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Sura Jathiya (or Bowing the Knee)

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

The revelation of the Book is from God, the exalted in power, full of
wisdom. Verily, in the heavens and the earth, in the creation of mankind and
the fact that the animals are scattered throughout the earth, are Signs for those
who believe. Also in the alternation of night and day and the fact that God
sends down sustenance from the sky, and revives therewith the earth after its
death and in the change of the winds, are Signs for those who are wise. These
are marvels of God which We recite to you (O Muhammad). Then, what is else
in which they believe? Woe to each sinful, dealer in Falsehood:He is well
aware of the Signs of God around him. But fein that he has not heard
(understood) any thing or take it just a joke. For such of the person there
awaits a humiliating Penalty. Even their otherwise good deeds; shall be of no
use to saving them from the fire of Hell. Nor shall be any protectors to protect
them on the Day. Thus, those who reject the Signs of their Lord have to face
tremendous penalty of abomination.

It is God, Who has subjected the sea to you that ships may sail through
it by His Command so that you may seek His bounty and be grateful. And He
has made of service to you whatever is in the heavens and the earth. It is all
from Him to the mankind. Herein are Signs for people who reflect upon them.
Tell those who believe, to forgive those who do not look forward to the Days
of God (Days of the Kingdom of God, when evil will be destroyed and God’s
authority will reign unquestioned). It is not for private persons to take
vengeans even for the cause of right and justice. God will give due
recompense for good or evil according to His own full Knowledge and
Righteous Plan. If anyone does a righteous deed, it ensures to the benefit of his
own soul; and if He does evil, it works against his ow soul. In the end you will
all be brought back to your Lord. We gave the Children of Israel the Scripture
and the Command and the Prophethood, and provided them with good things
and favoured them above all the nations. Further, gave them plain
Commandments. And they differed through rivalry among themselves, not
until after the knowledge was granted to them. Lo! Your Lord will judge
between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that wherein they used
to differ. We have put you (O Muhammad) on the right Way of Religion; so
follow it, and follow not the whims of those who know not. They will be of no
use to you (O Muhammad), in your service of God. Ignorant and contentious
men are of no use or service to any cause. Evil protects (or thinks it protects)
evil: It has really no power of protection at all, for itself or for others. The
righteous seek the protection of God, Who can and will protect them. The
evidence of God’s Signs should be clear to all men: To men of Faith, who
accept God’s Grace, they are a guide and a mercy. Or do those who commit
ill-deeds suppose that We shall make them as those who believe and do good
deeds, the same in life and death? Bad is their judgement! God has created the
heavens and the earth with truth and for just ends. That every soul may be
repaid what it has earned and reaps the fruit of of its activities. By no means
they will be wronged. Then see that person who has made his own vain desire
as his god. God, knowing him such, has left him astray. God has sealed his
hearing faculty, his heart (understanding), and has covered his eye-sight. Then
who will lead him after God has condemned him? Will you not then heed?
They say: There is naught but our life of this world. We live and we die. It is
only Time which destroys us. Lo! They have no knowledge of all that,
whatsoever. They do but guess. And when Our clear revelations are recited to
them, their only argument is that they say: Bring back our fathers if you are
truthful. Say to them (O Muhammad): It is God, Who gives life and death.
Then again He will gather you all, without doubt, for the Day of Judgement.
But most of them do not understand. To God belongs the sovereignty of the
heavens and the earth and the Day the Hour of Judgement is established. That
will be the Day when those call the Truth as Falsehood would be lost. You will
see each nation crouching, each nation summoned to its record. And it will be
said to them: This day you shall be recompensed for all that you did in your
life span. This Our Record speaks about you with truth. Lo! We have caused
all that you did to be recorded. Then, as for those who believed and did
righteous deeds, their Lord will admit them to His Mercy: That will be the
Achievement for all to see. But as to those who rejected God, to them will be
said: Were not Our revelations recited to you? But you were scornful and
became a guilty folk. And when it was said to you that the Hour of Judgement
is the promise from God, you thought it was a false statement, not more than
an idea and had no firm belief on it.

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