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Portfolio – Notes for the teacher

What is a language portfolio? Passport / Biography section:

• Photocopies of My English pages, completed at the end
The aim of creating a language portfolio with your of each term
pupils is to promote the learning of languages in
• Photocopies of the certificate for Level 5
general, and to record and validate all their linguistic
abilities and language learning experiences (including • Completed unit and term tests
those from outside the classroom). • Certificates of any external exams pupils have sat,
e.g. UCLES ‘Movers/Flyers’ exam

The European Language Portfolio Dossier section:

The Council of Europe is promoting the use of the • Pieces of writing from each unit’s writing lesson
‘European Language Portfolio’, a three-part portfolio (Lesson 8)
which has the aim of encouraging lifelong language • ‘Learning through English’ mini projects (Lesson 11)
learning, providing a record of linguistic skills that is • Photocopies of completed pages from the Activity
internationally recognized, and promoting tolerance Book and / or the Photocopy Masters Book;
and cultural awareness through learning other • Cassette or video recordings of pupils singing songs
languages. The intention is that each student has their or acting out stories, e.g. performing the Lesson 5
own personal Portfolio that will accompany them playscripts;
throughout their learning experience. The European
• Other (see ‘Further ideas’ below).
Language Portfolio is divided into the following
The Incredible English Portfolio can be included in the
Passport classroom routine as much or as little as you choose. If
The Passport section provides an overview of each your students haven't worked on a Portfolio before, a
student’s ability in a language or languages. It includes good point to start would be towards the end of the first
self-evaluation and teacher assessment as well as any term. Explain to the pupils what a language portfolio
certificates a student may have received or records of is, let them make the cover pages and complete the first
courses they have completed. My English page (see below). Tell them that they will
be responsible for choosing which pieces of work they
would like to include in the Dossier section (they can
choose the pieces of work which they are most proud
The Biography section allows the student to reflect upon
of, which they have most enjoyed doing, or which they
and assess his or her progress. It encourages the student
think would be most interesting to other people).
to think about what he / she can do in the language.
Parents should be encouraged to support their children’s
Dossier language learning by helping them collect items for
The Dossier contains selected pieces of work which their Portfolio or making suggestions about what pieces
illustrate the student’s achievements, abilities, and of work to include in the Dossier section.
experiences, as recorded in the Biography or Passport. The Incredible English Portfolio for Level 5 contains the
following material
What is the Incredible English
Portfolio cover
Portfolio? Pupils fill this in and stick it on the cover of the file,
folder, or box that they are going to use for their
The idea of the Incredible English Portfolio is to raise Incredible English Portfolio. They can also stick on a
awareness of the existence of the European Language photo or a drawing of themselves.
Portfolio and to prepare children to use future portfolios
in the secondary education system. It is a useful tool
for teachers in future years as it allows them to see
what each child has studied so far. It is also extremely
motivating as it gives children the opportunity to be
responsible for their own learning as they indicate what
they can do in English and decide autonomously what
work to include in their Portfolio.
The Incredible English Portfolio does not aim to exactly
match the structure of the European Language Portfolio,
but instead takes the elements from it which are most
relevant for children of this age.
Each child’s personalized Incredible English Portfolio
might consist of a selection of the following, stored
together in a designated file, folder, or box:

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press | Incredible English 6 Portfolio (Notes for the teacher)
My English pages Encourage pupils to take pride in their Portfolios, and
These summary / self-evaluation pages are intended to regularly go through the Dossier section, tidying
to be completed at the end of each unit or term. Go and organizing it, and adding work as necessary
through the ‘I can’ statements with the pupils first to to keep it updated. Encourage them to show their
make sure they understand them (you may need to Portfolios to friends, family, and other teachers in the
translate some of the statements), and help them as school, and remind them that is a valuable record of
necessary by reminding them of the language from the their achievements in English. Fostering early pride
relevant units and writing examples on the board. and motivation in this way will encourage pupils
to continue learning and using English (and other
My words languages) throughout their lives.
Pupils tick the boxes to say which pieces of writing
and mini projects they have completed. If pupils have
chosen to include any of these items in the Dossier
section of their Portfolio, they can draw a star next to
the item to indicate this.

At the end of the year, the teacher signs the certificate
to say the pupil has completed the level. Each pupil
then completes the sentences about their favourite
things in the course, and signs the certificate.

Dossier cover (My work)

At primary school level, the Dossier of the work chosen
by the pupil will probably be the largest section of the
Portfolio. This page, entitled My work, will be the cover
of that section, which can either be included within a
ring-binder for the whole Portfolio, or kept in a separate
folder or box. Pupils colour the page, and can also
create a list of the Dossier contents if they wish.

What does the Dossier contain?

It is important that pupils understand that they make
the choice of which pieces of work to include in their
personal Dossier. They can choose the pieces of work
which they are most proud of, which they have most
enjoyed doing, or which they think would be most
interesting to other people. In addition to the My work
items suggested on the My English pages, pupils may
like to include photocopies of their favourite pages
from the Activity Book or Photocopy Masters Book, or
video or audio recordings of themselves singing songs
or doing role-plays from the course (e.g. acting out the
Lesson 5 playscripts).

Further ideas
English language learning is not restricted to the
classroom, and as part of the Portfolio’s aim to foster
positive attitudes towards other cultures, pupils should
be encouraged to notice any examples of English
language and culture around them. Pupils can collect
(or photocopy) comics, food packaging, CD and DVD
covers, stamps, tickets, postcards, song lyrics, etc. and
keep them in their Portfolio folder or box. Alternatively,
you could create an ‘English corner’ in the classroom
where such objects could be displayed for the whole
class to see.
Pupils can also write about their experiences with
English, e.g. listing any projects they have done,
performances of plays, courses attended (including
after-school classes and summer schools), details of trips
to English-speaking countries, communication with /
exchanges with pen pals, and simply a list of English-
speaking people they know. They can illustrate their
work with pictures of their experiences.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press | Incredible English 6 Portfolio (Notes for the teacher)


Stick your
photo here Class

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press | Incredible English 6 Portfolio (Cover / Passport)

My English (Units 1–3)
Vocabulary 2  make suggestions and replies 
I can say: 2  talk about holidays 
1  the words for nature features from
2  talk about charts and graphs 
CB page 5 
3  have a phone conversation 
1  the river features words from
CB page 11  3  talk about experiences 
2  the words for theme parks from 3  talk about perspective in pictures 
CB page 13 
2  the chart and graph words from Reading
CB page 18  I can understand …
3  the words for airports from • a story and a playscript
CB page 21  1  an article about mountain rescue 
3  the words to describe pictures 1  a text about parts of a river 
from CB page 26 
2  a leaflet about days out 
I can remember:
2  a text about charts and graphs 
some of the words.
2  postcards 
most of the words.
3  a Greek myth 
all of the words.
3  a text about adding depth to pictures 
Grammar 3  a story map 
I can make:
1  sentences using the Present simple and Writing
Present continuous  I can …
2  sentences using the Present perfect with • complete a playscript
yet and already  1  write about a place I know 
3  sentences using the Present perfect and 1  write about a river I know 
Past simple 
2  write a postcard 
Listening 2  describe a pictogram about my class 
I can understand … 3  write a story 
• words and phrases in a story 3  write about perspective in a picture 
1  people talking about mountain safety 
1  people doing a quiz about rivers  My work
Children may choose to put some or all of
2  people talking about The Eden Project  these pieces of work in the Dossier part of
2  people talking about charts and graphs  their Portfolio.
3  people talking about flying  I have completed these things:
3  people talking about perspective  1  A text about a place I know 
1  Mini project: A river I know 
Speaking 2  A postcard 
I can …
2  Mini project: A pictogram about my class
• act out a story playscript
3  A story 
1  talk about size 
3  Mini project: A picture using perspective
1  talk about planning a mountain walk 
= my best work (look in my dossier)
1  talk about rivers 

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press | Incredible English 6 Portfolio (Learning biography)

My English (Units 4–6)
Vocabulary 5  talk about the history of films 
I can say: 6  describe someone’s experience(s) 
4  the extreme weather words from
6  talk about shows 
CB page 29 
6  talk about jazz music 
4  the words for weather features from
CB page 34 
5  the words for film sets from CB page 37 
I can understand …
5  the film words from CB page 42 
• a story and a playscript
6  the words for concerts from CB page 45 
4  a web page about extreme weather 
6  the music words from CB page 55 
4  a text about weather maps 
I can remember: 5  film reviews 
some of the words. 5  a text about the history of films 
most of the words.
6  a magazine interview 
all of the words.
6  a review of a school show 
Grammar 6  a text about the history of jazz 
I can make:
4  sentences using the Past simple
and Past continuous  I can …
5  sentences using will and won’t  • complete a playscript
4  write a weather story 
6  sentences with must, can’t, might
and could  4  write about a weather map 
5  write a film review 
5  write about a timeline of my life 
I can understand …
6  write a review of a school show 
• words and phrases in a story
6  write about my favourite song 
4  a news report about extreme weather 
4  weather forecasts  My work
5  a quiz about films  Children may choose to put some or all of
5  people talking about films  these pieces of work in the Dossier part of
their Portfolio.
6  people talking about Stomp 
I have completed these things:
6  people talking about jazz musicians 
4  A weather story web post 
Speaking 4  Mini project: A weather map 
I can … 5  A film review 
• act out a story playscript 5  Mini project: A timeline about my life 
4  talk about changes in the weather  6  A review of a school show 
4  describe weather experiences  6  Mini project: My favourite song 
4  talk about weather maps  = my best work (look in my dossier)
5  describe someone’s appearance and
5  talk about my favourite film 

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press | Incredible English 6 Portfolio (Learning biography)

My English (Units 7–9)
Vocabulary 9  give and ask for directions 
I can say words for: 9  talk about a visit to a museum 
7  the words for survival items from
9  talk about boxes 
CB page 53 
7  the words for survival features from Reading
CB page 58 
I can understand …
8  the space words from CB page 61 
• a story and a playscript
8  the names of the planets from
7  a survival quiz 
CB page 66 
7  a diary entry 
9  the museum words from CB page 69 
7  a text about animals’ survival features 
9  the words for 3D shapes from
CB page 74  8  a holiday brochure 

I can remember: 8  a text about the solar system 

some of the words. 9  museum leaflets 
most of the words. 9  texts about special places 
all of the words. 9  a text about 3D shapes 

Grammar Writing
I can make: I can …
7  sentences using the First conditional  • complete a playscript
8  sentences using the Second conditional  7  write a diary entry 
9  different kinds of questions  7  write about a new animal 
8  write a leaflet about a holiday on
Listening another planet 
I can understand … 8  write about a new planet 
• words and phrases in a story 9  describe a collage of a special place 
7  people talking about survival 
9  write about a net for a box 
7  people describing different birds 
8  a radio programme about space  My work
8  people talking about the planets  Children may choose to put some or all of
these pieces of work in the Dossier part of
9  people talking about a science museum  their Portfolio.
9  people talking about different boxes  I have completed these things:
7  A diary entry 
7  Mini project: A new animal 
I can …
8  A leaflet about a holiday on a planet 
• act out a story playscript
7  ask about something I’ve lost  8  Mini project: A new planet 

7  talk about survival  9  A collage/picture of a special place 

7  talk about animals’ survival features  9  Mini project: A net for a box 

8  give my opinion  = my best work (look in my dossier)

8  talk about space travel 

8  talk about the planets 

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press | Incredible English 6 Portfolio (Learning biography)


This is to certify that

has completed the

Incredible English course (Level 6)

Signed (teacher)

My favourite story was

My favourite song was

My favourite ‘Learning through English’ topic was

Signed (pupil)

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press | Incredible English 6 Portfolio (Course certificate)


Portfolio Dossier (Level 6)

favourite pages projects


PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press | Incredible English 6 Portfolio (Dossier cover)

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