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AGRA CASES (8/26) RA 6657 is likewise valid.

The carrying out of the

regulation under CARP becomes necessary to
ASSO. OF SMALL LANDOWNERS VS. SEC. OF deprive owners of whatever lands they may
DAR [G.R. NO. L-78742; 14 JUL 1989] own in excess of the maximum area allowed,
FACTS: there is definitely a taking under the power of
eminent domain for which payment of just
Several petitions are the root of the case: compensation is imperative. The taking
contemplated is not a mere limitation of the
a. A petition alleging the constitutionality of PD
use of the land. What is required is the
No. 27, EO 228 and 229 and RA 6657. Subjects
surrender of the title and the physical
of the petition are a 9-hectare and 5 hectare
possession of said excess and all beneficial
Riceland worked by four tenants. Tenants were
rights accruing to the owner in favor of the
declared full owners by EO 228 as qualified
farmer. A statute may be sustained under the
farmers under PD 27. The petitioners now
police power only if there is concurrence of the
contend that President Aquino usurped the
lawful subject and the method. Subject and
legislature’s power.
purpose of the Agrarian Reform Law is valid,
b. A petition by landowners and sugar planters however what is to be determined is the
in Victoria’s Mill Negros Occidental against method employed to achieve it.
Proclamation 131 and EO 229. Proclamation
131 is the creation of Agrarian Reform Fund
with initial fund of P50 Billion. CASE DIGEST: HACIENDA LUISITA VS. PARC

c. A petition by owners of land which was G.R. No. 17110: July 5, 2011
placed by the DAR under the coverage of
Operation Land Transfer. FACTS:

d. A petition invoking the right of retention Following the promulgation of the Courts
under PD 27 to owners of rice and corn lands Decision in the above-captioned case on July 5,
not exceeding seven hectares. 2011, the petitioners present for resolution
several issues concerning the said Decision. To
ISSUE: Whether or Not the aforementioned recall, in the 2011 Decision, the Court ordered,
EO’s, PD, and RA were constitutional. among others, that the lands subject of
Hacienda Luisita Incorporateds (HLI) stock
HELD: The promulgation of PD 27 by President
distribution plan (SDP) be placed under
Marcos was valid in exercise of Police power
compulsory coverage on mandated land
and eminent domain. The power of President
acquisition scheme of the CARP and declared
Aquino to promulgate Proc. 131 and EO 228
that the original 6,296 qualified farmworker
and 229 was authorized under Sec. 6 of the
beneficiaries (FWBs) shall have the option to
Transitory Provisions of the 1987 Constitution.
remain as stockholders of HLI.
Therefore it is a valid exercise of Police Power
and Eminent Domain. ISSUES:
I. Whether or not the operative fact doctrine is accorded the same status as that of a statute or
applicable to the present case those which are quasi-legislative in nature.

II. Whether or not Sec. 31 of RA 6657 or the (2) As We have succinctly discussed in Our July
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988 is 5, 2011 Decision, it took the Farmworkers
constitutional Agrarian Reform Movement (FARM) some
eighteen (18) years from November 21, 1989
III. Whether or not the Court properly before it challenged the constitutionality of Sec.
determined the coverage of compulsory 31 of RA 6657. The question of constitutionality
acquisition will not be passed upon by the Court unless it is
IV. Whether or not the matter on just properly raised and presented in an appropriate
compensation has been correctly passed upon case at the first opportunity. FARM is,
by the Court therefore, remiss in belatedly questioning the
constitutionality of Sec. 31 of RA 6657. The
V. Whether or not the subject agricultural lands second requirement that the constitutional
may be sold to third parties though they have question should be raised at the earliest
not been fully paid possible opportunity is clearly wanting. The last
but the most important requisite that the
VI. Whether HLI violated any of the provisions
constitutional issue must be the very lis mota of
under the SDP
the case does not likewise obtain. The lis mota
VII. Whether or not the ruling that the qualified aspect is not present, the constitutional issue
FWBs should be given an option to remain as tendered not being critical to the resolution of
stockholders of HLI is valid the case. The unyielding rule has been to avoid,
whenever plausible, an issue assailing the
HELD: constitutionality of a statute or governmental
act. If some other grounds exist by which
(1) The Operative Fact Doctrine is not limited to
judgment can be made without touching the
invalid or unconstitutional laws. Contrary to the
constitutionality of a law, such recourse is
stance of respondents, the operative fact
favored. Based on the foregoing disquisitions,
doctrine does not only apply to laws
We maintain that this Court is NOT compelled
subsequently declared unconstitutional or
to rule on the constitutionality of Sec. 31 of RA
unlawful, as it also applies to executive acts
subsequently declared as invalid. The
"operative fact" doctrine is embodied in De (3) FARM argues that this Court ignored certain
Agbayani v. Court of Appeals, wherein it is material facts when it limited the maximum
stated that a legislative or executive act, prior area to be covered to 4,915.75 hectares,
to its being declared as unconstitutional by the whereas the area that should, at the least, be
courts, is valid and must be complied with. covered is 6,443 hectares, which is the
Evidently, the operative fact doctrine is not agricultural land allegedly covered by RA 6657
confined to statutes and rules and regulations and previously held by Tarlac Development
issued by the executive department that are Corporation (Tadeco). We cannot subscribe to
this view. Since what is put in issue before the
Court is the propriety of the revocation of the (EP) or certificate of land ownership award
SDP, which only involves 4,915.75 has. of (CLOA). Considering that the EPs or CLOAs have
agricultural land and not 6,443 has., then We not yet been issued to the qualified FWBs in the
are constrained to rule only as regards the instant case, the 10-year prohibitive period has
4,915.75 has. of agricultural land. not even started. Significantly, the reckoning
point is the issuance of the EP or CLOA, and not
(4) In Our July 5, 2011 Decision, We stated that the placing of the agricultural lands under CARP
"HLI shall be paid just compensation for the
remaining agricultural land that will be
transferred to DAR for land distribution to the (6) AMBALA and FARM reiterate that improving
FWBs." We also ruled that the date of the the economic status of the FWBs is among the
"taking" is November 21, 1989, when PARC legal obligations of HLI under the SDP and is an
approved HLIs SDP per PARC Resolution No. 89- imperative imposition by RA 6657 and DAO 10.
12-2. FARM further asserts that "[i]f that minimum
threshold is not met, why allow [stock
We maintain that the date of "taking" is distribution option] at all, unless the purpose is
November 21, 1989, the date when PARC not social justice but a political accommodation
approved HLIs SDP per PARC Resolution No. 89- to the powerful."
12-2, in view of the fact that this is the time that
the FWBs were considered to own and possess Contrary to the assertions of AMBALA and
the agricultural lands in Hacienda Luisita. To be FARM, nowhere in the SDP, RA 6657 and DAO
precise, these lands became subject of the 10 can it be inferred that improving the
agrarian reform coverage through the stock economic status of the FWBs is among the legal
distribution scheme only upon the approval of obligations of HLI under the SDP or is an
the SDP, that is, November 21, 1989. Thus, such imperative imposition by RA 6657 and DAO 10,
approval is akin to a notice of coverage a violation of which would justify discarding the
ordinarily issued under compulsory acquisition. stock distribution option.

(5) There is a view that since the agricultural (7) Upon a review of the facts and
lands in Hacienda Luisita were placed under circumstances, We realize that the FWBs will
CARP coverage through the SDOA scheme on never have control over these agricultural lands
May 11, 1989, then the 10-year period for as long as they remain as stockholders of
prohibition on the transfer of awarded lands HLI. In line with Our finding that control over
under RA 6657 lapsed on May 10, 1999, and, agricultural lands must always be in the hands
consequently, the qualified FWBs should of the farmers, We reconsider our ruling that
already be allowed to sell these lands with the qualified FWBs should be given an option to
respect to their land interests to third parties, remain as stockholders of HLI, inasmuch as
including HLI, regardless of whether they have these qualified FWBs will never gain control
fully paid for the lands or not. The proposition is given the present proportion of shareholdings
erroneous. Under RA 6657 and DAO 1, the in HLI.
awarded lands may only be transferred or
conveyed after ten (10) years from the issuance Moreover, bearing in mind that with the
and registration of the emancipation patent revocation of the approval of the SDP, HLI will
no longer be operating under SDP and will only Title issued to petitioners emanating from the
be treated as an ordinary private corporation; Emancipation Patents were registered with the
the FWBs who remain as stockholders of HLI Registry of Deeds. Petitioners averred that prior
will be treated as ordinary stockholders and will to the issuance of the Emancipation Patents,
no longer be under the protective mantle of RA they already delivered their lease rentals to
6657. In addition to the foregoing, in view of respondent. They further alleged that after the
the operative fact doctrine, all the benefits and issuance of the Emancipation Patents, the
homelots received by all the FWBs shall be subject landholding ceased to be covered by
respected with no obligation to refund or return any leasehold contract.
them, since, as We have mentioned in our July
5, 2011 Decision, "the benefits x x x were DARAB held that when the subject landholding
received by the FWBs as farmhands in the was placed under the Operation Land Transfer,
agricultural enterprise of HLI and other fringe the tenancy relationship between the parties
benefits were granted to them pursuant to the ceased and the tenant-beneficiaries were no
existing collective bargaining agreement with longer required to pay lease rentals to the
Tadeco." landowner. However, when petitioners entered
into an agreement with respondent for a direct
payment scheme embodied in the Deeds of
Transfer, petitioners obligated themselves to
MAGO vs. BARBIN, GR 173923 pay their amortizations to respondent who is
FACTS: the landowner. CA held that the mere issuance
of an Emancipation Patent to a qualified
Respondent filed with the PARAD of Camarines farmer-beneficiary is not absolute and can be
Norte an action for Cancellation of attacked anytime upon showing of any
Emancipation Patents, Disqualification of irregularity in its issuance or non-compliance
Tenant-Beneficiary, Repossession and Damages, with the conditions attached to it. The
alleging that she is the owner in fee simple of Emancipation Patent is subject to the condition
the subject irrigated Riceland, with an area of that amortization payments be remitted
4.7823 hectares, and that petitioners were promptly to the landowner and that failure to
tenants of the subject landholding. Respondent comply with this condition is a ground for
further alleged that petitioners violated the cancellation.
terms of their leasehold contracts when they
failed to pay lease rentals for more than two ISSUE: Whether or not herein petitioners
years, which is a ground for their dispossession violated the emancipation patent.
of the landholding. On the other hand,
petitioners alleged that the subject landholding
was placed under the Operation Land Transfer The Court has already ruled that the mere
program of the government pursuant to PD 27. issuance of an emancipation patent does not
Respondent’s original title was then cancelled put the ownership of the agrarian reform
and the subject landholding was transferred to beneficiary beyond attack and scrutiny.
petitioners who were issued Emancipation Emancipation patents issued to agrarian reform
Patents by the DAR. The Transfer Certificates of beneficiaries may be corrected and cancelled
for violations of agrarian laws, rules and amortizations. In this case, both the Court of
regulations. In fact, DAR Administrative Order Appeals and the DARAB found that petitioners
No. 02, series of 1994, which was issued in have not fully paid the amortizations for the
March 1994, enumerates the grounds for land granted to them. The PARAD had a similar
cancellation of registered Emancipation Patents finding when it recommended that the proper
or Certificates of Landownership Award. There recourse of respondent is to file a claim for just
is no substantial evidence on record that the compensation. Clearly, the cancellation of the
petitioners had remitted the amortizations due Emancipation Patents issued to petitioners is
to the landowner in accordance with their proper under the circumstances.
agreed direct payment scheme embodied in
their deeds of transfer. In view thereof, the
Court has no recourse but to sustain the LANDBANK vs. COLARINA, GR 176410
findings of fact of the agency below.
Well-settled is the rule that only questions of
law can be raised in a petition for review under Respondent is the registered owner of three (3)
Rule 45 of the Rules of Civil Procedure. The parcels of agricultural land which he acquired
factual findings of the Court of Appeals are from their former owner, Damiana Arcega. The
conclusive and cannot be reviewed on appeal, parcels of land have a total area of 972,047
provided they are based on substantial square meters. Upon acquisition thereof,
evidence. More so in this case where the respondent manifested his voluntary offer to
findings of the Court of Appeals coincide with sell the properties to the DAR for coverage
those of the DARAB, an administrative body under R.A. No. 6657. Respondent’s assessment
with expertise on matters within its specific and value of the properties was P45,000.00 per
specialized jurisdiction. hectare.

In the first place, the Emancipation Patents and The DAR, through petitioner LBP assessed the
the Transfer Certificates of Title should not have properties and offered to purchase only
been issued to petitioners without full payment 57.2047 hectares out of the 97.2047 hectares
of the just compensation. Under Section 2 of voluntarily offered for sale by respondent. The
Presidential Decree No. 266, the DAR will issue excluded area (40 hectares) fell under the
the Emancipation Patents only after the tenant- exemptions and exclusions provided in Section
farmers have fully complied with the 10 of the CARL, i.e., all lands with eighteen
requirements for a grant of title under PD 27. percent (18%) slope and over.
Although PD 27 states that the tenant-farmers
As the LBP’s assessment and valuation of the
are already deemed owners of the land they till,
properties was unacceptable to, and rejected
it is understood that full payment of the just
by, respondent, he elevated the determination
compensation has to be made first before title
of just compensation of the properties to the
is transferred to them. Thus, Section 6 of EO
Provincial Agrarian Reform Adjudicator
228 provides that ownership of lands acquired
(PARAD). Unfortunately for respondent, the
under PD 27 may be transferred only after the
PARAD affirmed the valuation set forth by the
agrarian reform beneficiary has fully paid the
Disappointed with the low valuation by It is elementary that rules and regulations
petitioner and the DAR, respondent filed a issued by administrative bodies to interpret the
Complaint before the RTC, for the judicial law which they are entrusted to enforce, have
determination of just compensation. During the force of law, and are entitled to great
pre-trial, LBP manifested that the subject respect. Administrative issuances partake of the
properties may be reassessed and revaluated nature of a statute and have in their favor a
based on the new guidelines set forth in DAR presumption of legality. As such, courts cannot
A.O. No. 11, Series of 1994. Intent on finding a ignore administrative issuances especially
common ground between petitioner and when, as in this case, its validity was not put in
respondent and to amicably settle the case, the issue. Unless an administrative order is declared
SAC ordered the revaluation. However, the invalid, courts have no option but to apply the
valuation was still rejected by respondent. same.
Hence, trial ensued.
While the Court commends respondent in
ISSUE: How should the value of “just readily participating in the government’s
compensation” be computed? agrarian reform program, our previous rulings
preclude us from validating the valuation of the
HELD: subject properties proffered to, and affirmed
Citing Land Bank of the Philippines v. Celada, by, the SAC. The government cannot be forced
the Court declared: to purchase land which it finds no need for,
regardless of Oliva’s unschooled opinion.
While SAC is required to consider the Considering respondent’s belief that the
acquisition cost of the land, the current value of properties are worth more than the valuation
like properties, its nature, actual use and made by the DAR, he can proceed to develop
income, the sworn valuation by the owner, the the land excluded by the DAR from
tax declaration and the assessments made by expropriation into its potential use as assessed
the government assessors to determine just by Oliva.
compensation, it is equally true that these
factors have been translated into a basic
formula by the DAR pursuant to its rule-making PASCO vs PISON-ARCEO AGRICULTURAL AND
power under Section 49 of RA No. 6657. As the DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Case Digest
government agency principally tasked to
implement the agrarian reform program, it is 485 SCRA 514 (2006), THIRD DIVISION (Carpio
the DAR’s duty to issue rules and regulations to Morales, J.)
carry out the object of the law. DAR AO No. 5, s.
of 1998 precisely “filled in the details” of Under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Section 17, RA No. 6657 by providing a basic Law, ownership of the land is transferred only
formula by which the factors mentioned therein after the award of the same to the beneficiary
may be taken into account. The SAC was at no by the Department of Agrarian Reform.
liberty to disregard the formula which was FACTS: Pison-Arceo Agricultural and
devised to implement the said provision. Development Corporation, is the registered
owner of a parcel of land in Negros Occidental.
Constructed on the said land are houses things, "the land will be placed under agrarian
occupied by the corporation‘s workers. Jesus reform, the land‘s suitability to agriculture," a
Pasco et al. are former workers of the Notice of Coverage does not ipso facto render
corporation. When their employment contracts the land subject thereof a land reform area. The
were terminated, they were asked to vacate the owner retains its right to eject unlawful
house but they refused to do so. The possessors of his land, as what respondent
corporation thereafter filed a complaint for Pison- Arceo Agricultural and Development
unlawful detainer before the Metropolitan Trial Corporation did in the present case.
Court in Cities in Bacolod City. The trial court
rendered judgment in favor of Pasco et al. On Nothing in the records of the case shows that
appeal, the Regional Trial Court affirmed the the DAR has made an award in favor of Spouses
decision. Pasco et al. appealed the decision Pasco et al. Hence, no rights over the land they
contending that the court has no jurisdiction occupy can be considered to have vested in
over the case on the ground of a pending their favor in accordance with Section 24 of the
agrarian reform dispute between them and the CARL which provides that the rights and
corporation. The Court of Appeals rendered a responsibilities of the beneficiary shall
commence from the time the DAR makes an
decision which affirmed the RTC‘s decision.
award of the land to him, which award shall be
ISSUE: Whether or not one who has been completed within one hundred eighty (180)
identified by the Department of Agrarian days from the time the DAR takes actual
Reform (DAR) as potential agrarian reform possession of the land.
beneficiary may be ejected from the land where
he is identified as such, by the landowner, who
has already been notified by the DAR of the
coverage of his land by the Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform Program of the government.

HELD: The issuance during the pendency of the

case of a Notice of Coverage to Pison-Arceo
Agricultural and Development Corporation does
not, however, automatically make the
ejectment case an agrarian dispute over which
the Department of Agrarian Reform
Adjudication Board (DARAB) has jurisdiction.
The issuance of a Notice of Coverage is merely a
preliminary step for the State‘s acquisition of
the land for agrarian reform purposes and it
does not automatically vest title or transfer the
ownership of the land to the government.

Since during a field investigation the DAR and

Land Bank of the Philippines would make a
determination as to whether, among other

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