csthro• of tt•••
l u c.oro ~! t:•~• rop:att t o OCfttlat 1e , . at Utot ttlfV• .&d. It
:oc:t f'ror~t r..tno t o a.tor~u c.•• h•:.,, of • ~liO"' u- U••••
·~ .,,,. etot~lJ~•' bJ '!.httr bU11.a.rr t n.1Gn.llnt-t •

.lA1 t'but ~~ It• en\ t~ 0~ \ t C"tlJJt.-• t o E~sr 1034 1h• sta

t. PtMt :1 1rtrea '!lt4 hi tU• • tr: te 111CU tha tf!l7 k.l,l..,. ~· And these formations may take the oath of excess
US -01111: ':ht !1Yat •1 thtD ..... thr. 'ht~M t t :•u.a.b t~• au or
J.•tc.d h'H.t\!., •e.A tU , ..,, o: c.• •tC..U. tr.o au tt no:-1,~. an4 ., in which the Prophe-t (May Allah be gracious to Him and Him peace!}
Ulo \w-.. ro-f .,•'e.t o\1 1tU:••. u t .,.~ t ht- (liUnc-loli•C
• ' "••~ •&a ..1.\ lall&h t.b: eo~ o C I:•J ..h. 1oM Uio \11114 Qt :oU. participated before sending them out originally..
.. ul . ,. lt ICU'U~· i.lli ~~.MM. . ~ a\l Vul t.&. A"( U.o \N\4 It •

At tn t b •~ or 'ni• •H. tnt tho '\t of 5t'Mihb tllo n c d

'111 . . od:-.
Muslim Brotherhood at the Time of the AQ Shift
JULY 2010 AI_Qaed,a's Magazine

or Allah tile
falsely as youth
BeQuse you ~lave you have
was Inconceivable and because
established for lllemsEI1Ies of the victorious
and wrong auumpllons whiCh 001 harmed by those
misguided many of lhe aeation of beuaythem.
Allah 9\.. Some of them think !hat despise you and that they
establishing the rule of could sleep one night only to Be p eawc: because all of lhe sincere
cannot be achieved except through hear the news in the morning MusUms are with you, joining you in
- ·ch
·l··s oiio•
--llllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiJI~e been destroyed. your moments of pleasure and your
- moments of difficulty and they wish
they could cany you on their shoulders and say to the

Some of them belie\le people:

These are my forfJearers sobnng me Uke rhem

)te are in the Makkan sJage and haye therefore set for 0 lmposrer. when we come rogelher In garhenngs

G 1" d because lhe diWetlevers and apostates

despise you and WISh that lhey could Sleep one night
themselves programs that are limited according to the or only to hear the news rn me momi 19 that you have been

rules of akkah. B•• pi ~ and ShoW this pleasure and have the masses
join In this great ceJebratkln becaUse you have become
a principle bridge towards lhe esL1bllshment or the
Khllafah on the way of the Propllet ~ and you are
a battalion in the army lhat would flbe(ate the Aqsa

ISSUE 1 r 20to
Is AQ Chiding the ''weak-kneed.,
Muslim Brotherhood for staying the uMeccon" stage? .
JULY 2010 '13 r
.:.. 2010 ..

mmD e 0.· -~9'.;..•------------

Sheikh Yusuf ai· Qarc1dawi, addressed the

yet little known Musr.m concept o f ta}'Si~·--­
(pronounced • tey· seer").
Qaradawi, who is touted by the likes of John Esp•ositll
as a "moderate" - even as he legitimizes
against Israel (including by w ornen) and death
explained that, according to fiqh al-taysir {the
ease"). Islam (like o ffe rs Muslims
whenever needed: "For Arlah desires ease

http:/I pa jamasmed ia. com/blog/top-m usli m-cleri c-urges-western-m us Iims-to-'1 iberal ize'/?si nglepage=true
When God restrained Muslims from
Jihaadtor a certain period, it was a
question of strategy rather than of
principle; (139)

•.. and there are serious disagreements

r .,,,,
~~ .... ~ .,.
~.., '1•1

'' It't:J
I IJ-.; ~~
•o., 't.,

I' Ill
" " 1 1)(1
,. 9
, ,~ ~,.

'J_J 7~t


. ,.
'I I

."''• ,


October 2010- Badi Replaces Akef as Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood
Announces Shift in Muslim Brotherhood Posture

'b ....... ~Oidf~---

Today's News 1Make My Homepage 1 Archive 1 Add lo your site I Unks I About Us 1 Advertisement 1...,.; _....i'

c:l Bact to Homepage Font Size • QQ0[6] Latest Headlines Corrrnented

: Leader Message
1506 The coming caro autumn
MB Chairman: Change and reform
require sacrifices
Dr. Mohamed Sadie, MB Chairman, called on the
Muslim nation to unite against the enemies who are
plotting against it. He stressed that Islam is capable of
facing injustices and tyranny and the consequences
0 are well predicted.

ll FaeebOok
~ Mixx 13 03 t.lishaal
...., ~Google "'i'? Y shoo ~ Stumble Upon
D SHARE II ~ 18)_ 1
Tuesday. October 5,2010 12·57


In his weekly message entitled ~Is la m In the Face of Injustice and

Tyranny," Dr. Badle stated that, -From the Islamic point of view, the

IKHWANWEB ~he Muslim BrotherhooEI'
lhllt.llllm ~~~~-tWO\ O':Oit fnrotiii...O-
, Official English Websit

MB Chairman: Change and reform

require sacrifices
pr, Mohamed Bad je, MB Cha jrman , called go the
Muslim nation to unite aaainst the enemies who are
a ainst it He ssed that Islam is capable of
ny and the consequences

In his weekly
Tyranny," Dr,

He pojgted gut that Musl jms geed to realj ze the meags of power, agd
understand that chan e and reform cannot be achieved without the

http./jwww.tkhwanweb com/article php ~id-26639&ref-search php

IKHWANWEB ~he Muslim BrotherhooEI'
lhllt.llllm ~~~~-tWO\ O':Oit fnrotiii...O-
, _Offic!al English Websit
MB Chairman: Change and reform
require sacrifices
Qr, Mohamed Bad je. MB Cha jrmag, called og the
Muslim nation to unite against the enemies who are
plotting against it. He stressed that Islam is capable of
faci nd the consequences

ranic verse which

uture enemies ~

n. -0...,

0 "0

Allan saia: Tne nosts wil all oe routea ana wil turn ana ~ee
e- 0
..., II t tl

Koran 54:45 ~

http./jwww.tkhwanweb com/article php ~id-26639&ref-search php

Janua~ry 2011- ai-Azhar Releases Offensive Posture Statement
on Muslim Brotherhood Web-Service
· "Offensive Jihad Is Permissible to
to E."\.tend God's Religion,
......,.,.... .,.but Islam from the

Islamic websfte in the world. A nd yet,

the overwhelmilg majorfty of Musrms are
jlhad. (See Original ArabiC here.)

Legamacy and Rulilgs

Professor of riQh and Its Orig1ns, at the

and Umm ai-Qary

to God, and prayers end peace be upon the

ls known in Islamic jurisprudence as

nr.,•cnned duty 1n cases of
for we must resist them,
against them. This is according to the
said· "F~ght 1n the way of Allah

Indeed A llah does not lllc.e
a.s defensiVe

11fidels 1nto the1r own land without any

to him. Some scholars have gone as far to say
while others have gone as far as to say that !

can be no disagreement that offensive j ihad is not

prohibited, for two schools [of Islamic jurisprudence)
have ruled that offensive j ihad is permissible In order to secure
Islam's border, to extend Go<l's religion to people in
cases where the gov ernmen ts do not allow it, such as the
,• .....~;;~J...~....~P~h~a~ra~o~h~d~id~w~rr~h~t·h~e~c~hi.ld~re~n~o~f~l~sr~a~el~,a~n~d~t~oremoveeve~
and to save the
charters However Thts type of jihad is known as
th1s "terrorism."
defensive jihad and it is a duty agreed to by all Islamic scholars
Then there s an cth er 'ty[p:e elf fighting a~a inst the no nnM u&lims 1-::n rJ'tt'J n as
offensive jihad. lsla_mic .soh cIars. have d~iffe:red on the issue elf offe:nsive
~i h ad , ~.·J hioh is to P'U rsu e the inftdels intel th e:ir o~r.•J n Iand YJ H:h cut any
agigression or as.&istan oe to him. So me .soh oIars have !lD ne as far tal .saJy
that this jihadl is ilh~g-H:imate, '~J hile oth e:rs hBJVe !lD ne as far as to .silly that H:
is leg-H:imate an d ev~ req:u ired.

Hi:llYJ ever till efe can he 111 o ~a n:sagre e• e 111t that ofle111 s W1e j [had n:s 111 ot
tota[~ praJh [bilte 0111 for WO S Ch o-dl S [of ns ~.amtm tl: j Ill rns prlll d:e 111 De]
Inave ru ted that ofle 111 s W1e j fhad ns p enmrn ns s [bite i 111 on1er to s e Dill re
ns ~.amtrn .,s bor~~ter 11 to exte 111 d G a jjf.,s re Itg ta111 to p.e opte i111
'cas ~s wIll erel t 111 e ~~rover Ill mtrn e.111ts !1o 111 ot a.[tow irt 1 such as tine
Pharaoh ,i!f[jj] wirtlll the· 'ch [tdre 111 of n:s raen11 a111 d to remove· ev ery
re[i~ ro111 but ns ~.amtm fromam tine Arabi1a.111 pe 111 t111 sIll ~a 11 a111 d to sav e till e
~~ptNe a111d we!Blk. [... ]
.•. thett can rnoke alignment
con'lrnon norrathles of seeminglY disparate
011 tstornic groups rnore
that use tslort'lic laW os
the known refe'epce pOint ...
we certify that the above-mentioned
responds to the Arabic original and conforms to the practice and
orthodox Sunni Community (Ahl al-Sunna wa al-Jama'a). There is
to printing it and circulating it.
Jihad o9.0
o9.0 JIHAD o9.0
{0: JiltiulmcanJtowaraJainSI non-Muslims,
and is etymolo&ically derived from the word
""'i•luzdlz, oi&nifylnl warfare to cJiabliN> lbc ..._,.,
rcliaion And it u tbe lesou jihad. As for the • •._..,~._,.,_,.,...,.,,._..,,.;
arutcr jihad, h lo aplritual warfare opinsc the
lower sdf(nm), wbicb i.swbytbc Propbet (Allab : .....,.aolo'e'-•lliJ ..a.•
blw blm and give him~) aaid u ltc w111 . o.;;S'It~JI_,.J..~t>4<!JI.:.'

r ~rom
~·---••••-'~ ..J,J,~
·;.1:.,.,;~ .>-~u
"We have rcrumcd from the luKr jihad to r"""'
the,rcatcrjibod." ~;;,:il.;i.:.;o. ;;foc,~ :J.-:
.~lllf.)l,:.:..;,..;~ :,_}.;~;,
The 10 ..n ••(,•••,••..)! ,.:.sH!J


ar a ainst non-Muslims
ived from the word
\Vhu h ~U hJl.'\;l h• H\'lllli•••••m 1111 lnjurn•\1' ('nm~·., ul ,tl
Rcutl.i~ U (\.11 Oht•g.'lt<'lf)' to• lnlcnt•o uul K 1lhng l:o:tc 1)1. 1
warfare to establish the
Mt:aninc <•f (JI' Iil#ror, v i . I(A:)
M~~IIII\ ~Uftlllf'l/ltlllloll ••I
Mc:tnlnJuf,ullwulnJ:hl u l. t(():)
'Those Not Sub_tt"CI to Rcuthauon ol.2
It\) )

religion . And it JS the lesser jihad. As for the

greater jihad, it is spiritual warfare against the
M~rtn 1n1 or )1/lurl IJ",O(;O )
Saiplur.ll Ra>h ro. JihAd o9 0(0 I
n o of J•had o9 I
lower self (nafs), ·

Delails concunin& jihad are found in 1be

o9 .0( 0 :) acoounu of the mi~tlly expedirlons of the
Prophet (ARab biCA him and lP'" him peace),
R~g.m:li.naJe•.1. Chrb.hflrK. and Zmoo.o.tr1tno; ~ 8 includln& bis own mania! (onys and those on
Rt'~:.1dm:g olhc'" oV .~ whlch be dispolehcd The former consist Of
Ruin n-1 Warf:uc u9. 10
l"hoK U nJ••--fullo I<Ht m J1hld o'l 10
Non·Mwiln'l'lo; un\k-• "' MU,foltnt,. pr"l«'i.OA ~ t I S99
1 hoM ~ho c:nl~r ltlam be(orc apturr ~ 12
Women and t"hiktrcn caphvo 0'9.13
the wall/ike that? I swear by Allah, when 'Umar walked,
ground. He made hts voice heard when he spoke. •

'What is this?" They repfied: 'We are ICNA



~ ~ .. of Allah.m Allah makes jihad

'.------------.I . "It Is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to
be dominated, to Impose Its law on all nations
and to extend its power to the entire planet."

1.! Hasan ai-B&nna, Founder of the Muslim Brotherhood

ENDORSED by "The lkhwan must understand that their

Work~ rica is a kind co- """.,.r4ra..n""!

1§1~~-----~ In elimrnatrng and destroyirli'tliE oubt.rr"n

civilization from withinand "sabotaging"
its miserable house by their hands and the
((} M44mm!lowat aratMIDOn·Musbnu, hands of the believers so that it is eliminated
tS cmpp!psjn!ly dcriltd from the v.'Ord and Allah's religion is made victorious
~ sip ifyin& wufase to csubhsh tbe _,_ over all other religions.
ret . Afld 11 u tbe lesser Jlbid.
'-----..-.------:-_--:---.. J:I ... It is a Muslim's destiny to perfor@
- and work wherever he is ... "

S)(O)o wlhler<eos tlhl<e


Whoever, with intent ro the overthrow or
destruction of any such government, prints, publishes,
edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly
displays any written or printed matter advocating,
advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability,
or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any gov-
ernment in the United States by force or violence, or
attempts oo do so; or
Wherever an lsla~ mie community exists
... which i:s a concrete example of the
Divinely--ordained system o~f life~ it has a
God-given right to step forward and take
control of the political authority so that it
may establis on earth,

When God restrained Mruslims fro

Jihaodfor a certain period:, it was
question of strategy rather than
principre; (139)
Islamic Larw - the Law of the Land
The "Complete Wa L"f " is Gover ed by Islamic Law
Islam, it is generally acknowledged, is a "complete way of
life" and at the core of this code is the law of Islam. This
implies that a Muslim through his submission to Islam not
only accepts the unity of Allah, the truth of the mission of
Muhammad, but also agrees through a contract (bay'ah)
with the Muslim community that his life be regulated in
accorda m of Allah, and in accordance
ese ahkam al No other sovereign or authority
is acceptable to the Muslim, unless it guarantees the
application of these laws in their entirety. Any other legal
system, howsoever attractive it may appear on the
surface, is alien for Muslims and is not likely to succeed in
the solution of their problems; it would be doomed from
the start. ... A comprehensive application of these laws,
which flow directly or indirectly from the decrees (ahkam)
of Allah, would mean that they should regulate every area
of life, from politics to private transactions, from criminal
justice to the la~ws of traffic, from ritual to international
law, and from the laws of taxation and finance to
embezzlement and white coUar crimes. (SO)
2d ed ., (Kuala Lumpur: The Other Press , 2002)
And m re.~odmg a.rypical compe:ndruro on
lslamic bw, you will notice that, ha\ing discussed the list of ccecb.l
and specifically rdig1ous ritual topics given above, tt go on to
deal with fa..mily or personal law (s e., mamags, divorce, paternity,
gu21di2nshsp and succession and inheritance), then with tbe lp t of
contD£$$, of civil wrongs and cnm.inallaw. foUo~'td b\~ Uie ijw of
t\idenct and ()( proced~. and ~~th a multit\lde of<ilhtt ub)ectS,
to a degree: of detail tliat rt covet'$ evm the rules o(socw etiquette,
called t'JdAb. ~ven Po~· ~~are the umbreUa of
(.opyopt c :I:JCIO. .u.s.--- the Sbari'ab. Shan ab
QlbltJb Booll$,
a• bttpmll~~ I
ISIIN· 0.9,__1M ~~--~----~----~~._~~-
l.iloo.y ot~ ~Cool ~)9)99
iJ -attJ I#~ . .rtt
tf~ Rl"fi=m fJ1IIi iltp ilmlrJ fltlll!1
"" lsl.wic Slfi;taJ.
L- Lo.-.....-.-
%lA JI.S"
2. l~·,_,

Tlimi»/J &oW'-< fOIJI kaii.p L~faool

mTolo. because the ba.sis Sbari'ab lS wo , and obedtcnce
- ' (Jfr prioJd. aMfm papa; P"'"'I.NII!$3 l'I'H
to, God through good worb and moral behaviOr. FollOwtng thr
Sacred Law thus 44/i,u the Muslim's bchef Ill God.
Arab Constitu~ tions Based on Isla ic Law

• Article 3 [Islam] Section 2 of the Syrian Constitution

- Islamic jurisprudence is a main source of legislation.

• Chapter 1. Article 7 of the Saudi Constitution

- Government in Saudi Arabia derives power from the Holy
Koran and the Prophet's tradition

• Part 1. Article 2 of the Egyptian Constitutio~n

- Islamic jurisprudence is the principal source of legislation.

Iraqi & Afghan Constitutions Refer to t!
• Section One, Article 2:
- First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a basic source of
• No law can be passed that contradicts the undisputed rules of

• Article 2 [Religions].
- (1) The religion of the state of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is
the sacred religion of Islam
• Article 3 [Law and Religion].
- In Afghanistan, no law can be contrary to the beliefs and provisions of
the sacred religion of Islam

Hadd! Not Just Islamic Law that presumes to be the law of
the land (the right of pure punishment that is a right of AJiah•s)

But actually the law of the land I

Thf Ordinance wy eprOl'jld to modj~ the ewor Jawr;taU 0a,
to Law of~ Ill .10 u to:=itth 2
as it O'~ mthe11o]i Q andSub ,
11nJib thejnjunltlo!!JOI!Mm
. , All ,the ~)11 of the 10;'dinan- biye to be reed and
anteal)l'eted an theU,bt ohhe title an~ preamble which are not deftned Ita
the Ordinance itself. OldiDIJlce lnust be eonstJ1Ued and inlj ~ ~
accordance with the InJunctions o( lim MII Opt inthAjt~
JOty b e r Law PubU.h e r •
39-lal a..dSI.Albe~ AM.rbli LaW.

Pritt: lla. 100/-

Jihad o9.0
o9.0 JIHAD >\fo:JI o9.0
{0: JiltiulmcanJiowaraJainSI non-Muslims, ..-l;t.....,.., .,w:IIJI:I; J)
and is etymolo&ically derived from the word
""'i•luzdlz, oi&nifylnl warfare 10 cJiabliN> lbc .;..oll:...u"'fu.......ll""'"'""\..:-11
rcliaion And ir u tbe lesou jihad. As for rhe
~.!JIJ.I> •.....,.......,...... ,..Nl
arurcr jihad, h r. aplrirual warfare opinJr rho

Jihad lower sell (om), wbicb b wby the Propbet (Allab

blw blm and give him ~) aaid u ltc w111
~rumina lromjibad,
....,, , : ..t...,J!o)'(:'-, lliJ ..a.•
. o;/'11~ Jl~~l o4<!J1 :->
~..;&.:.A..Jtt.-.'f'.J.i..J .>-~u
"We have rcrumed from rhe luKr jihad 10 ..J_,.J,~ ~·.-h :.;..-;
the 1rcater ji.bad." ~;;_,:il.;j .:.;;. ;;foe,~ :J.-:
.~llif.:.f.? •),-.i~ :,_}.;~;,
The acd ptur.J baiU lot jihad, prior 10 .~ . 4~_,;.s~,
.j, acl>olarly cmacruw {del: b1) is 1ucb Koranic Y;,l ........ ;_.kii.Pii~J,;_:.,j,

(0: Jihad means to war against non-Muslims,

and IS etvmolosicaU:z: derived from the word
\ Vhu h ~U hJl.'\;l h• H\'lllli•••••m 1111 lnjurn•\1' ('nm~·., ul ,tl mutahado, sisnifl!ns warfare to establish the
Rcutl.i~ U (\.11 Ohl•g.'lt<'lf)' to• lnlc nt•o uul K1lhng l:o: tc 1)1. 1
Mt:aninc <•f (JI'Iil#ror, v i . I(A:) .
reli&!on . And it IS the lesser jihad. As for the
M~~IIII\ ~Uftlllf'l/ltlllloll •• I It\) )
Mc:tnlnJuf,ullwulnJ:hl u l. t(():)
'Those Not Sub_tt"CI to Rcuthauon ol.2
greater jihad, it lS spiritual warfare against the
M~rt n 1n1 or )1/lurl IJ",O(;O )
Saip1Uf>l Ra>h ro. JihAd o9 0(0 I
n o ol J•had o9 1 ~l
lower self (nafs), ·
fiJht ~~~,!"po";i; ;;f';_1W: ,;;;:,;:.~::::.,j;
"'" world and cvcrytlung io tl."

Details conc:uninc jihad are found in tbe

o9 .0( 0 :) accounu of the mi~101y cxpedidons of the
Prophet (ARab bl.., him and lP'"' him peace),
R~g.m:li.naJe•.1. Chrb.hflrK. and Zmoo.o.tr1tno; ~ 8 includln& bis own mania! (onys and l!tose on
Rt'~:.1dm:g olhc'" oV .~ whlch be disporchcd olhC.II. The former consist of
Ruin n-1 Warf:uc u9. 10
~"host-: UnJ••--fullo I<Ht m Jthld o'l 10
Non·Mwiln'l'l\ un\k-t "' MU,foltnt ,._ I'Jr"l«'i.Ott ~ t I S99
1 hoM ~ho c:nl~r ltlam be(orc apturr ~ 12
Wo men and t"hiktrcn caphvo 0'9.13
the wall/ike that? I swear by Allah, when 'Umar walked,
ground. He made hts voice heard when he spoke. •
bint 'AbdAllah saw some young people walking
'What is this?" They repfied: 'We are

of Allah.m Allah makes jihad
~IJ....... I I I ! ! I"- -
Abrogation Defined

• "The law was laid down in the period

of the Prophet (peace be unto him)
gradually and in stages. The aim was
to bring a society steeped in immorality
to observe the highest standards of
morality. This could not be done abruptly. It was done in
stages, and doing so necessitated repeal and abrogation
of certain laws."
lmra,n Ahsan Khan N,yazee
Islamic J:u risprudence

Abrogation and the "Extremist~~ Narrative Aligned
The Qur'an did not come down all at once; rather it came
down according to the needs of the Islamic society in facing
new. problems, ... Qutb, Mi·~r,,._

that though
r'an 17:106)

- ---- ---

Abrogation and the 1'Extremist'' Narrative Aligned

P E A C E International Institute of Islamic Thought


.. .
~ various stages of this movement.. In
reading these verses, we s.hould always
keep in mind: that one of their meanings
-QUIS is re,lated to the particular stages of the
development of Islam, while there is
And retu~ rning another general m,eaning which is rel.ated
to the unchangeable and eternal message
to 1966 ··· of Islam,.. (139, 140)
...... ~.

Sayyid Qutub'• call for loyalty to Cod's

onenes and tn atknowll!dge God's sole
authority and sowre~gnty w.lS the 1parlt
lgnlted the I 1amk rev~lutlon llgaWt the
enemies o£ Wnm at home and abr001d. 'The
bklody dlaptt'~ or thl! revolution rontlnue to
unfold day aftl!r day

The ldeo&ogy ol dus rc!Volution and the clarity

of liS coun.e an! getting t've.ry day. They
•re mmgthenmg the ma.ll.z.iatlon ot the natul't!
of the struggte and thr problm on t~ road
ahe-ld- the road of the propht>ts and
Quranic Basis to Abrogation

• It is a Qur'an which We have divided into parts from time to time, in

order that though mightest recite it to men at intervals: We have
Revealed it by stages. 2317 (Qur'an 17:106)

2317. [Qur'an Commentator at

different times and in differ d
consistently as they do. A ns
were also progressive. Koran was revealed al
1400 hundred years
history. Man's mind de ago(early ?th century
prepared him for. Allah's re\1 AD)- the word of God.
• Progressive revewin;
verses were revea e as
Hadiths/S ira/ Asbab
nasoo\: aids in context
and order.
Rule of abrogation

Quranic as·s- Continue.

another- and Allah knows best

Abrogation u art but a forger": But most
1.'- b ogate or
do We a r
r revelatiortS we substitute not
''None of~:forgotten ..b~~ar: l(no~est ~~;u;ah :106, and n. 107. The doctrine of
cause t~ better or stmt all thmgs .
somethtn~ Hath power over time to time does not mean that
that All a elation for als o charge a Prophet of Allah with
2: 106 bstitute one rev st what He reve,,. is in a different form from that
"Whert we s~ Allah moWS be rt but a forger . same, for it comes from Allah.
another, ~)n theY say, "Tho~~ not." surah
."" stages '.f them 4·ndersta
(lr• .,.
but most OJ se to be forgotten, but we
16:101 thou not.that Allah hath

"Extremists Selectively Quote" Yes I

• The literal meaning of naskh is

or transf~rri"",. · ·

Examp1e.. Jihad-rule
. of
Abrogation d
.tted to defen
• In Mecca Muslims not ~emu
ht There JOb was to deliver
themselves/fig ~ceful verses) llowed
the message (pe If defense was a
E ·grauon Medina: se
to llowed
• . fighting~waserie:
m• offenstve
Then a peace ful verses
• abrogated lOrm
• Later verses d fonn
no longer apply amic empire spaon7
• Indeed at one.poin~!)Border oflndja/Chtn
Morocco/Spam to

Abrogati,on and the
''Law of the Land'' Revisited

The Koran according to this theory is the first

OutCines source of taw.... It is for this reason that the

verse of the Koran (ayat), although only a few of
them deal specifically with legal questions, are
held to be of paramount authority. In
Law interpreting the Koranic verses, one important
principle has to be observed. Some verses are
deemed to be the abrogating (nasikh) verses
and some to be the abrogated (mansukh) ones.
ASAf A.A. ITZEE Generally speaking the earlier verses are
deemed to be repealed by the latter ones. (19-

Suras of the Qur'an in Chrono ogical Order
.fiddle l\.Iecc4tn Late l\ .Iecca n l\.Iedina1
•Let there be no
compulsion In I
religion: Truth stands
out clear from error:
whoever rejects evil BUT
and believes in Allah
hath grasped the most •Whoever seeks a religion
trustworthy handhold other than Islam will never
{Qur'an 2:256)
have It accepted of him, and
he will be of those who have
92 88 truly failed in the hereaftP-r
90 89 {Qur'an 3. _,_.
9 -' 75
93 83
slims in the Military
Resulting In : d whoever kills a believer
•Oh ye who believe! Take not the • • (4.93) An . .shroent is hell; he
: intentional\~, ~ts p~n~\lah will send His
Jews and the Christians for your : shall abide m tt, an h. and prepare
friends and protectors; they are ,..
• wra
th on him and curse tro
. ent
but friends and protectors to each - - fi him a painful chasttsem . .
other. And he amongst you that ::: : or d do not kill anyone whose
.c- • (17.33) An ~ b"dden except for a
turns to them for friendship is of
them. Verily Allah guideth not the
unjust. {Qur'an 5:51)
.. k"ll. 1 mg Allah has tOr t

just cause ...

~33 . And do rwt kill llii!{D71t ~ 1cilling AIWt has (orfriddrn .
a 1ust myg. And whotm- is lo11td wrongfully (not
by mistAZh), Wt lu;n,t given Ius her the authonty. But Itt him
not acud lun1ts in the 11UJ/ter of 14Jang lift . Vtnly, ~ is
hdped . ~

~33. Nld do not kill anyone TDI1tM killing AU4h has forbi4Jlot,
aapt fur a JUSI CGUM . And wlloaler is kilWI rurungfully (not
by mist.U), We haw grr>m h.. helr the lllllhmily. Blll let him
11111 arm l~milf in 1M tnJttkr C1f lllkmg lifo. Verily, he is

'" ' ~
helped .•

ProhJbJ&a o!1JDlawfW Kl11.tq

· ··- ·- ·- · _. - ···- - - - , ~te reason. lt was report~
of All4h ill
ProbJbltlon of Unlawful KIIUnc ~~ 4!.; ,+:-! ;.S;I f; j.,; '1•
AllAh forbids killing with no legitimate reason. It was reported •.,..Il~ ~I : .;-~ .sJ.:.t
in the Two ~ that the MC8senger of Al1.dh M
witmss to U li41ua illilll4h
-ua; - • - ger &J All4h, is not
~ (w br IMI) acql m thne CIIStS ; • soul fur Q soul
adllltmr who Is m.arrit.d. and
ll1lt1 tUsmll the };IJM'Jih.•lll
•1M blood of a Muslim who burs witness to l.A illlha illalltJh in the Military
and tlult Mu#Jammad is tht Messmger of AllAh, is not
~tmussib~ (to bt wd) aapt in three azsts : Q soul (or Q soul
i .t ., in tk cast ()j murdtr), an QdUJterer who is mlli'1'WI, tmd kills a believer
a ptrSOn who luDes his religion ;ma m ~ }ama'ah . allJ his punishment is he\\; h~
.t and Allah will send Hls
, curse him and prepare
fu\ chastisement.
do not kill anyone whose
has forbidden, except for a
o1.2 The follow10g are not ubJCct 10 retal·
BOOK 0 iation:
(I) a child or m~nc person . under an) cu·

.Th£ foii~'IA·ililg are ~rtot subjea 10

.)'> 'IJ (.0~ .;,1,t....JI J;.iJ , .,:M-

CONTENTS: (~ J::lc r ..... 'IJ1!IS ~ .r--
..,..u 0:.\') ~_,.. J-:lc .;,..; ..}-lJ
I' Subject to Retaliation for Injurious Crim~ oi.CI ••..'~t _p ~ v-4- .t..:.,-IIJ c-
Retaliation Obligatory for Intentional Killing Etc. ol.l
Meaning or obligarory oi.I(A:)
M caningofimrlllional oi.I(O:
111111111111111•------------.. ~J. ..IJ_,JI ..
y~~j# J-:.le'l.,~_r~
Meaning or witltour riJiht ol . . (~1..:.\'1 fie;,.$. ~).l
Those Not Subject to R t'toliat'inn'
lntcntionulily in lnjuriou)
The Three Categories oC o2. 1
Honest mistake o2.2
M ~takc made in a
Purely intentional
Retaliation Cor Bodily
How Rct:~liallory (4) a father or mother (or their fathers or
mothc~) for killina their off...pring, or off pnng'

\\ h(l r ubjC(l to Rclahatton for lnJI

Ret hatton Obhg tory for lnt1 (4) a ·raLhcr ri'Jf moth~ II' (o:r lth~ir faUucrs or
Mcamng or obl•gatory o I. I
Mc:.tntni of mtrJWOnol ol mo1lhQ ) (Of kiJ i11B th j o( pringF If'~ U p •n
killing Allah has forbidden, except
Indemnity Cor a
For Death by Mistake in a Deliberate Injury o4.4 just cause ...
For Death Caused by 1111 Honest Mistake o4.S
Conditions When Mulmum Is Paid, Intentional or Not o4.6

Taught to 1st Graders
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

My Religion is Islam

The foundation of Islam is the profession of faith that

there is no deity other than God and Muhammad is
God's Prophet.

Every religion other than lsla~ m is false.

God said, "If anyone desires a religion other than Islam.

(submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him;.
and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who
have lost (All spiritual good)." {Qur'an 3:85)

1st Grade School Text~ Monotheism· O'n d Ju~risprudence, (2005-2006

Academic Year} Kingdom of Sa.udi Ara,bia~ Mini,stry of Education~
Education Developm.e nt

w4.3 ( Imam Bagbawi:) The Prophet (Allah . . . } c ~,_A:-11 ru'tl> w4 .3

bless him and give him peace) said: ..,..I.S.iJI.J• : - 41.11J ,...; Ju (: Jli

~ ~By Him in Vihose hamd i£ the soul of

M~bammad, apy pgiJliO"D of ·tbis Commuoi!.)! a any
le.w , or a:my 0Drisda:n who he~ts of om:m and dies
witboryl bcUev'i'n1 i·n what I have bee~ sen~ with
•I! !II
ifferent Paths to fleaven'? ~b
\ up
• p..621 surelY those w\10 believe, and those who
are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians,
whoever believes in Allah and the Last daY and
does good theY sha\\ have their reward frotn
their t.ord, and there is no fear for thetn, nor
sna\\ the)' grieve.
• {3.851 And whoever desires a religion otber
tban ls\atn, it sha\\ not be accepted from him,
and in the hereafter he sha\\ be one of the

il Verse 2:62 5


e E

• "'
American ai•Qaida spokesman lauds Fort Hood
--~- ___
-·~ .. -
--. -
rse of the Sword Cont
I :53] "I have been commanded to
people until they testify that there
~~a·das Am~rican-bom ~ook~sman has cill~d on Musl1m~ Sf!Mno mthr US ~rmcd forcPs I? flmula1Pthe fy worthy of worship except Allah
Armv maior cha~ged '1 th kJ!hng 13 peo~e infort Hood Muhammad is the Messenger of
tablish the prayer and pay the
,.. 'I
He wves ~oU~na in t-'Y o.A ClltJo;5 ~us .,., W-~Mvo&a
Tile ..00 posled .... .-..~s~~rnc--
Azzam .....,_
dressed"'"'*'*' w-woo•-...,
~,....., o.dllwl l l s o - liS
-= l
o.wwo <--* 10 1111m and JOI"'d ~and- CIWged...., . -n 2006 ~e os • ~....
Sl ....,_.,d lot rlOII'IIIIIOII....-.gao t.s.res1 Ol"t~ ~olyoonMd
IS o chong(t ol ~ .

• 9:29: "Fight those who do not believe in

AJI~, .nor in the latter day, nor do the
proh1b1t what Allah and H ' M Y
h IS essenger
ave prohibited, nor follow the religion of
truth, out of those who have been g· th
B " . 1ven e
oo"" until they pay the tax in
ac~owledgment of superiority and they
are m a state of subjection."

MA Hasan
have ee
a y clea er?

Osama Bin Laden

• Tali ban
• Suicide bombers
• Iran
If Muslim groups can convince Muslims that
" meaning are fighting for God against injustices of
" fidels,; ie: enemies of Islam, then
ims can become a potent adversary ie:

~~ love death more then you love life!

at if e ·s actua I t? 59
beljevc jn Allah and
.. Eae ht tbo§e wbp do not
o9 M Thsr gtliph Co25l makes war upon Jews. the Last Day and who forbid not what AUah and
Christians and Zeroastrjaos CN : provided he has His me$Senger have forbadden-who do not prac-
fi rst invited them to enter Islam in faith and prac- tacc the rehgion of truth , being of those who have
tice. and it they will not, then Invited them to beerv iven the Book-until the a the oil tax
enter the' social order of Islam by paying th~ non-
out of hand and are humbled, Koran 9:29 ,
Musliw ool! tax Cii~ya. def: o 11.4)-
itself-bile remaining in their ancestral reli-
( • vions_\ •(0: ~d the. war continu~) until thev
rbe ttmc and place for wh1ch as before the f1nal de~­
c.ent of Jesvs (uoon whom be oeace). After his
final coming, nothing but Islam will be accepted
from them. for takang the poll tax 1 only effective
untal Jesus' descent {upon him and our Prophet be
peace) , which 1S the divinely revealed law of
Muhammad. The coming of Je~u' dpes not entajl
a separate divinely re ealed law. for be wjll rule
by the law of Muhammad. As for the PrOPhet's
sayjng (Allah bless him and give him peace),
'' nhhgltlinn o9. 1
When 11 i-'" pc~nnlly ohhptory ~.2
Surrt"ndt'r when O\'Ctru n o9.3 .. r am the last . there will ·be no prophet
Who b Obhgcd 10 Fis;.ht "' n9 4
1'l>il;<: ~·IK•ar• nut pcrmittod tn Oght rfl .~ ..
Otliph's Permission Required If He Exists o9.6 f
itJer me,
tbis does not contradict the final coming of Jesus
The Objec1ives of Jihad o9.X
Regarding Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians o9.8 (upon whom be peace) , since be will not rule
according to the Evangel, but as a follower of our
Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace)).
On the Verse 5:51 Command
Not to Take. C ristians and Jews for Friends
• Thi:s is Because:

• They do blaspheme who stJu• ltJlJI-& ,..

Christ: "0 Children tl

Whoever joins other
and the Fire will be 1~ . Islam If the Future
to help. SlVe
and Muslim (155): Th~ne
• They do blaspheme ~ • Al-Bukhaari (2222ah) (SAWS) said: 'BY thef
er of All the son o
no god except One AI£ M.esseng "'· dis roy sou\, soon
. wnose uan ng you as J
a \ust judge.
, . h
blasphemy), uerily a g. ln .\\ descend arno . and abo l S
Maryaro Wl cross ki\1 the plgs dant
them. He wiU break the ~i\\ become abun
. . ah and moneY . ,,
the J1ZY ' "\\accept 1t.
• Christ the son of Mary until no one Wl
messengers that passe•
truth. They had both to
His signs clear to them; .
from the truth!



Is this
starting to
Conclusions Resonate?
• God expects full loyalty. Promises heaven and
threatens with Hell.
• Muslims may be seen as moderate
(compromising) but God is not.
"I love the Koran and being a Muslim, but I don't
want to live under Islamic rule".
• Fighting to establish an Islamic State to please
God, even by force, is condoned by the Islam .
Mus lims Soldiers should not serve in any
capacity that renders them at risk to
hurting/killing believers unjustly -? will vary!
. Waseef Ali Hassoun; deserted in
of war as a Muslim.
llab William Webster;
Iraq based on religious


Wherever an Islamic community exists
which is a concrete example of the
Divinely-ordained system of life, it has a
God-given right to step forward and take
control of the political authority so that it
may establish the Divine system on earth,
whil.e it leaves the matter of belief to
individual conscience. (139)

When God restrained M:usUms from

Jihaadtor a certain period~ it was a
question of strategy rather than of
principle; tt19)

Only in the light of this explanation can

we understand those verses of the Holy
Qur'on which are concerned with the
various stages of this movement. In
reading these verses, we should always
keep in mind that one of their meanings
is related to the particular sta_ges of the
development of Islam,,while there is
another general meaning which is related
to the unchangeable and eternal message
of Islam. (139, 140)
p E A C E
it!le • Assocoahon of
~~!-~~ Muslom SOcoal Scoenlosts
AM>S of Norlh America
- -

fundamental priuciple around which buman civilizatioo has


Thus, it is up to the leadmld .· ro assess the situation.and

w · ' e C1JCUmS:tances as wen as the capacity of the M\Jlsllim

oommllllity dJecidina, tlte appropriate type of fil:riid. &t one

stage,. Muslims, may find tbatJlhdd., lihrough persuasioo Ol' peaoe.ful
Mes,lsl!ance,. is, tile ibest and most effective. medlod to achieve jos1
the Makkan At another
Only in the light of this explanation can we understand those
verses of the Holy Qur'an which are concerned with the
various stages of this movement. Qutb, Milestones, 18.

I'NSPIRE - AI Qa,e,da's Glossy New Magazine

i~\! ' t~.ol: lf _; N IJ®l! t®:!JI

~~..i!ll'•'""•'h\2 .:£!;; ';.\1~ Dott't be Sa~
i Our brothers In the Movement or ai-Shai>Qb al· However, you, who control most oflhe country and rule
Mujdhldin: ft accordlng to !he sho!l'ah of Allah~ do not receive
a traction of !he suppon which Shallf receives because
Oo not be sad wnen )'OU do not near from many or the America and the International community are not happy
scholars in !he Muslim wo ~d and elsewhere a word of with you. They are not happy with you because, among
support or gu!Oance, because they do not hear )'OUr news other things, )'OU have Slopped the work of misSionary
except from tile media. It is their source of Information relief agenciesana recently because you banned music
and based on It they give their opinions thai you know of. from radio stations, which according to !hose scholars It is
<*.ay to listen to If you didn't play it yourself.
Oo not be sad 0 you who have established the shorl'ah
of Allah Y.When you see those who label themselves u '' d 0 brothers because you have pleased the
falsely as scholars betray you and try to cfrvide your ranks. Cieatorby displeasing tile creation, because your youth
Because you have achieved tn years what !hey thought were nrm when many others stumbled, because you nave
was inconceivable and Dasedon thtsfalsevtew !!ley have nurtured your path with the purestofblood, and because
establlshedforthemselvesp109rams B 1 d youtulnllltlequalittesofthevictorlous
andwrongassumptlonswhichhave .e P. ease b<t<<IUSe the group whomarenot harmed by those
misguided many of the crealian of drsbehevers and apost ates who betray them.
Allah ;a._Some of them think that dH pise you ~nd w ish that they
establishing the rule of Allah~ could sleep one night only to Be p.eased because all of the sincere
cannot be achieved except through hoar t h• new. In the morning Muslims are wi th you, joining )'OU In
ltle ballot box which i.sapproved that you have been destroyed. your moments of pleasure and your
by the UN. In ltlelr eyes, Islamic moments ot difficulty and they wish
rute and demotr.!C .ve e ual Some of them believe they could carry you on !helr shoulders and say to the
for people:

Some of them beHeye These ate my forbearers so l»i1lg me like rhem

0 Imposter, when we come rogerher In oarherillfls

\'le are in the Makkao S}age and haye Jherefore set for
9• pie ...:! because the disbelievers and apostates
despise )'OU and wish that they could sleep one night
c1 of only to hear tile news in the momlng that you have been

themselves programs that are limited according to the


e pi~ "<< and show thispleasure ~nd nave the masses

Join In this great celebration because you have become

rules of akkah. a principle bridlje towards the establishment of the

Kh"ofan on ltle way of the Prophet ~ and you are
a battalion in the army that would liberate the Aqsa

Is AQ chiding the "weak-kneed" ISSUE 1

Muslim Brotherhood for staying the uMeccon" stage?

J U l).r 2.3 r 20 1 0 ..
lmlD e I ~- Goog~'.:_
• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Top Muslim Cleric Urges Western Muslims to 'Liberalize'

Outwardly. anyway: Yusuf ai-Oaradawi expounds the doctrine of taysir, which allows Muslims to practice a more
"relaxed" version of Islam - so long as their hearts cling to the more "uptight" version.
July 23, 2010 - by Raymond Ibrahim

Qaradaw•, who is touted by the likes of John Espoosi~·

as a '"moderate~· - even as he legibmaes
against Israel (including by w omen) and de.. lh
explained that, according to ftqh al-taysir ( the
ease"), Islam (like catholicism) offers Muslims disp••ns4•
whenever needed: '-'F or Allah desires ease for
(Koran 2: 185; see also 5:6, 4:26-28, 2:286).
Muslims traveling during the month of
jihad need not observe the

http:/I pa jamasmed ia. com/blog/top-m usli m-cleri c-urges-western-m us Iims-to-'1 iberal ize'/?si nglepage=true
When God restrained Muslims from
Jihaadtor a certain period, it was a
question of strategy rather than of
principle; (139)

•.. and there are serious disagreements

on questions of strategy

."'', ,

9 ..

Why Don 1t We Know This?

A Partial Explanation Could' Be ·-

eview of theM ·n rca

Bate #ISE-SW/ 1810/ 0000413

,-,JI ~,JI ~I ,._,

In the name of God, the Hcocficet~t, the Merciful
~,..II ""+"' ......L.. ,.l-JI, i J-,ll , ~WI..,. ,~ ~I Thanks be to God, l,onl of the Two Worlds,
Proyen and peace be upon the uwter of the Messenger.;

-4J....)".'.. p... ··;.J.e

''J t (J .
An Explanatory Memorandum
On the General Strategic Goal for the Group
ln North America
~WJI ~~~ v1 ul....t-J.,l tWI v'!"!-*l~'fl .,jol.fLJ

- ~· ~l..tJ.. -1
. .:..J-~ 1 rHl- _, Contents:
. .:..J-~ 1 lt1- _,
• U.UJI .:..J-~1 <oL....). -1 I· An inttoduction in expllltlation
2· Th~ Concept of Settlement
3- The Process of Settlement
4· Comprdlensive Seul~nt Organizations
exHIBIT tse.sw t&tQf OCIOo4u
l :O«:R-2411-G
U..S. v. HLF, at 11. Page 2 of 18
Bate #ISE-SW/ 1810/ 0000415

,-+a,JI ~ ,JI ..UI ,......... (1)

~ ..,.JI ~ ..J.... ,.t...JI , l l-11 , ~WI ..,J...U ~I !11 the name ofOod, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Thanks be to God, Lord oft:he Two Worlds
And Blessed are the Pious

A project for an explanatory memorandum for the General Strategic goal

Group in North America mentioned in the

explanation, we mwll "summon" the followi ng question and place it

as its relationship is important and necessary with the strntegic goal and the
cct we are embarking on. The question we are facing is: "How do you like to sc:c:
in North America in ten the

we 1nn~1 snmmon and along ~nemJl lstrategi[c goal of the Group in

North America and I ·will ·intentionally ~;m.Jtt=la.JDJI!!!~Den. T.hey ~-------~
[1- Establishing an .eftecti:ve andl by

Bate #JSE-SW 1B10/ Q000427

~ 6t\,llchment number Cl)

msa A list of our organizations and the organizations of our friends

[Imagine ift they all march according to one plan!!!l


6-IMA ;: ISLAi\.fiC >YLLI.Jl'-d

10- lliC
I I- lCD
12- ATP
13· AVC


~1 ,... O flT H AM l l i CA



~.-J·-~ .-.
,_,II \1'"",.11. lll t"""4
• ,1 ,\-JI, ~WI.,., .U

the homeland" in which it lives,

"enabled" in the live of its

the Islamic structure is built and

But Really! Why Don't We Know This Eithef?

A Possible Explanation --

(Based on lslami~c Law of Subm·ission)

First Qur'an Verse 9:29


1<U oltbdn....
Approach tht S«m! Mooque.
ADd l! ,.. Car po'>'ftt)'.....
SoOD will Al1ab mricb )'00.
II He willa. ol Ria bowlcy,
For Allah is AD·~na.

!9. Fi1bt thaw: wbo bdiM: not

lo AU~h not" the ~ Day,
Nor bold Wt rorblclclcD
Whkh bath been fOtbidden
BJ Alla,b and Hll MCJR~r,
Not acknow~ tbe Rdigion
Of lhub. from amana
The hopl• of the: Book.
Until thoJ pay the: JU,.~,.,
With will!Da aubmluloo,"••
And £ed thm~Rha ..bdued.

1%71. """'-: .... liocnlly ... _,......,.Jiy

..., ,.,....,. c:k:&ahal. u -ct • t. Jl"**''lll
.__..- ..........
fll__, ... '-". •
k .... la · -
ta..J ...., _.. o• N ntle4 .,.._

. . . . . . . . -·,.....,.,_---aD"""' "'-..,. .,
lm. .,.,._.,,....,..,. •• _ ..... _ (IJ-•u•,...._...,...._.,.. .u.a,

...., __ ____ _ ,.. _

.... . . . _ ..... . . . _ ... ,... .... , . . . . , _ . . . _ _ _ _ _Ct)
k ,..
- -... ,...,

. ._ __
... - , . . ... - ... ..,.....w.

... _,._......____
k .. -

.. ,.....,..
,..,-,.-·n......o,...,_., __ __ _...,..,
.... ., . ,.......
u.. n..:-a. ................. ......... fll.,... ... ~ .... ~t.w-.• ._.,. ...;
.........._ ........

. . . .--..--
......... ___ .. __.., ___ ..,... ......... _...,
- ... ....-...-w....... -.,_,-..,...,-.

--~&:ad - __

_.. ..... ___ ... ,......... ...._
..._,...... ...., ...................................
.............. . . .._n..._
..,QIIC . .........,.,.....
, .. _••
wWdo -w k tho Anlotu ao1o1- at tho.,.....,-
__ _

cq~ lo .dor • . -., b Ua -..lp. or a\oooo 5 • 7...,... S.. L 411 • 5:75. n. tu nrlft

- .""'"""~~ocr
•l:laadaJ<). ...... ~ '"' ok - r.. ""'""' •-' dLiLimt
~ .........~ ...._ ..... . w ... . ....-
c--.. .. '"•
oWn ., lliiiWJ ....
k .., ia ~ tcue • fof ftlllliwy ttrfllca. IW w the r.xt: Mit..

W!. ... - (liomly. l - tho lla.ool) . .. ..... """""""~,., lt...s ........ .,.m.oa
........ """ lllltbodty. l """"" tho UolrflJ"UQon ... - ., wllllotr ........... Tht/"7"• -
..,,.. panly ..,..bolit IM P"" lf • - mu<lLtioo lor oall..ry .......... bot " tlw -
a-.1 tho ....._.........-, iu 'J"'bobc <ba....- p<odoaiNr<d S.. tile IIIC - .
SupeMood by •

Ed1ion: Mar~ 2000



"' OIIOUI' 01' UH0111 t ... IU'fiiVIIION OF
~':=-~ .,~ ~f'f!!!!!l-- n.r

'tj.f~~ ........:;'ii,P.~t.~~;c.JI.J;,Jt
;;.-.; t.-l'~s ~w :::J . , . .. t:JM

.uaa,. __
.......... _ • ..,lMt
4()' Sil
=.::..':t::!..-:;:-.;::_~ !'"',..
............. ..
.., ..... -....t.!dl .............
• .,.....,

...................................... drloo:r ..........

,_.,_._u-....._.. Payf.D& J~ t. a Sip of ICII/r u d Dlapace
.....,...,._ ................. wn-.....
.....,._~-.-.. ....._.,""'
....... " " ' . . ,· .... INo ....._... " - ' . . . . . . . . . .

__ .......,...,..........
lilllllt ............................ ..~ ..
--·~ .......""......*..~~
..,._.and_...... _.....,.
.... ~...
...,......, ....-~.._
.,_,.,.,..,. .............. .
__ .......,._ Allah said,
=-~:-:.~,:-.:-.=--..== ,
~.,-........ ....................... . .
. . . . . pedlaot·~ · .... ~---
.__,w.::.;.-~ .. ~
""_,.,..., ................ ~-·•w

'tl\Ot.....,.,....,._, ~ _
. ......tM--·-O!oo
""..... ....

~ ~until they P'!Y IN }izyah~, _if_ th__ey

...._d_o_ n_o_ c_h_oo
_ se_ to_ e_m_b_ro.
_ ce
I ltlm,
......... u,. .................. . . . . . . . . ..,.,
""'.... ~,...u.--
"'"...... -
~· .....,..,_,,.
.... ~ ... ~ .......
__,... _...,. lht . _ _ . wotM AIM

witn willing ubmission • in defeat ervience.

and {t~l themselves subdued. di graced, humiliated and

btlittlesl. Therefore. Mu lim arc not Qllow d to honor the
people of Dhitrtrnah or cl te t.hem above , for they are
mi rable. di e cf!d

Verse 9:29 determines

the basis on which
--- ,,
.w .....·"' ........
.,....... ...
.... ....
Islamic notions of
,._ ....
...,_._. ............
_,........., .. _._..,w..,. ...... ......
__ ,..._,.,.,~----

............ _. 11
..... _.......,.. .................. ,.... tolerance" are based!
.....,...,~ ~

....... ............
,..,..w.....- .. v-.t.c...._.,.,..,.., ...
...,_..,..,......,...,._ ...-....-
.............. ...,_
,...... .. ....._.. .. ,.._ ....... WI!-- ......
...... ......
....... ..,
,__.r fll!l ~Wff.,tilw;w~
~ __.,__._- ~

,..._ .......... ,...... .. ~ .....t.eo.'"'

This rule simply reflects the same Islamic
legal standard that applies to all Muslims --
0 11.0
.s).d,~ i.,u..u.:; o ll . l
~ .:r.) j.;.; ~'l ,.r-...n,
b2. I (Muhallllnld Sa'id Buu:) The first ISJ)ect ~J !r-J!.,
o( II is Ibe llt'OTd o ( An.b the •\Uiesric,
:...."\, ~
(koran lhog
J6:43), ;o '5911 if vov kw ._, Q21 "


adultery with a Muslrm woroan

Qur'an Verse 3:28 '"









List ofUnindicted Co-co nspirators and/or Joint Venturers•

lOrn Omar Ahmadi Ibelieve that our problem is that we stopped

woriqngUA4;grouod. We will reoogni?.~ tM ~urce of any message which comes out of
ll!. Imc8Jl, if a message is public!zod, we wiU know..., the media person among us wiU
rccogruze that vou send two ms§l!m s; pna to lha hmencw and one tg the Muslllps, lt
they found out who said that -even four years later- it will cause adiseredil tothe
Foundation as far as the Muslims are concerned as they will say '1Look, he used to ttll us
about Islam and that it is a cause aDd stuff while he, at the same time, is sJ10oting
eijeijere11• Then, ifwe want to dosomething likethat it is better that tt is an
independent, scpmte and new organization and no one knows any connections it has
with the Holy Land.
These Laws Provide the Ability to Maintain Positive Control
over the lslamie «Message'L - Including Who Knows What!
Slander (Ghiba) r2.0 Talebearing (Namima) r3.0

Evidence of Prohibition t2.4 BOOK R


r2.6 The Prophet (Allah bless him and give In fact, talebearing is not limited
him peace) !!!$ to that, but rather consists o f revealin2 anvthin2
whose disclosure is resented . whether resented by
( 1) "The talebearer will not enter paradise ... the person who originally said it, the person to
whom it is disclosed. or bv a third oartv.
(2) " Do you know what slander is?" They
answered, " Allah and His messenger kno w best. " The reality o f talebearing
He said, " It is to mention of your brother that lies in divulging a secre t, in revealing something
which he would dislike." Someooe asked , " What confide ntial whose djsdosure is resented. A per-
if he is as I say?" And he replied , " If he i~ as you
son should not speak of anything he notices about
say, you have slandered him , and if not, you have
calumniated him." people besides that wbich benefits a Muslim to
relate o r prevents disobedience .

Six Obligatory Steps with Talebearers r3.1( J)

ill"'violable to his fellow Muslim: his reputatio n, his (3) hate him for the sak e of Allah Most High,
property, his blood. Godfearingness is here (N : fo r he is detestable in Allah's sight , and hating for
pointing to his heart). It is sufficiently wicked for
the sake of A llah Most High is obligatory;
someone to belittle his feUow Muslim."
that is
So what is the standard
that the national security
community is supposed to
beheld to?

It starts Wi'th
the Constitutional
that one swears
an oath to the
to follow
U.S. law!
... and here is the Oath!

An individual, except the President,

elected or appointeg to an office qf hQnor or
~" r;\rofit
,.., the civil service or untformed ·
• / 7.

ser\'lfces; shall take the foiJowing oath:

" ... all enem•es

ReallY- just wha~ is.a

="Violent Extremtst -''!" .,
_..,,, uear true ·
faith and allegiance to tbe same; that I take
"·,~ (hi~ o~lig,ationfreely, without an
mental re~ervatiqn o
''that I will we
·duties oft

, o Professional


The professional duty is NOT to Know True Islam
~- but to establish a functional threat doctrine!
U.S. doctrine on threat
So, whose rules drive our
Analysis Requires a threat development
factual analysis of processes?
Enem~y doctrine
(i.e., kn.ow th:e enemy by. Our Muslim Brotherhood associ·ates,
know demand that we NOT analyze the,
basis of the enemy's doctrine
because it legitimizes them J)


louay M. San

l.ntern.ational tnttiMC: of hlamlc Thovghr


Scholarly Consensus

Islamic Slander Law



Islamic Law of Jihad

The Duty to be
includes the Duty
to Know !
For Example -

Organisation of The Islamic Conference

{If you are thinking to yourself- "Hmmm~ who ore they?'' - could
this by itselt constitute o F'Houston we have a problem~, problem?)
Q settings•

About OIC

Organizatiofil of th e Islamic Conference· (OIC) is the second larrgest inter:;Qovernm ental

org anizati on a:fte>F the Unite d Nations which has men1be>Fship of 57 state·s spre·ad OV'e<F four
conti ne·nts _The· Organization is th e~ co ll ective~ vo ioe~ of the Muslim worl~d and e'I'1StJJring to~ safegiJard
and protect the intere·sts of the· Muslirn world in the spirit of prornoting inte·rn ational pe·ace and
~~ harmo e~ of the '!llforld. The 0 anization '!llfas established u n a decision of
secretary qeneral. Prof Ekmeleddin lhsanOQiu is the Secretary General who assumed the
office in January 2005 after being elected by the 3151 ICFM.

Th e~ pre~se11t Chart~e r
of th e~ Organizat ion was adopted bv th e~ Eleventh lslatTtic SurTtm it h e·l~d in
Dakar on '13-14 March 20[)8 which laid 'down the objecthte~s and principles of the or,gar1ization and
fund ame·ntal pwrposes to strengthe.r1 the solidarity and cooperation an~ong th e~ Member States _
Over th e~ last 38 years the membe<Fship has growfil frorn its fo unding men1bers of 30 to 57 states _

Internet ~ 1 00% ..
Go,:,gle llGJ... oic v~ Go •• " f7 "' w "' f:1 Bookmarks ... ~ 29 blocked
~ ~ Organisation of The Islamic Conference

integrity of other Member States and shall refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of
• Member States shall uphold and promote, at the national and international levels , good
governance, democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law.

The Or ganization is composed of the follow ing main bodies:

Thte· Islamic Summit. composed of Kings and He·ads of State· and Government of Member
St.ate·s ~ 1s the· supre·r'Tte· authonty of the Organ1zat.1on_ It c.onvene·s once· every three years to
deliberate. take policy decisions and provide guidance on all issue·s pe·rtaininmto the realization of
t~he· obj ectiv:e·s and cons ider other issue·s of conc~ern to the· Me·mber States and the Umrnah _

a. Adopting decisiOns and resolutions on matters of common mterest in the implementation of the
obj ectives and the general policy of the Organization;

The Council of For~eig n Ministers. which rneets once a year. cons ide rs the means for the
implementation of the· ~gene·ral poli cy ·of the Organ ization by. inter ali a:

a_ Adopting decisions and reso lutions on matters of common interest in the· irnplernentation of the
obj e cbive~s and th e~ general pol icy of bh e~ Organ ization;

b. Rreo\~ ew'ing prog ress of the implerfil e·ntation of the· decisions and resolutions adopted at the
pre~li ows St.~~ mm its and Councils of Fore i~gn Ministers:
Republic of Chad, under the auspices of H E. Maitre Abdoulaye Wade, President of the Republic
of Senegal, was signed on the sidelines of the 11th Islamic Summit Conference, on 13 March
2008. Before the Summit Conference. at His Excellency President Abdoulaye Wade's initiative,
Internet 't. lOO% y
•Ratified December ·2005
•Cartoon Crisis January - 2006
•Knighting of Rushdie - 2007
rt Wilder Targeted - 2008
Resolution - 2009
1. n Burning? .. 2010

f,h!Mv-~ ...,...,..,......, ....

• • e --~lii!Oo..._,......~.....,.:u. e Q.·

h) It ~hould be rccogni:lcd that Mu 11ms have the sam • basic needs and de ir a~ other •
which arc material well-being, cultural acceptance and rcligiolb freedom, Wi thout
polillcal or ~ocu~l antimidation. In that ys•m, Mu>hm shg ultl ogt b,; ma'l'mahz"'l or
allcm t ·d to be a~imil ted, but :;hould b • accommodated. Accommodatton i th ·
best :strd lCJtY or mtcgrat•on.

The "END GAME" of the "lslamophobia Campaign" Is that Muslims have th,e
'Right" to live in non-Muslims Countries and live EXCLUSIVELV under Islamic Law---
NOT the "Law of the Land"
9-14 MUHARRAM 1411H, 31 JULY 1: 5 AUG~ST 199~

Arab Countries - Cairo Declarat ion on Hum an Rights in Islam : UNESCO SHS
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G m (ShS/ en/ ev. php-URU D=4686&URLDO=DO_TOPJC&URL._SECTION=20l.htm

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SHSHome THEMES (gl Emai lh10 page

Human Rights !, Printabkt vetSlOn
Ginder Equality Who's who?

... that was and Development

Globallzatlon and
Women's Human Rights Arab Countries - Cairo Declaration on Human Rights In
formally served Cultures
and Gender Equality

Gender Dynamics of ~ Legal Instruments 3 of 2G ~

at the United Conflict, Peace-building

and Reconstruction
y the Organiz atio n o
c. AJConf. 157/PCJ62/Add.18 (1993 -
onference In 1990, repri nted In U. N.
olumbi a Universi ty Center for the
Human Rlghti > MOre • man Rights Documents 190-193 (1994).

Nations in 1993 AdVllncamonl o l Human Roghb

Youth and HIV/AIOS
The Nineteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers (Session of Peace,
Interdependence and Development), held in Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt, from 9-14
Muharram 1411 H (31 July to 5 August 1990),
9-14 MUHARRAM 1411H, 31 JULY TO 5 AUGUST 1990

ARTICLE .. 24:

All the rights and subject to the

Islamic Shari'ah.

ARTICLE .. 25:

The Islamic Shari lanation or

clarification of any
OIC Convention on Combating International T

The Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference,

Pursuant to the tenets of the tolerant Is~mte Shar~ which

of one
w\th the



http://www.orc-oc .org/english/convemon erronsm_convention.htm

Aff M
~:!)l<l1.t:'OJ fox.~l).IJ1.'710<


Los Angeles I Washington
Pbonc:(202) 547-7701 Fax:(202) 547-7704

1. jihad

The word 'jihad.'' perhaPs (ll)fe !ban anyollrr,exet~Jimes the profot!OO misroncryliom
manynon-Muslims have aoout Islam. II does not nran '1loiTwa(-a frf!!ll mistransbt~n
maccurate~· ustd since that is asourceof considerable fiustration fur Muslims.1Ill wordjihad~ der~ed from !he
Arabicroot jahada. nraning~~effotf or "~ruegk.•·· Consequenttv. jihad refers to areti¢ous
struggle incumOOl! on Muslims.ooth indi\iduallv300 collecl~ely. whose ultimate JXU])Jse ~ to
fulfill !he Q.lranic command to "en!Oin what ~ good and forbid what ~ e\~:· What co~ises
'ihad. lberefore. ~ nollhe nature of !he act. 00t ratllr its intenl~n.J

..-:; .
~'.A. Society of Professional Journalists
II» ._.:~
S ! • l !t..-~•nd•o;h l - lh ~PJl •Ml, L• l.,• l ..__

0{/i(X (or Cili/ 1/ights and CMI

January• ~(J08

............: ...
~ ~~

f .--~~. \'
' ' ':>:' ' , National Counterterronsm Center

Volume 2·Inut 10 . .·. .!!_..,.,

- /


Words that Work and Words that Don't~

A Guide for Counterterrorism Communication

~'A Society of Professional Journalists

t b ,. Wft"d.rnd nqM w .tb SPJ l~•d"' l•t~t ,..,...,

- A\'Oidusingterms suchas~jihad~ unless you are certainof

their precise meaningandinclude the context when theyare
used in quotations. The basic meaning of"jihad"is toexert
oneself for the good ofIslam andtobetter oneself.

ro~ omnu LSE O''l'

Wor d ~ that Work a

A Guide fo r Countcrte • Avoid lbe tenn 'caliphate,' which has positive connotations for Muslims. 10
1description of what
1',.-i i' , ~
_ f \!.... · Nat1onal Counlcrterrorlsm Center ~
. ' ,; -
=~:t'::!:~=wor~':: t Nem use tbe terms 'jibadisl' or 'mujahidefn' mconversation to desaibe lbe
Wc aR llho anxhl1111 &ft exul1co1l lame~t~ ~· A mujahed, a boly warrior, is a pos1tive characterization 10 lhe context
f¥,. ,,..,r~w ~fo

QtS::Wswucan~t.b:n'orUIIIwil<lollll of ajust war. l.o Arabic, jihad means "striving in the path of God" and is used io
0111. aod thor aDCD..
many contexts beyond warfare. Calling our enemies jibad is and theirmovemenl a
global jihad unintentionally legitimizes their actions.
Los Angeles I Washington
Phone:(202) 547-7701 Fax:(202) 547-7704 and the elite of the Muslim world. they remain unaware of the sentiments of ordinary
citizens. Increasing access to the streets of Muslim capitals will enhance our collecti\·e
understanding in assessing both challenges and oppommities in the Muslim world.

The problem "1\ith the term "Islamism"

Is this an Terminology is impo1taut in defining our goals as well as removing roadblocks into
overt call to heatts and minds. The 9/11 Commission identifies Islamist tenmism as the threat. The
reject the 9/11 ~1uslim Public Affairs Council recommends that the US govenuuent flnd otl1er
Findings · ~·

myths and
·while it is a
il is the rcsponsibilil)' of
the political and embrace Muslims who
mal."e such stands, even if they disagree wilh current U.S. policies.

... by replacing 9/l1 terminology with

one that is subordinated to its ~~auat~N

F. I 1 0'-:

-L- ;._-.-
_......... ·- ·-- ............... -···~·.. ...
..... .... -· ......... . . ton<"'_., ...,.....
,. ..-•

obarna sans \s\arn. Jihad frorn Nationa\

~...-s•,.go._,...,.,..,..-se<..,..,.- ................ ~
security strate9Y oocurnent

..........-I)Ot-.. ;.--""'


Violent Extremist Q.*
Enemy 0
~;ida. 0
us 59
hwan 0
* "Violent" 0
si1ngle footnote in the 0
.Rilld£iel.leE, tUJdD~t~nald N. V11a D ~.
d Te:rmrism 3a. the Uait:~ Stiitts,.
c h .I'RI.!':&m: Jl.t. HiJJ.m SJ~ rf~;;l
7kiNJrJ,JNH:.Holo ~~ ~~ 7bqSm~.·NIJ
~!;Liil'~' e:Y jQ ~004) ; 27'l-Bti.
Our Muslim Brotherhood associates
demand that we NOT analyze the
stated basis of the enemy s doctrine
(i.e., because it legiti'm, them ~)
U.S. doctrine on threat
Analysis Requires a
factual analysis of
Enemy doctrine
., know the enemy by
ing his doctrine.s) .

louay M. Safi

lntemat•onal Uut1l'Ute of f1.lam~c Thougnt:

Surah 9. At:Tawbtlh (28 - 291 TaMr 0.1 I<athfr
(2) m dmin

NwsJJ.., '"fop"'~ '!'h. c:an-.Im.m or oameUW.,

A&£ SQ£! z a t.hak t., mllprlalon 111 lhl
\bird of the ~ ..,..,....., ai""n abo•.._
Potu/"' Mlopr/JIItm. 'I1Ie ~n ol eomothlnr
,.bich ouah~ no~ to b. doD.; that ._ milpriaion in tho
lint and ••'"'"'" of \be opeaitlc -run,. P""" aboft. of &loG)'. Tluo olf6DI8 or olllltHihlc a folon7
i!l)iM\IW!d by ~. but wtthou~ 1\Jth p....m- e611-
cort 'Oith or ~•nt ...U.tanco to lobe feloD u ....Wd
maltt! I.M put,y aon-un, an . - r y befo,.. or ~r
U.. (110\. Unibod &a'- .,, PerJNill, C.C.A.N.J., 128
F ..2d 789, 1118. E*mont.o of \be crime t.haL lbl
prioclpal «MDmlt14<1 and complabod tho feloey aliAopd,
that t.b6 cltteoclet had l'llll ~&:x>owledp or LlW, tho&
the d6ftondanl fail..t to naki£7 U.. aulbgritJ., ..,d thai
cltfmdanl took an aftirmatl..., otap lo ~ !.he crimA.
U.S. .,, Cl&mbrone, c.A.Nev, 7~ 1"..2d 1416, 1417.
lmowt.dp of t.ha acNal CIODlll1illloa
pi...M tlloot bit ti~ it better thao tho domancle.nt'e, be ill
aid lA> Jain tbe "'"" on tbe mere riah'-
At.o ~~ OOilot; ditbunemenilo In an K lion.
M....._,. Ill old Eqliob law, 11>0Mf paid by WIJ' of
oontnld or coJUjJOOilUm lA> puret- any liberty, tee.
- · u.... _,...... _ _
iJ IIIWDd for ditmiu&l by motloo. In moot etaeoo,
bo-, ... well u ... the rederol courta, IW!h !!lilll~m~~r
.., be C01'I'OCtecl by llllloll>dmcnt of \be J)lMdinp.
Whe.n a ~or .....,.. in a deed, the normal " ' -
dure i.o lA> prepare and record a cornction deed. eo.,.
au-abllo dopooiiWD / mlzor6yi»Uy d:op6zotom/. lAt. mon)y, a quit claim deed ill -.1 ror 11\la purpoee,
In ~ ciYil law, tho nome of OA involun"'-'7 depooil,
made ~tod... ~nc n..,...l~y; ... ror ~ ob.lp- MilpiHdlllo(. Pleadlllr ltlcorTedly, or on,..
wnck. lire, or other Uurritable calami.tJ. thlna in ploadinir which i.o - t i a l to the suppon or
Millra . t ..mtut. obi ju • ftiiiJII nt lnell'twll
der- of., actio~>, io "" called; u in the . _ or 1
plaintiff notm«nb' II&Qna: bia citle in a deCoct~•~ man.
lmio:oro e.t eirMoe :r<h-bor .;»lot v6.J80m 0\ ....Orum/. ner, but ~ !OI't.b a title whlch lo aoentlally defec.
It l.o a ~ ort&te of alavacy • hkh auhoiSIII
t.ive ta llllelf; or if, to "" octlon of deb the dtlen
the ltlw 0. ...,... or W>Cflr1&1n. pl...,. "not gWit:r"
MIMnre / mwrlrl7/. The name and lim word or ooo of I'Y-ooedure (In

the l)«aitenUal ~ betac tlwlt whlch wu oommoDI.y
UIE!d to be pnn by the onli.nary to Mitb condomnod c;.nt pl08d.lnp.
~ U WeJ'e allowed the benellt of olerg;
courta) pwmit
Mllpflaloe. A word llilier
wbanoa it iJ .t.o c:allocl the ''l:ulm of mercy."
M~rdla / mlaorolc6rd(Jl7•/ . Lat. MHCT, a tine or
& ace tJc;..... • .pec:;irac ~ United Sta.&.ee "·
P<trlltein, C.c.A.N..J., 1..26 I".2d 789, 'lill. B<1t O>OTe .,_.
on tioularl7 aod properly the 14nn
oonte~ opill8t the ~ the gowrnmen~ or tho
either: (I) a

-r\& of J...Uoa, lllducllnl not only OOCitempla of eourt,

or pr<>JJUIJI ao callod, but silo all forma of Ndltiout or
dllloyal oonduct and ~ty; (2) malodminillratloe
l!f public ofl"tct;l!lllta lJ/t illlp\'oJ)ir pmomw;ce o1
amcw duty, lnelodJnc peculatloc\ ~ publlo fundo; (3)

~----------....illioilllll __. __.___ ~,_..,.,.. ,vi) fortun.o,
Nuoti"' mi#p,;,;,. Tho ooncoalmeot o£ 10111eUW.,
k&h CQh! 2 A l n'Miad; tlwlt too, mloprlalon in &be

forooooD or
MiMl£ ot 't'jjt Tha oii'6DI8 or conCH!Jnc a felooy
69 ...... r. but without tuch prmoUI _.
Tbs lbua kmn¥-1ed~ Dl'l 001!:'- c:ert 'lrit.b or oubeoqu.ent Ulliltanco to tho felon u would
make 1M part.y conooallng &D aoooooory be(o,.. or an.r

eeBJ.mcut 41 P' Eml;, llf ·~ ~nsMB pliM by tb<o Cact. United SCat. "· C.C.A.N.J., 128
F.2d 789, 798. Elelenla or the crime are t.bat tl>o
principal ..,.,milwd •nd compl.ted U.. feloey ail4opd,
fiil; JiB '00 dii!lcklKt jl to 'ti-e a:pprop~ of£« dmt 1!1-l tbet tba clefmdOAt had filii tnowled.p of \bat Cact,
the defendant Cail~ to nolily U.. aulboritiooo, ..,d lhat

~wtt~l~ifl1Ql 4ti¥ ~~ o:m: ~~D thBrel:mh ·i rr if .M defondant took an all!nnaiin otep in COIUlNl U.. crl-
U.S. •· Clambrone, c.A.NeY. 750 F.2cl 1416, 1417.

~ ·t o party baemne8 a ~­
Wboevtlr, haW., knowledp of the accual oomrnioldi>ll @l.ama:trts bit or a felony """'babl~ by a oourt of tho United
Cllt>CKJa and dol8 - ao eooa ao P'*ible make lmowll
l iS 'IJ.S.t:A- I .:281~. the - lA> aome j udge or other penon in dvil o<
miJitoTJ authority lliMkr the United StNeo, io II'Clilty d.
the federal crime of milpri&lon d. felonJ. 18 U.S.C.A.
........... lllatab Ia ~ p.t.,. '-"ect namo lA> f4.
ponoo~> in -oation, inclic:tment. pleocliD(. deed or other &< oloo Obstructing ;.&e.
It ALWAYS Starts with the Threat Doctrine •..

... its ALWAYS ONLY the Threat Doctrine ...


!Doctrina.ll & Siituatlion 'Temp!l,atiing ~an ldeology-based Thtfieat D~octriinre

Th~a~ JDoctrinal femplalal · · - . s

Th~a, ltu at lon Tlemplate - (An Obfeoti~.e Stan dardf), ' ' ' ·'· ', .... :.:
(A Subjective Stan dam)~ .( . ·• The ldeaiQg l~lr Scneen sewes as 'ltle Bnvlrunmenta~ Conatralnt . ~·:: - -··
1• Based on Jlhn;at fQPPUfne : - · •• ,• .A.Jfgned wtlh ~eoogn lzedt Publfs'hedl Doot ~ ne
r. AlWays,1ru:e·· If ·f.tueat :-:;;: 1• T 1ueat DClctrlne fro.m tfi\Ja· Doalrinal Tremplate· measuned ag.alnst t hiS'filter
;asserts. andf members JO:Inlact : • ~mnfts, ~ass!'"'ifihrough of Alignedll h11eat Domrlne ~as Validated
In ~tun1hemnele tHefieof ·• Canoefs OUl Nlen~A!Iig.nedl Th~eat llootrlne as Deleg1Hmi!Zed
,. What Ute tiM reat says. It ts
""unoanstrmned"' by erteots
of en~mnmenl as deftnedl
In the Stluation femph:~te~

ro f f lh ntat

El;e,m ent s ~of 1hrea~

......... Doctrlrnle·Cancelf.ed by
,screen AJIIigned
threat Docul ne

C mplexific ti n
(Not a real word but .... but not a, p~rofession~al a,nally tic_al process either!)!

complex .
. . :- chaos
. · . nap
ohhh :
"Only a coal.ition of Marxists and Isla mists
can destroy the United States:'

Uich Ramire·z·Sanchez,
a.k.a. Carlos the Jackal
Revolutionory Is/om, 2003
It is entirely possible that the true and
authentic reality is being drowned out by
countless superficial information bits noisily
and breathlessly presented in propaganda
fashion . .

Consequently, one may be entirely

knowledgeable about a thousand details and
evertheless, because of ignorance regarding the
e of the matter, remain without basic insight ... 1 H J~tm>..
••• •

(b)<f> ----- !labeled it "a fundamental ignorance, created by

technology and nourished by information."

... the place of authentic reality is taken over by fictitious reality;

my perception is indeed still directed toward an object, but now it
is pseudoreality, deceptively appearing as being real, so much so
that it becomes almost impossible any more to discern the truthi4
Isn't this the basis of all of today's complexity models (narratives)?

bility I COIN Dynamics


Afghanistan Stability I COIN Dynamics I'-.Ll
1r--~ -- SlgniRCIIIll
I •

P• pubde~trPepubt $ypptn
lnlr.utn.~tture. !conot~~y• .& Servk:u
Conrn m'"i
• Aff'.,nkun Stcwlily Fe"' '
CrWe ;t_lMf H~r<t>ti'"
• C•)U'IfOI'IftfU1 ~ AcU en•
• Ph'f• lc.JI Envlr-o,..tnt

The side that wins this war will be the one

whose enemy only fights "pseudorealiffes"!
· so compleJt, all
You've heard it b

Q: Is the bureauc.r atic obsession wi1th "complexity" and

"chaos" and irndicator of successful ide,ological subversion?
60 Thl StriJttry for WGr
To instil terror into the of the enemy,
it i tial, in t e ultimate analysis, to dislocate his -aith. An
invincible aith is immune to terror. A eak F ith offers inroads
to tenor.
.. be truck into the hearts of an army by merely
it of its routes
tlgth or weakness
f the opoopent'A
temporary; spiri-

.,, ,_,._ 0' fllllll

''Chaos'' is for those .t1er be ruled in nt!ll •••

•n than subject in heaven
On "Violent Extremism"
A Word About Word$ 49
and the Basic Rules
of Strat Comms

Re lace:
L.-,.-,_,__.J~controversial sauces, is a waste of time. They cannot 01
1) "ower" with "enem " deliberately wfl) not ypdeataod what we am disc•Ming
2) "harnesslns th en IJY" hr .
with "violent extremism"
Quarani's are NOT an Option

"Beware, of the newly-invented matters, for every such
matter is a bid#ah ond every bid'ah leads astray, and
everything that leads astray is in the Fire I"

Reported by Aboo Dawood. Tirmidhee and others,. no. 2549 in

Saheeh·u i-Jaami' without. " ..• every thing that leads astray is. in the fire
•.• ", and hadeeth no. 28 in. an-Nawawees Forty Hadee.t h.
Authority for Hadith

• Qur1an
- Whatever the Messenger gives you1 then take it and
whatever he prohibits you1 then stay away from it.
(Qur'an 59:7)

- Deem not the summons of the Messenger among

yourselves like the summons of one of you to another:
Allah doth know those of you who slip away under
shelter of some excuse: then let those beware who
withstand the Messenger's orde~ lest some trial befall
them1 or a grievous penalty be inflicted on them.
(Qur'an 24:63)
Authority for Hadith

• Hadith
- The Prophet as,ked: 'How will you judge the cases that
come to you? He replied: 'I will judge occording to the
Boo·k of Allah~ 'But if you do not get anything there~
what will you do?~ the Prophet tsws) asked. He said: 'I
will refer to the Sunnah of the Prophet (sws)~ 'But if you
do not get it even there1 • what will you do?~ the Prophet
(sws) asked a·g ain. He replied: "I will exercise my
judgment/ Hearing this., the Prophet·(sws) patted
Mu 1adth (Ito) on the shoulder and soid: 'Praise be to
Allah who has guided the Messenger of His Messe·n ger to
what pleoses His Messenger~ (Ni-sa'i~ : No. 1327)
Authority for Hadith- Islamic Law
• The Prophet (Allah bless his and give him Peace) said,
• "None of you believe until his inclinations conform to whart I have
• (Nawawi~:) This means that a person must examine his acts in light of the_
Koran and sunna, suspending hi·s o;wn inclinati·ons and following what the
Prophet (Allah bless him and give him pe.ace), has brought. The hadith
resembles the word of Allah Most Hight
• "When Allah and His messenger have decided a mo·tte~ no believer,
male or female, hos a choice·in the affair." (Koran 33:36)
ai-M1isri, Book P "Enormities." at§ p75.3
('Contending with what the Prophet
(Allah bless him and give him peace) has Brought.''
On ''NeW' lnterpretation,s

• "This day hove I perfected completed My favour upon

you and have chosen jo(; ,__. (Qur'an 5:3)
• '/;N othing have we )

• "And We have s

• "So take what

assigns to you.,
yourselves that
withholds from yo
Allah; for Allah is st
Punishment.,, (Qur'an
Azzam on iha
• "Allah has preferred in grades those who fight with their possessions a,nd
their l'ives, over those who sit back. And to all of them has Allah
promised good (Paradise), B~ut Allah has favoured the Mujahideen over
those who sit at home by a tremendous reward, by higher grades from
him, and with Forgiveness and Mercy."
Azzam, Join the Corava·n

• Not equal ore those believers who sit at home and receive no hurt, ond
those who strive andfight in the cause of Allah with their goods and
their persons. Alloh hath granted o grade higher to those who strive and
fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit at home. Unto
all in Faith Hath Allah promised good: But those who strive ond fight
Hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home} by o special
reword, ... riff\.?
It \s\3,,. a Quran 4:95


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