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Tempat Wisata Purwakarta

The Fountain of Sri Baduga, the Popular Tour of Pride Indonesia

Januari 08, 2018

Tempat Wisata Purwakarta - The Fountain of Sri Baduga, the Popular Tour of Pride Indonesia .

Back to the tourist destinations, on this occasion I will tell you a bit of my experience to visit the Sri baduga Fountain located in the
center of Purwakarta regency, close to Kian Santang Square, and very easy to go to because the road infrastructure to here is very very
good. In addition to smooth road conditions and unimpeded, this location is very easy to find because it is passed by almost all public
transport in Purwakarta Regency plus the road markers are very clear and supportive. So do not worry too much you will get lost if you
visit this Sribaduga Fountain.

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Historical Background
Sribaduga Fountain formerly known as Situ Buleud Purwakarta. Formerly Situ Buleud is also a favorite destination of Purwakarta
residents to spend time at the end of the week because it is a very cool place in the middle of Purwakarta Regency that has a fairly hot
temperature. Besides filled with lush trees, Situ Buleud was once filled with freshwater fish, so there are many fishing communities
who visit here. Although not seramai ordinary visitors who just spend time to relax alone.

According to the myths that circulated, Situ Buleud this was once a patilasan sakti who was imprisoned. Formerly this Buleud is a
spring that is inhabited by the White Rhinos, so do not be surprised if you who visit here see the statue of the Rhinos near the entrance
of Sribaduga Fountain. About the magic people who used to have been imprisoned here, from his name alone you would have
guessed it? Yep. Sri Baduga Maharaja is the character we discuss. A charismatic king of the Padjadjaran Kingdom who became a
legend. Certainly very appropriate if the Fountain is named after his name, as a form of respect for the history of this country.

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The Fountain of Sri Baduga was built when Kang Dedi Mulyadi served as Regent of Purwakarta and has undergone several renovations
and improvements. So you can say, the Sribaduga fountain you see today is not completed 100%, because it is still in the stage of

Conditions of Places of Interest

Due to the new, the condition of the fountain is now very good both in terms of the fountain itself, as well as other supporting facilities.
If you come here during the day, you may not be able to see the fountain because I know this fountain is only turned on at night every
Saturday night, or if there are other important events in accordance with the policies and decisions of the Fountain manager who
incidentally still Local Government of Purwakarta Regency.
Visiting the Sribaduga Fountain of Day
If you come here during the day, of course you can enjoy traveling around using Sado (sado is delman if in Bahasa Indonesia), or
gowes car. This gowes car itself is a modified bike so it has 4 wheels and resembles a car, but still it should be in Gowes. With these
two vehicles you can surround the place near to Sribaduga Fountain like Kian Santang Square, Maya Datar Park, Citra Resmi Park, Bale
Panyawangan (please click for more info), and some other interesting places, one of them is Purwakarta railway station where there is
a statue of Gatotkaca there. For the cost is not too expensive. Sado can you ride at a rate of 5000 IDR per person, while Gowes Car
can you rent at a rate of 25000 IDR per hour with capacity of 4 people.

The Sribaduga Fountain is surrounded by a car-free street during the day and night, so you can freely walk around here with your
family without fear of dangerous things. There is also plenty of seating for you to relax with your family. There are many food stalls
and coffee shops, where you live you choose which one. Regarding the entrance fee, you can calm down, because although you can
say a very famous tourist destinations and good, there is no tariff to get here alias free. Enter the Sri Baduga fountain is free, free of
charge. Unfortunately even though you enter the fountain area, the fountain Sribaduga tida lighted during the day. So most you can
just spin it in it without seeing the beauty of the dancing fountain is staying digadang as the largest fountain of Southeast Asia. But do
not be afraid of disappointment, because the panorama here, although located in the middle of the city, very cool and certainly
recomended for you pleasure with family.

Visited the Sribaduga Fountain in the Night

Well this is the most exciting, that is when you come to visit the fountain Sribaduga at night, where the fountain and all lights and other
penduung facilities are lit. You need to know, I have the assumption, the panorama and the sensation of visiting the Fountain of
Sribaduga at night is very much different from the daytime. In addition to the more crowded and denser conditions, the view of the
fountain that swirled liuk accompanied by the music of sunda that flows and the lights of light spotlight on the water that produces a
colorful rainbow in the evening of course makes Sribaduga Fountain is difficult to forget and will always you remember. Exotic
romantic nuances and mixed with a little mystical aroma makes you feel at home lingering here. Moreover, supported by the
hospitality of the organizer committee and cleanliness of the confused environment that always awake, this will make you feel (feel)
abroad, rather than feeling in Purwakarta. Because really, the genius of the engineer combined with the softness of the design and the
work of these fountain artists make Sribaduga Water Fountain oasis in the middle of the desert that can knock thirst you will be a fun
tour, cheap, but also cool your heart and make you proud to be the owner a fountain that is dedicated to tourists all over Indonesia.

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Technically, the Sribaduga fountain consists of dozens of fountains that are destroying the water of welcome and forming unique and
beautiful waves in the air. At the edge of the lake, there are hundreds of water hoses that spray water into the middle of the lake,
scattered with a fountain in the lake. Around the lake there is a bale and a special seat for your visitors Fountain Sribaduga.
Sometimes I think it resembles the Sports Arena, or maybe the Colosseum in Rome ?? But do not expect to get a seat if you come too
late. At most you have to force yourself to stand up to the event.

Unless there is an official event or other event that is determined by the Regional Government of Purwakarta Regency, Sribaduga
Waterfall is open every 19.30 until 21.30. If there are events that are already planned, the event can continue until midnight you know.
Enough already talk of its beauty, I will also tell about the density of visitors. Each opened, I think maybe more than ten thousand
people come to visit this place. although dominated by the local population, it can not be underestimated. because if compared with
the Sribaduga fountain which has only 800 km in diameter on the track, surely you can imagine how the density of this place?

Talking about tracks to here is not too difficult. You just ask the location of Sribaduga Fountain, or Situ Buleud, or Purwakarta Square
because the place is very close together. The point of the road markers and other directions is also very easy for you to reach this
place. But to be precise, you can immediately glide to downtown Purwakarta. If the tone comes from outside the city and comes
through the expressway, you can exit at the toll booth, then turn right (towards the center of town), just keep straight until you find the
statue of Bung Karno and Bung Hatta (intersection) Jumaah market, here you belo left, then turn right and follow the path until you find
the T-junction there Arjuna Statue rode, take the left hand, keep it in the Location of Sribaduga Fountain. If you exit at Jatiluhur or
Ciganea Toll, you just turn left to the center of Purwakarta, precisely to Parcom Park. Here you will find the first fork, Straight up until
you find the second fork. Then turn left. 400 meters from here you have arrived to the location of Sribaduga Fountain. It's easy, right?

Read also Hotel Near Sri Baduga

If you are planning to visit the Sribaduga Fountain, I suggest you come at night only, because the fountain is only lit at night, on
Saturday and Sunday, at 19.30 WIB until 21.00 WIB. Do not be late because you will not miss watching if late, either because the place
is full, or because the event is over. If you come from outside the City, it's good you come in the afternoon only, because at night, the
condition of the road is very very jammed. For other things may be careful, because this location is very crowded and crowded, keep
your stuff well. For elderly and elderly people, do not worry, there are special lanes and entrances provided for them.

Air Mancur Purwakarta Wisata Air

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The Alesca via Google+ 5 days ago - Shared publicly

The Fountain of Sri Baduga, the Popular Tour of Pride Indonesia
Tempat Wisata Purwakarta - The Fountain of Sri Baduga, the Popular Tour of Pride
Indonesia . Prologue Back to the tourist destinations, on this occasion I will tell you a bit
of my experience to visit the Sribaduga Fountain located in the center of Purwakar...
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