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Chemistry & Biology, Vol. 11, 1325–1326, October, 2004, 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

DOI 10.1016/j .c he m bi ol . 20 04 . 10 .0 0 1

The Genetics of Autism

It has been more than 50 years since genes. The project is a partnership of decades showed that autism has
autism was first identified, but its between NAAR and four institutes a very strong genetic component,”
cause remains a mystery. Some ex- of the National Institutes of Health says Shih. Because of that, it has
perts believe the disorder is increas- (NIH). The project brings together often been called the most heritable
ing in incidence, but others believe four well-known autism research of all neuropsychiatric disorders.
the number of diagnosed cases is on teams: The Autism Genetics Coop- Research shows that a family with
the rise—and increasing from 10–17 erative (AGC); the International Mo- one child with autism has a 5 to 10
percent per year—because of ad- lecular Genetic Study of Autism percent chance of having another
vances in autism awareness, diag- Consortium (IMGSAC); the Center child with the disorder. Conversely,
nosis, and/or classification. Cur- Program for Excellence in Autism the risk is only 0.1 to 0.2 percent
rently, two to six children per 1,000 Research, funded by the NICHD; for having a child with autism if the
in the United States have an autism and the Autism Genetics Resource family has no other children with
spectrum disorder. The spectrum in- Exchange (AGRE), a gene bank and the condition.
cludes severely mentally retarded research consortium formed by the “Autism is genotypically and phe-
individuals with epilepsy and no autism advocacy organization, Cure notypically enormously complex
speech, classic autism, Asperger Autism Now (CAN). “The NAAR AGP and heterogeneous,” he says. “We
syndrome, and the even milder, has put the entire autism genetics see a spectrum of deficits in the
broader autism phenotype. Rare, research field together on one page, communications, motor skills, and
but severe, disorders included in the social domains.” Because of that
definition are Rett syndrome and Shih and colleagues do not believe
childhood disintegrative disorder. To- autism is a single gene disorder
gether, approximately 1.5 million “Our mission is to sup- where you can work through Mende-
Americans live with some form of port and fund biomedi- lian genetics and positional cloning
autism. Recent research suggests to eventually narrow in on the partic-
that 425,000 children under 18 in the
cal research in autism so ular gene. Instead, the AGP is a gene
US have an autism spectrum disor- that we can develop a discovery study. “Autism has a multi-
der; 114,000 of these are under better understanding of genic base meaning it involves per-
age 5. haps up to 20 interacting genes and
Autism researchers are moving
disease mechanisms that there is also probably an element of
to better understand the causes of will hopefully one day en- environmental influences as well in
the neuropsychiatric disorder by us- able delivery of targeted its etiology,” explains Shih.
ing newly available tools to delve Previous autism genetics studies
into the underlying genetics. Cur-
treatment and eventually used relatively small data sets, ap-
rently leading a major discovery cure.” - Andy Shih, Chief proximately 100s of families. The
project is the not-for-profit autism Science Officer at NAAR largest genetic study prior to the
advocacy group, the National Alli- AGP involved about 350. “The re-
ance for Autism Research (NAAR) sults from these studies were not
based in Princeton, NJ, with 45 em- working together to solve a common terribly compelling,” says Shih. He
ployees nationwide. NAAR got its problem,” says Shih. Together, the explains that previous research
start 10 years ago through funding consortium includes 170 research- points the way to where gene clus-
provided by parents of children with ers from about 50 research institu- ters for autism may be located, but
autism. According to Andy Shih, tions in Europe and North America he comments that the level of confi-
PhD, Chief Science Officer at NAAR, and is the largest research collabo- dence in these regions harboring
“Our mission is to support and fund ration devoted to the genetic study real links to the disorders are not
biomedical research in autism so high. “You get a few peaks in the
of autism.
that we can develop a better under- genome from the scans which are
standing of disease mechanisms suggestive of regions that are har-
that will hopefully one day enable Looking for Susceptibility Genes boring the genes, but there is no
delivery of targeted treatment and Although NAAR and the interna- broad consensus where those peaks
eventually cure.” tional consortium it helped form for are, never mind what the specific
In summer 2004, the first phase the AGP study are not exactly sure genes are and how they might inter-
of the NAAR Autism Genome Project what genes they are looking for, they act,” says Shih. Genes located on
(AGP), developed and facilitated by are convinced of a genetic contribu- chromosomes 2, 7, 15, and 16, as
Dr. Shih, was launched with the goal tion to the disorder. “Earlier twin well as the female X chromosome,
of identifying autism susceptibility studies done over the past couple have been suggested, among others.
Chemistry & Biology

6,000 Sample Data Set clear consensus whether SNP or the Health Research, the Department of
Much like other voluntary health or- microsatellite approach is best when Health in Ireland, and the UK Medi-
ganizations, NAAR had been fund- used for complex disease genome cal Research Council, are already in
ing small pilot programs and fellow- scans,” says Shih, explaining why on the project. Says Shih, “NAAR is
ships into autism research. “But given both technologies will be used. Other looking at the AGP as a way to unite
the huge scientific challenges pre- genome analysis tools provided by the field through quality science.”
sented with autism — heterogeneity Illumina (San Diego, CA) and de-
and the genetic complexity — we CODE (Reykjavik, Iceland) were also Alice A. McCarthy is a freelance science
writer based in gloucester, MA (alice@
recognized about 4–5 years ago that considered with the Affymetrix
in order to enable the kind of break- GeneChip.
through needed by the field, un-
less we have a large sample set, it
would be unlikely we can subset the Second Phase
population into groups with more “We are deep into planning of the
simplified clinical presentations— second phase now, which is essen-
phenotypes—that would allow more- tially a functional genomics phase
effective genetic analysis,” says we call the Autism Gene Discovery
Shih. Initiative,” says Shih. NAAR and NIH
In 2003, NAAR and the National will begin by forming an interna-
Institutes of Health announced the tional funding consortium. The sec-
AGP. In July 2004, the work began ond phase of the project will require
thanks to $2 million in NAAR funding about $15 million to $20 million over
and $2.5 million from the NIH. In its the next 5 years and will be provided
first phase, essentially a basic, al- to the scientists to identify the genes
though large-scale, genotyping and associated with a certain phenotype
linkage study, AGP assembled more or risk for autism.
than 6,000 genetic samples from Once the genomic intervals have
1,500 families affected by autism. been identified, researchers will have
Each family included two children both an idea where the genes for
with an autism spectrum disorder autism are with the aim of finding
and their parents. “This first phase, unique anomalies in people with au-
this gigantic genome scan, will tism. “The real challenge will come
hopefully provide us with a higher in phase II once this consortium has
level of confidence in the regions identified the intervals from the scan
we’ve identified before and maybe and started to drill down. That is when
even identify regions that had not it will require a fusion of classical
previously been identified,” says mammalian genetics, progressive
Shih. thinking about population statistical
Each sample will be analyzed with genetics, high-throughput, cutting-
two technologies: a genome scan edge technology, and obviously a
with Santa Clara, CA-based Affyme- collaborative effort in terms of analy-
trix’s GeneChip Mapping 10K Array sis and interpretation of data,“ says
(performed on-site by Translation Shih. “There have been a lot of theo-
Genomics Research Institute in Phoe- ries about the genetic etiology of
nix, AZ) and a second scan based autism. Certainly mutations within
on microsatellite technology to be open-reading frames is a possibility,
conducted by NIH’s Center for In- but there may also be mutations in
herited Disease Research (CIDR) lo- the regulatory regions that will con-
cated at Johns Hopkins. The hope trol the level of expression, the tim-
is that the 10K Array will let research- ing of expression,” he theorizes.
ers study more than 10,000 single- “There is additional complexity as-
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)— sociated with microdeletion and in-
single-base-pair genetic changes—in sertion on some chromosomes.”
each sample to identify possible Interested researchers will abide
DNA mutations associated with au- by NIH’s peer-reviewed competitive
tism. The older microsatellite tech- process to receive funding for sec-
nology, by comparison, is limited to ond-phase research. Shih admits
studying about 400 markers. For de- that the AGP consortium is probably
cades and until very recently, this the most competitive just because
was the tool of choice for gene hunt- of the sheer size of the collaboration
ing. Historically, however, it has been and sample set involved. Additional
difficult and complex to use this for private/public funding partnerships,
in-depth analysis. “But there is no including the Canadian Institute of

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