Age of Arthur Character Creation (MERP/RM)

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Age of Arthur Character Creation

When someone thinks of Camelot, they think about warriors in shining armor rescuing damsels in
distress. This isn’t that Camelot. This Camelot is set just after the Roman Legions left Britain leaving the
people of Britain to fend for themselves. Petty tyrants filled the power vacuum and their only care is to
further their own gain even if it means harming the welfare of their subjects. The grandeur of Roman
architecture and engineering still remains but they are crumbling, a thing of the past. Petty wars, human
sacrifices, invading tribes and religious conflicts are all elements taking place in the Arthurian world. All
this chaos has left the countryside in flames. But more importantly, the ancient ones like fey and giants
see this as their chance to reclaim the land they lost and conspire against Men. Somewhere behind all of
this chaos is a young Roman named Arthur, who with the help of an old mystic, seeks to turn back the
tide of chaos and bring peace to an otherwise violent and bloody period. The purpose of this paper is to
bring this Camelot to light by modifying MERP’s character development rules and allowing MERP
players play in the Age of Arthur.

The following are steps for character creation in the exciting and wondrous Age of Arthur.

1.0 Character Creation

This section shows players how to create Age of Arthur characters using MERP rules.

When creating a character in the Age of Arthur, players follow the normal MERP rules; rolling for stats,
developing skills, choosing professions, etc. However, there are some limitations to magic. While there
are wizards, Merlin immediately comes to mind, magic is still the
stuff of awe and mystery. Only a few possess the knowledge of magic.
This will be discussed later in Section 1.5 Magic.

1.1 Creating an Arthurian Character in the MERP System

The first part of creating an Arthurian Character is to choose a

race/culture. In the Age of Arthur, the majority of player characters
(PC) are human, or more specifically Briton or Roman. Occassionally,
like in the legends, an outsider such as a Saxon or Pict will be the
hero, but in Arthurian legends, they are usually the supporting actors
of the questing PC. Non-human characters are treated as non-player
characters to be encountered as part of a quest or task. However, a
Game Master (GM) and players might want to bypass the typical
Arthurian hero stereotype and create non-human or non-Briton/Roman
player characters. Therefore, descriptoins of non-human and other
human cultures have been included in Section 3.0.

1.2 Rolling Stats

As in MERP, you roll the ten/six 1-100 rolls (ignoring rolls less than 50) and assign them to the stats you
want. When the character’s profession is chosen, his Prime stat will be raised to 90 if you wish.
1.3 Choosing Profession

In the Age of Arthur, characters can choose from the below professions. These professions are further
restricted by the Profession Restrictions of the cultures chosen by the player. The use of Mentalism is
unknown in the Age of Arthur; therefore they do not exist—at least not as PC options. In addition, there
aren’t any knights and thus the Knight Profession cannot be chosen. Stirrups and Plate Armor wasn’t even
invented in the 5th Century. Instead, there was the Roman cavalry with javelins and spears. However, if
this contradicts your vision of Camelot then, please insert them into your campaigns.

TABLE 1.3: MERP Professions in Age of Arthur

Standard Professions Optional Professions Expanded Professions

Animist Barbarian Hunter
Scout Conjurer
Warrior Explorer (Pirate)
Ranger Shaman (Druid)
Mage Rogue
Bard Sage (Scholar)
Note: Conjurer Profession cannot learn any Base spell lists and must chose Open Spell
lists from either Channeling or Essence. The Bard Profession spell lists fall under
Channeling, not Essence.

1.3.1 Expanded Professions

The following provides a description of Hunter and the Hunter’s development points and profession

 Hunters: are trained in outdoors and stalk/hide skills. Their primary area of development
are general skills, perception, stalk/hide and to a lesser extent weapon skills. It is moderately
difficult for Hunters to learn spells. They are a non-magical subclass of Ranger. They wear
either leather armor or none at all. They are to be used in place of the Ranger Profession should
the GM want to place Age of Arthur in a more non-magic world.

Table 1.3.1 Hunters’ Development Points and Profession Bonuses

Profession M&M Weapon General Subterfuge Magical Languages Spell Lists Body Secondary Skills
Development Points: Skills Skills Skills Skills Skills Development
Hunter 2 3 5 3 0 0 0 2 0
Profession Bonuses: Realm Prime Stat Bonus
Hunter Arms Co (+1) Weapon Skills; (+2) General Skills, Stalk/Hide; (+3) Perception

1.4 Skill Development

Follow the normal MERP rules for developing the character’s adolescence and apprenticeship skills. An
adolescence table detailing the various Age of Arthur cultures will be presented in Section 6.0. Rules in
Section 7.0 will talk about the appropriate skills in the Age of Arthur.

1.5 Character Backgrounds

The normal MERP rules apply when selecting background and role traits. A player may choose from four
options: stat increases, languages, hobby skills or special abilities. Each option is worth one Background
Option Point (BGO). Table 1.5 provides Background options. Background Options give the character
extraordinary talents that distinguish the PC from the rest of the population.

The Stat Increase Option gives the player two options. He may increase one of the characters stats by 2
points or three stats by 1 point each to a maximum of 101.

Hobby Skills Option allows the player to either increase a primary skill by two ranks or a secondary skill
by five ranks.

The Language Option allows a character to learn one additional language to rank 3. Please note that
language ranks are handled differently in the Age of Arthur. This will be explained further in section
eight. Also in the Age of Arthur due to extensive trading among different cultures, there are no language

The Special Abilities Option provides the character with extraordinary talents that distinguishes the
character from the rest of the population. The below table outlines the Background Options. The GM
may add or subtract from the table to what is appropriate in their version of the Age of Arthur.

TABLE 1.4: Background Options

Background Options (each option costs 1 BGO point)

Stat Increase (characters may increase stats)
Increase one stat by 2 points; OR
Increase three stats by 1 point
Hobby Skill Ranks
Increase one primary skill by 2 ranks; OR
Increase one secondary skill by 5 ranks
Learn one language to rank 5
d100 Special Abilities
01–20 Extra Wealth: Character re-rolls for an additional 1–100 GP.
21–40 Gift: Character receives a special item that adds +10 to the skill with which it is used, OR the item is a +1 spell
41–50 Extra Skill: Character receives a special +5 bonus to any one primary skill.
51–60 Craftsman: Character receives a special +15 bonus to any one secondary skill.
61–65 Magic Inclination: Character learns one spell list.
66–70 Empathy: Character has empathy with any one type of animal. Character starts with one loyal companion animal
of this type.
71–75 Resistance: Character receives a special +10 to RR’s versus diseases and poisons.
76–80 Lightning Reactions: Character receives a +5 to all offensive and defensive bonuses.
81–85 Pure of Heart: Character receives a special +10 bonus to RR’s versus magical attacks.
86–90 Observant: Character receives a special +10 bonus to Tracking and Perception skills.
91–95 Noble Grace: Character receives a special +10 to all Influence skills.
96–00 Hardiness: Character receives a +3 bonus to each d10 roll for concussion hits.
Notes: Unlike in MERP, the Special Items category is listed as part of the Special Abilities category as Gift. This is because the
occurrence of magical items in the Age of Arthur is low; while they do exist, magic items do not just “pop” into a character’s
hands. The majority of these Gifts are keyed to the character’s culture. Likewise, the Extra Wealth category is listed as part of
the Special Abilities category to signify a wealthy aristocrat or merchant.

A GM might want to make available additional Special Abilities to further distinguish the hero from the
rest of society. Each Special Ability costs one BGO. The GM may allow the Players to choose from the
list below for their PC’s. A GM may want to modify, limit, or add more Special Abilities to suit his style
of playing. The majority of the listed Special Abilities are level 5 unless otherwise stated; they are
categorized below by name (bold) and, in brackets, level, race restrictions, and mechanics.
Level: Most Special Abilities are to level 5; on rare occasion a hero will have a level 10 Special Abilities,
which are more powerful that level 5’s.

Race Restrictions: Some Special Abilities are race-specific.

Mechanics: These instructions determine how the Special Ability can be used. Those designated
Separate Power Points require a separate power point allocation dedicated solely to the Special Ability
chosen—3 PP per level, unmodified by stats, magic items, or special factors. For spell-users, this will
mean having two sets of power points, one for casting normal spells and the other for using the Spell
Ability. These power points are used effortlessly and can be used at any time. The Spell Ability effect
level (5 or 10) is determined by the level listed.

 Blessed Life – {Level 5 • Only Humans • Continuous}: this represents a Divine blessing on the
individual which results in slowing the aging process. A hero with this special ability will retain
their youthfulness well into their forties and fifties and ignore effects of old age.

 Great Shout - {Level 5 • Only Fey • Once Per Day}: Treat this special ability as “Charm Song”
on the Bard base list, except it panics foes, must resist a level 5.

 Speak to Animals {Level 5 • Any • Continuous}: Hero can speak to a particular class of animals.
Examples: Merlin can speak to birds.

 See Truth {Level 5 • Only Humans • Twice a day}: The hero's can detect whether a person is
telling the truth by concentrating on the words spoken. The speaker must face a level 5 RR roll. If
the speaker fails the RR roll then, the hero can tell if the words are true. Otherwise, the hero has
no idea.

 Berserk {Level 5 • Any • Once a day}: The hero can fight in a nearly uncontrollable, trance-like
fury which adds +20 to OB but -20 to DB while in this state, the hero will attack friend and foe
alike. Once it is over, the hero will be tired and will be at -20 for all maneuvers for the reminder
of the day.

 Non-Believer {Level 5 • Human • Continuous}: The hero does not believe in a higher power nor
believes in magic. As such the hero receives a +20 bonus to all Channeling and Essence resist
rolls. As a result of the hero’s beliefs, the PC may not learn any magic spells nor learn magic
skills and secondary skills associated with magic such as Read Runes.

1.6 Skill Development

In this campaign, the normal MERP rules for skills, skills rank bonuses and development and so forth are

Secondary skills follow the normal MERP format.

Note: Robin Hood Campaign © has an expand list of secondary skills from which the PC can choose.

1.6.1 Maneuvering Skills

No distinction.
1.6.2 General Skills

Different forms of riding are widely used in the Age of Arthur. For purposes of simplification, the riding
skill applies to the skill of steering of all draft animals whether it is charioteering of horses or riding

1.6.3 Magical Skills

Magic is a part of Arthurian legends. It differs little from how magic is handled in Middle Earth. In some
ways, magic usage is freer in the Age of Arthur than in Middle Earth. A wizard in Age of Arthur doesn’t
have to worry about persecution from Sauron and his minions or from the Church. In general, the public
and Church are tolerate of benevolent magic. Most folks would view a display of magic with awe and
view the magic user with a combination of suspicion and wonder. The early Celtic Church tolerates
benevolent magic usage. The only major exception is Mentalism; it does not exist in Age of Arthur.

In order to keep the use of magic true with the feel of 5th Century Arthurian Britain, the following some
spell lists and spells are prohibited.

 Channeling Spell Lists that are prohibited:

Open: Barrier Law, Creations
Closed: Organ Lore (only "Regeneration" spells are banned)
Cleric: Not recommended for PCs
Evil Cleric: Not recommended for PCs
Astrologer: Not recommended for PCs

 Essence Spell Lists that are prohibited:

Open: Essence Hand
Closed: Lofty Bridge, Spell Enhancement, Gate Mastery, Monk’s Bridge
Evil Magician: Not recommended for PCs
Sorcerer: Not recommended for PCs

 Other spells that are prohibited:

Windwalking and Fly are not available. If one wants to fly, one has to change oneself into a bird
or another flying creature.
Invisibility doesn't exist.
Water movement spells such as Swimming and Waterwalking do not work unless specifically
Shiftchanging are not allowed. Only the powerful can use magic to shiftshape. All other
shiftshape are due to lycanthropy or curses.
Mind links, Detect lies, telepathy not possible. In the Age of Arthur those spells should be
confined to permanent links between animals and their owners, between twins, that sort of thing.
Teleportation spells including Dimension Door and Gate do not work in Age of Arthur.
Joining spells that re-attach body parts are not allowed, nor are any Lifegiving spells.

 Other notes on Spell User Professions:

Conjurers in Age of Arthur do not have their own base spell lists. They must chose from Open spell
lists from either Channeling or Essence.
Bards are treated as user of Channeling.
1.6.4 Spell-Users

Normal MERP rules apply for learning spell lists and using spells. Non-spell-users follow MERP rules.
Due to the rarity of magic in Age of Arthur, the GM may wish to further limit magic use by forbidding
non-spell-users from learning any spells.

1.7 Languages

With the Church and Roman learning institutions in disarray, literacy is low. Only the privilege
individuals, such as clergy and Romanize cultures know how to read and write. Therefore, language ranks
cost double. Table 1.6 explains the language ability of each language rank.

TABLE 1.6: Language Rank Ability of Age of Arthur

Rank Understanding/Ability
1 Simple phrases only; not able to read or write
2 Allows speech on very simple subjects; not able to read or write.
3 Allows fluency with regional/foreign accent. Allows reading of simple words but few
details and no writing.
4 Allows fluency but without tonal abilities. Allows ability to read and write moderately
simple passages.
5 Allows absolute fluency with no accent and total literacy.

The most common language is Brythonic, which is the Celtic language of Britain, followed by Latin,
language of the Romans. Therefore, it is recommended that PC learn Brythonic and Latin. Other
languages include Goedelic, the language of the Gaels, Pictish, Saxon and the more exotic Greek. Most
of these languages are quite broad, in that they include several dialects, which we do not distinguish
between for game purposes.

Table 1.6.1 lists the major languages found in the Age of Arthur and the language ranks for starting
characters based on chosen culture/race.

TABLE 1.6.1: Languages of Age of Arthur

Languages Language Ranks for Starting Characters

Brythonic Briton 3, Roman 3, Dwarf 3, Half Fae 3, Pict 1, Gael 1,
Sylvan Fey 1
Goedelic Gael 3
Latin Roman 3, Briton 1
Noric Dwarf 5
Pictish Pict 3
Saxon Saxon 3
Sylvan Sylvan Fey 5, Half Fae 5, Dwarf 1
Note: Subject to background language restrictions, all language ranks cost double.
1.8 Racial Modification Table

In Age of Arthur, the majority of PC will be humans and most likely either Briton or Roman. But
Arthurian stories are filled with Fey and Dwarves interacting, sometimes accompanying heroes on their
quests. Therefore, in the spirit of Arthurian legends, the racial modifications of several non-human races
are included as well. Except for dwarves, the fey and their ilk will not enter towns or cities. The table
below presents MERP adolescence skill development points for the races and cultures more fully
described in Section 2.

TABLE 1.8: MERP Racial Modifications Table for Age of Arthur

Human +5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dwarf +5 -5 +15 0 -5 -5 +40 0 +10 +10

Fey 0 +10 0 0 +5 +5 0 0 +10 +100

Half Fey +5 +5 +5 0 0 +5 0 0 +5 +50

1.8.1 Adolescence Skill Development Table

The table below presents MERP adolescence skill development points for the races and cultures in Age of
Arthur more fully described in Section 2.0.

TABLE 1.8.1: MERP Adolescence Table for Age of Arthur

Briton Saxon Roman Gael Pict Dwarf Fey Half Fey
Movement &
No Armor 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
Soft Leather 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Rigid Leather 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1
Chain 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0
Plate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Weapon Skills
1-H Edge 0 2 1 1 1 0 1 1
1-H Concussion 1 0 0 1 2 4 0 0
2-Hand 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Thrown 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
Missile 1 2 1 1 0 0 3 2
Pole-Arms 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
General Skills
Climb 1 0 0 2 1 1 2 1
Ride 3 0 2 0 0 0 1 1
Swim 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 1
Trickery Skills
Ambush 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
Pick Lock 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
Disarm Trap 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Stalk/Hide 1 1 1 2 3 0 4 2
Magical Skills
Read Runes 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
Use Items 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Misc. Skills
Perception 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 1
Body Hits 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 1
Spell List % 3% 2% 2% 2% 5% 3% 20% 10%
Languages 2 1 3 2 1 4 6 4
Background 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 3
2.0 Culture and Race Descriptions
2.1 Overview

The following are general descriptions of the predominant races and cultures of Age of Arthur. Naturally,
certain individuals will differ to varying degrees. Certain modifiers are included for purposes of realism,
but GMs should feel free to omit them if they consider them unwieldy. Individual characters may stray
from the norms of their culture. A GM may allow a character to possess a weapon typically not favored
by his or her culture or to learn a language usually of little interest. How much deviation from the norms
is allowed, is up to the GM. When a character does not follow the norms, the GM needs to include
plausible reasons for the differences in the character's personal history and background. In some
instances, informed guesses or pure imagination filled in the gaps. Ultimately though, it is the GM’s
version of the Age of Arthur. If something does not seem right according to your version of the Age of
Arthur then by all means change it.

For simplistic purposes, humans in Age of Arthur are comparable to those of modern times in height,
weight, and many other attributes. They age at a normal (modern) pace; they achieve young adulthood
around age 16, their prime around age 30, middle age around 45 or 50, and old age at 60. All human
cultures follow the guidelines above unless otherwise stated.

2.2 Human Culture Descriptions

The information is intended to serve as a guideline for equipping and developing both player characters
and non-player characters. The outfitting, background options and hobbies bullets have been generated to
enhance the process by which the living peoples of Arthurian Age are translated into a game system. The
bullets listed under each culture or race corresponds to the generalities described or found in the Arthurian
legends. In the legends, the majority of heroes were Briton or Roman fighting against Saxons and Gael
invaders. It is up to the GM how much they want to deviate from the Arthurian legends.

2.2.1 Britons

Britons are the Romanized Celtic folk that live in Britain. Despite taking on Roman institutions and
customs, Britons are for the most part, Celtic. They practice Christianity but intertwined it with elements
of Druidism. Currently, their society and way of life is tested by the constant pillage and mayhem of the
Saxons and Gaels. Feuding and divisions among the Britons have only made matters worse and disrupted
any united effort to stop the chaos and violence. Characteristics

 Build: Britons are a tall haughty folk with men weighing on average between 170 to 180 lbs, while
women weigh 100 to 130 lbs. Men average 5’10” to 6”while, women 5’4” to 5’ 6”.

 Coloring: Most have alabaster white skin with sandy to auburn hair and with eye colors such as
hazel, green, or brown. Blonde hair is known while, black hair is uncommon. Tattoos are reasonably
common for men, usually depicting animals associated with the individual's family or character.
They do not ink tattoos on their face. The men tend to have facial hair of some type.
 Lifespan: Average.

 Endurance and Resistance: Average.

 Special Abilities: The one advantage Britons have over other cultures is their use of cavalry. They
are able to use cavalry with deadly results. Britons receive +10 to Animal Handling (Horses). Culture

 Lifestyle: Britons are a mixture of Roman and Celtic cultures. Most Britons speak their native
tongue and celebrate Celtic holidays even if they practice Christianity and ape Roman clothes and
styles. With Rome gone, Britons have fallen prey to numerous tyrants and petty kings based on old
tribal and clannish ties. There are still centers of learning such as the Church and large towns and
cities which still carried the ‘Roman ways’. But for the most part these centers are beacons of light in
otherwise dark times. Britons maintain large extended family ties where children are often fostered by
relatives outside their immediate family. Some of the richer families will fostered their children by
learned scholars. Like all Celtic cultures, women have roughly the same social rights as men.

 Marriage Patterns: Monogamous, they trace their lineage either through the male or female side.

 Fears and Inabilities: Britons have no fears.

 Demeanor: Britons tend to be brave, family oriented, hardworking, generous and honorable.

 Prejudices: Britons hate Saxons and they possess a grudging dislike of Gaels whom they considered
barbarians. They are friendly with Romans and quite a few interact with dwarves.

 Religion: Although Roman culture spread throughout the land and with it Christianity, it did not
penetrate deeply in all parts of the country, especially in some rural and isolated areas. These places
tend to remain Druidic, worshipping the ancient Druidic gods, rather than the Christian one. Other Factors

 Profession Restrictions: Britons do not produce Barbarians and Shamans. They have enough
worries to bother with venturing outside their immediate border, and hence, produce no Explorers.
Most Britons will be Warriors, Scouts, Bards, and Hunters. Once in a while, they will produce an
Animist or Conjuror.

 Languages: All Britons speak Brythonic to rank 3 and Latin to rank 1. Since Britons are, for the
most part, a learned people, language skills do not cost double the points.

 Outfitting: Briton men wear trousers, a thigh-length tunic, leather boots or shoes and a cloak. The
tunic and trousers are quite plain and tend not to be dyed, though the cloak is usually colorfully dyed
and often embroidered. The cloak is fastened with a brooch, often depicting an animal. Women
usually wear tunic, girdle and shawl along with, for married women, an overdress fastened at the
shoulder with a brooch. This apes the Roman rather than the Celtic style. For women who can afford
it, have their clothes colorfully dyed, with the overdress in a contrasting color to other garment. Both
genders wear jewelry. The most common items of jewelry are golden torcs, tight-fitting neck rings,
decorated with knot work and arm-bands. In war, Britons use weapons similar to Romans. They tend
to use spears, broadswords, short swords, quarterstaffs, composite bows, javelins, clubs, daggers,
mace, and slings. As armor, they typically carry shields and greaves. Britons rely on the quickness of
their cavalry and wear little or no armor. They wear leather armor although leather with bronze plates
acting as chain armor are also worn. Those with wealth might wear the Roman scale armor known as
the Lorica Squamata. Background

 BGO Points: Due to their advance and diverse society, they receive 4 background options.

 Stat Increases: Any stat may be increased.

 Special Ability Options: There are no restrictions; however, the Gifts tend to be a magical torc
which can provide +10 bonus to DB or to a stat such as Strength, Agility or Constitution or provide
magical aid such as a x2 PP. Replace Observation with Second Sight – the PC is able to sense the
presence of magic such as illusions, the use of spells, curses and the such within 50’. This could be in
the form of a tingling sensation. Replace Lightning Reactions with Ambidextrous – the PC is able to
use both hands with equal ease. The special ability Empathy tends to be with horses, falcons and
dogs. The secondary skills tend to focus on Craft skills common among Britons (see Hobbies entry

 Hobbies: Britons have the following secondary skills such as Foraging, First Aid, Omen Reading,
Mathematics, Sky-Watching, Star-Gazing and Animal Handling (horses). Artistic skills are
Acrobatics, Tumbling, Dancing, Music and Singing. Craft skills are Architecture, Leather Working,
Metal Smith, Siege Engineering, Stone craft, and Sculpting. Lore skills are Herb Lore, Magical
Ritual, History and Geography of Britain. Athletic skills are Sprinting and Jumping. Influence skills
is Leadership.

2.2.2 Gaels

The Gaels are a Celtic people from the island of Hibernia to the west of Britain. They are feared raiders
and pirates. They see the dissolution of Roman power as an opportunity to strike and create their own
kingdoms in northern Britain. Compared to the folks of mainland Hibernia, they are sophisticated and
have adapted some Roman’s ways. They are many Gael tribes and kingdoms. Some have already formed
permanent settlements in northern Britain. They have left Hibernia to avoid Christianity and are fiercely
Druidic. Characteristics

 Build: Gaels are a rugged and strong people with little body hair. Males average 190 lbs and women
average 130 lbs. Men average 6’, women 5’6”.

 Coloring: They have auburn to steel black hair with green, hazel or grey common eye colors. Men
and women wear their hair, long, loose, braided, or tied back. Men tend to wear beards. They have
ivory white complexion. They, like other Celtic cultures, wear tattoos.

 Lifespan: Normal.

 Endurance and Resistance: Considerable.

 Special Abilities: They are superb at raiding the seas around Britain and Hibernia. They receive +10
boat handling skills. Culture

 Lifestyle: Gaels are a naval power using small boats called currach to raid the western coast of
Briton. They live in extended clans and reside in fortified villages. The clans are ruled by a king.
They are pugnacious; they settle disputes by raiding and fighting blood feuds. Cattle is the main form
of wealth in Gaelic culture, as Roman currency just been
introduced, and the aim of most wars is the capture of the
enemy's cattle. Indeed, cattle raiding is a social
institution, and newly crowned kings would carry out
raids on traditional clan rivals. Like other Celtic cultures,
women are treated as equals and some will enter battle
with their husband. Fostering children is practice.

 Marriage Patterns: Monogamous, line is traced through

the male side.

 Fears and Inabilities: Gaels are blunt to a fault. They

receive a -10 to all Influence rolls.

 Demeanor: They are haughty, reckless, honest, bold,

fierce, straightforward and courageous. They love
physical games and battle.

 Prejudices: Gaels hate the Saxons and are at odds with

the Picts. They distrust the Romans and Britons due to
their religious beliefs. They are in awe of fey folk.

 Religion: Gaels believe in the Druidic religion, although

it differs slightly from the Druidism practice in Britain.
Having escaped Ireland due to Christianity, they are at odds with Christianity. Like other Druidic
cultures they hold certain natural features such as trees and wells as sacred. Other Factors

 Profession Restrictions: Most Gaels are Pirates (Explorers) or Warriors. Quite a few are Scouts,
Rogues and Hunters. A few learn the way of nature and become Bards or Rangers. Since their
escape of Christian Ireland, they have lost a bit of their Druidic heritage. They do not become
Animist, Mages, Conjurors and Barbarians.

 Languages: All Gaels speak Goedelic to rank 3. Most speak a few words of Brythonic to rank 1. A
few could learn Pictish.

 Outfitting: Crude wool and hide shirts with leg trousers. They also wear rough over-coats and short
cloaks. The more color’s there are in a person's cloak, the greater his importance. A peasant will
usually have just one color as well as the background. A skilled artisan might have two or three
colors and a high king or druid as many as seven color’s. The clothes are woven in dull plaids, the
colors indicating the wearer’s family lines and clan. In war, the axe is one of the most favored
weapons of the Gaels. The Gaelic axe has a particularly weighty head, meant to crush helmets and
smash shields. Gaels use short swords, maces, hand axe, spears, clubs, quarterstaffs, bows, javelins,
daggers, and slings. As armor, most wear a padded coat. At a minimal, the coat acts as soft leather
although more expensive coats will have bronze chest discs which act as rigid leather or chain. Most
will use a shield and leather helmet. Shields were usually round, with a spindle shaped boss. Background

 BGO Points: They receive 3 background option points.

 Stat Increases: Any stat may be increased.

 Special Ability Options: There are no restrictions; the Special Ability Gifts tend to be a magical torc
which can provide +10 bonus to DB or to a stat such as Strength, Agility or Constitution or provide
magical aid such as a x2 PP or a well-crafted Gaelic axe. Also change Magic Inclination to Weather-
wise, the PC has an uncanny ability to predict the weather. The PC receives a special +20 to Sky-
Watching skill. Replace Special Ability, Noble Grace, ranged 91-95, with Frenzy, the PC is able to
work himself into a frenzy in the heat of battle. The PC receives a +20 to all OB’s and ignores Stun
results. The PC also receives a -20 to DB. All other special abilities are available.

 Hobbies: Gaels love the outdoors and physical games. Their secondary skills reflect this love. They
may learn; Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Brawling, Caving, Cookery, Foraging, First Aid, Tumbling,
Sense Ambush and Sky Watching. Artistic skills are Dancing, Instruments, Painting (body paint) and
Singing. Craft skills are Leather Working, Metal Smith, and Sculpting. Lore skills are War Tactic,
Geography, Herb and Poison Lore. Athletic skills are Sprinting, Jumping and Tumbling. Influence
skill is Public Speaking.

2.2.3 Romans

These Romans are descendants of the legionnaires that settled in Britain after their campaigns of
conquests. Most have intermarriage with the local Britons and kept up their Christian faith. They try
their best to keep Roman traditions in a land that has fallen into chaos. Many long for the glory days of
Roman rule. But those days are over. Of all the human cultures in the Age of Arthur, Romans are the
most civilized and sophisticated people. Characteristics

 Build: Romans have the military discipline of their legionnaire forefathers and tend to be lean and
tall although it is not unheard of some being short and pudgy. Men weigh anywhere from 150 lbs to
175 lbs while women weigh anywhere from 100 lbs to 110 lbs. Men range from 5’8” to 5’ 10” in
height while women range from 5’2” to 5’6”.

 Coloring: Most Romans have intermarried with the location population. Generally, they possess
darker complexions than their peers. Their hair color ranges from brown to black although blonde is
known. Eyes tend range from chestnut brown to green to blue. For the most part, they are clean
shaven but some wear their beards short and trim.

 Lifespan: Normal.
 Endurance and Resistance: Normal.

 Special Abilities: Romans still live in a sophisticated culture unsurpassed in the Age of Arthur. This
makes them natural leaders. They are naturally inclined to intrigue and diplomacy. They received
+10 to Influence and Leadership skills. Culture

 Lifestyle: They try their best to live comfortable in their

current chaotic situation. Their society centers on
cosmopolitan cities and towns with shopkeepers and
merchants who own their own businesses. Typically an
elected military commander rules in a sort of semi-federal
system where the people are ruled by a quasi-plutocracy of
aristocratic lords and merchants. The church provides
education to children.

 Marriage Patterns: Monogamous. They often marry folk

other races. The line is traced through the male.

 Fears and Inabilities: None.

 Demeanor: Noble, pragmatic, seriousness of purpose,

confident, impatient, proud and often haughty.

 Prejudices: All “uncivilized” cultures are frowned upon.

Above all, they hate Saxons. They have a friendly
disposition towards dwarves who share their love of
engineering feats.

 Religion: Restrained and personal, compared with other religions found in the Age of Arthur. For
the most part, Romans are Christians and have set up churches and monasteries all across Britain. It
is not unheard of a Roman, due the waning influence of Rome, to incorporate some Druidic customs. Other Factors

 Profession Restrictions: They do not produce Barbarians and Shamans.

 Languages: All Romans speak Latin to rank 3 and Brythonic to rank 3. Since Romans are a learned
people, language skills do not cost double the points.

 Outfitting: Rich and well made, with elaborate clothes often with embroidery at the top and bottom
edges. Romans favor rich colors such as maroon, celestial blue, royal purple, navy blue or yellow.
Romans wear knee high tunics, long breeches and cloak. The clothes were made of wool. Leather
belts clinched around the waist. Shoes were simple moccasin-like made from a single piece of raw-
hide. Roman sandals were worn as well depending on weather. Both sexes wear perfume. Women
wore jewelry such as bracelets, earrings, hair pins and hair nets. However, such jewelry is frowned
upon for men. For a few families, those that trace their origins back to the Roman era, the head of the
household wears a ring containing a setting of precious stone etched with a unique family design. In
war, Romans are highly adaptable and can use any weapons and armor without restriction. The
weapons listed are normally carried by Romans. They tend to use spears, short swords called a
gladius, broadsword, maces, composite and short bow, quarterstaffs, javelins, clubs, daggers, and
slings. As armor, they tend to wear a scale armor called the Lorica Squamata. Some of the more
wealthy Romans will wear a chain mail called the Lorica Hamata. They also wear a leather jerkin as
well as shields and greaves. Background

 BGO Points: They receive four background points.

 Stat Increases: Any stat may be increased.

 Special Ability Options: There are no restrictions; replace Magical Inclination with the following
the Special Ability, Steady Pole-arms; the PC gains a +10 bonus to all pole-arms. Replace Observant
with Adaptable, the PC is a true learned Roman and gains use of the two additional Secondary Skills
and one additional Language without expending additional BGO.

 Hobbies: As a sophisticated and adaptable people, Roman can learn many hobbies, as such they are
able to learn any hobby (Secondary Skills) found in the Middle Earth and Robin Hood Campaign
Rule Books. The Romans tend to use the following skills: Acting, Acrobatic, Administration,
Appraisal, Boat-handling, Engineering, Foraging, First Aid, Omen Reading, Sky Watching,
Seduction, and Gambling. Artistic skills are Dancing, Playing Instrument, and Singing. Craft skills
are Leather Working, Smithing, Navigation, and Sculpting. Lore skills are War Tactics, History and
Geography. Athletic skills are Sprinting and Jumping. Influence skills are Leadership, Diplomacy,
and Public Speaking.

2.2.4 Saxon

Saxons are regarded as one of the fiercest barbarians in the

Age of Arthur. They are the predominant Germanic tribe
invading Britain, the others being the Jutes and Angles. For
the Saxons, war is a means for glory and wealth. They plunder
the land stealing riches and taking slaves. They are said to
conduct human sacrifices and are despised for their brutality
across Britain. Despite their violent culture, Saxons valued
familial ties—the kinless man, no matter how great in battle, is
an object of pity. Characteristics

 Build: Saxons are tall, board shouldered and strongly

built. The men weigh 190 to 220 lbs while the women tend to
weigh 130 to 150 lbs. Men average 5’9” to 6’ 1”, women 5’
5” to 5’ 9”.

 Coloring: Saxons have fair complexions. Saxon hair

color ranges from mid-brown through sandy blonde and the
hair is kept long for both genders. The men’s hair is braided
or kept together by many smaller braids. Men have thick
beards which they keep tidy and combed. For women, the hair
is worn long with multiple braids that are woven together to form elaborate braids or twists. Eye
color varies among brown, hazel, gray and blue.

 Lifespan: Normal.

 Endurance and Resistance: Normal.

 Special Abilities: None. Culture

 Lifestyle: Numerous petty kings rule the Saxons along the eastern coast of Britain. The kings are
expected to provide their people with plunder and, most of all, glory. Athelings are members of the
royal family that help the king rule. When a king dies the athelings elect among themselves a new
king to provide plunder and goods. A king administers the kingdom from his residence, typically a
long sod-house. A Saxon’s reputation is often dictated by his actions on the battlefield. They have
simple customs which befits their simple lives which are outlined in their extensive oral traditions of
customs and laws. A Saxon sod-house is usually filled with the sounds of singing and boisterous
laughter early in the evening. The Saxons in general are welcoming to peaceful strangers, though
their love of battle led them to constantly raid nearby lands. While women cannot be kings, they are
treated as equal to men. Women are charged with managing and defending their long houses while
the men are away. Many females have won renown by beating off a horde of raiders. Saxons practice
slavery and human sacrifices. It is not uncommon to see a human body part as a trophy dangling like
an ornament on a warrior.

 Marriage Patterns: Monogamous, lineages are traced through the male side. Saxons have relatively
easy divorce customs.

 Fears and Inabilities: None.

 Demeanor: With enthusiasm they pursue life, facing death fearlessly with a song on their lips. Loud,
warm, honorable, boastful, cheerful, and haughty. They enjoy song, celebration, physical games, and

 Prejudices: Saxons hold anyone who is too weak to defend themselves in content. They feel men are
breed to fight. Britons and Romans are their greatest enemies. They shy away from fey folks
although a dwarf or two have been known to live among them.

 Religion: Saxons worship a pantheon of gods similar to Norse deities. Their religion is marked by a
strong sense of fatalism and doom. Other Factors

 Profession Restrictions: The majority of Saxons are Warriors and Rogues due to their love of battle.
A few Saxon practice magic and become successful Mages. They do not produce any Barbarians,
Rangers, Sages or Explorers.

 Languages: All Saxons speak Saxon to rank 3. Many will be able to speak Goedelic.

 Outfitting: They tend to wear furs favoring rugged tunics, capes and woolen pants with leggings. In
war, Saxon weapons are always highly ornamented etched with exotic designs or runic characters.
They use axes, spears, short swords, broadswords, 2-handed swords, mace, war-hammer,
quarterstaffs, bows, clubs, daggers, and slings. Their armor is like their weapons etch stylized with
nature designs of birds of prey or dragons. They typically wear leather helmets reinforced with pieces
of metal, including a piece of iron or steel over the noses. These helms are often decorated to
symbolize fierce power. They often wear mail shirts with round shields. Background

 BGO Points: Due to their brutality and love of violence, they receive 2 background points.

 Stat Increases: Any stat may be increased except Agility.

 Special Ability Options: Replace Gifts with Amulets – the amulets tend to be a necklace with tooth,
bone or shell inscribe with a runic letter that protects the wearer either by increasing DB or RR by
+10. Replace Empathy with Frenzy, the PC is able to work himself into frenzy in the heat of battle.
The PC receives a +20 to all OB’s and ignores Stun results. The PC also receives a -20 to DB.

 Hobbies: Saxons possess many hobbies, such as Caving, Cookery, Foraging, First Aid, Omen
Reading, Sky Watching, Trap building, Tumbling and Gambling. Artistic skills are Dancing and
Singing. Craft skills are Leather Working, Smithing, Navigation, Wood Carving and Sculpting. Lore
skills are Giant Lore, War Tactics and Geography. Athletic skills are Sprinting, Jumping and
Wrestling. Influence skills are Leadership and Public Speaking.

2.2.5 Picts

Picts are an ancient and mysterious people that live in the forested area of what is now called Scotland.
They were fierce enemies of Rome, who never were able to subdue them. Their land is called Pictland or
the Pictish Wilderness. The Hadrian Wall, built by the Roman many years ago to separate the two
people, is crumbling and overgrown with vegetation. Their enemy, the
Romans, have for the most part left Britain. The Picts are now being
menaced by the Gaels and must make alliances with the Romanized
Briton kingdoms to defend themselves. Picts generally seclude
themselves from other folk and do not take on friends easily outside their
kind. Characteristics

 Build: Picts are short swarthy folk with wide shoulders and deep
chests. Men average 160 lbs and women average 125 lbs. Men average
5’ 8”, women 5’ to 5’ 4”.

 Coloring: Red hair is common although brown and black are known
as well. Their eyes tend to range from hazel to black. They tend to be
clean shaven or wear thick mustaches. Their hair is untidy and wild;
some braid strands of hair keeping the rest uncombed and full of knots;
but most bleach their hair causing it to clump in spikes or in a mohawk;
and others keep knot tops. The usage of tattoos and dye are common on
both sexes.

 Lifespan: Life in the wilderness tends to be short and brutish.

 Endurance and Resistance: They are a hardy folk able to travel in great distances without tiring or

 Special Abilities: Picts live off the land. For this reason, they receive a +10 to foraging skills. They
are also highly skilled hunters in tune with nature and often walk through forests unseen. They
receive a +10 to Stalk & hide skills while in a forest environment. Culture

 Lifestyle: Picts are a Celtic folk of unknown origin. They are a nomadic pastoralism folk raising
sheep, goats, and cattle for a living. They moved along several small farming communities throughout
the year. They constantly raid one another on the slightest offense, stealing cattle and sheep. Each
tribe is ruled by a king. In times of need, tribes form confederacies and a high king is elected. Like
most Celtic cultures, women are considered equal to men. The Picts hold the art of healing with a
great deal of respect and excel in bronze and silver works. Picts will go great distances to buy a
product or have their children serve under the tutelage of a great artist or healer.

 Marriage Patterns: Polyandrous, lineages are traced through the female side.

 Fears and Inabilities: They are xenophobic and do not like towns and cities. They are superstitious.

 Demeanor: They are fierce, stubborn, nature lover, individualistic, independent and straightforward.
They enjoy celebrating, physical games and battle. They hold a rough sense of equality. A Pict
would treat a king the same as a baker.

 Prejudices: The Picts hate Romans and dislike Saxons and Gaels. The closest thing, they have to an
ally are the Britons with whom they trade with and occasionally raid. The relationship between the
two is edgy at the best. Since they share the love of nature and individuality with the fey, they are
friendly with them. They are curious and respective of dwarf folk although, they raid Dwarves for
their high quality goods.

 Religion: Religion isn’t as important to Picts as in other Celtic cultures. They still practice a form
of Druidism with strong animistic elements such as revering certain bodies of water and trees. A few
have converted to Christianity. Other Factors

 Profession Restrictions: Picts are noted Warriors and Barbarians highly feared for their savagery.
They also make exceptional Rogue, Scouts, Shamans, and Hunters. They do not produce any other

 Languages: All Picts will speak Pict to rank 3. Picts may learn the following extra languages:

 Outfitting: They tend to wear little or no clothing or adornments except a loincloth. They prefer to
go about relying on their rugged bodies, using pigments or tattoos to create imagery. Those that are
acquainted with other cultures occasionally don hide leggings and a breechcloth. Beyond these
trappings, they have little use for clothes of other cultures. In the winter, they will don furs to keep
warm. In war, Picts use spears, short swords, quarterstaffs, javelins, clubs, mace, daggers, bow and
slings. As for armor, they typically do not don armor except to carry a round shield although some of
the less foolhardy will wear soft leather armor made from furs. Background

 BGO Points: Only exceptional individuals seek to travel the outside world. As such these
individuals receive 5 background points.

 Stat Increases: Any stat may be increased except Presence.

 Special Ability Options: Replace Magical Inclination with Mystical Tattoo; the PC has magical
animal tattoo associated with a magical bonus (+10) to a particular skills. For example, a turtle tattoo
grants the PC +10 in DB, an eagle tattoo provides +10 to perception; a wolf tattoo adds +10 to Stalk
& Hide and so forth. The PC is allowed only one tattoo up to the GM discretion. Also replace
Noble Grace with Herbalist, the PC is a nature lover and can distinguish herbs and poisons with ease.
Provides the PC with a +10 while using herbs and poisons (first aid) or foraging for them.

 Hobbies: Picts’ hobbies are Acrobatic, Tumbling, Trickery, Foraging, First Aid, Omen Reading, Sky
Watching, Cookery, Trap building, Signaling (drum beats), Acrobatic, and Caving. Artistic skills are
Dancing, Music and Singing. Craft skills is Stone crafts, and Leather Working. Lore skills are
Animal Lore, Herb Lore, Poison Lore and Geography. Athletic skills are Sprinting and Jumping.
Influence skills are Leadership and Public Speaking.

2.3 Non-Humans

In the King Arthur legends, human heroes encountered non-human characters only as part of an epic or
quest. These non-humans either aided or attacked the human heroes. However, many players will want
to choose non-human characters. The type of role-playing involved should be adjusted for non-human
characters. Since most of the non-human races dislike towns and cities, their adventures should take
place in the wilderness. Non-human characters should not be the norm, and there should usually never be
more than two in a single group. But as this is the GM’s world, feel free to choose to ignore this
guideline. Non-humans are divided into two broad classes by nature, Dwarves and Fey.

2.2.6 Dwarves

Surprisingly, dwarves are quite common in Arthurian legends. Dwarves played an important part in some
Arthurian legends such as in the stories of Sir Gareth, Sir Lancelot and Sir Tristan. They normally serve
as companions for questing heroes or provide the hero with knowledge and magical items. Rarely is the
dwarf the hero of the story. Dwarves possess great crafting skills and knowledge of ancient things. They
live deep in the forest often underground. Characteristics

 Build: Dwarves are short and compact with large heads. Men weigh about 145 lbs. Women weigh
100 to 110 lbs. Dwarves average 4’9”, women 4’5”.

 Coloring: The dwarves of Arthurian legends differ slightly from the ones in Middle Earth. Their
complexion range from swarthy to black with dark colored hair such as black, auburn or brown. Eye
color varies from green to blue to deep brown or black. Some wear moustaches, others long flowing
beards while others are clean shaven. Their hair tends to be a mess, uncombed and wizen. Females
do not have beards and their hair is kept in style often in braids with intricate designs. They wear their
hair long, which often touch their knees.

 Lifespan: Dwarves are long lived and might seemed immortal to humans. They average 250 years.

 Endurance and Resistance: Tremendous endurance with the ability to travel great distances with
little rest. They are highly resistant to fire and ice. They receive +30 to DB and RR versus heat and
cold attacks.

 Special Abilities: Dwarves see well in extreme darkness. In the dimmest light, they can see 50’
perfectly, and fairly well up to 100’. In total darkness, they can see 10’. From long years in the wild,
Dwarves have learned how to be secretive and avoid being seen. They received a +5 to stalk & hide
skill. They also have uncanny ability to start fire from anything. Culture

 Lifestyle: Dwarves live in tight family groups away from human

civilization. They often reside underground but not always. A few
reside deep in the forest inside large oak trees. They are superb
miners and craftsmen creating items of marvelous beauty. Dwarves
tend to focus on their close knit family. Besides family, they value
wealth and items of great beauty such as jewels or items of high
craftsmanship. Groups of families form a clan, which is led by a
king. The kings’ purpose is to handle matters of state among other
dwarf clans and with the other folk. Their rule is not absolute and he
often refers to a council of family elders for guidance. A few are
curious enough to venture and ply their trade among human towns.
Some even befriend questing heroes and serve as their companions.

 Marriage Patterns: Monogamous. The line is traced through the


 Fears and Inabilities: Dwarves are not the greatest swimmers

and receive a negative -30 to Swimming skill.

 Demeanor: Among themselves they are jovial and somewhat brash. They enjoy a good story telling
and playing instruments. They are curious, determined, fearless, proud, passionate, loyal, greedy and

 Prejudices: In general, they find humans interesting although they abhor slavery. They are irritated
by Picts due to their constant raiding. They are staunch supporters of the goals of Camelot and get
along with Britons and Romans well. They shy away from fey and magicians. They detest goblins
and other goblin kin.

 Religion: For the most part, dwarves hold their ancestors sacred. They revere an ancient god called
‘El’, whom they say is the creator and is personified by certain sacred mountain and hill tops. Other Factors

 Profession Restrictions: Dwarves are not Mages or Bards. They do practice magic and some
become Animists but most are Scouts, Rogues and Warriors. On rare occasions they might be
Explorers. They also do not produce Barbarians and Shamans.

 Languages: Dwarves speak their own secret language, Noric. Due to their associations with humans,
they know Brythonic to rank 3 and speak Sylvan to rank 1 so they can speak with other fey folk.

 Outfitting: They wear woolen tunic of earth hues or leather jerkin with close fitting trousers also of
deep hued leather or wool. Their boots are leather with fur lining. They also wear hooded cloaks
fastened with decorated brooch. Both genders wear jewelry especially earrings and rings. In war,
Dwarves use axes, spears, war hammer, javelin, mace, short sword, short bow, club, sling and
daggers. As armor, they wear chain mail and round wooden shields with iron cap helmets. Background

 BGO Points: They receive 4 background points.

 Stat Increases: Any stat may be increased except Intuition.

 Special Ability Options: There are no restrictions; All available. Replace the range 56-60 with;
Earth Sense, an ability to discern different types of minerals by sound. This ability adds +10 to
knowledge to earth lores and locating minerals. Replace the range 71-75 with; Herbalist, an ability to
discern different types of herbs and poison by sight and taste. This ability adds +20 to Cookery and
Foraging Skills. Special items are usually with fanciful engravings but without gems, etc. Finely-
made weapons and armor is common.

 Hobbies: Dwarves possess many hobbies, such as Appraisal, Caving, Contortions, Cookery
Foraging, First Aid, Signaling, Trickery and Gambling. Artistic skills are Storytelling and Music
Instructmental. Craft skills are weapon smithing, gold smithing, fletching, trap building and wood
crafts. Lore skills are Animal and plant lores, local geography, local history. Athletic skills are
wrestling. Influence skills are Administration and Public Speaking.

2.2.7 Fey (Sidhe)

Fey is a general term for ancient and magical races such as brownies, nymphs, sprites and even goblins.
This entry concerns itself with Sidhe1. They appear like Middle Earth’s Silvan Elves but smaller and more
delicate. The Fey are a remnant of an ancient race that thrived before the arrival of man to Britain. They
have since secluded themselves in dark forests from Men and from the world at large. But now among all
the chaos and mayhem, they see their chance to take back what is rightly theirs. Of all the folk in the Age
of Arthur, they are the most in tune with magic. Magic for them is part of life. They use it daily. They
possess a love of nature and strive to experience its beauty and make beautiful things. Characteristics

 Build: Sidhe are short with slender delicate bodies comparable to a human adolescent. Males
average 130 lbs while women average 95 lbs. Men average 5’5” to 5’ 7”, women 4’10” to 5’ 2”.

Sidhe are called many names, Tuatha De Danaan or Aos Si.
 Coloring: Sidhe possess flawless alabaster skin with shining hair in gleaming metallic shades and
eyes of fiery red or crystal blue although aqua green is not uncommon. .

 Lifespan: They are ageless and cannot die from old age. A fully grown Sidhe appears no older than
twenty five years of age to a human. They only die due to violence or weary of life and lose the will
to live.

 Endurance and Resistance: They do not carry great burdens but they can travel 15-20 hours a day.
They do not sleep. Instead they rest in a deep trance for 3 hours
a day. They do not become sick or scarred and are virtually
immune to physical diseases. They receive +10 bonus versus
cold attacks.

 Special Abilities: Sidhe are among the most respected of the

fey. As such, they received a +10 to influencing creatures of fey
origin. They also are extremely nimble. They receive +10 to
Stalk & Hide. Due to their magical nature, Sidhe receive +10 to
Base Spells attacks from Bardic spells and charm spells. Their
senses are superb. They can see twice as far as humans in
poorly illuminated conditions such as moonlight and starlight.
They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under
these conditions. Their hearing is twice as good as a Man.
Keeping in line with the Sidhe’s great beauty, they must assign
one of their three highest stats to Appearance. Also, Sidhes
may exceed 100 Appearance, to a maximum of 102, but may not exchange their Appearance stat with
any others. Culture

 Lifestyle: Sidhe have distinct tribes, ruled over by fairy kings and queens in each territory each with
their palaces where they feast and play music, but also have regular battles with neighboring Sidhe
tribes. Their lands are often hidden and located in inaccessible places deep in the forests where Men
fear to tread. The kings and queens rules with the aid of a council of elders. They seldom tolerate
other folks such as Men and Dwarves to venture into their lands. Only other fey are welcome. Dryads,
sprites and other potentially dangerous fey take refuge in their lands. When Men do venture in their
communities, they notice that time seems to slow down and the place around them has a strange aura.
Their communities are rich and relatively advanced compared to the ways of Men. Rustic melodic
music and intellectual stimulating games or hobbies occupy their free time. They possess a love of
nature and the stars.

 Marriage Patterns: It is a simple affair. All one has to do is announce that they are married in
public. They are monogamous and for life. They occasionally marry Men but the marriage rarely last
long. Such unions produce Half Fey.

 Fears and Inabilities: They fear Mannish towns and cities. In their mind, there is something
unnatural about them.

 Demeanor: To humans, Sidhe are haughty and reserved but to family and friends, they are fun-
loving, mischievous and passionate about life. They will burst into sing with happiness and at the next
moment seek vengeance on the smallest slight. They all share a love of nature and the stars.
 Prejudices: They see the chaos among the various Human factions as their chance to reclaim what
they lost. They had a grudge against Man for taking their lands and most seclude themselves from
Men and are suspicious of Dwarves due to their interaction with Men. Men regard them with awe
and wonder. Only the Picts, do the Sidhe feel at ease. Only a few have accepted their diminish status
in the world and seek ways to influence mankind for the good.

 Religion: Sidne feel a mystical connection to nature that is stronger than any mannish dogma. Their
religion is informal and centered around communal celebrations with lively music and songs. Like
the druidic religion, they hold certain trees and pools of water as scared. For them, everything and
everyone is connected through a binding force. The Christian religion calls it the Holy Spirit, while
the Druidic religion calls it a form of Metempsychosis. Other Factors

 Profession Restrictions: They do not produce any Barbarians, Shamans, and Explorers. A great
many are Bards and Animists for they love to sing and nature.

 Languages: All Sidhe speak Sylvan to rank 5, Brythonic to rank 1. Since they are a learned people,
language skills do not cost double the points.

 Outfitting: Various types of elaborate wool and linen garb often in while, beige, pale green or pale
grey; trim-fitting tunic of heavy silk/cotton so finely that shifts to their movement. The tunic colors
tend to be bark brown, leaf green or storm grey being the primary colors. Bandoliers crossing the
chest, belt around the waists. In war, they use spears, short swords, swords, mace, quarterstaffs, short
or composite bows, javelins, clubs, daggers, and slings. As armor, they typically wear anything from
soft leather or rigid leather as well as shields and greaves. They do not wear Chain or Plate armor. Background

 BGO Points: They receive 3 background points.

 Stat Increases: Any stat may be increased.

 Special Ability Options: There are no restrictions. Change roll 61-65, Magical Inclination, to
Glamour, PC possess the gift to magical charm NPC. The ability works once a day and only on one
individual. It acts as a 3rd lvl Charm Spell. No Power Points necessary. Also replace roll 71-75,
Resistance, with Mystic Calling, the PC has a high sense of magic that provides +10 when casting any
illusions and enchantments in the Open Essence lists. Change roll 96-00, Hardiness, with Trickster,
the PC loves to prank and receives +10 to Trickery. For Special Items, they usually receive rare
herbs, or a fancy silver or bronze brooch or armband with embedded 5th level healing or bardic spell.
Or a finely made weapon is common.

 Hobbies: Sylvan Fey possess hobbies, such as Acrobatic, Acting, Acupuncture, Cookery, Etiquette,
First Aid, Omen Reading, Mediation, Protocol, Sky Watching, Seduction, Tumbling, and Gambling.
Artistic skills are Dancing, Music and Singing. Craft skills are Leather Working, Smithing, and
Sculpting. Lore skills are Demon Lore, Spirit Lore, Animal Lore, Philosophy, Magic Rituals and
Poison Lore. Athletic skills are Sprinting and Jumping. Influence skills are Leadership and Public
2.2.8 Half Fey

Half Fey are the rare offspring between Men and Fey. They are marked as different than either Fey or
human. Some Fey foster Mannish children at an early age and teach them the way of the Fey. These
folks also are call Half Fey. Lancelot was brought up by Fey folk. While do they not have the physical
resemblance of Fey, they are culturally Fey. In these instances, they still use Man as their Racial
Modification Table (1.8) but use Sylvan Fey for their Adolescence Table (1.8.1). Characteristics

 Build: Half Fey are strong and slender, thinner than Men but stouter than Fey. They have thin,
angular features. Men weigh 160 to 170 lbs while women weigh 100 to 110 lbs. Men average 5’ 10”,
women 5’ to 5’ 3”.

 Coloring: Half Fey are fair with hair color ranging from blonde to black hair. Their eye colors tend
to be bright and unusual from the norm and set them apart from Fey and Human. Their eye color
tends to range from ice grey eyes to bright hazel. In some instances, they might have a bright yellow
eyes or eyes of two different shades. Their hair is worn long and beards are uncommon, but when
worn they are short and trim.

 Lifespan: Those of Fey blood, have extremely long lives, 200 years on average. They retain their
youthfulness well into their forties and fifties.

 Endurance and Resistance: Those of Fey blood, are virtually immune to disease and natural illness.
They have a +5 bonus against cold attacks.

 Special Abilities: Those of Fey blood, can see extremely well in the dark. Under moonlight or
starlight they can see perfectly for 500’. In other darkness situations they see as other folk. Half Feys
are extremely adaptable and they are taught at a young age several skills set. As result, they start with
one extra secondary skill. Culture

 Lifestyle: Half Fey retained customs from the culture they are raised. They are taught to conform
whenever possible to any society. As a result, they are incredible adaptable to most situation. Still
they share a love of nature found in Celtic and Fey cultures which draws them to leave their host
culture and wander finding solace among the forests and hills.

 Marriage Patterns: Monogamous. The line is traced through the male or female line.

 Fears and Inabilities: None.

 Demeanor: Patient, considerate, outgoing, mellow, balanced and friendly.

 Prejudices: Caught between two worlds, they hold no prejudices. But other cultures don’t always
know what to make of them and treat them with suspicion.

 Religion: They hold beliefs similar to Fey with a stronger emphasis on the Christian God. They still
revere nature as God’s treasures. Other Factors

 Profession Restrictions: None.

 Languages: All Half Fey speak Brythonic to rank 3 and Sylvan to rank 5. They suffer no restriction
to languages.

 Outfitting: Half Fae usually adopts the dress and hairstyles of the culture they were fostered among.
However, it is also fairly common for Half Fey raised among humans to wear some Fey clothing to
proudly display signs of their heritage. Regardless of what they wear, Half Fey try to blend into the
host culture. In war, Half Fey use spears, short sword, broadsword, quarterstaffs, short-bows,
javelins, clubs, daggers, and slings. As for armor, they typically wear anything from leather armor to
chain armor. They do carried shields. Background

 BGO Points: They receive 3 background points.

 Stat Increases: Any stat may be increased.

 Special Ability Options: Replace Empathy with Grace of a Hunter which confers +10 to Stalk/Hide
skills when stalking prey. Also replace Magical Inclination with Fey Ways, the PC was taught Fey
magic. The PC receives +10 to Directed Spells skills.

 Hobbies: Half Fae possess many hobbies, such as Acrobatic, Animal Handling, Cookery, Disguises,
Foraging, First Aid, Omen Reading, Sky Watching, Seduction, Trap Building, Trickery and
Gambling. Artistic skills are Storytelling, Music, Dancing and Singing. Craft skills are Leather
Working, Smithing, Navigation, and Sculpting. Lore skills are Animal Lore, Fey Lore Herb Lore,
Demon Lore, Spirit Lore, War Tactics and Geography. Athletic skills are Athletic Games, Sprinting
and Jumping. Influence skills are Leadership, Propaganda, Interrogation, Trading and Public
3.0 Herbs of Age of Arthur
In Age of Arthur, almost every midwife, druid and clergy knows something about the local herbs in the
area. Oftentimes they serve as the village doctor prescribing herbs like a modern doctor would prescribe
an antibiotic. Below is a sample list of herbs that can be found throughout Age of Arthur. Some herbs,
especially those marked in the Special section, are magical and can only be acquired through special
means, for example, as a gift from the mystical Merlin or on an old pagan hill.

TABLE 3.0: Herbs of Age of Arthur

Herbs Codes Form/Prep Cost Effects
Circulatory Repair
Amaranthus t-F-3 Flower/paste 3sp Heals 2 hits/rnd of bleeding
Clown's Woundwort m-M-2 Root/ingest 9sp Heals all bleeding from one wound
Deadly-Nightshade m-F-5 Leaf/ingest 15sp 5th level depressant causes sleep and doubles the rate of healing during sleep
Wormwood m-F-6 Flower/paste 10sp Heals major wounds and heals 2–20 hits
Yarrow t-M-4 Flower/paste 5sp Instantly heals all bleeding
Concussion Relief
Bugle m-F-5 Flower/brew 10sp Heals 2–20 hits
Healwell m-t-3 Leaf/brew 5sp Heals 1–10 hits
Bone Repair
Ribwort t-M-6 Root/brew 30sp Heals any broken bone
Blessed Thistle m-D-2 Berry/ingest 30sp Cures the effects of any poison (5)
Napweed m-S-6 Flower/brew 5sp Reduces the effects of poison by half
Snakeweed t-H-5 Leaf/brew 10sp Cures any snake bite (lvl 3)
Spiderwort t-M-3 Root/paste 9sp Cures spider poison (lvl 3)
St. John's Wort t-D-6 Nodule/brew 35sp Cures any enchanted poison (lvl 8)
Stinging Nettle m-C-3 Nut/ingest 7sp Cures any plant-based poison (lvl 4)
Burn and Exposure Relief
Aloe h-H-6 Leaf/paste 8sp Doubles rate of healing for burns and minor cuts
Barberry m-D-7 Berry/ingest 7sp Heals one burn area
Hound's Tongue t-F-4 Root/brew 5sp Heals all burns and frostbite
Herb of Life 9 Flower/ingest N/A Heals any one non-fatal wound
Ambrosia 9 Flower/ingest N/A Regenerates broken bones, torn muscles and vessels, and heals 3 hits/rnd for 30
Moly t-D-8 Root/ingest 110sp Will dispel the first spell cast upon the user. Only one use per day. (lvl 12)
Muscle, Cartilage, & Tendon Repair
Ragwort m-D-4 Root/brew 10sp Heals sprains and muscle wound at twice the normal rate
Witch Hazel m-C-2 Leaf/lotion 8sp Relieves muscle aches (+10 to RR) and heals small cuts (1 hit/round)
Agrimony t-D-6 Leaf/boil 5sp Heals sprains and bruises
Nerve Repair
Burdock m-S-4 Stem/brew 30sp Doubles rate of healing for healing for nerve damage
Organ Repair &
Calamus t-F-7 Root/ingest 10sp Heals stomach flu and restores partial hearing loss to within 10% of normal
Lungwort t-T-6 Root/ingest 80sp Heals lung damage
Spring Adonis m-F-6 Leaf/ingest 50sp Heals minor organ damage
Codes Climate Codes Locale Codes Difficulty of Finding
The codes use a small letter for the a.. arid A.. Alpine Code Difficulty Mod.
climate that the herb is normally c.. cold C.. Coniferous forest
found in., a capital letter for the e.. everlasting cold D.. Deciduous/mixed forest 1...........Routine. .................+30
type of locale that the herb is f.. severe cold (frigid) F.. Freshwater coasts & banks 2..........Easy......................... +20
normally found in, and a number h.. hot and humid H.. Heath/scrub 3..........Light........................ +10
for the difficulty of finding a dose m.. mild temperate J.. Jungle/rain forest 4...........Medium.................... +0
of such an herb. These herbs are s.. semi-arid M.. Mountain 5...........Hard........................ -10
but a small sample of the herbs t.. cool temperate O.. Ocean/saltwater shores 6..........Very Hard........….... -20
and poisons used in the medieval S.. Short grass 7...........Extremely Hard.......-30
England. T.. Tall grass 8...........Sheer Folly..............-50
W.. Waste 9...........Absurd.....................-70
4.0 Character Equipment
Several decades after the Roman legions left, the folks in Briton still use the Roman coins. Britain
wouldn’t mint their coins in substantial numbers until the reign of King Offa of Mercia, some two
centuries after the Age of Arthur. And even then, the old Roman coins were still accepted. The Roman
coins the player characters are likely to come across are gold, silver and bronze coins. By far the most
common coinage will be silver, called the Siliqua. Gold coins, called Solidus, are less common due to
their high value. Gold coins are used normally to purchase large items such as cart load of wheat or
several bundles of cloth. Solidus will endured for several centuries more as a circulating gold coin used in
European commerce. For simplicity, the tables below provide exchange rates and their equivalent to the
normal MERP rates.

TABLE 4.0: Roman Coinage

Age of Arthur Coin Type MERP Equivalent
Follis Bronze Piece (bp)
Siliqua Silver Piece (sp)
Solidus Gold Piece (gp)

Because the difficult conversion rates between the various Roman coins, it is recommend, for game
playing ease to use Table 4.1 Exchange Rate.

TABLE 4.1: Exchange Rate

5th Century Exchange Rates 2 Suggested Exchange Rates

7 ½ Follis worth 1 Siliqua 10 bronze pieces worth 1 silver piece
24 Siliqua worth 1 Solidus 10 silver pieces worth 1 gold piece

In the actual game, player characters rarely exchanged real coins. More often, the player characters are
trading goods or large coins for items purchased in bulk or large numbers. In the course of a quest,
characters will win captured “generic treasure” (captured goods, weapons, armor and livestock) worth a
certain amount. For example, after defeating a warrior, the GM may tell the player characters, “Each
character receives miscellaneous spoils worth 10 gold pieces.” Whenever the character spends the
treasure, it is assume for game simplicity to do one of several things:

 Bartering some of the treasure for the desired item;

 Sending some of the treasure on to a craftsman to make the desire item;

 Or in a city or kingdom, the character may actually be turning in the treasure for coins and then
spending the coins.

In any case, from the player perspective and the sake of simplicity, do not worry about the resale value of
the captured treasures and spend it, as it was new. “Generic Treasure” really is the unexceptional spoils

There were actually several types of Roman silver and bronze coins during the later Roman period and the exchange rate
between the various coins fluctuated quite a bit depending on the amount of coins minted and metallic mix. For simplistic
reasons, the more common Roman coins were chosen.
of war. The GM will indicate anything that looks interesting or exceptional separately from the “generic
treasure” and let the characters allot it normally or otherwise compete for it.

Besides treasure hording should not be the primary purpose of the player characters for taking part in an
adventure or quest in the Age of Arthur. In the legends, they are all sons and daughters of kings and
noblemen. Money for them should not be an issue. Even if they were playing a non-human character
such as a dwarf and fey, forest folks do not need much to live comfortable. Instead, the player characters
are adventuring and questing for the sake of honor and glory of Camelot.

Handle any purchase of equipment by simply exchanging the ‘generic treasure’ value at the price listed on
Tables 4.3 and 4.4, which provides a list of priced accessories and equipment commonly found in the Age
of Arthur. Some of the items listed often are spoils of war such as the cauldron, silver chalice or sheep.
Unless noted otherwise, the items presented in the Tables are made of common mundane material such as
copper and clay. In the case of weapons and armor, the material would be iron. Obviously if an item is
of high quality such as a cauldron made of silver or a jug crafted with exquisite designs, the value of the
item should be double of the listed price.

TABLE 4.3: Accessories Price

Item Cost Wt Notes Item Cost Wt Notes
Arrows (20) 4bp 3 lb Oar 2bp 8 lb
Backpack 1bp 2 lb Holds 20 lb Pants 4bp 3 lb Not suitable for
Basket 1bp 1 lb Holds 10 lb Parchment (10) 1sp 1 lb Leather hide
Bedroll 2bp 5 lb Wool Pouch, belt 4cp .5 lb Holds 1 lb
Boots 1sp 4 lb Quiver (holds 20) 5bp .5 lb Holds arrows/bolts
Bowl 1bp .5 lb Robe 1sp .5 lb
Brush (writing) 1sp .5 lb Or a ink pen Rope 4bp .5 lb 25’
Cauldron 5sp 10 lb Sack 2bp .5 lb Holds 50 lb
Chisel 1sp .5 lb Scabbard 2bp 1 lb On shoulder
Cloak 2bp 3 lb Sheep/Goat 1sp ‘Generic treasure’
Cloak (superb) 1sp 3 lb Shirt 3bp 2 lb
Hood/Hat 3bp 2 lb Tent 1sp 10 lb
Goblet, silver 1gp 2 lb Torc 2sp 1 lb Neck ring
Goblet, gold 10gp 4 lb Torch 1bp 1 lb Lights 10’ for 1 hr
Jug 5bp 1 lb Holds 9 lb Tunic 3bp 1 lb
Loincloth 1bp 1 lb Waterskin 3bp 1 lb Weighs 1 lb full
Tunic (wool) 1bp 1 lb Weapon Belt 4bp 1 lb
Mirror, small 6sp 2 lb Whetstone 3bp .5 lb

Normal equipment such as weapons and accessories found in Age of Arthur is comparable to MERP
except for armor, chain mail is thrice the value and there is no such thing as plate armor. The Roman
Lorica Squamata is scale armor and it acts as Chain Armor whereas the prized Roman Lorica Hamata, a
chain mail, which was once popular both with Roman officers and some Celtic chieftains. It is now
extremely expensive. It also acts as Chain Armor but has a higher durability. By far the most common
weapon in the Age of Arthur is the spear, followed by the gladius or short sword. The GM should use the
prices listed on ST-4 Equipment and Price Table found in MERP 1st and 2nd ed. as a basis for prices.
5.0 Magical Items
Magical items exist in Age of Arthur, but they are not common. Many of the magical items found in the
tales are described as being holy or owned by holy persons (druids and monks). These items have an
intriguing tendency to wander off on their own volition. Holy items leave their owners in a number of
ways. Some magical items are crafted by a master craftsman or for a specific individual like a king or for
a particular purpose. Most magical treasures will be fully integrated into the setting. No one creates
magical wands by the dozens to be sold at the local bazaar. Rather, finding a magical item is not simply a
question of acquiring treasure; it is a way of taking part in the legends. The magical item could be the
object of the quest like the Holy Grail. This section provides examples of the sort of treasures found in
Age of Arthur.

5.1 General Properties

In Age of Arthur, magical items can have bonuses of from +5 to +30:

 Expert craftsmen create +5 to +10 items. These items are most common. A lesser warrior might
have one item with +5 or +10 bonus but no more. Common warriors finding a +10 weapon
would be rare and marvelous thing and likely, the handsomest weapon the warrior has ever seen.

 Really amazing craftsmen like dwarves or master craftsmen create +15 to +20 items. These items
are rare. One warrior among several might carried one item with a +15 bonus.

 Items with a +25 to +30 bonus are normally created for a single purpose and person in mind like
the sword Excalibur. These items are typically gifts from the fey world or are a religious artifact
like the Holy Grail. Since these items can change the balance of the game to the hero’s favor,
they are given with restrictions. For example, Arthur’s sword, Excalibur was returned to the
Lady of Lake before his passing. Or the item could have a one-time use.

5.2 Properties of Wondrous Armor

Magical armor generally has reduced encumbrance. For example, the Roman, Lorica Hamata, armor
protects as chain armor but encumbers as if it were Rigid Leather or a Lorica Hamata crafted by the Lady
of Lake protects as Plate Armor but encumbers as chain armor.

5.3 Properties of Wondrous Weapons

In Age of Arthur, weapons are not crafted to target a specific monster such as of Slaying items in Middle
Earth and other fantasy settings. Instead, some weapons are crafted, like Excalibur, to cut through stone.
These weapons are magically enhanced. These weapons are called of Sharpness, which translate to add
+10 to all MERP critical rolls or add a level of severity to all RM criticals (E becomes F = E + A, separate

Also, in Age of Arthur, religion plays a large part in the legends. Some weapons are “Blessed” by higher
powers. The blessing can be done either through a priest or druid. “Blessed” items are considered
equivalent as “Holy” in MERP. Table 5.0 details the potency of the item according to god.
TABLE 5.0: Potency of Blessing
Blessing Potency of Item
+10 Blessed
Note: Blessed Weapons provides a bonus to all MERP critical rolls or add a level of
severity to all RM criticals (E becomes F = E + A, separate rolls).

5.3.1 Examples of Treasure and Wondrous items

The following are some example of the sort of treasure and magical items found in Age of Arthur.

 Cross of St Cornelius - this large cross contains a bone from the Celtic Saint Cornelius who was
said to heal the sick. Located in a monastery deep in the forest away, touching the cross is said
to cure illnesses and diseases such as leprosy.

 Heyles’ Book - The Helyes' book is a large, leather-bound volume with a copper the latch
holding it shut. The leather is old and worn, but still supple, of a deep mahogany color. The
cover is unmarked, but the pages are covered with beautiful calligraphy and illumination,
providing instructions every Mage spell list. By studying the pages for a given spell list for
longer than a month, it provides the reader with an additional 10% chance of learning the spell
list. The appendix contains every Mage spell lists to 10th level. Each page acts as a rune which
renews itself once a day.

 Potion of Love- These potions are used a couple of times in the tales. The victim will
immediately feel an overpowering love for the first person the victim sees. The potion acts as an
11th level charm spell. The effect is permanent, at least until magic is used or recipient of love
prove himself a heel.

 Fastidious Drinking Horn – Made by Celtics sometime before the Romans invaded Britain, this
horn was one of a set of three items, all with essentially the same property: the ability to detect an
unfaithful spouse. No cheating spouse could drink without spilling. The horn was made of
lustrous red gold.

 Liberation Cup- These wine cups are handsomely made, and made either of silver or gold. A
druid or Christian monk blesses each cup, which are reserved for libations to the gods. The cup if
used during liberations to a god will add +10 to all maneuvers for one hour.

 Penwith Cloaks - These multi-colored pallid cloaks are created by Britons who still have faith in
the old religion. It is valued not only for it’s color but also for its strength and durability. When
used, it will protect the wearer as if it is soft leather armor but encumber as no armor and provides
protection from the weather.

 Efforn Cloaks - This cloak has a seven-colored tartan design, similar to that worn by a king,
great druid or someone of equal importance amongst the British and Gaels. One wearing the
cloak has protection from extremes of both cold and heat and will stay dry even in torrential rain
or warm in a blizzard.

 Dyrnwyn – This sword Dyrnwyn resembles a Roman legionary gladius (short sword), though it
is engraved with symbols of the sun and a bull, the symbols of Mithras. When wielded in battle,
Dyrnwyn bursts into flame. The flames will not harm the wielder, as long has he remains brave
and true, but a treacherous man or a coward will himself be burned. The +15 OB sword is
magical and provides an extra heat critical when aflame.

 Platter of Rydderch - The magical Platter of Rydderch appears to be a plain wooden plate.
However, whatever food one wishes for when holding the plate appears on it. The food is
delicious and nutritious, if such is desired and perfectly safe to eat. If the food is not consumed
within an hour then it rapidly and nauseatingly rots. Thus the platter is useful for providing a
feast, for example, but has less long-term utility.

 Cauldron of Dirrnach - This cauldron belongs to an ancient giant, Dirrnach, who guards it
fiercely. Any who want to make use of the cauldron will need to offer Dirrnach something he
wants, perhaps a service, or else find a way to trick him. When the cauldron is filled with boiling
water, one inside is not scalded, but rather healed. A quick dip in the cauldron can help a healer
cure any injury or disease. For example, a healing Test can be made to fully heal a broken arm, or
other extreme consequence, within minute.

 Enchanted Talisman– Gaels and Picts craftsmen create these large talismans (sometimes
brooches, sometimes torcs) decorated with precious metals with small gold or silver spheres
welded onto a base piece of circular or semi-circular form made from precious material (either
gold or silver). Each sphere contains a geometric design or floral image. They are imbued with
mystical powers to protect the wearer from harm. This can be in the form of magically adding
+10 to DB or +10 to one RR type (Channeling, disease, or poison). Some of the more exotic
talismans are created using serpentine material.

 Pouch of Herbs – Found among the Fae, this burlap pouch magically enhances the potency of
any herb stored in the pouch for more than a day. The potency of the herb is increased twice as

 Ashen Spear of Sharpness- These are magnificent crafted spears made from ashwood which
bonus depends on the skill of its maker, ranging from +5 to +20.

 Ring of Seeing Truth – a simple silver band, the ring provides the ability to see through illusions
(5th lvl) and invisible things and provides a +10 bonus to Perceptions roll.

 Ryon’s Sword – It is a Roman Gladius (short sword) said to have been forage by Vulcan for
Heracles. It is of Sharpness and +20 to OB.

 Priamus Sword – this enchanted sword is finely made +10 to OB and whenever it does a “C”
critical or better, the victim will bleed 2-10 hits a round until first aid is applied to stop the

 Hand-ax of the Green Man – These single-bladed war axes are made with green wood and
decorated with motifs of leaves and trees. This hand-ax is so balanced that it acts as battle-ax and
have a +10 OB.

Additionally magical items can be found among the possessions of Age of Arthur’s greatest heroes, which
can be found in Heroes of Age of Arthur for MERP.
6.0 Natural Fauna and Fabled Monsters of Age of Arthur

Since no world is complete without the inclusion of the fauna and indigenous monsters, a description and
stats of the fauna and fabled monsters are presented below. For the sake of convenience, the normal fauna
of Age of Arthur is kept separate from the more spectacular and fabled monsters It is hope that GM and
players will be able to use this section as a source of information for the fauna and fabled monsters that
once inhabited Age of Arthur.

6.1 Natural Fauna

During the Age of Arthur, bears, wolves and lynxes roam Britain in large numbers. Wolves, due to the
chaos, have become bolder and bears have come down from the mountains in large numbers. Even wild
boars seem more temperamental. The animals described below are a sample of the better-known varieties
that existed during Arthur’s time.

6.2 Mammals

Numerous small-game mammals inhabit Britain, such as weasels, stone martens, otters, beavers, badgers,
and hares. The Romans introduced rabbits which can be found in large numbers through the countryside.

6.3 Deer

Several large-game mammals inhabit the region, and three representatives of the deer family (Cervidae)
are found in Britain. All three types of deer prefer deciduous or mixed forests, or pastured mountains.

6.3.1 Red Deer

The largest deer of Britain is the Red Deer (Cervus elaphus), a close cousin to the Rocky Mountain Elk
(C. e. nelsoni). Adult males can weigh up to 480 lb. (220 kg) and reach over 8' (2.4 m) in length while
standing 5' (1.5 m) at the shoulders. Their coats are reddish-brown in the summer and grayish-brown in
the winter. Red deer are known for well-shaped, powerful antlers, which are used as weapons when they
are threatened.

6.3.2 Fallow Deer

The middle-sized deer is the Fallow Deer (Dama dama). This deer was introduced by the Romans
centuries ago and they have adapted well to the British environment. Adult males can weigh up to 185 lb.
(84 kg) and stand a little over 3' (91 cm) at the shoulders. The coats of fallow deer are very similar to
those of red deer; however, fallow deer differ from red deer in two respects. First, they have white spots
that cover their lower torsos and hind legs. Second, their antlers have multiple points where those of red
deer have several single points. Besides their graceful and "fairy-tale" appearance, fallow deer have
extremely developed senses of hearing and vision. Thus, hunting fallow deer is not easy; hunters who
succeed are often looked upon as experts.

6.3.3 Roe Deer

The smallest and most common deer of Britain is the Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus). They are much
smaller than the red deer, with males weighing only 110 lb. (50 kg) and standing only about 2'6" (76 cm)
at the shoulder.
6.3.4 Wild Boars

Another game animal is the Wild Boar (Sus scrofa). Wild boars
can be a nuisance to farmers. One boar can destroy large areas of
crops and vineyards in a matter of hours. Contrary to popular
belief, wild boars are social animals. Only exiled male boars or
old boars live in solitude. A single pack may number as many as
20 individuals. They have been known to eat anything from roots
to small deer! They inhabit deciduous and mixed forests with
moors or thick flora undergrowth. These animals are often
hunted for sport and pest removal. Hunters often find these evil-
tempered beasts dangerous—several of Age of Arthur's best
heroes have been slain by wild boars. Individual boars can grow
up to 6'6" (2.0 m) long and weigh up to 750 lb. (340 kg). Larger,
perhaps supernatural, ones have been known to terrorize whole

6.3.5 Auroch

Aurochs (Bos primigenius) are large wild ox. Today they are extinct but in the Age of Arthur, they ranged
from Great Britain to Asia. In height, they were 5’ and half feet (1.7 meters) at the shoulders and over 9’
(2.7 m) long. An auroch can weigh anywhere from 1,700 to 2,200 lbs (800-1000 kg). The aurochs bull’s
coat colour was grey-brown with a small light stripe. The colour of the cow was reddish brown. The
aurochs’ horns were pointed forward curving inwards and elongated that extended more than a foot long.
They primarily inhabit open woodlands with grassy openings.

6.3.6 Horses

Stir-up were not invented yet. Jousting would be impossible without them. But horses were still trained to
pull chariots, carts and to ride. According to Pliny, the Romans had breeds of horses of varying sizes
depending on the need.

6.3.7 Wild Goats

All the isles of Britain are home to the Wild Goat (Capra aegagrus). Wild goats are sturdy and muscular
in build with sickle-shaped horns. Females also possess horns, although they are smaller than those of the
males are. Their average weight is 88 lb. (40 kg). These animals are very adaptive to any environment
and are known for their tough stomachs—they can eat almost anything. Normally they are shy of
humans, but if threatened, their long horns can gore or bash a foe off a mountain.

6.4 Felines

6.4.1 Small Felines

In the Age of Britain, several felines (members of the cat family Felidae) both small and large wander
Britain. The smaller felines include the wildcat (Felis sylvestris), the smallest and ancestor of the
domestic cat (Felis domesticus). The most notable feline is the Lynx (Felis lynx). Lynxes are brownish
gray with dark spots and a black-tipped short tail, and can grow to over 3' (91 cm) in length. Like other
small felines, lynxes mainly feed on hares and their relatives, but they have been known to bring down
deer. They are spread throughout Britain.

6.4.2 Lion

In the real world, they aren’t any loins in Britain, but in the Arthurian
legends, heroes occasionally encounter a lion (Panthera leo
britainicus) in their quests. The loins in the Arthurian legends are
solitary creatures and smaller than their African and European cousins
to the south. They are, nevertheless, ferocious. Their roar alone is
enough to frighten a man silly, treat a roar as a 2nd level Fear spell.
They are by far the largest felines of Britain. Due to the colder
climate, their manes are darker and thicker than their southern cousins
and often grow over 5' (1.6 m) long and can weigh over 350 lb. (160

6.5 Canines

6.5.1 Gray Wolf

The gray wolf (Canis lupus) is found throughout the forests of Europe. They generally live in small
packs of five to eight members. In rare cases, packs with twenty members have been reported. Gray
wolves have short dark fur and can weigh up to 160 lb. (73 kg). They are very adaptive and can be found
all over Britain. Their diet consists mostly of such larger animals as red deer. Wolves in Age of Arthur
are considered dangerous, wily, smart, and some instances magical.

6.6 Brown Bears

The Brown Bears (Ursus arctos), which, live in Britain, are smaller than those from other parts of Europe
are. Even so, they can reach 6' (1.8 m) high and weigh 600 lb. (270 kg). Despite their name, brown bears
can be of any color from cream to black. They are solitary except during mating season. Brown bears
inhabit coniferous or mixed forests and tend to remain on the mainland of Britain. Despite their strong
build, brown bears will go out of their way to avoid contact with humans. However, brown bears can be
fearsome creatures to encounter, especially during mating season. The worst are females caring for
young cubs.

6.7 Sea Mammals

The seas around Britain feature such seafaring mammals as monk seals and common dolphins.

6.7.1 Monk Seals

Monk Seals (Monachus monachus) inhabit deserted, sandy inlets throughout Britain and found in great
abundance during the Age of Arthur. They are brown with white spots and can reach 9' (2.7 m) long and
weigh 880 lb. (400 kg). They are very shy of humans.
6.7.2 Common Dolphins

The Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis) is not the bottle-nosed dolphin familiar to most Americans.
Common dolphins are black with hourglass markings of yellow and gray on their flanks. They have
slender beaks and the classic dolphin shape, and can grow up to 6' (1.8 m) long and weigh 175–260 lb.
(79–120 kg). Traveling in herds or pods as large as 200 members, common dolphins are known for their
beauty and elegance of form while displaying their acrobatics to seafarers. Often they will follow a ship
for leagues, leaping in and out of the sea, demonstrating their mastery of the waters. Common dolphins
has been known to swim at speeds faster than 36 mph (58 kph), faster than any seafaring ship from the
Age of Arthur. A bond supposedly exists between humans and dolphins; tales of dolphins rescuing
sailors from drowning have been confirmed as true. More astounding is the fact that dolphins help
fishermen fish by driving schools of fish into their nets.

6.8 Reptiles

Britain is also home to a variety of reptiles such as lizards, tortoises and amphibians like frogs and
salamanders. Additionally, Britain hosts three native snakes. The Adder is the only venomous snake. The
vemon is rarely fatal, but bites do induce swelling and sickness. The snakes are mentioned below.

6.8.1 Grass Snake

The grass snake (Natrix natrix), sometimes called the ringed snake or 'water
snake', is Britain's largest snake, reaching 70-120 cm in length (some grow
large, much larger and can threaten a man). They can be found throughout
Southern Britain and prefer damp habitats, often close to water, where they feed
on frogs, toads and newts. Grass snakes are excellent swimmers.

6.8.2 The Common Adder

The Common Adder (Vipera berus) is Britain's only venomous snake. They grow to three feet or forty
centimeters in length, although there are reports of much larger adders in the deep dark places of the
Britain. They are widespread and are able to survive extremely harsh conditions. They are the most
frequently seen snake. They are active during the day and bask on rocks until their body temperature is
high enough to hunt for mice and lizards. Most adders have distinctive dark zigzag markings down the
length of their back, and an inverted 'V' shape on the neck. They are generally whitish grey to pale
brownish color but some adders are entirely black causing them to be mistaken for other species. While
their venom is non-fatal in most instances, it is very painful and causes severe swelling and sickness (3rd
lvl toxin).

6.8.3 Smooth Snake

The Smooth Snakes (Coronella austriaca) are non-venomous and the smallest of the three British snakes
measuring slightly less than three feet or thirty centimeters. They appear similar as Adders but without the
zig zag. The smooth snake feeds on smaller animals, especially other reptiles. It subdues larger prey by
7.0 Birds
7.1 Golden and White-Tail Eagles

Britain is home to numerous birds of prey. The Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is
found all over Britain. In appearance, golden eagles are uniformly dark, with
golden feathers on the head. Adults reach about 3' (91 cm) in height with a
wingspan of over 9’ (275 cm). They make eyries in mountainous areas. They are
said to hunt animals as large as a deer. Another bird of prey is the White-Tail Eagle
(Haliaeetus albicilla) located on Britain’s coasts. Sometimes called ‘Sea Eagles,’
White-Tail eagles are slightly heavier than golden eagles; however, they are brown
in color with a white tail. There are stories of eagles large effort to take down a
grown man.

7.2 Smaller Birds of Prey

Britain is also home to a variety of smaller birds of prey, such as the Sparrow Hawk
(Accipiter nisus), Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis), Kites (Milvus), and other hawks
(Accipter). They tend to feed on small mammals, fish and other birds.

7.3 Black Vultures

Vultures don’t live in Britain. But in an Arthurian setting, they make a great addition and therefore they
are listed here. The Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus britainicus) has the trademark traits of vultures;
their long necks are featherless with pinkish skin and bald heads while their bodies are covered with black
to brown plumage. Their wingtips are usually white or light-colored compared to the rest of their bodies.

7.4 Owls

Also, Britain has several owls, such as the Small Eared Owl and the Little Owl. Only 8.5" (22 cm) in
height, the little owls (Athene noctua) are among Europe’s smallest owls. Their upper torsos are dark
brown, spotted and barred with white stripes, while their underparts are white. Britain is also home to
Europe's largest owl. Eagle owls (Bubo bubo) can reach up to a foot (30 cm) tall and are found
throughout Britain. They roost in rocks or hollow trees. Finally, Britain is home to numerous other birds,
including ravens and such game birds as quail.
8.0 Legendary Monsters

The Arthurian world is a dangerous place. Sadistic tyrants rule with impunity. Cruel warriors sit beside
broken Roman roads to rob passing travellers. Wolves have acquired a taste for human flesh. And there
are other things that have crept back, for the Arthurian world is filled with monsters.

The Arthurian world has specific names for a couple of legendary monsters. These monsters are normally
named after a location such as the Worm of Lambton and tend to be the focal point of the quest. They are
more powerful than the norm. In some instances, they might possess additional abilities. For example,
the Worm of Lambton might be a spell casting dragon or a Giant, who is a local king with his own small
army. Therefore, the GM should feel free to give the monster extra powers (or liabilities) or create
slightly different versions of the monster to keep heroes on their toes.

Another aspect to the Age of Arthur, are the fae. Fae are ancient spirits of wild places that have taken
material form. The fae come in a variety of forms such as nymphs, sprites, pixies, elves, and goblins. All
Fae are capable of magic and often use spells of glamour and illusion on unsuspecting heroes. Fae are
paradoxical creatures, simultaneously capricious creatures of chaos, whilst also creatures of habit who do
not fundamentally change behavior over centuries. A Fae being is literally incapable of breaking the letter
(though not the spirit) of a given promise. There are a couple examples of fae creatures listed below. GM
should feel free to add or subtract their abilities to keep the PC on their toes. Who knows what that black
cat is? It could be a tom cat wailing in the night. Or it could be a Sith Cat with spell casting abilities.

9.0 Giant and Enhanced Beasts

9.1.1 Boar, Great (Giant Beast)

Strange things are going on. Boars have become monsters. Folks are reporting boars 8’-10’ (2.4-3.1 m) in
length and weighing in around 850-1000lbs (385-425 kg). They have hides thick enough to withstand
arrows. Folks have been killed by these great beasts. Great Boars are omnivorous and spend their time
digging up the earth looking for roots like pigs normally do. However, unlike pigs, they possess a nasty
temper and will attack anything that approaches. They are so ferocious in combat and determine to gore
their opponents with their tusks that they ignore all stun results.

9.1.2 Cat, Sith, (Enhanced Beast)

Sith cats are fae creatrues and appear as black felines that roam the highlands. They are intelligence,
graceful and magically. Most can understand the speech of man. They is no archtype cat sith, for they all
possess a variety of powers. Some can speak human tongue and while others walk upright on their hind
legs. On rare occassions, a sith cat will be able to cast spells in the form of minor curses or benedictions.
Sith cats are large feline reaching the size of a medium size dogs.

9.1.3 Hart, White (Enhanced Beast)

White harts are more than just an albino deer. They have a bit of fae in them. They represent a bridge
from the natural world to the supernatural (or Fae’s world). It is no wonder that their antlers and other
body parts are said to possess magical powers. In Age of Arthur, they are found in the deepest part of the
forests. They are intelligent and fearless. Only the best hunters are able to successfully hunt them.
9.1.4 Horse, Unicorn, (Enhanced Beast)

Unicorns are symbols of purity and goodness. They are known for their beauty, nearly human
intelligence, speed, and strength. They universally shun all creatures except for fey, pure humanoid
women, and the woodlands' native animals. Unicorns are fey and appear as majestic horse with a single
spiral horn emerging from its forehead. The unicorn stoops to bloody its horn with fierce violence on its
enemies. The powers of the unicorn are numerous. It’s horn acts as a ‘Holy’ spear and neutralizes all
poisons with 10’. On rare occasions, they can talk or be immortal.

9.1.5 Great Stag (Gaint Beast)

Great Stags are a remnant of the Irish Elks that lived in Britain during the last Ice Age. They are massive,
larger than any deer. They stand 2.1 metres (6.9 ft) tall at the shoulders and carry the largest antlers of any
known cervid (a maximum of 3.65 m (12.0 ft). In body size, the Great Stag matched the moose and weigh
540-600kg (1,190-1,323 lb). Despite their size, they hide quite well in their surroundings making
tracking them hard, even for the best hunters. Although they fear Men, they can be terrifying once

9.1.6 Lion, Great (Giant Beast)

These lions are much larger, smarter, and stronger than any normal lion found in the Age of Arthur. Great
Loin can be up to 10 ft (3 m) long and weigh up to 500 lbs (225 kg). These lions have protruding ears,
tufted tails, faint tiger-like stripes, and ruff black mane around their neck. Their night vision and sense of
smell is superb. Their skin is as tough as rigid leather and makes great lions nearly immune to heat- and
cold-based attacks (+30 to DB). They possess nearly human intelligence. Fortunately, great lions are
solitary creatures except during mating season where two or more can be found together. Typically, they
live in caves. This is the type of loin that befriends Yvian.

9.1.7 Scorpion, Giant (Giant Beast)

These belong to the class of monsters that villains typically send to

harass heroes. Giant scorpion stingers produce a level-4 nerve
poison. They are able to attack multiple individuals at the same
time which makes them dangerous for groups of heroes.

9.1.8 Vulture, Giant (Giant Beast)

These creatures are large enough to carry off an adult human. Some have proven to be cunning while
hunting. They tend to serve persons of ill repute. Due to their vile habits they are immune to poisons and

10.0 Fell Creatures

10.1.1 Avanc (Fell Creature)

Avancod (plural) are large, aquatic dragon-like monsters. They possess tough horny hides that have bony
back plates similar to a turtle’s shell which, act like body armor. Their large bone-crunching jaws contain
many sharp teeth. They are sensitive to daylight and thus avoid it whenever possible. They are solitary
predators that build beaver like dams to create small lakes. They often take sheep and cattle from fields
adjoining their underwater lairs. Both industrious and conniving, this monster possesses enough
intelligence to wait for its prey to be the most vulnerable. Once it attacks, it goes immediately for the kill,
giving its prey little chance to resistance. It can move just as fast on land as in the water.

Like the beaver’s lodge, an avanc’s lair can only be accessed from below the water’s surface. The
structure is a truly grisly location. As the creature uses the possessions and remains of its victims for
decoration and for a treasure bed like a dragon does. A rotting stench of decay permeates the lair. The
adjoining damn is composed of heavy tree branches and logs while long bones of larger prey are
interspersed to shore the structure. A typical avanc lair is between thirty and fifty feet in diameter and
rises about fifteen feet above the surface of the water. An avanc is about twenty feet long including tail
and weighs 2200 pounds. Due to its size, it has been known to attack small boats trying to capsize it to
force sailors into the water so that it can devour them.

10.1.2 Black Hound (Fell Creature)

There are called by many names, Cu Sidhe, Black Dog and Barghests. They are associated with death or
omens predicting ill tidings. Black Hounds are sleek, dark, wolf-like dogs with red smoldering eyes that
are sent up from the fae world to assist witches or hunt down and devour those who oppose the ‘old
ways’. They are always encountered in groups of three or more. Packs of more than twenty have been
reported. Their fell breathe are poisonous.

10.1.3 Dragon (Fell Creature)

The classic flying, fire-breathing, intelligent dragon does exist in the Arthurian world, but such creatures
are extremely rare. They tend to hide in deep underground lairs or on mountaintops, far beyond the reach
of any warrior, and only emerge when they are hungry or have been angered (as by someone sneaking
into their lair and stealing part of their treasure). Dragons are immensely powerful, and few adventurers
can face them and survive. Only the mightest of warriors have any hope to vanquishing such a monster
and wizards are too wise to take on such a canny foe, especially since some dragons are users of magic
themselves. Those few great dragons that can breathe an Element can spit bolts of that Element (+60 OB,
range 200').

10.1.4 Wyrm (Fell Creature)

These creatures are kin to the dragons, but less intelligent and less powerful. Most wyrms lack anything
beyond bestial intelligence, and they cannot fly or cast spells. These wyrms are still extremely dangerous,
but warriors can and do defeat them, and sometimes organize a hunt to deal with wyrms sighted in the
area. The greater wyrm is somewhere between the dragon and the lesser wyrm. It is larger and more
intelligent than other wyrms, and can fly. Fortunately, greater wyrms are far more rare than their
landbound cousins. The lesser wyrm can be found crawling over the countryside, and is not bright enough
to avoid towns and other inhabited areas, but the greater wyrm prefers more isolated locations for its lair.
They select places within reach of a ready food source, such as a herd
of cattle or a small village, but far enough away that most people
cannot approach them and defensible enough that they can protect
themselves against those few brave enough to actually continue their
pursuit. Few commoners have seen a greater wyrm and survived to tell
of it —and none at close range. Even among warriors it is rare for one
to have encountered this fearsome creature

11.0 Composite Monsters

11.1 Questing Beast (Composite Monster)

This strange creature has the head and neck of a snake, the body of a
leopard, the haunches of a lion and the feet of a hart. The Questing
Beast is as intelligent as a dog and barks like one as well. The Questing
Beast is immune to poisons and due to its magical nature is natuarlly
magic resistent (+20 RR to all magical effects). Its bite is vemonous (7th lvl toxin) but its is not a very
aggressive beast. It prefers to run than stand and fight. It might be the only one of its kind and is lonely.

12.0 Artificial Entities

12.1.1 Black Knight (Artificial Entity)

Another fabled monster created by magic, black warriors appears as large, living warriors cloth entirely in
armor. Only their glowing red eyes provide any indication of their true hideous nature. They are used in a
variety of ways such as guardians of a castle, or to harass heroes travelling on the road, or on hunts. They
are held together solely by magic, nothing remains within, but empty air. All criticals against them are
reduced by one level. They also ignore all bleeding and stun results, and are immune to mind-based
attacks. Despite their great strengths, they do bear a weakness: magical and blessed weapons do double
the normal damages. But those weapons are hard to come by.

13.0 Supernatural and Undead Entities

13.1.1 Demons (Supernatural Entity)

Demons are rare in Age of Arthur, but they do appear to tempt or destroy warriors. Some magicians such
as Morgan le Fay can summon demons to do thier dirty work. They are a multitude of demon types. Some
are tall while others are short and pudgy with wings. Demons share one trait, they are all evil and wish
nothing more to hurt, tempt and even kill Men. All demons share the following powers. They are able to
assume different forms, treat this as an illusioin disguise spell. Blessed weapons do double the damage.

13.1.2 The Fae (Supernatural Entity)

The Fae are ancient spirits of wild places that have taken material form. All Fae are capable of using
glamour, the magic of illusion. Fae are paradoxical creatures, simultaneously capricious creatures of
chaos, whilst also creatures of habit who do not fundamentally change behavior over centuries. A Fae
being is literally incapable of breaking the letter (though not the spirit) of a given promise. On the surface
Fae have little use for humanity except to serve as diverting playthings. Despite what some stories may
say they are completely lacking in natural imagination and creativity. As such they are sometimes
fascinated by these traits found in humans. There are Fae musicians and artists, but they can only mimic
human music and art, perhaps combining different pieces of work. Fae are fond of kidnapping people
with particular talents for this very reason. All features of Fae society are, like their art, mimicking either
the society of humans or the natural world, regardless of how appropriate this is. So, for example, the Fae
do not actually need to eat, drink or sleep and yet their society sometimes includes these elements just as
they are found with the fleeting humans. Many Fae are bound to a particular location, such as a river,
forest or hill. These bound Fae are often powerful nobles, sometimes with courts of their own. Local
people sometimes pay tribute to such Fae beings. Of all the Fae, elves are the most similar to humanity in
appearance and attitude, and also the most cultured. They alone understand their place in the world and
realize that they live in an increasingly human world.

13.1.3 Ghost (Undead Entity)

In Age of Arthur, ghosts come from the unhappy dead. Remain in the living world to finish a purpose.
Normal weapons cannot harm them, yet they still fear injury. Most have drunk from the Rivers Lethe and
Cocytus (magical rivers running through the Underworld), so are mourning and amnesiac creatures until
they drink blood. The ghost listed on the chart below is based on a typical warrior. Naturally, the ghosts
of great heroes would have statistics that are more appropriate.

13.1.4 Succubus (Supernatural Entity)

The succubus and incubus are demons (female and male incubi, respectively) that tempt men. They are
enamored of the human world and full of lust for mankind. Appearing as virile, sensual humans, they hide
their origins and intentions until their victims sleep, coming in the night like beautiful, terrifying dreams,
and seducing their quarry with spells and soothing words. In this way they achieve their goal, which is the
conception of a half human demon–child, one who will serve them for eternity. All incubi share similar
powers. As shape-changers, they can alter their size (from 5'–14') and exterior features (or shift to mist
form) whenever by concentrating (50% action) for one round, enabling them to change both their
strengths and identity. An incubus or succubus cannot, however, change its odor (which is musky and
slightly foul) or its fundamental structure, the latter of which resembles that of a normal man or woman,
but for their cloven feet. Additionally, incubi can fly, either as a mist at AT 1(50) or in typical form; in
neither case do they require wings. Holy weapons do double the damage and they tend to shy away from
holy sites or objects. Mirrors are said to reveal their true form.
13.1.5 Werewolf (Supernatural Entity)

In Arthurian legends, werewolves are not necessarily evil and it is, more often than not, passed on as a
curse or penance, not necessarily, by a bite. Sir Marrok and Sir Gorlagon, two warriors of honor, were
both afflicted with lycanthropy. A werewolf in wolf form appears as a very large wolf and can be harmed
by all manner of weapons although silver weapons do double the damage. Werewolves have a strong
healing factor and regain 5 hits per rounds. Crippled limbs regenerate; lost limbs do not. All wounds
taken in wolf form carry over into human form.

14.0 Flying Monsters

14.1.1 Gryphon (Flying Monster)

Gryphons (griffins) are fierce creatures possessing the wings, head,

and forelimbs of a great eagle and the hindquarters of a large lion.
They are said to make their homes in caves high in the mountains;
numbers of them can be found in Britain or Africa. These large,
fearsome creatures soar the skies in search of prey. Their eagle-like
sight enables them to spot objects far beneath them. Once prey is
spotted, they swoop down upon it unexpectedly with their six-inch
talons. Their favorite meal is horse, which they despise
wholeheartedly. Furthermore, their sense of smell is acute,
enabling a gryphon to track its prey if necessary.

15.0 Giant Races

15.1.1 Ogre (Giant Race)

Ogres are inhumanly large and tall and having a disproportionately

large head, abundant hair, unusually colored skin, a voracious
appetite, and a strong body. Ogres are closely linked with giants and
with human cannibalism. Ogres are the inhabitants of Britain prior
to human settlement and resent all men for taking their lands. They are intelligent and can wield weapons
such as spears and clubs. Their skin is calloused which allows them to resist the elements like dwarves.
In the Arthurian legends, they represent what is base in the human soul.

15.1.2 Giant (Giant Race)

Far and away the most common monster in Arthurian legend is the giant. These large, powerful creatures
appear all over the countryside, harrying peasants, robbing travelers and slaughtering warriors. Giants are
dangerous partly due to their size and strength, but also because of their intelligence. Most giants are not
stupid. Some may wander about in poorly tanned furs, carrying only an uprooted tree for a club, but most
wear clothes or even armor and carry swords or axes. Many live in castles, whether places they built
themselves or human keeps they have claimed as their own. Giants generally dislike humans, seeing them
as weak and small and far too numerous, Giants live by the rule that the strongest wins, and they can be
defeated by it as well —most of these creatures cannot refuse a contest of strength or combat. Some might
renege on any deal they make for such a contest (such as the winner being free to leave unharmed), but
many actually honor their agreement, since cheating would be a sign of weakness.

16.0 Natural Fauna of Age of Arthur

Name Lvl Size MM Hits AT DB Shld Melee OB Notes
Auroch 4 L 20 190 SL 30 N 60LBa 50LHo Large ox
Bear, Brown 4 L 20 160 SL 30 N 65/LGr 80/LCl
Bear, Brown, Cub 1 20 34 RL 20 N 55/MGr
Boar 3 L 30 110 SL 40 N 55/LHo
Bull 4 L 20 160 No 20 N 60LHo/55LBa
Cat, Wild 2 S 40 20 No 50 N 35MCl/40SBi
Chamois 2 M 40 55 No 35 N 40MHo/50MBa Goat; adept at climbing
Deer, Red 3 L 30 90 No 25 N 50LHo/40MBa Only males get antlers
Deer, Roe 2 M 35 70 No 30 N 40MHo/30MBa
Dog, Large 3 L 30 70 No 25 N 70LBi
Dog, Medium 2 M 30 50 No 25 N 50MBi
Dog, Small 1 S 30 30 No 20 N 40SBi
Great Stag 6 L 20 160 SL 25 N 65/LTu/70Mba Wily
Eagle, Golden 4 M 30 50 No 30 N 50MCl/35SPi
Horse, Large 3 L 30 110 No 30 N 45LBa Foreign horse
Horse, Small 2 M 30 90 No 30 N 30MBa Domesticated horse
Ibex 3 L 25 105 No 25 N 60LBa/40LHo Large goat
Large Whip Snake 3 M 25 35 No 30 N 45SBi
Lynx 3 M 30 65 No 40 N 40MCl/50MBi Adept climber; Ambush +10
Lion 5 L 25 120 SL 20 N 85LCl/90LBi Smaller than African cousin
Viper 1 S 20 5 No 30 N 35SSt Venom with A crit or better
Wolf, Gray 3 M 15 95 No 30 N 65LBi Hunts in packs; smell

16.1 Human Encounters of Age of Arthur

Name Lvl MM Hits AT DB Shld Melee OB Notes

Druid 3 5 45 SL 20 N 54we/32we Typical Cleric, may have spells
Druid 5 10 55 SL 25 N 65we/45we High Priest, may have spells
Bandit 1 5 20 No 15 Y 30we/15we
Bandit 3 5 49 SL 20 Y 54we/45bw
Bandit, leader 5 10 85 RL 30 Y 80we/68we
Bandit, leader 8 20 95 RL 40 Y 107we/85we May be a Hero
Craftsman 2 5 40 No 30 N 50we/30we Skilled in crafts
Hermit 4 10 50 No 30 N 44we/30bw Christian sages, may have magic
Saxon Raider 2 5 35 SL 20 Y 45we/30we
Petty Noble 5 10 70 CH 30 Y 70we/60we Typical ‘knight’
Hunter 2 20 35 SL 20 N 35we/40bw
Traveler 2 15 52 No 10 N 34we/32bw Typical merchants or diplomat
Traveler 4 15 62 No 10 N 64we/53bw Typical bard or rich merchant
Bard 6 20 60 No 30 N 60we/55we Renown bard, may have magic
Warrior 1 10 20 RL 30 Y 30we/20we
Wizard 5 5 50 No 30 N 40we/20bw Saxon, magic
17.0 Warriors of the Round Table in the Age of Arthur
The following details the MERP stats for characters found in legends of King Arthur. When Rome left
Britain, powerful families filled the vacuum. The old Celtic clan ties that were suppressed during Roman
occupation, resumed and established fiefdoms. The remaining Romans and Britons banded together by
ancient Roman families and established petty kingdoms. The heroes in the stories often represented
prominent families during the Age of Arthur. Their legends come from a multitude of sources. Some
characters are recent additions to the legends while others
are part of the Celtic or Welsh mythologies. Still others are
from the Arthurian Romances. The point being is that a
single character, like King Arthur, has numerous variations
that sometimes contradict with each other. For example, in
one Celtic legend, Arthur is portrayed as a blood thirsty
villain. Where variations differ and holes appear, logic,
imagination, interpretations, and pure fantasy are used to
fill in the holes. Therefore, if some fact or detail about a
warrior seems implausible, it should, by all means be
changed. For an in-depth character overview of a particular
hero, refer to the bibliography for a sample of books to
consult on these topics.

House Ganis, House De Gales and the Orkney clan are

some of the families that play a large role in the Arthurian
legends. Each family competes against one another for
power and control. In some cases, the families are divided
on their support of Arthur and his claim to the high king. Therefore, the following sections cover some of
the more powerful and important families during the Age of Arthur. This isn’t a definitive list. What you
see here are the families and the characters within the families, I found interesting.

8.1 Arthur’s Camp

The heroes represented are part of his foster family and are loyal to Arthur and his cause.

8.1.1 Arthur

Everyone knows who Arthur is. He was sent away at an early age to be tutored by the great wizard,
Merlin. Arthur dreams of a unified Britain, united by a love of peace and just laws. He is given the
sword, Excalibur, and a claim to High King of Britain. But in a chaotic land ruled by tyrants, having such
a sword means nothing. He will have to fight to keep Britain safe and create a peaceful Britain he dreams
of. Arthur appears as a tall regal man, often clean shaven and his curly hair cropped short in Roman
fashion. Despite his Roman heritage, he is not the exactly the Christian, many make him out to be. He
does have Pagan leanings influenced no doubt by his tutor, Merlin. Because of this, he is often able to
bridge the religious divide that separates Britons and unite them against the Saxon forces.

8.1.2 Merlin

Merlin appears as an old man with big shoes, a torn coat, bristly hair, and a large beard. Folks consider
him strange to the point of calling him mad. He is a magician of some power. Having Fae blood, he is far
older than he looks. He can foresee the future but it comes to him in vague forms. He is grumpy and is
unafraid to make his opinions known especially his contempt for ‘kings’ (which he calls tyrants), who he
sees as acting distastefully or foolishly. He is something of a showman, embellishing true power with
extraneous visual displays for the awe struck onlookers. This exuberance is especially likely when there
are pretty women present. Britain has never been in a worse state. Merlin sees Arthur as the best hope for
the future. He has helped and tutored the young man, but knows that the young warrior's future is far from
certain. He cares deeply for Arthur. Wander lust afflicts him and he will vanish suddenly for months at a
time without notice. He enjoys the outdoors and time away from men.

8.1.3 Kay

Kay is a brash, acid tongue warrior. He appears as a large thug with fiery red hair and a temper to match,
but with a strong sense of honor and loyalty to Arthur. He is Arthur’s foster brother and is protective of
him. He comes from an old Roman family and, despite this, he gets along well with Gawain and Gareth
but not so much with some of his brothers. He acts as Arthur’s seneschal and maintains order in his court.
He sometimes provides the court with comic relief being bested by those he pokes fun. But he never
carries any ill will afterwards. In fact, he is on friendly terms with most of the young warriors. Along with
Bedivere, with whom he is frequently associated; Kay is one of Arthur’s first captains. Like his foster
brother, Arthur, Kay is a Christian but with heavy Druidic leanings. He doesn’t practice his faith.

8.2 Bedivere’s Kin

Bedivere’s family is a prominent Roman family. Like other Roman families, Bedivere’s family has
intermarried with the local Celtics but the family still retains some form of their Roman heritage. Their
principle holding is a small providence on Britain’s eastern coast called Lindsey. Their lands suffered
numerous Saxon raids. Bedivere’s family served Arthur’s father, Uther Pendragon in numerous
capacities. It was only natural that they were one of the first families to back Arthur and his vision of a
unified Britain.

8.2.1 Bedivere

Like most noble Roman families, Bedivere was educated by the church. Despite his Christian upbringing,
he has never been fully convinced by the church or any religion, feeling much of what is superstition. He
fell in with the young Arthur truly inspired by the man and his vision for a unified Britain. Bedivere is
Arthur's most loyal captain. He convinced the rest of his family back Arthur’s cause. He is good friends
with Kay. Bedivere appears as a man in the prime of his life with dark Mediterranean features and movie
stars looks, despite the fact he is missing a hand. He is a Roman through and through. He is a reserved,
mild manner man. He faults the Saxon for destroying much of the country. He often goes into a rage in
battle. Despite being one handed, he is more than a match for most warriors. He is a master strategist
helping Arthur win many battles.

8.2.2 Lucan

Lucan is the son of Lord Corneus, brother to Bedivere and cousin to Griflet. He followed his brother
Bedivere to join Arthur's cause and remains Arthur's loyal companion throughout his life. Like his
brother, he is a good looking man with dark hair and chestnut eyes. He dresses in Roman fashion. His hair
is crop short and is clean shaven. He doesn’t share his brother’s pessimism over religion and is a
Christian. But like Kay, he doesn’t display his faith publicly.
8.1.3 Griflet Le Fise de Dieu

He is cousin to Lucan and Bedivere. Like the rest of his family, he joins Arthur’s cause. He is one of
Arthur's chief advisors. He has won fame in Northern Spain for his exploits and is a good fighter. His
friends, like Kay, call him Don. Like the rest of his family, his is Roman but unlike his cousins, he has
adapted some Briton fashion. He wears his hair long and sports tattoos. His face is laden with scars.
While at court, he appears as a dashing warrior. He is very devout Christian and share’s Arthur’s

8.3 Orkney Clan

The Orkney Clan once ruled the Scottish lowlands and most of the Orkney isles. They were a powerful
family claiming ties to Petrus, a brother of Joseph of Arimathea, and to Caradog, a pre-Roman Celtic
King. This means that the Orkney Clan has family ties with several of the leading noble families in
Britain. King Lot was the head of the Orkney Clan. Outside of Arthur, King Lot had the best claim to the
High King’s throne. He led several rebellions against Arthur in hopes of capturing the throne. He married
Uther’s daughter, Morgawse (Arthur’s half sister) to further cement his claim. He had four sons and
unwittingly foster a fifth. The sons in order of birth, are Gawaine, Agravaine, Gaheris, Gareth and
Mordred. All of whom go on to serve Arthur as Knights of the Round Table: Gawain, one of the greatest
captains; Agravaine, a wretched traitor; Gaheris; a sociopath and Gareth, a gentle and loving knight. The
brothers like their father are full of pride and hold family honor sacred to the point of killing someone for
the slightest transgression. All, except Gawaine and Gareth, view Arthur and his vision for Britain, much
as their rebellious father did, as nothing more than a scam. In their own ways, the three brothers,
Agravaine, Gaheris and Mordred, will rebel and bring an end to Arthur’s reign. Their family power has
suffered much from King Lot’s rebellions and from the Saxon incursions. They have an ongoing blood
feud with King Pellinore and his kin. They hate Saxons.

8.3.1 Gawain3

Gawain is a man of many talents. He is a formidable warrior, fiercely loyal to Arthur and his family. He is
known as "the Maidens' Warrior", a defender of women. He is also known as a healer with an extensive
knowledge of herbs. Something he learned from a hermit, while a small child. Gawain acts a military
instructor to Arthur’s men in the use of cavalry tactics and use of the spear. Many of his pupils, even
fellow captains, view him as a hero. He has an unusual ability given to him by a hermit while he was
child. His strength waxes and wanes with the sun, his might triples by noon, but fades as the sun sets.
Lancelot is a good friend. Like Lancelot, he loves adventures and can be found traveling to and forth from
his northern holdings seeking glory. Their friendship sours when Lancelot kills two of his brothers.
Gawain appears as a young man with long auburn hair and red beard and eyes as blue as the clear sky. He
is handsome and something of a ladies man. He favors earth tones for clothing.

8.3.2 Agravain

Agravain is King Lot’s second eldest son and Arthur’s nephew. He appears as a particularly good looking
young man with ravenous black hair and grey piercing eyes. His body is slightly misshapen with his
limbs being unnaturally long. Despite his good looks, he is not well liked by his siblings. He lacks any
mercy or compassion for his fellow man and is quite ignoble towards women. He is too proud and
arrogant for his own good. Basically, he acts as a spoil brat. He can fight and becomes a hero in his own

Gawain has holdings in Galloway, where the smallfolk consider him, King.
adventures. And he is quite good at brawling. So good, he is often called Agravian of the Hard Hand.
Although he stays with Arthur’s band like his other siblings, he does not care for Arthur nor his friends.
He resents being a ward of Arthur during his youth and Arthur’s claim to the High King throne. He gets
along well with Mordred and Gaheris and while he loves Gawian and Gareth as a brother should, he feels
no special bond to them.

8.3.3 Gaheris

Gaheris is King Lot’s third son and Arthur’s nephew. He acts as Gawain’s squire but will one day
captained his own men. Like the other Orkney brothers, he is easy on the eyes with sandy blonde hair and
brown eyes. He is of moderate height with a sturdy build. One arm is longer than another but the defect
does not affect his fighting abilities. He is a Briton but mocks the Roman style of clothing and
appearance. He suffers from a split personality disorder. One moment, he is courteous and defender of the
common people and another, violent and filled with hatred. He learned a thing or two about herbs and the
art of healing from Gawain.

8.3.4 Gareth “Beaumains”

At this stage of Arthur’s career, Gareth hasn’t been introduced to Arthur. He is presented here because
out of all the Orkney brothers, he represents goodness. Beloved by all, he is fun loving with a good sense
of humor. Kay gives him a hard time but it is all in fun. Kay acts as a mentor, of sorts, to Gareth while he
is at Arthur’s court. Gareth looks up to Lancelot. He isn’t close to his brothers due to their vengeful ways
and violent nature, with the sole exception of Gawain. Gawain loves him the most out of all his brothers.
In appearance, Gareth appears as a strikingly good looking blonde with long hair and ice blue eyes. His
body is chiseled with muscles and his smile can warm the coldest of hearts. He lends more towards
Druidism due to his friendship with other non-human races. His best friend is a dwarf named Melot who
accompanies him on his adventures. Unlike most of his brothers, with the exception of Gawain, he
wholeheartedly believes in Arthur’s vision of Britain.

8.3.5 Mordred

At this early stage of Arthur’s career, Mordred hasn’t been conceived but he is presented here because he
is perhaps the most well-known of Arthur’s villains. He is Arthur’s son, the result of an incestuous
relationship. He will grow up in foster care without knowing his true identity until much later in his life.
He will be a slender man with curly fair hair and favor black or golden colors for armor and clothes. He
would be handsome if it was not for his wicked expression that is etched on his face like stone. He is
conniving and extremely ambitious. He gets along with Agravain well.

8.3.6 Morgause (Anna)

Arthur’s half sister, unbeknown to him, and wife of King Lot, she now rules what remains of the Orkney
Clan’s once powerful holdings. Saxons raid along the eastern shore and Picts have established themselves
in the northern rim of her domain. Although the Orkney clan has lost a good deal of their power, Queen
Morgause is still accounted powerful. Forced into a political marriage to the brute King Lot at an early
age, she is a resentful woman full of spite. She hates the late King Lot for forcing her to give up her three
sons to Arthur’s wardship and for tossing their unmarried pregnant daughter off a cliff. She sees Arthur
as the incarnation of his father, Uther Pendragon, and blames Arthur for his father’s, Lord Gorlois,
betrayal and death. She has given up on Druidism and focuses her attention on learning dark magic. She
has help from the more sinister Fey, who see her as an opportunity to further weaken men’s hold on
Britain. While the Picts had good relations with the late King, they see Queen Morgause as a witch and
try to steer away from her. She loves her sons but they resent her flaunting the societal norms of what
woman should be. She uses men freely and has taken multiple lovers since her husband’s death much to
the dismay of her sons. Unbeknownst to her sons, their brother, Mordred, is a result of her romantic
dalliance with Arthur who she raised in hope he might someday succeed Arthur. In appearance, she is a
beautiful woman entering her forties. She wears her golden hair long and braided. Her eyes are green like
spring leaves and her skin milky white. She is slender and short for a Briton woman but her presence and
beauty commands all to stare at her. She is close to her sisters, particularly Morgan Le Fey, with whom
she shares an interest in magic and usurping Arthur.

8.4 House Gales or the Fisher Kings

Fisher Kings are a powerful family that claims descent from the royal line of Joseph of Arimathea, the
dynasty who guard the Holy Grail. They are an ancient Roman family that has ruled over Anglesey, a
small island off the north-west coast of Wales, for hundreds of years. They also have holdings in Wales
and the isles of Hebrides and Clyde. They were vassals under Arthur’s father and backed Arthur’s claim
militarily for High Kingship of Britain. The head of the family, which is always a male, are called Fisher
Kings and are associated with the Holy Grail. The leading members of the family are Pellinore and his
sons as well as the current Fisher King, Pellam, brother to Pellinore. Because of their northern holdings in
Herbrides and Clyde, they often clash with the Orkney family. At one point the Orkney family was
vassals of House Gales but they have since broken away and contest House Gales on several of their
northern island holdings. The bitter rivalry came to a head when King Lot, opposing Arthur’s claim to
High King, was killed in combat by King Pellinore during a rebellion. The family’s holdings have
suffered numerous attacks from Gaelish pirates. Therefore, the de Gales clan distrusts Gaels. The de
Gales Clan are Christian but not in the normal sense. As guardians of the Holy Grail, they have a personal
relationship with their Creator, without worldly intercessor of priest. Thus, they act as the standard
bearers of the Celtic Church rather the Roman Church. Above all they believe the nature is the
embodiment of the Creator and enjoy spending time in the outdoors. Many of the Gales Clan suffers
from wanderlust. The De Gales Clan are known for their skill with handling horses.

8.4.1 Aglovale

Aglovale is the eldest legitimate son of King Pellinore. Aglovale doesn’t cut as impressive a warrior as
his brothers, Lamorak and Percival, but his valor is unquestioned. Aglovale, as is often the case for elder
brothers saddled with more prominent younger siblings, has a tough go of it and ends up becoming
something of an embarrassment. This is as much to due to the fact of Aglovale's unflinching morality and
truthfulness as it is to the more egregious errors he makes along the way, since he is unwilling to turn a
blind eye to injustice. He tries to redeem himself through deeds. He is close to all of his brothers and to
Arthur and Griflet. Like most members of his family, he dislikes the Orkney brothers and has fought
them on numerous occasions. He has long blonde hair and grey eyes. He is easy on the eyes but sadness
marks his face and eyes. Like most of his family, he believes in Arthur’s cause and believes it will protect
his family’s future.

8.4.2 Percival

In this early stage of Arthur’s career, Percival hasn’t been conceived but he is presented here because he
is my favorite knight of the round table. Son of King Pellinore and brother to Aglovale and Lamorak,
Percival’s story is unique. After the death of his father, Perceval's mother takes him to the forest where
she raises him ignorant to the chaotic world until the age of 15. Like other members of his family,
wanderlust inflicts him and he goes to King Arthur’s court with Aglovale where he finds his mettle as a
great champion. Percival is a young man full of cheer and optimism. He always believes in the goodness
of people, which is surprising considering the amount of violence and destruction that goes on during this
period. Still, he realizes that there is evil and he is no prude. He will be one of three knights to complete
the Holy Grail quest and will be one of Arthur’s captains that survive the final battle. Like the rest of his
family, he dislikes Orkney Clan for killing his father and brothers. But unlike his family, he has forgiven
them for their treacheries. Percivale will escape the animosity the Orkneys have for the rest of his clan to
the point where Gawaine befriends Percivale on one of their quests. He will remain close to Yvain.

8.4.3 Pellinore

While his brother, Pellam, has assumed the title of Fisher King and manages the kingdom’s day to day
operations, it is Pellinore who represents the kingdom to outsiders. Pellinore is sometimes referred to as
King Pellinore. He understands the gravity of Britain’s situation and lent his kingdom’s military might to
Arthur’s cause. Pellinore appears as a king should be, tall, handsome with dark hair speckled with white
lines and tanned skinned. He has a thick bushy black beard, ocean blue eyes that force you to stare at
them, and a voice that rolls like a trombone. Pellinore is always decked out in the finest Roman armor.
Like other members of his family, wanderlust forces him to being an errant knight and becomes entangle
in a quest to find the questing beast. Even at an advance age of fifty, Pellinore is among the finest
warriors in Britain and one of the isles’ finest military strategists. He is a bit of a romantic and has
fathered numerous bastards. Once he has set his mind to something, it is hard to dissuade him. He is a
good friend of Sir Ector, Kay’s father.

8.4.4 Pinel le Savage

Pinel is from a lower branch of the Fisher King’s family. He is a nephew of King Pellinore and detests
Gawain and his brothers with a vengeance that even other members of the de Gales family might find
disturbing. He is a small man with a rat face. He knows a good deal about herbs, which he uses to poison
his enemies and has dabbled in dark magic, despite his family’s strong Christian ways. Sadly, he has the
covert support of some members of the De Gales family.

8.4.5 Garlon the Red

There are those that do bad because they need to in order to survive or feed their family and there are
those that do bad because they can. Garlon falls in the latter category. Brother to King Pellam and
Pellinore, Garlon possess an evil streak early in childhood. He met a witch who taught him magic and
gave him a magic ring to turn invisible. He has used his powers to do evil. He also uses his magical
knowledge to further his murderous desires. He likes to hear the crunch of bone and muscle as his dagger
stabs into someone from behind. Unfortunately, the rest of his noble family tolerates his sad behavior.
He has the common Fisher King’s features, dark long hair, bluish eyes, tall and blessed with handsome

8.4.6 Lamorak

Lamorak, the second child of Pellinore, is considered to be one of the best warriors in the British Isles.
Like his father, he is a bit of a romantic and gets entangled with numerous love affairs. One of which, will
lead to a direct confrontation with the Orkney brothers and his death. He has a temper and like his
younger brother Aglovale, he tends to see the world in black and white. He is a bear of a man, with arms
like tree trunks and legs as thick as boulders. He possesses the regal look common of the Fisher King
family, shiny black hair with grey eyes like skies over stormy seas. He wears his hair long and tied into
knots common with Celtics and sports a short trimmed black beard. He is affected with wanderlust and
travels the countryside looking for adventure and love.

8.5 House Ganis

Lancelot, the most famous of Arthur’s captains, comes from an illustrious family, De Ganis Clan, which
include his father King Ban, his uncle King Bors, his cousins Sir Lionel and Bors de Ganis, his bastard
half-brother, Ector and several other cousins. They all play a major part in Arthur’s legends. The Ganis
family has close ties to the Fae Queen Vivien who has counsel the family over the years. It was the Fae
Queen, who advised King Ban and Bors to support the young Arthur’s claim for the high crown of
Britain. She saw Arthur as a useful future ally for the Ganis clan. But Arthur was unable to return the
favour when the brothers faced King Claudas the Gaul, who killed the two kings and exiled the Ganis
clan. With nowhere to go, the Fae Queen recommended the remaining clan members to seek refuge at
Arthur’s court, who welcomed them with open arms.

8.5.1 Lancelot of the Lake

Lancelot is the only child of King Ban and Queen Elaine of Armorica. As a five-year old child, he was
fostered by the Fae Queen Vivien. This was a secret price for a pact between her and Lancelot’s parents.
The young prince was educated by the Fae in the ways of fighting. He left the Fae to make his fame and
fortune in Britain. Lancelot is a brutish and rather common looking man with an ugly facial scar and
given to extreme tempers and periods of madness. He is muscle bound, tall and long limbed, all traits that
make for a great warrior. Due to his fey upbringing, he practices Druidism and likes to be away human
settlements and enjoy mother-nature. Despite his bouts with madness, he strives hard to live an honorable
life but it is because of his faults and his continuing quest to better himself, that folks admire him.

8.5.2 Bor de Ganis and Loinel

Bors and his brother, Lionel, were only infants when they are captured by his father’s
enemy, Claudas and taken away. They were eventually rescued by the Fae Queen,
Vivien of Lyonesse, to join their cousin Lancelot. Like Lancelot, they were trained by
the Fae. They left Lyonesse together with Lancelot to find refuge at Arthur’s court.
They hope to make their fortune in Britain and to find a way to avenge their fathers
and take back their kingdom.

Bors is a thick chested man recognizable by a distinctive scar on his forehead. He is a

spiritual person and prefers contemplating the meaning of Life than fighting. He is
still a powerful warrior but he views fighting as a means to fight evil and protect the
innocent. He is distant and reserved with others although he can be a loyal friend.

Loinel is Bor’s older brother and like his brother, he is strongly built. He has dark auburn hair with hazel
eyes and is of moderate height and good looking. The famous temper of the de Ganis clan runs strong in
Loinel. Like Lancelot, he is given to rages on the battlefield attacking friend and foe alike. He is driven
more by his passions than his intellect. He doesn’t quite get along with Boris due to their religious
differences. He is a Pagan through and through and wishes to marry a Fae serving the Fae Queen Vivien.
He is close to Lancelot. In battle, he wears red armor.
8.5.3 Hector de Maris

The bastard son of King Ban of Benoic, Hector was conceived when Merlin caused Ban to fall in love
with the daughter of Lord Agravadain of the Castle of the Fens. Agravadain raised Hector until he was
old enough to join his cousins and half-brother, Lancelot. He was raised in a Roman household and
appears as a tall young blonde with short cropped hair and clean shaven. He likes the color white.
Although raised in the Celtic church, he has some Druidic leanings when he met Lancelot and Loinel. He
distrusts Gawain.

8.6 House Rheged

The House Rheged are descended of King Coel, the first post-Roman military leader of what is now
southern Scotland. That was many generations ago, now House Rheged rule a mysterious land on the
western side of Scotland just south of the old Hadrian's Wall. House Rheged was never subjugated by the
Romans being able to hide their land through mystical means with fae help. They have retained the old
ways and look to the Fae as teachers. House Rheged is said to possess Fae blood although none of the
House Rheged members would claim it true. House Rheged are Druidic and hold scared certain trees and
pools of water. Urien is their current king and is back by his trusted brother and advisor, Bagmadeus.
Urien is a military leader of some renown having defeated several Saxon incursions and fought against
the High King, Uther Pendragon. After Uther’s untimely death, he claimed the High King and married
Morgan le Fay, Uther’s daughter to further his claim to the throne. But Uther had many daughters and
they married other powerful kings as well, such as King Lot. With his wife supporting him, he will fight
young Arthur’s claim in a series of rebellions. However, with Gaelish pirates raiding the coast and Picts
amassing on his northern borders, he eventually allied his family to Arthur’s cause. He was impressed by
the young man and his ideals of rule of law and talk of one Britain. Not everyone in the House Rheged is
pleased with this arrangement. They see Arthur’s Christian leanings as a threat to their own. And their
neighboring Fae see Arthur’s Roman heritage as a return to the days when men forsake the Fae and their
teachings and instead built massive stone cities, chopped down forests and harvest wild lands. The House
Rheged are proud folk with an interest in learning. They have patronage several teachers, artisans and

8.6.1 Maleagant4

Prince Maleagant is son of Bagmadeus, Urien’s brother, and a hire to the throne of House Rheged, a
kingdom of wonder and otherworldliness. Maleagant possesses the appearance of possessing fae blood,
with black shiny hair and ebony eyes. He sees Arthur as nothing more than a peasant boy and looks down
on others like Arthur. He resents the respect Arthur and his captains received. He walks and talks like the
royal prince, he is. He appears to be in his late thirties but is much older. He walks with a gait of a cat and
dresses like his demeanor, dark and sinister. His arms are finely made and are said to be fae made. He
possesses strong Druidic beliefs and finds Christianity to be a weak and hypocritical religion. Above all,
he hates Saxons whom has raided his people’s land. Much to Maleagant dismay, his uncle, King Urien
has sworn alliance with Arthur.

8.6.2 Yvain

This is a more modern version of Maleagant, think First Knight the movie. In the Romances, he is quite a coward
and not a great fighter.
This represents Yvain at the age of eighteen years of age, before his famous marriage and subsequent
friendship with a lion. He shares his parent’s suspicions of Arthur’s ideas but is persuaded by his cousin,
Gawain, to join Arthur’s band. He is a prince, being the son of King Uriens and Morgan la Fey, the
famous enchantress. Nevertheless, he treats all people equal no matter what their station in life. He has a
sunny personality and is always cheerful even when things look bleak. Yvain is strongly built like a
swimmer with wide shoulders and narrow waist. He is good looking with long sandy hair and hazel eyes.
He is just starting to get fuzz on his youthful face. He favors Druidism although he respects Christianity
and its teachings. He is good friends with Gawain, Percival and Sagramore. He will eventually become
one of Arthurs’ loyal captains even going against his mother’s wishes.

8.6.3 Morgan le Fey

Someone so pretty shouldn’t be so devilishly bad but Morgan le Fey is. She is wickedly beautiful with
flowing black hair, shiny emerald eyes and skin as white as moon. She uses her beauty to her advantage.
She has multiple lovers even when she is married to King Urien. Each lover serves a purpose in her
political schemes. Like her other sisters, she was married off at a young age to King Urien to ensure Clan
House Rheged’s support. Morgan didn’t mind the marriage. It was a change from the dreadfully boring
monastery she was at and best of all, she got to meet Fae folk. They soon found the young girl had a talent
for magic. Magic for the Fae was a part of life, a way to get closer to the Creator but for Morgan it was
power. And the more she learned the more she craved power. Urien allowed her to sit at his small
counsel and she soon become apt at playing politics. At first, Urien and Morgan were partners, always
plotting to bring down some lord and enriching the kingdom. But their relationship soured when Urien
decide to ally with Arthur. She left the court along her supporters. She is determined to become High
Queen of Britain and fully prepared to destroy all who stand in her way. .

8.6.3 King Uriens5

No one knows exactly how old King Uriens is. Some claim he fought the Saxons when they first invaded
the isles two generations ago but King Uriens looks to be a grizzled looking man in his fifties of medium
height and sturdy build. He is an imposing figure with commanding blue eyes and a deep hollow voice.
He wears a heavy black pelt of bearskin for a cloak and always seen with a raven on his shoulder or
nearby. He is ambitious having tried to rule all the North and sought the High Kingship but he is also a
pragmatic. His decision to ally with Arthur is based on the threat his kingdom faces from Saxon and
Gaelic raiders. He regrets the decision has split his court and destroyed his marriage. His wife, Morgan le
Fey, attempted to kill him and fled with many of his bannermen opposing his alliance with Arthur. Even
his nephew, Maleagant detests the idea. With all the turmoil occurring just outside his lands, Uriens fears
a civil war will bring down his kingdom. So he lets Morgan le Fey and her followers rule parts of his
kingdom in open rebellion. He is a pagan but tolerant of other beliefs and a patron of the arts. He relies
on his younger brother, Bagdemagus, who sits at his small counsel for advice. His brother is loyal to
Uriens and acts as his Steward while he is away. He will one day rule over Gore in place of his brother,
Uriens, until Yvain becomes of age.

8.6.3 Taliesin the Bard

Lord Elffin fostered Taliesin as a child. He and he grew up to be an astonishing bard weed baised by the
Briton Lord, E Taliesin once served the lord Effin ne knows for sure who Taliesin is nor how old, was he
raised by Giants as he sings

Uriens as presented is a combination of the real life king and legendary stories.
8.7 Household Knights

This section provides information on knights that lack holdings, the wealth or family name. In
general, they are former Briton or Roman lords that have lost lands and wealth from Saxon and
Gaelic incursions. All have a horse and are skilled in combat. In most cases, they serve one of
the Great Houses or become robber knights.

8.7.1Sagramore le Desirous

Sagramore, like Arthur, is Roman. His folks immigrated to Britain from Hungry due to the dissolution of
the Roman Empire. They have created a good life in Britain. Despite being a Roman, Sagramore appears
much darker than his Roman peers, which many attest to his Hungarian heritage. He is a decent fighter.
When fighting, he goes into a frenzy, which requires him to take a rest once its over. He suffers from
epileptic fits. Sir Kay teases him about his fits to dispel any superstitious notions others might have over
his epilepsy. He is close friends with Gawain and Tristan. He appears as a swarthy complexion bald man
with an unshaven face. He has seen many battles and is in his mid-thirties. Sagramore is a devout

8.7.2 Ozana of the Hardy Heart

Ozana is a Roman and like most Romans sides with Arthur in his quest for a unified Britain. He is a
decent fighter despite getting bested a couple of times in tournaments. Sir Gawain and Arthur are his two
close friends. He is a likeable easygoing person. He has dark curly hair and wears a thick moustache in
the ‘Briton’ fashion. He appears to be in his late twenties. He wears a funny looking helmet.

8.7.3 Loraine le Savage

In times of chaos, criminals prosper. Loraine is such a criminal, plying his trade on poor Briton and
Roman folks. His gang of good for nothings has caused much mischief and there doesn’t seem any end to
it. Loraine fancies himself, a lord and has made a killing, literally and figuratively, by pillaging villages
and towns. He knows that he needs to legitimize himself if he hopes to expand his operations. He has
gone to various petty kingdoms seeking the hand of a princess but to no avail. He is a rather ugly man
with several nasty scars scratching his face and has a beak of a nose. He is rail thin and quick with the
sword. He always carries his weapons nearby and his men are within earshot.

The table below contains the game statistics of the above-mentioned characters.
TABLE 17.1: The Characters of Age of Arthur

Name Lvl MM Hits AT DB Shld Melee OB Notes

Arthur 20 20 150 CH 40 15Y 158sw 130bw Roman, Warrior. General and leader of Camelot. Blessed
Life, Noble Grace
Goswhit – helmet passed down from Uther Pendragon, does not encumber and protects +10 DB (added). Priwen - +15 Blessed
shield with the image of the Blessed Mary, negates 10% of all body critical. Carnwennan - +10 magical white dagger shrouds its
user in shadow once a day. Excalibur - +30 long sword that acts as 2-hand sword, the sword is Blessed and is of Sharpness. Knows
numerous languages, Military Tactic +55, Animal Handling +30, Acting +20, Disguise +15, Leadership +25, Fairy Lore +20 Sailing
+35, Singing +20.
Merlin 27 45 110 No 30 N 70st -- Half Fae, Mage. Tutor and friend of Arthur. Grumpy.
Soft spot for a pretty face. Divination.Teleport.
Small library of spell books and small doses of herbs. Pouch of Herbs – doubles the potency of herbs inside the pouch for a day or
longer and will keep its freshness. Staff of Power - +20 OB, X2 PP and can cast shock bolts thrice a day. PP108X2. DS 170 BS 54.
Knows the following all Illusionist lists to 10th lvl, all Magician Lists to 25th lvl, all Open and Closed Essence Lists to 25th lvl,
knows all Animist list to 10th lvl and knows Weather Way, Calm Spirits, Curses, Sound & Light Ways, Purification, Concussion
Ways and Nature Law to 10th lvl. Knows Acting +25, Herb Lore +30, Magic Symbols +35, Rune Craft +45, Mathematics +15, First
Aid +30, Foraging +20, Trickery +20, British History +40, Faire Lore +50, Druid Lore +45, Sky-watching +45and Disguise +45.
Knows numerous languages Greek, Latin, Noric and Sylan plus others.
Sir Kay 12 20 110 CH 45 10Y 123sw 89bw Briton, Warrior. Arthur’s seneschal and protective half-
brother. Arrogant and brash with a witty tongue. Hardy.
+10 Magic sword that causes an additional 1-10 hits with a C critical or better. +10 Lorica Hamata encumbers as Rigid leather
(bonus added). A war-horse named Long Neck is 5th lvl, which is a fast horse. Knows +20 Military tactics, +20 Administration, +10
Giant Lore, +20 Animal Husbandry, +10 Politics and +50 Brawling.

Bedivere’s Kin, Lords of Lindsey

Sir Bedivere 17 20 139 CH 20 10Y 131sp 117sp Roman, Warrior. Arthur’s Marshal and early supporter.
One handed and good looking. Hates Saxons. Pure of
Heart. Berserk, Non-Believer
Celtic Long Sword resolves attacks on 2-hand table. +10 Lorica Hamata encumbers as Rigid leather (bonus added), +15 Magic
Spear of Sharpness. Knows +20 Administration, +35 Military tactics, +30 First Aid, +25 Read Runes, Gaming (checkers and dice)
+20, Geography +20.
Sir Lucan 7 20 72 CH 15 10Y 86sw 66bw Roman, Warrior. Brother to Sir Bedivere. Early allied of
Arthur and is charge of the royal court.
+10 Lorica Hamata encumbers as Rigid leather (bonus added).
Sir Griflet 9 5 85 CH 10 5Y 89sp 73bw Roman. Warrior. Cousin to Bedivere. One of Arthurs
first warriors. Known as the Don.
Long sword, +15 Griflet’s Spear; a magical white spear of dwarfish make, it is ½ the weight and can be thrown at twice the normal
distance without penalty and +5 Red Shield. Speaks Latin, +40 Riding, +10 First Aid
House Orkney (The Orkney Brothers)
Sir Gawain 18 25 145 CH 30 10Y 155sw 130bw Briton, Warrior. Arthur’s Nephew. Pure of Heart, Power
of the Sun. Compassionate and honor bound to a fault.
Power of the Sun – receives +10 to Strength and Constitution while in the sun (not added to stats). Carries numerous herbs. Galatine
- +10 magical long sword resolves attacks as a 2-handed sword, it bursts into flames and provides an additional Heat critical. Stone
of Giramphiel – provides holder with immunity to all fire attacks and provides +10 to magical RR’s. Shield of Judas - +10 magical
red Roman shield encumbers as nothing, negates 10% critical to the body. Pouch of Herbs – doubles the potency of herbs inside the
pouch for a day or longer and will keep its freshness. +15 Gawain’s armor is a Lorica Hamata encumbers as Rigid leather (bonus
added). His warhorse Gringolet is 7th lvl horse. PP36. Knows Purification and Concussion Ways to 8th lvl. Knows +30 Foraging,
+20 Geography, +20 Military Tactics, +70 Brawling, Sailing +30, +10 Singing, +20 Seduction, +50 First Aid, and +30 Herb Lore.
Agravain 12 15 119 CH 25 113sp 103bw Briton, Warrior. Arthur’s nephew. Jealous of Lancelot.
Hands of Stone- hands strike as a club.
+5 spear. +10 Ring Mail. Knows +85 Brawling, +20 Trickery, +20 Seduction, + 35 Stalk/Hide, +35 Influence.
Mordred 18 20 140 PL 45 15Y 145sw 110bw Briton, Warrior. Arthur’s ‘nephew’. Treacherous and
+15 Silver and black Shield. Clarent - +20 magic sword stolen from Arthur. +20 Black Armor protects as Plate Armor (already
added), a gift from Morgan la Fay. PP36. DS35 BS0. Knows 2 Ranger Spell Lists to 5th lvl. Knows Foraging +20, Military
Tactics +20, Poison Lore +10, Fey Lore +10.
Gaheris 12 15 104 CH 20 5Y 100sp 90sp Briton, Rogue. Arthur’s Nephew. Deform Arm- allows
+10 while using pole arms. Mentally Unstable.
Carries numerous herbs.- +10 spear, +5 Ring Mail (already added), Knows +20 Foraging, +10 Geography, +30 First Aid, and +20
Herb Lore.
Gareth 14 20 128 CH 45 15Y 128sw 103bw Briton, Warrior.Arthur’s nephew. The best of the
brothers. Pure of Heart
+15 Gareth’s sword – is a black sword that is of Sharpness and strikes as a 2-hand sword. Lyonors Ring-disguises the wearer’s
appearance to any humanoid form desired once a week for three hours and provides +10 to DB and to magical attacks, +10 to
Channeling and Essence RR. +15 Armor of Many Colors- this magical ring mail is of dwarf make and confers the following powers
to the wearer, 1) the armor comprises of many different colors and can, once a day, blend in with its surrounds adding +10 to Stalk
& Hide skill and 2) it negates 20% of all criticals sustained to the body. +15 Shield of Many Colors – this magical shield appears as
many different colors and has the ability to create an Aura, once a day, around the wearer of many shifting colors that makes it hard
for the attacker to hit the wearer adding an additional +10 DB. Knows +70 Brawling, + 20 Foraging, +15 Cooking, +20 Singing and
Story Telling, +10 Dwarf Lore.
Melot 7 5 107 CH 15 N/A 90cl 60sbw Dwarf, Warrior. Gareth loyal squire and friend. Hardy
+10 Iron Club, +15 Ring Mail (already added). Knows +20 Administration, +55 Smithing, +30 First Aid, +25 Read Runes, +20
Gaming (checkers and dice), +10 Storytelling, Geography +20.
Fisher King and House Gales
Aglovale 7 15 83 RL 25 Y 80sp 65bw Roman, Rogue. Brother to Pervical and Lamorak. Seeks
redemption for past misdeeds. Horse Rider (+10 to
Riding and fighting from horse)
+10 Leather Jerkin acts as Rigid Leather (already added). Knows Tracking +35, Trickery +10, Foraging +30, Animal Handling +25,
Singing +15, Sailing +20, Sky Watching +20.
Percival 10 20 110 CH 35 Y 113sw 108sp Roman, Warrior. A youngest sibling of Aglovale and
Lamorak. Pure of Heart, Noble Grace
Emerald Ring – this magical ring protects Percival from all magical attacks (+20 RR) and allows him to see through illusions and
invisibility (10th lvl RR) once a day. Fisher King Ring - this ancient Roman ring is a family heirloom, it provides +10 bonus to any
maneuvers against the ‘dark powers’. Percival’s Sword (also called Trebuchet'sSword)– this simple looking Celtic long sword has a
Christian cross on its pommel weighs ½ the normal weight and has a +15 bonus to OB, is ‘of sharpness’ and is ‘of slaying’ demons
and ‘evil’ creatures. +10 Percival’s armor – this armor is a Lorica Squamata or scale armor and it acts as Chain Armor, dwarves in
the forest he grew up in, made it for him as a parting gift, it also provides +10 to DB against elemental attacks such as fire and cold
(bonus already added). PP16. DS35 BS 0. Knows Concussion Ways and Purifications to 10th. Knows Animal Handling (horse)
+15, Religious Lore +20, Faire Lore +20, Cooking +25, Foraging +30, Herb Lore +10, Mediation +25, Sailing +20, and First Aid
Sir Pinel le 7 20 95 RL 25 N 79sp 53sp Briton, Thief. Kinsman of King Pellinore and cousin to
Savage Sir Lamorak. Hates Gawain and his brothers.
Numerous herbs and poisons. +5 Spear. +5 Padded Leather Armor (already added). PP14. DS 25 BS 0. Knows 2 Open Channeling
to 7th level. Knows Animal Handling (horse) +15, Poison Lore +10 and Foraging +10.
Sir Garlon 10 5 93 RL 15 10Y 81sp 76bw Roman, Rogue. A money hungry warrior with a magic
Garlon’s Ring – enables the wearer to be invisible once a week. +10 Spear taken from a dead warrior. +10 Red Padded Leather
armor with iron circles tied to it (already added). PP13. DS 35, BS 0. Knows 4 Open Channeling lists to 10 th lvl. Knows Ambush
+10, Animal Handling (horse) +15, Trickery +30, Pick Lock +35, Seduction +30, Poison Lore +10.
Sir Pellinore 12 30 129 CH 25 10Y 124sw 122bw Roman, Warrior. Brother to current Fisher King, hunts
the Questing Beast, Blessed Life, Noble Grace.
+20 Lorica Hamata encumbers as Rigid leather (bonus not added). Fisher King Ring - this ancient Roman ring is a family heirloom,
it provides +10 bonus to any maneuvers against the ‘dark powers’ whether it is OB, RR or basic maneuvers. Pellinore’s Sword –
this magical +15 sword can magically shatter any parried opponents weapon, 3 times a day, the opponent must resist a 7th lvl RR,
opponent’s non-magical weapons are treated as 1 lvl, opponents’ magic weapons are treated as 5th lvl, blessed swords are 10th lvl
and truly magnificent swords resist as a 15th or higher. Knows Tracking +35, Geography +20, Seduction +20, Singing +20, Military
Tactics +35, Foraging +40, First Aid +15, Sailing +15, Herb Lore +10, Christian Lore +15.
Sir Lamorak 17 30 145 CH 25 5Y 148sp 135sp Roman. Warrior. Son of Pellinore. Has wanderlust. Noble
Grace, Horse Rider (+10 to Riding and fighting from
horse) w
+15 Lorica Hamata encumbers as Rigid Leather (bonus not added). +10 Ashen Spear of Sharpness. Ring of the Isles – doubles the
potency of all herbs, heals 4-40 hits and mends bones within hours twice a day. Speaks numerous languages, +20 Geography, +20
Animal Handling (Horses), +90 Riding, +40 Singing, +25 Sailing, +30 Foraging, +20 Faire Lore, +15 Seduction
House Ganis
Lancelot 24 30 150 PL 50 20Y 178sw 167sp Briton, Warrior. Raised by Fey, brutish warrior tries to do
good. Loves to wander. Berserk, Madness.
Arondight - +20 enchanted sword resolves attacks as a 2-Hand sword. Secace - +10 magic sword. Joyoux – another magic sword
with +10 OB. Ring of Dispel – provides +20 RR to magical attacks and resistance and can upon command dispel any curse or
magic once a week with a 10th RR. +20 Silver Shield. +20 Silver Scale Armor protects as Plate (already added). Knows Foraging
+30, First Aid +20, Herb lore +10.

Bor de Ganis 13 10 116 PL 30 Y 129sw 101bw Briton, Warrior. Cousin to Lancelot. Successfully
completes the Holy Grail quests. Pious. Has a scar on his
forehead. Pure of Heart.
Galeholt's sword - +15 magic sword of sharpness. +20 Silver Scale Armor protects as Plate (already added), provided by the Fey
Queen. Knows Military Tactics +25, Foraging +20, First Aid +15, Meditation +20, Sailing +25, Christian Lore +10, Fey Lore +20,
Pagan Lore +20, Magic Symbols +20.
Lionel 9 20 103 PL 45 Y 92sw 92bw Briton, Warrior. Cousin to Lancelot and brother to Bor.
Berserk. Blessed Life.
+20 Silver Scale Armor protects as Plate (already added), provided by Fey. Knows +15 Foraging, Sailing +20, Brawling +55.
Ector de 14 10 113 CH 15 Y 116sp 101sp Roman, Warrior. Half-brother of Lancelot..
+10 White Lorica Hamata encumbers as Rigid leather provided to him by the Fae Queen, Vivien (bonus added). Knows Foraging
+20, Military Tactics +20, Gambling +15.

House Rheged
Maleagant 17 35 140 CH 35 20Y 147sw 126bw Briton, Warrior. Murderous renegade warrior. Strongly
Pagan, Blessed Life
+20 Black Shield – magic shield weighs half the weight of normal shields. +20 Black Armor – is a rigid leather with metal studs on
it which treats the armor as Chain Mail but encumbers as Rigid Leather (already added). Maleagant’s Helm - +10 Helm provides
darkvision to its wearer and negates 20% of all head and neck critical. +15 Silver sword of sharpness is so well balance that it will
only fumble or a roll of 01. PP68. DS55. Knows 5 Open Channeling lists to 8 th lvl. Knows Military Tactics +30, Animal Handling
+25, Faire Lore +20, Herb Lore +20, Dragon Lore +10.
Yvain 14 25 123 PL 30 Y 140sp 116bw Briton, Warrior, Cheery young man. Close to Gawain.
Possess fae blood through his mother side. Blessed life.
Noble Grace. Empathy (with his lion)
Laudine's Ring- magical ring, its stone had the power to protect the wearer from wounds (negates 10% of critical) and loss of blood
(suffers no lost of hit points due to bleeding), making his flesh harder than iron (acts as Plate Armor). Morgan’s Sword – a gift from
his mother, this +10 silver sword is magical. Golden Torc – this torc provides the wearer with protection against spells and bodily
harm (provides +10 to DB and Magical attacks). +10 Ashen Spear of Sharpness. +10 Lorica Squamata is scale armor and it acts as
Chain Armor (bonus already added). His pet lion is a Greater Loin (9th lvl) with high intelligence. Knows +20 Military Tactics, +30
Animal Handling (lion), +20 Foraging, Tumbling +25, +10 Herb Lore.
Morgan le 18 25 90 No 35 N 35da 20da Briton, Mage. Half Sister of Arthur, Evil. Spell Mastery,
Fey Silvered Tongue
Morgan’s Ring – a gift from a Fey, this magic ring provides +20 protection against the elements and DB and is a *2 PP. Silver
Dagger +10 poisoned. PP54X2. DS 120 BS 32. Knows the following all Illusionist lists to 10th lvl, all Magician Lists to 20th lvl, all
Open and Closed Essence Lists to 20th lvl, knows all Animist list to 10th lvl and knows Weather Way, Calm Spirits, Curses, Sound
& Light Ways, Purification, Concussion Ways and Nature Law to 10th lvl. .Knows Foraging +20, First Aid +40, Herb Lore +20,
Poison Lore +30, Faire & Demon Lore +30, Rune Reading +75, Brew Potions +30. Speaks Latin, Brythonic, Goedelic, Saxon and
King Uriens 10 15 103 CH 35 Y 106sp 101sp Briton, Ranger. Current King of Gorre. Blessed Life,
Empathy (to Raven named Bran)
Cloak of Bears – adds +10 to DB and protects against Cold elements (already added). Torc of Raven – This golden torc has raven
motifs, it provides the wearer with long sight. The wearer can see twice the normal distance. Rheged Spear – this old Ashen spear is
House Rheged heirloom, passed down several generations, it is +10 OB, magical, indestructible, never fumbles and allows the user
to strike first in combat barring ambush or surprise attacks. Black Lorica Squamata encumbers as Rigid leather but acts as chain
provided to him by the Fae, +10 DB (bonus added). Possess lvl 4 Raven named Bran, can communicate with simple words. Knows
Foraging +20, Military Tactics +40, First Aid +20, Leadership +20, Singing +20, Herb Lore +20, Fey Lore +20..

8.2 Lancelot’s Camp

The following represents those who during the ‘Guinevere affair’ left Britain with Lancelot. Some are
Lancelot’s relatives, while others are admirers of Lancelot. This camp doesn’t mean they are disloyal to
Arthur. Many believe in Arthur and what he represents and are loath to fight against him but sided with
Lancelot over Gawain.

8.2.1 Lancelot of the Lake

Lancelot is the only child of King Ban and Queen Elaine of Armorica. As a five-year old child, he was
abducted by the Fae Queen Vivien of Lyonesse. This was a hidden part of the price for a pact between her
and the Kingdom of Armorica. The young prince was trained by the Fae in the ways of fighting. He left
Lyonesse to make his fortune in Britain. Lancelot is a brutish and rather common looking man with an
ugly facial scar and given to extreme tempers and periods of madness. He is muscle bound, tall and long
limb, all traits that make for a great warrior. Due to his fey upbringing, he practices Druidism and likes to
be away human settlements and enjoy mother-nature. Despite his bouts with madness, he strives hard to
live an honorable life but it is because of his faults and his continuing quest to better himself, that folks
admire him.

8.2.2 Bor de Ganis and Loinel

Bors and his brother, Lionel, were only infants when they are captured by his father’s
enemy, Claudas and taken away. They were eventually rescued by the Fae Queen,
Vivien of Lyonesse, to join their cousin Lancelot. Like Lancelot, they were trained by
the Fa. They left Lyonesse together with Lancelot to make their fortune in Britain
and to find a way to avenge their father and take back their kingdom.

Bors is a thick chested man recognizable by a distinctive scar on his forehead. He is a

spiritual person and prefers contemplating the meaning of Life than fighting. He is
still a powerful warrior but he views fighting as a means to fight evil. He is distant
and reserved with others although he can be a loyal friend.

Loinel is Bor’s older brother and like his brother, he is strongly built. He has dark auburn hair with hazel
eyes and is of moderate height and good looking. The famous temper of the House of Ban runs strong in
Loinel. Like Lancelot, he is given to rages on the battlefield attacking friend and foe alike. He is driven
more by his passions than his intellect. He doesn’t quite get along with Boris due to their religious
differences. He is a Pagan through and through and wishes to marry a Fae serving the Fae Queen Vivien.
He is close to Lancelot. In battle, he wears red armor.

8.2.3 Hector de Maris

The bastard son of King Ban of Benoic, Hector was conceived when Merlin caused Ban to fall in love
with the daughter of Lord Agravadain of the Castle of the Fens. Agravadain raised Hector until he was
old enough to join his cousins and half-brother, Lancelot. He was raised in a Roman household. He
appears as a tall good looking blonde with short cropped hair and clean shaven. He likes the color white.
Although raised in the church, he has turned to paganism when he met Lancelot and Loinel. He distrusts

8.2.4 Palamides6

Like many Saxons, Palamides venture to the British Isles with his brother to seek glory and fortune. Born
to a Saxon lord, he appears as a handsome dark skinned man with black curly hair. Some have stated that
his come from his North African mother. His long hair is pulled back and tied in elaborate knots. Unlike
most Saxons, he trims his beard short and neat. He is curious about the religious teaches of Jesus but still
worship the Saxon’s gods. Because of his Saxon heritage, he is not entirely received with open arms when
he comes across Arthur’s men. He is very courteous and honorable warrior. He is counted as one of the
best Saxon warriors. Despite his warrior-like appearance, Palamides is something of a romantic. He loves
poetry and to sing.

8.2.5 Safere

Safere is Palamides’ brother. Like his brother, Safere has dark complexion and wears his hair and beard
long. He is good with the sword and is curious about the Celtic church. He has a reputation as a fair and
good man despite his Saxon heritage.

TABLE 8.2: Lancelot’s Allies

Name Lvl MM Hits AT DB Shld Melee OB Notes
Lancelot 24 30 150 PL 50 20Y 178sw 167sp Briton, Warrior. Raised by Fey, brutish warrior tries to do
good. Loves to wander. Berserk, Madness.
Arondight - +20 enchanted sword resolves attacks as a 2-Hand sword. Secace - +10 magic sword. Joyoux – another magic sword
with +10 OB. Ring of Dispel – provides +20 RR to magical attacks and resistance and can upon command dispel any curse or
magic once a week with a 10th RR. +20 Silver Shield. +20 Silver Scale Armor protects as Plate (already added). Knows Foraging
+30, First Aid +20, Herb lore +10.

Bor de Ganis 13 10 116 PL 30 Y 129sw 101bw Briton, Warrior. Cousin to Lancelot. Successfully
completes the Holy Grail quests. Pious. Has a scar on his
forehead. Pure of Heart.
Galeholt's sword - +15 magic sword of sharpness. +20 Silver Scale Armor protects as Plate (already added), provided by the Fey
Queen. Knows Military Tactics +25, Foraging +20, First Aid +15, Meditation +20, Sailing +25, Christian Lore +10, Fey Lore +20,
Pagan Lore +20, Magic Symbols +20.
Lionel 9 20 103 PL 45 Y 92sw 92bw Briton, Warrior. Cousin to Lancelot and brother to Bor.
Berserk. Blessed Life.

In the legends, Palomides is a pagan from either Moorish lands or Babylon. In this telling, he is a Saxon in order to
maintain historical accuracy of the Dark Ages.
+20 Silver Scale Armor protects as Plate (already added), provided by Fey. Knows +15 Foraging, Sailing +20, Brawling +55.
Ector de 14 10 113 CH 15 Y 116sp 101sp Roman, Warrior. Half-brother of Lancelot..
+10 White Lorica Hamata encumbers as Rigid leather provided to him by the Fae Queen, Vivien (bonus added). Knows Foraging
+20, Military Tactics +20, Gambling +15.
Palamides 17 30 144 CH 30 10Y 142sw 141cp Saxon, Warrior. Rival of Tristan. Very Noble. Lightning
Reactions, Pure of Heart.
+10 Sword and shield. Palamides’ bow - +15 great composite bow that can shot twice the normal distance without penalty. Knows
Disguise +22, Pick lock +22, Trickery +15, Music +25, Magic Symbol +20 and Singing +25.
Safere 8 10 110 CH 20 Y10 101sp 74bw Saxon, Warrior. Brother of Palamides
He carries a shield given to him by Ector. The shield confers +10 DB.

8.3 The Villains

Villains in the Age of Arthur come in all stripes. Some are nothing more than skilled highway men, others
are simply lords gone rogue and still others are members of Arthur’s band that plot against Arthur and his
Knights of the Round Table. The following are some of my favorite villains from Age of Arthur.

8.3.1 Garlon the Red

There are those that do bad because they need to in order to survive or feed their family and there are
those that do bad because they can. Garlon falls in the latter category. Brother to a King, Garlon possess
an evil streak early in childhood. He met a witch who taught him magic and gave him a magic ring to turn
invisible. He has used his powers to do evil. He also uses his magical knowledge to further his murderous
desires. He likes to hear the crunch of bone and muscle as his dagger stabs into someone from behind.

8.3.2 Breuse the Pitiless

A Saxon by birth, he detests the Britons and especially the Romans whom he considers inferior for their
religious beliefs. Breuse, while not without prowess at arms, regularly practices every dirty trick available
to force or guile. He is a northern lord with warriors and castles. He has heard of a young man name
Arthur and his dream of creating a cohesive British kingdom and feels threaten by him. He has sought
ways to impede his progress, mostly by killing his men and creating strife among the northern kingdoms.
Breuse is a large sandy hair man with piercing blue eyes and a cold demeanor. His beard is shaggy and
knotted and his hair long.

8.3.3 Phelot

Phelot is one of Queen Norgales most prominent warriors and she has enlisted him to kill the young man
named Arthur and his Christian companions. A good looking man with a dark menacing scold
permanently etched on his face, he only fights when he is sure of success. He only cares about himself
and winning glory by any means necessary. The only exception is his pet falcon who he cares very much,
more than his wife, and has developed a unique relationship with it. He can command his falcon to his
whim. They often fight together.

8.3.5 Pinel le Savage

Pinel is a nephew of King Pellinore and hates Gawain and his brothers for some slight in their ongoing
family feud. He is a small man with a rat face and relishes the darker aspects of Paganism. He has a great
deal of knowledge of herbs, which he uses to poison his enemies. He has dabbled in magic unknown to
most of his family. He hates the Celtic church which he feels Gawain is spreading. Sadly, he has the
covert support of some members of Pellinore’s family.

8.3.6 Turquine and Peris

Turquine is brother to King Carados. He is a large man with tree trunks for arms. His hair is spiked and
colored bright red. Tattoos crisscross his body. He wears a thick golden torc and is famed for his skill in
arms. His people were never Romanized and still practice cattle raiding and wife stealing much to his
neighborhoods dislike. Turquine relishes cattle raiding and pillaging nearby villages. He even has support
from some of the Fae who share his hatred for the Christianity. He feels that Romanize Britons are weak
and have fallen under the sway of a denigrate God. He has heard of Arthur and counsels his brother to
plot against him before he gains strength in arms. He is sadistic to those he feels are lesser than him and
his people. Peris is a captain of Turquine. His hatred of Romanize Britons is even stronger than
Turquine’s. He has lead several companies of men to kill off whole villages taking the women as slaves.

8.3.7 Maleagant7

Prince Maleagant is son and hire to the throne of House Rheged, a kingdom of wonder and
otherworldliness. Like Turquine, his people were never subjugated by the Romans being able to hide their
land through mystical means. They have retained the old ways and look to the Fae as teachers. The royal
house of House Rheged is said to possess Fae blood. Maleagant certainly possesses the appearance of a
fae with black shiny hair and ebony eyes. He sees Arthur as nothing more than a peasant boy and looks
down on others like Arthur. He resents the respect Arthur and his captains received. He walks and talks
like the royal prince, he is. He appears to be in his late thirties but is much older. He walks with a gait of a
cat and dresses like his demeanor, dark and sinister. His arms are finely made and are said to be fae made.
He possesses strong Pagan beliefs and finds Christianity to be a weak and hypocritical religion. Above
all, he hates Saxons whom has raided his people’s land. This will force him and his father to join Arthur’s
band, much to Maleagant dismay.

8.3.8 Agravain

Agravain is King Lot’s second eldest son and Arthur’s nephew. He appears as a tall man with a muscular
body built more for bashing than aesthetically pleasing. He is particularly good looking with ravenous
black hair and grey piercing eyes. Unfortunately, he is not well liked by his other siblings. He lacks any
mercy or compassion for his fellow man and is quite ignoble towards women. He is too proud and
arrogant for his own good. He can fight and is quite good at brawling. So good, he is often called
Agravian the Hard Hands. Although he joins Arthur’s band like his other siblings, he does not care for
Arthur nor his Paganist friends.

8.3.9 Mordred

In this early stage of Arthur’s career, Mordred hasn’t been conceived but he is presented here because he
is perhaps the most well-known of Arthur’s villains. He is Arthur’s son, the result of an incestuous

This is a more modern version of Maleagant, think First Knight the movie. In the Romances, he is quite a coward
and not a great fighter.
relationship. He will grow up in foster care without knowing his true identity until much later in life. He
will be a slender man with curly fair hair and favor black or golden colors for armor and clothes. He
would be handsome if it was not for his wicked expression that is etched on his face like stone. He is
conniving and extremely ambitious.

TABLE 8.3: Villains of Age of Arthur

Name Lvl MM Hits AT DB Shld Melee OB Notes
Sir Garlon 13 5 103 RL 15 10Y 81sp 76bw Briton, Rogue. A money hungry warrior with a magic ring.

Garlon’s Ring – enables the wearer to be invisible once a week. +10 Spear taken from a dead warrior. +10 Red Padded Leather armor
(already added). PP13. DS 35, BS 0. Knows 4 Open Channeling lists to 10th lvl. Knows Ambush +10, Trickery +30, Pick Lock +35,
Seduction +30, Poison Lore +10.
Sir Breuse 14 30 125 CH 20 20Y 118sp 83sp Saxon, Rogue, the vilest warrior. Enemy of Gawain and Lancelot
the Pitiless among others.

+20 Breuse’s Shield - stolen from Lancelot, the shield is black with a silver flying dragon. +10 Pitiless Spear - a red spear with a silver
head, made by dwarves, provides an additional Impact critical. +10 Ring mail – given to him as a gift by Saxon lords (bonus already
added). Knows +10 Ambush, +30 Trickery, +20 Military Tactics, +10 Animal Handling, +20 Foraging.
Sir Phelot 8 20 108 CH 15 Y 84sw 74sp Briton, Warrior. A warrior from Queen of Northgale’s court.
Empathy with Falcon.

+10 Sword. Knows Acting +20, Ambush +5, Stalk and Hide +25 and Animal Handling +15. Falcon is 3rd level.
Sir Loraine 6 5 92 CH 10 Y 63sw 63sp Briton, Thief. Villainous robber warrior. Berserk
le Savage
Sword, chain armor, and spear. Knows Acting +10, Ambush +5, Singing +10 and Trickery +20.
Sir Pinel le 7 20 95 RL 25 N 79sp 53sp Briton, Thief. Kinsman of King Pellinore and cousin to Sir
Savage Lamorak. Hates Gawain and his brothers.
Numerous herbs and poisons. +5 Spear. +5 Padded Leather Armor (already added). PP14. DS 25 BS 0. Knows 2 Open Channeling to 5th
level. Knows Poison Lore +10 and Foraging +10.
Sir Turquine 15 25 133 RL 40 15Y 131sp 114sp Briton. Warrior. Sadistic warrior that tortured his victims.

+15 Spear of Sharpness. +15 Leather Jerkin has numerous magic symbols that provides additional protection, acts as Rigid leather, negates
10% of body critical (bonus added). +15 Turquine’s Shield - of dwarf make, adds +15 to DB. Golden Torc – magic torc provides an
additional +10 to DB (bonus added). Knows +10 Military Tactics, +20 Animal Handling, +20 Torture.
Sir Peris de 7 25 89 RL 35 5Y 86sw 76bw Briton, Ranger. Vassal of Sir Turquine and rapist.
+5 Sword. +10 Leather Jerkin encumbers as Rigid leather (already added). bow. Knows Trickery +20 and Stalk/Hide +30.
Maleagant 17 35 140 CH 35 20Y 147sw 126bw Briton, Warrior. Murderous renegade warrior. Strongly Pagan,
Blessed Life
+20 Black Shield – magic shield weighs half the weight of normal shields. +20 Black Armor – is a rigid leather with metal plates on it
which treats the armor as Chain Mail but encumbers as Rigid Leather (already added). Maleagant’s Helm - +10 Helm provides darkvision
to its wearer and negates 20% of all head and neck critical. +15 Silver sword of sharpness is so well balance that it will only fumble on a
roll of 01. PP68. DS55. Knows 5 Open Channeling lists to 8th lvl. Knows Military Tactics +30, Animal Handling +25, Faire Lore +20,
Herb Lore +20, Dragon Lore +10.
Agravain 12 15 119 CH 25 10Y 113sp 103bw Roman, Warrior. Brother of Gawain and Arthur’s nephew.
Jealous Warrior of Lancelot. Hands of Stone
+5 spear. +10 Ring Mail. Knows +75 Brawling, +20 Trickery, +20 Seduction, + 35 Stalk/Hide, +35 Influence.
Mordred 18 20 140 PL 45 15Y 145sw 110bw Roman, Warrior. Brother of Gawain and Arthur’s ‘nephew’.
Treacherous Warrior.
+15 Silver and black Shield. Clarent - +20 magic sword stolen from Arthur. ++20 Black Armor protects as Plate Armor (already added), a
gift from Morgan la Fay. PP36. DS35 BS0. Knows 2 Ranger Spell Lists to 5th lvl. Knows Foraging +20, Military Tactics +20, Poison
Lore +10, Trickery +25, Fey Lore +10.
9.0 Bibliography
MITCHENER, Paul and SPEARING. Age of Arthur; Dark Ages Roleplaying. London, UK: Wordplay
Games, 2013.

CHARLTON, S. Coleman, et al. Middle-Earth Role-Playing, Second Edition. Charlottesville, VA: Iron
Crown Enterprises, 1994.

THOMAS, Charles, Celtic Britain, Thomas & Hudson Publishing Corp, New York, 1986.

WOOD, Michael, In Search of the Dark Ages, Facts on File Publications, Oxford, UK, 1987.

PYLE, Howard, The Story of King Arthur and His Knights, Signet Classics, New York, New York, 2015

MALORY, Thomas, Le Morte d’ Arthur, Signet Classics, New York, New York, 2001.

GOODRICH, Norma Lorre, King Arthur, Franklin Watts, New York, New York, 1986.

KARR, Phyllis Ann, The Arthurian Companion, Chaosium Book, Toronto, Canada, 1997.

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