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iSupplier Invoice Form Required

Author: Evosys SCM Team

Creation Date 4 Oct 2017
Last Updated: 4 Oct 2017
Version: 1.0
MD.050 Application Extensions Functional Design

Document Control

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Date Author Version Change Reference

4 Oct 2017 Evosys SCM Team 1.0 No Previous Document


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MD.050 Application Extensions Functional Design


Document Control ii
Basic Business Needs 4
Major Features ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Definitions ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
User Procedures...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Examples ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable 6
Open Issues ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Closed Issues ........................................................................................................................................................... 6

Basic Business Needs
1) While creating the invoice from iSupplier portal, the PO field is text in
the create invoice form. It should be changed to List of values as it will
be an issue if it is in text format.
2) Attachment need to be made mandatory while creating invoice

Major Features
Feature 1
For existing service contracts in the system, the mail/notification to be sent
to the members of requested department from backend.
For the new service contracts, a provision is to be given to the buyer while
creating the contract to enter the department. (The list of departments and its
members will be provided separately along with this document.)

Service Contract
Service Contracts is a customized solution through which users
are able to capture the contracts of their company with other companies in the system.
Service Procurement Contracts Management is a customized solution that enables approvers
and executives to view, approve and enter Service Contracts respectively.

Requested Department
Requested department is the one for which the contract is made
i.e. the one which is the end user for the same.

User Procedures
In order to create service contract, user must perform the following steps:
 Create service agreement, Navigation Purchasing Contract
Buyer Buyer Work Center Orders SEHA Service

4 SEHA /Evosys Confidential

 User needs to save the agreement and not submit for
 Create a service contract using the service agreement and
perform the approvals.
 Once the service contract is approved, complete the approvals
of the service agreement.

General Example
If a contract expires on 31st August 2017, the mail/notification to be sent on
following events:-
1) Six months before contract expires i.e. on 28th/29th February
2) Later on 1st of every month till contract expiry i.e 1st of March, April,
May, June, July and August.
3) When the contract has expired i.e. on 31st August
Example for existing service contracts in the system
For existing service contracts, the mail/notification to be sent for all the
events from backend for which it qualifies.
For Eg:- Counting from today i.e. 2nd August 2017
If an existing service contract expires on 31st August 2017, it qualifies only for
the contract expired notification
If an existing service contract expires on 31st of October, it qualifies for
notification to be sent on 1st of September and October as well as the contract
expired notification.
If an existing contract expires on 31st February 2018, it qualifies for all
notifications i.e. the 6 months expiry notification on 31 st of August, on 1st of
September, October, November, December and January and finally the
contract expiry notification.

For New contracts created

When the buyer creates the service contract, he/she will enter the
department name from the LOV given on contract header. The
mails/notifications will go to all the members of the entered department at
the required events.

5 SEHA /Evosys Confidential

Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable

Open Issues

ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date Impact


1 Find the source for the SEHA Contracts

Requested Department Management
column in Service
Contracts Dashboard

Closed Issues

ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date Impact


6 SEHA /Evosys Confidential

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