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Sherrington et al.

BMC Geriatrics (2016) 16:34

DOI 10.1186/s12877-016-0206-5


Exercise and fall prevention self-

management to reduce mobility-related
disability and falls after fall-related lower
limb fracture in older people: protocol for
the RESTORE (Recovery Exercises and
STepping On afteR fracturE) randomised
controlled trial
Catherine Sherrington1*, Nicola Fairhall1, Catherine Kirkham1, Lindy Clemson2, Kirsten Howard3,
Constance Vogler4,5, Jacqueline CT Close6,7, Anne M Moseley1, Ian D Cameron8, Jenson Mak8,9,
David Sonnabend4 and Stephen R Lord7

Background: Lasting disability and further falls are common and costly problems in older people following fall-
related lower limb and pelvic fractures. Exercise interventions can improve mobility after fracture and reduce falls in
older people, however the optimal approach to rehabilitation after fall-related lower limb and pelvic fracture is
unclear. This randomised controlled trial aims to evaluate the effects of an exercise and fall prevention self-
management intervention on mobility-related disability and falls in older people following fall-related lower limb or
pelvic fracture. Cost-effectiveness of the intervention will also be investigated.
Methods/Design: A randomised controlled trial with concealed allocation, assessor blinding for physical
performance tests and intention-to-treat analysis will be conducted. Three hundred and fifty people aged 60 years
and over with a fall-related lower limb or pelvic fracture, who are living at home or in a low care residential aged
care facility and have completed active rehabilitation, will be recruited. Participants will be randomised to receive a
12-month intervention or usual care. The intervention group will receive ten home visits from a physiotherapist to
prescribe an individualised exercise program with motivational interviewing, plus fall prevention education through
individualised advice from the physiotherapist or attendance at the group based “Stepping On” program (seven
two-hour group sessions). Participants will be followed for a 12-month period. Primary outcome measures will be
mobility-related disability and falls. Secondary outcomes will include measures of balance and mobility, falls risk,
physical activity, walking aid use, frailty, pain, nutrition, falls efficacy, mood, positive and negative affect, quality of
life, assistance required, hospital readmission, and health-system and community-service contact.
(Continued on next page)

* Correspondence:
The George Institute for Global Health, Sydney Medical School, The
University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2016 Sherrington et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Sherrington et al. BMC Geriatrics (2016) 16:34 Page 2 of 10

(Continued from previous page)

Discussion: This study will determine the effect and cost-effectiveness of this exercise self management
intervention on mobility-related disability and falls in older people who have recently sustained a fall-related lower
limb or pelvic fracture. The results will have implications for the design and implementation of interventions for
older people with fall related lower limb fractures. The findings of this study will be disseminated in peer-reviewed
journals and through professional and scientific conferences.
Trial Registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry: ACTRN12610000805077.
Keywords: randomised controlled trial, therapeutics, exercise, hip fracture

Background of ongoing exercise in the older population [19] and de-

Fall-related lower limb and pelvic fractures are common training once exercise ceases [20], longer intervention
problems with major implications for individuals, their and follow-up may be important. Motivational inter-
carers, health services and the community. The greatest viewing and self-management approaches have been
burden is from hip fractures, and although surgery is used in other settings to encourage ongoing intervention
generally successful, many people do not fully recover. adherence but are yet to be well investigated in post hip-
Most hip fracture survivors do not regain their former fracture populations [21].
levels of activity or mobility and so are at increased risk Falls remain an important problem in post fracture
of further falls. Many also have increased dependence, populations but few trials have evaluated the effect
with approximately 10 % unable to return to their previ- of exercise programs on the prevention of further
ous residence [1–3]. As the proportion of older rises glo- falls in fracture survivors and the results are con-
bally, the costs associated with lower limb and pelvic flicting [16, 17, 22]. Bischoff-Ferrari and colleagues
fractures will increase [4]. Optimising recovery after found that prescription of home-based exercise by
lower limb fractures and preventing further falls have physiotherapists prior to hospital discharge was feas-
the potential to reduce the burden on individuals and ible and that it reduced falls in the following
society. There is systematic review evidence that out- 12 months [17]. Orwig et al did not detect a
comes after fall-related fractures can be improved with between-group difference in fallers when a home ex-
well-designed intervention programs [1, 5–7] but the ercise program was compared to usual care [16].
best approach to improve function is not evident [8]. Sherrington et al concluded that a home exercise
Current clinical guidelines do not include clear conclu- program that did not specifically include fall preven-
sions about the optimal content of rehabilitation pro- tion advice improved mobility (measured with the
grams [9] and systematic reviews provide no consensus Short Physical Performance Battery) but actually in-
on the best type or intensity of exercise after lower limb creased the rate of falls in older people who had re-
and pelvic fractures [1, 5, 6]. cently returned home after hospital stays [22]. There
Existing trials of post-fracture rehabilitation leave is clearly an urgent need to understand the impact
many questions unanswered. The interventions that have of adding a fall prevention aspect to home exercise
had the largest effect on mobility and function to date programs.
were delivered with high intensity (three times per week) There is potential for a combined home-based exer-
and close supervision in centre-based settings [10, 11]. cise and fall-prevention program to be effective and
Such programs are resource intensive and further inves- cost-effective in improving mobility and reducing falls
tigation is indicated to assess whether such gains are following lower limb and pelvic fractures. We have
possible with less costly interventions. Encouragingly, a designed such an intervention. The design of this
recent high-quality randomised trial found a six-month program has been informed by previous research con-
home exercise program, taught by a physiotherapist and cerning exercise and consumer education for falls
undertaken with minimal supervision, improved mobility prevention and about the role of motivational inter-
in older people after hip fracture [12]. This is consistent viewing and self-management approaches to enhance
with previous trials in which home exercise programs intervention adherence. Specifically, research suggests
taught by physiotherapists improved shorter-term mobil- that the most effective type of exercise for falls pre-
ity outcomes after hip fracture [13, 14]. Effects on the vention in older people includes a high challenge to
participation aspect of functioning [15] have not been balance and a high dose [23], and that the “Stepping
well investigated to date. Few trials have had interven- On” self-management training program can prevent
tion periods exceeding six months [16–18] or prolonged falls and improve self-efficacy in community-dwelling
follow-up [12]. Considering the evidence for the benefits older people [24].
Sherrington et al. BMC Geriatrics (2016) 16:34 Page 3 of 10

We will conduct a trial that aims to determine the ef- care on balance and mobility, falls risk, physical ac-
fect of this exercise and fall prevention self-management tivity, walking aid use, frailty, pain, nutrition, falls ef-
training program on mobility-related disability and falls ficacy, mood, positive and negative affect, quality of
in people with a recent fall-related lower limb or pelvic life, assistance from others, hospital readmission,
fracture: the Recovery Exercises and Stepping On after and health-system and community-service contact
fracture trial (RESTORE) trial. To our knowledge, this is in older people with a recent fall-related lower limb
the first study to examine the effect of an exercise and or pelvic fracture.
fall prevention self-management program on mobility  To establish the cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of
and falls in older people with a recent lower limb or the intervention approach, compared with that of
pelvic fracture. Unlike previous post-fracture studies, the usual care, from the perspective of the health and
intervention and follow-up will be long-term, and the community care funder.
majority of exercise will be undertaken independently,  To describe the safety and tolerability of the
aiming for a balance between sufficient intensity for program.
effectiveness and reduced cost for feasibility of  To determine features associated with uptake of the
implementation. intervention.

Primary objective: Methods / design

To compare the effect of an exercise and fall prevention Design
self-management program with usual care on mobility- A randomised controlled trial will be conducted
related disability and falls in older people with a recent among 350 people aged at least 60 years with a recent
fall-related lower limb or pelvic fracture. fall-related lower limb or pelvic fracture that led to a
hospital admission. Fig. 1 gives an overview of the
Secondary objectives study design. The Northern Sydney Central Coast Hu-
man Research Ethics Committee approved this study
 To compare the effect of an exercise and fall (Research Protocol Number 0905-089 M) as did local
prevention self-management program versus usual committees at the recruitment sites. All participants



Concealed random

Intervention group

12-month intervention program Control group

including ten physiotherapy home
visits, a home exercise program, and Usual care provided by general
individualised falls prevention practitioner and community services
advice or seven Stepping On
sessions n=175


3, 6 and 9 month assessment of AM-PAC and

EQ-5D by blinded assessors

12 month assessment by blinded assessors.

12 month measurement of self-reported falls
from calendars.

Fig. 1 Overview of the flow of participants through the RESTORE trial

Sherrington et al. BMC Geriatrics (2016) 16:34 Page 4 of 10

will give written informed consent prior to randomisa- intervention status, and all exercise equipment will be
tion. The study adheres to the CONSORT guidelines removed prior to assessment. It is acknowledged that as
[25] and is registered with the Australia New Zealand falls are self-reported, blinding of assessors is not pos-
Clinical Trials Register ACTRN12610000805077. sible for this outcome.

Participants Intervention
Participants will be recruited from Royal North Shore, Prior to commencement of the intervention, medical
Prince of Wales, Manly, St George, Mona Vale, Gosford, clearance for study participation will be obtained from
War Memorial, John Hunter, Royal Newcastle, Longue- each participant's medical practitioner.
ville Private, Greenwich and Orange Hospitals - all in
New South Wales, Australia. Potential participants will Home exercise program
be identified in hospital via discussion with hospital staff Participants randomised to the intervention group will
and review of ward lists. In addition, letters will be sent each receive 10 home visits and five phone calls from a
to potentially eligible people identified from hospital da- physiotherapist in the 12-month study period. There will
tabases, and general advertisement in hospitals, commu- be six visits in the first three months after randomisation
nity centres and newspapers will be undertaken. and four visits over the following nine months, with each
Participants who meet the following inclusion criteria visit lasting 45-60 minutes. Five follow-up phone calls will
will be invited to participate: female or male; aged be made to review progress and address participants’ con-
60 years or older; fall-related lower limb or pelvic frac- cerns. The physiotherapist will prescribe an individualised
ture in the past two years; no marked cognitive impair- exercise program and use motivational interviewing and
ment (Mini-Mental State Examination score [26] ≥ 24); goal setting to encourage behaviour change with regard to
living at home or in a hostel (low care residential acre exercise. Participants will be encouraged to perform the
facility where residents generally live in their own units exercise program for 20-30 minutes, three times per week
but meals are provided and assistance with showering at home, for 12 months. The choice of exercises, degree of
and dressing in available), in the Sydney, Central Coast, difficulty and number of repetitions will be prescribed
Hunter or Orange regions of New South Wales, based upon assessment of the individual participant’s abil-
Australia. ities and negotiated with participants. The lower limb
People will be ineligible to participate in the trial if they strengthening and balance exercises are based on the
meet the exclusion criteria: insufficient English language Weight Bearing Exercise for Better Balance (WEBB) pro-
skills to complete the study assessment and interventions; gram, developed by investigator CS and colleagues (http://
unable to walk 10 metres despite assistance from a walk- The exercises target strength and con-
ing aid or another person; progressive neurological disease trol of the lower limb extensor muscles (hip and knee ex-
(e.g., Parkinson’s disease); a medical condition precluding tensors, ankle plantarflexors) with exercises including
exercise e.g., unstable cardiac disease, uncontrolled hyper- repetitions of the sit-to-stand movement, semi-squats
tension, uncontrolled metabolic diseases, large abdominal from a standing position, stepping up onto blocks and
aortic aneurysm; currently receiving a treatment program heel raises whilst standing on a wedge. Resistance will be
from a rehabilitation facility. applied via body weight, weight-belts or weighted vests as
appropriate. Exercises targeting balance will be performed
Randomisation and blinding in standing with a progressively narrowed base (feet
After consent and completion of the baseline assess- together, tandem stance, single leg stance), will in-
ment, participants will be formally entered into the study volve reaching, stepping, and forward, backward and
and randomised to intervention or control groups. Ran- sideways walking. Upper limb support will be mini-
domisation order will be determined using a computer mised in order to adequately challenge balance, but
generated random number schedule with randomly per- to ensure safety the environment will be set up with
muted block sizes. Allocation will be concealed by using stable supports (e.g. bench or table) close by that can
central randomisation performed by an investigator (CS) be held as necessary. At each visit the physiotherapist
not involved in assessments or recruitment, and the will review and adjust the type and intensity of exercises
treatment allocation tables will be inaccessible to recruit- to ensure the intervention remains appropriate and chal-
ment staff. Staff performing outcome measurement and lenging for each participant throughout the study period.
data analysis for the primary outcomes will be blinded to Progression will be negotiated with participants. Resist-
group allocation. However, due to the nature of the ance applied via weight vests or weight belts will start at
intervention, it is not possible to blind the staff adminis- approximately 2 % of body weight and will be gradually
tering interventions or the participants. Participants will increased so the Borg Rate of Perceived Exertion scale is
be instructed not to inform the assessors of their ‘hard’ (i.e., a rating of 14-16). Maintaining safety while
Sherrington et al. BMC Geriatrics (2016) 16:34 Page 5 of 10

exercising will be a prime consideration when level of dif- scheduled home visits [32]. Verbal advice on fall preven-
ficulty of exercises is prescribed. tion will be provided to intervention group participants
The study physiotherapists will be experienced in pre- during most home visits.
scribing exercise for older people. Strategies to optimise
adherence to the intervention include goal setting and Control group
review at each home visit, scheduling exercise, provision Participants assigned to the control group will receive the
of a home exercise manual that can be updated at each usual care available to older people from their medical
visit by the physiotherapist, and an exercise diary. Fur- practitioners and community services. In the catchment
ther strategies to increase adherence are outlined in areas for the trial, usual care for non-institutionalised
Additional file 1. If a participant becomes unwell or is older people may involve allied health input, medical man-
admitted to hospital, the program will be resumed when agement of health conditions, assessment of care needs,
the participant feels able and the relevant treating pro- and provision of care. Full documentation of usual care is
fessionals deem the participant well enough to partici- beyond the scope of this trial.
pate again.
Data collection
Fall prevention education Data will be collected from medical records (where pos-
Intervention group participants will also be offered the sible), participant interviews in person and by telephone,
“Stepping On” program [24] ( physical assessments, and calendars mailed to the re-
as implemented by the New South Wales Ministry of search centre. Participants will undergo two home-based
Health (i.e., weekly 2-hour group sessions for seven assessments; one prior to randomisation and the other
weeks). The “Stepping On” program is a multi-faceted 12 months after randomisation. A physiotherapist or a
community based program co-ordinated by an occupa- trained research assistant who is unaware of group allo-
tional therapist or other health professional in a small- cation will perform the assessments. Each assessment
group learning environment. It uses a variety of strategies will take about one hour to complete.
to increase self-efficacy in fall-risk situations, [27] incorpo- Details of fracture, comorbidities and hospital stays
rates a decision-making model to explore barriers and will be obtained from the medical records where pos-
options for reducing risk of falls [28], and uses adult learn- sible. From participant interviews we will obtain baseline
ing principles to self-manage risk [29]. The “Stepping On” information on pre-fracture daily task independence,
content is relevant to people with fall-related lower limb fracture details, medical conditions, cognition (using the
or pelvic fracture and will cover coping with visual loss Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire) [33], nutri-
and regular visual screening, medication management, tion (Mini Nutritional Assessment) [34], medications,
environmental and behavioural home safety, and commu- and fracture interventions (including surgical fixation,
nity safety [30]. Group sessions will be held in rooms at occupational therapy home visits and physiotherapy).
local community centres or hospitals. Transport will be The primary and secondary outcomes will be adminis-
arranged for those who would otherwise be unable to at- tered at baseline and 12-month assessments.
tend the sessions. Each program will be attended by up to All participants will receive 12 one-month calendars
13 people. The group session will be completed within the and questionnaires at the time of the baseline assess-
12-month study period, with the timing depending on ment. Participants will be asked to record falls (primary
availability of a “Stepping On” program. The “Stepping outcome) and use of health and community services on
On” program encourages the older person to take control the calendars and to return completed calendars in pre-
and explore different coping behaviours, and encourages paid envelopes to the research centre each month. If cal-
follow-through of safety strategies in everyday life. The endars are not returned, participants will be telephoned
program addresses each of the eight aspects of the Health to ask about their fall history for that month. Any fall re-
Education Impact Questionnaire [31]: positive and active ported on the calendars will be followed up with a
engagement in life, health-directed behaviour, skill and phone call to obtain further information about the de-
technique acquisition, constructive attitudes and ap- tails and consequences of the fall. All participants will be
proaches, self-monitoring and insight, health service navi- telephoned at three, six, nine and twelve months for as-
gation, social integration and support, and emotional sessment of the Boston University Activity Measure for
wellbeing. Post Acute Care (AM-PAC; primary outcome) [35], and
If participants are unable or unwilling to attend the European Quality of Life-5 dimensions quality of life as-
group-based “Stepping On” program, the physiotherapist sessment (EQ-5D-5 L; secondary outcome) [36]. Staff
will provide them with individualised advice, the weekly who receive calendars and questionnaires, make follow
“Stepping On” handouts and/or, if deemed appropriate, up phone calls and enter data will be unaware of group
a publication targeting falls prevention during the allocation.
Sherrington et al. BMC Geriatrics (2016) 16:34 Page 6 of 10

Outcome measures will be defined as musculoskeletal soreness that inter-

Primary outcome measures feres with activities of daily living for more for 48 hours
The primary outcomes measured are mobility-related dis- or requires medical attention [42]. Adverse events will
ability and rate of falls. Mobility-related disability will be be monitored in the intervention group via calendars
assessed in three ways: 1) the performance-based Short and during visits by the treating physiotherapist.
Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) [37], 2) the self-
reported AM-PAC, 3) the self-reported Late Life Func- Statistical analysis
tioning and Disability Instrument, Disability Component The effect of group allocation on continuous outcomes
(LLFDI-DC) [38]. will be assessed using linear regression models in which
The SPPB examines the ability to stand (for 10 sec) pre-test performance is a covariate. The number of falls
with the feet together in the side-by-side, semi-tandem, per person-year will be analysed using negative binomial
and tandem positions; time taken to walk four metres; regression to estimate the between-group difference in
and time to rise from a chair and return to the seated fall rate [43]. The difference between the proportions of
position five times. The data will be analysed using the fallers in each group will be calculated using the relative
lower extremity continuous summary performance score risk statistic. Longitudinal analyses will be used to assess
(CSPS) [39]. The activity limitation component of dis- the effects on the variables measured each 3 months. Lo-
ability will be measured with the computerised version gistic regression models will be used to compare groups
of the AM-PAC, using the basic mobility and daily activ- for dichotomous outcomes. Additional regression ana-
ity components. The LLFDI-DC will measure the par- lyses will establish predictors for program adoption and
ticipation restriction element of disability [38]. adherence and cost-effectiveness. Sub-group analyses
The number of falls will be assessed using monthly will be conducted using only participants with hip frac-
calendars and follow-up telephone calls as required. A ture to enable these data to be used in systematic re-
fall is defined using the Kellogg definition as an incident views. Data will be coded to permit blinding to group
where the body unintentionally comes to rest on the allocation in the statistical analysis and the primary ana-
ground or another lower level that is not the result of a lyses will be conducted in accordance with the
loss of consciousness, violent blow, or sudden onset of intention-to-treat principle [44]. Analyses will be con-
paralysis such as stroke or an epileptic seizure [40]. ducted using the Stata software package, College Station,
Secondary outcome measures
Secondary outcome measures will be balance and mobil- Economic evaluation
ity, falls risk, physical activity, walking aid use, frailty, The economic evaluation will be conducted and reported
pain, nutrition, falls efficacy, mood, positive and negative in accordance with international reporting standards [45].
affect, quality of life, assistance from others, hospital re- The economic evaluation will take the perspective of
admission, and health-system and community-service Australian health and community care funder. The cost-
contact. These measures aim to increase understanding effectiveness analyses will include the cost of delivering
of the effects of the program on the aspects that contrib- the intervention (staff, training, capital costs and consum-
ute to an older person’s capabilities and quality of life, ables), inpatient hospital admissions, emergency depart-
and to enable us to conduct economic analyses. The sec- ment presentations and other health and community
ondary outcomes are described in Table 1. The overall service contact, falls rates, mobility and utility based qual-
results will be available to participants upon publication ity of life. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios will be
of the trial outcomes. Participants will be given their calculated in terms of 1) fall prevented, 2) hospital re-
own results if requested; we anticipate participants will admission avoided, 3) participant achieving a significant
express their interest in receiving this information at increase in mobility (one point on the SPPB [46]), and 4)
their 12-month outcome assessment. QALY gained in the intervention group compared with
control group, using the mean health outcomes and the
Adverse events mean costs in each trial arm. Bootstrapping will be used
An adverse event is defined as an incident resulting in to examine the joint probability distribution of costs and
harm to a person receiving health care [41]. The event outcomes; incremental cost-effectiveness planes and cost-
may or may not be related to the intervention, but it oc- effectiveness acceptability curves will be reported for each
curs while the person is participating in the intervention; outcome.
that is, while they are doing exercise or physical activity.
For the purpose of this trial, a serious adverse event is Process evaluation
defined as an unwanted and usually harmful outcome A process evaluation will aim to quantify adherence, ex-
(e.g., fall, seizure, cardiac event). A minor adverse event plore the participants’ experience of the intervention,
Sherrington et al. BMC Geriatrics (2016) 16:34 Page 7 of 10

Table 1 Secondary outcome measures

Domain Assessment Description
Balance and mobility Coordinated stability test [53] Measures ability to adjust body position in a controlled manner when near the
limit of the base of support.
Maximal balance range test [53] Measures the maximum distance participants can lean backward and forward.
Step Test [54] Dynamic single limb stance is assessed by counting the number of times the
participant is able to step one foot on, then off, a 7.5 cm block as quickly as
possible in 15 seconds.
Short Physical Performance Battery The SPPB components are the ability to stand (for 10 sec) with the feet
(SPPB), individual components together in the side-by-side, semi-tandem, and tandem positions; time taken to
walk four metres; and time to rise from a chair and return to the seated position
five times.
Choice stepping reaction time [55] Time to complete a standardised stepping routine onto four white squares on a
portable mat, while standing.
Falls and fall risk Fallers Proportion of fallers (people having one or more falls) over the 12-month
follow-up period.
Injurious falls and fractures Number of falls requiring medical attention and fractures over the 12-month
follow-up period.
Physiological Profile Assessment (PPA) Includes five measures of physiological functioning (knee extension strength,
summary score and individual components postural sway, reaction time, lower limb proprioception and visual contrast
[53, 56] sensitivity).
Physical activity Incidental and Planned Exercise Level of physical activity relating to both basic and more demanding activities
Questionnaire [57] is assessed with a 10-item questionnaire.
Walking aid use Use of walking aid The use and type of walking aid is recorded both indoors and outdoors.
Frailty 6-point scale based on the Fried Frailty is measured using five criteria: unexplained weight loss, grip strength,
criteria [58] exhaustion, walking speed, activity level.
Pain 6-point numeric rating scale The participant selects a whole number that best reflects the intensity of their
Nutritional status Mini Nutritional Assessment [34] Screens for, and assesses, malnutrition in older people.
Body mass index Bodyweight in kilograms divided by height in metres squared.
Fall-related self-efficacy Questions about self-rated fear of falling and Participants are asked to rate their perceived balance and their fear of falling on
balance 5-point ordinal scales
Short version of the Falls Efficacy Scale- Level of concern about falling during a range of activities is rated on a 4-point
International [59] scale.
Mood Five-item version of the Geriatric Depression Screens mood in older people. The five-item Geriatric Depression Scale is com-
Scale [60] parable with the 15-item version in terms of psychometric properties.
Positive and negative Positive and Negative Affect Scale [61] Two 10-item scales that measure positive and negative affect.
Health-related quality of European Quality of Life-5 dimensions A standardised measure of health status that provides utility weights to allow
life (EQ-5D-5 L) [36] calculation of quality adjusted life years (QALYs) for use in the economic
evaluation [62].
Short Form 12-item Survey (SF-12) A 12-item questionnaire that measures functional health and well-being.
Version 2 [63]
Assistance from others Three questions about assistance received Establishes the presence of, and reason for, assistance from agencies, family or
Hospital re-admission Number of hospital readmissions and days Ascertained via the same calendars used for falls follow-up over the first
in hospital during the follow-up period 12 months of the study, follow-up phone calls for missing calendars and con-
tact with carers if contact is lost with the participant. At 2 and 4 years after ran-
domisation, data linkage will be undertaken via the New South Wales Centre for
Health Record Linkage (NSW CHeReL) to seek information regarding mortality
and hospital admissions.
Health-system and Number of contacts with health and Collected on a monthly basis along with the falls calendars. Inpatient hospital
community-service community services and emergency department contact will be assessed using data linkage via the
contact NSW CHeReL. Data will also be used in economic analyses.
The stage of Physical Activity Stages of Change The 4-item questionnaire measures the stage of readiness to change and self-
motivational readiness Questionnaire [48] efficacy to exercise.
for change
Sherrington et al. BMC Geriatrics (2016) 16:34 Page 8 of 10

and determine features associated with uptake of the A strength of this study is that the intervention program
intervention. This will be undertaken via calendars, ver- could be delivered as part of routine care. While the pro-
bal reports, questionnaires and a qualitative sub-study. gram does not have as much contract with health profes-
Adherence to the prescribed intervention will be mon- sionals as interventions previously shown to be successful
itored with home exercise diaries and verbal reports in increasing mobility after hip fracture [10, 11], we believe
from participants in the intervention group. The total it is sufficiently intense to be effective, yet inexpensive
repetitions of home exercise performed will be divided enough to be implemented in real-life healthcare systems.
by total repetitions prescribed. Global level of adherence The novel intervention combines an individualised exercise
will be estimated as a percentage. Participants will also program with a self-management approach and is based on
be asked to identify reasons for adoption and adherence the highest level of evidence for the prescription of exercise
as well as non-adoption and non-adherence. for older people. The exercise component, the WEBB pro-
Participants’ experience of the intervention will be in- gram, was designed using evidence from systematic reviews
vestigated using three questionnaires. A modified ver- and randomised trials that have demonstrated improved
sion of the Exercise Benefits/Barriers Scale [47] explores strength, balance and mobility in older people. The WEBB
the perceived facilitators and barriers to exercise; five program increases mobility in older people with frailty [49],
items measure the individual’s confidence in their ability Parkinson’s Disease [50], stroke [51], and recent hospitalisa-
to persist with exercising in various situations [48]; and tion [22]. Of concern, in our previous trail of the WEBB
nine questions explore the acceptability and enjoyment program in older people recently discharged from hospital
of the intervention. the rate of falls was statistically significantly greater in the
In a subset of participants, a qualitative study will fur- intervention group compared to the control group.22 The
ther explore the participants’ experiences of recovery reason for increased falls is unclear, however it may be that
from fall related fracture and participation in the study home exercise as a single intervention may be insufficient
intervention program. to reduce falls in this high-risk post hospital population.
The addition of the fall prevention component in the
Sample size calculation current study addresses this finding by specifically targeting
A total of 350 participants (175 per group) will be re- fall risk and falls self-efficacy.
cruited. The study will have 80 % power to detect as sig- Additional strengths of the study are powering the
nificant, at the 5 % level, a 30 % decrease in the rate of study for the falls primary outcome, broad inclusion cri-
falls (i.e. an IRR of 0.70 using negative binomial regres- teria, and the robust, but pragmatic, clinical trial design.
sion analysis) over the 12-month study period. This sam- Unlike most previous studies following lower limb frac-
ple size will provide 90 % power to detect a statistically ture, this study is designed to detect a between-group
significant between-group difference of 10 % in lower difference in falls and is conducted over a one-year
extremity continuous summary performance score [46] period. Importantly, the study will identify predictors of
For these calculations, we assumed an α of 0.05, non- adherence to the program and will also include a com-
compliance of 15 % and a dropout rate of 15 %. prehensive economic analysis. If effective, the interven-
tion being examined could be readily implemented in
Timeframe the hospital aged care and/or community health services
Recruitment commenced in March 2010. Follow-up as- settings.
sessment will conclude in December 2015. Falls and fractures are costly to individuals, their
carers, the health system and society. Despite this
Discussion cost, to our knowledge there has been no research to
Many people who have suffered a lower limb fracture date examining the cost-effectiveness of intervention
are left with long-term disability and increased risk of designed to enhance mobility and reduce falls after
future falls, however there is no clear evidence for a suc- lower limb or pelvic fracture. In the older population,
cessful and cost-effective program to reduce mobility- cost-benefit analysis showed the “Stepping On” pro-
related disability and falls in fracture survivors. This ran- gram has positive net benefits and is cost saving [52].
domised trial will determine whether a 12-month home The economic analysis conducted alongside this trial
exercise and falls prevention self-management program aims to establish the cost-effectiveness and cost-utility
reduces mobility-related disability and falls among older of the intervention approach, compared with that of
men and women who live in the community following a usual care, from the perspective of the health and
lower limb or pelvic fracture. There will be far-reaching community care funder.
benefits for older people, their carers and the commu- The study is not without limitations. Participants cannot
nity if this program can assist in minimising mobility- be blinded to group allocation due to the complex nature
related disability and falls in this high-risk population. of the intervention, so the potential for differential
Sherrington et al. BMC Geriatrics (2016) 16:34 Page 9 of 10

reporting of falls is a potential source of bias. However, Sydney, Australia. 6Prince of Wales Clinical School, University of New South
blinding of assessors to the other primary outcome (i.e., Wales, Sydney, Australia. 7Neuroscience Research Australia, University of New
South Wales, Sydney, Australia. 8John Walsh Centre for Rehabilitation
lower extremity performance score) means this outcome Research, Sydney Medical School Northern, The University of Sydney, St
is at a lower risk of bias. Also, there is no frequency- Leonards, Australia. 9Department of Geriatric Medicine, Gosford Hospital,
matched control group intervention, so we will be unable Gosford, Australia.

to determine whether social aspects of the program im- Received: 22 November 2015 Accepted: 25 January 2016
pact upon any difference between groups.
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