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SERENDIPITY AND SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY Martin F. Rosenman ABSTRACT Serendipity has payed acacia role sclence. The mar ofthe most important end rerlonay discoveries in balgy ard medicine hee @ terendptous element in thom (Beveridge, 1957, 1980) few examples fare the dicovery of pviclin, heparin, Dramamine, X-ray, the Gram “taining technique, the pancreas role In dabei, and the anesthetic (fects of ether and nitrous onde, In ther area of science, the covery putas, cece caren, the conmecon Between elecicty ant ‘magnet, and he dteton of cosmic mierowave radiation background fl involved seenlptow event INTRODUCTION Serendipity bs plyed cial ole io seience. The malay ofthe most impo. tun and revolsonayditcoreris i logy and medicine have a serendipitous ‘ment ia them (Beveddge, 1957, 1980). A few examples ac the discovery ‘Sf penn, bern, owing Kay, the Gra sing technigue. the ioe role in date, nd the snes effects of ter and ious oxide Tnoter areas of lence, te discovery of plas lc carey, th connection between electrty and mignon, and the detection of cosmic microwave ‘aio bekgroan, all involved seeptoas evens, ag ete cto Yep. sien yore a7 Py MARTIN F, ROSENMAN ‘THE PRINCES OF SERENDIP: CHANCE AND ‘THE PREPARED MIND. ‘The word srenaipiy was coined by Horace Walpole, ax eceatic English wrt, ina leter to Sit Horace Maga ia 1754 "This discovery Is almost of that kind which Tell serendipity, very expressive wor... once read & tly fry tale ale The Thre Princes of Serendip as theirighnesses wveled they were always making discoveries, by accidents and saga of hings which they were notin guest of." ‘Almost al reset populr dictionaries have changed Wales definition of serendipity althoogh they sil ret him with be ogi of he werd. Examples ‘of recent definition incade “he fay of making provident ditcoveres by tecident” (Noah Webster’), "te facly of fading valuable hngs not sought for" (Meram Webser’s), and "an apie fr making desinble discoveries by tecident” (Random Hoa). The ke word sagacty bs bees omited. Sagacity, Getind as penewating inelignce, ken preepon and sand judgment, is key elameot of serendipity. the orginal story, eigacty permeates the Uves of Th Thee Pinces of Serendip. Although they've been inrecy portryed a bos who Keep tccidennly bamping into good fortune, thle etal bles re moe aia to those of Strick Holes. "The thee princes reeived the best formal education posse. The King cores realized whea hs sos had eae the peak of tir book knowledge td decide their Frtheredbcaton best come fom the exince of taveing in other lands. In Peni, the thee princes encountered a camel drive searching for is sui. Trough aie bseraton the pances were ble determine dha tbe Camel was bind in one eye, musing a tod, and lame. sey also coocioded ‘ha the animal was careying lod of bute on obese, tone om the che, tnd a pegnat woman. Convinced tat only thieves could ow such deta, the camel driver had he princes areted, Whee the alsing camel was subsequent found the princes were asked how they were ale to determine ro many deals. The aneer,of couse, reles more on saguiy than on chance. ‘Te botbes, in tur, confessed the following ap emt ve be Md ih ee ay ep hy he et 1 aero ena eo ga sooth el ar etc ny re ge we aly nnd erase oth pt ge Seen nd Seif Dicey 18. Tipe et cml nd to ect warty nn eo tad | on he ese tee ts easy frye wre oe al ‘sedicoe enuntceesaeebctbaa ote peo {femdom be on pz cd ity owe ot ‘a ep woh ate wt Cfony by ass (Of le Nee (99, ‘shan! Como 98) ‘This excemt was sleet usa the peaces' Keen perception and intl enc, although i falls to dsplay tee good judgment. Throghout the ret of the story, ter highly developed mental pownrs enable ham wo ake advantage ofthe chance opportunites they encounter. ‘The Princes of Serendip hav Wir pall inthe scenic word. Perhaps the most famous example of seen ise discovery of pein,» sory ‘which essential ears the power iatencton of chance Wi he prepared ‘ad FLEMMING AND FENICILLIN ‘When Alexander Flemming noted a mold had grown in one of his cltre dishes an the sapylocoraleclones around the meld wee dead e decid to explore this promising led, A as 28 seit baived Flaming rept mold killing one or mae colonies of bacteria daring an experiment, ut all ‘hore to view it ata unfortaat or rae: than an opportunity for discovery (Galy, 197), For example, Soot noticed te inhibiton of « suphylococeal fclony by a mol be viewed it os a mosaoe. He ler empbasied that Fleming's discovery was mainly atbulshe to teas is sling an ope tut others had le pars ther than det jst pre chance (Sot, 1947) ‘What uted Fleming to pute the prossing lead that was ignored by 0 many scents before i? There Is 0 sogle answer. As Ausin (197?) observes, "the mest novel if pt the greatest discoveries cour when weveral Jove of chance coincide" Nise yeas befor hs discovery of pein, Femming observed that the bacteria in one of ht dies dad afer being contamitd wi is misal

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