Violence and Family Life Psychoanalytic and Gender Approaches

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Violence and family life: psychoanalytic

and gender approaches1
Violência e vida familiar: abordagens psicanalíticas
e de gênero
Belinda Mandelbaum
Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Psicologia.
Departamento de Psicologia Social. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
E-mail: We aim to examine the possibilities for an inter-
disciplinary dialogue between Psychoanalysis
Lilia Blima Schraiber
Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina.
and gender theory, as expressed in studies about
Departamento de Medicina Preventiva. São Paulo, SP, Brazil. violence on Collective Health, to approach occur-
E-mail: rences of aggression and abuse in family life and
Ana Flavia P. L. d’Oliveira their possible impacts on health, with particular
Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina. attention to the psychological impacts on children
Departamento de Medicina Preventiva. São Paulo, SP, Brazil. and women, as well as in the family group as a whole.
E-mail: Based on classical authors for both disciplinary
contributions, we examine a concrete case taken
from a family care situation. This examination
consists of three interpretative dimensions: first,
considerations on the individual case in its family
context; second, the case seen from the perspective
of cultural issues; and third, the relation between
culture and its individualized expression in the
case. We show the possibility of conducting an ap-
proach that integrates the intrapsychic dimension,
which concerns the functioning of the inner world
of the individuals involved, with the sociocultural
and historical realities that constitute their context
of life. With the aim of a comprehensive care of
the cases, we highlight the practical importance of
combining reflection and action of psychodynamic
nature, a result of the examination of the intra-
psychic impacts of violence from concepts such
as trauma and terror, with recognition of cultural
expressions in the individual and family realms,
Correspondence which strengthen normative acceptances of aggres-
Lilia Blima Schraiber
Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 455, 2º andar, sala 2174. Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil.
CEP 01246-903.

1 This article is based on a study presented at the IV Simpósio de Pesquisas do Centro de Atendimento a Vítimas de Abuso Sexual (CAVAS)/
UFMG (IV Symposium of the Care Center for Victims of Sexual Abuse) – “Plots of perversion: domestic sexual violence” (November, 2013)
and published in the collection França, C. P. (org.) Tramas da perversão: a violência sexual intrafamiliar. São Paulo: Escuta, 2014, v. 1,
p. 33-46. Financial support from CNPq’s productivity scholarships.

422 Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.25, n.2, p.422-430, 2016 DOI 10.1590/S0104-12902016145768
sions, victimizations, silencing, and trivialization Introduction
of violence. The interdisciplinary dialogue makes
possible to understand the development of cultur- This article aims to contribute to interdisciplin-
ally reinforced feelings and behaviors, such as fear ary readings on domestic violence and its impacts
and shame in the victims and repetition of violence on the family. The motivation of this study starts
in the aggressors. from the construction of a dialogue between Psy-
Keywords: Violence; Family; Psychoanalysis; Gen- choanalysis and gender theory in studies focused on
der; Health. Collective Health, as a field of integration between
disciplines of human and social sciences or phi-
Resumo losophy and knowledge aimed at the health-disease
processes and their social determinants. We are
Busca-se examinar as possibilidades de diálogo driven by the question: is it possible to articulate
interdisciplinar entre a psicanálise e a teoria de several systems of references in approaching the
gênero, tal como tem sido usada em estudos acerca dynamics of violence in the family?
da violência na Saúde Coletiva, para abordar ocor- We immediately need to specify these referenc-
rências de agressão e abuso na vida familiar e seus es. From the perspective of gender, we are based on
possíveis impactos na saúde, com especial atenção Scott (1986) and on what is produced on Collective
às repercussões psíquicas nas crianças e mulheres, Health from such reference (Araújo; Schraiber;
bem como no grupo familiar como um todo. Com Cohen, 2011). In this study, we articulate our ideas
base em autores clássicos para ambos os aportes with Scott’s historicist approach, which will allow
disciplinares, examina-se um caso concreto extraído us to develop two additional elaborations: the one
de situação de atendimento à família. Esse exame that state in detail the historical changes of fam-
é composto de três dimensões interpretativas: pri- ily as a group of diversified individuals, and the
meiro, considerações sobre o caso individual em seu one in which the historical-cultural constructions
contexto familiar; segundo, o caso visto da perspec- around male and female, beyond positions in the
tiva das questões culturais; por fim, a relação entre social structure, are taken here as sociocultural
a cultura e sua expressão individualizada no caso. identities, as masculinities and femininities in
Aponta-se para a possibilidade de se realizar uma exercise in the social relations of gender. The ar-
abordagem que integre a dimensão intrapsíquica, ticulation with health issues and their harms will
que diz respeito ao funcionamento do mundo inter- be sought within these formulations (Schraiber
no dos sujeitos envolvidos, à realidade sociocultural et al., 2005).
e histórica que constitui o seu contexto de vida. E Similarly, from the psychoanalytic perspective,
com vistas a uma atenção mais integral dos casos, we are based on Freud (1976a, 1976b) and Klein
aponta-se a importância prática de combinar a refle- (1991), already in dialogue with a psychosocial
xão e intervenção de natureza psicodinâmica, fruto perspective (Mandelbaum, 2010, 2014), seeking to
do exame dos impactos intrapsíquicos da violência problematize the dynamics of family relationships
a partir de conceitos como trauma e terror, com between the affections and anguishes associated
reconhecimentos das expressões culturais no plano with paternal authority, and this relation is already
individual e familiar, que reforçam aceitações nor- problematized as an unequal historic construction
mativas de agressões, vitimizações, silenciamentos of male and female individuals in private life, expos-
e banalizações das violências. O diálogo interdis- ing the permission of culture on the establishment
ciplinar permite compreender o desenvolvimento of “terror” inside the house.
de sentimentos e comportamentos, reforçados This interdisciplinary dialogue serves for build-
culturalmente, tais como medos e vergonhas nas ing a more complex and comprehensive set of tools
vítimas e reiteração das violências nos agressores. that enable us to approach the experience lived by
Palavras-chave: Violência; Família; Psicanálise; people – mostly women and children – who are vic-
Gênero; Saúde. tims of violence within the family. The experience

Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.25, n.2, p.422-430, 2016 423

can and must be thought of in its psychic, relational, “Terror” is a word that names this experience
and social dimensions, which are inextricably ar- well, approaching what occurs in the private life
ticulated in singular ways in each case, if we are and in the familiar scope to other situations – such
concerned with the possible interventions in the as war and torture, in which extreme experiences
field of violence. (whether physical or psychological) are mobilized
(Herman, 1997).
A family and a case Arendt (1994) indicates an “extreme” nature
of violence that Freud (since his early work of
The father enters the silent house late at night. therapy with hysterical patients) stated as an “ex-
The mother and two daughters, aged 5 and 8 cessive” nature of the violent situations of sexual
years, are watching TV in the children’s bedroom, nature experienced in childhood and perpetrated
in the dark and quietly. They hear the noise of the by the adults of the same house. Psychoanalysis
entrance of the father – the key in the lock, the finds there its origins; Freud relies on this oc-
steps toward the room, and the silence sinks in currences to propose the first model of psychic
apprehension. He walks into the room where they apparatus: the unconscious as the repository of
are, turns the beds, one of them over the older childhood experiences suppressed from conscious-
girl, on top of her nose, which bleeds. Nothing is ness because of their excessive nature before the
said, the mood is of muted and paralyzing terror. comprehension capacity from the child. Freud
He leaves. The silence of mother and daughters could observe with his female patients that these
with the father comes from several days and experiences fall into silence, but not into oblivion.
foreshadows the departure from home. The terror They remain active and are repeated in various
is extended beyond these days and the ones of expressive modalities, such as symptoms, inhibi-
separation. At the sight of the father, each time, tions, and anguishes lacking in representation.
the girls are taken by anxiety and by the desire These experiences ask for elaboration; not to be
that this meeting would not occur. One day, in properly forgotten – according to Freud there is
an unexpected meeting in the street, the father never complete oblivion – but to gain understand-
strongly holds the younger girl, who struggles ing in forms accessible to the conscience and no
with fear, trying to escape from the scary hug. more as disabling and enigmatic psychic or so-
Impossible, as the father is much bigger and matic symptoms. They are “traumatic” events, as
stronger. The experience of the child is of des- Freud has appointed. They are part of our psychic
peration and annihilation. (Oral report collected identity and continuously demand the search for
from family psychotherapy session) construction of meanings to the lived experiences.
If Freud assigned to Psychoanalysis an etiologi-
The presented report fragment was extracted cal character, i.e., a binding with a source for the
from the record of the care service for families understanding of the psychic phenomenon, he
that experience different situations of violence. It granted to the trauma the status of origin of the
presents a terrifying atmosphere, exposing one of psychic symptom. The trauma, in this case, is a
the concrete expressions of domestic violence – and psychic commotion, meaning ruin, destruction,
here we understand violence as the action of some- or loss of one’s own form (Ferenczi, 1981).
one that can invade the limit of other and, by force, In one of the first psychoanalytic writings of
impose oneself (Berenstein, 2000). This domestic Freud, Studies on hysteria (1976), the trauma is as-
violence is chronic and daily repeated, creating an sumed to be the origin of the psychic conflict that
experience in which mind and body merge into sen- generates the symptom. It is a shock in the real
sations of disintegration, helplessness, and fear. The experience that hits, like a quake, the defenses of
experiences in the relationship of intimacy with the the I. Freud (1976b) describes it in terms of “shame
other make this fear emotionally unreachable and and silence”. According to him, at the time of its
“almighty” in relation to the victim’s life and body. production, the shame would be one of the respon-

424 Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.25, n.2, p.422-430, 2016

sible reasons for the inability to speak or even think mension. The “abused child” and the “woman who
about the event, which tends to express itself, as we is beaten up” are not only sexual fantasies, but
said, symptomatically, in various forms of psychic relational standards that occur in diverse forms
and physical suffering. For this reason, therapeuti- in different sociocultural contexts, closely linked
cally, Freud sought to break the silence and surpass to hegemonic ideas of masculinity and feminin-
shame, by hypnosis or listening to the patients, so ity. When Psychoanalysis put these elements of
that the traumatic experience could be reported and social reality aside and deal with violence against
elaborated. We note, still, that the importance of women or children only in its intrapsychic dimen-
shame to the silencing of the traumatic experience sions – although this is a present dimension and
and the resulting illness have been recovered by that demands understanding – at best this sci-
contemporary psychoanalysts, particularly those ence performs a partial and fragile therapeutic,
dealing with the psychological impacts of social since it silences aspects from reality that tend
disasters such as wars, genocide, mass rape, and to perpetuate. When the psychoanalyst does not
torture (Benghozi, 2010). recognize the violence actually suffered and
urging to be abolished, and attribute everything
The cases and culture to psychism and fantasy, he/she might also be
violent. Ferenczi (1981) says that trauma occurs
According to Freud (1976a), the psychic real- in two stages: the first is the traumatic event
ity is formed in response to reality: the anguish itself and the second is the non-recognition by
resulting from the trauma, which composes the a third party, whom the victim asks for aid, that
suffering of victims of violence is, at the same the trauma in fact occurred and could not have
time, a trigger signal of their psychic defenses, occurred. Hence his recommendation for the psy-
organizing their way of being in the world. Psy- choanalysts to consider and show the recognition
choanalysis, however, over its construction of of the pain produced by the actual event, so that
more than a century, relativized the events of its elaboration, within certain limits, can occur.
reality in favor of the drive of each of us and of In turn, Psychoanalysis brings an unique and
the others in us and for us, in the production of essential contribution to interdisciplinary dia-
the disorders. Psychoanalysts, in general, gave logue by deepening into the subjective dimensions
up trying to discover the historical events that involved in violence. Because violence, like all
produce trauma to look into the internal reality human phenomenon, will be acted, experienced,
of their patients. Freud himself reports, in a let- and understood from the singular ways with which
ter to Fliess (Freud; Fliess, 1986), the discovery of everyone of us perceives reality and interacts
the importance of fantasy in the configuration of with it – ways that also originate in the personal
reality, blurring the boundaries between internal and family history of each person. Melanie Klein
and external realities, with complex and impor- (1991) brought an important contribution to the
tant impacts for Psychoanalysis. This is one of psychoanalytic study by showing in detail the
the reasons why we consider the interdisciplin- interplay of affections and anxieties that color
ary dialogue essential, although difficult, since our relationships and constitute our internal
the different disciplines operate from diversified and external reality. According to Klein, external
theoretical and methodological references. In the reality is difficult to be perceived in its objectiv-
specific case of the studies and interventions in ity, separated from the individual, being only
the field of domestic violence, Psychoanalysis is reachable in an unstable way, when we can see
nourished by the dialogue with sociology, history, something that goes beyond us, that is not ours,
and the cultural and gender studies to remember but from the other. Because we project our inner
that it is not possible to reduce the understanding world on the outer world, throwing shadows on it.
of the phenomenon, if we want to operate some The possibility of recognizing the other depends,
transformation in it, only to an intrapsychic di- according to Klein, on the acquisition of a confi-

Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.25, n.2, p.422-430, 2016 425

dence, related to childhood experiences, since the enced and constitute a learning experience for the
ones experienced by the baby with his mother, in child, before the contradictions and ambivalences
the existence of a reality that is good, stable, and that we all have.
caring. This confidence is such that, compared to Thus, to undergo violence is frustrating,
the absence, frustration, and waiting, will emerge thus, to our ability to move on from divisions
the tolerance and the ability to wait, preserving to integrations as learning for life, to deal with
the outer object of the hate attacks from the baby. the various relationships we build throughout
It is proficuous to use these elaborations of our lives. This process is particularly harmful in
Klein to understand the psychic functioning domestic violence because, on the one hand, the
triggered against traumatic events, when reality child finds himself/herself the victim of violence
confronts the child with violent and terrifying by those who should protect him/her, and, on the
situations, because, such as Klein deals with the other, since the family is his/her primary learning
mechanisms triggered by the baby’s psyche against of socialization, his/her experience of the outer
anguishes of annihilation, the experiences of vio- world will be exposed to this difficult mark with
lence arising from reality favor certain modes of which he will have to deal for being and acting in
emotional operation that are disorganizers of the this world. The extensive review about intimate
being in the world. These operating modes tend to partner violence and sexual violence from the
crystallize, since the very situation of violence is perspective of the studies with women and men,
recurring, producing in the victims the anguished conducted by the World Health Organization,
fear of its repetition and making them prisoners to shows a strong association between having lived
permanent surveillance and seizures. The trauma or witnessed violence in childhood and experience
also produces the need to seek safety and protec- situations of violence in adult life, as victims or
tion, as we see in the above reported case in which aggressors (WHO/LSHTM, 2010), and the cultural
mother and daughters are together in a room, issues of gender are a differentiator between these
while the other spaces of the house are of danger, two last conditions – being a victim or aggressor
since, in these, they can meet with the aggressor, –, as we will consider later.
which threatens them. The father is not always From what we have said so far, we hope to have
violent, but this way of reacting to his presence shown that, if it is important to approach and know
can remain and prevent other more amorous ways the singular case in its intrapsychic dimension, it
of interacting, consolidating, in reverse, the figure is also important to consider it in family and social
of the attacker father and reaffirming his position contexts. Regarding this last perspective, many
as a bad person. studies contribute to approach this issue from the
Keeping the aggressor only in this position, sociocultural perspective, and the contributions
as well as always keeping oneself as victim, is of gender studies are particularly productive in
also crystallizing or essentializing positions that that direction (Heise, 1998; Heise; Ellsberg; Gotte-
are not necessarily fixed. This crystallization is a moeller, 1999; Schraiber et al., 2005), to which we
way to react to the trauma of violence (such as we will return below.
considered this far), and represents a psychic and Additionally, we highlight here the contribu-
subjective configuration of division of the inner tions of family Psychoanalysis, as they allow us
world and also of the outer world, generating an in- to understand violence also from the perspective
ability to more global and dynamic understanding of the psychic dynamics among relatives, in the
of the relationships between these worlds. So, with approximation of an unconscious group structure
Klein (1991), we say that the experience of violence whose rules of organization and functioning
leads us to adhere to a partial and tight view of the relate to a sociohistorical and cultural place,
other, preventing the psychic functioning by which both to the life experiences in this family group
a contrary motion – of dynamic integration of the (which are not only limited to the current family
various aspects of the other – can also be experi- nucleus) and to the families of origin of each of

426 Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.25, n.2, p.422-430, 2016

its members. This implies the need to know the 2005). These two strange and opposite situations
cultural history and the previous family history are products and reproduce the cultural elements
of the current nucleus, dialoguing with the recur- of trivialization of violence, creating in the family
ring patterns of interaction and communication important differentials concerning the silences
among members. If, as already said, violence and the acceptance of violence as a way of dealing
fix positions, refusing different possibilities on with gender differences.
group dynamics, and if, as a reaction, rules of
silence and searches for isolation are established Culture and the cases
(which is culturally reinforced, as we shall see),
the recognition of the family as this location not Although the cases express the situation that
only possible, but even usual of violence, in its each individual experience in society and allow an
various manifestations, is an important starting approximation of singular manifestations, within
point for a therapeutic work of the case itself and the plurality of social life, each case externalizes
beyond it. the product of a synthesis: the outer world that
The contribution of Psychoanalysis in the dia- is internalized by the individuals, read and repre-
logue with cultural, social, and historical studies sented (or re-presented) in their own interiority,
is not for recognizing the family or individuals as which is externalized in individual behavior (Sar-
violent, it is for allowing an understanding that tre, 1987). Therefore, there is a common substance
violence is not a product of the inner world or of to the different individuals, which speaks to us
the outer world in isolation, but that it results of culture and reveals the rules of life in society.
from the private ownership that each individual But, also, it reveals the individual appropriation,
or family accomplish from the interaction between with differentiated valuations of the materiality
these worlds. In Freud, and from him, in the field of of social life, of the inequalities of situations ex-
Psychoanalysis, the boundaries between the inner perienced, and of the different opportunities for
and the outer are, if not abolished, merged. And change. This dual revelation enables us, on the
violence always emerges in the “between”: between one hand, to reach the meanings regarding the
people, between situations, between relationships. acceptance, or not, of violence as a norm to deal
Psychoanalysis will give visibility to the ruptures with conflicts in family or in society, and, on the
in these relationships, by the work of drawing up other, to also reach the vulnerabilities regarding
the experience of violence. This is essential so the social supports and the concrete possibilities
that the cycle of violence does not proliferate in of facing situations of violence. We can say, then,
succeeding generations. Violence is traumatic that culture operates in two directions in the rela-
and, therefore, tends to repetition. Hence the need tion with the individual: internalized, somehow,
of children to understand their parents, which to all individuals, composing with their inner
involves the recognition of subjective peculiari- self before the world that is already there for
ties, but also of their family and cultural histories. each individual; and externalized in discourses
To elaborate critically is to understand, making and actions. Therefore, culture can be rescued, in
cohabitation another possible way of relational studies and researches, as an element of sociohis-
situation. torical connection of individuals territorialized
The fear, anguishes, and shame of the victims in certain (social) spaces and (historical) times,
turn into silences and fatalities in the case of and in the way that each one internalizes and ex-
girls, generally reiterating in women, as they be- teriorizes it, encompassing at the same time the
come adults, the place of the victim; for the boys, common sociohistorical – what is shared in social
the acts of violence are generally transformed life – and the plurality, what distinguishes us in
in common occurrences, reiterating, most of the social life. In both dimensions, in which cultural
times, as they become adults, the place of the at- norms are, with and for them, values and objective
tacker (Schraiber et al., 2005; Couto; Schraiber, possibilities for the relations of the individual

Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.25, n.2, p.422-430, 2016 427

with the society are inscribed. Such values and which is the hegemonic as social norm, in the rela-
their concrete exercises in the intersubjective tionships they experience in their daily lives (Couto;
relations are affirmed or rejected. Thus, cul- Schraiber, 2005). Thus, as considered before, the
tural norms provide or obstruct the individuals’ individualized expressions of the male are plural,
achievements. which also will be processed in terms of the expres-
Following Scott (1986), when she considers the sions of individuals with lower power by women,
historical construction of masculine and feminine in the family and sexual-affective relationships
as sociocultural norm in the conceptualization of that these individuals build together, in hetero- or
gender, we can say that this construction oper- homo-conjugality.
ates socially as a reference for the configuration Nevertheless, such plurality in gender relations
both symbolic and material of social life and thus is the hallmark of inequality. Its common substance
contributes to define the perception and behavior are the various ruptures historically inscribed in
of individuals. Thus, men and women will differ as these referentials, creating crises in the traditional
social individuals, in terms of what is expected from identities of male and female, which radicalize
them and of what they will consider as their actions the very relationship between individuals of male
and responsibilities in social life to be recognized and female identity toward violence, with men as
as men and women. perpetrator individuals and women as violated
Historically, men always had more presence individuals.
and performance in public life, and they were es- Thus, with the economic and cultural changes
tablished as the (only) individual of politics. Such that currently cross the families and in which the
competence resulted in equal importance as a social contemporary attributions of men and women no
worker and as an agent of this same social element longer fully adhere to the historically constructed
in private life. Therefore, a male identity of the identities, the traditional gender relations are
family provider is established, building socially stage for progressive conflicts, arising from the
the image of the family and each of its members new performances of the individuals in the public
as “property” of the man, because of the material and private life. When these conflicts are “resolved”
support that this man will bring and because he is in the form of violence, we define this violence of
socially constructed as the ethical and moral guard- intimate and familiar life relations as “gender vio-
ian of this same family, educating, guarding, and lence” (Schraiber et al., 2005). This gender nature
controlling its members for public life. To the eyes is quite researched in the case of violence against
of society and everyone in the family – especially in women (Heise; Ellsberg; Gottemoeller, 1999), and
patriarchal family structures such as those that still even for men, in cases of violence between them,
today define modes of relationship and configure we can recognize elements of gender, in which the
a certain normativeness in our country – it is the victimized man is put by the perpetrator in a situa-
man who defines and monitors the behavior of its tion of inferior, “more feminine” individual (Couto;
members, and at the same time is the representative Schraiber, 2005).
of the family in society. Thus, we can say that it is around this gender
As an individual that has been preferred for normativeness, common to different cases, that
public life, the man also establishes himself as we will find the foundations of reflection to the
an individual endowed with greater freedom than understanding of the differences between men
women, freedom for being and circulating in the and women that come from families that experi-
public and private realms, articulating them. Thus, ence violent situations or from previous personal
men will be, as a whole, individuals with greater experiences of violence, and dislocate, in the adult
power: political, economical, cultural, moral, and life, to opposing positions in violent relationships:
sexual, as workers, parents, spouses, leaders, politi- one becoming the aggressor, and the other, the
cal agents, educators etc., even if they might occupy victim. It is also in this gender referential that
positions that are different from this reference, we will find understanding relating to the very

428 Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.25, n.2, p.422-430, 2016

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Authors’ contribution
Mandelbaum proposed and conceived the design of the article,
collaborated with previous research data, and built the thought
and final draft; Schraiber and d’Oliveira collaborated with previous
research data and built the thought and final draft.

Received on: 02/07/2015

Resubmitted on: 09/27/2015
Approved on: 11/18/2015

430 Saúde Soc. São Paulo, v.25, n.2, p.422-430, 2016

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