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Procedia CIRP 40 (2016) 437 – 442

13th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing - Decoupling Growth from Resource Use

Lean line balancing for an electronics assembly line

Nguyen Thi Lam, Le Minh Toi, Vu Thi Thanh Tuyen, Do Ngoc Hien*
Department of Industrial Systems Engineering, Hochiminh City University of Technology, Hochiminh City, Vietnam
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +084-091-666-1006; E-mail address:


Line balancing is required in most of production lines, but bottleneck point often happens. As the results, many wastes would be occurred.
There are many methods or tools to balance the line as well as eliminate wastes. In this paper, a lean line balancing would be studied as a
simple tool, but impressive results would be brought. It would be applied in improvement of an electronics assembly line. Analysis on the
current line would be done to figure out wastes and conceive the ideas to solve them. The quality of production line would be shown on the
productivity, line balancing index, and effectiveness on resources. Actually, many benefits for the studied electronics assembly line were
brought, which could be considered as a force to apply lean line balancing tool for other production lines.
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier
Elsevier B.V.
B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the International Scientific Committee of the 13th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing.
Peer-review under responsibility of the International Scientific Committee of the 13th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing
Keywords: Lean line balancing; Electronics assembly line; Line balancing; Takt time; Lean manufacturing

1. Introduction productivity, resources efficiency, and many wastes.

Therefore, the target of research project is to enhance the
Most electronics assembly companies pay much attention operation effectiveness of the line.
on reducing cost as well as enhancing customer value.
Waste takes in many forms and it should be eliminated. 2. Methodology
Lean manufacturing could prove effective for driving waste
out of manufacturing process. Continuous improvement is Line balancing is a technique to minimize imbalance
required to create more value for customers with fewer between/among workers and workloads in order to achieve
resources. Transformation of the traditional assembly line to required run rate [4, 5]. Therefore, the line should be
a lean one is a good solution to improve efficiency, analyzed in terms of assembly process, workstations layout,
effectiveness and profitability [1]. and workstation cycle time. A multiple activity chart is
Assembly line is popular in manufacturing industries used to measure the cycle time at the workstation with
such as electronics, textile, or furniture [1, 2, 3]. However, cooperation between an operator and machine, which is
bottlenecks are often occurred because the assembly line is known as the operator – machine chart [6]. Besides, jobs at
difficult to get balancing, which would bring many wastes the workstation should be separated and analyzed in detail
such as waiting time, work in process (WIP), and to figure out which one could be improved.
overproduction [3]. Therefore, a lean line balancing could Takt time, an average unit production time needed to
support the WIP smoothly flows through the line with meet customer demand, is calculated [7]. Described
minimal (or no) buffers between steps of assembly process mathematically, Takt time is available time for
[4]. production/required units of production a day or a period
Lean line balancing has been done in many industries time. There are two required quantities:
[4]. Many forms of wastes such as inventory, waiting time, D = Average daily customer demand for the item.
and transport are eliminated. The studied electronics W = Total available working time per day, in seconds.
assembly line could meet customer requirements, but it was Therefore,
not considered as an effective line in terms of low Takt time = W / D in seconds per item (1)

2212-8271 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the International Scientific Committee of the 13th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing
438 Nguyen Thi Lam et al. / Procedia CIRP 40 (2016) 437 – 442

The line balancing chart would be drawn to figure out

the bottleneck points on the line. The ideas to improve the
line would be conceived.
In the next step, the bottleneck workstation would be
analyzed and focused to improve first. The value-added and
non-value-added activities would be identified [1, 6]. The
suitable tools such as multiple activity chart, Ishikawa
chart, and activity analysis table would be used to find out
reasons and alternatives to enhance the line.
Besides, operator comments on the workstation
operations would be collected, which are good information
to improve the workstation layout.
The improvement alternatives would be designed and
evaluated to optimize the used resources, eliminate or
reduce wastes, as well as enhance the productivity. In
addition, line balancing factors would be calculated and

3. The electronics motherboard assembly line

Fig 2. Operation flow chart of studied assembly line
The electronics motherboard assembly line has four main
workstations in the assembly process including Inline The line layout is designed as the U-shape as shown
Loading Program (ILP), Function Verification Test (FVT), on Fig 3. The process flow begins at the ILP
Final Inspection (FNI) and Pack out. The assembly process workstation and finishes at the Pack out one. Each
is summarized on Fig 1. workstation has one operator to process all required

Fig 3. Layout of electronics motherboard assembly line

The Inline Loading Program-ILP workstation has

Fig 1. Electronics motherboard assembly process
one operator and two fixture machines. They operate
independently, in which each fixture machine can
The motherboard frames were moved to buffers input required data for two the electronics
before and after workstations for waiting to be motherboards at the same time. Operator process
processed. The total transport time fills a meaning includes opening the fixture machine, locating the
ratio of the cycle time. In addition, waiting time motherboard in the machine, waiting for inputting the
between workstations is often long. As a result, un- data, moving the motherboard out and moving them to
valued time is easy to recognize larger than value the next workstation. The ILP process is summarized
added one. The transport flow chart of the piece as in Table 1.
through the electronics assembly line is shown on the
Fig 2.
Nguyen Thi Lam et al. / Procedia CIRP 40 (2016) 437 – 442 439

Table 1. Operation process at the ILP workstation

ILP-Inline Loading Table 3. Operation process at the FNI workstation
Name of Workstation:
Program Name of Workstation: FNI workstation
Product ID: Electronics motherboard Product ID: Electronics motherboard

Workstation picture Workstation picture:

Resource No. Operation description
No. Operation description Operator Machine
Operator Machine Locate the standard
Locate the motherboard in the 1 form on the X
1 fixture machine and close X motherboard.
machine cover. 2 Check the item X
Input the data and report the Check the appearance
2 X 3 X
result. quality.
3 Open machine cover X Check the lower CLD
If the report of the result is 4 X
pad plate
fail, the motherboard is moved Input the barcode in the
4 X 5 X
to the debug workstation. A MES system.
red sticker note is pasted on it. If test result is fail,
Transport the motherboard to - Paste an error note on
5 the FVT workstation if it is X the motherboard
passed. - The error information
is recorded in the MES
6 X
The Function Verification Test-FVT workstation - The error
has one operator controlling independent fixture motherboard is
machines. Each machine can only test one transported to the
rework station.
motherboard at a time. The operator has to open the If the test result is good,
fixture machine, locate the motherboard in the 7
the motherboard is
machine, as well as wait the machine testing transported to the Pack
out workplace.
motherboard inputted program. If the machine reports
the green light, the motherboard is passed. If it reports
The Pack out workstation has one operator packing
the red light, the motherboard is fail. It would be
the motherboard. The operator activities includes
transported to the next suitable workstation. The FVT
picking up the motherboard, collecting the ESD cover,
process is summarized in Table 2.
putting the motherboard into the ESD cover, and
Table 2. Operation process at the FVT workstation packing as well as locating it in the box. Each box can
Name of Workstation: FVT workstation handle 84 packed motherboards. The pack out
Product ID: Electronics motherboard workstation process is summarized in Table 4.
Table 4. Operation process at the Packout workstation

Workstation picture: Name of Workstation: Packout workstation

Product ID: Electronics motherboard

Resource Workstation picture:

No. Operation description
Operator Machine
Locate the motherboard in the Resource
1 X No. Operation description
testing machine frame Operator Machine
Push and close the testing Locate the artificial sponges
2 X 1 X
machine frame to the box.
Test the motherboard and report 2 Locate the slots in the box X
3 X
the result. Pick up the motherboard and
Pull the testing machine frame 3 scan information (barcode) in X
4 X
out. the MES system.
Transport the fail motherboard Fix the motherboard in the
5 to the debug workstation and X 4 X
cover P/N JBAG0018 - NE
paste the red fail note on it. Fix the packed motherboard
Transport the passed 5 X
in the box.
6 motherboard to the FNI X Locate the artificial sponges
workstation. 6 to box upper side when there X
are completed motherboards.
The Final Inspection-FNI workstation has one Close the box cover and stick
operator checking motherboard appearance. There is a 7 X
a note on it.
standard form using to make a comparison. A 8
Move the box to the stack in
guideline of how to process is shown in Table 3. the OBA place.
440 Nguyen Thi Lam et al. / Procedia CIRP 40 (2016) 437 – 442

After the operation process was analyzed, the operator Table 7. Operator value-added and non-value-added activities at the FNI
value-added and/or non-value-added activities were workstation
identified for every workstation. At each workstation, 1pieces
Name of Workstation: FNI workstation
all operations processing cycle time were collected. /batch
Besides, operations would be classified into value- Electronics Cycle
Product ID:
motherboard time
added or waste activity. They are summarized as Activities (second)
following Tables. No. Operation description Value-
Table 5. Operator value-added and non-value-added activities at the ILP Use two hand move the 4.00
workstation tested motherboard to
Name of ILP-Inline 4pieces 1pieces the pack out
1 X
Workstation: Loading Program /batch /batch workstation and pick up
Electronics Cycle Cycle another one from the
Product ID: buffer tray to test.
motherboard time time
Activities (second) (second) Check the appearance 13.50
Operation 2 X
No. quality.
description Waste Scan the barcode to the 3.00
added 3 X
Locate the 18.00 4.50 MES system
motherboard in Cycle time 20.50
the fixture
1 X
machine and
close machine Table 8. Operator value-added and nonvalue-added activities at the
cover. Packout workstation
2 Scan offline X 13.00 3.25 1pieces
Observing the 23.00 5.75 Name of Workstation: Packout workstation
inputting data Electronics Cycle
3 process and X Product ID:
motherboard time
reporting the (second)
result. Operation
No. Value-
Open machine 14.00 3.50 description Waste
cover and then
Pick up the 3.00
move the
motherboard and scan
4 motherboard to X 1 X
information (barcode)
the next
in the MES system.
workstation Fix the motherboard in 3.00
2 the cover P/N X
Exchange tray 0.70
JBAG0018 - NE
trolley and
5 X 3 Pack the mother board X 4.60
exchange tray
to tray Fix the packed 3.00
Cycle time 68.00 17.70 4 motherboard in the X
Cycle time 13.60
Table 6. Operator value-added and non-value-added activities at the FVT
The distribution of cycle time at each workstation
Name of FVT-Function 4pieces 1pieces was shown on Fig 4, in which the waste time is mainly
Workstation: Verification Test /batch /batch occurred at the ILP and FVT workstations. The
Electronics Cycle Cycle
Product ID:
motherboard time time percentage of the waste time of the line around
Activities (second) (second) 12.18%.
Waste Actually, there are many factors affecting to the line
Pull the 20.56 5.14
productivity, which relate to manufacturing
testing environment, human factor, suddenly activities, and
machine machine broken down. The added coefficient was
frame; analyzed [7] and identified as summary in Table 9.
Locate the
1 in it; Push X
the testing
frame; And
transport the
tray to the
FNI buffer.
2 Scan offline X 38.00 9.50
Observe the 10.68 2.67
3 X
data program
Cycle time 69.24 17.31
Nguyen Thi Lam et al. / Procedia CIRP 40 (2016) 437 – 442 441

4.1. Combination of ILP and Pack out workstations

The ILP operator was considered to assign more

workload for the Pack out one because the total processing
time is still less than the Takt time. Operator processes
include locating the motherboard in the fixture machine at
the ILP, transporting to the Pack out, packaging 4 good
motherboards, and then transporting to the ILP to remove
the motherboard out of the machine. The summary of cycle
time at each workstation is shown in Table 10, in which all
of them are less than required Takt time. The number of
workstations is reduced from 4 to 3, and 3 operators could
complete all jobs of the line.

Waste time Table 10. Summary of the cycle time at each workstation

Fig 4. Workstation cycle time in seconds Cycle time Takt time

ILP & PACK 21.44 28.10 Sec/pc

Table 9. Added coefficient
FVT 17.30 28.10 Sec/pc
Added coefficient % Line characteristics
FNI 20.50 28.10 Sec/pc
The job is normal and working
Personal demand 5
environment conditions are normal.
Basic relax 4 Company regular
9 Line balancing ratio equals ሺʹͳǤͶ ൅ ͳ͹Ǥ͵ͳ ൅
Suddenly factor 3 Not serious or normal ʹͲǤͷሻȀሺ͵ܺʹͳǤͶሻܺͳͲͲΨ = 92.2%;
Machine 8 Normal and in control. 9 Line balancing efficiency equals ሺʹͳǤͶ ൅ ͳ͹Ǥ͵ͳ ൅
Total 20
ʹͲǤͷሻȀሺ͵ܺʹͺǤͲͺሻܺͳͲͲΨ = 70.27%;
9 The percentage of the waste time of the line is
reduced from 12.8% to 4.5%;
Importantly, the customer demand around 6400 However, the operator working time at the ILP-Pack out
motherboards a month should be fulfilled; there is around workstation is more than 85% (24.44/28.10) cycle time.
26 working days a month; and the company works 3 shifts a
4.2 Combination of ILP and FVT workstations
day (24 hours a day). Therefore,
Takt time equals: A software to read the barcode automatically for the FVT
ሺʹ͸ܺʹͶܺ͸Ͳܺ͸Ͳܺሺͳ െ ʹͲΨሻሻȀ͸ͶͲͲ = 28.08 workstation needs to be invested, which costs around
seconds/product. 2800USD. An operator has to do jobs of the ILP and FVT
The production line capacity could meet the customer workstations. The operator processes include locating the
demand because all workstation cycle times is lower than motherboard in the ILP fixture machine, transporting to the
Takt time. As a result, waste of resource (human resource) FVT, testing four motherboards, transporting back to the
happens. The Pack out workstation productivity is too large ILP, removing out the completed motherboard and moving
than required one. it to the next station. Similarly, the summary of cycle time
Some factors to evaluate the line are calculated as at each workstation is shown in Table 11, in which all of
followings: them is still less than required Takt time. The number of
9 Balancing line ratio equals ሺͳ͹Ǥ͹ ൅ ͳ͹Ǥ͵ͳ ൅ workstations is reduced from 4 to 3, and 3 operators could
ʹͲǤͷ ൅ ͳ͵Ǥ͸ሻȀሺͶܺʹͲǤͷሻܺͳͲͲΨ = 84.4% complete all jobs of the line.
9 Number of required operators equals ሺͳ͹Ǥ͹ ൅
ͳ͹Ǥ͵ͳ ൅ ʹͲǤͷ ൅ ͳ͵Ǥ͸ሻȀʹͺǤͲͺ = 2.5 operators Table 11. Summary of the cycle time at each workstation
9 Line balancing efficiency equals ሺͳ͹Ǥ͹ ൅ ͳ͹Ǥ͵ͳ ൅
ʹͲǤͷ ൅ ͳ͵Ǥ͸ሻȀሺͶܺʹͺǤͲͺሻܺͳͲͲΨ = 61.53% Cycle time Takt time

4. Improvement alternatives ILP & FVT 23.90 28.10 sec/pc

FNI 20.50 28.10 sec/pc

The line capacity can meet customer demand, but there is
large waste in human resource especially in Pack out PACKOUT 13.60 28.10 sec/pc
workstation. In addition, at the ILP and FVT workstation
the operators have to wait while the machines run. Wastes
were considered to reduce as well as eliminated as
following alternatives.
442 Nguyen Thi Lam et al. / Procedia CIRP 40 (2016) 437 – 442

Therefore, 5. Conclusions
9 Line balancing ratio equals ሺʹ͵Ǥͻ ൅ ʹͲǤͷ ൅
ͳ͵Ǥ͸ሻȀሺ͵ܺʹ͵ǤͻሻܺͳͲͲΨ = 80.89%; The quality of the electronics assembly line was
9 Line balancing efficiency equals ሺʹ͵Ǥͻ ൅ ʹͲǤͷ ൅ enhanced in terms of line balancing index, overall labor
ͳ͵Ǥ͸ሻȀሺ͵ܺʹͺǤͲͺሻܺͳͲͲΨ = 68.85%; effectiveness, productivity and elimination of wastes.
9 The percentage of the waste time of the line is Although human resource was decreased 25%, the customer
reduced from 12.8% to 10.3%; demand could meet. This research shows that there are
However, the operator working time at the ILP-FVT many wastes which could be eliminated with the simple
workstation is still around 85% (23.90/28.10) cycle time. lean tools. It is not very complicate but it would bring
Three alternatives were considered: The current line, essential benefits.
ILP-Pack out combination, and ILP-FVT combination After the line is balanced, standardization of works
alternative. Many criteria were used to evaluate them as should be done. The guideline should be developed in detail
shown in the Table 12. The suggested alternatives were for training and assuring the quality of jobs. Other lean
better than the current one in terms of line balancing index tools such as 5S, Kaizen, or TPM should be studied, which
and unit per hour per person one. In addition, twenty five could support setting up the lean environment for the
percent of human resource were reduced; and overall labor company.
effectiveness index is increased in both suggested
alternatives. Currently, the option 2 has been applied due to
without investment more. However, the ILP-FVT operator References
worked most full time. It is not good for a long time.
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