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Peter’s Changes

I. There are many different theories of sanctification in the Christian thought.
Some believe that there doesn’t need to be any change, either before or after
salvation, i.e., no sanctification. Others think that it happens all at once. Still
others see a gradual, or progressive, sanctification.
II. Peter defies all these theories. As the apostle with the foot shaped mouth, he is
seems to be a person who speaks before he thinks instead of thinking before
he speaks.
III. Acts 4
I. Peter changed from follower to confessor
a. EXP
i. Peter becomes a follow of Jesus
1. Matthew 4:18-20; Mark 1:16-18
ii. Peter becomes a confessor of Jesus
1. Matthew 116:13-17; Romans 10:9
b. APP
i. Salvation comes from Confession, not just following. Following is
good, confession is essential. Don’t replace confessing with
following. Just going to church doesn’t save. Have you confessed
Jesus as Lord and believed in his resurrection power?
c. ILL
II. Peter changed from fisherman to shepherd
a. EXP
i. John 21
1. After Jesus’ death, Peter, Thomas and Nathanael went
fishing along with two others of the disciples. This was
where Jesus found at least Peter three years before. Now
that Jesus is gone, Peter returned to what he knew, fishing
for fish.
2. Remember, Jesus said that they would be fishers of men.
Peter was transformed from a fisher of fish to a fisher of
men, but then returned to the fisher of fish task.
3. This was his job, his vocation. He knew it well and
generally did well, except this time. Again, Jesus met Peter
where he was at, reiterated His love for Peter and
reaffirmed His charge to Peter—you’re not a fisherman
anymore, you’re a shepherd.
4. What’s the change? Being a fisherman is a job, being a
shepherd is a ministry. Peter is now in the role of caring for
the flock of Christ as a pastor/elder.
ii. 1 Peter 5:1-3
1. As a fellow elder, Peter exhorts the elders he is writing to
shepherd the flock willingly, eagerly and as an example.
2. Being an elder is not just a job, it’s a calling. It is more than
just providing for someone, it is caring for them.
b. APP
i. This is an example of Peter’s change of relationship with the
Church. He went from being a disgraced person who had denied
Jesus to a powerful preacher, leader and elder in the church.
ii. This isn’t to say he was perfect. He certainly wasn’t. But God used
him because of his obedience.
iii. How about you. How has your relationship with in the church
c. ILL
III. Peter changed from hypocrite to brother
a. EXP
i. Acts 9:19b-30 (especially v. 29)
1. Paul is converted, brought to Jerusalem. He met the
apostles (including Peter) who confirmed his salvation.
ii. Acts 11:1-12
1. Peter in the house of Cornelius with the sheet descending
with unclean animals. He is told to kill and eat. The Jewish
food restrictions were removed for the purpose of spreading
the gospel.
iii. Acts 15
1. Peter (as an apostle) gave hearty agreement to salvation by
grace without the works of the law, especially
iv. All these passages are shown to illustrate that there is a history
between Peter and Paul and it had to do with Jewish customs and
the gospel. Peter knew Paul position, and approved of it. He had
direct revelation (Acts 11) about this very subject, therefore he
knew God’s heart on the matter. But, generations of Jewish custom
and law are hard to shake. Galatians 2 shows us that Peter is still
struggling with the idea of “Grace-only” salvation. But more than
that, he was having a problem of trying to please men at the cost of
his testimony and the purity of the gospel
v. Galatians 2:1-14
b. APP
c. ILL


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