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1 OXFORD 02 Contents (01 LETTERS & p04 NUMBERS What do you know? The alphabet ‘Speaking Names and spelling English in use Dates Numbers ‘Speak out Playing a ‘letters, numbers, and dates' board game O2COUNTRIES& p07 PEOPLE Speak for yourself Giving information about yourself Vocabulary Countries and nationalities Email addresses Grammar to be, present and past ago Speak out Writing an email about yourself, and exchanging information 03 FRIEVDS & RELATIONS Vocabulary challenge Family and relationships Grammar hhave got i has got English in use Describing your house / fiat ‘Speak out Talking about where your friends and family ive 04 LIFE ROUTINE P13 What do you know? Verbs and nouns Vocabulary Dally routines Telling the time Grammar Present simple ‘Speak out Describing your dally routine 05 PEOPLES PLACES p.16 Vocabulary challenge Describing people, food, ‘and weather English in use Describing your life ‘Grammar Present simple spelling, he'she it “Adverbs of frequency ‘Speak out Discussing good and bad things about living abroad 06 JOBS & WORK —p.l9 ‘Speak for yourself What's important in a job? Vocabulary Occupations and saying ‘what you do English in use Understanding job adverts ‘Speak out ‘Talking about qualities and ‘qualifications for Jobs O7 LOVE&HATE p22 ‘What do you know? Indoor and outdoor activities Grammar Likes and dislikes Spelling -ing forms Speak out Talking about likes and dislikes 08 7005 BARS = p25 Vocabulary challenge City entertainments English in use Understanding city guides ‘Speak out ‘Saying what's on in a town / city you know (09 ROADS & p28 ROUNDABOUTS Speak for yourself Drawing and describing a ‘map of your town English in use Saying where places are ‘Asking for directions Prepositions of position Speak out ‘Asking and saying where places are 1OGoopaBAD pt Listening challenge Talking about books, films, and exhibitions Vocabulary Opinion adjectives aut, ver, realy absolutely English in use Giving your epiion speak out Saying what you think 1oure@asoutT p34 ‘Speak for yourself ‘The weekend Grammar Present continuous for plans ‘Speak out ‘Making plans for the weekend 12 TRANSPORT a = p37 TRAVEL Vocabulary challenge Transport English in use Using public transport Useful questions when travelling Understanding ‘announcements ‘Speak out Describing ways to travel between cities and ‘countries 1B HERERNOW ——p.40. ‘What do you know? Correcting an e-mail Grammar Present continuous to talk ‘Writing an e-mail Speak out Playing a ‘present continuous’ board game 14 CALLS & MESSAGES p.43 ‘Speak for yourself How do you keep in touch? Vocabulary Contact details English in use ‘Taking and leaving telephone messages ‘Speak out Making a phone caf, and taking and leaving messages 15 UPS & DOWNS — pao Lstening challenge Different ways of saying How are you? Vocabulary Feelings English in use Giving advice with should ‘Speak out Discussing problems and giving advice PRACTICE p.76 16 STARTERS & p49 DESSERTS ‘Speak for yourself What and when you eat Vocabulary Food and menus Ways of cooking Grammar Countable and uncountable ‘nouns ‘Speak out Talking about a favourite dish 17 carés & ps2 RESTAURANTS: ‘Speak for yourself Eating out English in use Understanding restaurant guides Booking a table Speak out Describing a restaurant IBSATURDAYR =p 55, SUNDAY What do you know? Correcting a dialogue Grammar Past simple, regular and irregular last and ago Speak out ‘Asking about the weekend PAIR WORK ACTIVITIES p.105 19 TOWN & COUNTRY p58 Speak for yourself Identifying areas of the wort Vocabulary Describing places Grammar Comparatives ‘Speak out ‘Comparing places 20 TICKETS & FLIGHTS p.61 Vocabulary challenge Airport and inflight vocabulary English in use Booking fights by phone Speak out ‘Making a telephone booking 21 SINGLES & poe DOUBLES. Speak for yourself Holiday accommodation Vocabulary Understanding ‘accommodation guides English in use Booking accommodation Speak out ‘Making a hotel booking. TAPESCRIPTS p.107 22 WHEN & WHERE p.67 What do you know? Money vocabulary Grammar Present perfect and past simple ‘once, twice, three times Speak out Finding out about cach other 23 SHOPS & SHOPPING p.70 Speak for yourself Talking about shops Vocabulary shops English in use Explaining what things are for Useful shopping language ‘Speak out Buying things 24 SuITS&BOOTS p73 Vocabulary challenge Clothes and colours Vocabulary Clothes on the Internet English in use Going clothes shopping Speak out Talking about clothes and clothes shopping IRREGULAR VERBS p.111 03 oy LETTERS & NUMBERS What do you know? + The alphabet os The alphabet + Numbers 1 What do you know about the English alphabet? 1. How many letters has it got? 2. How many are vowels? 3. What do you call the other letters? 4 Which is the most common letter in English? 5 Which is the east common letter? 2. How do you pronounce the letcers? Complete the columns. a. b t i ° q r es important to know how to pronounce the alphabet in English, 3 In pairs. Which letters are difficult to say? Test each other. How do you say ths letter? 4 Against the clock Say the alphabet round the class as quickly as you can, Can you do it in 20 seconds? Speaking Names and spelling 1 Make a lis ofthe people in your class. Write their names in alphabetical order (by surname), Hello / Hi Good evening, What's your name? 1m Jacques. ‘And what's your surname? Breton How do you spell that? BRETON, And you? Whats your name? A Maria Aiba. mora Abo Taeayes Eeston w@ saree 2. In pairs. Check the names you've got. Have you spelt them the same? English in use Dates 1 Againse the clock (ainiutes| Wrice down the names of the months in English. Check your spelling in pairs 2 In your country, which month is ..? 1 aholiday month 4 adepressing month 2 ahot month 5 an important month for students 3 awetmonth 6 your favourite month Useful language + Can you continue this list? Ast) the first Bird) the third Sith) the fifth 2 3 4 5 6 2ind) the second lth) the fourth 6th) the sith 7 8 9 wn BD Was 6 17 18 1 2 + Weenie... 14(th) Jub. non Bm 3% % 7 We say... the fourteenth of July. m9 30 How do you say these dates? 100ctober 21 March + 1998 - nineteen ninety-ight 2004 = two thousand and four 3 In groups. Write down four dates when you do something special Explain them to your group. @May On the ninth of May we always go out because its my sister's birthday. Numbers QB 1 Listen. Match the sentences you hear with the pictures. 2 Listen again and write down the missing numbers in each picture. 3. Make questions for the numbers. 1 what's number ? your phone 2 date ? the what's today 3 old ? how you are 4? mobile your number what's phone 5 6 number house your what's ? 2 birthday your when's Giese 05 06 (Can you remember ..? + how to spell your name + how to say the date +_how to say phone numbers 4 Listen and check your ideas, Look at Tapescript 1.2 on p.107 and practise che dialogues, 5 In pairs. Ask each other the questions in exercise 3. Ese + When we say telephone numbers, 0 = ob and 22 = double two. What's the difference? thirteen thirty fourteen forty fifteen fitty that’s three ob” co make the difference clear. 126 = one / a hundred and twenty-six, You can say ‘thirty You can answer lots of questions with letters, numbers, and dates. Play this game in groups of four. Use a coin to move. When you land on a square, answer the question. Make sure you say the lecters and numbers correctly. ‘What's yout phone 2 How spell the oof the on yo ‘umber? OG oy COUNTRIES & PEOPLE + Countries| + Email addresses + tobe, present and past How do you pronounce —_? How do you say these email addresses? Which countries do the people live in? elizabeth brown@councilru hunter}@ritcoun gr peter@scieduau santos Speak for yourself 1 Look at the examples and write sentences about yourself with as much information as possible. {im from Switzerland, I from Switzerland, from a small town called Baar 1m from Switzerland, from a smal town called Baar, near Zurich Hive in a fat Hive in fat in the centre of town, ive with my wife and children in a fla in the centre of town. + 1m from = tive 2. In groups. Compare your sentences. Who has the longest? Ask questions for more information. w How many children hove you got? ‘at's your wife's name? Vocabulary Countries 1 In pairs. Put chese countries in the right stress group. Is your country in the list? Brazil Germany Spain italy Mexico Russa Poland France Turkey Japan Portugal Argentina ‘Sweden Greece ° 00 20 O00 2000 France Bravi Mexico 2 Add another country to the table. 08 {990 = Inthe past Answer these questions: two hours ago? ‘a month ago? exactly aweek ago? Where were you ie EXPAND When you learn a new word, look for other forms. cabulary country nationality France French Mexico Mexican Do you know the nationalities for these countries? Japan Germany Brazil Grammar to be, present and past 1. Read Marzia’s e-mail to Jim and his reply. oO rom: 15 Cincigneton Se aca Message: | Hil My name's Marzia and I'm from Parma in italy, 'm a use in an ld people's home. I's nota bad job. The pay is terrible, but the hours 1842 ‘are quite good. My boss is a monster, but never mind. ‘As the moment f'n ving in 3 msl Hatin Oo From: Subject: Mossage: om ] To: [ Warzie@iberoit Hi Marzia ‘Thanks forthe @-mal, Glad to make a new fend, Believe it or not | was in Parma last year with my wife. What a great city! We wore there for a week. The weather wasnt fantastic —it was rainy and misty ~ but he food... it was wonderful. The people wore really endl, oo. IR wasnt our first ime in aly We were also there two years ago 2 Close your books and write down three things you remember about Marzia and Jim. 3 In groups. Compare your lists and correct any mistakes. 4 Read about Marzia and Jim again. Underline the examples of tobe in the present. Circle) the examples of fo be in the past. Ninna | fo be, present and past Present past tm Iwas timaot —Kiasn't he's she's its [7 hersterit was he/she /itisn't fhe she /it wasn't you're we're / they're you /we/ they wore you we they aren't you /we/ they weren't Practice 1 Look at these sentences. Which must be in the past? 1 a teacher. 2 1____born in 1974 31 1m holiday two weeks ago. 4 My birthday in uly 51 married The weather sunny yesterday. 71 in France last year 81 50, 9 There ten students in my class 10 The date tomorrow 1 March 2. Now complete the sentences with to be, present or past, Make them true for you I'm a teacher. ‘or tim nota teacher. m a doctor. 3 In pairs. Talk about your answers. 4 In teams. Write down the names of six famous people, three dead and three alive. Ask the other teams where they are from. A Where's Ronaldo from? B (He's from) Brazil, A Where was Mozart irom? B (He was from) Austria Speak out 1 Write a short e-mail about yourself. A subject [CS wee SY (Can you remember ..? + five countries and nationalities + how to say email addresses 2 In pairs, Read each other's e-mails. + thepastof tobe 3 In groups. Tell the group about your partner. Don’t look at their e-mail. Flow much can you remember? Os: FRIENDS & RELATIONS Vocabulary challenge 1 Look at these words. Whar’s the difference between the words in red, blue, and green? ‘+ Family vocabulary + Home vocabulary + have got sas got + Taking about where people We ‘ater dauster one grandfather en niece. fe child parent oe fe XW cousin — mother-in-law grandson cle boyfriend brother 2. In pairs. Look ac the red and blue words. What’s the other word in the pair? Test each other. A Fother. B Mother .. Wife A Husband. 3 In groups. Choose three of your relations and tell each other ‘My brothers name = the name af m oe ¥ something about them, ‘My brother's name is David, and he's married with three children, Grammar have got / has got 1 Are these sentences true (V) or false (X) for you? Compare your ideas. When I was young now | ived in a large house. Hive in a large city, twas ina vilage, Hive on my own, There were three bedrooms. My house /flat has got central heating There was no electricity My house / fiathas a beautiful view 2 Read about Rita and her family are crue for her? Iived in a large house. X She lived in a small house ‘hich of the sentences in exercise 1 My mother’s house isin the village of KardianThe house is about 100 years old. My family is big ~sbx brothers and sisters and my mother (my father died when | was 12) twas a small house for seven people. It's got a big living room and two bedrooms. We slept in the bedrooms and the living room. The bathroom was, and stil i, outside. it was so cold in winter! ‘Now lve in my husband’ village. 'm near my mother, but not too near! It’s a new house, and it's got lots of space, a besutiful kitchen, anda large balcony. We've got heating (which my mother’s house hasnt} and a large, comfortable bathroom inside! Unfortunately, we haven't got 4 very good View. There's another house opposite us, so we can't see the mountains My daughter Eleni, left the island two years ago to find a job. Shelves in Athens and rents a small flat in one ofthe suburbs. t's @ good area, bot very busy and noisy. She lives alone, but her boyfriend lives nearby. ‘The flat is on the top floor and on a clear day you can see the ‘Acropolis! Sie hasn't got air-conditioning, so i's very hot in summer. That's why she comes home when she can 3. Against the clock ‘Sifiiit®s| Read che texts again and find as many rooms and parts of a house as you can. 4 Look at chis spidergram. Can you put three things in each room? living room bedroom ormehoirs Teper] — |. [ eatoom i jeeows | | 5 Look backat the text. How many examples of have got /bas got can you find? How many are negative? eas ! Wve got Have got ..? Yes; have. you haven't got \\ No, haven't. we L they he 'sgot Has____got ..? Yes, has. she hasr’t got No, hesr' Practice 1 Look at the grammar box and make these sentences true for you. 1 apet. 21_____abig family. 3. My bedroom _____an en suite bathroom 4 My parents a house in the country. 5 Mycar_____air-conditioning. 6 Mybest fiend dark hair and brown eyes. 2 Puc these words in the right order to make questions. 1 brothers got mary have how and sisters you ? 2 house your got airconditioning has 7 3 a you player got CD have ? 4 you nephews got and any have nieces ? 5 {ree much time have how you got 7 6 you have flat house or got aa? 3 In pairs, Ask and answer the questions. Pane Eien 11 12 English in use Where do you live? 1 [Eid Listen to Diana and Shawn talking about where they live ‘Complete the table. Diana shawn where avvilage near Oxford who with rooms a favourite room ving room 2 Who says what? Put D (Diana) or $ (Shawn) beside each phrase, 1 about 80 years old 0 5 there are three bedrooms 2 onthe third floor 6 aview of the garden 3 it's pretty big 7 my favorite room's 4 upstairs 8 that’s where | watch TV 3 Listen to the recording again and check. Practise saying the phrases. 4 What can you remember? Try to complete these sentences, Check in Tapeseript 3.1 Diana British English American English 1 Iliveina ina near Oxford, fet gpariment 2. It’s about, ‘years old and made of, favourite favorite 5 3. Upstairs there are three and two 4 Our bedroom has a view of the and the beyond Shawn 5. My apartment's on the flogr of an old house, ‘Can you remember ...? ONS ee 8 108 ee a sixreltions 7 My favorite room's the That's where I Wand + five rooms in a house Ao. 5 three things shout piers and 8. Its also where the is it gets hot in Boston. Shawn's homes § Wrice a short description of your house / flat, using the phrases above for ideas. speak out 1 Think of friends or members of your family who live in these places. If you can, write one name for each. in a ferent ott \ village / town / part ofthe country ( country eA Gy 2 In groups / pairs. Choose one or two of the people. Say who they are, and describe where they live. Give as much detail as you can, and try to use words and phrases from this lesson. in the same house as me in the same neighbourhood as me in the seme in the same part Cain eee 074) LIFE & ROUTINE What do you know? 1 Make as many sentences as you can, I get the bus to work. + Dally routine vocabulary ‘+The present simple + Talking about routines Up at 7.00. a shower. Iget the bus to work. gs a sandwich for lunch, Pave tromnineto fve Igo hard! to bed at about 11.00. home straight after work, inan office toa café for breakfast, iI work 2 Tick (7) the sentences that are true for you. 3 In groups. Compare your ideas. Vocabulary Daily routines 1 (@ Against the clock |sipifig) Look at these words. Can you think “of one verb that goes with each? rave a sandwich goby bike workin an office sandwich v shower dinner bike friends bus ayn office lunch restaurant coffee paper café bed bath 2 II] Liscen to these three people talking aboue their daily routine. mplece the gaps. Which expressions in exercise 1 do they use? TTusually getup ””3t about'6.30. | just ‘or breakfast ' to work Ift'm late which isa bit expensive. My wife she likes to keep fit 2 Vaiways at lunchtimes, about 12.30 or 1245.1 there too, and | often __ for lurch 31 at around 6:00 and maybe for a drink | don’ «too much to do, and | never before midnight. Hou do you say (in Engfishee ul ' work you con't work they he works she doesn't work: it 3. What times do these clocks say? Use these words, o'clock quarter past /to half past Grammar Present simple 1. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. work takes do dont lke works does doesn't drink dor’t watch 0 tive do. goes, read do 1 Mr Yorke ina secondary schoo! in London. 2 Which newspaper you ? 3. Alison and Nick to work by bus. They driving 4 sally — coffee. 5 The 26bus_. you straight tothe city centre, 6 What he ? 7 They never__at the weekend 8 She____home at 5.00, 9 Where your parents: ? 10 | alot of Tv, 2 In pairs, Check your answers together. Do 1 work ..? Yes, do, you No, dont. they Does he work ..? Yes. does. she c No, —— doesn't it 1 zy Seen Practice 1 Correct che verbs in these sentences. 1. Lam phone her every day. | phone her every doy. 2 We not work at the weekend 3 How you get home? 4 tm start work at nine o'clock. 5 She doesn't drives to work 6 They lke living in the United States? 7. Are you always have a sandwich for lunch? 8 Dothis bus go to the city centre? You can use every with periods of time, He has a cigarette every ten ‘minutes. ‘She hos a coffee every morning. 2 Write five sentences with every about things you or other people do. We go to London every weekend. 3 In pairs. Read these tips for getting @ good night's sleep. Tell your They visit me every year. partner what you do and don’t do, Jock all my doors, but | don't listen to music. »| & Get into a routine ~ go to bed at the same ¥) ime every day. Go to bed before midnight rr Never eat or work in bed. ‘Make sure you lock all your doors Always leave a window open. Listen to relaxing music before you go to bed. Can you remember ..? Never have a pet in the bedroom with you. + sprsesto describe your day Terma eto pods br + how to tell the time aA Make sure the room is dark, ager to uses witha verb Read a book for ten minutes ~ but not a horror story 1 In pairs, Tell your partner about your routine. Use as many words from this lesson as you can, 2 In groups. Tell the group about your partner’s routine. Whose is the most interesting or unusual? Every week i exacly the some. Sometimes { (el like 2 robot. Is every week the same for you? Do you sometimes feel ike robot too? 0} 0 eae ae Oa Vocabulary challenge 1 Put these adjectives in the right box (some go in more than one). + Describing people and places + Present simple third person + Adverbs of frequency freezing friendly relaxed sunny delicious horrible cheap hot salty interesting caring ‘boring expensive wet tasty beautiful 2 In groups. Which of the adjectives could describe the people, Food, and weather in your country? i English in use ~~ a Describing your life 5 1; Against the clock [HfiUl@! Read about Becky and Ruth, two ‘4 British women working abroad. What are their jobs? Do you , think they enjoy whac they dor i eople | work with are extremely i people wore wit y Mongolia Far Stn a 8 fo Thr Routine always worried about my flat, my health, my eating habits, and my social life! And I love the weather — Mongolia is called ‘the land of blue sky’, and it almost never rains. 1 often wake up with bright sunshine coming through my bedroom window = the best way to start the day! I start work at nine o'clock and finish at six, 1 teach university students for four hours a day, and spend the rest of my time planning classes and preparing exams with colleagues. Bad things The cold and the distances ~ Mongolia is a long way from anywhere else, and I only see my friends once a year Good things ‘The temperature is sometimes around My work's very interesting ~ I never know what will happen next. All the 20°C in winter, i’ really freezing Horse's milk and salty tea are popular drinks, but not with me! Solomon Islands Routine Classes start at 7.30 am, We teach In leaf hut classrooms which badly need repairing. There aren't enough chairs and desks, so students who arrive late sit three or four to a desk. There's Usually lovely breeze coming from the sea 100 metres away. I finish at about 3.00, and the rest of the day is my own. | hardly ‘ever work at weekends. atmosphere. The friendly people who always say hello, and the kids with smiling faces and orange- blonde hale. And the local family that I live with, Bad things The insects, the waiting, and the heat. It’s usually very, very wet between January and April Imported food is expensive, and Vim a bit bored with fish, rice, and sweet potato ... 2. Read the texts again, then close your books. Can you remember the good and bad things about each place? 3. Are these sentences probably about Becky or Ruth? How do you know? Every Sunday she washes her clothes and dries them on the beach, She teaches children She studies Chinese and Russian in the evening ‘She goes for a swim when she finishes work She has fresh fruit for breakfast She wears three jumpers to work in winter. She goes out with her colleagues a lot She always takes malaria tablets ‘she misses her friends ‘She doesnt have an umbrella Good things The beautiful sunny mornings. ‘The tranquillity and the relaxed Present simple spelling — he / she / it wash +es washes study y studies teach teaches dry dr miss misses x goes 4 Study the spelling box. How many examples can you find in the sentences in exercise 3? 5 Now complete these sentences. Make sure you put each verb in the correct form. dry wash miss study 0 1 He his mother alot 2 They to church every Sunday. 3. Asmyhhair isso short, i very quickly. 4l hard but | always fal tests and exams. Its nerves. 5 She___her clothes inthe river. Their house doesn't have running water. FEE) 6 Listen co these five sentences and write down the verb. 1 How isthe verb pronounced? 2 Can you remember the complete sentences? Listen again and check PI aE aa Grammar Adverbs of frequency 1 Test your memory. Complete these sentences about Becky and Rut usually never sometimes always often. ‘hardly ever 1 ‘wake up with bright sunshine coming through the window. 2 They're ‘worried about my eating habits and my social life, 3 Italmost rains. 4 The temperature is ‘around ~20°C in winter 51 ‘work at weekends, 6 Its very wet between January and Apri 2 Can you put the adverbs in exercise 1 in order? 3 Tick (V) the sentences that are true for you. 1 Lalvays have a cup of tea fst thing in the morning 2 | sometimes goto the beach at the weekend, 3 Ihardly ever go to the theatre. 4 usually wear ate 5 I sometimes go out in the evening 6 7 8 | always buy expensive clothes [At weekends | often sit around and do nothing. ‘can you remember Inever eat chips. + fouradjectves to describe 4 Make the other sentences true by changing the adverb of frequency weather {never have a cup of tea frst thing In the morning. E hen to uso-as with a rb 5 In pairs. Tell each other your sentences. Ask more questions A Inever have a cup of tea firs thing in the morning. B What do you have? six adverbs of frequency speak out 1. Look back at the texts about Becky and Ruth. Copy the table and writ sentences about a typical English language teacher from abroad living your country. Try to use adverbs of Frequency. Routine Good things @ Bad things @ what they do every day people, weather, language, food, money, ete They often workin the evenings. ‘They sometimes have problems with tb lnnguage. 2 In groups. Compare your ideas. fe) JOBS & WORK Speak for yourself + bs and occupations + Job adverts * Talking about what you do 1 Tick (V) the things you think are important in a job. a good salary working alone lots of travel long holidays working outdoors working at home an interesting routine working in a team a company car being the boss working in an office working near home What does mean? booooooo0o0o0o0 2 In pairs. Tell your partner what you think is important and what you like / don’t like. | think a good salary is important, and ike working ina team. Vocabulary Occupations 1 Can you answer this question in two ways? ‘a consonant ma student. 1 Imastudent, an + vowel 2 Igo to the University of Prague. man architect What do you do? 1 'ma bank clerk 2. I work for @ German bank. [@: 2 Against the clock (zits) March these jobs to the pictures. lawyer shop assistant photographer secretary teacher computer programmer _bus driver journalist nurse builder meq Ey ‘advertisement = adver 3. Now match six of the jobs with these sentences. 1. | spend my whale day typing letters - its a bit boring 2 Vike looking after people, but | don't eam much. 43. Thate the traffic, 4 work for a small local paper. 5 I work in a secondary school 6 | sometimes wark on Sundays before Christmas. 4 Write your own sentences for the other four jobs. GEL) 5 Listen to these three dialogues and write down the answers, What do you do? =a 6 In pairs. Notice the way the words join together. Practise saying then in the same way. ‘A What de you do? B Ima doctor. 7 In groups. Think of two people you know. Can you explain what they do? English in use Job adverts 1 Match the beginnings and ends of the sentences. 1 you wear good clothes, you get a degree 2 Wyouhave done ajob before, you are motivated 3 Ilyou speak and isten well, you are smart. 4 Iyouwant to do wellin ajob, you have good communication skills. 5 Ifyou study at university, you are experienced. 6 Ifyou eam alot of money, you have a high salary. 2 Look at the job adverts on the next page. How many diferent jobs are advertised? Match the jobs withthe words in exercise 1 ‘What is ‘blue’? Which job needs most experience? ‘What isthe minimum salary for che English Lecturer? How can you contact Maria Philips? Langside College Exeter English Lecturer £15,885 to £23,305 Applicants should have a degree in English, a teaching qualification, and three years’ experience in an institute of higher education. Good communication skills are essential. For further details contact: Maria Philips, Langside College, '50 Prospect Road, Exeter, EX6 3DE direct line 01892 845777 Speak out 1 Think about your job or a job you'd like to have. e-——_~ 2 Make notes on the qualities and qualifications needed for your job. "How do you say ‘Try to use language from the English in use section. in English? 5 wine ~~ poole nical 7 —_— ‘Can you remember ...? patient BA teaching qualifications > three things that you think are adegree — exerienced training important in a job motivated university energetic MSc * another way to say What's your college smart job? * three things you need to ge -g00d jab 3 In groups. Tell each other about your job / future job. a degree, For my (future) job Ineed | 25°C ey LOVE & HATE What do you know? 1 Activhies vocabulary 1 Are these activities indoor or outdoor? Put them in the right column, + kes and cistikes Which can go in both columns? Jing forms watching TV going to the cinema jogging playing (football) reading the paper clubbing doing nothing surfing the Net hillwalking snowboarding window shopping eating out indoor - ‘outdoor watching TV 2 Think of two more indoor and outdoor activities. Compare your ideas. Grammar Likes and dislikes @ 1 Against che clock [Hifi] Memorize the activities above. Then cove, them, 2 What do you like doing? Put all the activities you remember in these shapes. I really like I don't mind / I don't ke Iate can't enjoy Iquitelike | _much stond 3 In pairs. Compare your likes and dislikes. AA Flove surfing the Net B I don’t like it much = its sometimes very slow. SE een oe ror isa oyu tte 7 Ist ke cs vest do enjoy mn h Yes, | love it / them. ‘a \ ou ‘don’t like 1 h yn tha Trg N, thate wong Noire. |r sand Net marh 4 Look at these «ng forms. What are the spelling rules? ‘cook cooking practise practising run running @._ 5 Against the clock [iliififg] What are the sing forms of these verbs? sit sleep use come try win. Practice 1 Read about these people. Which person is most like you? Why? i 01 shopoing 02 her dog ere an nS or Cree ea oe Crore Cr rnr Ce arenes rer r 2 Which person do you think likes these things? How do you know? cycling watching videos buying Christmas presents pasta expensive shoes going to the beach pets comfortable beds tropical countries 3 Listen co these seritences and underline the stressed word or words Practise saying them in the same way 4. love eating out at the weekend. 2" I can't stand doing nothing 3 | really like watching TV in the evenings. 4 quite like clubbing. 5 | hate reading the paper 4 Listen and complete the gaps 1 Hove the sea, the fresh air 2 Sometimes |just lke around nothing. 31 noisy pubs. | can never hear people 4 quite enjoy alone. | don’t always need company. 5 Ihate ___when it's stil dark 6 Iquite ike football on the box, but | prefer 71 _ gardening. It hurts my back. al the weather here. It's so depressing. EXPAND your vocabulary Learn words to talk about what you're interested in or what you enjoy. Think of something you like doing and find five new words to talk about it. ski lift chalet | How do 4ou Sax Gn Enqjishe? Pa _ f Balance eak out 1 Read this short poem, | ke playing tennis ike walking ike going swimming but 1 don't lke one thing: smoking, 2 In groups. Complete this poem about your group. Ask each other questions to find out three things you all like, and one thing that nobody likes. We we We ‘can you remember... yo but * four indoor activites we one thing: * how to spelling forms + five ways to tak about likes anc dislikes 3 Read your poems to the class. Is there anything that nobody likes? ay DAE 08 ZOOS & BARS Vocabulary challenge 1 Match the b + Entertainment vocabulary + Understanding city guides + Describing what's on in your town inema ;nings and endings of these places and label the pictures. useum afé rt gallery lub heatre 00 ar estaurant 2 -@ Against the clock [SB In pairs. Think of two things you associate with each place Yousee fim ormovieine cinema fl, pope cinema Can they guess the place from your words? a playin a thea an exibition ina museum. 4 In groups. Which places do you like going to? Why? How often do these words. ‘once | a week | twice | month Tike going tothe cinema the | thre times year theatre Ll but ke going to bars eee ike going to clubs because J love doncing. | go once or English in use Things to do 1 Complete the definitions wich the words in the box. Use a diction ro help you concessions shaw much you _ ‘amatinée is money you have to pay to book tickets admission is an afternoon show in the cinema or the theatre. ‘noon are the words at the bottom of the picture on TV or inthe cinern ‘a booking fee are cheaper tickets for students, et. subtitles isthe same as 12.00 midday 2. Match these abbreviations and words. Mon performance cones matinee adm Street hols ‘Monday pert admission mat holidays Ra concessions st Road Time Out is a magazine which tes 3 Jetson ends Read the extracts from Time Out. Which things do you think you would enjoy? ‘ABC Shaftesbury Avenue Wi (020 7836 6279, Visa M’Card 020 8795 6403 subject to booking fee ©Toitenham Ct Rd, admission £6.50 (Mon £4.30, Tue-Fri perts before 5.00pm £4.30); students, Basketball Natural History Museum children, senior citizens £4.30. ‘London Leopards v London Tower 020 79389123 Seats: sereen 1-615, Sereen 2-581. Brentwood Centre, 01277 215151 Gromvcl RISW7OSoun East is East (15) Progs 130, ‘Admission £7.00 (£5.00 children), casei lometes oan 3.50, 620 (not Thus), 8.50 ‘Wed. 2.Nov 7.30pm. Al tickets sol ‘5.50pm, Sun I1am-S.50pm, Adults Fast Food (18) Progs 1.10, 330, £650, children (0-16) ree, cones a a5h Zab) bes dan MSP 13D » Time Regained (18) subtitles, 5.50pm, Sat, Sun, and Bank Hols Proge 1.10, 4:30, 7.50 5-5.50pm. The Breakfast Club Our tuming world Arch 66 Goding St. SELL Romeo and Juliet exhibition of 350 photographs by 6.30am-Ipm, £5 no cones, the fun _Westininster Theatre 020 7834028: ‘Magnum photographers ‘ontinues when everyone else has _—_+12 Palace St SW1 © Vietoria + Barbican 020 75889023 Oct 12; gone home to bed, with Lisa Reds, __5 Nov last perf, Mon-Sat 7.30, We ‘Mon-Sat 10am-6pm, Weds until Roosta and Stormin D. ‘Thur & Sat Mat 3.00pm. £15, £10 pm, Sun noon-6pm. £6, cones £4 ‘cones, Runs 2h10. Ey Ceres

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