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Tempat Wisata Purwakarta

Istora Jatiluhur Indonesia, Resort & Café on the Edge of the Lake
Januari 08, 2018

Tempat Wisata Purwakarta - Who have planning traveling to Jatiluhur Indonesia must know this one. ISTORA JATILUHUR there is a
unique resort & cafe located on the edge of the lake . Purwakarta Tourist Place will peel whatever is there.

Jatiluhur is the largest reservoir in Indonesia. Jatiluhur already very famous both in and outside the country, no wonder tourists
coming from everywhere both local and foreign.

Read also the highest hanging hotel in the world.

If you are traveling to Jatiluhur lake and want to taste the culinary in the most romantic place, do not worry because there are unique
and romantic places that you must try, good for culinary, view for selfie, panorama and so forth. Istora Resort Jatiluhur also includes a
row of top culinary tour in Purwakarta .

Istora resort Jatiluhur is the most favorite place in Purwakarta. For more details will be discussed all out only here. Lets check it out.

Travel route
If using a private vehicle, you go to TOL Purbaleunyi and exit Jatiluhur toll gate. Next after the exit toll you will find the Ciganea
junction. Turn left toward the city of Purwakarta. About 500 meters from Ciganea you will find the turn to LEFT marked with the sign of
meuju Jatiluhur direction. Just turn left and then follow the path.

Entrance Ticket Price Istora Jatiluhur

Entrance fee for first entrance to Jatiluhur 15.000 IDR to get into Istora Resort Jatiluhur 10,000 IDR can already do various activities on
existing facilities.

If you want to eat or drink there would have to spend more.

Read also the largest rock climbing in the world .

What's in Istora Jatiluhur?

There are many things that there are facilities there:
1. A romantic dining place right in front of Jatiluhur lake.
2. Of course do not forget to order food or drink. Food and drinks there are very fariative among them

Beverages: house blended, brewed coffee, frensh blended coffee, soft drink, cold & fresh beer, until juices.
Nusantara Food: Side dish, dessert
Western food: deep fried special, sandwiches and burgers, steak and grill, pizza, pasta, main course to appetizer.

Food and beverage prices range from 5,000 IDR to 125,000 IDR / portions.

4. Lodging
Hotel, cottage ready.

5. Children's playground.

6. Floating house.

7. Enjoy the natural beauty around which make the heart calm at the side of the dam jatiluhur. Including you can see the sunset there.

Read also the biggest fountain in Asian.

8. The coolest selfie place, especially in the spot that stretches out toward the lake, where the design of the place is like a deck on a
ship. Visitors can pose like in a titanic movie.

So much explanation Istora Jatiluhur Purwakarta, Resort & Café on the Edge of the Lake , may help.

Jatiluhur Wisata Alam Wisata Kuliner

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The Alesca via Google+ 6 days ago - Shared publicly

Istora Jatiluhur Indonesia, Resort & Café on the Edge of the Lake
Tempat Wisata Purwakarta - Who have planning traveling to Jatiluhur Indonesia must
know this one. ISTORA JATILUHUR there is a unique resort & cafe located on the edge of
the lake . Purwakarta Tourist Place will peel whatever is there. Jatiluhur is the large...
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