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Merciful Father,

Source of all wisdom and knowledge, You never

cease to love and care for us despite our failings.
In Your great love for us, You sent Your only
begotten son to lead us out of the darkness into the
fullness of your light.
Sent forth Your spirit to guide our hearts and minds
and to be with us now, as we discuss our lessons, so
that we may discover what is true and just.

We ask this through Your Son Jesus Christ, Amen.


To our Heavenly Father, thank you for all the

blessings that you have given me. May You continue
to give me the guidance and wisdom that I need in
order to succeed in all my endeavors and dreams.

To our beloved professors, Dean Jose R.

Sundiang and Atty. Dante dela Cruz, thank you for
being an inspiration to all your students. I will
forever be grateful to have had the chance to be your
student. You portray someone that is more than just a
professor of law. Your passion in what you do can be
seen from the principles that you stand by. Thank you
for all the knowledge that you have imparted on us.

To my family and friends, thank you for being

the best support system any person could ever ask
for. To my father, thank you for understanding all the
sacrifices I have to make in order to achieve my
dream. To my mother, thank you for always taking
care of me even if you are away. To my friends,
thank you for being there not only in laughter but
also in sadness. You made my law school experience,

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