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Wizz Air


SECOND FIRST NAME (if any): Constantin
DATE OF BIRTH: 21/06/1993 PLACE OF BIRTH: Bucharest/Romania
Height (cm): Weight (kg): CITIZENSHIP: Romanian
E-mail address:

What is your WIZZ Base preference?


Have you participated in a WIZZ recruitment day before?

☒ NO ☐ YES, when? Where?

Level of English language: ☐ AVERAGE ☒ GOOD ☐ EXCELLENT

Do you have any cabin attendant experience?
☒ NO ☐ YES, please specify:

Do you have customer service experience?

☒ NO ☐ YES, please specify:

Are you currently studying?

☐ NO ☒ YES, please specify:
Master in Engineering and management of processing and storage of agri-food products at
Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti

Are you currently working?

☒ NO ☐ YES, how many days is your notice period?
Are you able to swim 50m in a still water without any aid?
☒ YES ☐ NO
Do you wear glasses/contact lenses?
☒ NO ☐ YES, what is your prescription?
(If your prescription is above +4 or below -4 you are likely to fail the mandatory medical examination.) 1
Wizz Air

Are you a color blind person? ☐ YES ☒ NO

Do you have any permanent illness? ☐ YES ☒ NO

Do you have any tattoos on your body?
☒ NO
☐ YES, please mark on the picture:

Arm ☐
Fingers ☐
Legs ☐
Necks ☐

Is your criminal record clear?

☒ YES ☐ NO
What motivates you to join Wizz Air and to be a cabin attendant?

I love to fly and I think this type of job fits me perfectly, more than that my mother wanted from
childhood to practice this job , I flew the first time at 18 years old and since then I told myself that I want
to be part of this team

Would you be interested in moving to another country and to be based there as a cabin attendant?
If yes, to which countries?
☒ NO
☐ YES, to which WIZZ network countries?

Where did you find this open position? Please specify:

Wizz Career Webpage ☒
Friend, Family member ☐
Social Media (Facebook) ☐
Job Portal ☐
Video ☐ 2
Wizz Air
Other ☐, please

By signing this document you represent and confirm that the above data are correct
and true at the date of the signature. You accept that it is your sole responsibility to
ensure that the submitted data is correct and true and consequently you will be liable
and responsible for any and all disadvantages due to misleading or incorrect
information stated in this document.
By signing this document you authorize all legal entities within the Wizz Air Group
(meaning Wizz Air Holdings Ltd, and its affiliates, especially Wizz Air Hungary Ltd) to
collect and process all data submitted herein and/or collected during the Open Day, for
recruitment, staffing and employment purposes. Wizz Air will process the data within
the European Union. Wizz Air will treat your data confidential in accordance with the
applicable data privacy laws. If it is needed for the recruitment, your data may be
transferred within the Wizz Air Group. Your data will only be disclosed to third parties
(e.g. agencies) outside Wizz Air Group when this is part of our recruiting process.
These third parties were selected carefully and confidentiality is assured through
contracts. Your data will be deleted in accordance with the applicable laws once the
application process ends, however all information submitted herein will be retained for 6
months after a position is filled and we may consider you for a future suitable position,
unless you contact us and ask for your information to be removed. Wizz Air and all
companies within the Wizz Air Group use appropriate security measures in order to
protect personal data we have under our control against unauthorized access, loss or
misuse. If you are hired, your submitted data will be transferred from the recruitment
system to the country specific HR administration system. Please be advised that Wizz
Air reserves the right to contact only selected candidates

Bucharest , 18.10.2017 Vasile Mihai Constantin

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Place, date Signature 3

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