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Sura Tur, (or The Mount)

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

By the sacred Symbols – the Mount of Revelation, the Decree Inscribe,

the much-frequented Fane, the Canopy Raised High; and the Ocean filled with
Swell – the Dooms Day will certainly come. It will be a day of judging your
deeds and the passing away of phenomenal world. The Day is typified by: The
firmament will be in dreadful commotion. The heavens which we see obeying
the fixed laws, will be shaken and an unseen new spiritual world will be
created. On the Day the mountains will be shaken to pieces and will fly hither
and thither. This Day shall be a Woeful day for those who rebelled against God
and repulsed the Truth. For the righteous who recognized the Truth and
rejected the Evil, it shall be a Day of Joy and thankgiving. The rebellions shall
be thrust down into the Fire Of Hell and shall be ever burning there which
formally they believed as just fake warnings. As to the righteous, they shall be
in the Gardens of Bliss and shall be there forever. To them will be said to eat
and drink to your hearts’ content as this is your reward for your good deeds.
They shall be in ease on the Thrones of dignity, arranged according to their
ranks (of righteousness). They shall be in the company of their beautiful
Companions having big and lustrous eyes. If their families were also following
them in Faith, they will also join them. Each individual shall be responsible
for his own individual deeds. These righteous people shall be presented with
fruits, meat or whatever they may desire. They shall be drinking from cups
free from any sort of frivolity, whatsoever. For them in attendance shall be
youths, just like pearls, ready to obey their orders. They shall be talking
among themselves that they were afraid as their loved-ones may not be with
them here. But they are happy, by the Grace of God, they are with them. They
shall be thanking their Lord who delivered them from the Penalty of the
Scorching Wind. These people will remember that they used to call upon God
for deliverance. Truly, He is the Beneficient, the Merciful.

Therefore, go on proclaiming the Message of God, despite all that the

foolish, ignorant, or wicked may say. They call you a “Poet”. If these people
wait or look for some calamity to befall the preacher of Truth, the preacher can
with far more justice await the decision of the issue between him and his
percecutors. For he stands for right, and God will support the right. Do their
minds command them to do this, or are they an outrageous folk who are
devoid of Faith? They say that you have invented the recital (Quran). Let them
produce the recital (Quran). Let them produce the recital (Quran) like yours if
they are true. They can not create themselves nor they can create heavens or
the earth. No, they are not the managers of the affairs taking place before
them. Or have they any stairways to reach heavens and overhear decrees? Or
has He daughters while they have sons? Or if you (O Muhammad) ask them
for any reward so that they are burdened with a load of debt? Or is it that they
know the unseen and have power over future happenings? Or is it they intend
a plot against you (O Muhammad)? Those who defy God are sure to be
entangled in their or own plot. Or they have a god other than God? Exalted is
God far above all the things which they associate with Him. If a piece of sky is
let loose on their heads, even then they will not be among the believers. So
leave them alone (O Muhammad) to the Day of Judgement. That day their
plotting shall be of no use to them and there shall be no help to them from
anywhere. For the evil ones there is also another punishment besides this
(bitter pangs of conscience within). These people are well-know to your Lord.
You (O Muhammad) celebrate the praises of your Lord by standing forth and
also for part of the night and also at the retreat of the stars (i.e. the glorious
hour of early dawn).

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