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The “Muscle Nerd’s” Personal

“Sexual Surge” Recipe

Goal: Enhance Sexual Performance

And Combat Erectile Dysfunction

Daily Maintenance Formula For MEN:

• Pycnogenol: 40mg x 2 times a day
(As an alternative, Grape Seed Extract may be useful in the
same quantity and at a lesser expense; see document)
• L-Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate (AAKG): 2g x 2 times a day
• L-Ornithine Alpha Ketoglutarate (OKG): 2g x 2 times a day
“Virtual Viagra” Formula (One Time Dose For MEN):
• L-Arginine Hydrochloride (AHCL): 3g
• L-Ornithine Hydrochloride (OHCL): 3g

As A Daily Maintenance Formula For MEN:

Each day, consume 40 mg of pycnogenol with one 2 g dose of
each, AAKG and OAKG on an empty stomach first thing in the
morning and again about 30 minutes before going to bed.
As A “Virtual Viagra” Formula For MEN:
Consume one 3g dose each of AHCL and OHCL about
45 minutes before sexual intercourse.

If you’re using any of these supplement ingredients in other

formulas during the day (such as AAKG), simply include the
REMAINDER of this formula’s ingredients into your daily
Special Notes regimen.

In other words, do NOT take the same ingredients in ADDITION

to your other doses!
30-Day Cost For Approximately $22.72 Per Month!* (MEN)
Maintenance *Based upon 1 day’s recipe for 30 days (30 total stacks)
Single Dose Cost
For “Virtual Viagra” Approximately $.36 Per Dose!

Bonus Supplement Formula – “Sexual Surge”

Recipe Goal: For MEN, this formula will enhance your sexual performance with
stronger, harder erections and increased penis size.

In addition, this formula has had an incredible success rate with helping men
suffering from erectile dysfunction (non disease related) achieve normal
erections without the aid of drugs like Viagra or Cialis!

Why This Formula Works: If you’re looking to add more POWER to your
performance between the sheets, THIS is the formula for you!

In a recent study, researchers worked with 40 men between the ages of 25 to 45

who suffered from erectile dysfunction that was NOT related to physical disease
such as prostate cancer.

Initially they used a formula of 40mg of Pycnogenol combined with 1.7g of

L-Aginine per day for one month but only about 5% of test subjects responded
with normal erections.

However, when they upped the dosage to 80 mg (40mg twice a day) of

Pycnogenol with the same 1.7g dosage of L-Arginine, a whopping 80% of the
men reported normal erections following one month on this dosage!

When researchers increased the amount of Pycnogenol to 120mg (40mg three

times a day), a full 92.5% of the men reported normal erections...

...and all of this with NO SIDE EFFECTS!

A second study from different researchers confirmed these findings...

Researchers took 50 men with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction and gave
them the same combination of Pycnogenol with L-Arginine.

After just 1 MONTH, ALL PARTICIPANTS reported normal erections and were
having sexual intercourse TWICE as often as they were at the start of the study.

Ok, now here’s why this works...

In order for a man to achieve an erection, the penile muscle must relax (I sounds like it would be the opposite, right?) and then the chambers
inside the penis fill up with blood to make it hard.

Researchers found that supplementation with L-Arginine increases nitric oxide in

the body which both relaxes muscle AND increases blood flow as a “vasodilator”.

Bonus Supplement Formula – “Sexual Surge”

The addition of the Pycnogenol acts as a powerful BOOSTER as it’s incredible
antioxidant properties support so many of the body’s functions while improving
the circulatory system by helping to strengthen capillaries and veins.

The end result?

Increased sustained blood flow to the now-relaxed and “primed” penis resulting in

(Note: If Pycnogenol is hard for you to find where you live or too expensive, a
possible alternative may be Grape Seed Extract. It’s slightly less expensive,
easier to find, and exhibits pretty much the same benefits as Pycnogenol... even
though it wasn’t part of the studies I’ve cited.)

But how I’ve made the formula even MORE POWERFUL with a
few strategic additions (hee hee hee)...

First, I’ve opted for using L-Arginine Alphaketoglutarate (AAKG) instead of base

AAKG is a much more bioavailable source of Arginine and I’ve had incredible
success with it personally both IN the gym...OUT of the gym...and the

It’s more powerful and I recommend it for MANY reasons (as you can tell from
my other personal supplement recipes).

In addition, L-Ornithine Alphaketoglutarate (OKG) ALSO increases blood levels

of nitric oxide by reducing the breakdown of Arginine in the body, making it even
MORE bioavailable and effective!

Also, L-Arginine can cause restlessness for some people at night and by adding
the OKG to the formula, it will negate this effect allowing for more restful sleep
and a natural increase in Human Growth Hormone (among several other

Enjoy this formula guys (as well as the co-recipients of your new abilities ;-)!

Bonus Supplement Formula – “Sexual Surge”

Primary Active Ingredients Breakdown And How They Fit Into The Formula:


• Trademarked name for proanthocyanidin, a bioflavanoid complex

extracted from the bark of the European coastal pine, Pinus Maritima.

• Is a powerful antioxidant, even more effective than vitamin C or E, and

neutralizes damaging free radicals to protect brain tissue, improve
immunity and is being studied as a treatment for many free-radical-
related disorders, including Alzheimer’s and cancer.

• Can improve the circulatory system by helping to strengthen capillaries

and veins and keeping blood platelets from sticking together and forming
hazardous blood clots.

• Pycnogenol products should not be confused with products containing

Grape Seed Extract (GSE). Although both Pycnogenol and GSE contain
the antioxidant proanthocyanidin [also called Oligomeric
Proanthocyanidins (OPC) and Procyanidolic Oligomers (PCO)], they are
two distinct, chemically different substances. Pycnogenol only refers to
those products containing extracts of the French Maritime Pine bark.

Grape Seed Extract (GSE):

• Though chemically different from Pycnogenol, GSE does exhibit many of

the same benefits due to its high concentration of Oligomeric
Proanthocyanidins (OPC).

• Contains highly effective antioxidants that can scavenge free radicals

from the human body and may include protective effects from
environmental stresses such as cigarette smoking, pollution, and as well
as supporting the body’s normal metabolic health.

• May also lower blood fat, lower blood pressure, reduction of blood vessel
scleroses, and support the circulatory system in many other ways.

Bonus Supplement Formula – “Sexual Surge”

L-Ariginine Alphaketoglutarate (AAKG)

• When released in the blood stream, dramatically increases nitric oxide


• More potent and more readily bioavailable form of l-arginine.

• Studies have shown that an increase in nitric oxide can provide

extended and enhanced “muscle pump” after a workout, improved
endurance and recovery time, and improved workout capacity.

• Powerful supplement for natural release of Human Growth Hormone.

L-Ornithine Alphaketoglutarate (OKG)

• Highly bioavailable form of the amino acid L-Ornithine that’s a key factor
in the body’s Krebs energy cycle.

• Significantly increases blood levels L-Arginine even without L-Arginine


• Frequently prescribed for patients with severe burns to reduce tissue

breakdown and regeneration.

• Supplementation with L-Ornithine alpha-Ketoglutarate, especially

combined with L-Arginine, by performance athletes and bodybuilders
can significantly reduce recovery time following strenuous workouts.

L-Ariginine Hydrochloride (AHCL)

• More powerful and faster-acting form of L-Arginine (even more so than


L-Ornithine Hydrochloride (OHCL)

• More powerful and faster-acting form of L-Ornithine (even more so than


Bonus Supplement Formula – “Sexual Surge”

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