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The author must ensure that the submitted manuscript is original and has not been published
before. The manuscript should be written in English. Before submitted, the authors are required
to read and correct the draft carefully, especially related to the use of English and writing
format. The reviewer will not accept the script that is not in accordance with the provisions
made by the committee. The committee does not have any obligations to return rejected paper.
Since you are requested to send a full paper, you are personally responsible for the quality,
content and appearance of your work. Please remember the following important points below:
a) The body of the paper should be written in double column, except title and abstract;
b) The format of the paper can be seen in the appendix section of this guideline;
c) Font format: Times New Roman font, size 11-pt., margins 3 cm each side, and single-
spaced lines;
d) Provide high resolution of figures and tables;
e) The use of SI units and IUPAC nomenclature is mandatory;
f) List of references should be arranged in alphabetically order;
g) Please refer to the Appendix for the citations and references writing format;
h) Paper length is limited to 5 pages include references in A4 paper (210 mm x 297 mm);
i) The PDF file named as “HISAS15_Cluster_First author name” should be uploaded
via third party submission system (easychair) provided in Hisas 15 website
( The PDF file should be less than 3
MB in size;
j) Late manuscripts will not be included in the Conference Proceedings;
k) All forms of plagiarism are not permitted;
l) The committee will send email to the corresponding author, only for the accepted paper
in accordance with a predetermined schedule.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation. We are looking forward to meeting you at
Cluster: add selected cluster listed in website here

Title using times new roman 16 bold, should be simple, less

than 25 words, and represent the article content
First Authora, Second Authorb, Third Authora,b
First affiliation, Country
Second affiliation, Country

*Corresponding email:

Abstract should be written using 11-pt of Times New Roman font with the length between 150-
200 words. Abstract contains background of research, objective, methods, results, and

Keywords: Include approximately 5 keywords, separated by comma (,)

INTRODUCTION (Times New Roman, document. Text and symbols must be

11 pts, capital letters) clearly readable and avoid small symbols.
Body paragraph is written using Times
New Roman font 11-pt, single space, and 1
cm indentation in each first paragraph.
Introduction contains background of
research, objectives, hypothesis, and
position of the research toward the other
similar research. It should be a brief
literature review. Figure 1. Legend should be written in bold and
place below the figure or scheme. (Times new
EXPERIMENTAL METHODS (Times roman 10 pts)
New Roman, 11 pts, capital letters)
Sub-section 1 If possible, place tables and figures in
This section should provide the order mentioned in the text as close as
information about materials that have been possible to text reference. Please ensure that
used include the sources of the materials one table must exist on the same page.
and detail experimental procedure.
Table 1. Legend should be written in bold and
Sub-section 2 place above the table content. (Times new
The author can add more than one sub- roman 10 pts)
section in this section.
New Roman, 11 pts, capital letters) 2 Aa Bb
This section contains interpretation and
explanation of results and discussion based CONCLUSION (Times New Roman, 11
on research objectives, hypothesis, and pts, capital letters)
previous research findings. Provide brief Conclusion should briefly state the
and descriptive caption for table and figure. results of correlated objective, implications
The writing format for figure and table of findings, and further direction of
should refer to the example provided in this research.
P. Cullis, 2015, The personalized medicine
CONFLICT OF INTEREST (Times New revolution: How diagnosing and
Roman, 11 pts, capital letters) treating disease are about to change
Author declares the submitted forever, 1st ed., Greystone Books,
manuscript have no any conflict of interest. Vancouver.
World Health Organization, 2017, WHO
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (Times New guidelines on use of medically
Roman, 11 pts, capital letters) important antimicrobials in food-
Acknowledgement is optional. producing animals, 1st ed., WHO,
REFERENCES (Times New Roman, 11
pts, capital letters)
The following is the citation writing
 One author: (Maeda, 2011)
 Two authors: (Maeda and Matsumura,
 More than 2 authors: (Maeda et al.

1 Book: name of authors, published

year (in Bold), book title, edition,
publisher, city of publication.
2 Institutional author (book): name of
institution/author, published year,
book title, edition, name of
institution/publisher, city of
3 Journal/Proceeding articles: name of
all authors, published year (in bold),
journal title, journal/proceeding name
(in italic), volume (number, if
available), page.
4 Online document: name of
author/editor, published year (in
bold), article title, url/homepage
address, (Accessed on
date/month/year). *important notes:
avoid using blog and untrusted

J. Fang, H. Nakamura, H. Maeda, 2011,
The EPR effect: Unique feature of
tumor blood vessels for drug delivery,
factors involved, and limitations and
augmentation of the effect, Adv. Drug.
Deliv. Rev., 63, 136-151.
National Cancer Institute, 2017, Cancer
(Accessed on 15/11/2017).

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