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3, JULY 2005 1837

Performance of Distance Relays on Shunt—FACTS

Compensated Transmission Lines
Tarlochan Singh Sidhu, Fellow, IEEE, Rajiv K. Varma, Member, IEEE,
Pradeep Kumar Gangadharan, Student Member, IEEE, Fadhel Abbas Albasri, Student Member, IEEE, and
German Rosas Ortiz, Student Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper presents a study of the performance of There has been considerable work to study the effect of se-
distance protection relays when applied to protect shunt Flexible ries compensation including series FACTS devices on the per-
AC Transmission System (FACTS) compensated transmission formance of distance protection relays [10]–[13]. Though few
lines. The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of
papers have studied the effect of shunt compensation devices
distance relays on transmission lines with FACTS devices applied
for mid point voltage control. Effect of two types of shunt FACTS like STATCOM [14], [15] these references have not considered
devices, Static Var Compensators (SVC) and Static Synchronous the effect of the FACTS device characteristics, their control sys-
Compensators (STATCOM) are studied. The study is conducted tems, and dynamics during fault. Since the shunt FACTS devices
in three stages. First the situation is studied analytically, where (SVC and STATCOM) have fast response time, it is very impor-
the errors introduced in the impedance measurement due to the tant to consider the reaction of the FACTS device to the fault
presence of shunt FACTS devices on the line are analyzed. In the when studying the effect on the distance relay measurements.
second stage, the situation is simulated using transient simulation
software, EMTDC. In this method, the response of FACTS devices
This paper considers elaborate models of the FACTS devices
for different fault conditions and system conditions is also mod- along with their control systems.
eled. This method brings out some unique problems that would Static Var Compensators (SVC) are widely used in shunt
be experienced by the distance relays due to some specific charac- compensation of transmission lines. With the acceptability of
teristics of the FACTS devices. Finally, the findings are confirmed Gate Turn Off thyristors (GTO) among the utilities, Static Syn-
by testing a commercial distance relay using a Real Time Digital chronous Compensators (STATCOM) are also becoming popular
Simulator (RTDS). The results obtained by testing the commercial
[2]. The location of the shunt FACTS device depends on the
relay validate the analytical and simulation studies.
application for which it is installed. Shunt compensation FACTS
Index Terms—Distance protection relay, flexible ac transmission devices are installed at the end points of transmission lines (buses)
system (FACTS), power system protection, real-time digital sim- when used for applications, such as, improving system stability,
ulator (RTDS), shunt compensation, static synchronous compen-
sators (STATCOM), static var compensators (SVC). improving HVDC link performance etc. However, for controlling
the power flow or increasing the power transfer capability of
very long transmission lines (tie lines connecting two major
I. INTRODUCTION grids) mid-point of the lines is the best location for shunt
connected FACTS devices. In this paper, the performance of
C ONSISTENT efforts to make power system more efficient
and reliable have seen increased use of FACTS devices in
transmission systems. Most of the FACTS devices are installed
distance relays on mid-point compensated line is studied.
The paper is organized as follows. Section II gives a brief
on existing transmission lines to enhance their capacity and per- description of the FACTS device operation and characteristics.
formance [1]–[8]. Distance protection relays have been widely Section III presents an analytical discussion of the shunt com-
applied for protecting transmission lines. This is due to their pensation effect. Sections IV–VI discus the dynamic simulation
simple operating principle and capability to work independently and results. The results of a commercial relay testing are given
under most circumstances and still provide very good protection in Section VII. Finally, the inferences of this study are presented
for the transmission line [9]. Thus there is a very high proba- in Section VIII.
bility that the transmission line where the FACTS device is being
installed is protected by a distance relay. This scenario brings up II. FACTS DEVICES
a question, “Will the existing distance protection relay perform Over the last decade FACTS devices have become popular
well with the new FACTS device in the transmission line?”. The and are turning out to be a very effective solution for many
objective of this paper is to find an answer to this question and power system transmission problems. FACTS devices can be
also bring out important issues that could possibly affect the per- broadly classified into three types, (a) Shunt (b) Series and (c)
formance of the distance relay when protecting a shunt compen- composite series and shunt. FACTS devices are being presently
sated line. employed for various applications, as follows:
• Increasing power transmission capacity of existing lines
Manuscript received July 23, 2004. Paper no. TPWRD-00336-2004. • Improving the steady state and dynamic stability limits
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi- • Improving damping of different types of power
neering, University of Western Ontario, London, ON N6A 5B9, Canada
(e-mail: oscillations
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2005.848641 • Improving voltage stability
0885-8977/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE

Fig. 1. V-I characteristics of an SVC.

Fig. 2. V-I characteristics of a STATCOM.

• Reducing the problem of sub-synchronous resonance
• Improving HVDC link performance
Shunt compensating FACTS devices are used for increasing
the power transfer capability of a line by regulating the
mid-point voltage of a transmission line around a set point, [1]
and [2] give a good explanation on the principle of operation
of FACTS devices and their controllers. Characteristics of
SVC and STATCOM, which can potentially affect the relay
performance are discussed below.

A. Static Var Compensator (SVC)

The SVC comprises a thyristor switched capacitor (TSC) and
thyristor controlled reactor (TCR) connected in parallel to the
compensation point of the system. With proper co-ordination of
the capacitor switching and reactor control, the reactive output Fig. 3. Equivalent circuit for 3-phase fault. (a) Equivalent circuit for 3 phase
can be varied continuously between the capacitive and inductive fault; (b) reduced equivalent circuit.
ratings. Fig. 1 shows the voltage-current V-I characteristics of
an SVC. the STATCOM can provide full capacitive reactive current
Depending on the operating point of the SVC, its reactance independent of the system voltage upto to a system voltage of
varies (the slope of the line connecting the operating point and 0.15 pu [1]–[3]. This would mean that the capacitive reactance
origin in Fig. 1 gives the reactance value). Once the maximum of a STATCOM could go to a very low value.
capacitive output limit of the SVC is reached, the SVC operates
as a fixed capacitor. At this condition, the maximum obtainable III. ANALYTICAL STUDY
capacitive current decreases linearly and the generated reactive The impedance measured by the distance relay can be ana-
power decreases as a square of the system voltage [1]–[3]. Thus lytically calculated. This will give a clear understanding of the
the minimum value of the capacitive reactance is when the SVC type of errors that can be introduced in the impedance measure-
reaches its maximum capacitive rating limit. Any further reduc- ment as a result of shunt FACTS compensation. Fig. 3 shows a
tion in voltage will only reduce the output rating retaining a con- simplified equivalent circuit of a mid-point compensated trans-
stant reactance. mission line for a three-phase fault. A simplified model is used
for the sake of simplicity but yet can help understand the impact
B. Static Synchronous Condenser (STATCOM)
of shunt compensation and provide some important insights.
STATCOM provides the desired reactive power generation From the equivalent circuit, the impedance measured by the
and absorption entirely by means of electronic processing of relay, for a three-phase fault beyond the FACTS device location
the voltage and current waveforms in a voltage source converter can be expressed as
Fig. 2 shows the V-I characteristics of a STATCOM. The (1)
STATCOM is able to independently control its output current
over the rated maximum capacitive or inductive range irre-
spective of the amount of ac-system voltage. Unlike the SVC,

Equation (5) is valid only when (fault beyond the

compensation point). For (fault before the compensa-
tion point), the impedance measured by the relay is not affected
by the presence of FACTS device. Since the value of line re-
sistance is very small as compared to its reactance, it can be
ignored without introducing any appreciable error in our anal-
ysis. The factor is scalar for a lossless line. The value of the
factor is positive in case of inductive compensation and neg-
ative in case of capacitive compensation. The plot of the mea-
sured impedance given by (5) for different fault locations
and compensation factor K is shown in Fig. 4 with the assump-
tion of lossless line. The curves for represents faults be-
yond the protected line. The vertical axis of Fig. 4 represents the
ratio between the fault impedance measured in the presence of
FACTS device to the fault impedance measured without
Fig. 4. Impedance measured for 3-phase fault in presence of shunt FACTS device for the same fault location . This di-
compensation. rectly represents the degree of under-reaching or over-reaching
of the distance relay. The horizontal axis represents the values of
compensation in per unit of the line impedance .
(3) For , the measured impedance is same as the right hand
side of (4) and hence as shown in Fig. 4.
(Since the FACTS device is at the midpoint of the line) However, for faults beyond the compensation location, the
Impedance measured by the relay presence and reactance value of the shunt FACTS compensating
Positive sequence impedance of line section upto the device affects the fault impedance measured by the relay. The
FACTS device location highest impact of the shunt compensation occurs around the
Positive sequence impedance of line section after the point at which the shunt compensator reactance value is equal
FACTS device location upto the fault point. to the reactance of the line between the FACTS device and fault
Total line impedance location. This condition results in a resonance. For example,
Positive sequence reactance of the FACTS device for fault location at the end of line , the resonance will
Fault location on the line in per unit of line length occur when (Capacitive) is equal half the line impedance
When there is no shunt FACTS compensation or FACTS de- when the measured impedance tends to infinity.
vice is operating on the floating mode, the term in (1) tends It can be observed that the resonance point splits the curves
to infinity and then (1) reduces to vertically between over-reaching and under-reaching regions.
The influence of the shunt compensation decreases as the ratio
(4) of to increases, which complies with what has been
However, when the line is shunt compensated with FACTS de- mentioned earlier. It can also be inferred from the figure that the
vices, the value of depends on the amount of compensation. farther the fault location from the shunt compensator, the larger
It is known that during faults on the line, system voltage reduces the possible region of under/over-reaching. From this analysis, it
and the FACTS device quickly tries to provide reactive power to can be understood that there is a critical value of , at which the
improve the voltage. The reactance of the shunt device is thus al- reach error changes from under reaching to overreaching (when
ways capacitive during faults and its value depends on the amount reduces from a value higher than the critical value to a lower).
of reactive power delivered by the FACTS device. The higher the
reactive power support, the lower the value of Xsc. IV. DYNAMIC SIMULATION MODEL
From (1), it is clear that as the value of reduces compared A. FACTS Device Model
to , it has a higher impact on the measured impedance. In
addition, since the shunt reactance is capacitive and the series For the dynamic simulation study, 12 pulse SVC/STATCOM
reactance of the line is inductive, the resultant impedance mea- is considered. The power rating of the FACTS devices is se-
sured has a nonlinear relationship with the fault location. The lected such that it can provide sufficient compensation for all
phenomenon is explained later using Fig. 4. conditions of loading and system strength. A slope of 3% is em-
The measured impedance without shunt FACTS compen- ployed in their characteristic. The control circuit is tuned for op-
sator, given by (4), will be used as a base for comparison timum performance for the weakest system state (that is when
with measured impedances with shunt FACTS compensator in the best response is required). To accurately model the FACTS
service to evaluate the impact of shunt FACTS compensation devices used in transmission system, a three phase balanced
on the impedance measurement. Hence, dividing (2) by (4) and firing scheme is adopted. This implies that all the three phases
rearranging, yields are fired at the same angle but 120 degrees apart. We will find
that this firing scheme has a very important bearing on the relay
(5) performance for different kinds of faults. Necessary filters have
been provided in the FACTS controllers to limit the effects of
where (for lossless line). system resonance and other harmonics [1], [2].

this equal compensation. In addition, this will in turn result in

a reduced compensation, as the equivalent voltage will not be a
true representation of the faulted phase. Thus for unsymmetrical
faults, the value of capacitive reactance of the FACTS device
depends on factors like, pre-fault load (load angle) and phases
involved in the fault in addition to (also applicable to symmet-
rical faults) the system strength and fault location. This effect
can results in incorrect impedance measurements as will be
shown in the simulation results presented in the next section.
In addition, the overcompensation of the healthy phases can
result in an increased reactive current in healthy phases. This
increases the possibility of incorrect phase selection, particu-
larly if the relay installed uses current based phase selection. The
results obtained from testing a commercial relay using RTDS,
confirm this point and are reported in Section VII of this paper.

Fig. 5. Single line diagram of the system considered.

B. Characteristics of SVC & STATCOM
The difference in the V–I characteristics of SVC and
B. Impedance Measurement STATCOM in the capacitive region (Figs. 1 and 2) has an
influence on the impedance measured during faults. In case
For estimating the impedance measured by the distance relay,
of an SVC, the shunt capacitive reactance decreases as its
all six loop impedances (AN, BN, CN, AB, BC & CA) are
reactive power compensation (MVAR) increases. Once the
measured. First, the phasors information is extracted from the
capacitive compensation limit is reached, the SVC behaves as
three-phase voltage and current signals using Discrete Fourier
a constant capacitive reactance during which its shunt reac-
Filter (DFT). Then, using these phasor values, the seen imped-
tance is minimum and a further reduction in voltage leads to a
ances for the six loops are calculated at each sampling interval.
corresponding reduction in its reactive power compensation.
These impedances are used for analysis.
In the case of a STATCOM, it has the capability to provide
C. Study System full capacitive output current at any system voltage down to
0.15 pu, in contrast to SVC which can supply only diminishing
A power system model with the facility to vary the system
output current with decreasing system voltage as determined
strength, fault location, type of fault, load flow and direction of
by its minimum capacitive reactance. This means that once the
load is used so that all possible conditions can be simulated and
STATCOM reaches its maximum capacitive current limit while
studied. Fig. 5 shows the single line diagram of the system model
the voltage continues falling down, the STATCOM shunt capac-
considered for the analysis. The distance relay is located at Sta-
itive reactance will continue to reduce maintaining the output
tion A, on Line I. The FACTS device is at the mid-point of the
current constant at its maximum limit.
transmission line I. The system data are shown in the Appendix.
Since during most fault conditions, the FACTS devices reach
The test cases have been selected so that all possible fault
their capacitive rating limits, the difference in the SVC and
conditions are studied. Table III, shown in the Appendix, gives
STATCOM characteristics results in a difference in their be-
the details of the 144 test cases.
havior. This can be observed in the test results, presented in Sec-
tion VI.
The power system and FACTS models discussed in the earlier C. Resonance for Three Phase Faults
section were built in the PSCAD/EMTDC software. Most of the For three phase faults, there is a particular location of the
simulation results obtained with both SVC and STATCOM are fault at which the measured impedance tends to infinity. When
in agreement with the analytical studies discussed in Section III. a three-phase fault occurs at or around this location, it results
However, there are additional insights obtained during the dy- in a highly modulated fault current and voltage waveform. As
namic simulation study, which are mentioned in the following a result, the fault impedance can take a very long time to con-
sections. verge. This can even lead other relays in the system to see this
as a power swing. Fig. 6 shows the fault voltage and current
A. FACTS Response for Unbalanced Faults of one such condition obtained during the simulation tests for
Since the FACTS devices (both SVC and STATCOM) were STATCOM. Fig. 7 shows the voltage at the FACTS location
used for voltage control application, a balanced three-phase (midpoint of the line) for the same case. As the STATCOM ex-
firing was employed [2]. FACTS device control system acts hibits a much lower minimum capacitive reactance compared to
on a dc voltage equivalent to the three-phase voltage. Thus for that of an SVC, such resonance problem is more likely to occur
unsymmetrical faults, in which faulty phases experience a severe in case of STATCOM than SVC for faults within the protected
under-voltage compared to the healthy phases, the FACTS de- line. This depends on the combination of the length of the line,
vice would provide equal compensation for all the three phases. the minimum capacitive reactance of the FACTS device, and the
This means that healthy phase(s) voltages can increase due to fault location.


Fig. 6. Fault current and voltage seen by the relay for a fault close to the
resonance location.

Fig. 7. Three phase rms voltage at the midpoint of the line (FACTS location).

D. Effect on Operating Time

The transient response of the FACTS controllers during faults
causes its shunt reactance to transiently vary from the pre-fault
value to the steady-state value. This phenomenon causes the
impedance locus seen by a relay to take longer time to converge was observed for single phase to ground faults. Whereas for
to the steady-state value. Most of the distance relays use con- STATCOM, highest error was observed for three phase faults.
vergence algorithm to determine the zone of fault (e.g., the fault
impedance measured does not change more than 5% for few B. Fault Location
consecutive samples) and this moving locus of the impedance The amount of error was observed to be higher for faults at the
can delay the operating time of the relay considerably. This was end of the line. This is in accordance with the analytical result,
verified during the testing of a commercial distance relay. The that higher errors are expected when the ratio of shunt compen-
results of this testing are given in Section VII. sating reactance to the line reactance is lower. In contrast, there
is no effect of FACTS on the measured impedance for fault lo-
The results of the dynamic simulation are summarized
in Table I. It shows the maximum under-reaching and C. System Strength
over-reaching errors for each type of fault, for both strong The effect on the impedance measurement was found to be
and weak systems. The entry within brackets in some cells higher for a weak system. Fault voltages are lower in a weak
shows the load angle and direction of flow for which the system as compared to a stronger one. This fact results in more
maximum error was noted. Where there is no mention of load compensation and higher errors. In case of STATCOM, the over-
or direction, the error was the same regardless of the load flow reaching conditions occur only when the system is weak. On
and direction. Based on these simulation results, the following the other hand, there was no case of over-reaching noted for
observations and comments can be drawn. SVC. However, over-reaching might be possible for very long
transmission lines or faults in the adjacent lines.
A. Fault Type and Load Figs. (9a)–(c) show some of the test results plotted on an
The amount of pre-fault load has an influence on the error only impedance plane. Fig. 8 gives the legend used for representing
for unbalanced faults. This is due to the balanced response of the results for various system conditions in the impedance plane
FACTS device even for unbalance faults. A minimum amount shown in Figs. (9a)–(c).
of error variation with respect to pre-fault loading was observed In the legend:
for three phase faults. In case of SVC, the maximum error • The first two digit numeral represents the load angle.

Fig. 8. Legend used for representing the measured impedance for different
system conditions in the impedance plane.

Fig. 9(c). Test results with STATCOM—ABC fault, weak system.

• The letters “XX” means that it represents all load flow and
load direction.
The relay characteristic is shown as a circle (mho character-
istics), set to cover 100% of the protected line, which is an ef-
fective way of representing the line. Faults are applied at 25%,
50%, 75% and 100% of the transmission line. The markings on
the line represent the measured impedance at each of the four
fault locations.
Fig. 9(a) shows the results obtained for a weak system with
SVC under single phase to ground faults. It can be clearly seen
Fig. 9(a). Test results with SVC—AN fault, weak system. that the amount of load and direction of load flow has a greater
influence of the measured impedance. For a strong system, the
results obtained had similar pattern. Figs. (9b) and (9c) show
the results for a weak system with STATCOM for AN and ABC
faults respectively. As mentioned earlier, the chances of the
compensating reactance becoming lesser than the critical value
are more in case of STATCOM. This effect is seen for three
phase faults where the relay tends to over-reach irrespective of
load. For two-phase faults on similar system, the results showed
both under-reaching and over-reaching cases.


A commercial full scheme distance relay was tested using a
real time digital simulator (RTDS) to study its performance on
mid-point shunt FACTS compensated transmission lines. The
system shown in Fig. 5 was used for this study.
The relay was programmed with three mho zones with the
following settings:
Zone 1 80% (240 km)
Fig. 9(b). Test results with STATCOM—AN fault, weak system.
Zone 1 time Instantaneous
Zone 2 150% (450 km)
Zone 2 time 400 ms
• The next two letters (A & B) represent the direction of load Zone 3 220% (660 km)
flow, “AB” means load flow on the protected line is from Zone 3 time 800 ms
station A to station B. “BA” means load is from station B All faults are applied for duration of 1.5 s to verify the zone
to station A. detection of the relay. Table II gives the relay operation obtained
• The last set of letters “s” or “ns” denotes if the line is for various faults. The information includes the zone of opera-
compensated or not respectively. tion, distance to fault and phases operated.

TABLE II missive or blocking schemes can overcome this problem. Nev-

ertheless, serious consideration should be given to the under-
reaching effect caused by SVC while setting the distance relay.
Other effect of an SVC is to cause incorrect phase selection.
This can cause a failure of single pole tripping scheme if en-
abled, irrespective of the distance relay operation in stand-alone
or communication-aided scheme.
In case of a STATCOM, it can cause both under-reaching and
over-reaching of a stand-alone distance relay. Under-reaching
phenomena can lead to nonoperation of a distance relay for faults
in the protected line. As was mentioned earlier, this can be solved
by communication aided distance schemes with proper setting.
However, when distance relay over-reaches, as may happen in the
presence of STATCOM, the distance relay can mal-operate for
faults beyond the protected line. This problem will not be solved
by provision of channel aided distance schemes, as Zone 1 oper-
ates independent of the carrier signal. Incorrect phase selection
for single-phase faults is also a problem for STATCOM, which
cannot be solved by communication-aided schemes.
Another issue that has to be borne in mind is the possibility of
communication channel failures. Failure of the communication
channel will set the distance protection to stand alone mode. In
this situation, when a distance relay under-reaches, faults on a
considerable portion of the line may not be detected or may be
cleared with time delay.
Given all the aforementioned problems, an ideal solution
seems to be a directional comparison relay for protecting
mid-point shunt FACTS compensated transmission lines.

From the study, it becomes clear that a distance relay is not
the best protection for a mid-point shunt Flexible AC Trans-
From Table II, it can be seen that the performance of the com- mission System (FACTS) compensated transmission line. The
mercial relay was similar to the findings from the analytical mid-point FACTS compensation can affect the distance relays
and simulation studies. It has to be noted that for most of the with regards to impedance measurement, phase selection and
single-phase to ground faults, the relay failed to operate, indi- operating times. The application of stand-alone distance pro-
cating severe under-reaching. Even for the cases when it oper- tection would be inappropriate. On the other hand, communi-
ated, the phase selection was wrong. cation aided distance schemes appear suitable under most of
The relay fault location information given by the commercial the conditions. However, in the presence of STATCOM, where
relay does not exactly convey the amount of error introduced in over-reaching phenomenon was observed, a channel aided dis-
impedance measurement, as the fault location is proportional to tance scheme could also fail. In applications where single pole
the fault reactance only. However, due to the fault angle error, tripping is required, distance protection, either stand-alone or
even for a distance shown to be less than 80%, the zone of op- channel aided, may not perform correctly. Delayed operation
eration can be Zone 2. An example of this condition is the high- of distance relays can affect system stability. Presence of shunt
lighted entry in Table II. compensated FACTS devices can also affect distance relays on
The operating time of the relay was also found to be signifi- the nearby transmission lines.
cantly inconsistent with some Zone 1 operation, taking 7 to 10 The issues brought out are all related to the studied system.
cycles, whereas a similar fault without SVC resulted in the relay Due to the wide application of FACTS devices, the rating and
operation in approximately one cycle. system configuration can widely vary. Though the general is-
sues discussed in this paper will still remain, their degree of
severity may be higher or lower in a particular system. It is im-
perative therefore a thorough study should be conducted when-
From the above studies, the effect of mid-point shunt FACTS ever a new FACTS device is being installed. This study would
compensation on distance relays can be inferred as follows: provide information on the suitability of distance relaying and
An SVC can cause stand-alone distance relay to under-reach. if suitable, the type of scheme to be employed and any modifi-
However, channel aided distance schemes employing either per- cations required.

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[8] IEEE Guide for a Detailed Functional Specification and Application of
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[9] Network Protection & Automation Guide, 3rd ed: Alstom, 2002.
[10] D. Novosel, A. Phadke, M. M. Saha, and S. Lindahl, “Problems and
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[13] W. Wang, Y. Xianggen, Y. Jiang, D. Xianzhong, and C. Deshu, “The
APPENDIX impact of TCSC on distance protection relay,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Power
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System Data of Fig. 5 [14] M. Khederzadeh, “The impact of FACTS device on digital multifunc-
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• Transmission lines (I, II & III). Exh. Asia Pacific. IEEE/Power Eng. Soc., vol. 3, Oct. 6–10, 2002, pp.
Line lengths 300 km. 2043–2048.
[15] K. El-Arroudi, G. Joos, and D. T. McGillis, “Operation of impedance
Positive seq. impedance km. protection relays with the STATCOM,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol.
Zero seq. impedance km. 17, no. 2, pp. 381–387, Apr. 2002.
• Equivalent sources (1,2,3 & 4):
Power rating 100 MVA.
System voltage 230 kV.
Tarlochan Singh Sidhu (SM’94–F’04) received the B.E. (Hons.) degree from
System frequenc y 60 Hz. the Punjabi University, Patiala, India, in 1979, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. de-
Positive seq. impedance . grees from the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada, in 1985
Zero seq. impedance . and 1989, respectively.
Currently, he is Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-
• FACTS Device: neering and Professor and Hydro One Chair in Power Systems Engineering at
a) SVC: the University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada. From July 1990 to
Interfacing transformer 3 winding (Y/y/d). June 2002, he was a Professor and Graduate Chair of the Department of Elec-
trical Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan. He worked also with the
Transformer ratio 230/11/11 kV. Regional Computer Center, Chandigarh, India; Punjab State Electricity Board,
Transformer rating 200 MVA. India; and Bell-Northern Research Ltd., Ottawa, ON. His areas of research in-
Transformer impedance 0.1 pu. terest include power system protection, monitoring, and control.
Dr. Sidhu is a Fellow of the IEEE, Fellow of the Institution of Electrical En-
SVC capacitive rating 167 MVA. gineers of the U.K., Fellow of the Institution of Engineers, India, a Professional
SVC inductive rating 100 MVA. Engineer registered in the Province of Ontario, and a Chartered Engineer in the
Interfacing transformer 3 winding (Y/y/d).
Transformer ratio 230/11/11 kV.
Transformer rating 100 MVA. Rajiv K. Varma (M’96) received the B.Tech. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical en-
Transformer impedance 0.1 pu. gineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur, India, in 1980
STATCOM rating 100 MVA. and 1988, respectively.
Currently, he is an Associate Professor and Associate Chair-Graduate at the
(inductive & capacitive). University of Western Ontario (UWO), Canada. Prior to this position, he was
a faculty member in the Electrical Engineering Department at the Indina Insti-
tute of Technology, Kanpur, India, from 1989 to 2001. His research interests
REFERENCES include FACTS, power systems stability, wind power systems, and distribution
[1] N. G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi, Understanding FACTS: Concepts & Dr. Varma was awarded the Government of India BOYSCAST Young Scien-
Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems. New York: Wiley, tist Fellowship in 1992-93 to conduct research on the flexible ac transmission
Nov. 1999. system (FACTS) at the University of Western Ontario (UWO). He also received
[2] R. K. Varma and R. M. Mathur, Thyristor-Based FACTS Controller for the Fulbright grant of the U.S. Educational Foundation in India, to conduct re-
Electrical Transmission Systems: Wiley/IEEE Press, Feb. 2002. search in FACTS at Bonneville Power Administration (B.P.A.), Portland, OR,
[3] L. Gyugyi, “Converter-based FACTS controllers,” in Inst. Elect. Eng. in 1998. He is the Chair of IEEE Working Group on “FACTS and HVDC Bib-
Colloq. Flexible AC Transmission Systems—The FACTS, Nov. 23, 1998, liography” and is active on a number of other IEEE working groups. He has
pp. 1/1–1/111. received several Teaching Excellence awards at the Faculty of Engineering and
[4] P. Moore and P. Ashmole, “Flexible AC transmission systems,” Inst. University level at UWO. He is an Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER
Elect. Eng. Power Engineering J., vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 282–286, Dec. 1995. DELIVERY.

Pradeep Kumar Gangadharan (S’04) received the B.E degree in electrical German Rosas Ortiz (S’03) received the B.Eng. and M.Sc. degrees from the
and electronics engineering from the University of Madras, Madras, India, in National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico City, Mexico, in 1993 and 2000, respec-
1995. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree at the University of Western tively. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in power system protection at
Ontario, London, ON, Canada. the University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada.
From 1995 to 2003, he worked in various capacities at the Energy Automation
and Information business of ALSTOM (presently AREVA), Chennai, India. His
research interests include power system protection control and automation.

Fadhel Abbas Albasri (S’94) received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical
engineering from the University of Bahrain, Bahrain, India, in 1992 and 1997,
respectively. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in power system protec-
tion at the University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada.
Currently, he is an Engineer with the Ministry of Electricity and Water,
Bahrain, India. He joined the University of Bahrain as Teaching and Research
Assistant in 1994.

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