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Group 5


Overview Of U.S.History & The U.S

Class: 15CNA01

Members: Nguyen Thi Thanh Lam

Le Hai Yen

Vo Thuc Ha Yen

Nguyen Thi Xuan Sang

Nguyen Hoang Quan

A. Introduction

I. The U.S History

II.1 Exploration and Early Colonization

I.1.1 Exploration
I.1.2 Early Colonization
II.2 Revolution
I.2.1 The Causes of the American Revolution
I.2.2 The Timeline of the American Revolution
II.3 The Civil War
I.3.1 The Causes of the war
I.3.2 Four years of fighting
I.3.3 Reconstruction
I.3.4 Effects of the Civil War
II.4 World War I, World War II and the Cold War
I.4.1 World War I
I.4.2 World War II
I.4.3 The Cold War
II. The U.S Constitution
II.1 Introduction to the U.S Constitution
II.2 The structure of the U.S Government
II.2.1 A Short introduction of the U.S Government
II.2.2 Political Parties in the U.S
II.3 The Decleration of Independence of the U.S
II.3.1 The content of the Declaration of
Independence of the U.S
II.3.2 The similarities and differences between
the Declaration of Independence of the U.S and
that of Vietnam
B. Conclusion

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